THE BANDON RECORDER Bandon By-the-Sea has the Prettiest Bench on the Coast VOLUME XXXI BANDON, OREGON. OCTOBER 26, 1915 NUMBER 42 CITY RECORDER GIVES FIGURES Itemized AccMHt of Receipt Aid Dis- hrseHeits Fr Past Fiscal Year REPORT OF THE CITY RECORDER TO THE PEOPLE OP THE CITY OF BANDON I am herewith submitting to you a report of tho expenditures and reve nues of tho City of Dandon for the paBt fiscal year, from Oct. 1st, 1914 to and including September 30th, 1915, which I certify ia a true rnd correct report as taken from the records in this office on date of September 30th, 191 5 and are as follows: Office of City Engineer. Salary City Engineer .... $ 1,500.00 Chainmen employed 435.15 TeamH 31.00 Clerical work 3.00 Inspection work 1G5.00 SuiiDlies 1045.18 AbsI Engr. for time employed, 200.85 Total ?2,447.18 Expenses in Water Dept. incurred pri or to time city took over system. Labor, $193.50 Supplies 307.18 Water rent, 240.00 Freight charges 0.05 Total $74G.73 Office of City Recorder Salary, . $900.00 Postage, including all special assmt's Gen. correspondence 17.13 Supplies, 21.75 Total $998.88 Police Department Salary of marshall $900.00 Sal. two night watchmen,.. 1,570.00 Supplies $12.50 Total $2,542.50 Health Department Salary, Health officer, $70.00 Supplies, 97.10 Total, $167.10 I cgal Department Salary city attorney, $900.00 Court ep. filing fees, etc., . . . 83.45 Total $983.45 Firo Department Bent of fire hall $200.00 Addit. fire hose bought $500.00 Supplies, Misc., $15.45 Labor, Misc 0.00 Total $721.45 Light Department Service to city, only $1,873.20 Supplies 8.72 Total $1,881.92 City Library During Time Operated Salary to City Librarian .... $385.00 Supplies 7.21 ilia. Inc. froight charges, etc. . . 3.85 Rent 210.45 Light 15.1G Total $G27.00 Street Department under direction of City engineer and city marshal Labor. $350.00 Supplies, 464.65 Lumber for ropairs and now work 102.88 Approp. by Council for repair of Bench walk $50.00 Teams and hauling 79.90 Commissioner, salary paid for time employed, 51.25 Equipment, 8.50 Total, $1,107.08 Mayor and Councilman Salary For attending meetings only, $400.50 Fuel for City Hall Recorder, Engineer and jail.. $31.90 City Printing $280.74 Election costs 45.71 Sower upkeep, $40.63 City Water Department expenditures since tho city 1ms operated same. Sularies $790.50 Labor employed, 1,101.75 Misc. Supplies 84.82 lly warrant to Bandon Water Co. first sale of water bonds . . 970.00 Lumber for repairs, 13.87 Pino purchased, 2,023,57 Fittings purchuKod, ,. 6 1 1.55 Team work, 78.00 Printing 41.00 Freight charge, 14.70 Rent of tdiop, , , 52.50 IntvrvDt on bond, 55.UIO.OO Tola I fH.iI22.41 Mlwi'llmieoiw JUpiiulllurt Invurum- on rlty hull und m'opU, 100.00 lUikmplioii of Muwv of wr. itiuU W.Ut'.l dm tftk tft. linn, MtM Mlf tfWfli-JitH of InforuMlon , wl.Uli! of iU, CJtik , list (Ky juiitf int una (mi, .... 6Mb l'lkimJ )' "" i?" Telegrams and phone messages nertainincr to citv business ull departments, 17.36 Recording fees to Co. Clerk, .. 5.00 Appropriated from General Fund to meet deficit in improvement bond interest fund, 400.00 Advanced on salary of viewers on extension of 7th St. W. . . 6.00 Misc supplies for St. work . . . 25.40 Total- $893.70 Interest paid out by City Treas urer on general fund warrants redeemed and park warrants outstanding $2GC.3G The Total Expenditures in all de partments and Miscellaneous from October 1st, 1914 to Sept. 30th, 1915 is $23,028.06 REVENUES OF THE CITY OF BANDON from October 1st, 1914 to and including September 30th, 1915. Receipts Water Dept. from Janua ry 1st. 1915 to September 30th. inclusive $0,055.96 Premium by rosale of water bonds 1,212.50 Liquor licenses $5,000.00 Fines, municipal court, 310.75 Impounding fees 84.25 Show licenses, 99.50 Misc. licenses 25.00 Reimbursement to General fund for water service connections made on First street, 58.75 Taxes from, county treasurer, re ceived ilunnir above period 4,ba&.Hi Taxes due in September, received in Uctober too late to include in above report, .... 2,658.11 Total $20,040.71 Taxes due and not received on above date from Co. Tres., $1,210.05 Allowing that the above delinquent taxes will be received, together with the above revenues, there is a deficit of $1,777.30. this, however was contract ed by the Water Com't for extensions made on the Oregon Ave. water main and nronosed to bo credited back out of the proposed $40,000.00 Water Bond Issue. Respectfully Submitted E. B. KAUSRUD, City Recorder Lady Chicken Thief Rivals Movie Mystery Heel Mark By Ilea Hoase Caises Specula ties. Can Yoi Beat Recorders Solution to Mysteries; Prints? Tho identity of a lady chicken thief is at present the mystery of South Bandon. Lasc year Robert Kunibo lost a number of chickens and the on ly clew he could find throwing any light on the uisappearance of the fowls was tho prints of a pair of French heels in the dirt at tho hen house. Within the past week Mr Rambo found traces of what is appar ently the same pair of French heels in the vicinity of his hen emporium. Tho lady chicken collector, however, hnd miscalculated this time. Learn ing the lesson of experience Mr. Ram bo has provided his hen fortress with locks. Owing to this fact the tracks this year were found on the outside of the building nnd not on the inside The heel marks are creating con siderable) interest in that vicinity. An iuformul study club has been organiz ed and considerable attention given to tho problem of: Given a poir of heels produce tho rest of the personage con nected therewith. Is the lady a blonde or a brunette,? Is she young and hand some or has the hand of time dealt with ruthless severity on a counten ance, onco trim and bonny? Is the rest of the raiment in accord with tho shoes? Wero tho shoes paid for, or obtained on credit, or were they begged, borrowed or stolen? Is tho wearer nf tho shoes a lady at all, or a Chinaman, a Jap or Hotcntot? Perhaps it is a rase of mental de rangement, or there may be a romance connected with the incident. Chicken broth for n sick or infirm relative may drive the lady out of tho (ioiino on u desperate errand. Or perhnps it is a wuger, A wagers B that he ran not don it pair of ladies allocs and a hobble nklrt uiul steal u Plymouth Rock roonter in tho ilurk of the inonn, without detection. No, these Kuniiliuii urn loo elrmen t jt. Wd fuel urn the solution to tin mystery in noinethlng like thUi A wtulii luily of the dly hud ill ummiij ring. It w oiw whirl) h valued highly liuvlng Urn preMiilml to hr by lur MffUwwl jut w(ti liu Jg)nl h! ;ixljiitD N HO to tho tfnui. lull tvttr, A k lliv hjji In lli i)Ul song, he "never returned" the lady grieved lor him and cherished the ring with exceeding ardor, One day a flock of chickens entered the yard. The lady saw her cherish ed yard flowers in process of exter mination. Bravely she seized a brick and salied to the rescue. So atro cious was her aim that the chickens thought she was throwing at a cat in the opposite direction. In her zeal however the lady made such a splen did effort that the ring slipped from her finger and fell among the flock of chickens.. One of the hens took the ring for a kernel of corn and swallow ed it . The lady did not like to expose her self to ridicule and waited for an op portune time to get the chickens in n convenient corner and extract the ring The chickens were sold to a distant pnrt of the city and the lady grew des perate. Nerving herself she made a trip, secured the chickens and obtain ed the ring. She determined that no one should know of her plight and has kept her secret but the thing has brooded on her mind that one night she went walk ing in her sleep,, Unconsciously her path led to the scene of her former visit. Waking she has now become so afraid she will repeat the trick that she has herself locked in her room when she sleeps This is our solution to the mystery. If any one has a better let us have it and we will publish it. Something We Missed Mrs. Guy Dippel who was the guest of Mrs. J. L. Kronenberg at her home in Sausalito, Cal. this fall reports that the latter had a chance to put on the Klukuhma pageant at the fair and thought seriously of doing it. The fair management ran a seriei of folk and semi-historic pageants and paid for each feature. There was ono va cant date for which they wero willing to place the Bandon presentation but only five days notice was given and undi!.' the circumstancss the time :is not long enough to assemble the .'haractcrs and costumes and get all to San Francisco. There was enough offored to pay the expenses of the trip but gathering the party in the time allotted could not It?, thought of. Otherwise the local actor.? might have chartered the for one voyage and made the trip south in state. James McGinity is a recent addi tion to the population of Bandon, coming here from Brookings with his con who is one of the Coast Guards Mr. McGinity recently moved to Or egon from Southwestern Virginia, where ho lived two years. Previous to thnt ho lived in Nebraska and South Dakota. He was a newspaper man in the former state in the early days and printed the first paper in Boyd, Neb. in 1883 on nn army press. The press was set up out doors and the process of printing was an object of interest to every one in the town. The Bandon Camp fire Girls will give a program party Friday evening at Dreamland. The program will con sist of dances, folk dances and Indian dances. 160 invitations are sent out but ull are invited to attend the event. Parents are welcome. These dances is in costume are vory pretty and it is a program well worth attending. Admission 10 cts. Mrs. Guy Dipple, Guardian; Mrs. Ralph Dipple, Chape roue. "Gretna Green" was Good. Ono of the best feature that has been presented nt tho Grand in many a day was the Paramount "Gretna Green" produced last Wednesday night Mnrguetite Clark was the lead ing lady nnd the part for which she was cast allowed full play for her par ticular talents. Perhaps tho finest situ ation was that where after by acknow ledging the hero, tho Earl of Bnssett, masquerading as u grooniHinan, was her husband, tho acknowledgment con ntltute.l n murriagu uccordlng to the law of tho border. Then u divorce must be hud und (die tnttUtcil on it, Hut when tho doninu'iit was ready for her vig nature, (ho tune wan of n dilfiri))it liuture. She tried to uxhuunt the vtm-k of quill by shewing or touring them up und when (lit ulrulegein fuM, (oid up Him mriliinnt. It wu up) lug of h itifhVult nH but wui imturally Kiwi uIJy Jyjif un fhu nlnloriuj rn. iivtiiiti'i hv i m wgJ u ih IJv TAX OR RETRENCH? $4,666, THE EXCESS Mayors Estimate For Ensuing Year Dis doses Amount to Be Raised Above Present Revenues Four thousand six hundred and six ty six dollars is the amount above the city's present revenue that must be raised to maintain the city for the coming year on tho same scale as that now in effect. At a meeting of the council November 17th the city coun cil will take up the problem of in creased taxation to meet the estimates of the budget and tax payers may be on hand to make suggestions or com ment. During the past year the expense of conducting the cities affairs was $1548.50 less than last year's estimate fhe following are the figures of the mayor's estimate as presented at the Meeting of tho city council last Wednesday night. For recorder's office, including sa lary, postage and supplies, $1141.00 For city engineer, including salary, chainmen, supplies and equipment . . $2500.00 Salary of city treasurer, together with necessary office supplies and books, $375.00 For salary of city marshal and night watchman, and supplies nnd axtra officers if necessary. .. .$2000.00 Estimate for health department in :ase of contagion or emergency $250.00 To cover salary of city attorney md estimated cost for defense of li tigation now under way including Wltnss '.fees'. .. $1125.00 For rent of buildings for fire ap paratus and extra hose and supplies. . $725.00 For labors supplies, sidewalk, teams and hnuling lumber, service of street commissioner and equipment. $1000.00 For salaries, supplies, rent and light of public library $850.00 Service for city at large including supplies for light $2000.00 Printing and advertising including legal and other notices $500.00 City Water Department For sa laries, labor,, supplies, lumber, pipe, fittings, team work, printing, freight, rent, nnd interest on bonds. .$8,500.00 Salaries of Mayor and Councilmen, based upon two meetings a month, and the average special meetings.... $500.00 Fuel for city hall, offices and jail.. $50.00 Insurance on city hall and records $100.00 Meals for prisoners $50.00 Telegrams, telephones, etc.. $100.00 Miscellaneous fees to county of ficers $25.00 Miscellaneous for street and sew er work and repairs $500.00 Cost of election $100.00 Interest to be paid on general fund warrants $100.00 Interest on park fund warrants. . . $200.00 City pound rent $75.00 Estimated Assets of tho City of Ban don to Apply on the Foregoing Estimate of Expenditures: Receipts from general taxation real and personal property within the city $8,500.00 Estimated receipts from water de partment $8,900.00 Receipts from licenses, concessions, etc $200.00 From fines, etc., from municipal court $300.00 Revenue from miscellaneous sour ces $200.00 Recapitulation Total estimated expense of city for tho fiscal year $22,760.00 I'otul assets us estimated. .$18,100.00 )firiency to bo rulsod or retrench ment mude. $1,606.00 Istlmuted Current, General Fund Totul nxpciue $22,766.00 Wider depurtiuent uxpeiueo to be de ducted .fH.riO0.oo (uving general tlnmte of uxpen I'M ?Hi'"MMI MuUng u ruduillon of fBOIft.lO under lut yurV mljiimltid ukpuiimmi lujuuluM from the fuel lb! tliw Mil mlJlriUoi) tau!'lyi!iwj Wis imt 1 n fuyinu of ttttef) lm liiUJ Visits Former Bandon Teacher Mrs. II. M. Morrison returned Inst week from her trip to the grand lodge of the Pythian Sisters at Portland and reports a fine trip and and excellent time all through. Besides attending the sessions of the grand lodge she stop ped nt Eugene nnd Monmouth. M tho former place she visited the state un iversity and was warmly greeted by Bandon students there among thsm being the Misses Pearl "rnine and Louise Clausen. The faculty of the university spoke in high terms of tho work of their students from Bandon saying that all, practically, who had come to them with certificates from the local school were industrious nnd capable and worthy of their credits. One of the best of these is Fnest Watkins. Mrs. Morrison also visited at Monmouth where she was the guest of Prof, and Mrs. II. C. Ostein, for mcrly of the Bandon high school, in deed under whom it took its greatest strides to its present position Prof, and Mrs. Ostein spared no pains to entertain Mrs. Morrison. They took her riding nnd showed her the sights of Monmouth and vicinity and nftcrwards had her to dinner in the girl's dormitory. Here ninety girls, nil of them nice nrc housed and Airs Morrison met most off them. She met Miss Lurn Morgan, n Bandon girl ui the normal. Prof, and Mrs. Ostein de sired to be remembered to old friends in Bandon and would like to have them call upon them in the normal town. Coos Bay Company Gives Fine Concert Entertainment Given By High School Stud ent Body of Good Quality There wus nothing common or me diocre about the entertainment given by the Gjerdrum Conservatory faculty of Marshfield at the Orpheum Friday night. Every number on the program was high class and was presented with the skill of talent that bordered close on genius. At the piano, with vocal music nnd the violin the mcchanicnl execution was in the superlative de gree. Henrik Gjerdrum, pianist, appear ed in all the numbers as an accompan ist and in three of the numbers ap peared singly as a soloist on the piano His finger work was a marvel to be hold and he won prolonged npplause nt the conclusion of each of his solo selections. His work was that of a fin ished artist and to listen to him was n treat. Gerald Hunt tho Baritone soloist delighted all with his selections. He had perfect control of his tones and was repeatedly applauded and encor ed. The music of Jcno Seveley was n revelation to many who did not think it possible to wring such music out a violin. Seveley is evidently a Hun garian by birth as well as training for he has the stature of the people u cross the Danube Short and swarthy with a shock of black hnir he lool. cd the popular conception of an artist Every pass of the bow across the strings of his Cremona aroused melo dy of the sort the old masters dream of. Seveley's selections were a musi cal treat and wero appreciated by nil lovers of violin music. The entortninment which was for the benefit of the high school student body was given a fair patronage. SCHOOL NOTES Patron-Teachers' meeting next Fri duy. More in the nature of a recep tion Uj givo patrons opportunity of meeting the teachers, many of whom are now this year. The class in public speaking is making considerable heiidwuy. Exer cises are given in tho presence of the rluHH only, und criticism, nre given fully und mutually. A program will Ixi rendered lief out the high school as sembly dome time during this yenr, nnd pomilbly u public entei Utlnment will be glvi'ii. The uonu'il givuii lMt Friday night under Him nuih of the high mIiooI WUH U Ml MUM III VWy WU)- MMllpl M4u. The ktddttiil body fuudl wind tunim iIsiiiJmIwJ by Ui mibsmu! to (JbIImj. TLj ifiiM) mulkm 1a Iks uhwte SOME KNOCKS FOR THE KNOCKERS M. G. Pohl Draws Lesson From Con ditions in Sonthern California San Diego, Oct, 3, 1915 Editor Recorder: With the nrivnl of your last interesting paper I inn re minded that I have not reported re cently. I will try and give you some thing this time thnt should hold a les son for a certain clnss of people 1 met while nmong you. There is alwnys a class of growlers and fault finders the same ns we have sick people and well people. The sick may be cured with medicine or they may get well as soon as they find that to be sick is expensive and nn unprof itable habit. Growling is not so easily to be corrected. There nre two classes: the chronic growler, an incurable specimen with whom the less we have to do the better. The complainer when ipproached in a proper way may per- hns be taught something. This latter is the class I like to interest in this correspondence. How often have I met such men in and around Bandon. This thing was not in accord with their icas nnd something else was a drawback that did not exist in the hap py land from which they had emigrat ed. In every direction there was some thing to harp on. In my short travels here, not for pleasure, but trying to do some small business, 1 have been among the farm ers and by remarks mnde and the fault found have been constantly re minded of that grand chorus of knock ers in good, old Bandon nnd vicinity. In general the fault lies in many things the price of land, the condi tion the land was in, the lack of fer tility in the soil, and who knows and can remembers all the objections? Now no section of this country could be found but what there is something ono could wish otherwiso. Even here, around San Diego, wher there is a climate second to none 1 have found anywhere, where most all conditions are extremely pleasant and which in most respects has all that u sound mind could ask for, even here we have drawbacks as I have been told by people living here, most of them small farmers. Now this is not an cpistlo to cor rect men; I am over that habit long ago, not is that I wish to expose things that others have told me. It shall be only an encouragement to some of your friends of Btindon und vicinity. Of prices of Innd I mentioned be fore, there is us far as I can learn no land to bo hnd for less than $250 per acre and this is land on which there is no water yet. Water is a necessity for the gardener and farmer. Pour water on this land by irriga tion, either grUvity flow or the water pumped from a well and prices raise from $000 to $1500 according to loca tion. In my humble opinion I should prefer the rich soil nnd general con- litions of Coos county. The harvest may be the result of the climate but if you should try to work here the same way as is done in Coos county you would make a failuro of it. It takes work here and water, water. I am told the cost of irrigating per acre is -a dollur u month for each acre the price being set by the water com panies. In addition to this the party getting the water is ordered by the company to use the water only at specified times. If they say you shall use the wuter from twelve nt night to six in tho morning, that is the timo and there is no sleep thnt night for that rancher. If you do not use it nt thut time you go without and you must pay or tho wnter privilege is Ink- en from your bind. How would you like this, Mr. Growler? Prices for products uru considerably ess than thoo you receive r pay. and products in general are not quito so good; us perfect In quality owing to tho moist4r iitiiKupliero whiuh you huvo. Your pirnr and upplo uru wny uhoud of what I find luiiu. Now, Mr. (irowlur, don't nuy thill CifHi imunty U not gnod (iiioug)i for you? Kmip u Hilly ijuliit uihJ you wlJJ not oio your Ignominy, m, a j'oijj, Tim aujijHir ntaui W ihf JWlirv teu IMu Am mi mtM jiai