H OTEL ALLIER Bandon Orecon RATES $1.00 TO $2.00 PER DAY 1 SPECIAL RATES BY WEEK OR MONTH SAMPLE ROOM IN CONNECTION rTTFTFTTTTT'in rVTTTTTv ITTt Don't Give Yourself M Cause To Regret I because you reg'ecred placing your valuables in a safety de posit vault. Many have re- greted their tardiness inacting fires ai d burglars have cost them ile.ii. Anything valu able is worth taking care of. Our vaults are fire and burglar proof. We invite your inspec tion. THE B ANK OF BAND ON 3 S&l f..T..T.l..T.Jf..l A iT AJLA A A A A Af. A A A A A AAAitrA rTTVTTV TTTTttTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT" BANDON TRANSFER CO. Gatchell Brothers, Props. t AH lands of heavy and light ilraying. Phone orders f given prompt attention. .Barn corner First & Edi son, Fish .Property. . Telephone b41. P YROX Spray for Potato Blight. Also for Ginseng 40 cts a pound A pound makes 5 gallons of spray CENTRAL FEED CO. L AA AA A AAAAAA A A AA AAA A AA A rTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTVTTTTTl If. your income should slop, today, yet yonr expenses will keep right on. Better save while the dollars come regularly. Into "every life comes a time when Ready Money would be welcome. "Tis a fund you yourself can create through a Savings account with the First National Bank mi! in mm Daily 1 Year Bandon Recorder and the San Francisco Bulletin $3.50 ; 1 1 1 SLIPPED FROM ROOF FELL TWENTY FEET And the Fall Only Jarred Euchre Creek Carpenter (From Port Orford Tribune.) Geo. Dunn went oil from the roof of the barn that he is building on his Euchre creek farm, one day last week in a manner that would recommend him so highly as an aerial performer that he doubtless could catch on with any circus should he care to follow 8'irb a vocation. He was shingling on the roof that has seven eighths pitch and was about 20 feet from the eaves when his footing gavo way. He shot down to where the roof flares out at the eaves in a gentle slope. 122 feet from the ground, which shot him like a cntanoult out into the air And noro was where George showed his acroba tic nbihtv for he landed suuare 01 both fret. Other than a few s ratches and being somewhat ufed un awl un able to stand for a while from he shock, ho was uninjured. It was a r.'r.se call and George bia since been ici'eiving congratulations on his lucky crcape. The steamer Acme called at Port Orford again Monday and loaded some 2500 ties, having taken the rest of her cargo from Bandon. Coos county buyers bought some 150 head sheen at Port Orford the first of the week, 100 head comming from W. T. White, and drove them north yesterday. The price paid was close to $5 a head. N. F. Woodbock and son returned several days ago from a week's hunt ing trip at Salal Springs. They re port lots of small, deer in that section but not many big bucks. They found a bee tree on the trip from which they got over three gallons of excellent honey. II. D. Lynn, who. recently came to Port Orford with his family from Wyoming and purchased the J. D, LouckH home, sold the property last week to W. T. White Sr., and has started on his return to the cowboy; state. He said that the country here was all right but that he missed the oyoto and sage brush, and was going back to where they grew. Contractor !'! .rsi; has had a crew of several mjn at work during the patt week on tho new residence for "V. n. Hurst on Oregon street. The house is 32x3(3 feet, and is now nearly i' !o3ed. The J I). Curl home, which M Pearso is nho building' about 1 away, ha . t' enclosed, and th contractor no v figures that he m go clicau v.tli his work uninter I icd by the weather. 'I he inside m "-ing worx m the two buildings v. I i take about two weeks. W . Dca l is collecting the nec- "tti. y materiil o comnicrv fithieg n VI ' river as so in as the fir-l rains start the fall run of salmon. The fish will be salted in tierces and hauled to Port Orford for shipment. The Macleay Estate company has the' fishing privileges this stream and the work is being done for them. Geo. Mayer, of Gold Beach, who has lately been helping Geo. Dunn build his big dairy barn at Euchro creek, was in town over Saturday night while on his way to Bandon to meet Mrs. Mayer and two children, who had been away on a visit. Ho was traveling with W. J. Whitworth !n the later's Ford, and Sunday they run up to Bandon and home the same day. School will start at Port 'Orford one week from next Monday, Oct. 4th, ith Prof. A. S. Johnston as princi 1 and Mrs. Mary Keefer as assist- nt. Both of those teachers have had considerable experience with marked success, and if the parents of the dis trict will do their part by starting their children the first day and kecp- ng them going, the coming school crm is sure to be n successful nnd prifltnblo one. Will White passed down the coast the first of the week with a band of sheep purchased in Northern Cuny anil being driven to Eureka of Isham Walker, tho veteran stockman. The mud will be increased as it goes south until it .will number over 2000 when crosses Into California, It Ik under- Htood that f 1000 wag offered for a steamer to atop at Port Orford uii.l take the n)wu to Kurcku by wattr, ui mo oirur was not accepted. Ki'vwnil "Ho 'iiH-kn" liuvo bought mhw ii.'dur llinbur from tim govwne mom on MiddU 151 li, and Jmvu wlu. IUIiihI it nuinp I Inn h hih U)u Into of it being through a deep cDnon, con siderable speculation is rife as to whether or not it can bo successfully done. A. H. Boino. has been taking a rest rrom tie hauling since Monday nurs ing several sore spots as tho result of, a bad fall from his wagon. He was on top of a load binding it fast when the chain he was pulling on gave way and he fell backwards to tho ground. A small log struck him near the small of his back which left him pretty sore, but he feels that he wjas fortunate in escaping without more serious injury. 51 lb Salmon Hooked Probably the largest salmon ever caught in the Siuslaw with a rod and line was hooked by Mrs. E. J. Em mons last Sunday a short distance be low Acme. It was Chinook measuring 47 inch es in length and weighing 51 pounds Mr. and Mrs. Emmons reside in Atlantic City, New Jersey, but are on a pleasure trip through the western i part of tho country. .They camo to Florence nearly two months ago, in tending to remain three or four days but found fishing and hunting so good that they aro still here enjoying tho sport. They were out in a boat last Sun day, accompanied by L. A. Smith, and hooked the big fish in the river near tho old Hurd creamery. The big Chinook made a game fight for its life and tho boat drifted up sticam near ly to Acme before thefish could be gaffed and pulled aboard The West IMS IH BEvif THE "GREATER OREGON"; With new bulldlnc. better QutmMtn larcetl Kroumtt, nnd many jKltltlout IU. faculty, the Vnlvenltj of Or6 will bacln IU fortieth yrnr, THFMlnr. September t4, IVISi Special training In Commerce, Jearna1Win', Architecture, Law, Medicine. Tenchlnr. Librae rr Work, Mule. I'hnlrnl Training ami line. , Artn. LarceamlitroncdepartmenUof Liber fal Kitucatlon. I.lbrnrr of more than 00,000 volume. UMC teen tuillillitr fully equipped, two plenillrt irrmnnnlumn. Tuition Free. nrmitorlt for wen and for uomrn. KzHne l.owt-nt. Write for free rutnloKn.ndrirrMlns lleclttrnr, UNIVERSITY OF OREGON IHKIKNK. OltCOON ( 9 GOLD BEACH GOSSIt- )((j (Frm the Gold Beach Globe) The run of fall fish so far has been rather limited. Aitho the seine has been running regularly the catches have been light. The price paid for silver sides is 15 cts. for those caught in gill nets and five cents for those, caught in the seine Chinooks twenty five cents. In Mm llimr llwi iluwn tliii Hvtir to Hit iii'HjMi Mljd Until llUIJl Uimi) yy a ititj iM I i,UiU 'lu Ail iLl ll,,... ...ill I A portion of tho building material for the new store has been received and the balance is expected on the next nrrival of the Itoamer when the con struction of the building will be com menced at once. Charley Doyle in his auto started Sunday morning for Roseburg with a load of local people consisting of Mrs A. S. Millre and dnughter Gladys, Mrs. Blake and Fred Caughell. Miss Gladys will attend school at Roseburg this winter. Mrs. Blako is on her road to Portland to spend the winter with her son Fred and Fred Caughell is going to Portland for medical treat ment. A. G. Walkor arrived on schedule time last evening with the mail in hiL new auto-bus. Mr. Walker is well satisfied with his car and thinks he can run it a good part of the winter. Mrs. E. B. Thrift and two daughters of Langlois have been visiting with old time friends and relatives in this locality. This was Mrsf Thrift's first visit to her girhood homo in many years. S. P. Merrill the Euchre Creek cheese maker was doing business at the county scat yesterday. He says the dry weather has caused the cows in that neighborhood to shrink so in their milk that it is likely tho factory will close down before long. Tho Wedderburn Trading Company have completed plans for a wharf and warehouse on this side of the river. The old cement hatchery tank just be low the Mill rock will be mnde the foundation for tho new improvement. At thisplace there is deep 'water at any stage of tho tide and is nbout the only place where a wharf could be made to stand. This is a needed im provement nnd will fill a long felt want. A wee) True Economy means the wise tpceAlae of c'a moruy making every dollar do full duty anJ getting In. return an article that wdl katisfy you In every way. T- . WHITE . 'fMi i a real tvuf'aln localise it b sol J at a popular i P" price: bt-CJiiij it c'ves you 'na kind of tewing !, you iklight im because It will turn out the work t f . LI.. f i . - l.'f- .1 V quicuy ana ooiouguiy iiu ivc yuu a iuc uuit of satiifaeto.y service; because Its improvements J wiJ enable you to do tuincst wuicn can't be done oil any other machine because It will please you with its fine finish and beauty of its furniture, la short you will find the White reliable and desirable from every point of view. Be sure to tee the White dealer who will be glad to show you how good inachlnc the "White is. If there it no White dealer handy, write ui dlrect.for cat alogs. We do not sell to cataJoi; houses. Vibrator and Rotary Shuttle Machines. WHITE SEWING MACHINE CO. CLEVELAND, O. EQUH'EI) WITH WIRELESS. S!2I22biEBreakwater i ALWAYS ON TIME m. Sept. 5th at 8 a Sept. lth at 8 a. m. SAILS Sept. 12th at 10 a. Sept. 26th at 10 a. m. m. CONFIRM SAILINGS THROUGH BANDON WAREHOUSE COMPANY I'honc 61 t t SPARK'S- GOOD GROCERIES AT REASONABLE PRICES, PROMPT DELIVERY & COURTEOUS TREATMENT PHONE 291 J Imitation. "Why. Glndys. you are npolllng your dolly." "No. mnninia; 1 am painting It checks with the on me color that you use." Exchange. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR THE STATE OF OREGON FOR THE COUNTY OF COOS C. R. Wade, Plaintiff, vs A .J. Barrc, as administrator of the Estate of R. P. Hcmpel, deceased; C. T. Treadgold, and Ellen Hempel, wid ow of R. P. Hcmpel. Defendants. SuinmnnH To Ellen Hempel, widow of R. P. Hcmpol, one of the above named de fendants: In the name of tho state of Oregon you are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint tiled against you in the above entitled suit within ant to an order of tho Hon. James Watson, County Judgo of Coos County, Oregon, made at his office in Coquille, Coos County, Oregon on tho 21st day of August, 1915, on motion and affida vit mado by plaintiff, and filed in tii above entitled cause. Dated at Bandon, Ore. Aug. 24th, 1915. 7t. C. R. WADE. Plaintiff in fersou. I j in tuu Mifwvu viiviiriuu gum hiviim six weeks from tho date of first pub . m if.nvmniiii i:;mna iimi niiaa a . . lication of this suminoiiK: to-wiL with la Bailey of Denmark nnd Langlois I Hi six weeks of tho 24th day of Aug respectively. We learn that tho st, 1015 and if you fail so to appear young people will go U) Marshfield and answer on or before tho 5th day and just prior to a boat sailing for San Francisco have tho ceremony performed and take in tho .fair on their honeymoon journey. The young people ure highly esteemed by all that know them. ()g Hay is u hw a bis 1'ihlo d: val ut N c Bond Oct, flit nnd Hi. o relubi t j lliu building of the i liu'V'OO rail.i .1 bridge hit n- in unto riii'lt) nni iimniig (lie inn- wit olJVrnd hud It in uUo planned l.i .,,1 oir Hut re'ur'i rtiwlllilif inulcli tv in M. II I .l(y nml (ii'. Ijm. n' M (hut 'in, It In uhkmhmuI ' 4 htl MU 'V Imi ()llllll'tl tn I I Mli MKlljjp U IX lUlfom, to Mt'fl fi ut by my I, M6, ImjO. him af Lh I V, mm il of October, 1915 tliat being tho last day of time pro. cribed in the order for tho publication hereof, plaintiff will apply to t'.c court for the relief prayed for in the complaint, a susclnct sUitemont of which in: a Judgement against tho estate of It. P. Hcmpel deceiiHed forl'1.80, with 0 per rent intercut thereon from October 2ml, lOlti, $'15, attorney feu, coU and din 'iimiiunU, and for n decrcu foreclon Ji iK mortgagi! givon by It. I'. Ileinpfl ti .a'l'urti plulitilf'K ilulin covurlng lund donLTibcd nil HI' of HW U . 80, und K. Mi NW. Si itml HW. V NK. 'i Hc 31, ull n Ti. 8S H H H ". W .M. In ( Cuuniy, ()nw, mi fur ui oritur of Hiu Owl iiv nlnfK Hi' Intirwt ut yuu, V.Wun to n1vrinr Ut pluinilifn 4i4ib ii lh iiiiukm ttui fur mirii Your Last Chance To Obtain Dn Miles' Family Medical: Guide FREE This Book Contflina Knowledge that Every One Should Poiseu, PART ONE 8irle TfUtment for AIBnenti. DADT TUin What To Do In Cam PART THREE V Prcilcsl I.awi of HmHk. If yo ltrt on Hoofca, Vrt ui CftH. kl 4 m A A A ml. M ml Ami. J MUm M4UiI Co,, Hid muft riiit fri lk f TtMM mm ffm MM mm mm u ih" wm iimm vim MM ID Hi MM fm td b imH W H in wf Nwii, mm HWI r