The Bandon recorder. (Bandon, Or.) 1915-19??, October 05, 1915, Image 4

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Slate U. Extension Division Offers
Something More Elaborate than
Former Single Lecture Plan
A program of "community confer
enecs" is offered to the ctatw this
year by the extension division of the
state university at Eugene. These
community conferences arc a deve
lopment from the system of filling
single fl-cture calls.
' City planning is one opecimcn topic
for a community conference. The
State University has a school of nr
chitecture, at the head of which is
Ellis F. Lawrence, who is notable in
city planning work. Any Oregon
city that desires to map out a dove
lopment plan so that as the years go
on it will be a healthier, prettier and
happier city in which to live is enti
tled to the service of any one -on the
State University faculty who can
speak with authority upon city plan
A city s educational system is an
other specimen topic for a communi
ty conference. The University school
of education is able to make limited
number of school surveys this year,
showing to each surveyed town where
its schools are strong and where de
fective. An elaborate survey of this
typo was made last year for Ashland
oh the schools are suggested.
School of commerce professors are
available for conferences upon city
The extension division believes
community conferences will pro
duce much more thorough results at
much less expense than the old system
of sending out single faculty members
for single appearances, many of
which lectures were requested by the
promoters for entertainment rather
than educational or community nd
vanco purposes.
stallirig one of the largest dredges
ever operated in this section.
The University of Oregon states
in circular letters that it proposes to
maintain a commercial information
bureau for the benefit of its students
and the State at large. It solicits
general data along commercial lines,
particularly manufacturing, and mlne-
rl facts and figures as to cost of pro
duction, out put etc., and samples of
exhibits, location, and any thing that
may throw light on the commercial
development of the state, and its
There is some activity among the
smaller lumber mills in this vicinity.
The Cox and Griffith mill at Bradley
lake is about ready to run. The Rich-
ert mill is busy and A. Clutchfield has
a mill that, although small, is working
through considerable timber.
The Coos Hay Times hns led
investigation of the handling of school
books by !,. .rshfield dealers and up
to date 1 a iund that the copy books
supplied '.r been in some instances
overcharged for. The Times is strong
for the handling of the school books
by the district.
What became of Craig Kennedy?
The Romance of Elaine picture will
have the logical and only so
lution to the mysterious disappear
ance of the famous detective.
J. R. I'etcrs, manager of the Gold
Beach Metal Company, a corporation
of Astoria is installing heavy machin
ery of the suction dredge type on the
Ocean Beach between Bandon and
Whiskey Kun, preparatory to operat
ing the black sand on n largo scric.
George Bradford of Bandon with Cali
fornia Associates also contemplates
black sand operations in the Whiskey
Run district in the near future by in-
La Crosse, Wis. This section of the
country has bad winter all this sum
mer. Farmer Wm. Finn got so angry
because the snow had spoiled his crop
Hint ho picked up a snowball the oth
er day and threw it at a rooster. That
day for dinner he ate the first rooster
ever kill cd by a snow ball in me Un
ited States.
Benton, 111. The modern Enoch
Anion, returning to his wife, first
calls over the tebphono. Peter Schess
ler, after a difficulty with his wife,
left Normal, 111. seven years ago. A
year later the body of a man killed by
a train was identified by Schessler.
Returning from Livqrp ol recently,
Schessler called his sister at Norma1,
over the phone and from her learned
hat his wife was about to marry his
brotlieV. Schessler is now nt Norrrul
trying to effect a rccoucillintion.
Don't Give Yourselt Cause To Regret It
because you re'ecred placing
your valuables In a safety de
posit vault. Many bave re
greted their tardiness inacting
fires and burglars have cost
them dear. Anything valu
able is worth taking care of.
Our vaults are fire and burglar
proof. We invite your inspection.
Till TTl I 1 I VI I "I I I I T F I i I I 7 1 T . 'I i 1 I T T I I t'W
Gatchell Brothers, Props.
t All kinds of heavy and light draying. Phone orders, t
t given prompt attention. .Barn corner First & Edk. f
son, Fish Property. .Telephone 641.
The Bandon Recorder
m 0m
fk Year
and the
San Francisco
Bulletin '
m i
xmurmx i
California Liar Relates a Few
While Ace Crook and Frank Husscy
were prospecting in the mountains at
Myrtle creek last week they made
some startling discoveries. On see
ing what appeared to be smoke issu
ing from a hole in the ground they in
vestigated and discovered a geyser of
boiling steaming water. It would go
down for a time and then come up and
flow for a short period. Being hung
ry they cut up some meat and potat
oes ami onions and tomatoes and put
them into the water as it went down.
When it came up the held their gold
. t iiit
pan under it anu caugni. ino mess.
Both declare it the best Eoup they
ever ate. The wntcr apparently con
tains some ingredient that gives the
soup a most delicious flavor. The dis
coverers are going to lay a pipe to it
and pipe some to Crescent City. There
is a fortune in it for the flavor and
strength giving qualities of such soup
will make it famous the world over.
They have just received a telegram
from Washington City that in case of
war with Europe the government will
purchase the entire output, as it is be
lieved such soup would make strong
soldiers and great fighters.
On looking down over the same
mountain they saw something that
glistened in the sun like a huge dia
mond. On reaching it they found an
other geyser the direct reverse of tho
first one. It would heave up water
and slush ice the first time and then
that would go down and come up af
ter a second freezing a beautiful cake
of crystal ice. This is beyond doubt
the only natural ice plant in tho world
We are informed a Chicago packing
company has an option on the plant
and will establish a large packing
plant in Crescent City in the near fu
ture as the railroad from Grunts Pass
tho harbor which is bound to be made
here and the vast mining industry
soon to begin in this vicinity, will
make this city a large and important
It is also reported thnt they found
a cavo so deep, thoy could not hear a
large stone strike the bottom they
threw into it; that they followed it
lown and down until they actually
got a glimpse of bados, and saw the
wife beaters, thieves, liars, etc., afloat
on waves of melting lava and brim
stone each class of imps by itself,
They looked and looked but failed to
see a liar there from Croscent City
Crescent City Courier
that Curry County is the richest spot
on earth in natural resources.
Mr. Newman says that the natural
richness of any country is it soil, tim
ber, water and mineral, and ho has
never yet found a country beforti that
contained all of the God given resourc
us uiuu iiu came 10 iurry. iieivj we
have all in abundance, together with
a mild climate that warrants the pro
lific growth to maturity of almost any
thing that is put into the ground.
air. Newman win cxend his visit
as far east as Kansas and says on his
return m the early spring will bring
several families with him that will
build homes in this locality. In this
the Globe hopes he will bo successful
and that all he may bring will clear
the land and till the soil as Mr. New
man has done. There is room for
hundreds of such families.
J. F. Lowery now has his new stern
wheel boat in tho river, which rcquir
es some minor adjustments when il
will bo given a thorougli try out. This
project of Mr. Lowery's being watch
ed with n great deal of interest on the
river, as opinions differ as to what
degreo of success a stern wheel boat
will be on this river.
(Frem the Gold Beach Globe)
Quite a mining project has been in
progress near Big Bend on tho Rogue
tins summer of which very little has
been said or learned about. The pro
ject was to wingdam the river to ono
side and mino the filthy lucre from tho
river bed. The work is being done
by LosAngeles capital of which 0. P.
Hodges is the promoter and superin
tendent. Late reports from thero say
tho dam is complete and tho mining
Commenced in dead earnest. The
work is being eagerly watched by
many who will attempt the same me
thod elsewhero on the river should
this prove successful. Tho portion of
the river bed made dry by tho wing
i . . ...
uam process is said to project very
high in gold and platinum.
The many many friends of Dr. Dun
lap and family will bo greatly pain
ed to learn that the Doctor will, n
soon as he can settle up his affair here
leavo for Idaho. Tho Doctor is not
leaving because of a dislike to tho
country or its people but for business
reasons and property clsowherr that
needed his personal attention..
A painful but not fatal accident lie-
fell Ralph Hart of Brookings, early
this morning, when ho nccidently dis
charged his own rifle, the ball taking
effect in his left foot.
The rifle was of 22 caliber which
was being used nt the time in nn effect
to kill a rat. The ball lodged in tho
foqt, und nt this writing, had not been
It is hoped by Mr. Hart's mnny
friends that the wound will soon heal
and will not leavo him in anyway n
N. V. Newman, who purchased n
forty-nrru tract of land about two
miles up tho river, Is so well pleased
with bis now locution thnt ho has de
cided to clone out all his luminous
tenwtH uIhowIhto and liavu nothing on
bin mind nut to llvo uml lli In tho
land of milk und bonny. With thin
I'txl In view mitl llui furl her purjiu.
of inducing o(ii.i liU frloiidn in old
i-yrtniut Kuiuhin mil On frigid y.,)m (
IiIiihi, to win)!! and unjoy llfo with
wIibiii llfo la wm ih living, ft or
UiHjMirary nlmim Dim olhw dy.
Mr- Niwiuii m imltui lim rihmi
MJ mil of flurry ami lmUml lia
mumi immimt m Lit mh tmiW
By II. Addington Bruce
There is a Chinese proverb which
should be memorized and taken to
heart by every young man starting on
a business career.
It is short and easily remembered
Hero it is:
A man without a smiling face must
not open a shop.
Applied specifically to tho business
of shop-keeping this little proverb
may be applied witli equal force to
almost every vacation in which a man
can engage.
The only vocation which at the mo
mem. occurs 10 me as lurnishing an
exception is the undertaking business
And even nn undertaker should not
forever keep sunshine out of his face
and heart, if lie maintain a high stand
ard of efficiency.
For gloom, like all other depressing
mental states is a physical as well as
a mental depressant.
It lowers the vitality, slows the cir
culation of the blood, weakens the di
gestive power, and consequently helps
to unfit a man for the long hours of
work essential to success in nny call
On tho other hand, the joy which is
manifested by a smiling countenance
is a physical tonic of high order. This
again and again by various ingenious
In ono particularly interesting set
of oxpenments a man was requirerd
to press a spring until fatigue paral
yzed his finger. This wns repeated
at- intervals in order to determine de
finitely the average number of pres
sures he could make at a single sitting
Then ho was required to press the
spring while thinking of something
extremely sad. At once his average
pressure-power was 'noticeably lower
ed. Whereas when he allowed his mind
to dwell on exceptionally pleasing
thoughts ho was able to press the
spring far oftener than when his mind
was occupied with nothing in particu
lar. Other experiments havo proved that
joy stimulates all the bodily functions
and stimulates especially the circula
tion of blood in the brain, with result
ant improvement in tho ability to
think rapidly and clearly.
Accordingly joy must bo regarded
as a Body builder and mind developer
of tho first order. If for only this
reason, he who is about to engage in
business should cultivate the habit of
But joy does more than this. If it
is a tonic that helps a man to carry
on his business moro efficiently, it is
also a magnet that draws to him more
business wherewith to demonstrate his
Everybody is attracted by a smil
ing lnco and especially by the smil
ing face that speaks eloquently of in
ward joy and self-confidence. Every
body is repelled by tho gloomy coun
tenanco that testifies to self-distrust
and hints nt present or expected fail
In tho one case, peoplo unconscious
ly say to themselves:
"Here is a forceful, capable genial
fellow. It will bo pleasurable and safe
to do business with him. He can evi
dently make good in his promises."
In the other ense, their unconscious
comment is:
"Tliero's something wrong with this
mun. Jiottt keep iiwny."
Gloom to put It torwoly, is n iniu ve-
Ioiih InmiimsK killer. Joy la mi equal
ly nun vitlinitt IhikIikimh winner.
Young mini atmllng out in li f, I
bug of you Id rtimtiiulmr Mil.
Jomnsom Hall
H wrtftMrniATHATIOH tVitlbittt 11.
Willi m (nil I ill lira, brttcr Mulnmenl. n
1ixi"i:im1 cmuiiiU, nml iiinnr mlilltloim to It
faculty. tho Unit ctnItT of Orw" will bvsln lt
fnrtlrtti yrnr. Turvlnr. September 14, till A.
Siirrlnl triilnliir In Commerce. Journal lnv
Architecture, Ijim, Medicine, Tenchlliic, Ltbrn
r, Work, Mii'lr, Plmlcnl Training nml Klne
Art. Ijirce ninimi-ontli'IHrtmeiitof Liber
al Kiluentlnn.
Library of more thiin SS.tlOO toluine. thir
teen biilMInc fill I r eitiliiel, tuo milemllil
Tuition Free. Doruittorle for men nml for
women. Kmene Loueftt.
Write fur free entiilncsmlilremiliic ItecUtrnr
i:t (ir.MU oui:ciON
True Economy . . .
mjans the wise spend! of one;, nionry maklnp every dollar do full duty
and getting In return an article tint will catisfy you In every way.
ThJ . WHITE. .
tea fl txirpit'.i tfea:ise It h told at a poptdar
price; beciua. It gives you the kind of sewing
Voit delight In, Evctuse It will turn out the work
rjulcUy and U. oroujiily inJ jjive you a life lime
ivl satljacJory rviccjlveatiM: its Improvements
will enable .1 to do thi jrp which can't be done
on any vlUcr i lachjue; lccaov. It will plcnc you
with it.i fine finish and beauty o( lis furniture.
Li thott you will find the White reliable and
d;jt."?.t!c frcu every point of view.
Be sure to see the TTftile rleale? who will be glad to &how you how good a
machine the Vhlte Ss. IE there is no White d.-dr handy, write u direct for cat-
j alof 'V7cdonotttlI tocatalof; Iiouies. Vibrstor and Rotary Shuttle Machine..
5th at 8 a.
19th at 8 a,
a. in.
a. in.
confirm sailings through bandon warehouse company
IMionc 61
No, ninminn:
clieekH with the
use." Kxelinuge.
Gladys, yon nro Hpolllng your
1 mil pntntlng It
Hnine color tlmt you
Wijili 13. lx, of llfiiiijoii, wli
Ht IlllWIIIlt UllUgw) III llltfjiiiM.' Ml
m ifi (lit toy mmUm In at wuf
did mmmww mrb iu li Ti
muHlty, IL Uml virtlinu mmmat
m fdniB In Qm mi flurry mtmUm
ilMJlMg llB tsM BMl WkUmdkmf
C. U. Wade, Plaintiff, vs
A .J. llarrc, as administrator of tho
Estate of It. 1. Hempel, deceased; C.
T. Tread?old, and Ellen Hempel, wid
ow of R. P. Hempel, Defendants.
To Ellen Hempel, widow of R. P.
Hempel, ono of the aliovo named defendants:
In the name of the state of Oregon
ou arc hereby required to appear and
answer the complaint filed against
you in tho above entitled suit within
six weeks from the date of first pub
lication of this summons: to-wit with
in six weeks of the 2-lth day of Aug
ust, 1915 and if : on fail so to appear
and answer on 01 before tho fith day
of October, HWj t' t being the last
day of time pi Tihcil in the order
for tho public, lion lureof, plnintifT
will apply to t' court for tho relief
prayed for in tho complaint, n suscinct
statement of which is; a judgement
ugulnst the estiitu of R. P. Hempel
deci-aned for2i I.HO, with l per cent
InloroMt thereon from October 2nd,
JiM.'t, fin, attorney fun, coots und ills
burmnuntu, and for derirn foreclos
ing a riiurtgnge Kivnn by It. I', flnmpt'l
In I'cMjru iilniiDfT's iluim covering
laiul diwrrilfad u MU l of HW l
Hue, mi, nml C. IV NW, und HW.
V. ill'.. V tiur. HI. Nil in 'I'p. Uii H. It,
11 V. W .hi. I thm ( miniy, Urwm.
tmi Utr mi imhr uf tliu tkma
ftorifljf Urn JjuVvwrf ttf you. fillnn
UmuiwL in bi uijiriw- u pIm1uU!I'
it iiif JltfUttW. HNd f MM'll
mm m m imn miu mim
ant to an order of tho Hon. Jnmes
Watson, County Judge of Coos County,
Oregon, made at his oflico in Coquille,
Coos County, Oregon on tho 21st day
of August, 11)15, on motion and affida
vit made by pjaintifr, and filed in tho
nbovo entitled cause.
Dated at Hnndon, Ore. Aug. 24th, 1015.
7t. C. R. WADE, Plaintiff in person.
Last Chance
To Obtain
Dr. Miles'
This Hook Contains
Knowledge that Every One
Should Fonijcm.
Simple Treatment for Common
What To Do In Gate of KccA
Practical l.uwi of Health,
If you dmlre one nt TfeM
V, I'ftt of Cot, n4 yum
name and ad'lrm to
MIIm Mclfcal Co, V.Mmi'iW
ifmtfoi))iig H&tnt uf thk ytt.
UiA IHWf 1)141) Mir mm b
4t It) fill MHIf
fits mwsm li jttfUiilifid iww