L RKPORT OF THK CONDITION OF THE BANK OF BANDON AT HANDON, IN TUB ST ATI OF ORF.GON, AT THK CLOSE OF HX'SINKSS NOVUM DKR 10TII 1915. - RIt)URCIlSi Loans ami Discounts .... Ojcrdraru, secured and unsecured llomls ami Warrant Slock anj other Securities - - ' . H.inUtig House Furniture anil Fixtures -Oilier real estate imnrd . . . Due from h.uiks (not reserve banks) . Due from approved reserve lunks -Checks aiul oilier cutli items - - , Kxpenses - - - - -Cash on liaml ..... Total ...... LIAItll.lTIRSi Capital stock uiil in -.-Surplus fund, ..... . Undivided profits, lest expenses antl taxes ptiM Due io Hanks ami Hankers ..... Postal savings lank ilcpotits ...... Imli"du.il ileposits subject to clieck .... Demand certificates of deposit ... . Certified Chrcls ........ Time ami Savings Deposits .... Hills payable for money borrmved; Liabilities oilier than those alios e ttalctl Letter of Credit Total ...... STATU OK ORKfiON, Cou.vrv or Ctxi.s. F. J. Faliy. Cashier of the above named Umk, do sol emnly swear that the above statement is tine to the best of mv knowledge and' belief F. J. Fahy, Cashier Subscribed and sworn to before me this22ud. diy of Nuemher 1915 (ieo 1'. Topping, Nolan Public. Correct Attest: C. V. Lowe, R. II. Rosa, F. I. Ilanly, Directors. DHATII OF MRS: MARY IIUKIJKIt Mrs. Samuel Hreucr died at lior homo in this city Nov. 5th, aged GO years. Mrs. Mary Hreucr (nee Klischer) was born at Gnluitz, Hiiugnria, ISu ropo, September 11, 1850 , came to America in 1882 and at the k of 2:1 j oars was married to Sanuiol Ureuer, three months, Mr. and Mrs. Hreucr moved back across tho water to liur old home in Ilungnria. 1880, thoy re- ttirnud to America and settled in Coos County, Oregon, and have since re s' Jed in and near Myrtle Point. Deceased whs tho mother of nine t lildron-tliroo sons and six daughters two of tho latter having proceeded tho mother to tho great beyond; there are nlso seven grandchildren. And be Mdes these and her husband, Mrs. l!reuor leaves one sister, Mrs. Threse .lerman of Myrtle Point, a hulf-bro-t tor, who resides nt Philadelphia' and host friends in Coos County to i uiurii her tlomiso. In her youth the subject of this ohi jary united with tho Lutheran church nd in 11)02, she united with tho church f the Hrethren af Myrtle Point. She I ways lived a true Christian life. Funeral services were held at 11:00 'clock in the forenoon of Sunday, No x ember 7, 191f, at the church of the nrothren, Rev. Thos. Harklow having charge of the last sad rites. Intor i lent was made al the Inm Creek cemetery Myrtle Point FJnB'rprisc. iim KuV-i lolA From the Coiiuilie Sentinel So far the docket for the J'omber term ofcourt is almost ImiA of erim 1 cases; and unless somebody breaks loose pretty soon thoto will be practi cally uotlti.ig in that lino to be tried. Major Morrison and the o'.her busi- i -ss tn.-'n wtio went down to Natulan Tuesday right to attond tho monthly meeting of tho Coos County Minima Men'-- ssociation report a profitable 4i ltd enjoyable mooting and a splendid I a liquet. Tuesday an immonso fir, tree fell cross the Coos Huy wagon road out beyond J. D. I ji I id's completely block in the way go that tho passengers from Rosoburg for this place had to walk five miles to tho auto stage on this side of tho canyon and got in horo too late to catch the train. One can imagine tho disgust of the ( 'no- Hay pirate after oxorling them ilves strenuously for several hour to g-t a barrel of whiikoy tiihore to fn d whin they tupped it tlmt tho ran tents were dill picklue. new ruling has been received by Poanuister l.iimgur which prohibit parcel pout being Hunt under apeeiul d livery privilege. Ilomtnfare purr ils muld be i on toil overland if tlx penal delivery stump wna atUebw.1 I ut on in count of the excessive weight 1'URE DI'lKiS Do you want puro drii ami (Inij; tuuuiricg, lino pcrfumon. hnir KiIinIii,.. Hllll l')lllt MlteM U m en 1 1 on r r. jo HiHHi.Hi 11 1,049 S5 l.iSC 62 7J.2J5 59 10,300 m 3,1100 00 ,0f.r. 9 . -HI IS - 23,111 42 631 80 35,178 S3 - ?26,20S U 50,000 00 17,1100 00 . 7,418 90 1,292 63 lf.2, 349 7S 4,')2 31 531 32 20,033 26 - 1,290 00 $264,201! 22 the department has deemed it best to prohibit the practice in the futuro.Now , the only route for parcel post is by I ...l.l.l. n : u iu.n, i 1 1 1 u 1 1 ill. una iiiiiu is sui unsat isfactory. Coqtiille nierclinnts havo been hav ing mighty hard luck in getting goods since tho Hreakwater went olf the run. Thoy first tried the Ahwanoda and it took her a month to got horo; then the Santa Clara and everything was lost; and this week the Kilbiirn, loaded with everything needed groceries, dry goods, dealers' holiday stocks of all kinds and printers' .supplies by tho ton has been spending the week danc" ing attendance on two bars. Miss Lydia Marstors of Gold Iicach is hero visiting at tho home of her brother and sistor Mr. and Mrs. J. G Russell, of Acme Dairy Produce, Mist Lydia may remain with her sister all winter C. C. Loader. .loin Zoppi of Seattle, Washington is here looking after the interest of his farm and visiting at the homo of Mr. and Mrs. Chits. T. Hlinneniothei of New ImUv. Mr. Zuppa expects to j move his family on tho farm in the spring C. C. Leader. W. M. Russell, who has been work- . .ii si .i i , i ing at the nttiiea quit there mat week. ., . ... ,, ' Mr. Russell snya Its getting cold and I snya Its getting snow on the uioutitr.iuB up at the min es C. C. Loader. T II E C A P T I V E A war drama of most extraordinary force. A Paramount Feature Tho pieturixation of "Tho Captive", the famous drama by Cecil B. De Mille and Jeanio MnePhorson in which ! Blanche Sweet apponrs for tho soeond ' time as a star under tho Usky mana-' gemont is a war drama of most oxtrti- ordinary force. Though tho plot may ' be said to develop mainly through the 1 love of a young Turkish noble for a Montenegrin pensnnt woina'i the at- j mosphere of conflict is siwUinod . throusrhout. Indeed, the Turkish i noble and the peasant girl arc brought together only owing to tho fact that the noble is a prisoner of war, ami is assiifpl to the girl to do the noeos snry work on hor littJo farm. At ihe ope lit g of tlie dr. mil pitch ed bsutle between the Turkish troops and tho Montenegran penaanta is aliown most graphically. And the cli iikix of the entire photodraina is reach es! when n mauraudiug column of Turkihh troop capture the a"iH' vil lage. Mr. Ilnusj Piter who ph.yesl the leading mile Mile with Mis Sr -t in ' The Uitrien of Virginia", kImi head her MipMii tuiir i iiinMtii)' in thi pn duct urn To I itiui. jit the li .iiul 'tifulii nun iu vv i, I..,- sssssssBsssWsssssssW aMMMMMnMMHM lit' I. Kr, 4,. tUM .1.., 41.1 Ki""st fciilit 11..,!., 'l S, D. Bar row r ll S Mm ..Ml . m i a, . i , a m ta. M SS ' . I. 4t . i 4 k km) m . THANKSOIVINO Allknowing and Almighty God I Who tniides us throuch the dark unknown, Unheeding our pretending power, To wilk that slippery way, alone. That dim tomorrow that wo seek, And wish for all it can bestow, It's ending known to Thoe alone, Who only knowest whero we go. And so, this one day of the year, Wc come with gratitude and love For peaceful ways, for pleasant days, For common things, we think not of Since tho early days of November the I-aFolletio soman's bill has bean ! in clfect and tho eyes of all interested in shipping have been turned toward it to note its olrcct upon American commerce on the high seas. So far the tendency has been to emphasise the points of conflict with the employer's interest and the actionof tho Dollar company in transferring its ships en gaged in Oriental trade from the American to the British registry has been hailed as a prophetic omen of disaster. Hut it must not bo supposed that an act tlmt has been debated through half score of Congresses nr.d finally passed by both houses and signed by the president, can be whololy without good that may be said in its favor. Therefore tho first years trial of the measure will bo a matter of groat interest to shippers. Such shippers as the Dollars claim that they can not compote with Jap aneee boats and still comply with the provisions of this law which would re sult in raising the wages of sailors enraged in foreign trcde and in chang ing the regulations of saa life as to make competition with the little Or- j0J1jnj jm ,ossj,e ., J. h . ' Th Dollar boats which now will un load their cargoes at British Colum bia ports instead of in U. S. ports arc manned by Chineoso sailors. The provision especially objected to J puts down certain regulations on ves sels clearing from American ports.. Friends of the bill contend that it will raise the wages and standards of living for sailors all over the world. They claim that foreign vessels put ting in at American ports will bo de parted by their crews anil no new erews can bo taken on except under the standnrds as outlined in the bill. That tho word will soon spread among sailors that a stop at an Amor ii in port will mean increaso in wag es and improved living conditions and tho result will bo tho improvement of co dition of railors all over the world, favor of the bill is that the Japanese tilrtt.a mill .iiiini iml.w ...... .- "mi vuiiiv uimi-i liiu .iiiii: toll . ... . . . ,, . ,, . . ditions. It is claimed that the Jap has , , . , , j la'vei i'wii Known io romHo it cuniu'o to bot'?r himself financially and along with the adoption of Europern cus toms will be a readiness lo take ad vantage of this Yankee scheme for their own improvement. It is readily admitted that if the bill will do what is claimed for it, this will bo done in a short time and the work ing of the bill will be watched with intoiest. We huuard tho opinion that if this condensed fog lasts much longer some one will havo to constitute a relief ,,arty for Captain Wiren when he goos out to gauge the precipitation. A FEW THINGS TO BE THANKFUL FOR That while turkeys may be scarce n wild duck or lwm nmk-n. ... n..tv fair substitute. That locnl ranchers no longer com plain thnt the ground is too dry for plowing. Hy Editor Cnmeron That his lot has been cast in a comnunity whore the HiMcrin! for his unique heart to lieait talks is mj plentiful. Hy the C. B .pirMes that they can fill in the dot.iil. when the list of ble oiiifs i nifiitio u-d. Let 'er Rain! If you've a man's work to do. wear Tower PikJi Brand Reflex ' Slicker .$.3.00 The eoat itwi kw JUI flsV Urn ram. Mr itff IrtajH rMawtM In al liur Umtn. iMawMsia.Mi ft UjJ fki stlal - A J i nuMtit fin. f1; By tho tanmitor who htult tlos o; poles into Itandor. by most any old ap proachWell tha lnt report was thu ru was rtill huntintr In tho mud fi ..soothing; to be thankful' for nnd hu not yet reported. Hy the common council that the-, havn't yet been blamed for the wrec , of the Santa Clara. Hy Marshall llolman that he does not lmve to wet down the street this month. From the Gold Beach Globe A cattle buyer by the name of Not ley from Ferndsle Humboldt Co. Cnl. is in this vicinity for the purpose of i buying cattle. The price ottered is $27.00 for ysnrling steers, $-15.00 for two year olds and $50.00 for three year old steers. ( Wo understand that ho has purchas ed quite a number at these figures thtoughout the country. Dr. Robbins was called to Pistol River twice last week to see Ed. Law rence who is suffering from partial stroke of paralysis. " The lower por tion of hre body was paralyzed. The Doctor says it is a serious case but in time thinks he will fully recover. While the locality has been blessed with an unusual amount of good weather this fr.H, winter with all its glory ts now upon us. A few days ago tho near by mountains wore whit ened with snow for a short time nnd at this writing the country is envelop ed in ii brisk southerly wind nnd a heavy down pour of rain. Tho Rustler arrived in the harbor early Sunday morning over a rather shoal and lumpy bar. The Roatnor at tempted to cross but bumped on tho bar, swinging around and went to sea and "hit the high places" back tot he bay. Tho Rustler is loaded with mer chandise for the new store for this side exclusively, and tho Roatnor is said to havo a capacity loud of general freight for Gold Roach, most of which is for I). M. Moore. A quiet wedding occurred at the home of tho brides parents, Mr. and Mrs,. J. G. Porterfield, Sumlny Nov. th when their eldest and accomplish ed daughter. Miss Lucille was made the bride of Archie Collins. Tho bride grow to womanhood in this locality and her friends are limited only to her circle of acquaintances. The groom is an industrious young man from Douglas county who.lms worked for Geo. Dunn the past year and is still holding down his job on the farm, while the newly made bride has taken charge of the culinary c.id of tho Dunn home. The Globe joins the many friends of V.i ycung couple in wish ing thorn a long life, brim full of wed- ed bliss. Tho Universal Rattlesnake Jim, who quietly slipped into our sanctum on last press day, with the best inten tions to provo himself a good fellow and help get out the belated issue, turned to and folded papers for us ami in doing so, got a few papers of old papers mixed up with the current is sue which were sent out. Neither the editor nor the foreman noticed the mistake until some of our subscriber. was heard from at least two different post offices. Not knowing who all may have received one of those old papers, and as the last issue contain ed the proceedings of the County Court, the Budget and the Summary of Assessment, giving the valuation of the several school and road districts which every taxpayer should keep on file, we reprint this much of hist issue in an effort to square ourselves with our disappointed readers of lastweek. with a promise that if another char acter like Jim comes along before our thinkbox gets congested with a con glomeration of three or four dialocts yodling laughing hyena stunts, hag pipe soranades, sacred Ixiritouo solos, etc., wo will burn up nil the old paper.-, in the shop before the press starts. Gold Beach Globe Altoonn, Pa. Unable to speak above a whisper for four years, Mtss Mnllie Frisch, an invalid from pulino nary trouble, awoke from a dream in which alto tluHlght she approached death, antl found that she could speak IterfecUy again. She declares she is going to get well. NO IIRLP FOR SAIL LIFTER No sympathy from the district at torney's otttee was asmired by a fish erman named Stinson from Empire, who laat availing aputered bfor Judge I'eanoek and later Mr. Uljeq vut, askinc what could Ut don with men who had Uk n from him the fore nail of the Hani Clara winch Im tirouirht away from the ahi. lie was UtM thai iMrthj.iK rotiM l rion and auriukvfully l went home sy the l assta Hay Tim. (alii mi tens u JsMf)tf" I'mltUmk M' i- r-lif u. htt WlM isVIIM fa H' M i iw JtfaW lh M u ' i - i to fail th faWl "' ' II. ' 4 shad 4 tM i M ah. IM H' MI W lite 1rjV I i Imp Ow lU) lU4 Mf Ml ftflttf Vfta HHng Who wouldn't be thankful for a Victrok on Thanksgiving! Everybody enjoji its dcliR!.ttul music and every hostess will be glad to have the Victrola lic!j in the entertaining. Such a splendid instrument is something fur which to be truly thankful 1 Come in and ue'll gladly demonstrate the Victrola and play your favorite music. The Victrola shown in illttMratiiin is the Victrola IV $150 Other styles $15 to $350. Victeis $10 to $U0. E,y term,, if do.ro'j. O SABKO HK The Victor Telephone, 751 lit oil la.ul . guarded it. Somo suppose friends They aid the jcb so well I said Stinson, thi.t the sail disnppeared He said, it is worth about $150 to $200 "I got some othor things from the wreck. Some bncon, flour and a fow sicks of potatoes too." With the beach filled with people anxious to Set what -hey could, Stinson and his ( wife had a hrrd job keeping what they got. "isne nait to sit ngnt there o.i aveiything," he told the judge. "And nice, while she was sitting there a man came along and hooked a slab of bncon and started otf." Mrs. Stinson was well prepared for this emergency. She pulled a revolv er out of her coat and yolled, "Hey bring that back." It came in a hurry. Hut the fisherman got little aid from the officers and has gone homo to do vi'os some plan of getting back the forces'l of the Santa Clara. DRY ROT IN BUILDINGS As a result of investigations recent ly made by Mr. C. J. Humphrey, Path ologist in the Department of Agricul ture, it has been found that dry rot in 'mill constructed" buildings in Wash ington and Oregon is due, in all tho cases roportcd to ignorance and gross negligence on the part of the users of wood as structual material. It has boon found that timber intel ligently used unilor normal conditions will not rot, and furthermore that dry rot is easily preventable. In 00 per cent of the cases reported, the cause was insufficient ventilation in the building or around the timbered joints A lack of fresh air and heat creates a moist and musty atmosphere con ducive to the growth of fungi. It is well known that decay often starts in a damp cellar. Soini'mes lumber Itecomcj infect ed with dry rot in the yard or shed of the mill and is Mien ignora..t'.y or .ieg gligontly sold for building purposes. Yard infection is usually caused by itnpropor piling of the lumbor. The lumber is not piled so thnt there is a free circulation of air throughout or with sufficient slope to permit the rain to run otf. In tho shed the infection is generally caused by contact with a moist floor. Mr. Humphrey's study hac undoubt edly revealed th fact that dry rot is not only preventable but unnecessary Bargain Offer! WEEKLY OKECONIAN, ONE YEAR, $1.50 BANDON RECORDER, ONE YEAR, $1.50 13oth Pnpops to January, 1017, For $2.50 AddivKH, Ktwi'dcr Publishing Co. Bnndon, (Jjvon . mm OTHERS Agents, HAM)0, ORKfiON SHERIFF'S SALE OF REAL PROP ERTY. ON FORECLOSURE. NOTICE IS llKRbUi imu.., l.u'i by virtue of an execution and order of sale duly issued out of the circuit court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Coos and to me directed on the 13th day of September, 1916, upon a judg ment nnd decree duly rendered, en tered of record and docketed in and by said Court on the Sth day of Septem ber, 1015 in a certain suit then in said Court pending, wheroin J. H. Gould was plaintiff and C. M. Smith, Anna M. Smith, his wife C. R. Wade et al, were defendants in favor of plaintiff and against said defendants by which execution I am commanded to sell tho property in said execution and here inafter described to pay tho sum due the plaintiff of Six hundred seventy one and no-100 Dollars, with intorust thereon at the rate of six per cent per annum from tho Sth day of September 1015 until paid together with the costs and disbursements of said suit at Soventy-soven and 70-100 Dollars and costs and expenses of said execution I will on Thursday, the 23rd day of Doeombor, 1015 at tho hour of 10 o'clock, A. M. of said day at the front door of the County Court House in Conuille, Coos county, Or egon, soil at public auction to tho highest bidder for cash in hand on the day of sale, all the right, title, interest and estate which said defendants, C. M.' Smith, Anna M. Smith and C. R. Wade and all persons claiming under them subsequent to the plaintiff's mortgage lien in, of and to said ronl property, said mortgaged premises hereinbefore mentioned are described in said oxe ci'tion as follows, to-wit: All of lot five in block one in O'Niol's Addition to the town, (now city) of Bnndon, Coos county, state of Oregon, as par pint thereof on file nnd of record In the of fice of the County Clerk of Coos coun ty, Oregon. Said sale being made subject to re demption in the manner provided by law. Dated this loth day of September, 1915. ALFRED JOHNSON, JR., Sheriff of Coos County, Oregon Ik I f PsssssssV M If. 1