The Bandon recorder. (Bandon, Or.) 1915-19??, November 16, 1915, Image 5

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1 --v.
I Seeds! Seeds! All Kinds of Seeds!
Timothy, Alfalfa, Red Clover, Alsike,
Orchard Grass, White Clover, Red
Top, Bermuda Grass, Oats, Barley, Vetch
Prices for November
Prices submitted for the month of November by
the store that makes low prices. We carry the largest
stock of groceries in Coos county and would be pleased to
kve jrou call and let us figure on your orders, Urge or
We give special attention to mail and out of town
la a personal letter from a friend
! Chicago, who is closely posted on
conditions on LaSallo St. in that city
ho sas: "Times are dull hare yet. A
lot of 'men are out of employment
But thing Bc?m to have picked up a
little of late."
He encloses two weekly review let
ters from New Ycrk brokers, one of
which appears sufficiently interesting
to publish in part. It is valuable as
the point of view of one class of cit
izens. Sober minded people must rec
ognizo in it soma powerful blows at
the blind self-satisfaction and con
ceit of tho a vera go American boom
er. Tho extract follows:
Banquot flour, hard whca,t
$1.25 sk, $4.75 per bbl
Drifted Snow, .. ?1.35 sk. ?5.2C bbl
Astoria, Our Bast Brand,
$1.35 sk, $0.25 bbl
Lest Cane,
Tulip, ....
CK Milk, .
Cur nation,
101b $1.00, sack $5.80
Cc can. $2.40 case. 4 doz
. . . 4-25c $3.00 caso 4 doz
, . 3-2Gc, $3.C5 caso, 4 doz
Lard Compound
MoiMiuii can Compound, 00c
Lutga cou Compound, - $1.15
.Moditmt can L.ird 75c
Largo oaa Lard, $1.45
Beans 4
Now Crop, white & Bayoo Beans 7c
. Klco
Good, dean stock, Co lb, 181b $1.00
Head Uico 3 lbs 25c
Dried FrJu
Dried Peaches, Cc
Drld Prunes, Cc
Seeded Raisins 3 Pkg 25c
Rcclcnncd Currants, .. lib Pkg lGc
Canned Fruits,
Flue sliced pkenpplo, No. 2, 2 cans 20c
lijie sliced puicapplo, 2 Mi 20c can
CtWd yellow, Froi, Table Peaches
10c can
Extra fine Lomcu Oiuig Tablo Peaches
2 for 25c
ftetra lino Ti'.blo Apricots, 2 for 25c
Long's Assorted Preserves,
Regular 25c, 2 jars for 35c
Muuhetj, Ale
Sperry Rolled Oats, 25c pkg
Byorry Rolled wboat( 25c pkg
IVJiiU r yellow corn meal,
lb sack, 35c sk
Sfceiu? Steel C. Outs 45c sk
Jiolaascs, 10c can
Walnuts, Now crop, 15c lb
Kuro, dark r.nd light
21b, 15c 5 lb, 35c 10 lb C5c
,Bluc Ribbon Syrupt Fine Corn Syrup,
No. 10 til 60c
.Breakfast Blend, a now Coflfflfco, etjual
to ny ColTlfee on tho market:
35c, llbtin, 31b, Un, $1.00
Dickey's Red Bag Cofloo, 30c lb
kIKOTy'a Blue Bag Coffee 2f.c
Wo use special caro iu the selection of
our bulk teas. Gunpowder, Jap
an' & English Breakfast, COc 11
Extracts, all flavors at, . . 20c bottle
Brooms 25c, 50c and 60c
Canned Vegetables
Poas, 10c can
String Beans, 10c can
Tomatoes, with Puree, .... 3 for 25c
Tomatoes, Solid Pack, 10c ran
Corn, 10c, 3 for 25c
Hominy, I0c
Sauces, Salad Dressing and Relishes
Snyder's Catsup, largo, .... 20c bot
Imported Wor. Sauce, 10c bot
Lallorbert Salad Dressing, 2 for 25c
Cal. Prepared Mustard, .... 3 for 25c
Salad Oil, large 25c
Bottle Plain Pickles, 10c
Large can Dill Pickles 10c
Soaps, Washing Powder, Starch
Crystal White Soap C for 25c
Whit Flyer Soop, 6 for 25c
Citrus Washing Powder, 20c
Gloss Starch, Reg 325c, now 425c
Corn Starch, Reg 325c, now 425c
Ivory Starch, cc
Lunch Goods,
Peanut Butter, tho beat, .... 15c lb
Pork & Beans, largo can, 10c
Snrdinos, imported, 10c can
Queon Olives ; . . . 25c bottle
I packnges Baking Soda, 25c
Shredded Coconnut,, 20c lb
.Men's Corduroy Pauts, $1.50 pair
Rainproof Shirts, extra heavy,
slicker lined, $1.50 each
Men's heavy white wool Socks, 25c pr.
Ex large bleached Turkish towels
25c each
Ladies Embroidered Handkerchief
Sc each
Ladies White and Colored SkirU.
Special at $1.25
Children')! Sweater, a lot at , price
Special Value, black and colored Serge
44 in. at 85c
Plaid Dress Goods for School, 20 & 25c
Ginghams, Percales, Prints, Outing
and all staple dry goods. Send for
Men's uuderwear, $1.00 to $1.00 a suit
Men's union suits, $1.25, $1.50, $2.25
Men's Cotton and Wool Shirts,
50c to $4.50 each
'.adies and Children's Underwear. iid
Union Suits, AIho Hosiery '
As the result of Germany's chal-
ienga ths wbola of Knrope is Icaraiug
a much neoded losson in oconoray and
ufldeacy; tfes vitality aad solidarity
of tho British empire will theraby bo
augmented and stabilitated for many
generations. Of all tho countries in
tho world tho United States of Ameri
ca is tho least efficient, least oconom
ical and most absurdly govorned.
It should be distinctly recognized
that our present pro-emineuco in com
merce and flnanco is not duo to super
ior organization, favorablu prices or
skillful salesmanship. Tho Allied pow
ers must have munitions of war and
here thoy can purchaset hem in un
limited quantities if they are willing
to pay tho price.
After the war it will possess no lint
ural advantages iu tho markots of the
world save that due to financial pow
er and possession of flitting wealth
unless wo, too, learn tho. l.sson. Why
is it that Germany is so efllcicnt not
alono in war but in industry? It is
becr.uso tho faucies and fp.ds origi
nating in other countries become in
her hands stepping stones to contin
ued advanca in science and industry
..nd no system of education is tolerated
or supported which does not result in
material gain.
The Idea that every ore born into
the world is capable of a "career" has
sorely blighted our public educators;
I'inancial excgcncics are compelling
the ro-organizntion of tho public
schools of New York city and we
hear considerable discussion of the
relative merits of the different sys
tems of education.
The "Gary" system may be good,
Hit it is ridiculous to talk of its spir-
luul advantages or claim that it will
snablo pupils to lead "broador lives."
The value of Uio system must be
apablo of being exprossed in gold
dollnrs, othorwiso it is swindling the
lax pnyera to adopt it.
The fact that the free born "Ameri
ran is too good to work with his
hands or perform unskilled labor, ac-
'ounts in a large measure for the con-
muni stream of undesirable emigra
tion which flows toward our shores.
Wo must, then, if wo aro to get our
share of tho world's commerce after
tho wnr, cultivate efficiency in edu
cation and government ami ronan
heckling real enterprise with foolish
laws and socialistic vagaries.
Although there is much in the
above with which we can ;.ot agree,
especially tho placing of a standard
roal which is the ability to turn talent
into dollars, still its imner.chment of
tho notion that every Amorican is a
king and should lead and not follow
is forceful. Teamwork Hnd not lead
arship Bhould be emphasised.
Com Bay to Bandon would be the bent
thing- tht could happen to tho city
and no effort should be neglected that
would help to brlhg about this desir
able end.
With continent Eurdpa burning'
up its subBtance in powder smoko, de-
stroying proparty and life in a manner
unexampled in tho history of the
world; disregarding every law of God
or man that stands between a na
tion and that which it desires, with
a nation to tho south of us in the
grip of anarchy, it appears from our
viewpoint that the Wilson, proposal
to increase the armament of tho nation
will prove one 6f tho most popular
nets of his administration.
Right reserved to change prices without r-oticu If tho market changes
warrant it.
John Dickey, Bandon
Do you want pure drug
iukI drug Biinarifo, fine
perfumes, hair MtiHUea,
and toilet articlcH? If
mo call un
C, V, J.OWIO, UhikIom
Uin)tH, J. AfUr hitruuKh
Ui fur Mi munllm, Oitluod IhwAt it
Ui4 h lun hvty, H'Iihi j,v U.
yuui 4 fin in 4ur uv m
Hirrlr Kruiri Saw Filing
ami Krjufiing A Specially
Phone H
I' O Ho (74
S. D. Barrows
mi fift Mum ( ilt Ut ln y
No one thing that could hannen to
Bandon would bo of so much valuo to
it as the securing of a railroad. A
railroad would givo it hat ono tiling
essential to its development and sta
bility, not only in tho mind of peo
plo seeking a home but those who are
alLioady hero permanence.
It would remove that ver recurring
doubt that has blighting influence
and io one thing would set the res
idents of the city unltodly to' pulling
in a common direction.
The oxtonsion of tho railroad from
ltmw, mi) iii h iltfvp I'hyaW,
mi dlnyiiutvd hll MJu HI lUl-Wk'Ur
Let 'er Rain!
If you've a man'a
... i- . .
wum io no, wear
out ihe ruin. lu
flttliilitft i(ptvrry
nrnji limn ruiiiihiu
In i ih Umu
huMmUw rwij ff jWFi'
kji'nwvu m llm
Representatives of the warring nn
lions of Europe are on their way to I
meeting nt Bern, Switzerland, for
a conference, goes an item of informa
tion from across tho water. That a
conference will be held is denied and
thero appears moro or less myslerv
attached to the gathering. While the
tendency of tho loaders on both sides
is o go on, for prido is an unyielding
thing and prido is at tho bottom of
tha wholo trouble, yet tho people of
the warring nations recognize that
this is not their fight and evidences
of their unrest may be readily noted
despito tho rigid censorship.
If the common herd, the people who
are bearing tho brunt of battlo and
taxation make up their minds to end
tho foolish struggle they can do it.
Tho occurrence of a boundary line
does not make the people on ono side
saints and on tho other side demons.
Humanity is tho same no matter un
der whatever flag it may be found
ind the interests of all are in the long
run, identical. If this conference
should turn out to bo representative
of the people of these unfortunate
nations and from "the conference they
should evolve a United States of Eu
rope, who shall say that the loss of
blood and property has been in vain?
Who wouldn't be thankful for
a Victrola on Thanksgiving!
Everybody enjoys its delightful music ami every hostess will
be Rlad to have the Victrola help in the entertaining.
Such a splendid instrument is something for which to be
truly thankful!
Come in and we'll gladly demonstrate the Victrola an.l play your favorite
The Victrola shown in illustration i the Victrola XIV, $150 Othe
tylei $15 to $350. Victors $10 to $1C0. Easy terms, if ,e,!rcii,
The Victor Agents,
Telephone, 751. BANDON, OREGON
J. N. Langlois brought up the preferred tofSms r,,m,iv
II . r . ...
wuaiiiur troupe irom uairyvino Mon
F. M. Langlois of Dairvville was
German Proverbs
Perkins has recently
News of Earlier Days
Interesting Items From Recorder Files of
Tm and Twenty Years Ago
From the Recorder, November 1G, 1915
navmg a House on the lot recent- browsing through a book of German
.y purcmseci oi r.u unman. proverbs and Irs ,lg p tlu follow
1 no ocean had been (pule rough dur
ing tho week and as there was no wind
here it was surmised that there were
heavy storms out at sea
The Hosmer show was given n very
light attendance.
The schooners Lilla and Mattio were
towed to Rivcrton for coal which they
would load in part and finish with
lumber. This wns tho first nhipmcnl
of coal from the river.
' iti(i iliitfti.i.t tf.i.fl.. .r
in tune or wur, the Devil makes
more room in Hell."
"One war brings on another."
"A handfiill of might is better than
a sackfull of right."
Mrs. Horace Richards expects booh
to leave Bandon for Idaho where tier
husband is employed and her mother,
Mrs. Briggs will accompany her ns
' f:ir nn KtwiK'tin.k ulu)iii ...111 ...-I...
W. C. Wrenshall and brother Harry j i,OP ilnm
returned to linndon from a few months
J nbsence during which they visited the
I Aukland Islnnds, the Samoan Islands
and Australia finding nothing the
A now nowspapor, tho Advertiser,
mads its appearance at Marshfield.
Chas. Hunsacker of Marshfield was
shot by Lorenzo Emerson as the re
sult of too much red likkcr. Hunsack
er survived and Emerson was put in
M. Breuer had just finished a new
businoss building.
Mr. Wann of California was to put
n a stock of merchandise into the
Hartmnn concrete building, just com
W. IL W ishburn, roproaenting a
Portland company arrived in town to
maka a final test of values in the old
Lane black sand mine north of town.
Work was suspended at tho Prosper
ship yards and tho boat just built was
towed to Parkersburg to bo rigged and
loaded with lumber for tho San Fran
cisco market.
Bert Harrington went hunting a
fow days ago and when ho arrived in
tho hunting district found he had no
J. Niclson of Prosper had become
an expert machinist having given the
engine of his new boat a thorough
overhauling und now has it running in
good shape.
Tho Bandon Concert Band included
the following persons: Clark Alli
son, solo clarinet; Phil Pearson, 1st
clarinet,, Geo. P. Topping, solo coro-!
not; W. Frank Harris, solo coronet; i
II. L. Maucict lutt coronet; Thomas
Robinson, 2nd coronet; Geo. Mancict,
1st horn; E. Bonk, 2nd horn; C. S.
McCulloch, second horn; D. A. Patter
son, baritono; L. Stitt, 1st trombone;
Jas. Lamont, 2nd trombone; Wm. Ten
brook, E flat bass; Harry Nelson, bass
drum; A. Erickson, snaro drum.
New Stock of Hardware
Just in
See our display in
Acid Proof
ueneral line
See us before you buy
Phone 371.
Vou Are Shown a Way Out
There enn he no renson why any
reader of this who Buffers tho tortuiv
of-nli nching buck, the annoyance of
urinary disorders, tho pniiis and dtin-
tpi-s of kidnoy ills will foil to heed the
word of a resident of this locality who
has found relief. The following is
convincing proof.
Mrs. Ella Bislioy. 4'!!l Grant Ave.
fottngo Grove. Oregon, says: "I wan
mnoyed a long time by irregular ne
tfnn oT my kidneys, together with pain
ind wouknoss in my back. I hnd spiOln
if dizziness, no npncliti! and wn?
"reatlv run down in health. After Ink
ing four boxes of Doan's Kidncv Pills
I was without n symptom of kidnov
voulilo." (Statement given Sept. 10,
Hishev said: "I still think highly of
Donn's Kidnov Pills. Tiinv have also
"iven rrent mlinf to another member
of my fnmily."
""ice fiOc, nt nil dealers. Don't dir.
hrK for a kidney reinodv cet
Bonn's Kidney Pilln the same that
Mrs. Bisboy had. Foster Mill turn
irons.. Buffalo. N. Y. adv.
(From tho Recorder, Nov. 1895)
The steamer Bandorille und the
Barclay Golden have been bar bo und
for a week and thero were four or five
schooners also waiting to get out. The
delay was caused by a rough bar.
All of tho hotel furniture, bedding,
dining room and kitchen utoiiHils of
the Ten Brook houfio were to be sold ut
auction by J, V, Wilbur, auctioneer,
Io Siinpuoii opened a novelty store
in tho llt yerlo building.
E V Krhiitlnr wan over with u loud
ut furniturti for Alvln Muiirk.
Alra. J I'uikt-r wun rfporivd u Im
proving. Julian TcJ'I'Ihk, of (h V. Toji
imk lived lit rw Dnni JurUun rmuly
und wwuld irnhiiMy inuku h Ut$
hl Lgmui.
'itl wt(n ntttl fumpitfiy U pur
Wihj mm Di'iiutHiK m um m
Gatchell Brothers, Props. ?
AH kinds of heavy and lijflil drayhiK. Phone orders f
given prompt attention. .Barn corner Fjrst & Edi' "
son, Fish Property. .Telephone 641. J.
Did you ever try In figure mil how
much your telephone hn worth lo
)iu? ICurli lime you place a rail a'ud
eacli lime you aiiNMir the bell, JiihI
reduce I hIo) In rn and renin the value
in innveiiienre and cniafoil ami toning
nf lime mid imine) whirh the telephone
In In Then add llne (iiIiioh nt
the end nf Hie month and iiii will
huw u kiim iiiurli Krealer than Hie
rnul uf our venire, piu he vtln
u Kfiul or u liuiiilrnl lliniw u nut,
U )Mir dh blend of fcenlie. V"u
Mia) Hirirukt' II al our pleuui' )
ui(r the lileplnoie pmri'
"HCooi and Curry T elcphone Co.