Oregon -Historical Socuty -City Hall . JC THE RECORDER Bandon By-the-Sea lias the Prettiest Beach on the Coast VOLUME XXXI BANDON, OREGON, SEPTEMBER 28 1915 NUMBER 38 BANDON BRIDGE CELEBRATION NEXT WEEKS EVENT Official Function to Observe Opening of Rail Connec tion with Outside World The Bridge Carnival at North Bentl appears to be about the biggcH thin;: looming up ahead and it is an event that none should miss. This not for the sports that have been arranged for the entertainment of the visitor but because this will give people of the section a chance to express to tho railroad company their appreciation of their enterprise in opening up this auction and connecting it by rail to tho outside world. It is mado tho ve hicle for the announcement of this union and citizens of all this country interested should not be backward in lending their presence that there may Ijo no misunderstanding of their sen timents. It is especially desirable that Dan don, which hopes to bo the next ter minus of the track layers nnd, grade makers should be conspicuous in the throng. We suggest this in the hope that enterprising fellow citizens may take up the thing und see that Ban don is not only seen but heard in North Bend on tho day of the bndgc cele bration. The doings at North Bend October 7, 8, and 0 are divided in'thrco sections and the feature of Thursday, Oct. 7, is a Good Roads Convention. Able opcakers will 1e present and the mat ter of- roads to which tho whole county is waking will be thoroughly gone over. v Friday the central day of tho cel ebration will be tho big day of the meet. There will be sports, races, danc r. i, etc. Also 'a literary program con sisting of addresses and features of aslike naturo. , . Saturday, October 9th Is given ov or to the more festive aspects of tho jubilee which will include sports, op tend and water and parades closing with u1 grand masquerade. Mardi Gras. W. W. OF A. DEPUTY HEADED THIS WAY Modern Woodmen Hold Unique Class Adoption at Coquille and Plan An Ao t i v c Campaign It was a happy, inspiration that Ld the members of tho Modem Wood men of America in their lodge at Co quUle to chooso an open spot in the woods a few miles this side of that city for a class adoption, Saturday evening, September 18th. A clear ing had been started for a' house that was never built and there were stumps in tho right positions to serve for the ofllcers stations and for tho holding of the urn with its pebbles. A class of twenty onu was adopted representing tho camps of Myrtle Point and Coquille and which had been gathered through the efforts of De piity Counsel Hardosty of Astoria. Tho grounds were lighted by Japa. neso lanterns and there was a largo camp firo close at hand as one of tho features of the adoption. Following the adopti6n of the class there was u barbecuo where the prin cipal item of the menu was two fat bucks killed for the occasion. In quantity of ' membership the Modern Woodmen is the leader in the United States having over a mil lion members. Its home ofllce is at Rock Island, III. and tho society has a complete sanitarium in Colorado for the treatment of members of the order who are afflicted with tuberculosis. It is the most popular of the fraternal insurance orders and over a million dollars arc paid to its head banker every month, to bo paid out to the monthly list of bencfici&rics or put in the reserve fund for future need. It Is expected that Bandon will bo one of tho next places to bo visited by the deputy. Tho high school student iccom panled by their Instructoro made Bun don Beach tho scoiio nf u bon fire par ly which wu held Friday night, Kuril pintle wern fruqucnt hint ymr Hint (Ills whh lliu first tif many inoio vuru ,o follow (hi wining yiir Onu HtHlr rt'HMU'ktM I hut fimit ull high uchool "Mt" Hvr llwr uuvH lhs Vmhmn, who wnfn frM Ijwy wouM , iJih'M surf iio funny i( (hum ih0MtiiJ up, TOLEDO MILL TO OPEN' LUMBER OPTIMISM RAMPANT While the general feeling of op timiam relative to the lumber busi ness has broken out again it is hard to discover just what ground the op timism rests on. Rumors from the bay arc constantly circulating to the effect that C. A. Smith is once more in charge of the mill in Marshfield that bears his name and will shortly begin work every day in the week and soon work, day and night. This in volves u few light problems such as nbility to get the logs but these things are left to bother the more slow going analyst. Again there are .reports that the Moqro mill will open up in a few weeks but this statement can not be confirmed nt company headquarters, But it is authoratiycly announced that the Moore mill at Toledo, Ore will start in a few weeks and prepa- tions to this effect are 'already under way. , . One encouraging thing is that the price of lumber has advanced suffi ciently that an expert is able to de tect the same with a microscope, and a general feeling- that lumber is nc- quiring n greater demand is passing up and down tho line. Lumber appears to be looking up. Curry County Yields Large Droves of Sheep Bandon Vacation Party En counter Herders. Road .Improvements Made As genial a party as ever set out was tho one composed of W. J. Fry and wife, James Nygren, wifo arid two. children, Charles and S. D. Barrowu which',, left Bandon nbouttwo weeke ago. They went in autos belonging' to Burrows nnd Nygren and Mr. Bar rows team went along to care for the camp equipment. They camped at Euchre creek nt Geo. Miller's place at the foot of Brushy Bald. They were, out nine days in all, and stopped it part of the time at Corbin where they met Mr. and Mrs. Flom who an nounced that thoy were having the time of their lives. A new road is being built past Mil ler's place up south Euchre creek to Rogue river. It traverses n narrow pass through -the mountains and comes out at tho Bagnell ferry. It has an easy grudo and escapes some eight or ten miles of sand whore tho old road now is kept constantly blown full. ThoV fished in Corbin creek and Euchro creek and caught many trout. All the venison .they had was what was given them by friends in the neighborhood and 411 tho deer in the neighborhood heard they were com ing und kept carefully from sight. One of tho products of the neigh borhood which they also had placed before them was sweet corn ns fine as uny thoy ever tusted anywhere. The farmers of that country raise numerous hogs which nt this time of tlio year fatten on the mast or sweot acorns. The deer also feed on these acorns and may usually "bo found whore the bearing oaks are most plentiful. .Dement, sheep buyer from Myrtle Point was in this section at tho tipio buying sheep und had collected a hoard of 2,000 us well as 75 cattlo which ho was driving northward. These flocks would eventually bo driven to Roso burg and from there shipped by rail. This would have been ono of tho pro ducts of Bandon hnd( the. railroad ex tended that liar. Tito flock will pass through Bandon on its way east. When tho party met tho sheep they wcro in the neighborhood of the Six es and tho flock had been driven from Gold Beach that far with only tho loss of three sheep. An other stock buyer from Eureka who had bought u drove lout twouty in getting started. Thoy paid $1 n head far tho sheep, One of the stock buyers said they could buy cattle cheaper In Portland than In Curry county, Thl BMcrllon"'0"1! niwdlng to tho 'nurvlvorM' U given fur wlwt It In worth, ;M,,n rrlurnwl hut vnnlng from Km. I'. J. J''my m ilUpwfd nt Mm properly nttivW III Jlandon, uiu htm MiucL, m bur mid Owm weru p(d ib'flniltdy dochlitd In Jocuti In (,'iil.ii Iho xop duckiovt-rcl wild oil, fWlllli, frill jlUlHj QJ!J; iiSjl'K Hi ..I..- t i J- ii ' 77"... !.... limit COMMERCIAL CLUB ING TO CONSIDER Charles Hall of Marshfield and Commissioner Arm strong Present to Help with the Discussion. Gravel Roads Favored by Many as Proper Material Good Roads was tho subject of dis - cussioiv at a special meeting of the Commercial Club last night. There was a fair attendance, .and among thorn Charles Hall of Marshfield, President of tho Coos county organ ization. Mr. Dickey explained that the last meeting of the bounty organization decided to entirely wipe out all previ. ous'plans and start over, that n coun ty "committee had been selected con sisting of a president, secretary, treasurer, nnd seven vice presidents, all representing different import ant communities of the county, Jhat tho duty of eacli is to call special road meetings in the respective district, and ascertain the ideas of that dist rict as to whether good roads were wanted, and where and - what kind, and the best means of financing thorn. Tho committco will endeavor there after to outline a plan representing the composite' collective,, idea of the majority of the County's citizens. Similar meetings will be held this week all over. Coos County. Bandon held the first last night. All present favored good roads,' and went on re cord unanimously to that effect, but thero were many opinions as to me thods. Mr. Hall explained that thfc State law permitting counties to bond, for only two percent of their assessed valuation would raise about ?370,000, which would build 30 miles of perma nent toad? Then began discussion as to whaj; section of the county would! get uie mirty miles. The meeting went on record as fa voring the bond issue provided an equitable part be sot aside for the ISnudon-Langlois road. This decision ,as reached nftor a lengthy discus sion which brought out the fact that Stones of Quarry Damage Beach House Blast From Quarry Sends Stones Into Residence of H. M a s k e y Tiio home of II. Maskey in Break water addition suffered considerable injury ns the result of-ono 6"f .the musts irom tlio government quarry laat Thursday afternoon.' "A number of stones fell uround the house but two of thein are responsible for the main damage. One 1100 pound stono went through the wall of tho house striking n lurge, Wheeler and Wilson tailor sowing machine and utterly anl hilating it. Another broke through tho roof of tho pantry built on to tho house. It landed on the fumily stock of preserves and canned goods smash ing up tho whole thing pretty thoroughly. Tlio most serious result of tho ac cident however, was to Mrs. Ma6key She is recently from, tho hospital where she underwent a difficult op eration, that of having a new outlet madu for her Btomach and whp has been recuperating and tho shock 'of tho accident brought on a nervous shock that threutens serious results CIMUNCEY CARPEN ER IN LIME LIGHT AkhInIh in Wrt-cking of Rarkentinc Northwt'Nt at Coon Hay Last Week. Vt'Hkfd Set Afire and llvuclu-d Her upper works aflame und head ed bow on tho old barkentinu North west plunged ushoru In thu Breaker lit Miiksel Hcvt Lulu ycMtenluy after- ipiitt. I'MiUimim and deck plunU wur? yankwl up before thu old eruft und HtrMl by (JhuuiU'iiy (Jurpt'iilur Hunter wwi JurjiMj Juum) M thvjfl HOLDS SPECIAL MEET- GOOD ROADS SUBJECT 1 said road from Bandon to the countv I lino could be completely cleared grad- uu uuu Kuveieci lor UDOUt !fiU,UUU. There was considerable argument to thcfcfToet that gravel roads are superior to either plank or rock. That plank gradually dctcriorated,!"-nnd fi nally gives out ull at once, whereas gravel, with occasional repairs, is permanent and continually packing and becoming firmer. Mr. Armstrong said in his opinion, gravel was super ior to rock, because usage had a ten dency to loosen the rock thnt each pas sing vehicle not only pulverized, and killed tho gravel, cushion or other top covering between tho wheel, and rock, but slightly moved the rock in its po sition, permitted earth and other sub Btance to work under it, and in the large rocks gradually works to the surfneo, und that with rock foundation the gravel or other top dressing would not cement to tho rock or become com pact, whereas, with each base and gravel top tho gravel gradually pack ed into the earth and continually re paired and used would finally become a firm and solid foundation. Mr. Breuer favored good roads built of anything but plank but de sired to build it by direct tax, and eli minate thu bonds, and thereby save interest. Also he favored nn amend ment of the state law reviving the poll system of labor and tax. Many present favored postponing an election or action for ono more year. More meetings of the samo character wilhbo held in the near fu ture, when a larger attendance is ex pected, tho meetings to be held at the call of the President of the Commer cial Club. It will be the object the creato among the citizens, and to ob tain more ideas on all' phases of tho question. went over the side ,' into the boat of the Coast Guard. power That tho vessel would not burn to the waters edge is the belief of tlio men who saw her wreck. Too long beneath the waters of Isthmus Inlet, they said had loft her planking water soaked. As the vessel struck bow on the waves, tho surf gradually turned her broadside to tho beach and thero she started to pound to pices. - It was about 3 p. m. when they reached the bar and everyone with the exception of Carpenter and A. Skogg wont aboard tlio Roamer and she went ahead of tho Rustler with a second tow line, which was mado fast to the lattor. There was a heavy "nor'west wind blowing and nn ebb tide" running so that tho plan of drifting tho hulk on the north spit had to bo abandoned. In crossing outt ho Northwest heeled to tho south and for a time threat ened to strand herself on the south spit. Carpontor is ono of tho survivors of the ilUfnted Randolph and is now aboard tho Rustler. Neither he nor Al Skogg were in any danger when thoy wcro takon into tho life boat Coos Bay Times CAME FROM FRISCO TO SERVE SENTENCE Mrs. Fanny O'Donnvll Relieves Her Bondsmen and Appears Presents Herself to Sheriff at Coquille Among tho pnsscngurs on the last Elizabeth was Mrs, Fannie O'Don null who has achieved more or less notoriety through her prosecution for selling liquor without a license at. Em pire. Tho first thing sho did after ar rival was to .seek transportation to Coqulllu where she culled on tho slier ilf and Jinouncod that tdio was ready und willing to tvrvti her lime In tho county jail according- to tho uilgitiul tornu of ioiivIcIIoh for threo month Mm, O'llo iiiollu was i-oiivlrt'tixl two y'in ugo and mIiicu thut Hunt her vufu Iium hi-fi) In tho rouilMi from lj or Jgfiuil roui t to thu Hupramtf K'Uit und Iwdk ukm In tu thu I'll cull nuit. WJillu Hi (wyul )Kb( Mng HERE YOU ARE. GENTS 1 A letter has tbcen received from Chicago by the' commercial Club stat ing that ?10,000 to $15,000 is available for investment in this section, "in some good, highclass enterprise that will have the unqualified endorsment of the bankers of your town. Tho Investment must be safe, tho men to handle the enterprise must hnva un questioned reputations, and they must lie able to show the possibility of c nandsomo margin of profit". The Commercial Club will confer with anv who can suggest or recommend such provided all don't speak at once. M. G. Pohl Visits A Mexican Fair Finds a Rival of San Diego and Frisco Affairs South of California Boundary San Diego, Sept. 11 Editor RccorderrUnder no circumn- 3tnncc3 would I impose my experien ces unduly on "you and your renders But, knowing that many of your read ers do not know that beside the Sai. Francisco and San Diego fairs Iherc is another fair in full swing nt Tia Ju anno, Mexico, about 25 miles below San Diego. Yesterday, I inadvertantly met nr old friend from Pennsylvania. Natur ally we botlr were much pleased and as he had passed several weeks in seoiup the sights hero and soon wished to gc on to San Francisco, nothiug would do but, we must visit San Juano in Mex ico together. Leaving Broadway and Third street by electric car we passed National City, a pleasant, small town, five milec below. Chola Vista, Otay, San Ysidoro. Neston and, arrived at the lipejbetwcon the United States and Mexico, an int eresting point to any ono. The division was marked by a barb wire fence. The wires have rusted out and it'is'ln a stato wheig.it wouhj not turn an -old horse, much less would it stop anyone wishing to smuggle. , Tin Juano is aplace very near as largo as East Bandon. I shall not say anything of tho streets or building; iou might not believe mo. Neither should I treat of the transactions in business. Thoy are up to snuff and do not forgot it. I speak from experience, Before us laid tho entrance to tho fair, 10 cts admission. It was paid and wo entered tho grounds,, about fi acres large. In tho first hall we entered was a room filled with about twolve gam' ling tables, eaclrwith a different game and all in operation. What money, I saw circulated wont in favor of tho gambler. Of course wo did not take n hand. From there wo wont to the danc ing floor: the music was passable! Tho girls? Will you pardon mo if I say soniethipg of tlio scnoritas. They look ed nice enough with Uicir keen spark ling black eyes and long black hair Some looked to me ns if they had eye trouble. Now and then they would smile, looking at a person and then they would closo one eye. In my hum ble judgement it was an invitation to go io tho bar on tho sido of tho room. Wo wero not thirsty and passed on. From bad to .worse. Here wo came to a tent arid behind tho curtain was Sonoritta Ros'sala, a la Eve, this too wo passed. . Tho drinking nnd eating stand was not greatly rushed. Yes, it was too. early. The bull ring, no, thut game is too i cruel. It i(tho Bport only of Mexicans nnd a class of Americans which can find cruelty and torturo a sport. Tims ended tho fair in Mexico. A faw more words of tho Hotjpl do Paris nt ono end of tho town, It wus u structure not quite as good ns sonm old horso stable. Inside wo wishiy) to have others judge. By 12 o'clock, noon wo returned. Passing the lino wo wero stopped by tho custom lioiiso ollkor rather roughly mid they examined its to whether or not wo hud been smuggling. ' I tell you when wo landed wrifcly on American roil wo idinok bund with one another for not Ixdng token cleur ir. M. 0. POIIL Ull I Uild Vtjiiij) il wuj fljMJlJy mill i) mmmy qwM last Ui w'st; iuir nii Moo vmuHtf )ir yif MILITARY TRAINING SUBJECT OF DEBATE Question Selected For 'Dis cussion by High School Orators This Season Schools that intend entering tho Oregon High School Debating League this year arc requested to hurry, 6! lober 15 being tho closing dato for enrollment, Earl Kilpatrick, Univcr nity of Oregon is secretary. ' The state debating cup, known as the University of Oregon cup, iahow held by Salem which beat Entoriujse a last, spring's finals. The year be fore Pendleton held it. Last year's league had 41 high schools and Secre tary Kilpatrick thinks this year's .will KUvo CO. Much thought was given to selec tion of this year's subject. Ar topic that wus timely, that was of general interest nnd that was not beyond tho range of high' school pupils was sought some pruvious subjects having bean of distinctly colleco irradd. Tho eominiUeri finally evolved tho follow ing: -Resolved, That tho United Stiilos -should adopt tfte csential featured of , the Swiss system of military servjee training." , ' la ', Tlio stato is divided into thcai eight districts for league purposes: Umatilla, Eastern Oregon, ' Lowei Columbia, Upper Columbia, Ndrthorn Willamette, Southern Willamoltj, Southcyi Oregon, Coos Bay. . B, L. Kirk superintendent of schools at Springfield," is secretary. 1 , So far this full La Grande, Union Enterprise, Vale, Marshfield, Astoria Salem, Roscburg, 'Oregon City, one. or two others' have enrolled. The University of Oregon pays tho ex panses vof tho two tcamsthatxiinbV' annually to como to Eugene to settler tho finals. DEAD MAN LEAVES NO RELATIVES John Landers, Who died Sunday Leaves nn Estate of Nine Lots and No Known Heirs John Lnndars who wns for 20 years a resident of Coos county died in the hospital Sunday of Brighl's disease. Landers who was in tlio neighborhood of 5G years of age was American born nnd came to this county from Jeffer son county in tho neighborhood of Orant's I'ass.Hc lived at first in tho vicinity of Fish Trap and had boon accustomed to spend tho summers mining and his winters logging in tlio woods. Of tato years, Mr..Landcro has lived exclusively inBr.ndon. Through a mnti named Adams he bought nine lots in Ilnberly's addition and these appear to represent his sole nssctt, financial ly. As far ns known Landers left no relathcs. Ho was intimnto with no ono although perhaps M. Bruor knows ns mudi of 'his affairs as any one. Sometime ago' Landers was quar antined for small pox in a small room on tho west end of First street nnd at that t.mo Mr. Breuer cared for him. Landers has lived in asmall house on his land to the south of town. W. R. Taylor, a neighbor has looked af ter him and when his ailment, Brights disease grow bud, Taylor had htm taken to n local hospital, The funeral took pluco Tuesday af ternoon at tho Ellingson chapol with Rov. C. M. Knight officiating. ; J A notice posted in tho window of the Johnson building announces thai the Averill stock is for snlo in var ious clasifications inventorying at - a total ofill,20.22. Tho notice is signed by R. L. Su'btn, assignee and is dnteil at Portland, Oct. 11th, Bids for t'lui stock :ue to bejoponi'd Oct. 11th. 1 . , congenial party consUtlng oT MeKrs. Mngley, KoJthly, Mlnot, oiid ,S)irr went down with U'hltwl f. rort (morn bumluy on a fWhliig if riiMloii. Thoy flkheil in Port Orfiinl )uk, Caught ph'jily.of flub iiiii'l )m nn nil around good lliAit, Um tut II Judy con Id not h fmiuj Jluully hu wn lowim Ii Kt lm in.