The Bandon recorder. (Bandon, Or.) 1915-19??, October 05, 1915, Image 5

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IM t?
For Your Automobile Troubles
Largest Line of
Tires and Acessories
in the City
Expert Machinist at your Service
Telephone 51 Second St. and Chicag Ave.
"(Continued from aue t)
regard to size. The actual fact Is that
Ort-Kon Bent the least hero with which
ot make an exhibit; and but for the
WRenulty in making the moat of the
laast, Oregon would have been lost
in the shullle. As it is Oregonir.ns pass
along and very properly bwcII up. tholr
r hosts, but they ought to go homo
prepared to insist that Oregon should
never ngain put up to the chief
pf horticulture to make n winning ex
hibit with no little co-operation as
was given to make this one. Hood
Ulver and Hoguo Hlvcr vnlys hnvo
really done it nil so far ns horticult.
uro is concerned. The Willnmette val
loy has an insignificant showing al
though it grown soma of thq llncst
fruit to bo found on tho coast. The
Umpqua vnlloy, especially favored
for fruit, sent nothing, nnd the offer
ings from other sections than the
two named have been insignificant in
quantity and usunlly in go.isrnl worth
yet they grow much fine fruit. But
' ,70 should worry" tho ribbon hangs
tlioro and nil Oregon gets tlw bpne
fit. Tho award was made come time
ngo but tho ribbon has been hut re
cently delivered.
Juice of Logan berry Questioned
la Lognnbcrry juice mcde out of
loganberries? Is tho Willamette VaU
l3y producing loganberries or is, it
producing phonomonnl bcrrica in dia
uiso? or is it tho reverse? In any
(vent, enn n rose by Tiny other name
cmell ns sweet? LUther Durbnnk who
1 nows more about berries, cacti, po
tatoes, flowers .than' tho original in
ventor, says Wilnmctto Valley Logan
berries uro nothing of tho sort.
He does not spit on his hands and
cweur when ho make's tho nsortlon
hut ho affirms with n irreat nfllrmn
tion thftt the socalled lognnbcJrriesi
nro phonomonnl berries, a product so
far ahead of lognnborries lut no res
pectable person will mention them r
tho same breath. Luther snys that
tho loganberry is a soft, mushy taste
less thing that will not ship, is unlove-
I., in lnL- ntir.n ntir) iirniliifnii hlice
with no more virtue than eircus lem
onade. That's tho limit. in criticism,
nnd it has weight of authority, al
though there are soma authorities
that illiwjjrce. However tho California
uiiznrd is unconcerned with tho (lis-
uRreemcnt-'-his name is Hurlmnk and
that ought to be enough to satisfy
nnvbodv. And Rut-bunk savs. snyc ' e,
thnt not until he took the little old
loganberry and gave it n dose of Bur
bankitis did it assume any cast at all.
Then somebody got hold of a sprig of
his rejuvenated loganberry which ho
vechnstened tho "phenomenal berry"
and they took It to Oregon. It grow
there at n terrific rate and the pno
niimcnat thinir there is so very com
mon that this new Invention from
Cnliforniu probably outgrew its name.
At least the word "phenomenal" got
misplaced and the wonderful nig red
Imrrv Dint has nrnduced the juice that
- - - i -- -
William Jennings Bryan says is the
best that ever happened is now Known
na thu loeiinhorrv. Tho question is. is
it? Who first brought the berry Into
Oregon, and whero did ho get bin slip
or cane? Experts here uro anxious to
;now, ho if you, dear reader, know
nnvthimr about It iiIciiko tieud the In
formation to Publicity" Oregon
The Romance of Elaine.
Mnrcius Del Mar, a foreign aent
searching for Craig Kennedy's lost
torpedo, and posing to Elnlno an an
investigator in search of Kennedy,
takes up his headquarters close to
Elaine's summer home. Elaine, Jame
son and Del Mur, while standing on
the lawn of the Dodge summer home
are surprised to receive from a farm
er, Elain's missing trunk of the pre
vious episode. Elaine and Jameson
thank tho farmer very cordially nnd
he throws Elaine an applo and departs
Elaino is dumbfounded to find a l.oti
cleverly concealed in tho apple. It
reads, '"Bo careful of Del Mar." She
slowly tears it into small pieces nnd
thinking she is not observed, throws
It nway. Bu Del Mar has noticed, and
recovering tho torn parts pieces them
together and rends. Elaine discovers
tho lost torpedo in the tray of her
trunk goes quickly t. otell Jameson
of it. While she is gone, ono of Del
Mar's men ptonls the torpedo and is
muking off with it when he is inter
cepted by the farmer who threw
Elaino the applo containing tho warn
ing. They struggle, and in tho fight
the farmer manages to destroy the
torpedo, much to tho rage of Del Mar,
who comes up jus a moment too Into
to save it. Del Mar sends u note to
his agents as follows: "Install sub
marine boll. Am mining harbors and
bridges as par instructions from
Great bridges and harbors nro be
ing secretly prepared for destruction
by Del Mar and his assistants. Elaine
and Jameson, out for nn auto spin, are
compelled to scramble down some
huge boulders to the seashore to chase
Jameson's hat, and Elaino comes ac
cidentally upon evidence of the wreck
ers. She starts nway quickly, and ns
she does so n heliograph signal is
flashed to the bridge wreckers to
blow up the first bridge she attempts
to cross. The message is recoived,
lot only by the wreckers, but by the
seemingly innocent farmer, wiq man
ages always to be near Elaine in times
of her utmost peril. Sho nnd Jame
son in her car would cross bridge.
Would you like to seo tho finish?
It's all on tho screen, and more will
follow in the next episode, called
"Tho Submarine Harbor" watch for it.
See the story at the Grand theUer
Wednesday, October nth.
Gems In Verse
& - -
HCV. lltUo girl, with the rWDonj
Imtt Hey. little Blrl. with the curli
Jut Ml -
What have you -aono wwi u
cottony cat?
Whnt havo you done with the ball to
What have you done with yesterday!
What havo you none wnu mm ium.
n.t run
What have you done with tho games to
Play , .
And the races, dear, which we used to
Why dp you leave me out here alone.
win. ii. imp and tho butterflies?
Havo you a notion that you nro grown?
Why that loolc In your nmpiu cjra.
Here Is tho net and tho bat nnd ball;
if . nml "r-iildptl sun!
Here aro the streams and tho woods and
Tho tales you loved when the games
were done.
Why havo you sono away from nil
The laughlns games thnt you loved to
Tho cottony cat nnd tho bouncing ball
And nnd laughter or yesieruay i
Havo you n notion that you aro grown.
Grown uo tah and n lady. quiteT
la that the reason I'm nil alono
And cnlllng you 1n tho fading llghtt
Dear, do you wnnt to put childhood by.
Doing your ringlets up In a knot.
Itun from tho blossonw and Melds nnd
And nil the romps In the meadow lot;
Rush nway with your hands held out
To grasp the tasks that the grown
, ups do?
Wliero Is tho baby with lips npout?
Hero Is the dnddy who loves you true.
Don't toss childhood nsldo that way!
Don't throw gladness away from you!
Hold the games of tho yesterday!
Como back here where thi, skies nro
blue! .
Shako your curls from their shining knot.
Como nnd race In n headlong flight
Through tho Holds nnd tho meadow lot:
Catch your childhood nnd clasp it tight!
-Judd Mortimer Lewis In Houston Post
WHEN I mil old nnd no longer dent
' A .hlcld with tho great broadsword
at my ldo
When I iiiii racked nnd enn no longer rMo
Like iv bold knight to .tilt or tournament
Then 1 will hang my worthless armament
Against tho wall and thenceforth Indoors
, hido. , ,
Then I will rend those writers 1 derldo
And learn how old men look on nrms
BUT now, when nil my young blood
yearns for war
And In mo Is tho wisdom of tho lance.
What need havo 1 of sooth men say or
slR ...
Somewhere between tho sunrise nnd the
I hoar the rumblo of n high romnnco
Ho, let mi pass! Have dono your prat
tling. , H. Thompson Rich;
1I1AD my dream, and so I lived
A dream beneath the wide,
kind skies of old.
Out In tho orchard where the
poft winds bunt
The swnylng brunches and
Btrnngo Btorlcs told
Of life within the faroff town of
music on the highway and
tho gleam
Of glory on life's tiring lino and
I llvisl content because of such a
I dream.
I hnvo my dream, and bo I live con
tent '
A dream within the gray walls
of the town
Of old time orchard lanes-tho
fragrant scent
Of mlgnonetto and. roses fields of
And golden harvest the remem
bered glow I
Of Uod'.i lost Bunahlne waning to
tho gleam
Of starlit dusk back home again
and so
I live content because of such a!
Grantlnnd Itlco.
lltdolt, Wl. Clnrencf Montroy U
laming money in my hie way through
rhool by allowing automobile Id run
out liU body Ot a mile u mlnuUt dip.
'JVn lie tiU up it rollorthiii In tli
rrowd. lo Iwii'U wrihi)i' In
hit Inlli u h ld Mil- Il( m 1 1 1
tin mrjilmu &ituj hi Ml'W JUMJi'rml
Id iM!tylU!r it)
jwituJ yU,I41
Fire lighting in Oregon, Washington
und Alaska since July 1st, has cost
tho government $50,000. Most of the
llres were prevented from doing any
material damage to merchantable
timber. The majority of thum were
co n tin od to oldoburns.
Tho Forest Service has in Oregon
und Washington a total of 4002 miles
of telephone nnd 4026 miles of trail.
These are primarily for uso by tho
fire department in tire suppression.
The Forest Service has in Oregon
and Washington over 100 high lookout
points constantly manned during tho
tiro season. The best known of tlioso
lookouts Is Mount Hood.
An olTirer of tho Forest vcrvira
has designed u M)i table tr-lephone for
ranger which weighs only two and u
half mim!s. Connection may bo nmdo
anywhere tilung the lliuv with (his In
trumi'ht. Over one liuiulrt'd of llu'in
will Im used In OiMtfon und Wushfng.
Ion neU yiur.
fhjMiM Iikh folio! fiit't plmillng
un lh wiiuIIiIIIn of Kl'rtkM. Juck
pliuvn 4nil iwf hy M! K'vvin
uwiti tmiea iwi ym rk mvi
litJji Hf vir It fM tllanw
Iff &t i bttiti
(My ntu nwdjri) miiM ii
4 iti ilut Uifitmy vf WwttMll,
r 1TTI.B heart, little heart, 'resting so
" tenderly,
Near" to tho mother heart, proud with
Its love;
God keep tho harp that Is fnshloned so
Sweetly nttuned to the anthems nbovel
LITTI.K henrt. little henrt, nh. for thy
Could I but peer In thy chambers of
gold, '
Then might 1 learn thy dear dream of
.Then might I find soma sweet story un
told. Roscos ailmoro StotL
MADtS n failure of life today.
llttlo child went by
tear wet cheek, nnd I did not
The word that the tears would dry.
I Por a
I With a t
X spei
"I made a failure In life today.
For 1 met a man who was down.
And I turned away, nor my steps did stay.
With sneers nnd nn angry fruwn.
"I made a failure In lira today.
With the poor I walked the toad.
When the rich earns by and nllh them
went I
And Ml the hmi with their load."
James Wills.
In Ufa's tubusy have it ti
W j li b your slept
Pancsr IhiMlmis r vrr wr.
Wsltli your rpl
If iw'r uiiji yuu'vs murJi la Itsrn.
If you're tutor uu' nwU lo tmn,
It )u'i iil uu'v iiiuvli o xiii).
Wslt li MUf )!
I H lUkns,
UJI lJ s Hill imk
' Ji flatfr- mm fimt &
n wl he
"l 1 I I?'
5 UZ B'Vi
NO suggestions nro more Uelpft
and mure mceptalite to the huusi
wife In helping' her with hei
culinary duties than siHHl'Kflpes upon
wlih li she can rely, nml which tnv in
tieyond her means. Every wotuau hu
ll uiimlK.'r of well trlctl illslies vit!i
which she Is fa miliar nnd aroiin I
which she constructs her menu.-, bu;
new dishes uro always ncceptcble. an :'
Hip slni;l! -ily nn.i Vv!u l.-sorien '-s .
the recliios that follow will nt'oniinciM
them to uvrry woman.
Smothered Steak With Onions.
Take round or chuck ideal;, tlmlgp It
with Hour, then pound It thoroupnlx
with a meat pounder or the edge of i'
plate. linmedlately jifit In n frying paii
In which a liberal amount of fat has
lieon heated, llrown the steak iuhkly
on both sides, thou pack It in a pan or
casserole (cnsoroIe preferred), lle
tween each layer Of meat put a Inyei
of thin nlks of onion, seasoning each
layer with salt. Add ono cupful of
water for every three munds of meatt
Place In n inmler.Uely healed oven nuif
rool? slowly until tender. This Is n
deslnilile method for all tough steaks.
Spinach. German Style.
Cook the spinach liy steam or In n
very little water In n ehwed vessel
over n slovvthe until It U tender; then
chop It very fine. For every pint ot
spinach mince one-half cupful of tat
pork and fry It until crisp. Turn the
spinach Into the frying pan with the
fried meat and heat thoroughly; then
add one-thlnl cupful of vinegar or
teuton Julee for each pint of splnnch
and season with salt. Turn at once
Into.! he serving dish and garnUh with
sliced hard boiled egg.
Separate a crisp white head of cnull
llower Into' ilowerets. ' wnih them thor
oughly and rlue In a little r!d salted
water. Tie In n cheesecloth nnd cook
hi n steamer or In salted liolllni: water
for t'wenty mlnules. iteuiove them
from the ehjtli and chill. When nady
to serve arrange four small tlowerets
on n eiisp lettuce leaf on a salad plate
and- between each iloweiei place
small MH't'on of rlpe'totnato out length
wise Mask with a mayonnaise dress
lug and garnish with nuts.
ing favoring the organic, union of the
two great Methodist churches. Bish
op Cooke in the answering address
said thq one tiling imperative in the
United States is that the two Metho
dist churches be united.
l-rc-Mcally a Daily at the Pric ot
Weekly. .No other Newspupcr in tlM
war Id gives so much at so low a pricw.
Thr -"ear 1914 witnessed the out
break of the Titanic European wa
whir.h makes all other wars look
siiial'. You live in momentous timet
ud you should not miss any of the
tremenduous events that arts oecur-
ting. No other newspaper will keep
you so well informed as tho Thrlce-.-Week
edition of tho New York Worla
Moreover, a year's suoscription to
it will take you far into our next
preaidentinl campaign and wil give to
weswrn readers the eastern situation
It contains a vast amount of reading
matter at a very cheap price.
The Thrice-aWeck World's reguk.
subscription price is only $1.00 per
y&Hr, and this pays for 156 papers.
V otTer this" uncqunlcd newspupe)
KECORDER together for ono yea)
for qnly $1.90. The regular subscrip
tion price to the two papers i S2J5P.
. NOTK I iS HEREilY UlVSf?, that
Vy virtuo of an cxecuti.i.i and order of
Vale due iu ed out of tho circuit court
of tho Slnlo of Oregon, for the County
I of Coos a ltd to me directed on tiic lKh
leny of September, 10'., i.pcn ;; judg-
p ent and decree duly rendered, en
' tcrcd of -ccord nnd ilo.Aeteii in .ninl !i
I said Court on tho Sth day of Septem
ber, 1913 :;i certain suit then in said
Court pending, wherein J. H. Gould
was plaintiff and C. M Smith. Anna
M. Smith, his wife, C. R Wade, et al,
were defendants in favor of plain
tiff nnd against said defendants by
which execution I am commanded to
sell the property in said execution nnd
hereinafter described to pay the sum
due the plaintiff of Six hundred seven
ty-one and no-100 Dollurs, with Int
erest thereon it the rate of six perv
cent per annum from' the 8th day of
September, 1915 until paid together
with the costs and disbursements of.'
said suit taxed at Seventy-seven ancf
70-100 Dollars and costs and expense,
of said execution. I will on Saturdays
the 23rd day of October, 1915 at tht
hour of 10 o'clock, A. M. of said day
at the front door of the County Court
House in Coquille, Coos county, Or
egon, sell at public auction to the
highest bidder for cash in hand,
on tho day of sale, all the
right, title, interest and
estate which said defendants, C. M.
Smith, Anna M. Smith and C. R. Wnda
und nil persons claiming under them.
subsequent to the plaintiff's mortgage
Hen in, of and to said real property,
said mortgaged premises hsreinbefore
mentioned are described in said exe
cution as follows, to-wit: All of lot five
in block one in O'Niel's Addition to
the town, (now city) of Bandon, Coos
county, state of Oregon, as per plat
thereof on file and of record in the of
fice of the County Clerk of Coos coun
ty, Oregon.
Said salo being made subject to re
demption in the manner provided by
Dated this 15th day of September,
Sheriff of Coos County, Oregon
The mint makes it and under' the
GA15E COMPANY you can secure it
at 6 percent for any legal purpose on
approved real estate. Terms easy, tell
us your wants and we will co-operalo
vith you.
ol3 Denham Bldg.t Denver, Colo.
Do you want pure drug
and drug sundries, fine
perfumes, hair brushes,
and toilet articles? If
so call on
C. Y. LOWE, Bandon
?ttlttt M Mttf t MM
NOT- oitly alphabetically llrst, but
Hist In favor among the "cou
tltures" of the French, stand ull
the forms of apricot preserve, of which
uprleot marmalade is the elder. This
sticky, velvety, smooth sweet of not
very positive llavor, but most delicate
when made of tine fruit. Is used In
dozens of tho different little cakes of
the lino French pastry shop, sometimes
to give tho shiny top to the little Illicit
tartlets, sometimes between the cook
ed creams, and a foundation of puff or
other-paste, nnd Is nn altogether serv
loenlile nnd nttriictlve 1111(1111011? Ill
though not dletetlcally good with pas
trv. The Freuch pastry maker often
reeooks It with a very heavy sirup to
mako it more shiny.
The Itn!lum also use n great deal of
such things ns apricot marmalade with
their "pasta frolla" (puff pastel, some
times covering ii layer of paste with It.
which thus becomes n background for
flgurei cut from pastry like a rose
branch with hmves, buds nnd roses.
Tho marmalade N made by reducing
tho raw apricot to n pulp by putting It
through a sieve a stout tin one with
re-cuforeeil bottom Is one of the Inval
uable kitchen utensils -and then It may
be cooked with the sugar or cooked
separately to dry out the water nnd
united with n thick sirup. The first
method Is probably the best for the In
experienced, and the following recipe
adapted from the French di"eriles It:
Apricot Marmalade Recipe.
Pour Imlllng water on the apricots
fine, ripe ones, and let stand three or
four minutes. Pour off, peel and take
out stones, then press nil through sieve.
Add three-fourths ns much sugar- as
fruit nnd cook from half to three
fourths of nn hour. If over the fire
directly, stir nil the time. H ! safer
to cook It on nn asbestos plate and
stir frequently. .V lest for Its Mug
done Is thnt It Mmuld stick the fingers
together. Put In sterilized clnsM: when
rold cover ns you would a Jelly.
Dr. a T. Wilson, Portland; Rev. .
J. T. Abbott. Eugene: Rev. Illrain IX
Oould, Ncwihcrg; nnd C. C. llarick.JZX
rortmmi, wro cnoeen ns iieiegntcs UII
Hut Mi'lhndist Kplsropitl general t,0, tT
fcrciu'ii from Ilia ministerial section It
Huturduy morning. The first thru
tUli'gatu urn said to fuvnr JUnliop
Cnoktt ami policies. l ('. Iluiirk-u,
il In sympathy. AnoU'cr Wulm
thu! ull but Abloll oppoi Hie bishop:
(i. , Muritfl. "i ( nyiiijutiliy with I
im Ithjfcup II is iviily Mml It '
ulw j'IbJmH llwl l Iwl IJutcht l(
to celebrate the completion of the
big steel bridge across Coos Bay.
Thursday, Oct. 7th
Able Speaker will be present
Friday, Oct. 8th
Sports! Races! Dances!
This will be the big day of the
celebration and orators will be on
hand. Something doing all the time
Saturday, Oct, 9th
Sports! Watersports! Parades!
Closing with a Grand Masquerade
Mardy Gras. It will please everybody
Camp mA Itfifltf tki wLa1 fuylv mA vamt LrliiJi
VWff WrrW Ming WWTli I J SW1 WWW9 HrWH
Hwik will HHitirn ;m m4 tWw Ibc
MftJ LiJk Uiki illy If tMJUM AfVmluiMkMml a
pl f'Ml wf fWJglr PPW fWW9 I fpW PI f nVWfW Pf
Plenty of room-Plenty to eat
lOTl i IJ twiSyWIl W ptntl&9to i j . t m t t J i M J Jt A J -t JJJJJJJJJJ .A X A A A i i J i J J.J Ji J A J A A AA X J .