in M Historical Society Oregon City Halt .4- M. THE BANDON RECORDER Bandoii By-the-Sea has the Prettiest Beacli on the Coast BANDON, OREGON, NOVEMBER 16, 1915 VOLUME XXXI NUMBER 45 "1 V D. S. INSPECTORS AFTER MAIL THIEVES Officer Visits Coos Bay. Takes Testimony And Actios is Promised Lovers of law nnd order will re jolco to hear that nction is on foot to bring prosecution to bear on the peoplo who made the seen of the wreck of the Santa Clara a place- of pillage nnd arson. Hy the time a few examples havo been made the rights of property may be more strictly observ ed in these parts in the future. The t ck of jurisdiction on the part of the authorities appears to have been the .round on which a major portion of . these acts of lawless rested but many j of tho pilferers forgot to take into consideration the fact that the au thority of tho government of the Un t itcd State extends on land and sea I within th thrje mile limit. Tho tam 1 porinK with United States Mail is one ! of the most dangerous pastimes a man can' ongage in. I And the self constituted wreckers of the Santa Clara not only tampered i . . (i with Ihn ntni hut tliiv tnnle wh:it I'V- or they found that suited the fancy. ' Pnaf nfliri (nnnnrtniv P. I,. Neil nf Portland has been at the bay for sev oraHlays taking tcstiniony and seems to have found any numlfer of witness- ip ready to testify In the matter of jpbljery of the mall. One account ieaygtne inspector lias tnc names 01 ''Amany as 200 residents of the bay J awns on hia list. tjfcenspector ,cft for Portland Sat urday and 'it Is bcliovcd that he has socurpd evidence -ofj mail tampering that 111 hringowiitho U. S. mar shi.lPwith warrants! One man over from the 'bj!"Iast v.eek said that photographs had even I ccn secured of the pirates nt work that the allegation that most of tl.o thieves were Indians would have to bo discounted u little. He knew of o o company of twenty who had gono f cm Marshfleld to get their share of tic spoils. Tho Coos Bay Times of tho 11th, contains an awful indictment of the pirates who looted the Santa Clnra, in nn editorial of which tho following is part.: "Tho pillaging of tho steamer San la Clara, has made an incident with out precedent on the Pacific coast. A cargo valued at $50,000 was seized by pcoplo of Coos bay who gathered in hundreds on the beur.h to get what .they could from tho ship. Whisky was the first thing taken and while it lasted the looters indulged in drunken orgies. All that could be taken from the vessel was removed and because there wns still some freight in the bold that could not bo reached, the dynumiting of the derelict was threat ened in order to get a chance at gathering more. Mail sacks were rifled trunks and suit cases were broken in to, tho garments of women and vic tims of tho wreck, lying dead in tho morgue were appropriated and the personal belongings of tho other wo men, who had been injured in tho wreck wero taken along with everything elso on tho boat that was portable. Tho looting wns as complete as it was possible for the eager scores who (locked aboard and waded in the surf could mako it. Personal effects, baggage, U. S. mail and all, was ap parently treated alike. Tho pillagers took whnt they could get and then often fought over it afterward for possession. Not satisfied with what had been taken someone set 11 ro to the Santa Clnra and tho flames have closed this very remarkable incident. Further the Times tells how tho pirates sold their loot. "Ono man had 25 boxes of Shinola shoo polish. He was anxious to get rid of them. Also ho was anxious to get tho money, A bootblack was corneied. "What'll you give for the outfit 1" nnd the "shine aw n chance to drive it good lar gain." "Oh, I'll give you a rouplu of hm hlni'." "Hive ids t bits for them" he howled. And the wilu mum made fur Mc Another iwnuti'ur iwli'iiiaii bud MVfiul pair of good ull wool Mid u yard wide," llu out wit I he wd yule ut u di'lhvry wufon and wulUkl (in bu iuiluiiwrt, Tjiu 'tH Wfiu BUSINESS MEN HOLD BANQUET Session Tonight in K. P. Hall. Fifty Vis itors Present Tonight the business men of Coos county are assembling for n banquet nnd talk fest which is being held in K. P. hall. The ladies of the Ladies' Presbyterian Aid served the dinner and those who has a chanco at the banquet board said Wie meal was a puacherino. There were about fifty guests present from out of town, com ing from North Bend, Marshfield, Co quillo, and Myrtlo Point. All were un ited in their endorsement of the feed. Jas. W. Must presided as toast mas ter in the after dinner flow of oratory. Ho bade the guests a kindly wel come in a speach that was heartily applauded . D. J( Malonoy of-tho, Coos Bay Times wns the first man called on. He replied to the address of ,weleomc felicitating the representatives of tho different sections on the manner fn .which they wero taking advantage' b( tho oppor tunity to get together. 'Moloney is a good talker and his remarks were lis tened to with interest. B. B. Wcldy of the North Bend Tide disserted ifcftjvyjon the, merits of mer chant aniUpublisher in tho field of ad, vertising hhd showed how the forces of the two could be combined for mut ual advantage. Mayor Morrison of Coquillo dwelt on the subject of co-operation among. lms iness men and showed how it was bet ter to confer nnd consult and take heed through'iono another's expericn- Mr. IJws?pfMarshfield twas ajsoj. prcsentaim wan- culled on to BpCJkv is cx-prcsident of the association nnd his remarks were largely reminiscent of the eighteen months history of the organization. Tomorrow night the problem of extra taxation of next year is before the council and it is quite likely that there may be fire works. What Of The Seattle - A telegram received by Captain Wi re n from his son Loyal this week stnt that the dredge Seattle parted with her hawser off the Columbia bar but does not detail the result of the inci dent. The Seattle was being towed to Konttle by the tug Ooliah when the ac- accideut happened. Loyal Wiren has been working during the summer with a firm of machine men at Astoria ' ut the plant closed down for n time and young Wiren determined to return to Bnmlon. He planned to come to Coos bay on the Santa Clara but found on applying for a ticket that the boat had gone twelve hours before. By that much he escaped the wreck. Coining down overland ha was halt ed at Coos Bay and offered a job on tho Seattle on which he worked dur ing tho summer and which was head ed for u two year's job at Seattle. Af- tera brief visit with his parents here ho joined the dredge. Whether or not the dredge got safely to her destina tion is the question, now. Sullivan is Mohlizing If the king of Greece does not hur ry up he will find himself beaten by tho Hub of Bandon. General Sullivan is preparing the decks for action as is evidenced from his big advertisement on another page. Preparations for tho fray are arousing considerable inter est and to obtain tho particulars kindly consult the adv. An agreement has boon reached be tween the Bandon and Coquillo libra ries by which they will exehangs books in lots of 25 at a time and new exchanges nude o- asionally when tho exchanged bo ,1 s have gonethe rounds. This is a new idea .mil will help tho patrons of both librnilci to have a larger choice. examined, found to bo sound and the' haggling went on. The footgear changed huiidn rt 11.25 a pair. Other inun mid other good runic Buniuc begun picking up Hum the wagon drove nn." I'll vain paitloM liuvt' minted In u how Kiiim of Id looter, (mrUiu t mtlima, r atovvly ntiimiliw lo light' j'suy jwsnlj tiller. COOS PICTURES TO BE SHOWN Long Looked For Pictures to be Shown at Grand, Wednesday night, Noqember 17 Coos county in moving pictures, as taken, under tho combined auspices of tho Elks and tho commercial clubs of the cities of tho county is now ready for display nnd will be shown at the Grand tomorrow night. Tho pictures were shown last night at tho conclusion of the regular per formance to nn audience -consisting of the Commercial club committee and one or two others and pronounced o. k. Most of the Bandon pictures were taken on the occasion of Elks day last summer and the rest of the scenes of other communities have been taken sine. The scenes of Elk day, the arrival of the boats, the mock wedding, the parade, tho wild man tho battle on the scow arc all there. One of the best pictures of the film is the steamer Bandon and the Klih yam going over the bar. The Klih jam, dipping its nose in the breakers is so natural that you can almost hear the roaring of the waters. All of the characters of tho parade are recognizable, the bride and groom, Deacon Mast, Marshall Rosa, and a hundred others. , The picture showstho cutting of a tall cedar and the cutting of ties. The haying on the Star ranch where two men with their combined forks lift hugh portions of hay to the top of the load in the good old way. The registered Holsteins, the chickens and the strutting turkey gobbler are all there. Likcwise-tlvN hauling of tics to e. ilofk, fhrrJyr .of the-, boats .is also carried on. 1 Other Bandon people seen are Jim Wilson and Smiling Dutch in a wrest lir.g match ut North Bend. The bridge to shown and scenes from the carnival r, nd pictures taken at Smith's mill. The picture is a good one und will doubtless attract a large crowd of people many of whom will be able to see themselves as others seo them. The picture is to be exhibited in the county, nt tho San Francisco fair at tho towns in the state where there are Elks lodges nnd afterward it will go east on its advertising mission. Through the kindness of Mrs. Albert Garfield the library acknowledges the receipt of one hundred clips for the binding of magazines for their pro tection during circulation. James Mast supplied a roll of stout wrap ping paper at cost and Wm. Mast gave the apparatus for handling the paper.' Rev. W. S. Smith preached a spe cial sermon to children last Sunday, on the art of making faces. He showed two examples, a specimen from tho rogue's gallery enlarged on cardboard by Harry McGinitie, and another, as a contrast the face of the man who has charge of the reading rooms on the Santa Fe railroad. He showed how each man had in reality drawn his own face with the pencil of his thoughts, making it attractive or re repulsive as the man's thoughts were tinged with characteristics of good or evil. The new windows which were to have been put in for the front of the Boyle Jewelry store in the Ellingson ries by which they will exchange their instnlntlon into position. The Inst Elizabeth carried the plate glass for these windows but when un crated nnd ready to put in place was found to be an inch and a half short. A telegram was promptly sent to San Francisco and a new glas got ready for shipment. In tho meantime the window has n covering of canvass. Ilniidoii Moving Picture of llu big kphihh mIII he bluiMu at the Grand next Wrdiit'Mlay, November 17.. .One iiililil nnly. The Tillamook ami the Ahwnnefda iiiliii) In nufuly hut week. The Tilla inoiik uiihiiidwl promptly und Mailed biH'k fur Portland hut Hut Ahwuiiimhi in kill) hem. II llu Nlll 'lllf CI!. ul.lur.4 ur ht'i umt )u mn mi' flu-iii u Hie I HOUSE OF HESS BURNED TONIGHT Dropped Lamp Starts Blaze. House Ten ailed by School Girls A house belonging to Henry Hesc imd formerly the property of Rev. Barkclow burned tonight. Mr. Hess lives on his ranch south of town and the burned houre, sP.uuicl on thr souin cnu-oi urcgon avenue anil was occcupied'by children of Mr. Hess, go ing to school. June Hess, the oldest daughter, and a high school girl had been to the mov ies and returning about nine o'clock, lit a lamp. She tripped, fell with the lamp, a curtain caught fire and soon the houscKvns in flames. The children screamed to arouse tho neighborhood and thero,.was a generous response to the call but all arived too late to save the house Nothing was saved from the ruins. Included among the house hold goods lost was a piano the prop erty of Miss June. Tho house was insured for $900 and there was some insurance o:i the house hold goods. There was a large turnout at tho fire, including a few automobiles. Two of the latter got stuck in the mud in that vicinity and came close to spend ing the night in the open. PRINTERS TURN DETECTIVES Cameron And Simpson Miss Surf Relics -Aad Go in Quest Thereof Editor Frank B. Cameron of the Agitator of North Bend, worked up a little agitation on his own account in Bandon last week. Mr. Cameror has been making heroic exertions to get a printing outfit of his own. Being n thrifty soul he has reasoned it out that there is no use of going out of Coos county to get an equipment when there was plenty of unused material here. So he bought the out fit with which in the palmy days of Empire the "Argus" had been printed in that town. With tho mnchinery handy M. A. Simpson called the atten tion of the Agitator man to the type with which he used to fill the columns of the Surf when it boomed for the benefit of Bandon. Cameron was looking for bargains and a couple weeks ago the two came over and took an inventory of tho material. At tho time of the big fire which wiped tho Surf off the face of the map the type had been rescued und was re posing in the Oriental hall. Cameron and Simpson looked the type over nnd aver they found some thing like 1400 lbs that was in usa ble shape. Later they agreed on a price for the type, $150 and came over to Bandon to prepare it for shipment. But when they went to get the type it was gone. They annexed the ser vices of the city marshall and finally located a number of boxes of metal in the Central warehouse prepared for shipment and addressed to San Francisco parties. The shipper was Wm. Rogers.local foundry man. Hunting up Rogers they were in formed that the material had been melted for James McGuire a junk dealer and gatherer who was accust omed to gather various kinds of melt able material which was known as white metal to dealers and which he Rogers, had shipped in his name as foundrymen get a better rate than individuals. Other than the metal was white metal and was shipped for McGuiro Rogers disclaimed any knowledge of it. McGuire insisted that the metal was made up of batteries and other junk. But Simpson and Cameron de rided that the metal was type metal, that it waa too hard for babbit metal, und hud McGuire mid Kogem huled Imfore Jimtlie C, It. Wade WVdiuM duy who derided Unit Ihn evidence wuitumIihI him in holding I Jim iiuhi f Hut kwimI Jiy. h) fijjd k'il hms liy wmI orar y QLm my (bt U . 1 GOOD PRICES AND FEW FISH Chaacterize Salmon Cannery Season Just Closed. Missed $2000 Profit. According to Snm Nass of the Pros per cannery the season for salmon fishing which is just ended has been marked by a poor catch and good prices. The season has been a bad one for the man with the nets all up and down the coast nnd poor hauls are recorded everywhere. Mr. Nass thinks the lack of fish is due to lack of rain nt the season of the annual run. He says this has made the water of the rivers salt and lack ing the stimulation of the fresh wnter the Silversides have staid outside and thus saved themselves from the nets. Buf while the catch has been light, the mnrket has been good and every thing offored has been taken at good prices. Last years crop was sold in the fall after tho season closed and because the buyer could not dispose of it the pack had been returned and left in the hands of the canneries. The Prosper cannery sold its last year's pnek in August of this year and if it had held on to the goods a mouth longer would have profited by the wait to the amount of ?2,000. Instead this tidy sum went to the men who were nearer the consumer in tho process of distibution. The seiners were the only net work ers who caught any fish at all this year. The gill netters had very poor luck. Many of tho salmon cauglibvcre large ones, the smaller fish JtEC be ing found in tho same proportion as in former years. Cons Rivals Columbia The Columbia river liar is known as the graveyard of the Pacific be cause of the number of sea going craft that have at one time or another met the end of voyaging on its treacherous breakers. But every bar on this r.orthwest coast haa had his victims and, naturally, the more traffic the greater the loss of ships. We have asked Captain Wiren of tho Coquillc River light house to make out a list from memory of tho ships that have been wrecked on the Coos Bay bar and this is the list as he recalls it: Schooner Captain Lincoln, 1852 Tug Fearless, 1873, Schooner Julia II. JJay, 1889, Steamer Emily, 1892 Steamer Chas. Whitmore, 1892 Schooner Ella Lorina, 1895, Steamer Arago, 1890 Barge Chinook, 1907, Schooner Marconi, Steamer Czarina, Gas Schooner Osprey, Schooner Advent, Launch North Star Steamer Clnreniount, Steamer Santa Clara. A shack 011 the property of E. N. Smith on Edison avenue, near First street grew tired of waiting for some one to tear it down and fell down itself this morning. Tho floor of the building which was once a residence still stands jauntily but the walls and roof are at various angles nnd partly sjirawlud out over the sidewalk. The Elizabeth apeared off the river Friday forenoon and when tho tide was right the Kliliam went out to es cort her in. But after nosing the breakers a little the Klihyam con cluded that the waiting outside for a few hours more would be fine and went back to its dock. But Captain Ol son of the Elizabeth was not so struck with the waiting nnd determined to come in on his own hook. He got in nil right and the Bandon followed his example and came in also. Sabro Brother lo Hie Front The enterprising firm of Sabro Bros manufacturing jeweler have take a quarter page xpure in the Recorder to be held through the holiday. They will have Intunwling iiiultom to pr knot to tho attention of I'liitoiiutrii und II will be woilh while In lintun to wlwl HiitV llUi'u 111 miv. TIimy iiuiiiufui'tiini nun ulu ttmmuy. im vmii whi at giAii uuiJvtt in Cum mmtty sjuJ m Mi! amw& BRIGHTER PROSPECTS FOR COMING YEAR Some of The Things That Indicate Increase in Volnme of Business in Nineteen Sixteen Press dispatches of 12th instance announce that the Gary Steel plant of Illinois is to be enlarged at a cost of seven and half million dollars, and Judge Gary head of the plant which boars his name announces that the work will commence in the near fu ture, nnd will add 11000 men to the pre sent pay roll. San Bernardino announces on tho same day that the Santa Fe shops there have increased the working hours by twenty per cent, making the longest working schedule there in five years and 1200 men are thereby af fected. The American Railway Association from New York nfter a compilation of figures sends out the ncouraging rows that on all the railroads of both the United States and Canada, that there wero on November lot, 2(5,239 idle cars on hands, this compared to one month earlier when there were 78,299 on hands nnd to one year ago, that is November 1st 19M, when there were 170,299 idle cars. Railroad men generally expect all cars to bo in use by December 1st, nfter which time there will likely be a shortage. This is a most remarkable situation, for this season of the year, when crop hauling season is largely over. These figures tend to substantiate the cur rent report that rail road agents are looking up the matter of placing order on the Pacific coast for lumber for cars anil other railroad needs. On November 12 conies the announ cement from J. P. O'Brien of the O-W R & R. at Tacomn,. that .the roads which he represents plans to expend $2,000 000 in improvements in the near future, Mr. O'Brien said that orders had already been given for 50, 000,000 feet of lumber for railroad ties, costing approximately $1000,000 to be supplied by the North West. An other official of that road stated that $000,000 had been spent in tho last fi months for ties by the O-W. R. & N. Fresh Water For Bar Rains of the past week have been of service to others as well as dealers in rubber goods. When the ground has been soaked the waters between tho Coquillo watersheds will serve to in crease the flow of fresh water in the river and clenr away the deposits of sand nt the harbor entrance and deep en the water at the bar. The rock barrier which tho govern ment lias placed from the light house this way will be of service in keeping the ocean currents from filling tho mouth of the river with sand ns was the case last year. But the first action of the barrier lias been to force more sand into the river instead of keeping it out. The heavy ridge of rock keeps steadily sinking nnd the sand displac ed keeps steadily moving out into the river. In one spot the rock sank into the sand so that ten barge loads of rock were required to fill it and spots of depression that require fewer a- mnunts of rock are frequent. The barrier will reach bedrock some day and the freshets will clear out the sand and the good effects of the government work this summer will be more plainly apparent. Diver Mast's assertion that there Is no ledge across the harbor entrance has started the engineers on a new tack and it is announced that a bor ing survey of the bar will bo made to secure a map and render future work more capable of direct action. Union Thanksgiving Servlre Union Thanksgiving services in Ilniidoii this year will be held In tho ProHbytcrian church and Ruv. C. U. CniM will preach the Thuiikngivliig nerinon. During bin uliort ulny In Hun. dun I hu new punlur (if I ho M. IS. ftouth Willi eh lui guiiuMj t l)t ropuUUwi of bilng un mIWUvo hiiiI IntujuttUiitf 1H r km) will 1m wbJI wuitli miiiw- hi MtltU' Lw hIIuw 1)ioii III uUiwmIuk" (hA ttm in w Imim in 'Vm)mw Jto iittf ih wrim vyill ha h4d ut j)4&