It.- THE BANDON Bandon By-the-Sea has the Prettiest Beach on the Coast BANDON, OREGON. OCTOBER 12, 1915 NUMBER 40 VOLUME XXXI r?,--H " ' "- I y RECORDER CONG. HAWLEY IS IN THE CITY Arrire At Nm hi Makes Trip (her BarhT. T Speak T Niffct Congressman W. C. Hawlcy arrived In Bandon this noon and has been tak in In the sights preparatory to an ad dress which he is to deliver tonight in tho Orphcum theater. He was met at Coquille this morn ing by a party among whom was Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Zeek. The latter was Mr. Hawley's campaign manager last year. The party arrived in time for din ner at the Gallier and also tho Eliz abeth and the Brooklyn arrived off the ljarbor entrance in time to dtfnon Ktrate to the Congressman how the passage into tho harbor was made. Tho tug Kllhyam went out and guid in the Elizabeth and when it came tinio for tho Brooklyn to be towed in t)3 congressman and a party of local lights went aboard tho tUg for this trip out and a little experience. The bar was in grand shape for the ex perience although to the credit of thp congressman-be it said that he proved a better sailor than somo of his local companions. At the meeting tonight the subjects to bo discussed arc "River and Harbor Improvements'! and the "Rural' Credit System." Suit Over Water Dispute The Bandon Water .Company In an action against the Longston Construc tion Company held ttio Bandon Justice Caurt In an interesting session yester-'tia'y.- TTto" VWater Company- made charge of 10 cents per,, barrel for mix ing .cement for the Concrete Street work, and scd for $140. Tho Long pton Company claimed that 25 gallons of water is' sufficient to mix one bar rel of lime and that the charge was ixhorbitant. The Wnter Company claimed that they had a rati fixed by the Railroad commission and that they could nolther raise or lower the" rate without being guilty of violation of law. The defendant thereupon claim ed that they had petitioned the rail oad commission to reduce tho rate, I ut that before tho department acted on tho matter, ho wacr works had been . old to the city. The plaintiff claimed that when the city took, over the mat- tor, tho railroad commission lost jusisdlction over the matter,- while de fendant claimed that it left the rate still in controversy and "up In the nir" Tho matter was taken under advise ment. Mr. -Trcadgbld appeared for tho Wator Company, and Mr. Barrows of Coquillo for the defendant. Resort to Primitive Settlement Fist fighting seemed to be In tho Bandon atmosphere last week, as evi denced from .tho police and justice I Court records, some pleading guilty others contesting tho case. The one , attracting most attention Icing tho caso of tho city .iguinot R. W. Squire who was accused of engaging in a , fight with Edmund Davidson, Thero were two witnesses for the city that Squlro forced tho fight, and four in Sq'uiro's behalf that he only fought in self defense. Municipal Judge Knus rud found the evidence insufficient to convist, and dismissed the case, An adjourned session of the coun ell will bo held next Tuesday night nnd at this meeting will be taken up tho matter gf placing the bonds for the purpose of taking up outstanding warrants. An' effort has Wen traOo to place tho bonds ut 1 per cent b..t ihls has been found to bo Impruct nt Bandon city warrants at f per rent tire not considered desirable anil it ha cost about u hundred dollar to And out this fact. Tliera luyo Uen uwurancon olfert'd, In ,ho itiuln by Mr, Huggo of tha tyanil'tiuivlHii Ant i'llwn bank of MurtlifU-ld that the t,oni wll ko rllly at U jwr cut and ttt Ibis rMt llify will piolwldy U tUifvl Ko4oii xjwrk'iifmi yrwrduy wwrokiK it tir (itl wf lh HWm, UM hctl Wft hfiHV th UII Barrows to Speak Oct 26 The lone nromlsed address to Ban don people under the ausplcies of the Bandon Commercial Club, to be given by Hon. C. R. Barrow of Coquillo is to materialize soon. Mr. Barrows has promised to appear and address the people of Bandon on tho evening of Tuesday, October 20th, thst being tho regular meeting night of the Club. He urged that all public Hpiritcd, citizens be present, ladies as well as men, as ho will among other things discuss a state women's organization now under. way, having orphan s home and other kindred subjects the object of its spe cial attention, and his general sub ject will pertain to legislature mat ters, and the O. & C. land grant mat ters. All citizens are urged to be pre sent. ' The hbur and place of the meeting will be announced later. Death .Summons Mrs. Emma Osborn Baatai Pioneer And Church Worker Died Suddenly Saturday The death of Mrs. Emma Osborn came as a shock to her many friends in Bandon October 9th, Saturday. She left home apparently in good health but wns taken with heart fail ure at Dr. L. P Sorensen's and died in u short time. Mrs. Osborn was one of the pioneer settlors of this' section. She was- born at Dayton, Ohio, July 7th, 1849 and removed with her parents to Iowa when about 3 years of age. There they resided until the time pJier marja'ge with Albert Osborn in 1807: The young couple emigrated to Arkansas but was lured by the western idea, leaving Arkansas in 1870 and ariving in Oregon in 1877. They have lived in Coos' county for 28 years, '23 of which were spent in Bandon. Mrs. Osborn is survived by a hus band and three sons. One son, Spray, and his father are at present in Cana da and Elmer and Lester are residents of Bandon. Funeral services for ,the departed were held Sunday after noon at 2:30 and were largely attended. Rev. VV. S. Smith preached the ser mon nnd paid a fino tribute to the ex cellent qualities of the deceased. Burial was in the Knights of Pyth ias cemetery. Departure of Mr. Bodin Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Bodin are pack ug up their housel'old goods pre par utmy to moviin; to California Mr. Bodin who has boon tho repivscnta tive of tho Standard Oil Co. at their Bandon station for the past eighteen months has been transferred to Wal nut grove and will have .barge of a new station there as soon a- the change can bo effected. Ray Valklns, his assistant is to remain in churge ns tho local agent and the selling ter ritory of the Marshfield agent ha3 been enlarged to includi Dn'ndon so the change will menn the loss of one man to the Coos Bay diatnet. Mr. Bpdin has grown rittached to Bandon during his residence horo nnd "dislike to leave but is going to n counuy with which he is familiar as he has lived ten year In California. Walnut Grove is in the valley of the Sacra mcuto. Off For Grand Lodge J. W. Mast and Hayden Jackson left Saturday via, the Mast auto, for Port land its delegates from Delphi Lodge No, K, of P. to attend tho Ben- slon of the Statu Grand Lodge which Is in seuKlon this week In Portland, "Jim" wan watrhing Uie weather and llui barometer pretty closely before ho left, Mm, II, I-', MorrUon left Hun day us u delegate from the local U Ihu Htuie Gram) Jdge of Pytlilun HUU-r which will bu fn jhIih ut tlic twine IJhiw, A. (i. Thrift wlui 1m uilournilitf III (,'llf(j)iiitt (or )'itili KimtTully, urn) o w.iiiK jtlUf dm ihvmutitm CO. SUNDAY SCHOOL WORKERS IN SESSION Two Days Session Held Friday and Sa turday. Fine Talk by Rev. C. A. Phipss There was a liberal attendance and much Interest manifested in the Sun day School Convention which conven ed in this city at tho Presbyterian church last week Friday and Saturday Representatives wero present from different sections of the county and nearly all tho denominations were rep resented. All of the Sunday Schools of tho country study the International lessons and such conventions ub this help to soften the antagonisms that, crop out.among Christian workers ns well ns any where clss. Rev. Chas. Phipps, special repre sentative of the state organization wns present and made several addresses. He attends thesc meetings all through the season and said at the conclusion of tho Bnndun meotingH that for zeal and ferver of enthusiasm they were fnr above the average and tho best ho had attended for a long time. Rev. C. Maync Knight of this city as president of the past'near's organ ization, presided at the meetings and arranged the program. Tho following is tho list of naw oi ficers elected for the coming year: President L. M. Law of Coquille, 1st vice nres.. J. F. Brand, Multifield, 2nd vice pres., Mrs. Morrison,-Coquille Secy-treas.: Miss Mary Mooro, Bandon Chairmen: Elementary; Mrs. Elmer Russell, North Bend; ' Teen age Miss Shaw, Marshfield, Adult Rev. Knight, Bandon, Teacher training Mis3 Watkins, Myrtle Point. llomo department Mri. YY: mcyer, North Bend Temnerance Claude Noslor, Bridge ', Evangelism T. J. Cannon, Myrtle Point, " . Missionary LeRoy Hall, Marslj- fi;ld. Tho convention workers left the city fueling that they had had a profitable meeting and with reneweJ interest in the crusade to as Roy. Law expressed It, put more time on the factory in stead of the repair shop believing that work with boys nnd girls is more pcof itable than on the humnn wreck's who havo grown to manhood A -cording to Rev II. Phippi, who Miq principal apc-vker of the Sun day School' convention in sesiou in ri.'h city last Friday and ntunkiy, tho n'vugo man thinks more of his lhv 1 1, than ho dos of his children. Mr. Thipps addr-ji .cl an audience that c-n.: ortably filled the Pnv.byterian c rch Friday ev-rrng on the Chicago Ccn cntion, a sunwit that wns prln n pi.ll; notable for the tory lUtlo it bud to do with tbj address. The speaker said he had nn occas ion to attond a similar convention re cently nt Dallas, Oregon and the citi zens of the town prepared a very nico antertainmcnt for the delegates as sembled, spending pjrhaps as much as $25 on it, A week later they spent $1,000 on a convention devoted to the studying of the ills of Angora goats. Ho did not criti'-lso them for desiring to be acquainted with tho best mehods of caring for goats. It was a com mendable enterprise but her did think thero nhould hnvo L'on a .little more attention devoted to the ills that threaten tho moral growth of children Action and dcdi wero the essentials of Christian citizenship as emphasis ed by Mr. Phlpp.i. Ho suid that Christians could bo divided into three flections the workers, the jerkers ai.d the shirkers. Tho workers ho com mended and said tho unual tendency was to load them up with imrdons un til they -were discouraged; tho jerkers wero the kind of pvoplo who would nut travel smoothly but would work until tho mood telicd thuiit to change tilings when thoy would m und haul In vuriouft directions, The ohln.ur were tho kind who looked n fuinl.iy f rliutl iirtlvltlun with a roi'iplumii mnllo ami when invited to do komothliig wi.jld wiy "Oh, you urn loliiif fiiuly, keep It up," Tito fH'Ulirr iipliid lliv ntfltul ( ihv ulyily uf MI'Im u JhoiuIhiu III liu public whujli ami Hid lIlM muU ur M Ih nuluni m ttr liwi jt COIIIJIllttl'i- Ut lilMlllllll'lll JllUU(ilOtf of prre a schedule in nhiuh a knowledge of pacrpd records wan to constitute one poiht for university admittance. This committee was working in har mony .with the stnt'5 mipeiintendcnt of public instruction who was in sym pathy with the movement, and had changed the original project of mak ing this n half point qualification to constituting it'n full point, - Mr. Phipps remarks were liberally sprinkled with anecdote and many of his Millies were barbed with a caustic wit v that made thorn very effective. His talk was enjoyed by nil bresent. Monkeyed With Gas Wagon Al. Garfield nccompanicd by Drs. Lccp, Endicott, of Bandon. nnd J. A. Endicott of California returned Inst week from n hunting trip in the wilds of Curry County. Al took flic party down in his car, nnd left it with one of tho farm houses while they were In the interior, and returned to find that some one had been joy riding during his absence, nnd had among other other things tried to run over an upple tree with it, nnd the enr was so gene rally damaged and demoralized that it was with difficulty that the party were able to return homo in i. It is proverbial that down in Curry no one will bear witness against his neighbor so Al has not located the guilty par ties. Pollock Sells Grocery BusincRR The grocery firm, of Pollock and Pol ock which has conducted a business on the cast end of First street for a yenr or two past has sold its stock and good will toa cbmpany to be known as the Model Cash Grocery of which Harry Hornung is manager. The stock If to bo moved to the rooms recently vacat ed by tho Red Crain Drug store. A stock of' graniteware and glass ware which 'the Pollocks carried is- to be closed out. Mrs. Pollock has already lSrt,f6rMo,'familjr homestead In Mal heur county and Mr. Pollock and tho rest of the family will follow as soon as he can make business arrangements Cheap Peaches in Umpqua Elbert Dyer, who has been here this week reports that fruit from the Umpqua and Rogue river valleys is to be had in the region where grown at a very reasonable price. He says that peaches cn bo purchased thero at twenty five cents a box and they can be had for the picking if one hns tho ambition to go after thir. The fnrmers of that country are feeding them to their pigs and they do not make extra good pig feed at that. Not near as good as could be growil on the land which the fruit tiecs en cumber. Mr. Dyer says tho farmers are begining to get tho fancy farm ing idea out of their heads nnd to go in for tho staples, alfalfa and ( and tho forage that will sustain a dairy cow. These nre the crops fa vored in the' Klamath district on tho other side of the. Cascades and that section is in much better condition than the volleys noxt east. Mr. Dyer and family expect to spend the coming winter at Ashland where thero are some notable miner nl springs and if that section does not suit them will go on to some other place next year. U. S. Engineers Here Bandon was visited last Friday by a delegation of good road boosters Tho U. S. Road Engineer, Burrell, nnd State Engineer Cantino visited Bandon and wero accompanied by the members of the County Court, County Road Master Hall Lewis, nnd Charles Hall of Marshfield, who is President of Coos County Good Roads association. While hero they took a flying trip to Floras Creek to Investigate the road gravel situation, utid apparently found it all that it Is clulined fur lU Elbert Dyer of Bandon accompanied them to Floras Creek, Tho Government En gineer Is gathering data concerning the territory between tm ('ulifornlu lino and Columbia Itlvur, for govern men I Information, Itnurou JeiKo, formerly of iU rily and (-hinged with tunl'i u liorttu from ht wlfo, hit Wiilvl In U' vhi i of Vulo ii Ulheur dimly. .lm m liiii mmBii Hvm itiw) i e (I'M t Ml? itj Ijuyn Ul nLkLlipaliii!)li at Mi Welcome; Mr. Hawley Congressman W. C. Hawley, of the First Oregon District, is a welcome visitor to our little city. He hns done as much at least if not more for ou harbortthan any' other ono member of Congress. His efforts as one of our -Hu blic benefactors bus been duly ap preciated, which will not soon be for gotten by our citizens. His visit nt this time of need for further improve-. ments, nnd Immediately proceeding his return to Washington for the De cember session of Congress is oppor tune, and will enable him to work with first hand knowledge of present con ditions. The citizens of Bandon join the Recorder in extending a welcome. Boston Wins 3 Straight Word comes over tho wire that to days ball game in the inter-league contest was won by Boston, 2 to 1. This is Boston's third game. Ono more will give it the flag. Alexander, who won Philadelphia's only game, lost to Boston yesterdny. Rattle -Snake Jin Visits The City Eccentric Half Breed on Bare Feel on World Tour Arrives in Bandon This Noon "Rattlesnake Jim" whose eccentric pilgrimage has given him free adver tising across the continent wns a vis itor in Bandon today. He says he is on a barefoot tour of the world and Bandon marks another land mark on his journey. "Rattlesnake Jim's", real name is James' Lauchhd Loncfcather and he wns born in Luzerne, Switzerland. His father was an Ogallnla Sioux and his mother a Swiss. The couple met in London while appearing in a circus. Jim left Luzerne April C, 1897 and says he is due back there in April, 1920. He says he has walked over a hundred thousand miles barefoot. He occasionally works and he nlso gives sxhibitions of Indian dances and Swiss yodeling. When asked what he expected to gain in his pilgrimage he said:- "Three things. A body immune from disease; adventures thnt can be gained in no other way and an education that call not be had in the best university in tiio world." Tho dogs of Bandon did not seem to Jim's liking but there were no seri ous collisions. Weatherbee Quits Star Ranch George Laird has purchased the thoroughbred Hplstcin herd of 10 head of cattle on the Star Ranch, belong ing to Dr. Wethcrbee, who hns given up dairying nnd will return to Port land. George says tho price of every thing is going down except holsteins. It is understood that Mr. Hansen, brother of Schmidt Hansen, Bandon's Shooting gallery man, has rented tha Star ranch, and will conduct that fa mous place in the future. George will place the cattle on his Coquille ranch. Joseph R. Fish, chauffeur, recently of this city, charged with issuing two flo fund checks, was arrested last Tuesday in Spokane and held for ex tradition when papers are served. Fish cashed a $14 check and used u part of it ih pay his fare on the Rosa-burg-Myrtlo Point auto stage. It al so developed thnt he hud cashed a $20 check ut tho Bohemian bar in Marsh field. Both checks wero on the Bunk ofBandon and wero returned there be Ing no funds to pay them. It develop eil that Fish had never had $34 in tho bank ut ono time. The complaint of H, N. Hmllli that he Mtlll owned pioperty in Pi rut St. was given littfiitlon at Iho clly roiin. HI lunl Wi'dmisduy night. Whmi Flint lilreet wu (Ut till (High Ut Pllliiorii It j rimmed Hollrortd utrwt ViUUU wm 'I,,..).! uti and Mr. lliiiith owns u lot ut lh liitiwHiulloil'llmt war iwvur nc mudM fur. Till luii'l ' ' Mrl t;'i' will row Mi" my "W PORT COM. FAVORS BAR IMPROVEMENT" , Will Repair South Side If Government ex tends North Jetty. Bond Issuance Lessened The Port of Bandon is to tnko ac tion regarding tho conditions of. tho Coquille River bar which has .shoaled up during the Inst season. Tho govern ment has the work of extending ,tho north jetty inland about completed nnd there yet remains about $'-'0,000 unexpended of the amount appropri ated for the project. At the meeting of the port hold in Coquillo October 2nd the port (Jecldud to nsk the government engincers(to continue the work of replacing the north jetty outward until tho .former portion which now constitutes a, reef is restored its original distance. This is only reasonable as the money lias been appropriated for the local harbor work and all the equipment is ready for the work. It cost $20,000 to 'put in tho tramway and make arranga mcntn for beginning tho work. . " If this is done tho port plans to spend $20,000 on the south side jcOty to close off tho lagoon nnd make tlo south side jetty pnrallel wjth the north side from its western tenninus to tho Brcuer dock. This it Is hoped , will make a channel through which, tho" tides nnd river current will keep a pnfi sago clear instead of as now having to wait for the occasional freshets ,; of water from the upper river to do, the, .work. . ,K, With these propositions ahead, ,t,w port decided to repeal tho ordinance which allows it to issue $2.ri0,00u in bonds and to make tho amount to bo issued not to exceed $50,000 in, sums of $25,000 for each issue. Port.Attor ncy jTrendgold was instructed .to. pre pare 'an, ordinance providing for this end. With the interuption of freight con nections 'through Marshfield Coquille is awakening to the importance of tho river route ns a means of obtaining competition and js endeavoring, to suart a gasoline schooner route be tween that city and Portland." The work this summer of the dredge Se attle will facilitate this and the fact that tho Tillamook on its Inst trip in took out 250 tons of coal from River ton has lent encouragement o the no tion. An effort is being made to start the schooner Ahwaneeda on thje run. i. In this connection the port decided to take action relative to sinkers, or logs found to havo no value and which aro .loft floating in tho rivor where they become a menace to-navigation. An ordinance will bo present ed imposing a severe penulity on any one who leaves such logs in tho rivor. Exhibit Muscular Development The exhibition of physical oxerciso ond fonts of muscular strength put on at the Grand Theater last Wednesday night by Champion Jim Wilson -and Smiling Dutch was a whole lot better than the average vaudeville attraction Tho exhibit of Wilson's physical de velopment and strength wns nn;oy'o opener to mnny. Ho scorned to h'av'o tho mupclcs of his extremities - and chest in perfect control, fllsi worf: ing of his back shoulder muscles waft extraordinary. Welts of muscle .seem ed to chase one another across his back in a bewildering manner. In ono of his feats ho laid alongside Smiling Dutch und getting a hold. with one hand lifted that athleto into th air und raised to his own feet with the load. ; "Say" suid ono man in tho crowd. "I'd lllto to have muxcles like thi$ when 1 muko my rounds, collection day." Mr. and Mru. E. A. PJillpot uru tio parent of fourth on born j'juwteA. duy morning. Mother aid child aro (h lug well und un for tho proud pHpu he weunt i) vary cheerful ciuntonujifMi nnj imiikwhw thut It imw piioitt owuKlnrj uriM'N Ut Jiulp fight iliy .Dutch Thu wrwilur rvUmw from Marl Jiunil loduy wliwu they had un Hij i)ma in ihtt wrajijJIiiK mwtidi'tuj Hi tim iijiifcod Hfim yum p'J ft' -V liltlHW (if Mi s , iUj 0bTHb ttjli)l f''MWi