The Victrola brings the greatest Irtiv: r ngnt into voisr own home o i a i 0 a ( a I a I a I ! a I a I o i a i a I a I a I a I o I a I Athena Thanksgiving Silverware FOR that Thanksgiving Turkey we can furnish Athena carving sets large or small. In case you have Turkey broth we suggest Athena Bouillon spoons; or with the salad we have individual Athena salad forks; and for the cranberries we have an Athena berry spoon. "A piece of silver for every need" is our motto. Parker Fountain Pens Do you want to gives "him" or "her" an appropriate Xmas present?. All shapes All styles, All prices All sizes, They are self filling and non leakablo. Prices $2.50 and up. We engrave them free and furnish written guarantee for 1 year. Only genuine watch material used for repairs on all watches we work on. Work absolutely guaranteed. Boyle Jewelry Co. Phone 511 We carry no Accounts. EVERARD II. BOYLE, Mgr. Ellingson Building, Entrance on Alabama Ave. i"'-rrfT-'"' "mrr- i" unrnr 0 HANDON IIUMVITIIJS i) y 0. P. I'pe hr.ri bugiiiL'ss up tliu rivor Inst Pridiiy. J. C. Sullivuiu was a visitor nt Iluuvur Hill .Sunday. A. Ailolplison of DiMiinnik lind husi iinsn in thin city Wednesday. Al. (iiioriu lirciiRlit a lond of fat Iiok up from Ijuit,'lnis Munday. Rev. C. U. CroMR was a visitor at Pish Trap last Sunday afturuoou, eon ductine; scYvicus tliero. School clerk, C. Mnyne ICnilit lo j;in8 work tomorrow on tlio annual school census. Ralph U. Knocor, trnvelinp: aiulitor for tho stute industrial accidont coin iniggion is a visitor in tho city. Union services at tho l'resliytorian church ThnnksKivitiR morniiur at 10:80 Rov. C. U. Cross will prouch. Messrs. Katou, Tuttlo am! WhiUott 'are reported to have returned from a hunting trip to N'ew Lake with a total of (1ft ducks to their credit. Win. Ssllmor is tho man behind the Htm at present, his moving picture op erator hoine; nhgont iy Sai. Francisco on a visit to tho fair. Walter Suhin was absent from Thursday to Saturday of last wottk, huntiuu; in tho neighborhood of Ijinsr loig. Us brought liomo IS ducks. T. C. UuBfoll of the ctv. I mi no at llsflvor Hill will move to Hiumond vIIIb, WyoiuinK wher he will accept a good iiiiiiinif iosition. .Mr. and Mrs. T. 1'. Hanly leave on tlio Hllanlxth fur a visit in Smii Pran - eiseo when Mr. Hanly wilt intranet businoM in tlwit city. Geo. Ijilrd's born on hi ranli it rs tht) rivor farm Itivsrton will I aumph'tutl this wtmU ami his lmi' i lao iiwr rompktiun. UiImm AW of !! Ut-thuitist ChurcL will hki a lsf ir lunch un li nlir 1st, (n li" iiutMiiiir f..i-Hu-il tumiim- "A li. i ii Mm fsNMMis urirsw l i. H VmIHMI WuMIUIi) A NMUT'ilfiriMil I' ilui- iimIuUii III fit.' Mill lit Irt ft HWiJ 1 jySfcmg3fiKiM. iBBtWTIABR? IAIN PEN a. s, T-TA tin' T url.y O ne- s-t.ip- the leak. St; Us an. I si.'is for iery I).)dy I.ct us show tlicm to you. '-t mam tnr t-mrtf tnnt T-nmr The IC. I's. had a lurge crowd and all enjoyed a fine timo nt their annual hall last Saturday nitfht. Kausrud's orchestra furnished tho music. The ladies who have charge of tlio youthful uctors who aro to appear in the K. 1. llall Dec. 11th are drilling them constantly and promise an en erUiinmnut of merit. Snbro llros. liave recently uulai-Red tnd improved their window display itand enr.hliiiK thorn to displny their ivares to the juiblic in a nioro nttrnct ive form. Dou'L overlook the special school mooting to ie held in the high school huildhiK next Monday ovonhiK to con--tidcr ti special school tax ns ndvur tised elsewhore in tills issito. You will lie of.thrnllod by tho powor timt tho Vampire oxerts ovor her victim In" A Pool There Was". Dont fail to see this wo i id or fill picture nt the Ornnd next Friday. The wedding of Miss Illsnche Stitt, daughter of tiie former editor of tho Recorder took place at her home in in Monmouth, Nov 18. Tlio Kwnun Wns C!uy C. Scheible, a respected citizen of the normal town. Hud Turpcn, well known architect of Mars! field was drowned in the waters of Coos bay lust Sunday fore noon, lie wns fishing in rin open boat when tiie accident happened, llis body wns recovered Sunday night. The show windows of the lioyle Co. aro still eclipsod. N'ew windows ar rived on the in st Elizabeth and they were of the right dimensions, but an accident when they were itcing put in position :.nd ono of them wus broken. 1 When the ISlisabetti comes beck alte ' . r will bring up another. li IT .f?""" f l,Mr ,,rook,yn ! has laid oir for a couple of trips and A pictu-e yen ean nevar forget "A Captain Uieky lias Uken his place. P.m.I Thuiv Was" impossible to des-; Lucky was first mate on tho lilisa ril.. in forv, power id megidft. beth for couji of yeurs and sur- " ot Theda Ue- prised his many fruiuU in thi ity ih. V Hr you must im her in, when lie appeam! In p.nt in ronunand un iii"-Uu4i tu 4ppeiate herari - of a boat and just in time to take In It- tremendous- Ciand Tine tiff next the X. P. ball ut Dieemland Hatur Krnbo , Nov mlwr M. Regular pHeee day night. Tb.. fuiluMUts; la tt lint J.J t. . ". ' r tin- i. it iistifc ww tew arrived Watitf- w.. . ei., ,., , l Si '" " 1 w; ' ' t9 Ml, JpMMe HtsUU, A- U.U Sfu U van tmm, w. mm- ia, HsAmw4 t , pwsseft ew) VilRNfeMMNW I. mmmm wmm,mr For the girl For the hoy, For the wife For the husband fv-rttfrfm umrr-i-r-rmt' tnr The ball of the year will be that to e given by Occidental Chapter in ireamlnud Thanksgiving night. Spe cial music. Tho following is the re ception committee: Mrs. Win. frame Miss Knto Rosa, Mrs. S. Oallier, Mrs. Herbert Drown, J. W. Mast, C. R. Wade, J. Ira Sidwoll, C. P. Pup. li. II. Thrift lost a flno horse locent ly when his team ran away with a plow. Chas Gerbor was driving the team at tho time of the nccident. Tlio swinging plow:.l..uc sliuck tiie ani mal in n hind log cutting oil" that moni tor just above tho hoof. The horse was n bny and was worth $l.r0. Mrs. O. I.ewin loaves on tho Iiliza loth for a visit with her daughter, Miss Ottilio who is attending school nt tlio University of Cnlifomin at fterkeloy. Mrs. I.ewin will nlso at tend tho fair during closing days and visit with relatives and friends in the vicinity of tha bay. Herbert Purnoy was one of tlio pas Hungers up on tho Brooklyn but found on arriving, that owing to consolida tion of the local bout lines that his joli ns ongineor on the Charm had taken wings and doparted. Ho will serve the Klizaboth on her next trip down. Mrs. D. Averill left yosterday on the Charm on her way to Portland to join husband and children who are already established there. During the absence of Mrs. Trowbridge visiting n San Francisco Mrs. Averill kept house for O. A. Trowbridge. Mr. Aver ill is running a moving picture house tlu! Oregon metropolis eaaad ahesri twM 4: wWa wW mi Im til .L ..a " ww mmm are attre Uu W4t-M i. 'i.i u. 'i lit '-t-' CT8 Elman 'tW-FrWL it'll ; . mm Sacrcd Ji Music, 14.13 VA'Ml Ul - s?; Telephone M. G. Pohl In Gay Company lCditor Handnn Recorder: Tlinnks for taper. It goes the rounds. There are lilVerent Coo:i county people here and hey rejoice to hear something from dd friends. Today tliero is Teachers' , Kxnminntion and there are between six and seven thousand teachers here. Many of the young Indies should re ceive beauty prizes. Without blushing, i n old song comes to me. "Oh, 1 should like to marry If I could only find A handsome, fair young lady lust suited to my mind." Rut what show has an old fellow i like me so I give it up and - lay I . ivonld like to say "neutral" but tin tford now-a-days is not in the Amer ;can dictionary It moans nothing but Tory for mo. In San Diego, proper, from January , 1st to Nov. 1st, 815 babies have arriv i od to give pleasure to their parents. It is expected that by Dac. 31 the list will be a thousand. $75,000 has boon raised and the ex position will ho kept open for another year. Exhibits from Cauda and South America nro expected. The drouth of nearly six mouths is broken. Wo have had three or four showers you up tliero would cnll them fogs. Themnniotor nights at 52 and at noon 08 'to 75 degrees. With Greetings to Friends, M. 0. POIII. Kntcrlainment anil Pond Sale An entertainment and food sale will lie given by the ladies of St John's V5Srr Victrol(.$lSto$3r.O. Victors $10 to $100. , t & , , . Lisy tciuu cn bo nrrnngcil if c'csircil. xvi V t.ixj Sabro Cfiiild in the rooms former y nrrupied .. ,, 4 .. ,. 1 goers all o' er the world. Starting his by tho lioyle Jewolry storo Wodnesday J M,KU curl.,.r whh MnW( ii,)rllmritt afternoon and evening. The food stale J Mr. Joso plujeil iinictically ovory clas will be held in tlio afternoon. In lliej'"1' ro,u " th"t uctress's roportolre. evening ice cream anil ice cream and who will be nervml. There will be a llsh pond for il..- children and a gypsy foitune t.-l ler will be pr.te.nt to leveal Ike future When h pi "dun d Cyinno do llciuera' to all wlio are curious as to what thy i lustra ml' brilliau: play in Paris, one liuvi- iii Mtore fur tMmslveM. Im but Kit Iiii, Hill Ih m given by tin Knli. D.iii Im ifi in ruHu mimI hi lug le ilill'llrii Jf s twiuerv deal u whil it, 1 i Tlnmir. tut It is all artists and all instruments in one. It enables you to hear the greatest singers and musicians in your own home just the same as though you were hearing them in person. It brings to you their actual living voices and superb art absolutely true to life c cry flltl f m ... n 41 . . 4 1 . . . A 1. ,J 1... 4.1 n AV' -ffmXv iv-iiuiLiwu as alllsls incmseivcs. . Get a Victrola S la and r. i r mi iiiiiiy Ul lllU.Ml. com mane. i - ! i .,, , yZ VVp ' vonicin.nuiwellsliow .X KsA A aJ play any music you vi v " ami we II sllow) j'i ana play any music you Undo V ' ' rf. .' ' 1 1 m, Broth The Victor Agents 751. BANDON, OREGON Splendid Cast of Famous Players in the William Pox Production Extra ordinary of "A Pool There Was". Headed by such famous players as Pdward Jose and the notable Parisian actress, Theda Hnra, the cast assembl ed for the William Pox Production of "A Pool There Was", Porter Pmor son llrowne's powerful drama of a siren and hoi victim, is in overy sense a romurkahr distinguished one. The piny which is released in its screen form by The 15ox Oflico Attractions Co., calls for acting ability of tho very nignesl order, i.ot only in its princi pal cliararli r; but also in the minor lolos, ever' . ..3 of which is import ant. .... I.M. ,...! i...... , i, i.. il u W,B wu" rnnriii una no loHrnwi tnr s.iiue in careiin attention i detail ut h Ims sameil him the ,.allM. uf The Wnrfiehl of the Movies" n f his Mud i ws ttw "iIiviimi Morah" Im hi ml. ii'ii'istuls vd bun on his M r lilll I I Will nJ Vo.' mhufv she wa ImWII t MUlilVIII III ' Hi i UtU- , , .Mi nt the end He ' Hinaw tape I1'! mu4 by a, m.m. m eemprnweiit t mmut tl pM ( thf ' iMItMfli1 itut'mm Maata il is interpreted uy i iic" have all this woiulcr- i ... illWIIVS UL VOU1 lllSUllll . . oil the vatious styles ot tllu Vli'tic i wish to hear. a? .'4 . ers them. Tl e '.owns she wears in role, in t'icniselves, cost a small for tune niui were deigned largely ny M.-, Kara htrf-clf. Other important mem,)--s of t' o I. lent cast of "A Pool The i Va" u C 'ifford Rruce an actor of distinction and ability, Victor Honoit, a wel1 known juvenilo man of wide expen once and authority, Miss May A 11 1 o i, known as the most beautiful wom'i l in the pictures," Mabel Premyear, u i actress of exceptional grace mil charm and little Runa Hodges, with jin this country. Taken all in all it can bo said that "A Pool There Wa," i cast as few pictures have ever been It is not a case of one big name and the rest just "fillers". Every nctoi' and actress was selected by Director ( Powell after a long process of elimi nation, i ne lact tnnt auss nam was brought from Paris especially to play the vampire-woman attests to this as well as does the prominence of the other players. A 25c Feature Production to he shown at the Grand Theater, Friday, November 20 nt the regular adnu -sion price 15c and 5c. Tell your friends. Mrs. C. U. Zeek of Handon who wa . here last Saturday attending the mei-t- ing of the Pomona Grange, is in tec t ed in the proposed homo for at' 1 motliars tlir.t the Women's lieli' f Corps of Oregon contemplates ere." ing in this State as soon ac the nunev can be raised. There aro -13 Corp. i tlio Stute with a membership of up proximately .'1,000, and Mrs. Zeek i ' '"What a fim start wo would '.uvu ti ward that iiuildiig fund if each in. i bor would denuto one dollar " S would like to see ull the Corps in ( county take hold and help raiso U.i fund Myrtle Point Hnterpnse. Juvenile Hook Week Tlio Hoy Scouts and the I.ibrarn Oregon dim cn-npurutiiig In an ol n. Hticu of Juvenile Hook Week, been niiig Kovumbur twenty night Tl I llbiery will lwv an exhibit if n,- of Utt howke lialed In (In Golden M j. i. l sliild's luiine llbieiti At ., i Um'J Miraiiaji's MdertioN ut 'h.,i, l tut l(ee( JueUd Umki" Ail pnei iiiU u-nted in ifejsi mSflg BC x'l.i.u if invited U outlaw twit 4 v mm mm . Op Mtu J mtkm mm tym a mmf