RHP - I1! Iff ' " DOUGH AND DYNAMYTE Keystone Special (Two Keels) Feat uring Charles Chaplin and Chester Conklin The bakers in the employ of Mon sieur La Vie go 0n strike. In the emergency Pierre and Jacques, the waiters, take possession of tho kitchen and as there is quite a bit of jealousy between them an account of the fe male waitresses who smile imparti ally on both, it is not lone; before the dough is flying. Meanwhile the strikers have conspired. They drill a holcln a loaf of bread and insert therein a stick of dynamite, cleverly replacing the piece of crust on the end of the loaf. Then they give it to n little girl, instructing her to carry it to tho bakery and explaining that because the bread is too heavy her mother has sent it back. The wife of Monsieur Ln Vie returns the childs money, and orders arc given to the bakers to put the loaf back in the oven and bake it some more. They comply. The whole establishment is in a demoralized state. Customers in the cafe can not get waited upon. Tho cook is in jx towering temper. Pierce is clubbed on the head by the strikers, and goes about in a maudlin condition, getting himself and every body else into all sorts of trouble. And then tho dynamited loaf explodes! ine lnoccni victims aro buried m splintered ovens, broken china, nn earthquake of pastry and bursting flour sacks and huge mounds of dough heave fitfully where human hearts once throbbed. At the very end of tho tragedy wo see the yeasty mass churning and swelling and then, out of the sticky lump the un fortunate Pierce thrusts a gluey head See it at tho Grand Theatre Wed nesday, Soptember 22. A dollar saved is n dollar earned. You can snvo money by trading nt the SQUARE DEAL, op. Grand theater, whero solid leather shoes r.ro sold and satisfaction guaranteed. Shoe rapnir chop in connection. Buy your wedding giftn nt Sabio Bros. Wo handlo goods of the best quality nt reasonable prices. tf Special Services at Baptist Church Tho evangelistic meetings being conducted by district missionary L. II. SteinhofT and pastor A. B. Heeso in the Baptist church are growing in int erest and attendance night by night. The services will continue through the week nnd probably mxt week. Tho sermon topics for next Sunday will bo "The Powor of Love" at 11, A. M. and "The Two Roads and the Two Destinies" at 7:110, P. M. Services begin at 7:.'10 every night. Come and bring a friend. ' BANDON BREVITIES D 6 M. Doyle, Of Weddsrburn, passed through town Sunday. Messrs Mact and Smith are wiring the Biggs building this week. Kay and Ed Capps of Denmark IimI business in Bandon yesterday. Mrs. J. A. Byrne was called over to the bay today on business. Mrs. C. A. Har-ngton of Myrtle Point was in Bar.don yesterday. J. A. Kroncnbcrg is expected up on the next trip of the Elizabeth. Ada B.-.iloy of Langlois was a Ban don visitor yesterday. Father Kenony recently returned from n visit to Wcddcrhurn. Fred Belloni of Coquille was in Bandon on bushes Monday. Victor. Victrolna and recoras nt Sabro Bros. tf Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Kennedy are visiting with friends on the Sixes this woe' . 1 ' '.adics' Aid of tho Presbyterian chu.M will be entertained tomorrow by V, . Mary Barrows. W. E. Keithly was one of n party of hunter to spo'id Thursday night in the vicinity of Whisky Run. T. B. Davidson and wife and II. D Lynn and family were up from Port Orford this week Willis Fry and Sam Barrows aro members of a hunting party spending a couple of weeks at Euchre creek Victor ureuer nnu wife arc now happily domiciled in their now house up by the Ocean D'ivc. Geo. W. Mooro and family aro now living in their new house on Chicago avenue. Abia Barrows was over from the bay for a visit at home the latter part of last week. W. A. Bishel of Gold Beach was .".inong the Curry county citizens on our streets Mom'ay. Ingersol watches for your fishing trips can be bought from Sabro Bk.s Price ?1.00 and $1.50. tf Tho Germrn band parr.dcd the street last Tuqsday night and gnve Mr. and Mrs. Victor Breuer the ben efit of a few free musical selections. Charlie Chaplin made the hit of his life in "Dough and Dynamite" This is a. whirlwind comedy in two acts. Don't fail to see it. Its a bear. W. L. Bench has given up his sec ond hand business at First street and Oregon Ave. and is storing his goods :n a house upon tho hill. T. C. Macay, mill wright for the Moore Lumber company expects to start soon for Toledo where it i3 re prted the mill will open, shortly. Thero is the cound of wedding bells in the air and tho Gorman br.nd might :s well sleep on their horns for they must bo on tho alert. The Romance of Elaine will be jhown nt tho Grand every Monday light until further notice. The change in boat schedules has compelled us to witch the nights of showing Elaine, Mrs. F. S. Perry who has been vis iting at Anaconda and poinU in Ea3t Oregon is not expected to return for two or three weeks yet. Mr. Perry will go part way to meet her. John F. Hill who hns been in Curry County for several months and sufer- ing with injured knee, is in Bandon, (linking hands tho first time he has been able to get around since the ac cident. Following his recovery his daughter Susio has been ill with some throat or bronchal ailments. PARAMOUNT FEATURE TUB Jesse Laskey Feature Play Company 4P I'RKSKNTS "The Country Boy" A pietiirizatio-i of the phi) ly the name which ciid much to establish liclar Seluyn as one of the most successful American ilramuists. "ITU? COUNTRY HOY" in its original dramatic form, ran for nearly two years in New York Citv and is even mm' much in demand on tour. "The Country Ho" will he shown at the GRAND THEATER Thursday, Sept. 23 ADMISSION I5f mi.l 5r Remember ils a Paramount! TliePiclure of Merill J. H. Baxter has been left in chirge . f-the Dollar mill and has been filing up some around it which gives rise to the rumor that the mill is planting to start up. Mrs. Chester Hoskins has arrived in Scattlo on tho steamer Dolphin ind is expected here in Bandon. She came on the Dolphin from Alaska and 'ho trip took longer than anticipated be cause of having to stop and serve the fishing boats on tho way down. Remember the Paramount Pictures aro the best movies in the world today. You can see Paramount films at the Grand every Thursday nnd Sunday. Dr. L. Pemberton and wife nnd itrs Frank Langlois of Langlois were up for a visit in Bandon yesterday and the Inter had dental work done at Dr. Sorcnsen's. J. A. Kennedy who has conducted a blacksmith business for ten years on Alabamn Ave. close to the water front, sold out last week to II. Coats tho Second street second hand dealer. A case of diphtheria is reported in the McCloud family, imported fron. Myrtle Point. The house is being quarantined and every effort made to keep the disease confined. Rev. C. M. Knight loft for the con ference at Roseburg Tuesday morn ing. The conference convenes Wednes day and will ncljorn on the following Monday. If a square deal is what you want, try Tho SQUARE DEAL. Opp. the Grand Thetitcr, for Shoos, Hosiery and Gent's furnishings. Shoe repair shop in connection. Mr. and Mrs. II. Flom and Mr. mid Mrs. J. A. Byrne composed a picnic party who spent Sunday up the river in the neighborhood of the ferry on the north side. Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Rndley and daughter, Miss Blanche Rndley are expected on the next Elizabeth. Miss Blanche hns spent the past year in Snn Diego. "Dough nnd Dynamite" what possi bilities for Charley Chaplin. Its the greatest comedy the Keystone ever produecdjfAt the Grand next Wednes day, Sept. 23rd. Six big reels. J. A. Sullivan was one of tho pas sengers on the Elizabeth down and will stay to sod the fair and transact business. Mrs. Sullivan and child who have been visiting there will return with him. Lawrence Prendergrass and friend Mr. Phillipi of Half Way, Oregon, called on the former's grandmother, Mrs. Dyer one day recently. They wero on an ruto trip through tho country and wet from here to Rose burg and Grants Pass. Rev. W. S. Smith preached a spe cial sermon to the children las Sunday morning, using various seeds to show that what ever was planted in the ground would reap of its kind and than ilustrated various form of vic- csFsaying that if they wero planted they would yield as the weed seed. Harold Sabro returned from a week visit in Maishfiold nnd North Bend Inst night. He was particularly im pressed with the later town rnd thinks its growth has been notable. Last week ho returned from a visit to the coast towns of Curry county, making the trip on his new Indian motorcy cle. He visited Port Orford, Lang lois and Corbin but was compelled to give up and return as the motor cycle grew bnulky. Ocean Rebekah lodge, No. 120 cel ebrated the anniversary of the order by inviting tho Odd Fellows and their families to spend a social evening with them last Saturday night Tables were provided for those who wished to play whist and the others enjoyed themselves in games usual on occas ions of this kind and at 11 o'clock a lunch of cake and lemonade was served in the dining room. All had a most enjoyable time. Tho teachers, now to the Bandon schools this year were entertained nt tho hand of the old school teachers in Miss Rodger's cottage on tho bluff be low tho lookout Inst Friday evening. Planked salmon was the especial at traction of the menu prepared before the open fire and nil of the guests to whom this article of diet was new de clnred hnd never eaten anything bet ter. The party lasted until well oh In tho evening nnd nil report nn ex ceedingly interesting time, Charley Chaplin in "Dough und Dy namite Wow somo combination fun? Say, honest, don't tear tho seata up when you e this screaming com dy Grand Wednesday night. I Cnn hIiow )iiii u liomt'h'tcud. Writs' M. G. Pohl at School San Diego, Cal., Sept. 10, 1915 Editor Bandon Recorder: Just to occupy my time I am sending you a short description of a most pleasant and highly instructive visit paid last Sunday evening to the Theo sophical Educational meeting. Judge for yourself whether my time was well spent. After a violin concert given by the ladies of tho Raja Vojn University, all I dressed in ancient Greek costumes and adorned with garlands nnd flowers and seated amid grand garden scenery, ear and eye received an inspiring treat. Then followed a mixed chorus of ladies and gents, all students. This finished the exercises nnd ex amination of children from 2 to 8 years of age, followed. To see those little fellows move up on the platform, so filled with confidence, to notice their pleasure and courage, facing nn over filled house, bowing h6rc and there, throwing a hand kiss to some distant ! friend or relative, is easier to be seen than described. A lady, sitting before the piano, played a soft introduction, followed by a song accompanied by tho young singers. Then a large blackboard was sta tioned on the platform and the exam ination of the children by the teachers was coductcd. The subject was spel ling and not a word was misspelled. Next a large map of the two hem ispheres was placed over the black board and before it on a small table were the flags of nil nations. As the teacher took up a flag, showing them in rotation each child would call tho name of such nation, one after the other following with equal results. Further examination in geography proved still more interesting. One af ter the other of the children would take n station before the map, show ing with a stick tho sections of the globe tho teacher called for. Not only this but the children would give the 1 names of the capitals, the names of I rivers, mountains, seas and other in formation relative to such localities, whether it was in Asia, Australia or any other continent or any ocean. This finished, botany followed. The children even explained the means of diffusion of plant life. The examination in arithmetic was perfectly astonishing. Children asked by the teacher in English, French or German would give the names of the number in the language as asked. The most difficult examples were solved by n seven year old boy. One a question involving quantities of dif ferent merchandise, their weights and prices given per pound, with fractions of weight nnd price was read to him Then from memory he would make the calculation on the blackboard faster than most grown people could follow Other solved problems in algebra manycalculated by mental thought. Not less interesting was their musical training The child would be placed with its back to the piano, the in structor would strike a key and by the sound tho child would give the nnme of the tone, it would give tho relation of the tone to color nnd such study would again be used in the composing and painting of ornaments and cloth ing. At the end of the examination I sincerely that such methods would soon become universal for only this instruction is the way to influence the character of tho child and mould it to develop n higher grade of humanity. Mine. Katherine Thingly, the Cound cr nnd principal of this institute and university, then spoke to the audience and gave an extremely interesting lec ture. The university nnd institute is located at Point Lomn, a short distance from San Diego. Between seven and eight thousand tourists and visitors have called there this summer nnd among them, many noted people from nil parts of the earth. Respectfully, M. G. POHL at omn to John Sort, I' 0 Box 70, Miiiidon, Oregon, II. M. Kim-, M, D Ihe. I'jsr. Niwe Hid Tin on Hwelullkt will l in JIiiii. don mi Tliuiuduy, Hejit. iiO t Hit) tUU Her hidel. "HIiiwimJ IttUd." $1 Tho Ulttinoiid from Dim HKy wim. IU U lot ut uk urt'l UHIiM'1'edrtiled Ji.telttH III HuimIojj wJlljflMl loujJ fit r Mmj, fev fi mm 'JtottMlnv Utthl The following is the outgoing pas senger list of the Elizabeth which sailed on the fifteenth: Mrs. O. A. Trowbridge, Gladys Stnuler, Mrs. S. N. Croft, Mrs. T. M. Nelson, Mrs. Tom Niclson, Mrs. A. Houge, Adelln Sell mer, Mrs. Wm. Cnndlin, Mrs. Norton, T. M. Nielson, J. T. Sullivan, J. E. Norton, S. N. Croft, Arthur Hodges, Wm. Cnndlin, Mrs. Mnry Pendleton, Opal Pendleton, Agnes Pendleton, For Sale One, two and three lotc, all in one tract adjoining II Schreib er's und opposite tho Moore huw mill. AH cleared. Spring water. Best propo sitlon In town. F. II. Muhoii, 807 N. Water itreet, Ellcnuburg, WiihIi. For Itenl: MixliTii live room hun gnlow In denlrulilu nertloii. Apply to T. ('. Grlinth, or phono Iturul 100. I'or Hule nt I,oIiIiuiikIi' Vurlely Hlme lMtv' und Children' Htoitkliisj, .1 null (ut 'Hi elu, Cotton L'uhi Mm jlurn W din vitvli. It 'iuii(-.Kle pulil rnK 9 )tui m on lllli UM iwr Otfjihuiil jdjiMiik Qwiwr my huw by iluMiftiUy NEW VICTOR RECORDS All lovers of music are requested to come and hear the following new records: (M133 Ben Bolt jonn McCormack (Thos Dunn-English Nelscn Kmar) 04418 Auld Lang Syne (Burns) Julia Culp 87132 Abide With Mo Almn Gluck, Louise Homer (II. F. Lyto, Wm. H. Monk) 1G9G7 The Heard Girl's Dream Neapolitan Trio (Labitzky) Violin, Flute, Harp. 17523 Evening Chimes Neapolitan Trio (Carl Hcins, Op. 201) 070S4 He Lei no Kniulaui Foot's Paka Hawaiian Troupe (J. Edward) Victor-Victrolas from $200.00 to as low as $15.00. Sold on easy payments when so desired. Sabro Brothers Bandon, Oregon. Telephone 751 Mrs. C. Woodruff and 2 children, Sol. Bronson, Fred Blnckwell, Fred Han sen, E. A. Ansen, J. II. Luse, Mabel Post, Miss Rose Kennedy. The following went out on the Brooklyn, L. L. Marshall, L. Spires, John Bogitus, Mrs. Spires, Mrs. Bar rows, Mrs. Topping, Mrs. F. J. Fecney, F. J. Feency, Master Feenoy, Miss Fa ley, Mrs. J. Thompson, J. R. Connor, Bicycle Repairs Saw Filing and Repairing A Specialty Phone 471 P. O. Box 174 S. D. Barrows BANDON, OREGON Will like ordrri (or Bicyclrt of ill kinda nd Pope Molor-Cyclci ilio Cobm How boil Molorl. C. Sampson, Wm. Mathews, Ernest Wilkins, R. Jones. A Rainy Day Need Not Be Dull heer unl Get to worl: in a Fish Brand VvA C mm. $3.00 k Strong, easy fittinr. light, and water xKTtVTirr ftroof. r.bsalut,-h JCW I Reflex Edges stc: XX I water from rur.- . ' ning in at the lront, niatl.-.YelloworOHvckhald. ...rr,. l'.-otcctor Hat. "Scsnts CJWtiiS Satisfaction Guaranteed X 7AAfetf 3 A.J.TOWERCO. 1 Secret U of good health U plenty of good loumi ileep. Much depend) on the right kind of a mattren. In choosing a mattress see that the name IIEYW OOD-WAKEFIELD I plainly printed on the label. It is guaranteed to give satisfaction. We will replace it with a new one if you are not satisfied. Price, $15 OUicrN ut $12 und $18 Heywood Brothers and Wakefield Company PORTLAND, OREGON SHATTLB. WASHINGTON FOR SALE BY Bandon Furniture Company Do You Know That Your Home Book of Electricity Contains a valuable Coupon? "Look in the Book and see" Read the Coupon carefully. Then save 15c on every dollar in pur chasing a Hotpoint electric ap pliance to help make housework easy, W. L. Mast l M ill fljlfiJ,