The Bandon recorder. (Bandon, Or.) 1915-19??, November 16, 1915, Image 3

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(After reviewing ,tk iaeidents that led to the in
sanity of George III.)
'What preacher need moralize on that, story. -It
is too terrible for tears. The thought, of such a mis-'
ery smites me down into submission before the Ruler
of kings and men, the Monarch supreme over em
pires and republics, the Inscrutable Dispenser of
Life, Death, Happiness, Victy.
"'Oh! Brothers!' I said to those who heard me
first in America, 'Oh! Comrades! Speaking" thfffcame,
dear mother tongue, Oh ! Brothers ! Enemies no
more ! Let us'take a mournful hand, together as we
stand round this roytfl corse and call a truce to bat
tle, '"Low he lies to whom thousands used ro kneel,
once and who was cast lower than the lowest! Dead
whom millions prayed for in vain.
'"Driven off his throne, buffeted by rude hands,
his children in revolt, the darling of his old age killed
before hi untimely, our Lear stands o'er his breath
less lips d cries 'Cordelia, Cordelia, stay a little.
' Vex not his ghost, he hates him that would upon tfeo
rack of this tough world, stretch lu'm out longer
"Hush strife and quarrel, o'er this solemn -grave,
sound trumpets, a mournful march, fall dark cur
tain oh his pageantry, his pride, his grief, his awful
tragedy." William M. Thackery.
(After describing the execution of the- Ouke d
The first consul has said "Tis well, but conscience,
equity and humanity, alike, protest against (he Self
satisfaction of a murderer who applauds himself.
He claimed the crime to himself alone in his rev
elations at St Helena. Very well, let him keep it then.
He has mowed down' millions of men by the hand of
war, and mad humanity, partial against itself to
what it calls glory, ha3 pardoned him.
He has slain one alone, cruelly, like a coward in the
dark, by the consciences of prevaricating judges and
the bullets of mercenary executioners, without ex
posing his own life, not as a warrior, but even as a
They have reared to him a torajb under the dome
4 built by Lduis IV iri the Palace of the Invalides where
the statues of twelve victories, hewn out of a single
block of granite, harmonizing with the lofty pillars
that support that noble -edifice, seem to stand, -the
sentinels of ages around the urn of porphyry- that
contains hfe bones.
But there ip in thajhadp and seated on his sepul-1
- tjber; an invisibly stortud Aat tarniiltea. and Mights
ati the others tie stride erf a young man,- jjjjrh-bjr,
t kix(Mj nocturnal assassins from the arms ift Ifffr he
IpVed from the inviolable asylum in which he had
confided and murdered by the light of a Jantern at
tfi foot of the palace of his sires.
Men go to view with cold curiosity the battlefields
of Marengo, of Jena, of Wagram, of Austerlitz and
- of-Waterloo. 'They walk over them with dry eyes.
Thenhey are show at an angle around the found-
atiohs of the fortress at yiricennes, a Iqw spot at the 1
bottom of a trenph and they say "It is.4ifere !" 1
With a cry of indignatifi, they carry away' with
them from the spot, an' iense pity for the victim,
aiid an impkculfe resentment against the assassin
This resentmrtt is a vengance f oi the past. It is
also a lesson for the future. Let the ambitious,
whether soldiers, tribunes $r kings, reflect that while
they may have mercenary soldiers to execute their I
wishes and flatterers toexcane them while they live, I
there is the voice of ltnnffy a(erward to judge i
them and Pity to deteac themk The ItUrderer has but !
his hour, the victim has all tternity. Lamartine
K f Soktere M 'ExttitiM
Orei Apples t k CfrtoAwij
Throuork tha Commissioner W. L.
IThoifWu ther has just bcea Instal
ls fat the feejT Building's art reon!
that most famous piece of sculpture
by M. A. Phlnister Proctor "The Buc-
laroo", of which $20,000 duplicate, id
heroic sua is certain to be set in the
plaza at Pendleton before any great
while. This is the original of a work
of art produced by Proctor aftor boo
ing. Pendleton's world famous "Round
Up" and it is set in the center of the
art room on tfae $500 myrtle-wood
table that has attracted such attention
Engravod invitnions are being sent
to' the artists afthe bay region, to dis-tioguUhed-viW&e
as their names ap
pears on hotel-ragVtcrs in exposition
loflcialdom aatfflfary effort is being
asfuis to wing nas. uregon produc
I brans to tho attention of thoso whom
it would ba especially profitable to
Jhava visit tho building and tho art
I room. Tbe "Bucaroo" is a wonderful
ly striking work and is sure to be
become popular. Very naturally
Inspires many questions about th
"Round-Up" and Pendleton, and then
it is that Miss Florine Hatch, the ef
ficient hostess of tho art room, does
soma" effective advertising for that fa
mourf yearly event, and for Pendleton
andEasterri Oregon generally, Miss
Hatch splendidly informed and with
Buck ae Interesting subject is able to
ioTd Visitors as long as coems desir
able' Through the art room attention
is directed to' other features in th
building and this room really proves
tone of the Buildings most effective ad
Lvorllsine featmcs. Tho . eomine-
this piece of remarkr.ble. sculpture will
help very materially and bring Oregon
to the favorable attention of splendid
peoplo and the press in a way not
(Otherwise possible. Lin H.. Sturgi
and Sarah L lfr.con of Pedieton Li
brary fame, aro to bo credited with
having conceived tho idea that this
sculpture should bo shown tore whil
Commissioner Thompsoi of Pendleton
.3 possible
fiitft Jitnon Be:ion, and having him
honored wkha special day at the ex
position, Was also first in officially
honoring San Francisco Dey the
gfcesteoi of all dayo at tho exposition
Just as the fates opened at 8 o'clock
yeiorday mor.tlnjr, the entire "Oregon
family" here, headed by Governor
Withycombe, Commissioner Clark,
Booth, Logan Thompeon and Hawley,
Manager Hyianu and thoir wifes,
togethor with tho county prsnt.r
i..... .1.. rt a a r . ii a. .
vivn mi v. n. j. uomestic science
girls, and ohors connected with Ore
gon's activities tare a total of sixty
kle sailed gayley outside the
grounds in a decorated three-car
Faid train, bought tho souvenir "I
PaVB. tickets and with" those pinned
priy to lapels sailed back Into the
grofnds, the first to honor San Fran-
Fil'ty boxes of Spitzenburg apples
from Aaeland.ifty from- Medford
fifty fToratoirvViUnmette Valley, fif
tyi front Hood 'Hi ven and fifty from
Eastern Oregon are being "placed on
display-in the. Oregon. Building and on
Novcmber-15 will bo given to the thou
sands certain to bo attracted by- Ore
qon -Apple (Days These apples are of
tho 90-to-tbe-bojc sixty and with fruit
already on hand to bo given awa. no
loss bn 26,000 to 30.000 neonie will
bo givon.a. b juicy applo fi-om Ore-
goii on tills greatest of fnslt dayi
i'his .will AH a long, felt want, fori
throughout! season attendants have
boon ."constantly besieged with the
pica for tin Oregon" apple, "just one
sampla of tho fruit of which all vis
itors hr.d heard but afcw had tasted
Loganberry Joice, prunes fresh and
3tewed, Hntern Oregon popcorn,
Casadiar-Mineral Water. Tillamook
:hseso ."Klamath "county honev and
ihecse, Oregon" rosea and Willamette
'Vxileylcfcctftas have been given away
artao'.. Oregon- Bunding with such
splurge rand" programs to ttract
wido attention,- but not befora this
timaiiiaa aniapplo been offored. Visi-
tora-havo looked and longed and count-
tew numbers nave offered to buy, but
tbe attfendants-VouId only give tho ad-
dnwses of Oregonian growers wno
'could, supply the demand. Many haVe
been deNghtod to get the addresses
and in ibis way tbo r Liisiness should
havs been icopkrably 'Stimulated in
Oregon. Certain' tt is that the demand
in the Snn Francisco" markeKa has been
increased and some o'f the dealers r-J
m mihcsiu u xnj per cenc
A study of "Who's Who" shows two
distinct movoments, ono from the east
and.' South to tho ncith and
west; tho other from tho country dis
trict and tho small town to tho great
city. Tbe great men horn In the east
and south have gono west In large
numbers. At the aame timo, many of
the leaders in city lifo cumo from out
sld Biu city. Tho isovement of great
men from the oust to' the wV.t is ktrik-
apiwrcnt. Anvnnc 10,440 distill
alsbei) porsons whoso Stars' appear
k "Who's Who", over nlne-tcnths
" (Ul.lpr cent.) were born in the New
England, Middle Atlantic StuU, tho
Kufct, North Coitrul Sout.'i Atlantic
uiul Vm1 South Central Strtfs. This
d birluJcs throughly the territory
tstt of the MUUippl river. Although
vniy uni'kith of tk 4VUhkuJivi
yersotui wre lr Wni i (U iUvN
eJtiu line, hi urn fnn-4 iUw, aiw-
Tho real display of Orecon apples
at this time is that in the Palac of
Thoro eeoms to bo no question bUt,thatoricul''ur th being comprised of
tho great men of th present aera-l lwv mx' se.kfor compolitivo pur
tion havo been moving steadily west- os"' -ue apples como wholly from
ward. The older parts of th country IIoo1 River ad Roguo Ilivcr valleys
produced thomt but they havo pcrsis- and are tho "nost those famed soctions
tsntiy found their way into tho nswer can Proluce- Mora than thirty vario-
parts. Jt'cs ore represented, and tLo display,
just now being finished for judgement
Vy the jury of awards is beautiful be
It Is announced that the steamship I yom compare. Oregon has a lartrer
Breukwutcr has been sold to tho North I numuer ot cnpttltivo entries than
Pacific Stramship company, that she I any othor lte d there is confidence
Will lie taken to Sail Fruiidarn ta un.itiiat Mu jury will find that n,m.
dergo tho repairs which the govern,! n fruit being shown at the
mailt inspectors insist must bo mudV
and Lis will be ready for her reimlur
w "
run In place of tho Santa Clara.
Mr. and Mrs, J, J, Wttum and mii
Uwrum-u are buck froift h months va
rutlon Mrs. Williams and son Uw.
ivnce vlIM at Walhi Walla Washing,
toil iu Mr. Williams rUili in Cati.
fornla anil (ook In lev Ur. lhy all
4osBn. Tho display Is rot in tho
entoiijf the Oregon pavilllon at the
PalacTof Horticulture, can not bu nan.
d by the thousamis and will not I
past! by any who catch even a gllmp
is, for it is ono of those dicnluva that
hold th; attention and bring out those
sttUfylng "oh,"
U ft Kit for
fi . L .11 11 ... . .
im iiuunr.g u i he viwlui, fi,t
""j. J I oMIsimi d iumv lionie y liieJkaWiiir IU MUlea- wuiiJtuj t
inis was uregon's compliment to
San Francisco, the wonderful city by
viu.c uuik nnsing irom
the crash of earthquake and tho ashes
of one of history's greatest conflagra.
tions, has given to the world Its great
est exposition. On this day San Fran
cisco hoped to swell the crowd to 300,-
ooo, the exposition management do-
ancu ii an utuer crowus oi tne
year, as a mattor of sentiment, and of
course the money is needed. Oregon
officialdom entered into that hope with
them and determined to add numbers
to tho crowd and add to tho material
success as well, by forgetting the pass
boora, cards of admission and Oregon
did this, and with an enthusiasm that
usually marks everything that Ore
gon undertakes cither at homo or a-
broad. It -means something to get a
crowd together for on eight o'clock
parade, especially after a "night out"
at the' exposition, and the night before
in this instance was the reception and
ball af the California building given
in honor of Governor and Mrs. Withy-
combe by the Woman's Board. But
the entire Oregon crowd was there.
and' properly noisy as tho decorated
train traversod the grounds. A twen
ty-foot pennant told tho world thnt
this was Orego-. on a sprco so early,
and another grert purple and gold
banner said "Oregon Glories in San
Francisco's Achievement." On arrival
at tho Scott street gates tho Oregon
showing was the center of interest to
hundreds also awaiting to enter and
as photos were being taken Oregon
energy and determination to be al
ways first camo it for enthusiastic ex
( i
i i
For Your Automobile Troubles
Largest Line of
Tires and Acessories
in the City
Expert Machinist at your Service
Telephone 51, Second St. and Chicago Ave.
, .
, .
, ,
Don't Give Yourself Cause To Regret It
because you rejected placing
your valuables in a safety de
posit vault. Many have re
greted their tardiness inacting
fires and burglars have cost
them dear. Anything valu
able is worth taking care of.
Our vaults are fire and burglar
proof. We invite your inspec
"The most interesting thing about
the Sheep Show now in progress" said
Commissioner C. L. Hawley, of McCoy,
is the exhibit of New Zealand's
Corriedalc" sheep, a new breed re
markable for size and magnificence
as a shearer. This new breed is a
cross between Lincolns and Merinos,"
continued Mr. Hawley, "and is an ex
traordinary product of an extraordi
nary climate .and enviroment. The
Now Zcalandcrs havo been working
on this breed for he timo and now
W it definitely established. The
nnimals shown here aro beautieh and
.revelation to sheepman generally.
However, I am inclined to think they
i - 1 1 ....
aiu iiul (.-Hpcciauy adaptable to our
country, requiring rather special con
Any man can take a newspaper. It
is the cheapest thine he can huv.
Efvery thno a hen clucks and lays an
egg, bis paper is paid for that week.
It costs less than a postage stamp
less than to send or receive a
comes to you every week, rain or shine
stormy. No matter what happens it
enters your door a welcome friend, full
of sunshine cheer and interest It
opens tho doo of the great world and
puts -you foco to face with its people
and its great events. No man is just
to his children or good to himself who
does not take this homo paper.
rnuaucipnia, ra. "She re are
wheels in my head," sara a Marlton,
J: man to the head physician at
Cooper hospital, Camden, N. J.. The
physician examined the man's ear and
found twenty-three small wriggling
bjects whicK were identified by an
entomologist nst he larvae of a fly.
The man had been sleeping on the
ground, and ti is thought a female
laid the eggs which were hatched by
tody heat.
Order -Your Freight Sent by the Old Reliable
Large Two-Berth Outside State Rooms With Run
ning Water.
Eight Day Service -Between the Coquille River and
San Francisco.
Reservations: J. E. Norton, Coquille; Perkins', :
Myrtle Point; E. B. Thrift, Langlois.
J. E. WALSTROM, Agent, Bandon
He lived about 120 miles north
from Tucson Ariz, on a ranch
Ho did 'not like tho people, he did
not like the land or the animals,
he kicked about everything so
damn much, that they kicked
him olf the ranch. Ho wont to
lown 'und kicked about everything
there so nuirh that they klckt
im out. He then got his l;oiu and
park and hit out on tho desvert Ut
wurd Yuma. Ilu was Mill kicking
J kii-ki-d ice met us and hurt him
M-lf. He got inud itt Ills horse and
kirkiu) it and It Mi and iwer cuuw
ark. Ilu klrkrd over his iMiiltinii
ut w(er and split it all un4 In a tw
w, be-KUM'llie LuiUl,
Fort Rock P. W. Stratum erects
feed, gristmill and business block.
Corvallis will lay J 200 feet of ton
inch sewer with house connections.
Crown-Wlllametto Paper mills ship
ping to Australia.
The Ladles' Aid of the M. E, church
vill meet every Wednesday afternoon
In tho parlor of thu chiirrh until olh-
rfrwie notified. Work rolirlleil All
no Invited if
. --5
TI Banion . Recorder,
To Sell
Du Four'
which Is ir-imrd
In our color
Aut Two kUrs.
25c & 50c
I'UM nor,
HwnJ to ulsmp
for Miupl. IH'
VHinH l'm
Julia Marlew
IIr tut
Ilu Kvur'a
p 'wMir,
1,50 1 ?w I
KaltiwinU lie