it ) BAN DON I1REVITIE3 Chas. S. Kaiser is here from Marsh field today. o J. It. Paters, black sand miner is back from a visit 15 Seattle. o j Mrs. Robert Fox and son are at L. I. Wheeler's. , o Vm. Gillings of Port Orford was a visitor in this city yesterday. Petitions were circulated here re cently ard numerously signed for the parole of V. M. Smith. a Thos. C. Clark was up from Klk River yesterday for a 'visit in Ban don. o The boiiid of trustees of the Ban don Hcightc lai'd company met this afternoon. o The annual meeting of tlm Bank of Bando-. will bo held tomorrow af ternoon. A. II. Thomas, supt. of a Sixes mining company wps a visitor in this city Sunday. o Elder Thos. Barklow will bo here Sunday morning and will preach at the church of the brethren. The Ladies' Thimble Club will moot nt the honw of Mrs. Nygren next Fri day afternoon. Mrs. L. B. Overhalger and son Ga licn of this city visited Inst weo,k with relatives nt Myrtle Point. Ernest Bonk 'vho was confined to his home with the grip hint week, is out again. The steamer Fificld after a two days wajt passed out over the bar Inst Saturday afternoon. WHO PAYS? See it every week on Tuesdays nt the Grand Theater. o Good, Conking Apples; from 10 cts 'a box, up. Also Sweet Cider. . I.osh baugh's Variety Store. j An Optimist , A man who owns n Fish Brand Reflex Slicker $3.00 when Old Prob says rain. Waterproof, absolutely jl 5( Protector Hat. 75 cenli Satisfaction Guaranteed TfWEIl'S J. TOWER CO. e!TT, BOSTON JfBSJW0 Another Brother Offi A thrilling J I A Piclure that is "Brother Officers" played to packed houses at the Strand Theater, New "York City Grand, next Thursday, ffi Coming next five act comedy I Wm. Button was operated cn in the Bandon hospital last week for appen 'dicitis and is able to be about once ; more. Ted Peterson who spent the holiday season at Myrtle Point looking after the Hub store there returned to his duties in Bandon last week. You enn get a combination of style and service in shoos also much more for your money than anywhere else in town at the Square Deal, op. Grand theater. Satisfaction guaranteed. Shoe repair shop in connection. Mrs. Zeno Gatchel returned to Ban don last week after a visit at the home of her parents Mr. and . Mrs. M. R. Lee. Mr. nr.d Mrs. F. G. Newell and daughter Miss Ada Newell of Co quille opont Saturday and Sunday in Bandon. o Mrs. Ray Martin and daughter re turned on the steamer "Lizzie" from Fri. . " where they have been for sev i:il months. j B. A. Cardwell, mining cngineer'of S)an Francisco, and a brother of W. W. Cardwell, politician 'of Roscburg, was a vsitor here the past week. Mrs. Mary Saultu and Flores Tn- bclle of Tucson, Arizona were recent arrivals here by boat, looking over the prospects. The following is the passenger list ,of the Fifield: P. M. Speels, E. E. Erick, W. Fowler, Rayner Goiscmjorf- er, Pat Hanrahan. it Mr. and Mrs. T. White of Wcdder- burn stopped over in town yesterday. Mrs. White was on her way north for treatment in a hospital. o The friends of Rev. Henry L. Graf lius, formerly of Bandon will be pleased to know that he is now preach ing in the ElMonte, Gal., Presbyter ian church. John Barrymorc' the Comedian will be seen next Sunday in "The Dictator" a comical play of a revolution in old j Mexico. It's great. A Paramount feature. This year the sheriff's office will , have to do all the tax collecting and ' as a result Sheriff Johnson's bond has 1 eon increased from ?20,()00 to ?10,- M0. Coquillc Sentinel. Archie Madden who shot his com- j panion at Beaver hill last summer j vvhen. fie lnt.'.cr refused his command to dance, wan sentenced to six months ! in the coiuty jail last week. . J The Brooklyn had no passenger list on her last trip. Slio had a cargo of j oil and gasoline nnd had to give up I her passenger license for this more ; profitable cargo. I n j Should a Mother Tell Till Every mother in Bandon should bring her daughter to see this great lesson in 38 Big Paramount mm i mm wm mmmm icer s story of Life and War in far i away Aiiuid different! ' SHOWN AT THE Sunday John Barrymore in the "The Dictator". life as acted by Betty Nansen In tho Fox feature play. o Bill Sellmor is prcscntng a good line of pictures at the Grand these days, and yet insists that he is not making any money but is banking on the future. That is the kind of nerve that wins, and builds institutions and cities. The next thing on the docket will be damage suits cguinst the owners of the Clara. N. C. McLood has something like $5,000 in claims against the company for freight lost at the time of the wreck of the boat. V. M. Smith who was tiled in the Circuit court on the charge of point ing a gun at Constable Blackerby was found guilty las Tuesday and sen tenced to six months in the county jail. o "Should a Mother Tell?". Betty Nan sen star in this William Fox feature that has made talk from the Atlantic to the Pacific answers this vital question "Should a Mother Tell?" will be presented at the Grand Theater next Friday, January 14. o The Elizabeth came in to the harbor Sundny nfternoon with the following list of passengers: Claude Randleman, Leslie Cornwall, Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Boyrie and child, Mrs. W. S. Mack, Miss, Eisten, J. Porenis, J. IL Cook sen, Mary Saulton, Flora Fabctta, J. L. Meyers, W. Wnorewski, G. Lcht, men, B. Cerpentcr, B. A. Eardwell. o The Ladies Aid of the Presbyter ian church will meet in the church to morrow afternoon. o Harvey Smith, fumous varmit hunt er, was up from his Pilot Rock ranch today. Louis Knapp, Jr. of Port Orford is in town today on his way to school at Corvnlis. n The storms of the past few weeks have brought many wires down, in terfering with telephone and tele-, graph commmunication north and enst. o Walter Sabin nnd J. II. Gould nre lunong Bnndonians in Coquillc scrv ig on the jury. o NEW COUNTY ROA DM ASTER At its session yesterday the county court appointed Robert Bruce Mur dock, of Portland, to the County road master. His salary was fixed at $200 a month, which is to covor all bis expenses, and he will enter upon the discharge of his duties February 1. Mr. Murdock has been at work ns assistant engineer on the Columbian Highway for sointe time past and is highly recommended by Chief Engi neer Herbert Nunn as well as by John B. Yeon, the roadmaster of Multno mah county. He is of Scotch-Irish nativity end is said to bo a man who listens hard and says little. The mem bers of the court who met him in Feature! ' You will like it! Jan. 13 Portland arc confident he will prove just the sort of official they have been looking for. Among duties yet to be performed by thee ounty court before it ad journs tomorrow are the appointment of the road supervisors for the various cities and other districts of the coun ty and the drawing of a jury list for the April term of court. Coquille Sentinel. BOOK DONATION DAY AT THE LIBRARY Watch For The Date! There will be refreshments nnd mu sic awl a social good time. The invi tation is genciul. Bring a book or the price of n book; that is fifty cents Fiction or juvenile book in good con dition, or books for the reference shelves, will b3 welcome. We note with pleasure the gift of one dollar and fifty cents for the pur chase of a, magazine. The gift, the Woman's Homo Companion. Also we received from the state library a copy of the General Laws of the stote of Oregon: the Year Book of the Sons of the American Revolution, contain ing an illustrated history o( our flag: a pamphlet on Folk Dancing by Dr. Gulick and another on May Day cele brations by Miss Burchanel. F. AMELIA HENRY, Librarian KKUSE & BANKS BEGIN BUILD ING VESSELS AT ONCE The Kiuse and Banks shipyard will lay the keel of the new Bixby and Clarke steam schooner within the next few days since the employes who have been working about the yard for some time have the blocking about ready to start the vessel. The lum ber for the ship will be obtained from the Simpson Lumber company nnd it will require about 800,000 feet to con struct the same. Ship timber is spe cially selected and much of it is dif ficult to obtain since there are requir mcnts for a great deal of long clear sticks. Fir will enter largely into the construction of the new vessel, since while cedar in the correct form is be coming harder to secure. When the keel is finished nnd the vessel geta to the point where a full -force can work the yard will be employing about 10 men on the job. The company has a very favorable chance it is said, of securing a sec ond ship to build for the Charles Nel- J son company, and before the sumrrcr briuks Kruse & Banks will probably bave the yard running at full capacity Record. L. P. Branstettcr went to Marshficld Monday to arrange with the North Pacific Seamship company for trans portation of cattle from Coos Bay to Eurekn. Mr. Branstetter finds there are a number of cattle owners in the Coquillc valley who arc short of feed. The shipment will consist of two-year old steers and dairy cows. Coquillc Sentinel. On her last trip up the steamer Kilbun; l..d 50 cases of liquor on board consigned to Portland parties. As the boat failed to roach her des tination by January 1st the wet goods were returned to San Fr-.vcisco. Madisonvilo, Ky. "Unkle' Cy Carlisle has succeeded in raising a freak apple, although ho has no name for it. ' Its upper half is a bright yellow in color, and the lower half a brilliant red. o It appears to lie an nil around case of stubbornness on the Oregon avenue project. Backed by their recent legal victory the church appears to bo in no mood to compromise and tho prop erty owners on tho ayenue appear equally determined not to support the project if the original route is chang en and the exit diverted to tho old county road. The city attorney has asked for a written permission from tho council to tho matter to the supremo court and tho city fathers are deliberating on whether or not they will go to that expense. Field Notes by Our Field Bcporter Billie LoGoro is growing n lovely mustache nnd already resemJilos tho Kaiser to a groat extent- It is rumored that Schmidt Hansen will soon start a moonlight brewory in the back room of his prosont lo cation. Whnt wo want to know is Why Archie Jnrgenson makes so muny trips to Myrtlu Point? Wo notice tho bank hall special has a pretty soft time nowadays. Jack nicking Ih looking line ami nay ho U foiling tho mum. Ilu wiy tho rity'n dryiiotti will lunt but III U only u lemporury nilniunt. Am Impromptu "Wull, it' dry, bit wlmi If It tot I KUfM It' jut it will Tlit Immh'i ull iMtru, if ml Urn Mb' mUl w put rfjt M? Tit mm aid buHb if tUti Ik tmmi Mmr, m, ym halt Ami tmiuf tttt mm jNit 1 A i UwtuflJTlw wers vysi DESCRIPTION OF THE ELECTION PRECINCTS WITHIN THE BOUNDARY OF THE CITY LIMITS OF BANDON No. M. Bandon South-West Beginning at tho southwest corner of See. 30, Twp.29 S. R. II W. and running thence north along the center lie of Oregon avc. to 4th st. W.; thence ,westery aloi g center litc of said 1th st. W. to Ocean Drive; thence along the center line of Ocaan Drivo to the west line of the city limits of Bandon; thence southerly along said city limits to the southeast corner of the city limits of Bandon; thence easterly along said city limits to 13th st. W.; thence east along said 13th st. W. to the placo of beginning. No. Bandon North-West Beginning at tho north east corner of precinct 44 at the eornerof 4th st, W. and Oregon Ave. nnd running thence westerly aloi g the coi.tcr of 4th st. W. to Ocean Drivo; thence southerly along the center line of said Ocean Drive to the west line of the city limits of Bandon; thence northerly along the west line of said city limits to the north-west corner, of said city limits; thence east along the north line of said city limits to the Twp. line between Twps US S. It. 14 and Twp. 2S S. R. 15 F.; thence south (along said Twp. line to 2nd street and Oregon avenue; thence southerly along Oregon Ave. to the place of beginning. No. IK Bandon North-East Beginning at a point of tho Twp. line between Twps. 28 S. R. 14 and Twp. 28 S. R. 15 W. on 2nd st.; thence east along the center line of 2nd st. E. to the east boundary of tho city limits of the city of Bandon; thence north along said cast line to the northeast corner of the city limits of Bandon; thence westerly along said city limits to the north-cast corner of Precinct 45; thence south along the Twp. line to the place of beginning. No. 47. Bandon SoutlrEast. Beginning at the southwest corner of Sec. 30 Twp. 2S S. R. 14 W. and running thence northerly along tho center lino of OregoiAvo. to 2ndsst.; thence east along tho center line of 2nd street E. to tho enst boundary line of the city limits of Bandon; thence south along the oast boundary line of said city limits to the south east corner of said city limits; thence west along the south boundary line of said city limits to the place of be ginning. Christian Science Services Bandon Christ )ui Scientists have moved from the Kime building into room 3 of tho Steplir.iifs building. Services will be held there every Sun day at 11, A. M. Sunday school at 11:45, A. M. Tho public is cordially in vited to attend. TTT "i w" i "1 "I WW TT1 I 11 1 1 A Desk Phone is Cheaper! Because it takes less of your time and energy to answer. Because the convenience will cause you to use it more and receive the f Dividends Because it costs you less in dollars nnd cents than in the past. The cost of a desk telephone is 2! cents per mouth less than one cent a day. Coos and Curry Printing which is the t product of the Recorder Print Shop is cheap on ly in Price. To make your dollar secure the Best Returns Patronize The Bandon Record: Printing Establishment GREAT DRAMATIC ACTION In the latest William Fox prodt) tion "Should a Mother Tell?" the is seen dramatic action that is rare if ever beheld upon the screen. T story itself, by Rex Ingrain is one exceptional power and presents a pi blcm that calls for dramatic ncti of such intensity as could be portra ed by perhaps no other actress th Betty Nansen. As tho mother- to between an almost fanatical sense justico and a desire for the happine of her daughter, Miss Nansen has o portunities to display her wonderf emotional powers exceptionally. I deed it mny be said that in "Should Mother Tell?" an ideal vehicle h been found for this cxtrnordinari gifted actress. Stuart Holmes, who supports Mi Nansen in this production as Gaspa the scoundrelly husband portrays V part to perfection, nnd Arthur Hooj and Claire Whitney, as the Baron ni Baroness Gauntier, do exceptional well with their respective roles. , many respects this picture is one i the most remarkable released some time. This picture will be shown nt tl Grand Theater Friday January 14. The place that pays you to invest gate is tho Square Deal, op GrMid tin atcr. The shoes we sell are absolute); gunranteod to be solid leather tlm out and prices lowest in town. Shoe n pair shop in connection. We Have Moved From the old stand on Second Street to the Iaird & Lowe Building at First St. and Wall Streets op posite to Hank of Bandon Building, where we "'ill be pleafed to meet old patrons and new. Ifhrchvare, Electric Fixtures and Plumbing. STARR-MAST Hardware Company '9 I I 11 of Service i Telephone Company i wmmimsmmmmmm