Bandon Recorder Published weekly on Tuesdays by The Recorder Publishing Co., Inc. Entered at the Post Offlce at Ban linn. Oretron. as mail matter of the second class. RICHARD II. SWKNSON, Manager jake all checks payable and address all communications to the company .Subscription price, ?1.G0 per year-advance. NE PLUS ULTRA One of the most ridiculous items that ever decorated the pages of a news paper is one alleging the circu lation of a report in Paris to the ef fect that tho European powers as a means of liquidation their debt to this country would repudiate it, and to a void serious consequences, partition tho United States territory between them. In our opinion no requtablc newspaper would publish such a re port as news item with any inference other than that it is the nc plus ultra the facts are far fewer in numbers than those who can know and do not take the time pains or trouble to as certain. The time will come we hope when political affairs will be the per sonal affairs of every voter second on ly to his private affairs a time when governmental matters whether nation al or local will be more important than the pursuit of pleasure, when the ear nestness of the citizen to help direct aright the affairs of government is equal to tho earnestness of the few who seek to mis-direct it. Until then the few and not the collective citizen ship will direct the administration of affairs. of absurdity. Such foolishness could have no source other than in the mind good. That Coos county owes no bond- OUR SPECULATIVE FRIENDS Representative C. R. Barrow is authority for the statement that from twenty-two to twenty-three per cent of the lands Sn Coos county is within the Government forest reserve, and is iJinmfnro non-tax nuying land, land which is withheld from settlement by our citizens, and consequently has no opportunity to break into the tax paying class of lands, and -also that thcie ir. due from tho large timber in terest; that hold land in tins county, includinir penalty and interest over four hundred thousand dollars, and that if this were paid, it would wipe out our current county indebtedness of one hundred ninty six thousand dol lars, and leave us many dollars to the seem to be most sought alter. we piease snanu up "Willi-, if a certain believe that if the desire for efficiency in office were commensurate with the desire to get into office, that there would be quite a stir in official circles that would make the tax payers set up in open eyed wonder and take notice. The Bandon Library has recently received a ten volume set of "Wit and Humor of America" arranged by Mar shall P. Wilder and published by the Literary Digent. The Library also acknowledges the gift of one juvenile. of a fanatic, or else in the minds of those whoso interests it is to make and furnish war supplies, for tho Unit ed States government. The possibi lity of the unanimous co-operation of tho powers for such purpose, would have no parallel in history, nor even a remote possibility of accomplish ment in the future, to say nothing of the impossibility of accomplishing its purpose. Only tho timorous, not the serious minded, give the report any serious thought, and only the papers tinged with yellow give tho report any space with tho inference that it is news. INDIFFERENCE OF THE C. P. Tho gravest gangers confronting tho development and healthy operation of our politic government is the indif ference manifested by the individuals comprising the mass of voters. The voters who are ignorant of conditions by reson of their inability to know cd indebtedness. It is certainly an unfortunate when our vested interests plunder tho choicest resources of tho county, hold it in a state of undove lopmont, stay the hand of the progres sive settler, withhold payment of the accruing tax and litigate its payment thiough n series of Courts to the United States Supreme Court, tho court of last resort. And then who knows but that controversy initiated j ma' from a new quarter to investigate i K''ass some yet untried phase of the question may still further prolong the uncom mcndablo proceedings. 2Utmuta-ttmtfi Educators have made radical ad vancement in matters pedagogical and have almost mastered the art of mak ing Johnie learned in spite of himself. But ever an anon there arises and oc casion to lament the passing of that time honored institution, the paddle. county enn spend $220,000 in a simrl, year in road making and when the shovels are all collected and stored for the winter, have a road system that would drive a saint to profanity, how could that county supply itself with hard surfaced roads on a bond issue of $100,000.?" While Willie is ponder ing we will passon to the next one. "If a city sends $20,000 per year out of the city to the booze wholesalers and receives as the municipal share ?0,UUU in taxes, will it not be a hard ship to the city when that money is kept at home?. Yes, Willie if you have a headache, you may do your thinking sitting down." The relations between the people of a city and the public service concerns which supply it are not usually over cordial. It must have been with some degree of pleasure that the manage ment of the city lighting system saw tho practical expressions of kindliness manifested towards it by business men of the city yesterday morning. The trend of European ambitions row appears to lie in the direction o an Oriental empire. For veurs the un speakable Turk has been nllowed to hold sway because none of the great powers was willing to let any of the others have him. The re-cultivation of the Garden of Eden has an alluring sound but the attempt to possess it ha3 been the graveyard of the ambi tions of more than one hero. Well had it been for Alexander if he had never seen that seductive land and the hith- 3rto unbeatable Buonaparte left on those desert sands the beginning of a trail of bleaching bones that wiped out his legions and ended at Waterloo, The 11)10 political campaign is at ready under way in Coos county and few announcements for some of tho most desirable offices have already been made, mid a few letters of pol tical nnturu have been circulating a round and have reached the sanctum of this office. So far, the offices of cir cuit judge and prosecuting attorn f in Change of Date The White Plague Picture at the Grand Theater will be given Thursday night, Nov. 4 instead of Wednesday as previously announced The picture shows in de tail the process of caring for and curing tubercolosis patients. The film is ac companied by a special lec turer who will explain brief ly the treatment and cure of patients. Shown in connection with regular Paramount Features THURSDAY NIGHT, NOV, 4th ;it (lie Grand Theater K til In CJuryi-t l'ul I'irimutml IVI Sam Nass attributes the lack of fish in the river this season to the dry Fall. He says lack of rainfall has made the water of the river briny as be noted from the qunntity of ss and harnaclcs collected on the bottoms of river boats. The salt water and the rough bar has tended to keep fish out of the river. However the complaint is tho same all up and own the coast and from the Rogue river to Alaska a short catch is reported. This thing of blowing a tin horn in season and out of season has its dis advantages especially when some fel low citizen who has been boosted into office turns out to be a grnfter of the first water and a corporation which has been lauded in season and out of season never lets slip an opportunity to menace the peace and prosperity of tho community. We nre told that it is impossible to divert any of the land grant lands sale proceeds of the public schools be cause the conditions of the grant is a contract to sell the land to actual set tlers nt $2.50 an acre and the condi tions of the contract can not be chang ed without tho consent of both parties. But why can not the consent, of both parties be obtained for this purpose, Is there n common ground on which tho principals could better meet than on that of tho benefit of tho schools of the state. Would cither wish to go Two clever children were an inter esting feature of the "Commanding Officer" ut the Grand Thursday night These two children furnished the com edy relief to the story of army life in the southwest. Undressing them proved to be quite a problem to the commanding officer and his elderly friend of convivial habits. They had a sort of notion thnt the dresses came off as a sack conies off from a bush el of turnips. When the young lady banished them from the room and un dertook the disrobing, they watched the operation through u crack in the door and found out where their own notions were in error. These were sure ly a clever pair of kids. They never once looked at the camera but acted us unconcerned through tho grinding of the machine us the blase artist. Tho Thursday Paraniounts are worthy of patronage. There is a mother and four children struggling to keep body und soul to gether living in the city, their most pressing needs supplied by an aged pensioneer and assisted by occasional contributions from the county. Tho other day one of the children found an apple on the street and the manner in which it was pounced upon and divid ed among tho children was pathetic to witness. The thought occurs that possiblity there may be ranchers up river who may read these lines and who have apples going to waste under there trees. If so they can with a lit tle exertion make this one family hap py for n time. Who will volunteer? LODGE DIRECTORY 3 a Masonlc- Bandon Lodge, No. 130, A. P. & A. M. Stated communications flr3t Friday after the full moon of each month. Special communication Master Masons cordially in7ited. WALTER SARIN, W. ' u uuw.MAN, Sec. ! PROFESSIONAL CARDS . C. R. WADE Lawyer BANDON, OREGON Eastern Star. Occidental Chapter, No. 45, O. S. S. meets Friday evenings befor and after stated communications or Masonic lodge. Visiting member cordially invited to attend. ADELAIDE F. REYNOLDS, W. M. BLANCHE FAULDS. Spcrotarv DR. H. L. HOUSTON Physician & Surgeon Officn in First Nntional Bnnk build injf. Hours, 9 to 12 a. ni; 1:30 to 4 p. m; 7 to 8 in the evening. BANDON, OREGON 1 .O. O. F. Gandon Lodge. No. 133. F., meets every Wednesday Visiting brothers in jjood .Mrdially invited. GEO, H. SMITH, Secretary. L. I. WHEELER, V G 1. O. 1 eveninr stand'is DR. SMITH J. MANN Physician & Surgeon OC.ce in Ellingson Building. Hnur, o 12 a. m; 1 to 5 p. m. BANDON. OREGON Rcbckan 'tcaan Rebeknh Lodge, No. 120, O. O. F meets second and uiii Tu-sdaya nt I. O. O. F. hall, 'fwn ripfc members cordially invitee MARY C. BARROWS. Seeretar- MARIAM WILSON, N '?Srs)fl0(.i ?) v BANDON CIIURCIIKS 2) .5) Presbyterian Chuieb bath Services: 10 a. m Sabbath dmoo 11 a. 111 PrearMi 0:30 p. m. . . C. E. Prayer Meeting 7:30, p. m Proachin" Vo.dneKday 8:00 p. m. Prayer moetinar A :ordial invitation is extended b ublic to attend these services T" WINFIELD S. SMITH IW l. L. P. SORENSEN Dentist Uffctr. in First National Bank in. Telephone at house entt build office. BANDON. OREGON DR. K. V. LEEP Physician & Surgeon O&cn'lii Ellingson building, Phone 72 BANDON, OREGON Methodist Church Sunday School, 10:00 a. m. public Service, 11:00 a. in. Evening service, 8:00, p. m. Mid-Week Service. Thursday MX who do not attend church els-- T.harn are invited to worship with : C. MAYNE KNIGHT, Pap - Episcopal Church wunday School. 10:u0 a. m. vJreachinir. 2nd. 4th nnil Rth H. days at 11:00 a. m. and 3:30, p. m. KUV. WM. HORSFALL, Vicav Bfc. ARTHUR GALE Physician & Surgeon Office in Ettingson building. Offico ohone, 352. Residence phone, 353 BANDON. OREGON M. E. Church South Sunday School. 10:00 a. m Preaching. 11:00 a. m. Epworth League, 0:30 p. m. Preaching, 7:30 p. m. Prayer Meeting, Thursday, 7:30 Missionary Society. Friday. 2,"' W. B. SMITH, Pastr BIG PARAMOUNT SPECIAL Rita Jolivet, Star of "The Unafraid nitn .Tniivnf ii 1. .....:.. 1 t.' l : uu utt i-oni H oppose.. 10 ino ini- Rirl who nmkes hor Bmm deb t , Jesse L. Laskey's pieturization of "The Unnfmid", was born in Paris and has attained note as a legitinite dramatic artist not only in her native city but also in London and New lork. Her mother before hei Baptist Church Sunday School. 10:00 A. M. Preaching Service, 11:00 A. M ELDER A. B. REESF DR 55. C. ENDICOTT Dentist Ohice in Ellings'm building. Office ohom 1211. Residence phone, 1101 BANDON. OREGON OR. I. L. SCOFIELD Dentist Office in Ellingson IJiiilding in rooms lately occupied bj Attorney Foney Phone 1141 BANDON, OREGON CHATBURN & GARDNER Attorneys at Law Juit No 3 rirst Nat Bank Bldg. BANDON crests of the schools? To turn this land over to be pur chased at $2.50 an acre would be to nvite n scramble that would bo a scandal and result in dissentions that would leave n trail through the com n ng years. It would be a pleasing riage to the father of Miss Jolivet, was lung for the speculator but ,t would n ceiebrate(1 plailgt am, gt be only another of the .black eyes that fllL, Illez Jolvet , to.(, on(J of this gentry has already administered r.. ...V. t Church or the Brctliert Sunday Services: Sunday Scho 10:00 a. m; Preaching sorivco ut a. in. and at 7:00 p. in. Everybody cordially invited. L. B. OVERIIOLSER, Pastot the land to the man who will pay the most for it and let tho beneficiary be the schools of the state. If Oregon is ow as compared with other states in the matter of an adequate school fund slate pride demands that no chance be overlooked to make up for what has been lost. Sit down and write a letter to Congressman Hnwley and our two senators stating that it is your wish that grantor nud grantee get together un ii iuiuirinise inai will result in swelling tho Oregon state school fund. There is probably one man in Bini. Ion who thinks good roads are a mat er of secondary consideration. To the master f the Elizabeth, a good bar ap pears entitled to firs place on tho pro- gram. r ilxn nniiiHin nllt. l i I "". Btiivak will 1 KiirnniMiM cnnHnnnt !!.. . ! .. r 1; 1. ..... I 1 iiiiu uuiiyui K . nauMucuoi. a., nrounu is to lot mndo ,or ,)rofessional dl!bllt E. land as Beatrice in Shakespeare "Allien Ado About Nothing," and before first coining to this country luid already played important roles the lending London theatres with such artists as Cyril Maude. Weedon Grob : . 1. 1 ci' r . niiniii mm oir ueorge Alexander, Miss Jolivet was "discovered" fo America by Harrison Grey Fiske when he was visiting England make preparations for tho American production of "Kismet". At that time he engaged Miss Jolivet to come New York immediately scored overwhelming Broadway hit in the leading feminine role of this most fa minis uriL'iuai uramu miring its 111 itial run nt the Knickerbocker TheaU'i l-'ist season Miss Jolivet played the role of the Chinese Princess in Percy Tho trite old iirovorh Ymi Mrtlo m, MucKnyo s fantastic drama. "A and I'll tickle you" stands in need of Thousand Vears Ago" at the Shubert a little revision. The up-to-date ren- Tm'"lru Ncw York City u,nl also 011 dering of the thine is "Ynu m. I()llr' 8 production she also scor and I'll cave in your slnts" c' " ,,'t of t',L' f'r8t "'"Khltude, and was hailed by all tho metropolitan When tho Bulgarian tipnsaiit smiii?. I critlea as 0110 of the truly great in gle vegetable or meat into Auntri mid truly uniiiuo iiemoimlltli's of he IiikInIh on payment in American l',u JrHeiit day gold coin. When the Snindunavlan '"tu Jolivet, who, by tho wny, upeakh snip mtor ii(TMdii In MllnnliiL' a car- 'Kll' wull us French, U admit itn into Germany hu inuUtu on gold K'dly one oft ho mom bountiful biu- Amoiioiiii i'oIiin ux imyiiient. Thl void notion on the tagn. K 10 hu 11 wealth dollar which I woith nil the wuv fiom f (luWv (emiiorummit ilovulnnod fl-f'tf In tlM in IJiir, ipe n hu nuitw nndur tln rnovl i-xpint tuurlior oft h mhu wiimn ihumliwtwl t fmn u vro 11 wmiHiy rrmieulm. lit imiuintir nil- fr III!) I'dlrtlUidll nf iiiuiiLln.l in . MJfll JIM ihut of tint 11111 uImIiu IMfi), Jijitf ul iirifeuftt flu AniHiixml Amortnuh ulil who l (l,n luc.uu of tW U lhi i!Mdur.l of uiIum Thf UhartWfd" lliv U iuILu..,v 1,1., L. I. WHEELER, WHEELER STUDIO Fine Portraits Amuteur Finishing Flint St. East uf Hotel Galiicr luiJ O 1 J AMERICAN PLAN $1.00 1 and $1.50 per day. European Flan, rooms 50c, 75c per clay Eaton & Rrase, Props. Read The Recorder e- 9 . 100 - 90 . 80 J 70 60 (i;ib . so v.jpiiij.: IS3 1 vyvtf fctni a where c Warmih wnere ihe decree) Perfeciion Oil Header Smokeless and odorless. Deal ers everywhere For hat rritilU un Ptail Oil Standard Oil Company Cl!il) A AAA A AAA AAA wmi tm 8 ui 1441k uji .'m limit wtU lu timm Ml Urn I n, mm iTrw-i. -'ST ,lmm f 1