The Bandon recorder. (Bandon, Or.) 1915-19??, January 18, 1916, Image 1

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SPENT $100,000
Hydro-Sixes Company Find Pay Dirt in
Ancient Creek Channels
W. C. Smith and Wnltor Hamilton,
t.vo employees of the Inman company
on the Sixes river stopped over in
1 andon Thursday ami Friday on their
way to their homes in Lane county
for a brief vacation. Both men have
Leon steadily at work In Curry coun
ty for ovor a year and this is the first
ncatlon ihey have had in interval,
the present lay oft" being the after
math of an tittaek of Ac grip.
Tho men report good progress in
the wny of working pay dirt by tho In
man plant, better known as tho Hydro
Sixes Mining Co. Tho company have
been washing giUvel from the buds of
creeks, tributary to the Sixes since
I'm iiiitumn rains furnished their
f rst water supply and feel highly en
cournged at tlc returns thus far re
In their mining operations the com
rany has crossed the beds of three
different ancient streams all at a con
mderablc elevation from the beds of
Hie present streams and on tho third
they found the best pay dirt oncoun
lercd thus far.Thc company Is at pre
taut working with n forco of five men
with night and day shifts.
They use water from a penstock
one hundred and fifty feet above them
and accumulated from tho waters of
IJii' Otter creek. Their work thus far
lias brought them close to tho head
yr&tcra of Rock creek and they are
in a country in which tho gravel is
Tho Hydro-Sixes company has al
Vc3dy spent $100,000 in improving
fti.d clearing getting ready to work.
Tney had fifty men at work a thru
ll.o Bumimer, clearing tho channel,
fconstructing ditches and flumes. They
c.o preparing to spend an equal sum
in the future. The comwny controls
In tho neighborhood of 1200 acres of
lhnd bought and leased of Dr. Elgin,
t to Mncoys and others.
Last year they puk in a small mill
I ullt by Ilaagoson of Inglois which
famishes tho lumber for sluices, flum-
( i, etc. Tho mill is oporatcd by water
1 .nvor, an undershot wheel being tho
1 nsis.
In their minhig operations Uiey
observo some strango things in that
lovelation by naturu of her early rec
ords, of which our friend M. G. Pohl
speaks. There the beds of ancient
streams are found on tho benches
high above tho present water levels
nnd some arc found below, tmowing
that the land has been elevated and
di'prnssod sinco it was originally lift
il from tho sea.
Mr. Inman tho man in charge of the
ciimimny is u mining man of years of
utporioce. Ho came hero from Uuili
and followed the elusivo gold prospect
i.i that state successfully previous to
loiuing here.
Their work in the gravel beds of
the creeks in tho Sixes regiou shows
evidence of various other minerals. Of
those platinum, which is saved in
lu.nll ouantitles Is tho only metal
heavy enough to stay with tko gold
Tho other lightir metals pass out with
the tailings and are returned to the
bed of the stream,
The mining operations will be con
Untied until April or May when tho
water gives out when tho further work
of preparation will be started again
l iftccn Members of M. H. Church Join
With M. H. SouHi, Brethren
Dissensions wWch have oxistcd in
tho body of tho local M. E. church
nppear in u fair way to solution. This
I by tho withdrawal of ono nldo of the
d putants leaving the other side In
c ugo of nlinlr. Ut Sunday foro
i oon llflcoii of the member of tho
t ' iri'h nulled with the M. Ii. rhuroh
uth and It in ox pitted that more
i follow. Mr. Knight, wutor of the
W church for the pat two your
y to Jx'tumo mwoHiito piutor of th
I', t'hiiiuli, South, Itcv. Crag (ho
Milar iMtnlor m wwk up tliu rlvw
iii iut f iHlfttiowuy mimv&r
ml m)i will llw mm tor Uim fljgvi
l -f Mi HutyhU ,
nun i.mdww a KmUi Umi mt
Book Donation Day
Friday, of next week, tho 28th is
the day scletrtod, for the book donation
day at the library. From 2:30 until
6:00 aro the hours and each guest is
expected to bring a, book or the price
of a book. There will be music and re
freshments and an enjoyable timo is
assured. Come nnd invite your friend3.
The price is listed at 50 cts, four
bits, niul while you may rrinke a mis
take in bringing a book you will never
make a mistake in bringing the four
bits. The money will help to put more
good reading into tho hands of the
stuadily increasing circle of patrons
of the library.
Miss Cornelia Marvin, state libra
rian in a recent letter to the librari
an stated that there were two libra
ries in the state in which she took a
special intercset. Bandon was one and
she took especial interest in it from
the fact that it was successful in get
ting away from the beaten pith.
The library has greatly increased
its usefulness during the past year
and deseryes well from the people of
tho city.
If you can't attend, send a book or
the four bits.
Win Their First
League Contest
Bandon Tigers Have Everything Their Owi
Way at Myrtle Point Friday Night
Bandon earned a right to stand nt
the top of the percentage column
along with tho leaders in tho County
Championship Basketball leagucby
defeating Myrtlo Point Inst Friday
evening on tho latter's homo floor. The
Bandon "Tigers" outfought, outplay
ed and outscicnccd their opponents
during both halves of tho game. From
the time Edwin Myers tipped the ball
uir one of his teammates until the last
whistle-blew the game was never in
doubt. Myrtlo Point crawled up once
in the second half, but the boys by the
riea started the play faster and com
pletely took tho up-river off its
Bandon had been coached to phiy
the gamo very naWy and in conse
quence they held the ball practically
ill the time. It took all of Myrtle
Pdint'a team to watch the oirenso of
Bandon and left the loals with two
guards free to watch the defense.
Leslio Pullen shot fouls with his
usual consistent form, while the other
members of tho squad took turns in
trying t connect tho ball with the
hoop. Myers, Ivan Pullen, and Webb
each scored from tho field. The final
ticoro was tf to 10.
In speaking of the game aftsrward,
George Ocrding of Coquillo who act-
M as referee, said; "Bandon has a
team of hard, clean fighters, who ncv
er loft tho in doubt for a minute
They have improved greatly cinco wo
played them on Now Yeara's nigit."
Mr. Adam3, of Myrtlo Point, who
icted as umpire said; "This is the
1'ivit team that Bnndon haa ever had
Their team work is excellent and they
outplayed tho Myrtle Pointers in eve
ry department of tho game."
The feature of tho gamo was the
holding of Spires, who is Myrtlo
Point's crack forward, scorclcsn. Ad
ams made one field basket and four
fouls -and Johnson mado two field
throws for Myrtle Point.
The lineup:
u ,
I., l'tillen,
I. Pullen
H. Myors,
II. Johnson
Myrtlo Point
Next Satunlny night Bandon will
play North Bend High School, These
two twinis played u great contest lat
your. Thu Bay twin remain the
Mime a hut ywir with tlui exception
i the center. The local nro in hard
luck ut prwont with three players out
with tli grippo Iwt expect that their
fight ami Uniiii furk will carry tlinin
UiiMiyli, TIumv re it Nianber uf
ivty MMtN m) Uhwv la a Iiuho tliul
tint imtui iUU Uai imy ka Unk Jh
Ji UvMm m mar torn Muwlv
Annnal Meeting Shows Banks to have
been Conservatively Conducted
This is the season of the year for
tho annual meeting of the banks of
the community and the timo when the
stockholders call the officers to ac
count to givo a record of the past
year's business. The annual meeting
of the stockholders of the Bank of
Bandon was held in the Bank of Ban
don building on Thursday, January
The financial report showed the
bank to bu in n flourishing condition.
The business of the past year, one'of
the most quiet n tne city'8 record
had left the bank solidly intrenched,
financially and in excellent shape to
handle the tide of new business that
is expected in 1916".
Tho following list 'of directors was
chosen: J. L. Kronenberg, T. P. Han
ly, R. II. Rosa, C. Y. Lowe, F. J. Fahy.
The directors chose the following
officers: J. L. Kronenberg, president;
T. P. Ilnnly, Vice President, F. J.
Fahy, cashier; Geo. P. Topping, at
torney. Geo. W. Moore and J. VV. Mast were
chosen as a stockholders' examining
comittce. Mr. Mooro was formerly
connected with tho bank examiner's
olllce in Michigan and is thoroughly
familiar with the details of banking
and his sek'ttion will prove a happy
one for tho stockholders.
At tho annual meeting, of the First
JJutional natik held last TAy the
stockholders found ovoryth'ng all in
jhipshapo and elected the following
lirccors and officers: Directors. H. L
Houston, C. Y. Lowe, E. E. Oakcs,
G. Dyer, J. I. Sidwoll, E. D. Webb and
B. Thrift. Officers II. L. Houston,
jiiesidont; C. Y. Lowe, vice president;
10. 1). Webb, cashier; E. E. Oakcs and
Koy Corson, assistant cashiers.
Tho Bandon Heights Land Co. also
lected officers last Tuesday. Directors
Steve Gallier, Chris Rasmusscn, W. H
I'carce, J. W. Mast and J. T. Sullivan
Officers; C. Kasmussun, president, J.
1'. Sullivan, vice president and W. II
I'earcc, seer., treas and manager.
Hold Joint Installation
Nothing was neglected at tho joint
installation of the Odd Fellows and
Kebekahs last Tuesday night. Tho
itual was not abbreviated, the ban
juet was of ample proportions, the so
eial features were all that could be do
ited. It was all there and the com
plete program was not concluded un
t ill tho .small hours that appeared at
the beginning of Wednesday morning,
The following are the newly in-
tiilled officers of the Odd Fellows:
I,. I. Wheeler, acting past grand; I. L.
'icofield, noble grand; Geo. Smith, V,
G.; Harry Hornung, Rec. Secy.; John
Vtlsou, F. S.; O. A. Trowbridge, Tres;
Sherman HulTord, W.; A. L. Cornell
.;.: LcKoy Cornell, I. G.; Wm. Oarl-
on, O. G.; Chris. Boetcher, R. S. N
G.; Carl Roseburg, L. S. N. G.; A
Knopf, R. S. V. G.; Winter Davidson
L. S. V. G.; L. B. Lowo, R. S. S. Rob
Smith, L. S. S.; Manuel Wilson, Con
Installing officer A. Knopf.
The following are the officers of the
Rebekahs for the ensuing year's work
Installing officer, Mrs. Elva Millcl
Ma,rion Wilson, N. G.; Margaret
Wheeler, V. G.; Minerva Lowin, R. S.
Mary Trumbull, F. S.; A. Knopf, T,
Mary Barrows, W.; Anna Sherwood
Con.; Bessie Young, Chap.; Mrs. Wy
ant, I. (I.; Katie Conrad, O. G.; Elva
Miller. R. S. N. G.; Cora Conrad, L. S,
N. G.; Mrs. Davidson, R. S. V. G,; U
nom Januui, L. S. V. G.; Mrs. Murga
ret Smith, acting past grand.
A nhort progwm was presented af
ter which seventy five people tut down
to the Icnquet. Them wun munlc,
dancing aud u general good tlmu for
It. W. Huhwttttr huN hu three gavel
Iwnitil out of myrtle wood lo prun'iit
to thy Mgu ut Honolulu, Hmwlwliib
ItluMiK vtlituu ln wax rulM lo I lit
af m MJlor Mumm, Mr. Moil
ibir iuimuJ mi 0j yuvi ami VV'n
hui fc iidiihiwg ihm. Thty will
jiwU it Hvvri him) nwifnuMii i'umwl
C. Dark Died Suddenly Sunday Noon
Coroner Postpones Funeral
The funeral of W. C. Dark which
was to have been held this forenoon
was! postponed until afternoon to al
low ('the coroner to exercise the func
tions of his office. Coroner Fred Wil
son came over from Marshficld today
uccqmpanicd by District Attorney L.
Liljcqvist. In their presence, Drs.
Houston and Gale performed an autop
sy on the remains and showed to the
satisfaction of the officials that the
was caused by heart failure.
The' walls of the heart were shown to
very thin and when subjected to pres
sure from within swelled like a ba
loon. The physicians expressed sur
prise that the man had lived as long
as he had.
W. C. Dark, a well known resident
of this city died suddenly at his home
on south Oregon avenue last Sunday
shortly after the noon hour. His death
damo without warning and was due
to heart failure.
The rest of the family consisting
of Mrs. Dark and daughter, Miss Dai
sy had been to church nnd just re
turned. Mr. Dark built the kitchen
fire and brought in an armful of wood
and built a fire in the grate. They
sat around the blaze and Miss Daisy
peeled a Japanese orange, nnd
gave a section oach to her mother
and father. Shortly after Mr. Dark
gave a convulsive gasp and leaned
his- head atrainst the mantle piece.
JILf 1 chnijrhter tumed-suddcnly-to him
with the query if he wercsick. Her
flather did not reply but was staring
straight ahead of him. He suddenly
brought his hands up to his breast
and was dead. He had been subject
to spells of bad heart in recent years
but of late had been in his ordinnry
William C. Dark was born Feb. 18th
1844 at Toronto, Canada. He moved
with his parents to Iowa in 1857 and
later moved to Lee's Summit, Jackson
county, Missouri. He was one of the
pioneer settlers of Barber county,
Kansas noving there in 1873. He was
engaged in the cattle business for a
number of years. Iater he purchased
a dry goods business in Medicine
Lodge, Kansas.
In 1880 ho was married to Miss Hi
lia S. Allen at Medicine Lodge, Kan
sas. Two daughters were born to
them: Mrs. Choloro Strickland who
now resides at Medicine Lodge, Kan
sas and Miss Daisy Dean Dark of this
Mr. Dark and family moved to this
city December 10th, 1910 where they
have since resided. Himself and
wife united with the M. E. church in
1887 of which they have been faith
ful members ever since. He has two
sisters and three brothers who survice
He Would Be County Clerk
L. W. Oddy, whoso political an
uoucement for tho office of county
clerk appears elsewhere in this pa
per is for the first time in his life
an aspirant to public office. He is a
taxpayer and was born nnd raised in
Coos county, was graduated at the
HoIni?3 Business College in August
1907 and after serving a year in office'' to Sa" I-r.incisco S.reo tin
work in Portland, Oregon, received Deccmlr ho has ha,
employmeat in tho shoriir's office in " " . "" & Wolvorton a of.
this county, commencing August 22nd,
1908 nnd have contiguously been em
ployed in thnt office ever since.
In Juno, 1910 ho was appointed 2nd
deputy shcriir under cx-Shcriir W. W.
Gage, and continued as such until
January, 1915 at which time ho was
ro-appolnted 2nd Deputy Shcriir un
der Shorlir Johnson nnd continued as
tiiich u.iti! March 1st, l'.ir, nt which
time ho ronigned mid wa appointed
chief clurk of wild cflico, having charge
i f the o tire work which olllru he
hold Ml the prouu t date.
The nullonul ouiit roller nailed for
nU ruport lut ymr thu lunt Doming
on Dun. lUL, hihI wliluJi wum unit morn
thui) the slatti ;IU far. IV lliU m&
at. I rmulwJ fit MiUltiJi?
Boutin Track Divided
It is stated on very good authority,
says tho Coos Bay Times, that Frank
Boutin has sold one-third of his big
tract of timber. The third that has
been disposed of extends over so that
it has an outlet on tho Coquillo river
and tho purchase is said to have been
made for the George W. Moore Lum
ber Co. of Bandon. If this is tho case
it would moan that the Mooro Com
oany intends to start up soon.
Tho tract of timber owned by Mr.
Boutin over welt of Beaver Hill con
sists of 8,000 ncrcs'and includes about
000,000,000 feet of timber.
Just before going to press it Is re
ported that Judge Coke has passed
upon some of the issues in tho Moore
Lumber Co. Coach controversy, nnd
among other things has determined
that it is not proper to accept tho bid
mado to John Yoakum, receiver, on
the ground thnt there were other
rights superior to the receivership.
If this report is true, it may mean
that tho Lam pa Camp will be abandoned.
Elizabeth Fox Weds
Man From Marshfield
Ceremony Takes Place at the Home of
Mr. and Mrs- R. P. Harrington.
Miss Elizabeth Fox, well known in
Bandon a singer of local reputation
and a sister of Mrs. L. I. Wheeler was
married in Marshfield last Saturday
and tho Coos Bay Times gives the fol
lowing account of the wedding:
Miss Elizabeth R. Fox of Bandon
and N. A. Nelson of Lakeside were
nuirricd today nt 1 o'clock at the homo
of Mr. and Mrs. R. P. Harrington on
South Fifth Street, Rev. G. L. Hall
officiating with tho ring ceremony,
Miss Alpha Mauzey and C. A. Lund-
strom the latter of Lakeside, attend
ed tho bride and groom. Miss Fox
was very becomingly gowned in blue
with cream trimmings. She is the
charming daughter of J. E. Fox, form
erly of Bandon, but who is now locat
ed in Aberdeen, Washington, and has
a host of friends and acquaintances
both on the Bay and in the valley
towns. Mr. Nelson is cashier of the
Hawser and Ilauser Company at lake
side, and is also well known and liked
on the l,y. After a few days spent
with relatives at Summer the young
couple will return to Lakeside to mako
their home. Besides tho members of
the Harrington family there were pre
sent Mrs. Robert Fox and son Robert
Jr., of lakeside.
Mr. Baker of Curry county is back
from a visit to the scones of his boy
hood nnd is stopping at the Gallier
tonight on his way to his home down
the coast. Ho cane in on the Kilhurn
from Portland and reports that on
the passage the weather was so cold
that tho contents of the drinking wat-
xr bottles froze. He finds business
conditions in tho east much improved
and has a lingering impression that
ho will be tho next sherifr of Curry
county if during the interval of his
absence, some ono has not run away
with his fences.
Louis Iknry, repairer of time pieces
and jewelry has decided to wind up
his business affairs in this city and
flee. His wife will not como to Ban
don and they havo a daughter in the
city who expect shortly to n mar
ried. Mr. nnd Mrs. Henry expect to
return shortly to their old home In
Bordeaux, France. Mr. Henry has
worked In nearly evory section of the
United .States In the fourteen years
in this country and also hail an ex per
ience In the Phllippli'OM m il East In
dlori. lie iwnu to thin section to fig
ure on an uHtnblixhmont In Coquillo
lull not finding condition)! to IiIh Ilk.
ng, count lo IIiiihIoh.
.Mm. Jutk Kulllvun who hu npuiil
tho week bidding goodby lo frimuti III
iki'rfloN tniwl lo Itfivo fur Mwwli
Mtl 'ItMirMluy, Mm. W. I. Vu will
turojHuuy b'l- far h vUU.
Tmn lirj to Mi myj tUrk ul Uli
uwMiw nmrmty ml ml um uiu
Weather of Unusual Severity Prevailed
During Past Few Weeks
Another snow storm last week sent
the old timers to examining tho rec
ords to datcrmine just when and
where there was anything to equal.
rVs far as an agreement goes they are
still searching but all agree that tho
storm Friday was the real article.
Tho snow was slush almost before it
reached the earth but ii, accumulated
in spots ami lent an air of winter to
tho scenery.
Further awtiy from the ocean the
snow piled up to greater depth. The
ranges of Curry county suffered se
verely. No provision is made there
for cold of this intensity and many
cattle and sheep perished from ex
posure and from lack of forage.
curious feature of the weather
since the snow storm is that the bar
has been as quiet as it over rests. Tho
wind has been off shore and for sev
eral days the beach has been calm
enough that a skiff might be launched
any where on the shore. Tho channel
buoys between the jetties rode the
waters without perceptiblo vibration
and only now and then a stray surge
came lazily poking in with scarcely
energy enough to reach beyond the
The evening Telegram says the win
ter has been the coldest in that city
of any since 1890. In 14 days 17.0 in.
of snow have fallen in that city and
the unemployed have been given the
eastern job of cleaning the- strcets-
with shovels nnd dump wagons.
For a, time tho overland trafie
though the Sierras had to be suspend
ed and floods prevailed in Southern
California. On the Columbia high
way, out of Portland, drifts twelve
feet deep are reported.
Saturday Night
Decisive Contest
Battle With North Bend to Test Aspiration
of Locals
The contest Saturday night will bo a
decisive one for the locals in the high
school lwoket ball county champion
ship arena. The boys have demon
strated their mettle in their games
played thus far this season and their
victory Friday night over the team at
Myrtle Point is especially cheering
to their supporters.
But one game does not take a cham
pionship rud they realize that tho goal
is only reached over a rough and rug
ged pathway.
North Bend v?ill be a strong .con
tender; the experience of last year
Jcmonstrates this and the boys will
emulate their tiger uniforms nnd dig
with toes and claws in order to win.
Anil the which is why this will bo
an attractive gamo from tho specta
tors stand point. The two Pultons have
been tussling with the grip but prom
ise to be all right and fit as fiddles
when Saturday night rolls around.
Get out and see it.
Death of Mrs. E. B. Thrift
Mrs. E. B. Thrift, wife of tl.o well
known merchant of Inr.gloig li'.d at
her home in that to'.vi liiat Thurs
day 'ii.d was buried on tho SaturiUy
following. Mrs. T!i -i ft w.ix a dauulitar
of M. B. (iII)koii, long ii poll! let, fig.
uue in Cu -ry county wharo for iqiiuj
time li held the oflico of wiiinly
tiuHMur. She in mnvlved by a liur
bund and four clilldioo, duo., Jf.
tetlo, ISilgrr iwul Itlulmnl . ml by two
lteiK, MIm N'IHii CWmv who h
livwl with lr um' Kiiiiof A.u m (J.o.
Mi wltu I. In a eoniwl.
Hi, tun i)rtvr m Uiv imilv lUi iwttf
out of LjaU UmmJi Unwxh A j.
jwrt liml in Um immtim ii U
W9IMtMf) MMW lwlv ft' 't'Jtf,
lliltl lMI liq-l