IX THE CIRCUIT COURT cf the Slnte of Oregon, In and for the County of Coos (oo. II. Hancock, Plaintiff, vs Violet Hancock, Defendant. Summons '10 Vic let Hancock, the above named defendant: IV THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON ' You -.re hereby nolified'that you tire ' reliy required to uppenr and answer c complaint, filed ngainst you in the ovi en tided court and cause within x weeks from the date of the first iblicntion of this numinous, to-wit: thin hix weeks from the 28th day December, 11)15, and if you fail so appear and answer on or before i lirA day of February, 1010, that i ate being the last d..y of the time I x icrihed l'i thu oide of publication", 1 10 plaintiir, for want thereof will t ko judgment aiyl decree against )ii for t'ie relief demanded in this ..mipi.uni,, a succinct suuumum. . itch I, as follows: That the marriage 1 i roofore existing between you and . , ..... if .. i. I I . . .. !.. ..... e plaiinu may do disgoivcii; inav " plainlilf be givjii the future care . id custody of the parties' minor, i nldre'i, namely, Vera Hancock, and Howard Hancock, and the defendant j I r ci" i ilie luturo care and eiiEiouy f the mnor child Wain (hi'icnck. Service of this suiiunoius is made by 4ihliri'.io: thereof, in pii'smnce of ' ml order mado by Hon. John S. Coke, ( ircuit .Judge of the State of Oregon fir Coos County, dated tho 20th day' if December, 11)15, directing that scr- j .,ca thereof be made by publication . .i . i . 1. i. i.i. I IIIU DJIIIIIWII ltd 111 UUI , il UVIVIJ 'wnpaper published in Randon, Coos i aunty, Oregon, once n week fop n i.riod of six weeks, commencing with lie issue of December 28th, 1015 and ending with tho issue of February 1st, 1J10. CHATRURN & GARDNER Plaintiff's Attorneys Hirycle Repairs Saw Filing ami Krpjiring A Specially Plume 471 I'. O. Box 174 S. D. Barrows IIANDON, OKKUON Will Uke onlrm fur Kirycln of all Limit ami I'upr Molnr-C)(lr alio (.'iilian Ko tiual Molori. PURE 1)RU(JS ( Do yon want pure drug and drug sundries, line. perfumes, hair brushes, and toilet articles? If ' so call on i C. Y. LOWE, Bandon f r afc ., 1 ,ti if. A ill if a il afaala.Ta.T.ay.afa.fa.t. ila.f VTTTTTTTT7 l T i V 1 r l 'V f T WJ 1 "I "i BANDON TRANSFER CO. Gatchell Brothers, Props. All kinds of heavy and light draying. Phone orders ! J given p'oinpt attention. .Barn corner First & Edi' ;: f son, Fish Property. .Telephone 641. :: r-H!- Order Your Freight Sent by the Old Reliable IS. S. ELIZABETH 1 :: Large Two-Berth Outside State Rooms With Run- : ning Water. ... A z J Eight Day Service Between the Coquille River and t S San Francisco. J FIRST CLASS PASSENGER FARE, $7.50 FREIGHT RATES, $:i ON UP FREIGHT t X Reservations: J. E. Norton, Coquille; Perkins', Myrtle Point; E. R. .1. E. WALSTROM, NEW TELEPHONE DIRECTORY The January issue of the Telephone directory will go to press December .'llsl. Subscribers desiring changes in list ngs or advertising space should make necessary niTange iiiriit iih tinrly as posnllile. If you are pliinntng to linvo n tolupliom,' instnllud. Do II now mid gut your iitimo in "niut hhk! anil ukuAiI buuk" in i ", I'mry nm) WmUjvh DoutfJii wjunliiw. ISvIra mid Display IMImiM iwu ol'tiJvi nflvoriinlng, CDOH AM) ClillUV mAmWK CMWASY Financial School Report The Randon school board hand3 out he following for publication: It is the policy of the present school board to give moro publicity to the Bchool district, affairs than has previously been given, and pur suant to their directions, the clerk submits below a report which goo. back to MrDippcl'B report, published in September. It is believed that the imlilic will nnnreciato these renorti Those particularly interested should flic them for future refeiencc. The clerk's book of record will be cheer fully submitted for inspection at nny time. REPORT OF SCHOOL CLERK DaUd Dec. 30, 11) IB Number of v.-arr.lnls issued si ice lat report and amount of the same 17:1 $s,un.H Number and amount of wrrrar.t.. funded, 811 $2,7111 Amount not funded, 1)0 .. $5,87.1.02 Common warrants out nt last report $11,11 1. !50 Common warrants now outstanding $15,21)7.02 Number and amount of old warrants funded since last report, Interest on same $.1,2 17.D0 . 155.11 $.,37.1.04 . $270.05 C.507.15.1 0,817.08 $0,122.80 1UI.I1, Cash on hand last rtiport, Receipts, Total Pl.iil nut . . Ralnnce on hand, 71 1.82 i n! n Mlon A Pilgrim YWC in M0IHana Sporting Editor, Recorder, Random liutte. Montana. Dec. 25, 1915 Hello Hoy:I am spending Christmas I here in l Huttc. This is some lively burir. Hut we still remember beautiful ' 11...,. I,,.. 1!,. li,. U'ilcon mill I havi, 1)e'un 1)Usy Bjn.e wu llft Unndon and they are bringing some tough man now, up against Jim. So far he has J ,, 3' ........... j - - .... -- i . the hardest match Jim ever had but are confident that Jim will come out on top. Say Hello to all the Hoys (and Girls) and give them all our best wish es for the New Yenr. Wilson, alias Thcopolis or Londos sends his best re gards to nil. He likes Randon and if things go right we will spend a couple of weeks next summer in Randon. Will closij for now and remain, with best wishes to all, Yours happy as ever, SMILING DUTCH "Like a picture in an old album was the presentation of East Lynne at the Grand last Saturday night. Although plainly California made, the scenery and customs were well contrived to present a view of English rural life in the middle of the nineteenth century. Tho costumes harmonized with the I story, for the plot of East Lynne is of (a kind that story writers no longer fol I low. Rut tho presentation had nn . other suggestion; the stock company, the barn stormcrs which used to make the circuit of the smaller towns. They all hud East Lynne in a prominent place in their repertoire. Watching the presentation wns like visiting with old time friends. Springdale, W. Va. V. R. Smith found a freak potato in a garden. It had grown through a silver pipo stem bund, and projected about thieo inch es on both sides of the baud. The band is embellished with a relief of former President Taft. W 1. .t. .f . .f . .1. .t t t t f J 9 t.A t TTT1 1 1 TTTTTT TT VTTTTTTTTt --F--0-f . 4 TtTTTTS? ; , Thrift, Langlois. Agenl, Randon SUumiia- 'There is dryness in Sahara I With its winds and shiftinir sand And its waste of arid desert Stretching off on either hand Rut the oasis is frequent Where the thirsty travelers go And its dryness is as dew drops To these days in Randon, though. Have you learned to write it 1010 yet. o A recent tost won I something like this: "Here's to old Kentucky, the state where I was born: whore tho corn is full of kernels and the Colonels full of corn". Just to show the versatility of this section the weather man treated us to a little snow storm New Year's Eve. Some of the youne people were sorry there wasn't more of it and that it didn't stay longer. o 1010 is a political year and the Hock of political hoomlots which are already hatched and have survived the inclemency of the winter will lie in- .reased by the regular incubation of the salubrious spring time. Now that the Coi.s County Rar has assembled r.r.d deliberate' ai.d re turned to its individual homes, the eq uilibrium of the county which was in clined to tip toward Randon, is re stored to its normal condition once more. The task of putl'.ig Humpty Dump- y together again is a light mo coni larcd with tho job of str'.kbig terms of icaco on which nil the warring na liom of Europr c.:: agio's. Judging from tli number of family juga filled last week that grand old song, "How Dry I nm" will not bo in ovidenc.i in many quarlrs for some time. Rrother Nielson in his contribution in another column makes some telling shots but there are one or two of his statements with which we can not agree. Mail order houses do not sell goods at whole sale prices. We speak from actual knowledge, having in an experience ns a merchant in the enst bought goods at wholesale cheap er than the same were listed by Mont gomery Ward and Sears Roebuck. The neiil order urices are aliniit. ten nor i cent higher and to this is added trans-1 portatiou charges, the department stores of State street in Chicago sell roods cheaper than Montgomery Ward Otherwise Chicago people would pa- ro.iize A. Montgomery. They do not. Ye have bought in both places and now what we are talking about. Tho mail order houses are strong because Miey get the cash in advance. If ountry mo.'cliMits would follow the mine plan they could compete. Lower heir prices, sell for cash, advertise uul get the business. But it will not do to set up a false barrier to trade. The old specious arguments have just ibout had their way. To combat with (he mail order house, the weapons vliich lu.ve made them effective must !e made use of. They must be mot n their own field. o I'hera is wetness in tha river Likewise in the rain clouds too, With a moist noss and a dampness Soaking, dripping thru and thru Ro the landscape saturated Though all kinds of wet abound There is dryness still i 1 Randon As the wck rnib- roll around. ANOTIIKI,' (.1(1 ST I Iti; PiiMrrful siorv l,Nlkrulliniil 1'nfuliP rd In "Mie ( b iiiiiitcMu W", .M"l I'nuirfiil u( Duimik' Work.. Nu Hum twwrful wi uum wu mar KmrUnti lluiti '"111 Vhumuwiiu I'mm" It HMMV VIVtii, Nll.tiHK 4ru$m, WU vr nHn Dim ii "tn CUimmmmm I W. Uu mum iMiffi ytmkmfihv tfUMl ""JV l 'llull ' i M - lfrMM tit WMtMid) Kwi i4mC at Up r rb ' t-i-44i, Mid MMt i. U li ... II. V .... t ft- (gm mmmU i mam without rcser-ation. Like a mighty river.t he drama rushes in a story strong and swift to its cataclysmic climax- 1'asstons fare and wills clash throughout tho production in a way that grips the spectator, holding jinn breahless in his chair till tho last groat .ireite ik reached and he well-nigh over whelming story of "The Clcmpicau 'nse" is tnmirht to its tremo.idoii!' end. Rriefly told, the story of this. ivoi Id-famous drama is as follows: Pieirie Clemeiiteau is brought uuj ike a Utile weed in a shabby board , na hou e in the slums of Puns.. Hi mother is a slruglir.g seamstress. His lather comes home one r.iph. pi . ininken rnge. He nl uses the v.oma:, with whom he has formal an iiu . i 1 Inr llianee. Then he flingy o.n o i the house forever. ; Years pass by. Pierre. has attaino.l tho dignity of Ins hrrt trou-eis. H. j is a pupil at a cheap boarding school His greatest cluin at school is a I.ui ' .ailed Andre. Andio invitoj Picmv to his home Audio's mother know n ! iectet of Piene s-pareiitage. She fos bids Andie to ttsociute with him. Rov like Andre tells tho other pupil, of tho school the story. Pierre II. d.- i 1 1 self shunned. He seeks out Amir, and gives- him a thrwshir-g. l-.on the little group of schoolboys who h. t watched the battle with hugh deb, : one hoy stands out as the crowd Ji solves. He is Riz Constuntin. "I know nullum: r.bout what Hip other chaps are saying." he says, "tiu! I like you. I'll bo your chum." Rita invites Pierre to visit at Rit? home in Paris. Ritz's father, the 1 elder Constantino a celebrated . oulp 1 tor. In Constuntin's studio, l'ieive id-1 ly takes up a lump of modeling clay I With natural skill hisli anils Uv.n1 forming it. Constuntin enters ami watches the boy. He is struck by tiu great natural gonitis Piene betrays The sculptor visits Pierre's mother. He tells hero ho will make Pierre a great sculptor. Ten years clajiso. The elder Cou stanlin gives a riotous studio party. Among the guests are the Countess Dobronowska. With her she brings lior stunning daughter, Iza, a young girl of striking beauty and sinuous fascination. The fires of unbridled passion smolder' in her dark eyes. 15a ron Sergius, whose escapades have made him known Ihrouhgout Paris as a Lothario, is another e;uist. The impoverished Countess sees Ser gius eyes fasten on Iza. She knows of his reputation but she moves haven and eaarth to force Iza into an "atrair" with the aobleman. Iza. wearied by the revelry, seeks an alcove where where there i -i ilruieil .oni'li with 1 w,,u" ,z:1, 1,0 "acKS 1101 l" -' leu ninlhS,.t.1; 1 r XY. .'Savons with Sergids. Iza becomes splendid young body out on the lounge ..,!...,. i;.i , ,; iv,i i .. i, i ofLMiK U " yL !L. . . in an aiuiiiiie oi Pierre starts iinse i t.. .i i... i iter, .jiimi. tiiun mic laiiLMiiiiir iiuiuus ... i e . . . . i ..... -n crowd comes romping into tho nook. .ou; "B ''".m, "fT v i . ? I "Hush!" cries Pierce, in terror for,, 8I1 his sketch. Rut it is too late. Iza'. f.r,1 . . .. "I i . 1 "T ; B ... , if i ,a th.,r qi,.. h.a makes her way to tho cemetary pear. He stands dumbfounded for . i. !' 'ln :r bl,c , Iwhere Pierre's mother who has been moment. A terrible shriek l.urM.. i .... i... "Mv i . nr i.,.t,.1 l ,nt hmnn to h"" shortly before lies. She sinks from Iza's lips. Pierre, with her lips ,v.,V.iL' iilill pressed to his, has swiftly and axnress your charms. saUl 1'ierro fe-r ... . n.... .. . !..... .n..i.. i. n... i,nn., umii. vchtly, Kiiz (treads what the outcome will lu. fnr In. h-.n ri.ml tvn'u trim nitnre nri!L l'soU,e aright, Sergius seeks out Iza's mother and quickly sees that the wo man is willing to bargain oil" her daughter's body. "Bring the gi -1 to nv at Monte Car lo" says Sergius. The hi'i-gain is struck Iza witli whom Pierre becomes madly infatuated, consents to pose for I him as "Innocence". Sergius wins Iza, abetted by tho be- autiful girl's mother oy falsely swear - II1IIIISI.1I II. 1IIIIIK IIII1I. Ill IIIIK I1IIH lllllLr- K II IILIV Mllllliril 1 1 IT I III 1 111 llllll kl , 111-11 ing that he means to marry her. Rut critics say that his worl; has lost it -bitter- disillii; iorment comes. Iza power. Ritz, now married convinced YouVe hit the right tobacco when you fire-up some Prince Albert in your old jimmy pipe or in a makin's cigarette. And you know it! Can't get in wrong with P. A. for it is made right; made to spread- smoke-sunshine among men who have suffered with scorched tongues and parched throats 1 The patented process fixes that and cuts out "bite and parch. All day long you'll sing how glad you aio you're pals with PR1NSE the national joy smoke You tnke this testimony titrnight from tho shoulder, mea YoucnnsmoUo n barrel of F. A. witl imit u hickl It bimda out n tho tobacco hnppinoB any man ever drwmwd arxiut, if m mnooth anil friundly. Il a mighty cheer lul thinu in b on tlkin trm with your ip unU you loniftw tit tho ma turn- but that' wJiut'n comfnff to you mini m you pit) yitur MUi t iruwi; AJU-rtl It, J, IW.YHOIM 'KtmKSXto COp WMm, H. C. 'Theda Bara" tho Vampire Woman in "The Clemenceau Case" Grand' Theater, Friday, January 7 leaves the Raron She conies to Pier- .o s studio. "Pieiie. I have come to give my answor", she cries. "I will marry you Pierre's love is Iflind. They are married. Sergius realizes that hir, love for Iza is the first deVent mission that has come into his life, lie fol lows her to Paris. Iza meets his ad vances. Ritz. loval to Pierre, sets himself to .... . i , .. .. . ... 'awjre of this. She knows that Ritz Tothwr.r. his inten "Watch your wife. She is false to "Watch your i 1 1 u 1 1 1 v viliu ill 11 im'Ulli 1 III IU i.uiui.ri mlahiihr ed his wife. He confosses to her his "niouuueu suspicious, imz, nuwuver, . P?aitiyo confirmation of the r .. : : 1 1 : i truth. At length he ontains it and ten:; Piene what he knows. With torriblr rage in his heart, 1'ierre seeKs oat Sergius. A duel is arranged. Sergiu i is run through. He dies almost im mediately, j Iza -still the Vampire woman, re-1 . vivos the news unmoved, for Sergus lias willed her his immense fortune. She and her mother leave for America ijom., a htoken man, works on, bat 1 TTi ii ii . HI, l Ml' C 1 1 a if r . . i I, S an easy " Ui'.'i'l.u M'ur "t 'unco llfliwlltt "'-y'Jj ALBERT H M hat a. complete change is what. Pierre :eeds to rctdnrc his genius, says, "Let us :ill iro to America." Pierre Hvoh with his friend and Irs wife. Ritz, in a Rroadway cafe one night meets "the most beautiful wo man in New York." Rits falls under the siien's spell. He neglects his wife, i'ieire. the friend, tracks RU and siinuises him with Iza. Husband ' and wife face each other across t'.c years, i.n is sun liiMimuuu n .. ' e.rre and he determines to use her to i . :.. e : . ... 1 l... r: save his trieiid. "Visit Iza at midnight, and you will find her in the arms of another man" he tells Ritz. Pierre then goes to Iza's apartment . She flings Iter arms about his neck and presses a warm, lingering kiss on his lips. At this instant Ritz nj terrible calm, Pierre picks Up tho te- 1 - i. u ..aIika i nn .in t le iiiunu. nu luiib jiui.ui: ..i;..i..,.i... i- ors. , . "i nave jusi cuieu my wue, ue says calmly "Send your men for me. 1 snail tie waning . "I liavo saved you for your wife," Pierre adds to Ritz. "As for mo, my heart died years ago." See this wonderful story at tho Grand Theater, Friday, January 7th 1910. Payette is promised a $.r(),00() hotel. Newport will have a radio station it an early date. 41 . mm mm u'iTIihJ I'HHf Alt., I II, II m ImfPf IHI ftfj Of I ItJt iJ Hh: I'J'i 'uijJiumf IMtumJ -itJ luill iMUatl hum! Jmt. 4ul IM llntl thltr