; BANDON BREVITIES ' (i( Chris Rasmusson was a Marshfield visitor last week. Alva Harry was hero from Coquille Sunday. Mr. Fcnslor of the Powers Hub store was a visitor in Bandon today. The Romance of Elaine can be seen at the Grand every Monday night. A thrilling, fascinating picture Charlie Chaplin next Saturday night, Oct. 2nd in anolher amusing Keystone comedy Nuf Cod. J. Ira Sidwell left for Portland yesterday to transact busirfess. He went overland via Roscburg. Roy Miller of the Seattle Dredge and Bridge company was . visitor in Bandon today. E. E. Foss, manager of the Pros per milling company has been called to the city. The Starr-Mast Co. sold the finish ing hardware to go into the Stephens building. F. F. Eddy was up from Ills Lang lois homestead for a visit in Bandon yesterday. P. Larson, F. A. Baker, J. S. Lov all, all of Coquille were visitors, in Bandon Sunday. Justice H. H. Adolphson of Den mark had business in this city Satur day. Mr. Van Ness, the Pharmacist who had charge of Lowe's drug store dur ing the absence of that gentleman at San Francisco, is going back to Port land. His wife, child nnd hotiso guest will accompany him. Found: on East Second ' street, n music roll and music. Owner can have same by calling and paying "for this adv. C. E. Smith, 322 Klamath Ave. near Third. For Rent Oct. 1st Twenty acre ranch, two miles out. Most kinds of fruit on the place. C. II. Chandler, Bandon, Oregon. Did You Get Your Home Book of Electricity and did you. dis cover that coupon in it good fo? " saving 15c on each dollar you spend for Hot point Electric ap pliance? If you have not read the coupon do so at once. Then use it quick ly because it's - only good for the next 30 days. W. L. MAST Miss Alta Willard of this city is working in the telephone oflice'at Co quille. The Ladies Aid of the Presbyter ian church meets tomorrow afternoon with Mrs. E. Schctter. James Mast recently built a nine hundred dollar barn on his farm half a mile south of Coquille. Miss Pearl Crain of this City has Itecome a member of the Pi Beti Phi sorority of the university girls at Eugene. The Diamond from the Sky is the great $10,000 serial prize story shown at the Grand every Tuesday night Don't miss it. Goo. W. Moore left Bandon Sat urday for Toledo, Oregon where the Moore mill is expected shortly to open for the winter's run. W. F. Irish of the Marshficld Gold en Rfilo store is in the Bandon store substituting for Mr. Flom while he is absent on his vacation, A Mothers' meeting wr.c held at the M. E. church, south Thursday ufl .t- on, Sept. SO. Thg meeting was he. i ." m 2:30 to 4 o'clock. r!p'- Janis, the famous star will appoji- in a five reel feature comedy screen play, Caprices of Kitty at the Grand, Sunday, Oct. 3rd. A party of Roscburg hunters pass ed through Bandon last week by autos headed for the Curry County happy hunting grounds. Steam heat" at the Grand every night for your comfort. No better placo in town to spend a pleasant ev ening. Coming A Famous Players Feat ure The Love Route A western railroad- drama, full of exciting in cidents. Grand. Next Thursday. W. E. Cleghorn, wife and niece of Coquille formerly in business in Ban don were among the passengers to i:o out on the Elizabeth bound for San Francisco and the fair. Allen Nolch who' 'formerly lived south of Bandon nnd last spring tried to kill himself was found insane in the Probate court at Coquille last week and taken to Salem. Frank IIufTord is entertaining rel atives from Missouri. They soy times arc good in that state and farmers can borrow all the money thoy want at four percent. Mcsdumcs Guy and Ralph Dippcl were among those who returned last week on tho Elizabeth. They havo Harry Crain reports that his father has got ine nea uraimirug sure est ablished in his new location in Port land and is ready to open doors to business. Can you write? $10,000 is offered to the person who can write the best so lution to theV "Diamond from the Sky" serial story. See the pictures at the Grand every Tuesday. An engine boiler has been brought up from Gold Beach which will be used with the machinery which Mr. Peters is installing on the Stuttsman loasholds the other side of Cut creek. Among those' who came up on the Brooklyn last week were Mr. and Mrs. E.' M. Sumner who havo spent tho summer in tho fruit region contribu tory to San Frtncisco and are just re turning. Smiling Dutchand Champion Jim Wilson are doing some posing stunts for the benefit of tho patrons of the Noble theater at Marshficld tonight They went over to the bay yesterday afternoon. Mrs. Pollock and son Max left yesterday for their homestead near Riverside in Malheur county. Mr. Pol lock plans to dispose of his business in this city and follow theni with the rest of tho .family in a short ime. Corthcll tho Roofer finished up tho B. B. building work lnsfr Saturday and has als put on tho bakery roof and done rejuvenation work on tho First National Bank" building and on Ras musscn Bros, saloon building. Closing Program at Four Mile District School Houss Aoout fifty people attended the cldsing exercises of the Four Mile school, Friday night, September, 24 I lie program rendered was as fol lows: Song Oregon, My Oregon By the School. Recitation The disappearance Jer om Morgan. Kocitation Three Companions Hnz- el Morgan. Recitation Vacation . Time; Elsie ' Adams. Recitatipn A Million Little Diamonds Recitation Bed in Summer Henry 1 Hcndrickson. Dialogue Curing a Borrower All tho School. bong Twilight is Falling By the School. Speech The Honest Old Toad Wil lie Stillwell. Recitation Raining Pitchforks Ka arin Hcndrickson Reading The Moon in the Pool Vi olet Snyder Reading Somebody's Dnrling Pearl McDufTee. Song Some Folks- Do By tho School. Kecitation solitude Leora Water- n man. ' , - j Speech Ten Little Time ' Soldiers George Morgan. Recitation When I'm ns TaHns the Broom Bertha Stillwell. HUNTER'S! The Duck Season Opens Friday, October 1st We have a new stock of SELBY SHELL'S in all Sizes SHOT GUN'S OF ALL KIND'S McNAIR HARDWARE CO. hone isi "THE HOME OF GOOD HARDWARE" Dr. Endicott, and his brother from Songs The Way at School'; No. California, and Al. Garfield in the Let ter's car left last week for the Rogue River for extensive hunting trip. They expect to bo gone ten days or two weeks. Attorney Geo., P. Topping and Lentner Gallier who were in atten dance upon a trial involving some interests of the Bank of Bandon at San Francisco returned nt the last Elizabeth. While there Mrs. Topping joined her liusbnnd, nnd together they visited the Fair. Rev. C. M. Knight returned from tho conference nt Roscburg yester day. The conference had not ended nor had tho assignments-been given out but he seized the Opportunity of the presence of tho Bandon stage to re turn to tho city. Mr. nnd Mrs. II. K. Flom are cniov- Wrong Sir By the School. Dialogue Tho Sewing Society Leo- ra waterman, Elsio Adams, Ruby McDuffee, Pearl McDuiTcc, Violet Snyder, George Morgan. Recitation The Girl Who smiles Violet Snyder. Recitation Prudic's Resolve Elsie Clausen. G. Dippcl, Mrs. R. Dippcl, Mrs. J. L. Conger, Mrs. N. M. Niemhn and child, Miss Blanche Radlcy, Mrs." L. J. Radlcy, L. S. Davidson, N. S. Ncof fet, B. C. Burnett, A. J. Smith, Mr. um Mrs. .1. A. Endicott nnd child. G. Wilkensen. DuiTce, Pearl McDufTeo Recitation The Land of Countcrnano George Morgan Reading Cause They Didn't Think Leora Waterman. Song Red Wing. (Given in Costume Pearl McDulfee, Violet Snyder, Elsie Adams, Elsie Clausen Leora Waterman. Recitation Supposing Penrl Mc- 1 1., (r till, n iM.nHnn ... HM ..I . j iiibj I n,iiin., -:.. i -. i . .! .1 1 . V1U.NK IU UIUIH1II1US uupjiiL-u uiu uiiuuiu ui iuhi weeK anui ii,..i m,. ; p" r n.;::r .: maiae-Tho coo concC,t-Eisie ""'"l,""p . "imu uuu uuiur av-i A ,1 ,.,,, r..l itr..r v- 1.1 Snyder, Leora Waterman, Ruby McDiiITpo. Sam Ness who recently opened ub Conn RmwPonri .TVTnnfr I nr l nr rri 1 r i aii.1i ; t . .1 iur. uuu iurs. ckch nuve-iounu inuu ins rrosDer cannerv rnnnrt.fi t int, thnl ti . . . 1.. . . , ... . tir . I i i . .,7 .. . I i,lu J"Kiuiii "as inierspcrsea wun they will not bo able to go to Wash- catch is still light. Tho cannery is L number of excellent nhnnnm,.,.r,i,. ...bw . r... -..jv. v..v.u. . ,.UK uuu. uuu saimon a aay. ine selections, for which thanks is duo nuiy uu luuiiu ua uuui uv ilia uiu .ivera0 0I largo UllinooKS Is UnUSUal- Mr. Wntnrmnn t uuu ijiuvu u law aro orouglll. T in tniirlioi' M m Inlo T.hqL- lhfi 111 WOlgning in tno neighborhood Of for hnr hnmn nonr Mvrtlrf Pni.,f ioity pounus each. Tuesday following tlm olnn nf c,.i,oi I " " JMlss Lconft Fullerton who was the successful contestant in the Rncord er's fair trip contest will leave on the Brooklyn for tho fair next Saturday, Her sister, Mrs. Starr will leave Sun day for the anno destination but go ing ovorland to Rosoburg and from thoro by tho Southorn Pacific, Mrs. Chostor Hoskins who recontly returned from Alnska reports consid erable activity in that section and quite a littlo building in Juneau. Mr, The following is the outgoing list on the Elizabeth which left the har bor Saturday: Esther Lorcntxcn, Mrs. w. I-,. Cleghorn, Miss Lena mc, Geo, P. I.nirl. P. It. ITnvt r Hnln. ""K uii'i) .uim,s, iuurys moi-i... iy uuu i vioici onyuer, uuiiy flic- Ina Hoyt, Mrs. E. W. Sturtevant, Blanche Breuer,' Harry Hull. E. W. Sturtevant, Mrs. B. A. Lux, Mrs. Mil ler, Nora Nygron, Mrs. Augusta Oil man, and child, II. Wright, Geo. J. Costello, Frank Martin, W. II. Cleghorn. Hu')cle Repairs Saw Kiting and Kt-paipng A Specialty Phone 471 P. O. Bov 174 t S. D. Barrows HANDON, OREGON Will tlr onlrri for Ilicjrln of til kinJi and ropr .Molor Cyclrn il.o Oobm Row Imil Molort. been gone n fow weeks, visiting the I fair and enjoying the hospitality of tractive places in tho county to the muuviiui:i(j mm uiiiiij, uv au I SOUtll. i salito, Cal. stand. Don't Get Wet f a and carry around a load i oi wilier uuu a coiu. Tower's Fish Brand Reflex Slicker $3.00 sheds every drop. Easy fitting and t strong nt every 1" i mm ninnlnrr In IWI at the front. PrnlM-fnr lint. 7 iv.nlft Satisfaction Guaranteed 0"WFJI Send for cntnlos Stt-a, A. J. TOWER CO. ;.j llOSTON lSHW$& Tho Phoenix is loading with tics for the trip down tho coast F. L. Findlay, expert piano tuner has been in Bandon tho past week. the Tillamook is loading with 250 tons of coal at Riverton for tho Port land market. m Known t Value J Every Heywood-Wakefield matlrew ha our name on it. We put it there lrcaue we Hand back bf every one. When you buy a Hevwond-Walcrficlil maltresi, vou fret more than a mat tresi. Vou get SATISFACTION GUAHANTKtiD. We will cheerfully replace any mattress wliich fails to give you satisfaction. Price, SI 5 OihcrH at $12 nnd $18 Hcywood Brothers and Wakefield Company SKATTLKrWASIIINOTON FOR SALE BY PORTLAND, OKBCON Bandon Furniture Company Mrs. Charles Davis and two child ren returned yesterday from a visit with relatives nt Contralia nnd othnr and Mrs. Hoskins have departed for points in wester.: Washington. She uoiu ueacii leaving the tie camp was goue three weeks and reports where Mr. Hoskins has. worked during things more quiet thero than in this tho summer. Thoy go on the farm of vicinity. U. i. Jenkins in tho v cinitv of the Low Round Trip Fares FAMOUS PLAYERS FILM COMPANY PRESENTS THE FORM Eft STAGE TRIUMPH "The Love Route" A thrilling four part western railroad drama Stirri.'igCIinin.vcs-gripping intcrcstthroughout A PICTURE WORTH SEEING Shown at the Grand, Theater, Thursday, September 30 liijr Six Red Program Simuhn 15c mi 5c COMINC; iittxt Smliiy-.-Tli Uimom Slur, Klxto JHnljM(,iprtefKI(.y,,lMcoin(ilylii fivu nv.t, Curry county seat. Elbert Dyer is expected to return to Bandon the last of this week to look after business matters.after hav ing spont nbout six weeks nutoinc with his family through Southorn Oro- Jnmos Madison Dyer, n brother of the late Judge George Dyer of this city died at Grizzly Flat, near Red uing, uai. recently, no was 71 years of ago a tho timo of his death nnd had been a mining ongincer by occu- nntin. I In linil livnil xviMi liio oiotn I'nn nilfl nVAn Avtntlfltnn 1, T.. . I . . . " ' " . ' "---'-''", m,i ovirijiirg, fj,as. unborn ip Marshficld for .. u-iiinii oouinern ami Eastern the past three years and went- t( Orcgo.. His family remains nt Ash- California lnst March in tho hopo o In wl miint-A I. 1 1a 1 i I 1 ",u ,lavu seiecieu apart- improving his health monts, and will most.likelv rcmnin for tho winter. Iho U. fa. government maintains . . ' a model light house nt the exposition Mrs. Captain Wiren who returned on the Elizabeth from hcMrip to San various officials from tho light houses ren have nun noi. seen ror twenty threo years ... .iu,Uur oi ouier ineniis piy t,j8 substitute whllo gone, n ml n.nnn Hln .. r i nt I " ".'luuiiiuinrea oi long ago. olio to till on mo r.iizauctli rrom hcr.tnp to San various officials from tho light horn Francisco reports a very pleasant nnd aong the west coast. Captain Wir memorable, trip. She visited with Mr. wn8 chosen ns one of the men to hn iron s sister at Salimas whom she cimrR0 of this exhibit but declined enjoyed her visit to tho exposition vpry much being especially Impressed with tho exhibits of Canada and Sweden. She left her daui?ht.r Miss r.hlm Wiren nt tho normal nt Sun Jose The following io tho passenger list on the Brooklyn which arrived in tho harbor Thurcday: Ethol Sum nor, Edith Sumner, Mrs. Dora Sum ner, E. M. Sumner, Mrs. W. I New I Can show you a rionu-Htend. Write to J- Tannings, Garcia A. Kivli-I at onco to John Sort. V O Bos 70. uamion, Oregon, II. M. Show, M. I)., Kyc, IUir. Nose und l hroa'. fiiu'clalliit will bo in Ran- don on Thurmluy, fiejit. !J0 t tho Gal Her lioUtl. "filnsiicd Fitted," 2t l-nr Krnl t ftlMlrrn flu- r)Hi bun. gulnw In d.'lrublu nrrtlon, Apply to T. i itriHiin, or jiiiomi Rurul HXJ, 'r KIiw(Ihi'( I mo HMii llir. lul. Mil ill olid Hurt ndjoliiliiif II H.hrttlb. M uii.l vpiivdltti liu Mooru khw hi . r Ivml im tliu IlllruUlh on -r luit All rlminj, WirliK wiilr. Hih.1 rp. IJ mji fioiu Hi hit. I Wiim, Ill IOWII, V, , M Hi,,, Ml N.l Im J, UdlOV, Im J. UaVUlUHL AnJf mond, V. M. Arrington, H. Babb, W. E. Molioney, Mr. nnd Mrs. M. 8. Stad. le, Mrs. E. Ue, II. D. Unit, II. F. Carson, Mr, mid Mrs. I'aikur, Mr, Fos, I no miiowuig is the rmirnvnger on tho outgoing Brooklyn Huturiluy, Hifjit, 'JfilluK, J.wIk, J. V. Hlnmif, a II.. . ft rm l a j. ai. nyirn, ii, r. cmuxi'ii, Aira. ('lauKi'n, Klein CkUi, Ivl Ouif n wlfw. Uiu foiiowluK M of iiiki. i pi- Big Bridge Carnival In lie lirlil -at North Bend, October 7-8-9 TicLets will be sold from all point I'cnvcrs to MarsliGlU Inc. October 7ih Xth ami 9th, roo.I for rrtini until October Kith. Th r e e r e a t D ays Good Koails and Fraternal Conventions Able speakers. ' Aiito'nd Moior-cyclr tacel, llorsr. meet, l-"Jeld ami Track Knin, 'Ac- u.itic Sporii. (rand V'jtrr I'jkmiiI, I'jta.let, Grand I'uiilirr uMifnjr from nnini Aenl if ilir SOUTHERN PACIFIC )vm M, Kriilf. (tMi$ H'Huiyrf Atwl, I'mlltuil, Oirtuv um t