The Bandon recorder. (Bandon, Or.) 1915-19??, October 12, 1915, Image 3

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9 ,
For Your Automobile Troubles
Largest Line of
Tires and. Acessories
in the City
Expert Machinist
FOSTER & HENRY, Props. :
Telephone 51, Second St. and Chicago Ave. 1 -
Don't Give Yourself
phone m
Annual repairi are now being made on our country linei.
The main work is to replace broken glass insulators. Most of
these are destroyed maliciously by young boys with rocks and
old boy with guns. The public can assist in making "Service
First", by refraining from this unnecessary destruction The man
who shoots off an insulator and puts the line out of commission
may shoot himself a few minutes later and need the same tele
phone line to call a 'doctor. This is only one of a thousand em
ergencies which may arise with serious results to both the care
less man and his innocent neighbor
Coos And Curry
I Order Your Freight Sent
I Large Two-Berth Outside State Rooms Vith Run
1 ? i
ning water.
Eight .Day. Service Between
Han rranctaco.
JtoMrvfttiojiNS J, 13. Norton, Coijullla; Vuryin',
Uyiik VolnUK, J), Thrift, ImloU,
4, K, WAIMTHDM, Ami, Huntm
at your Service
Cause To Regret It
because you reg'ecred placing
your valuables in a safety de
posit vault. Many have re
greted their tardiness inacting
fires and burglars have cost
them dear. Anything valu
able is worth taking care of.
Our vaults are fire and burglar
proof. We invite your inspec
Telephone Co.
by the Old Reliable
the Coquille River and
Death of One of
Oregon's Pioneers
Richard Franklin Cox who was
resident of Oregon for more than iev
enty yean died at the home of hi
daughter. Mrs. C. L. Foster in Ban
don, Friday night, Sept. 30th, 1915
Hia death was due to a stroke of
paralysis and his yeara 'vere 73 in
number with an additional a months
and 12 days, having been bcrn Dec
18, 1841 in Piatt Co., Mioourt,
His patontc crossed th) plains to the
Oregon territory in 1SH-. Thoy drove
ox teams which was the most com
mon way of travel in thosa early dayi
and they uffered many hardships as
wen as braved dangers on the road.
In the course of events they reached
what was known as Trauleton plains,
Hero owing to tho inclemensy of th
weather they were compile I to camp
until the following spring when they
resumed their journey. They arrived
at Red Prairio in April, IP4'J. This
part of Oregon which is now knov n as
Polk county was wherj they build;d
home and Mr. Cox grow to manhood
among the early settlers of the Wil
lamette valley,
In November, 1803 'io was united
in manage to Miss Lucy Lynch and
two years later, in the fall of 1805
the young couple immigrated to Cur
ry county. There they settled on the
Sixes river. This part of Oregon was
at that time a rough, unsettled '.oun
try. Bear, cougars and wild cats were
common and large herds of "elk and
deer graed on the hillside!; The
writer of these lines has hoard Mr. Cox
say that in those early days the elk
and deer seemed to show less fear of
man than of the wild beasts of tho
jungle and stayed near the settle
ments for protection from their more
deadly foesof the forest. Mr. Cox
spent the greater portion of his life
in Curry county and very materially
assisted in converting this Eouthwcsl
Oregon country from u wilderness to
a well settled and beautiful country
containing some of the finest dairy
lunches and homes.
He was the father of eleven children
nine of whom survive him, namely,
Mrs. Genia Chandler, Mrs. S. J. Wil
son, Mrs. G. E. Wilson, Mrs. C. L.
Foster, Mrs. W. T. Allen, Mr3. Ag
nes Davis; the sons are William, Oe
cil, and Loander, all of whom are res,
idents of Coos and Curry counties.
The funeral services were conduct
ed by Rev. A. B. Reese, pastor of the
1st Baptist church, Bandon and the
remains were laid at rest in the ceme
(cry at Denmark, accompanied by a
arge concourse of friends and ac
Down to the white silent city,
Tis a roadithat we all. must tread
Down through the valley of Jordan
But there's nothing my spirit shall
For up from tho valley of Jordan
Whon we havo crossed to the other
On the Mountain of Transfiguration
Is glory for ever more.
Bandon Oregon
The cash for the $30,000 of city
bonds, which has been held un for
some time by various delays, has at
last arrived and was in the hands of
of City Treasurer R. H. Mast yester
day. As will be seen by the notice in
this issue, that official cash juggler is
now repared to meet all holders of
city warrants with his head un and re
deem the city paper as fast as it is
presented. This is good news, and the
release of $30,000 in real money in the
business circles of the city ought to re
lieve the financial stringency to a
noticeable extent Couillo Herald.
September 25, 1915, at Bandon,
.Earl E. Schroeder and Agnes Mc
Cuo, Rev. Horsfall officiating.
Earl is one of Coquille's promis
ing young men and his bride one of
Bandon's popular young ladies. They
will reside in this place. This news
was overlooked in our last issue, but
it is never to late for congratulations
so the Herald extends congratulations
along with th6 young couple's many
frionds Coquille Herald.
Tho following appointments were
mado for tho Eugeno district:
J. T. Abbott, superintendent, 1308
Willamette Etrcet, Eugene, Ore.
Alba-iy, James Moore; Bandon C,
M. Knight; Brownsville, J, fl. Green;
Buenir Vista, Oren Wall; Coos Hay,
circuit, to Iw supplied; Coquille T, 11,
Down; Corvallis, D, II, Icchj Cot
tugu Grove, II, N, Aldrlrhj Crawford,
vlllw, Harold Dcixneo; Cmiwull, K, 8.
HUIwiij Drain, J, V, Dunloj.j FJkton,
V. A, Vw, wpiilyj V.umw, , H,
Wllfcliuwnj flurdfmir, J, J. J'cyj Oo.
ihvm tiiuj fttvlnaw. tuinlu,i i,v itu.
urn Wrwr JIUy, (J. , Hwiij
UwiJkhurir, J'. () imUi Jni,4vi.
ro, W. t'. fttwnitj Jrrlnf, liu,v4
imtmn Mtmm, H (i. Ymvt imu
Hun filly, I), O. HwUm Uhuitun. ttM.
lull WweHlj) J4il)v dftuH, u).
Plied by W. D. Riffffi. Lowell circuit
supplied by Walter Robs; Marcola cir
cuit, supplied by H. A. Sifton; Marsh
field, Joseph KnotU; Mehama and
Lyons, R. D. Cadv: Monroe circuit. V.
W. Snyder; Mountain View circuit, R.
J. Davenoort: Mvrtla Point P. fi
Maco; North Bend, A. S. Hisey; Port
urrord, w. H. Myers; Shedds, F. S.
Clemo; Siletz Indian Mission. sunnlir-H
by G. C. Scuddcr. Snrinirfield. J. T.
Moore, Toledo. R. H. Allen: Tumor. .T
J. Mickey; Yoncalla R. Hockin.
- ' " r
ine urand Lodge of Knights of
Pythias which convenes in Portland
today will havo a shadow thrown ovo"
it because of the death of L. R. Stin
son of Salem, Grand Keeper of Re
cords and S,eals of tho order which oc
curred at Salem just a week aco.
Stinson is reported to have taken his
own life while suffering from a ner
vous breakdown. Stinson was one of
the most widely known lodge men in
this state and had a circle of acquain
tances that extended from ocean to
D '
)S(S)(5 g
(Frem the Gold Beach Globe)
Fish very scarce now-a-days.
W. M. Lewis who has taken a lease
on tho Bailey place for a term of years
moved his family to town Saturday
and three of his children will start
school Monday morning.
Mrs. Angelino Hawkins has pur
chased a house and lot in town and
will move her family hero in tho near
future that her children may tuke ad
vantage of our excellent schoolj,
D. M. Moore finished the grading
of tho road to Bagnell ferry mid mov
ed his camp back to town tSatmday
evening. He has two bridge3 yet to
build when the road will be finished.
After a two months visit at Seattle
and other points in Washington, Mrs.
Geo. Henry and daughter Ella return
ed Friday. They report having had a
fine trip and a good visit.
Samuel Malehorn of Langlois, after
several years absence returned a short
time ago to his old haunts to become
permanent resident once more of
Curry County. He in company with
Ed. Cheever was in town Saturday
night. They are 'now' camped at Hun
ter's creek hunting and fishing a few
The Gold Beach Drug Store chang
ed hands the other day. Oscar Miiiei
is now the owner and proprietor, who
will continue in the drug business, and
also carry a complete line of gents
furnishing goods. Mrs. Knorr the
former owner vill spend the winter
with relatives in Wisconsin and will
probably return to Gold Beach in the
While hunting on Myers Creek Sun
day morning, Geo. B. Miller reports
seeing four elk; one cow, calf, yearling
and an eight point buck.Thero is
known to bo a band from sixteen to
thirty head of elk ranging between
Pistol river and Hunters creek which
if let alone, as the law commands, will
rapidly increase in number.
Roy Dixon started Monday morn
ing for Bray's Mountain on the head
waters of Sixes rver to locate a ledge
of antimony. The ledge was discover
ed many years ago by Mr. Dixon but
the ore at that time had very little
commercial value. The European war
however has caused a demand for this
kind of material as it is used in high
explosives, amunition, etc. Mr. Dixon
will take his grub and blankets on his
back and go straight through the
(From Port Orford Tribune.)
Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Forty moved
into their new residence on Oregon
street the first pf the week.
Born, last Wednesday, Sept. 29,
1915, to Mr. and Mrs. Willis Hutche-
son at thctir homo on Elk river a son.
School started in Port Orford Mon-
lay with Prof. A. S. Johnston nnd Mrs
Mary Keefer us teachers, Tito atten
dance for the first day wnu good, thuiu
being 28 pupils In primary room and
1 in the advanced.
Mull failed (o arrive at Port Orford
ono day last wtuk owing to tho clmrig
ng from tho numrner to the winter
Krhedule, From now until spring tho
until will 1m tlirtMi duytj liutuml of two
in Hrrivliig from tho rullroud.
Forvktur J. Ii, Curl moviuj IiIk fuml-
y Into their iww mUluiM n (own laid
wwk from tl Hutwr Mutlon un Mid-
i ,lk. Hr. f'urj myh prwpily
UWU HI tlllil lt JilllflU jyt) liiTtl u
MUX ilm wlniur urn) .lnw Jii rlilidrt'ii
I J'? Hit. Hilhtf, h vhlliiiK Minn ht
M nH fatvw frUHww I" MiHJI" ,
ii Seeds! Seeds! All Kinds of Seeds! j
Timothy, Alfalfa, Red Clover, Alsike,
Orchard Grass, White Clover, Red
Top, Bermuda Grass, Oats, Barley, Vetch
f 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 n 1 1 m 1 1 1 1
ho country, having come over from
Grants Pass the first of tho week.
They arc expected to extend their vi
sit to the Ranger station on Middle
Last week the Tribuno reporter fail
ed to chronicle tho arrival of a brand
new baby boy at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Carl White in Port Orford Sept.
22, 1915. We extend our nppologies
to the little fellow for having' delayed
the announcement of his arrival.
Three of tho gasoline boats, the
Roamcr, Rustler, and Standard, were
in our harbor Monday bound from
Coos Bay to Rgue river. The Ramer
also carried a consignment of freight
for this plnce. She and the Rustler
handle the business of tho Wedder
burn Trading company, while tho
Standard is on the run for tho Sea
borg compnny.
Mrs. J. H. Zumwalt, Ray Zumwalt
and Ernest Lutsey went to Coos Bay
the latter part of laHt week where thoy
took a steamer for San Francisco. Mrs
Zumwalt will spend the winter in
California, while the young men went
down to take in the Fair. J. H. Zum
walt accompanied the party as far as
Marshfield returning to Port Orford
Monday. When coming down the
coast from Bandon Mr. Zumwalt said
that his party saw a largo panther in
the road near Four Mile.
Tho Music Bros., who have been pro
specting for some time on Rock and
Boulder creeks, were in town the first
of the week and after laying in a sup
ply of provisions returned to that sec
tion for further investigation. They
say that while many prospectors havo
been in that region during the summer
yet, so far as known, no big strikes
have been. made. Little is being dom
with the J. R. Smith property, which
received much publicity last winter
over (ho reputed rich strike made
there by Mr. Smith and his son, Owen
The Music Brothers are rather skep
tical over this strike ever having been
as rich as reported, although they be
lieve there are good possibilities in the
Bonanza basin country as well as on
Rock creek.
The winter schedule for the mnils
from the cast goes into effect, today
though it is possible that until there
is a heavy rain the mail may arrive
here in the afternoon, as it has been
Do you want pure drug
and drug sundries, fine
perfumes, hair brushes,
and toilet articles? If
so call on
C. Y. LOWE, Band6n
Keep The Kidney's Well
Health, 1h Worth Saving and Some
Bandon People Know How to Save It
Many Bandon people lake their
lives in their hands by neglecting tho
kidneys when they know those organs
need help. Weak kidneys are responsi
ble for a vast amount of suffering and
111 health, but there is no need to suf
fer nor to remain in danger. Uso
Doans' Kidney Pills a remedy that
has helped thousands of kidney suffer
ers. The following statement leaves no
ground for doubt.
J. M. Jones, 1051 Conkiiii, Ave.,
Grant's Pass, Ore., says "I suffeicd for
quite a while from symptoms of Kid
ney trouble. I tried several different
remedies but I was not helped until I
used Doun's Kidney Pills. They
greatly relieved mo. Tho action of my
kidneys was regulated and the aches,
nalns and lameness loft mo,' Since
then my health has been flue,"
Price fiOc, at all dealer. Don't flu.
ihk for u kldnuy remedy get
Doun's Kidney Plllxtho wjiiiu tliut
Mr. Joiion hud, rnsiter-MllhiJii)
V 'iropi,, Huffulo, N V,' -udv.
(iHlclittl) Hrolliorji. Prom
All WimIk of htmvy m Hghl ilmylng. Phone orthra I
ulvm rm)i HHnillon, Hum conicr Plrxl & Kill' I
tuui. Piiih I'iMjni'H v. 'IVI. Juiii 111 I . I
m i m ii h m n n n t
doing all summer.
The ensteni mail is due to stm t out
hereafter at 5:30 p. m. but as the Ban
don mail comes up at that hour to go
out with the Coquille mail, in order
to insure that letters will go out the
same day they are mailed they should
be in the postofllce not later than 5
o'clock p. m- The winter schedule
gives 27Jiours between hero and Rose
burg so that the mail which leaves
Roseburg at C a. m. one day is not lato
here until 9 a. m. the next day, though
it Usually gets through n good deal
earlier than that in fact always does
except, in caso of some extraordinary
Mail for Myrtle Point Bridge and
other county postofilecs southeast of
hero leaves and arrives with this east
ern mail. Tho railroad for Myrtle
Point and Powers should lie in tho of
fice here by 11:20 a. m. for the train
leaving at 11:52. The railroad mail
from these points is duo hero at 1, p.
For Marshfield and North Bend tho
mail for the morning train should be
in the postoffico here by 8:10 for tho
train that leaves at 8:15 and at 3:20 p.
m. for the train that leaves at 4:00 p.
Mail Is duo from tho bay points on
the train arriving at 8:30 and 11:52
a. m.
Tho mail for Bandon closes at 8:35 '
v. m. nnd is due to arrive at 5:00 p.
m. . N
Tho Norway and Arago mail by riv
er boat closes at 12:45 p. m. and is duo
to-nrrive at 11 a. m. but usunlly gets
in much earlier by tho Myrtle.
Mnil for Sunjmer nnd McKinley goes
out from Marshfield on Mondays,
Wednesdays and Fridny by stage from
Marshfield and should bo in tho first
mail here on those days at 8:1,0 a. m.
Coquillo Sontinel
by virtuo of an cxecutnn and order of
sale duly issued out of tho oirouit court
of the Slate of Oregon, for the County
of Coos and to me directed on tho 13th
day of September, Ifl'o, .pcn a Judg'
iT.ent and decree duly rendered, en
tered of ccord and doo'.eted in nnd bv
said Court on the 8th day of Septem-
! her, 1915 in a certain nuit then in snid
Court pending, wherein J. II. Gould
was. plaintiff and C. M. Smith, Anna
M. Smith, jiis wife, C. R Wade, ct al,
wore defendants in favor of plain
tiff and against said defendants by
which execution I am commanded to
sell the property in said execution and
hereinafter described to pay the sum"
duo the plaintiff of Six hundred seventy-one
and no-100 Dollars, with int
erest thereon at the rate of six per
cent per annum from tho 8th day of
September, 1915 until paid together
with the costs and disbursements of
said suit taxed at Seventy-seven and
70-100 Dollars and costs and expenses
of said execution. I will on Saturday,
the Ctlv day of Novomber, i9lu ut the
hour of 10 o'clock, A. M. of said day
at the front door of tho County Court
House in Coquille, Coos county, Or
egon, sell at public auction to tho
highest bidder for cash in hand
on the day of sale, all the
right, title, interest and
estate which said defendants, C. M.
Smith, Anna M. Smith and C. R. Wade
and nil persons claiming under them
subsequent to the plaintiffs mortgage
lien in, of and to said reul proporty,
said mortgaged premises hereinbefore
mentioned are described in said exe
cution as follows, tn-wit: All of lot five
in block ono In O'Niol's Addition to
tho town, (now city) of Bandon, Coos
county, Htato of Oregon, uh per plat
thereof on file mid of record in tho of
fice of tho County Clerk of Coos coun
ty, Oregon.
Suld nalo being made subject to re
deinptlon in the manner provided by
Dutod this 15th duy of .September,
Hliurllf at I'm County, Oregon
WW H Hf fff H Hi f f tH