iJont Live Yourself 1 Bptt THE BANK fflOUGH ITALY By Kit-hard Harding Davis I At liomo wo talk glibly of n world ,u Hut beyond speculating in mti i tiona ami an lo how many Ameri cans will he killed by the next sub I liirino and how many letters the pre r dent will write about It, we hardly ( ppreciato that this actually is a war d the world, that not only in Europe 1 ut that all over the nlob, every ship of Htate, even tho it may by trying to ttcer straight courHC la being violent ly rocked by it. Even tho individual i i ho moves from country to country i locked by it, not violently, but con t itioUsly. It is in Ions of time nuy I loney he feels it most. And as he I iivehi he learns, as he cannot learn i om a map, how fur-reaching arc the i .unifications of this war, in how many ( fferent ways it affects everyone. He toon rotiK'H to accept whatever hap I ns as d rectly due to the war. F.vcn hen tho deck steward tell3 him ho c nnot play shuffleiioard because ow i the war tliero ic no chalk. Two days for Passport. In times of peace to got to this, place fiom Paris did not require more than x days, but now, owing to the war i making the distance we wasted fif t 'on. That is, not counting the time in Paris required by the chief to issue the 1 u port without which no ono can hi vo France. At the prefecture of pi ice I found a line of people Flench I liana, Americans, English, in col himns of four, winding thru gloomy 1 nils, down dark starways and out I 10 the street. I took one look at t to line and fled to Mr, ThucKtira, our distil general, land thanks to him, was lit more than an hour obtaining my 1 isser passer. The police assured mo I might consider myself fortunato ns I i Mini) they usually spent in propar i f a passport is two days. It was lull necessary a vise from tho Italian t nsulate permitting me to outer Ifca from the Greek consulate to enter C eeco, and, as my American passport i id nothing to Serbia, from Th.ickara I vo more vises one to get out of Franco and another to invade .Serbia. lanks to the war, in obtaining alt t'lese autographs two moru days wore isted. I peace times one had only to go to Cook's and buy a ticket. In those days theie was no more delay than in reserving a seat for tho theat er. Summer Resort no More War followed us south. Tho win dow's of tho wagon-lit were plastered With warnings to be careful, to talk to no strangers, that ho enemy was 1 tuning. War had invaded oven Aix 1 Haines, most lovely of summer ) 'easuro grounds. As we passed it v .is wrapped ir. snow. Cat's Tooth J t :it toweis between Ai.xe and Cham be ry and that lifts into the sky a great' 'oils two hundred feet in height, was i il white, the pine trees around tho 1 e were white, the streets were v ilte, tho Casino des Flours, tho Ccr- c e, the hotels. And, above each of; t'lem, whore once was only good nuitdc j ood wines, beautiful flowers and hae-' cirat, now droop innumerable Red .oas flags. Against the snow covor- i hills they were like little splashes A Desk Phone Because it takes IchM of your time and energy lo anmser. Ht't'niiM the convenience will muni on to line it more and receive the Dividends lleiiuue ou ta lek In dollar and ii'iilH (Iiuii In the punt. Tin1 nkl f U desk Irlipluinc f 25 rtnU per ninnlli teb limn one mil u llll). Coos and Curry Telephone Company lause lo Regret It because you reg'ee'ed placing your valuables in a safety de posit vault. Many have re greted their tardiness inacting fires and burglars have cost them dear. Anything valu able is worth taking care of. Our vaults are fire and burglar proof. We invite your inspec tion. OF BANDON IN WAR TIMES of blood. Different in Hay War followed us into Italy. But from the war as one finds It in Eng land and France, it differed. Per haps we were too far west, but, ex- cept for the field uniforms of green and the new scabbards of gun metal and, at Turin, four caroplanes in the air at the same time, you might not have known Italy was one of the al lies. For one thing, you saw no wounded. Again, perhaps it was be cause wo were too far south, and west and that the fighting in the Tyrol Is concentrated. Hut Bordeaux is farth er from the battle line in France than 's Naples from the Italian front and die multitudes of wounded in Horde nix, the multitudes of women in black in Bordeaux, make one of the most ap palling, most significant pictures of this war. In two days in Naples I Jul not sec a wounded num. Hut many Germans and German signs, and no ono had scratched Mumm off the wine card. A country that is one of tho allies, and yet is not at war with Germany, cannot claim to take this war very seriously. She even leaves herself open to suspicion. Has Italy an "Object?" In Naples tho foreigners accuso Ita- of running with the hare and the hounds. They nsk what is her ob ject in keeping on friendly terms with tie bitterest enemy of the allies. If there an understanding, that after the war, sho and Germany will together arve slices off of Austria? What ever her ulterior object may be her present war spirit does not impress the visitor. It is not tho spirit of Fiuuce and England. One man said to me, "Why can't you keen the Itali an-Americans in America? Over there they earn money nnd send mil lions of it to Italy. When they come here to fight not only thai money stops but we have to feed and pay them." It dill not sound very grateful. Nor as tho Italy was seriously at var. You do not find France and England, or Gerimny, grudging the ma .vho ve turns to light for his country his ra tions and pay. And Italy pays her soldiers five cents a day. Many of the reservists and volunteers from America who answered the call to arms nre bittterly disappointed. They expected to be led at once to the fir ing line. Instead, after six months, they are still in camp. The families r.ome brought with them are in great need. They are not used to living on five cents a day. An Italian told me the heaviest drain upon the war re lief funds came from the families of these Italian-Americans stranded in their own country. He also told me his chief duty was to meet them on their arrival. Italian Kohs Italian "Hut haven't they money when they arrive from America!" I asked. "That's it," he said, naively. "I'm at the wharf to keep their country men from robbing them of it." At present in Europe you cannot take gold out of any country that is at war. As a result, gold is less val is Cheaper! of Service J uable than paper, and when Iexchang- ed my double eagles for paper.I lost But I did not really lose, for as I had turned in the gold in France, I receiv. ed a beaut ful certificate "suitable for framing," which testifies that un-1 selfishly and patriotically as a true son of France instead of hoarJinp ny gold, I surrendered it to the republic. And would I accept and perpetuate that erroneous and indeserved tribute by framing it? I would. French "High Finance." On the advice of the wisest young banker in France I changed, again at a loss, the French paper into Bank of Engb-d notes. But when I arrived in Saloniki I found that with the Greeks English bank notes were about as po pular as English troops, and that had I changed my American gold into American notes, as was my plan, 1 would have been passing rich. That is what comes of associating with bankers. At the Italian frontier a French gentleman had come to the door of the compartment, raised his hat to the inmates, and asked if we had any gold Forewarned, we bad not; and taking our word for it, he again raised his hat and disappeared. But, on leaving Naples, it was not like that. In these piping times of war your baggage is examined when you depart as well as I when you arrive. You get it coming and Koine. But the Greek steamer was to weigh anchor at noon, and at noon all the port officials were at de jeuner, so, sooner tnan wait n ween for another boat, the passengers went on board and carried their bags with them. It was unpardonable. It was an affront the port officials could not brook. They had been disregarded Their dignity had ben flouted. What was worse, they had not been tipped. Into the dining saloon o the Greek steamer, where he was at lunch they hurst like Barbery pirates They ihrieked, U ey yelled. Nobody knew Alio they wre, or what they wanted Nor did they enlighten us. lliey on ly heat upon the tables, clunked their .words, and spoiled our lur.ch. Why .vc were accused, or of what wo were iccused w) tould not detiiniine. V.'i 't'.guely re. ogjiized ou names, nnd tood up, and while they continued to Cat upon the tables c Greek 3leward -xplained they wante-i our gold. I howed them mv bank notes andwas dlowcd to return to my garlic and cal. But the English cigarette king I n each t.toks send.t son.) millions i cigarette i to the To rmies in the m ches, ptnj oiec to make a te-t i.msc ! it "Let George Do it." 'I havo on me," ho whispered, "four 'nglish sovereigns. I am not taking hem out of Italy, because, until they tossed tho border in my pocket, they vcre not in Italy, and as I am now raving Italy, one might say they have ever been in Italy. Its as tho they vero in bond. I am a British subject ml this is not Italian but British gold shall refuse to surrender my four ovreigns. I will make it a lest case." Tho untipped port oflicials were still angling their swords, so I advised the igarotto king to turn in his gold. Iven a Greek steamer is better than .n Italian jail. "I will niako of it a test'ease," he epcated. "Let George do it," I urged. At that moment, in the presence of 11 tho passengers they were search- n g tho person of another British sub set, and an ally. He was one of La y Padgct's suit. He was in uniform, nd as they ran itching fingers over lis body, he turned crimson, and the est of us, pretending not to witness .is humiliation, ate ravenously of oat's cheese. The cigarette king, breathing de fiance repeated. "I will make of it a est case." "Better let George do it," I urged. Ami when his name was culled, a name that is as well known from Ka valla to Smyrnr. in tobacco fields, .weetmoat shops, palaces and masqu es, as at the Ititz and the Gaiety, the cigarette king wiacly accopted for his four sovereigns Italian llres. At thoir rnto of exchange, too. Iater, off Capri, he asked, "When you advised me to let George make a test case cf it, to which of our fellow passengers did you refer?" Another War Order In tha morning tho "Adriaticus" picked up the had falls of Messinn, but histoid of mnkinir fast to the may, .mchorud her length from it. This appeared to be a port regulation. It enables the boatmen to earn a liv ing by charging passengers two francs for a round trip of fifty yards. As tho wrecked city ceeina to be populated only by boatmen, rowing passenger ashore , the chief imluitry. Ktriktn Mrmlim The Htrikuri neuiwrt look te tho r.u eivntiy us lunt week the German ar my hud vimti-d il. In Framv, ultho wur tlll etnlum, Imviu wrecked y llu (ionium urn ulremly rebuilt. Hut Ah4'h ftr (our yiMM if M'r', In 4ill h Jul". Hi- .ffuii tliut uj.pur I'M hut la' nud lo ruMr! It. fhv u.lii!fd I lib I t7 pniiUd ho imnm ut tlm tMihjult huw )m exactly as she is today. With, In the streets, no sign of life, with the in habitants standing idle along tho quay, shivoring in the rain nnd snow, with for background crumbling walls gaping cellars and hills buried under ncres of fallen masonry, the picture was one of terrible desolation, of ne glect and inefficiency. The only structures that had obviously been er ected since the earthquake were tho "ready-to-wear" shacks sent as a stop gap from America. O.io should not look critically at a gift-house, but they are certainly very ugly. In Italy, whore every spot is a "location" for moving pictures, whore the street cor ners are backgrounds for lovers' trysts and assassinatiois, where oven poverty is picturesque, and each land scape "composes" into a beautiful and wondrous painting, the zinc shncks in rigid lines, like the barracks of a min ing camp, came as a shock. Sympathetic Americans sent them as only a temporary shelter until Mos sina rose again. But, it was explain ed as there is no rent to pay, the Ita lians, instead of rebuilding, prefer to inhabit the ready-to-wear houses. How many tourists the mere view of thorn drives away, no one can guess. There's a Reason j People who linger in Naples and by train to Reggio join the boat as Mes sina never admit that they followed that route to avoid being seasick. Sea sickness is an illness of which no one ever boasts. He may take pride in saying, "I've an awful cold!" or, "I've such a headache I can't sec!" and will expect you to feel sorry. But he knows no matter how horrible ho suf fers from mal de mer, he will receive no sympathy. In a Puck and Punch way he will be merely comic. So the passengers who come over the side ut Messina always have an excuse other than that they are dodging the 3ea. It is usually that they lost their luggage at Naples and had to search for it. As the Italian railroads, which are operated by the government, al ways lose your luggage, it is an ad mirable excuse. So, also is the one that you delayed in order to visit the ruins of Pompeii. The number of pcoplo who have visited Pompeii solely because the bay of Naples was in an ugly mood will never be counted. A TKIBUTE OF RESPECT Sadness hereabout is general over the demise of Mrs. Mary (Gibson) Thrift, which occurred at her homo on Thursday, Jan. 13 1916, at the age of 12 years. Deceased was born at EUcnsburg now Gold Beach and was eldest, of three sisters, Mary, Henrietta, Jean- ette, the second having espoused a re ligious life and retired is known as Sister Mary Aquinas. Deceased was united in marriage with Edward B. Thrift, May 14, 1899 and to the union have been four child ren, two boys nnd two girls, all whom including her husbad, survive to mourn the passing of a kind, indul gent, wife, and a loving tolerant ad humane mother. Deceased along with her two sis-j ters above mentioned, entered Mount) Migei college in lH'JU, wnere tne more ; immediately useful sciences nre taught nnd whero artificialities of behavior are eschewed, and naturalness and right thinking aro sedulously encour aged. Wherefore ith as occurred that deceased had endeared herself to a very large circle of friends and ac quaintances to a degree seldom equal ed, in the intercourse of mortals with their kind. None knew her but to hold her in highest respect for her many humane and nimable qualities and. helpful traits, and none will remember but to grieve over our common bereavement. Interment took place at Denmark, cemetery on Saturday, Jan 15, where the obsequies were witnessed by a very largo attendance of people con sidering that the day was the nost in clement nnd forbidding of the season. Tho husband, sisters and the two sons nnd two daughters as well ns the aged and honored father, Mr. M. B. Gibson, are objects of sincerest con dolence in their great bereavement by their whole circle of acquaintances. I. II. Upton in Port Orford Tribune. FOREST NOTES On the Alaska const tho salmon pack ers, towns and settlers use -10,000,000 feet of timber a year from the Chug- nch and Tor.gass National Forests. It is estimated that 100,000,000 pounds of beef land mutton aro soldi each year from herds and flocks oc- cupying tiw National Forest range. limber trrsimst on the National1 Fo rents is no longer important in am ount or character. The incentive has been largely removed by tho availabi lity of National Poreht iluiiijge und er free use or reasonable terms of sule. New tn'puH rases aro unuul ly the rtult ut unintentional error in reg-rd to Mile or the looutlun of iMiundurle. A million und u bulf railroad tlfs urtt now nut from Hit N'ulloiwl Fur u yiurly V wilier ut MiiJmuU iww utuh; lu Mu Ir nt Clw tlmiclt wdll alli ed on lb Nuliwwil FWru in itr- nin rwMM Ww UinVl. All SPARK'S GOOD GROCERIES AT REASONABLE PRICES. PROMPT DELIVERY & COURTEOUS TREATMENT PHONE 291 than it was 10 years ago. Tho Forest Sorvico is co-operating in game protection under definitely agreed plans with the States of Ari zona, New Mexico, California, Ore gon, Idaho, Utah, Wyoming, Colora do, Montana, and South Dakota. MEATLESS DISHES. DINNER MENU. Tomato and Onion Tie. Buttered Ueeta. Green Peas. Lettuce Hearts. Red Dreiulng. Raised Hlicults! Huckleberry Pie. Cream Cheese. Iced Tea. Tomato and Onion Pi. PARBOIL some onions, sllco them and fry In butter tintli colored. Dip some tomatoes Into boiling water, skin and sllco. Lay alternate layers of tomato mid onion In u pie dish, sprinkling encli layer with bread crumbs, small pieces of butter, salt ami pepper. Cover with miiHlicd potnto. Score with a fork and brown In tlu oven. Tomato Rice. Wash two ounces of rice thoroughly nd cook It In half a pint of milk until quite soft and flavor with salt and popper. Tnko one pound of stewed and sieved tomato nnd bent together. Stir In one ounce of butter and cook until quite moist, but not wet Serve very hot nnd, If liked, strew grated cheese over. Tomato Rice and Egga. Serve the tomato rice In a fireproof dish with poached eggs on the top. Stuffed Tomatoss. Prepare the tomato rice ns before. Take the necessary number of large dry tomatoes, dip into boiling water, skin, cut the tops off nud remove some of the pulp (the tops nnd pulp can be used for the puree). Kill the tomato cases with rice. Scatter with flue browned crumbs, seasoned with celery salt and cayenne. Put a little piece of butter on each nnd bake on a greased tin In n moderate oven for about twenty minutes. Serve hot Vegetable Curry (Hot or Iced). Weigh Ilvo ounces of margnrlue. I Chop very line four medium sized . nH Melt the margarine and cook tuo ollloiw lu u uutu tney aro doop Kold brown, a process which takes time. Mcnnwhllo put on a saucer In the oven a tablespoonftil of curry pow. der and leave It for ten minutes and then mix It smooth with n little milk or cream. Add to the ouloii mixture and cook gently for two hours nt least, stirring now nnd then. Cut into neat squares one smnll vegetable marrow, n small peeled cu cumber, ono raw npple, two tomatoes (peeled) and some French beans with the strings removed, nil of which have been previously cooked. Place In the curry mixture and cook gently for thirty minutes. Serve very hot with well boiled rice or ico It. Almost any leftover vegetables may be used In the curry, such as peas, cauliflower, broad beans, etc. ' Chicago, III. The mysterious "pep per bandit," who has been holding up pedestrians for mUny weeks was ar rested recently. He was an anemic boy, 18 yaars old, named Fred Loguc. He confessed nineteen holdups, all ac complished with a toy glass pistol. South Bethlehem. Pa. Joseph Dan zko arrived at this place recently with 10-months old child strapped to his Ijack, on his way to New York. He had walked with the baby on his back from Canada, a distance of 250 miles. kee,,jn(, the child alive on crackers and waujr Columbus, O. An apple pie which won a prize of bushel of apples at tho O. S. U. apple show, was baked by a five-year-old cooking marvel Esther Itae Johmon, She wait pitted in the contest with eventy-fivu housewives mid one man. The prize was a spe ila I one u warded for the excellent I cooking. Tb UW Aid ( Mix . I! 'hurrli will it!d vvvry VVwirnwLiy HfM'''wni) S6UPB0ARD A Rainy Day Need Not Be Dull Cheer up! Get to work in a Fisu Brand Refle Slicker $3.00 Strong, easy fittinr. light, and water proof, absolutely. Reflex Edges etc; water from Tur ning in at the f rcr... Black, Yellow or Olivc-khald. rrr v Protector Hat, 75 cents tfW-JiS Satisfaction Guaranteed SdHttsftsC'i A.J.TOWERCO. 8,, IlOSTON COQ'UILLE VALLEY COVERED WITH A BLANKET OF WHITE Tho heaviest snow fall in seven or eight years occurred in this valley on New Year's eve and the first day of the year. Tho residents in tho valley frequently got glimpses of tho snow on the high hills to the south of here. but for them to see at close range and actually handle any number of thesa "crystals of frozen vapor" is a rare treat, and Saturday saw many a young American getting nis urst practice at "sno balling" while some of with whom it has almost become a lost art had a chance to get into trim and "come back". About three inches of snow fell and remained on the ground Saturday and Sunday and there were a few traces of it left on Monday. The snow which was wet and heavy in fact rain fell with it nt times, lodged in tho boughs of the spruce firs and myrtles cnucausing them to break, and in this way there was considerable damage done to telephone lines in various sections. Myrtle Point Enterprise. YELLOWSTONE WAS STRUCK BY LIGHTNING The steam schooner Yellowstone ar rived olf the bar this morning at 8 o'clock but owing to rough watc1.', stuyed outside until ten o'clock, when sho entered. The Yellowstone was passing Coos Hiiad at the time tho worst of the thunder storm was prevailing, and re ceived a bolt of lightning which struck the foremast and scattered down tho guys to the deck. No particular da mage was dono the vessel, excepting tho mast head light was demolished. The sailors on deck were slightly shocked but no one was injured. Cap tain John Fngerstrom while speaking of the storm, in California last week said tho Yellowstone was lying in Oukland creek and the wind was so strong it drove the vessel against one of the wharves and broke one of the rails. "Records" Captain Fagerstroni fi,id, "showed the storm was the worst that had occurred about San Francisco Bay in 20 years. Marsh field Record. Hood River, Ore. A sturgeon which lias been a captive in a small pool for over ItO years, luis been released by Mrs. Sue M. Adams Armstrong who owned him. The fish had grown from a small one to over six feet in length. Dazed, at first, by his freedom, he quickly recovered himself and disap peared in the deep channel of the Columbia river, AGENTS WANTEP Everywhere To Sell Madam Du Four's Fac Powder which Is prepsrsd In four colors sat To bIm 2Se & 50c Hunl to tstnp fur Miiipl", ttt' ftHminl l. 0 Umkw Vmm a Ml fcyrumwrsipl Urn t'mtr lu Ibt , to CD jr (viit jfriuUr tovHJ. it Jit l) Vmm C., WaJt-,1), a