ANDON RECORDER THE Handon Hy-the-Sea has the Prettiest Beach on the Coast BANDON, OREGON, NOVEMBER 23, 1915 VOLUME XXXI NUMBER 46 CONSOLIDATION OF RIVER BOATS Myrtle Poinl Transportation Company sorbs Coquille River Co. Anil Makes New Schedule Ab- II was announced Saturday that the (oquillc River Transportation com ,.,iny had sold out its interests on the liver to the Myrtle Point Trannpor l ition company nnd that the latter would handle the business of both companies, The move will also mean tiiu end of the warfare that has iVs uirhed river business for some time putt. With the purchase the boats Charm and Coquille pass into the hands of the Myrtle Point company and will be opernted by them on a reg ular schedule. The complete schedule- of river transportation will bo as follows: The Charm, with Allen, I'anter as pilot and Sherman Huliord as engin eer will leave Hamlon nt (5:!10, a. m. and at 12:30, I), in. connecting willi the trains to Marshfield. The Tele graph with Walter Panter as pilot and Wm. Panter as engineer will leave liandon at 8:00 a. in. nnd will connect Willi the train to Powers, leaving Coquille- for the rot urn at 2:00, p. in. and making only one trip a day. The steamer Coquille will leave Co quille nt 7:00, a. in. and returning will leave liandon at 2, p. m. making oio trip a day. Stacy Panter is the new pilot and Carl Donaldson the on j'ineer. The only opposition on the river is the old, reliable Dispatch which will kc ip its usual schedule, leaving Han dui at 7:00 in the morning. x The stock of tho Coqiiillu Uiver com pany was'C.;W'XBhtQnia!Hl W. Schctter. O. It. Wilianfwas formerly interested in the company tuitl was pilot of the Charm during the i ij-s of her newness, but parted with 1 s interests Inst summer. The hopes of the Myrtle Point com j iny have centered in the steamer j degraph which in speed and ease of 1 nulling has proved herself able to l icet most any kind of competition. ra ho control of tho Myrtle Point com ) any is vested mostly in the Panter family which is large enough to ofll car a whole licet of boats. They have proved competent to hold their own in uver trallic. A strong clement in fnv a" of this company is the mail con tract. They have had undisputed pos . ssion of the trallic from Coquille to Myrtle Point and now becomes domi nant in passenger Unfile all along tho line. Tho Pronto which was bought last summer for use where speed was need ed will be laid up during tho winter and will not bo used except by special charter. Alleged Thief Released Geo. T. Wickline was arrested Mon day on a John Doe warrant sworn out I y II. W. Donahue and charged with having robbed the till in the Donnoy Coffee House, taking therofrom $7.8! t.nd a w.itch and chain. The watch uiid chain ami part of the money was recovered and volutarily delivered to the Marshal Frank llolman. The man appeared to be unfortunate in securing work, and was both 'broke' nnd hungry at the time the act is al leged to have been committed. There h emed to be no evidence to connect him with the crime other than his own i utements procured by the ofiicers, huh statements npHured to hat been made by tho defendant either tnrotigh fear or hope of immunity, and i.t the time of the preliminary hearing o one appeared to pro the prnsecu ti in, ami many statements wore made in hi i behalf by those who happen! to know the defendant. Tim ease win il'sml-ssi-d for want of prosecution, ami (lie defendant aut nt liberty. Half Hi ill mi nt Golden Rule Tie tiohhm Ruin iww Uoki very i mfoiinble in iu uw limit. Hy taar mit I In- Imrb H4ltUkMM Ut Ml )Mii' V i f Hie JllllftMH iMlihlltltf l fT'.lll . i ijiki'l but tin wlttd l AUl full I Th' HIV lll olfalMtf faftfgMM i mi i he ...l.U-i. HuU a way fMiiu iUi i-U mi mu l I', a JWl.ii' 1 1 ( mi$U aa 50?$i(5)mmmi5)(9(?)(30Si ' REASONS WHY HANDONI ANS v SHOULD HE THANKFUL ') Hy Major Ceo. I'. Topping A &i A Proclnmation WHEREAS, tho President of the United States and the Governor of the State of Oregon have set apart Thursday the ttlith, day of November, as a day of Thanksgiving, and WHEREAS, it is customary for ex ecutives of tho various cities and towns throughout the SUito to issue Thanksgiving proclamations. Thorcforc in following up a well established and splendid custom, I hereby take this opportunity of urg ing the people of liandon to celebrate in some fit and proper way as may best appeal to their conscience, the day of Thanksgiving proclaimed hy our President and Governor and among the many things for which we ought to be thnnkful I would respectfully sug gest the following few: We should first bo thankful for be ing citizens of a Christian Nation where all may worship according to tho dictations of their conscience. For health and tins benefits of comfortable homes and life in a com munity whore suffering for want of proper food and clothing is seldom known. For the fnct that our nation is not one of tho belligerents in the worlds bloodiest war. , For life is a locality where crop failures arc never known and the boun tiful fruits of the land are available to all. For the fact that our community is neither stricken with contagion or epe demic. t For this fact Hint we live in a lo cality where greed or avarice play but a small part and where all men arc equal who live just and up right. GEO. P. TOPPING -r Mayor City of Handon TliVhwnnecda which has beoiiTo ing nothing for several days of the week past because of a broken wheel will take a load of coal from Rivcr ton to Portland. BUSINESS MEN TO INCORPORATE Movement to This End Made At Meeting Tuesday Night " At tho meeting of the business men of Coos county held in this city last Tuesday night Mr. Merrick of tho state credit association was present and held forth tho advantages of a connection with tho larger organiza tion that it was formally voted to in corporate the Coos coilnty association and go in as a part of the state organ ization. Nominations wcro also made for members of the executive board and as vice presidents, to be acted on at tho next meeting of the association in North Pond in February. The following are tho nominations for the uxecutivo hoard: Ilorton, Wol gast, Mapes, Powers, Montgomery, Lewis, Mulonoy, Rotnor, Harvey, Cop ule. Vico Presidents: O. A. Trowbridge John Dickey, Hondo: W. Ljjons, II. Furnhum, Coquille; Dr. Johnson, J. Iluling, Myrtle Point. An interruption occurred to tho meeting when the alarm of flro wn sounded and many wont out to ascer tain tho extent of tho trouble. There will bo no school on tho Fri day followi'ig Thanksgiving. In the past so many pupils Imvo goi.o home for Thanksgiving .ind Imvo not boon able to gel back, and so many others have Um-ii u I lowed to remain nt homo, that the school work has been grwitly disorganised. As a result, the anme work must lx gone over Mommy for the benefit of those who are absent, and so were utrble to go on with the advance. On this account, moat of the public school throughout I Jv country found by txM'riiHt) thai Mliu umk i Imi.illiHl to bttur advanl-l-.ur if u II I hi- rlillilren ur- viu-ummI, illhi-i lliuii li IiiiVi1 nllly lliootf trck ,( mIhim i Hi-Hi., ttill mil f IV ii liii'lil ii. - 'in I'll,- i liir Mini, I iiArli'il ;UmJ. aid tana- K w uiUjiiltUint, fur nil turn to ii with l hi uw itr- fill 4lid 'HltlUllHI. SCHOOL MASTERS HAVE BANQUET Otlter Items ol Interest in City Schools. Preparing For Debafes And Basket Ball The annual banquet of the School masters' Club was held Saturday even ing at the Odd Fellows hall. About (hirty atte-ided and the affair was a decided success. The banquet was served by the ladies of the Presbyteri an church who had spared no pains to make it all that could be desired not only in planning the menu, but in the excellence of cooking and serving. The table was tactfully decorated with yellow chrysanthemums aial green vines, yellow being the color scheme which, obtained throughout. Hand painted place cards completed the ef fect. Supt. Turnbul! acted ns toastmastcr filling this difficult place in an admir able niunner and many were the jests nnd jokes anJ jibes appropriated i nd adapted to sharpen the point as it was aimed as "p'-ofessor" and "profession" The foil swing toasts were respond ed to: The Eye of the World Miss Dunphy At tho Foot of the Rainbow Rev C. M Knight. After School; What? Mrs. Corson. Who's Who and Why Mr. Quigley Raskot ball practice was begun last Friday evening, Dreamland hall hav ing Loon secured at last for this pur pose. These now seems to bo every prospect for some good games this winter. The Senior class is planning a liter ary program to be given very soon in the high school auditorium. Many students - are studying the subjtfctfef-the ndoftion of the Swiss Militaiy System with a view of enter ing the subject in debate. Material iias been secured from the library of the state university anil much that is '"eded and helpful is found in feri ulieals nt tho Randon public library. We are fortunate in having so vital a ,uostio-.i to work upon. The class n public speaking is do ing creditable work. All who have eiiollod and taking it move because of u genuine interest in the subject than for the credit as only one half i-redit is given for tho year's work. The work last month was mainly at tempt at 'xirmiporaneous speaking in wh'ch several acquitted themselves by leachirg a degree of success that was suprising. This work will be devoted to the rendering of memorized "piec es", and this in turn will bo followed by preparation for a play to be given before the high school assembly. Tho class in sewing has complet ed thoir sowing aprons nr.d arc now busy with guest towels. These w'll be -n exhibit of work in domestic art, sometime in the spring. A down town candy sale will be held hy the domestic science girls during the week before Christmas. The candy salo given by the class i.i cooking rer.lizcd a neat little sum which will ho urcd to purchase sup plios for this branch of domestic science. 5i -!' RKASONS WHY HANDONIANS & SHOULD UK THANKFUL Hy C R. Wade lii The Citizens of Handon have large and abundant reasons for Thnnksgiv ; ing. If tho numbor of bounties seem less in comparison witli othor years, full and ample measure of what we lwve is all tho more thankfully to bo received by us. Oui most gmeious thanks nro of-f-ril Lecaiise tho city wo call home is touting in blissful repose under the protecting wing of the great Arncr r.n oaglo which has vouchsafed to us n state of ponce with honor. Thut our fathers and hrothsrs and sons, free from tho blight of munlor tms warftrn. are physiixilly well nnd niif iiml Iwvtag lifn nnd limb, me vitfi.roualy wngntwd iu tlm piiratiit of liu-iiy mm) hapjNiisa uihJ thum Mpjiiru iiu4l a linf, Hi-i w Uatw Utm Um (mm imtik, (tmitm, itogut Ami mm ulto Mnl Mfvn vMIimI our , Thai utfWuttf hiuI wmtH ggg i all utihttwwii Id our mlnirt TU4 ix Uuf mmn( (imuUmji Uwu CHICAGO REPORTS LABOR SCARCIH Encouraging Reports of Economic Condi tions in Central West The Omaha World-Herald, Chicago Tribune and Portland Journal are authority for the statement that there is a scarcity of labor in Chicago at the present time. That contrary to the usual situation there in he monh of November, when under all kinds of times bolh good and bad, theie are usually from 100,000 up, idle and job less men, now there is a scarcity of labor, and labor employment agencies and bureaus are unable to supply men to those desiring to employ thorn. C. J. Hoyd, head of the Chicago free em ployment office opened and maintain ed by the state reported that each night he was closing his books with 100 jobs unfilled, and unable to se cure man to fill them. Other labor agencies, private agencies nnd the Chicago public welfare bureau for wo men, all report similar conditions. The demand and likewise the price for la bor is steadily on the increase. With the advent of spring it is expected that the situation will become serious because of he great scarcity of labor. To tho foregoing statements, the Cincinnati Inquirer adds that the re tail merchants will do the most busi ness and the distribution of goods dur ing tho next six months will be the greatest in quantity and in value in the history of the nation. That by reason of the general em ployment of all available labor at the present exceadingly high price, the purchasing power of tho working men and alsj of tho merchants and busi ness, mju-genorally through tho Unit ed States is the greatest in our history The foregoing statements apply fore ibly to every section of the United States not given principally to timber and lumber industry. Tho Coos Bay Times announces that beginning with December 1st, next the schedule of the C. A. Smith Mill will be increased from 4 to 5 days a week, and tho Times alco quotes the follow ing encouraging extract from the Philadelphia Ledger. Tho railroads of tho country are at last coming into tho equipment market with a rush. The movement is the heaviest in years, and should set the wheels of industry humming in all sections. It is estimated that the railroad buy ing for his month alono will approxi mate $100,000,000 nnd it can readily be seen what this enormous homo ex pansion means aside from any foreign orders. Mr. Cutten who for some time has been an exponent of the art preserva tive of arts for the Coquille Horcld has decided that it is about time to take charge of his patrimony located on tho Isle of Reautiful Dreams and has secured passage on the Elizabeth on the first lap to that alluring haven. Although we havo Ijad some wet weather recently, Mr. Cutten has been considerably wetter thun the weather. when desolation and death hovers ov er so largo a portion of the earth's surface, when vague uncertainty, lack of confdence or even fear strikes at the uttermost parts of the non-combatant world nnd the moral balance of the world appears in doubt and threatens civilization, itself and stays for a time, the hnnd of progress, we rJitiou of all nations, statu of all states, city of cities, people of all people, are least harassed, most care free, and who will gainsay, the most content. And as the bright rays of a pros pective dawning of u new era is even now, steaming athwart our land, and the fuller splendor of the immediate future is almost ut hand, who of us are not strong In faith, buoyant In hnjkt, and loud in Thanksgiving for the benevolent destiny which hus led us. Tim hout nnd lot In U'Nvll's ud illtluH, u!d ut hj1ir' null hut Hut Ultla)' ImhjkJu !' J II Ouuhl In atliftUtt a lib) Mm T lt'!"l gum iwW w ?7tWii whiiii h ilttjji imam pi lukmi mi t' iT REASONS WHY HANDONIANS SHOULD HE THANKFUL ny Rev. C. Mayne Knight 53r Thanksgiving day was originally a day for expressing thanks to God for temporal blessings. At that time peo ple had suffered so much from priva tions that there was a need of a spe cial tabulation of blessings. They were thankful to be alive nnd to have reas- onblo assurance that they would not want for the necessities of life. We, in this day arc less appreciative of the luxuries which have become so com mon, than were our forefathers of a modest sufliciency. Our luxuries have tended to our profligacy. The more we have the more we exact. The first step in Thanksgiving is tho recogni tion of our many blessings. Tilings we should be thankful for: Our friends the kind -that forgive our mistakes and overlook our faults; or better still, help us to mend them. The things about us that cause us to look up and to take hope and to ns- pire to nobler living and higher des tiny. Life the great battle of life, with its rubs and jolts, and problems and tests which are helping to make us men. The lessons of yesterday by which we are profited today. The blunders and falls which lie in the past and have made us wiser and stronger. The hopes we have for that good day which will come to every man who is truo to his best self. There will be no vemng service at the Methodist church next Sunday ev ening but there will be a union ser vice with tho Methodist South church and the new presiding elder will be tho speaker. The Rebekahs spent a social evening tonight after their regular meeting when they elected offlcers and in stalled L. Ii. Lowe into fellowship in the order. A supper was had and also a social time enjoyed with cards and dancing as the central attraction. St John's church will have services on Thanksgiving day at 3:00 o'clock in the afternoon. CALL MEETING OF TAX PAYERS To Consider Municipal Revenues For Com ing Year at City Hall Monday Night At the meeting of the common coun cil last Wednesday night a committee of city fathers was named to confer with business men and discuss and prepare plans for a reduction of city expenses if such can be made. The committee has called a meeting of citizens of the city to meet at tho council chambers next Monday night to sec what can be done iu the matter of taking care of that part of the city expenses that has been taken care of by revenue derived from saloon li censes. This special committee of the city council consists of Johnsan, I 'ape, Mast and City Attorney Tieadgold. At the meeting of the city council last week a levy of 1,'J mills was made 3 mills being for the purpose of meet interest on a scries of water bonds. Coquille Corn Carnival The Korn Karnival in Coquille lust week was nn event in the history of that city. A surprising feature of it was tho quantity of com put on exhi bition. The past summer has been warm and favorable to corn and many of the ears were over a foot long. The merchants of Coquille took advantage of the show to put in attractive dis plays of their own merchandise. The races outside the hall were ulso interesting. One was a slow auto race on a distance of two blocks which wus made by the winner who kept his Ford on a constant nuivo mid won in 27 mln utis. A pumpkin nice where the win ner rolled u pumpkin (or u block with out tuklng his bunds on" of the vugu lublu wua ulo full ut intarot to Ihu inuttutura. Thw tallowing In Ihu 111 a Dim aiwdl w!Mi univwl in Dm liuiltff ywlyrlyi ii. i. Ckuni"U,jlji OCEAN MONSTERS DRIFT ON BEACH Schmidt Hansen Discovers Dead Whale on Two Mile Beach. Other Whales Reported Schmidt Hansen announced the dis covery of a whale upon the beach u half mile below Two Mile creek Sat urday. Ranchers in that vicinity tell of three wlinles fighting in that lo cality but whether this resulted in the death of the beached carcass is not known. Hansen, as the original discoverer has carved his name in tho body and i'os his purpose to set some one at work trying out the blubber for the oil for which he expects a heavy de mand for purposes of boot greasing to make foot wear impervious to wat er. However if the genial Hansen ex pects to realize anything out of this project he must set his men at work speedily for the carcass bus begun to work on its own account, the effect of which is observable to the olfactory nerves at some considerable distance. This whale is a small one, a littlo over thirty feet long and not to be compared with the ninety footers that at times are cast up by the waters. The whale is of the baleen type so called because it has no teeth ! ill strains minute forms of sea life through tough flexible plates, the same from which whalebono is ob tained. Theso plates have a fringed edge which in rubbing of the water and sand have tho appearance of fur which probably gave rise to the story that a similar whale cast up on Merchant's beach was a prehistoric remains. It is reported that there have been two whales cast on the Merchant's beach, both like the Two Mile whale, small ones. Whales are quite numerous along the coast and a small one is said to have entered the river recently. A Fine Entertainment Tho girls class in the Presbyterian Sunday School havo taken it on them selves to fit up onu of the rooms in the church building nnd gave nnd en tertainment at the church last Friday night. The ro was a fine attendance and a very enjoyable program was render ed. The Camp Firo girls in costumo snng one of their songs and there wero two colored choruses especially imported from Georgia, apparently, for the evening. One of the choruses was composed exclusively of young colored gentlemen and the other of colored maidens. They were strong on the comedy business nnd made a hit going and coining. The following was the program: Two Violin Solos Mrs. Adams, Tho Fate of tho Indians Mildred Langley, Indian Drill and Songs by the Class Vocal Solo Mrs. Arthur Sweet. The New Organ Roso Leibbrand Hoys' Coon Song Fatima Octette, Girl's Coon Song Hy Class, Recitation Dora Anderson, Vocal Solo Ila Johnson Dialogue Klvu Webb, Eurydico Lee, Blanche Cuthbert. , Hoys' Coon Song Fatima Octette, Vocal Solo- Ha Johnson, Japanese Diill Hy Class. The Japanese drill with the bright costumes and marching was unusually good. The girls, constituting the 1:13 class realized something like $lfi by the entertainment. Hoyle's Offering for the Holidays This week the Hoylo Jewelry Co. starts in with a campaign of holiday advertising thut is to continue to the conclusion of the season, according to un agreement entered into h couple of weeks ago. The Hoylo company will use u quarter of u page in the Record r lo place lsforo our reudora the ut tructiomi they have for tlm holiday jtrudu. WiiUh lepuiriiig ami u high Jgiado of good un tint piullii of I Ihu Hoylo compiiuy uml tliu gaiufuj alwiior will do wJ to ohjervu llmlr Mm q, iti MiKai Jiuj mu ufllc