OLD ZEB WHITE He TelU Story About Cantankerous Man By M. QUAD Copyright. 1515, by the McClure Nuwapaper Syndicate. "Thar was sum imrty bad tneu around yero Jest arter the wah," nail Zeb White, the possum huutcr of Tennes see, as he got his pipe alight ono oven lug on the doontteps. "Meube tho wust critter of the lot was named Tom Hmlth. He didn't hev no fam'ly, but Jest sorter hung around nt the co'ners. He was powerful on the brag, but he could light fur ull that, and blnieby everybody got slccered o' blm. Uo went about with a chip on his shoulder und blood In bis eye till sum men moved nway to git cl'ar o' him. Fur sum reason ho didn't bother tne fur a long time, but ono day when I went down to the co'ners to sell sum possum pelts Tom was outer sorts and oiciied on me. He looks at me a long time with a glare In his eye. Then ho throwH down his hat and Jumps on It and yells: "'Whoopeel Zeb White, behold tho Jumper from Jumpcrsvllle! I'll bet my rlflo agin them possum pelts I kin out Jump yo' by six Inches. If yo' ar' a man with legs under yo' cum out and try on mel "I seed he was tryln' to pick a quar rel," said Zeb, "and so I talked soft to him and tried to git away. "I was In mighty pore health." ex plained Zeb, "and no match fur slch a man, and so I had to crawfish. Ev erybody said I ortcr shoot him down, but 1 couldn't shed blood that way. It hurts me to this day to remember that I went home like a whlpintd cur, leavln that critter crow over me, but my mind was inude up to tackle him as soon as I felt like a man og'lu. When I got home I wus cryln', and tho old woman sez to me, sez she: "Zeb, has the wah broke outag'lu? " 'No.' " 'Then what's the matter?1 "Tvo bin bluffed.' '"D'ye mean that Tom Smith has f rowed over yo'?' " 'That's Jest what ho has, and I'm so pesky weak In tho knees that I had to git uwoy from him.' "'Jest bucked yo down, did he?' '"Ho did. It's tho fust time In my life I ever crawfished fur any human fritter.' " 'Reckon -It Is. Zeb. I knows how yo' feel. Hut yo' couldn't help It. If yo' tackled him he'd hev broke yo' In two. I'll go right ut It and nurse yo' up. and In fo' weeks yo'll be fltten to whop Tom Smith tilt he can't hoot. If yo' hain't, I'll put on yo'r clothes and whop him. myself -'- . - - - "I felt better nrtor that," said Zeb. "though I couldn't get over the hurt to my feelln's. One ovenln', about two weeks arter the fuss and when I was Kiilnln on It, but not fcclln' much bet ter, I was slttln' right ycre when 1 i (itched sight of n b'ur across tho road 1 y them rocks. Plenty of b'ars around ero them days, ns nobody had been homo to kill 'em off. About the time I cotched sight of the b'ar Tom Smith showed up. Tom saw mo a-slttln' cre, and he stopped right by that tree mid throwed down his hat. and jelled, 'Zeb White, ar' thut yo' asot iln' thar?' " 'It arV '"Do yo' cull yo'self u man?' "'Not a well man. If yo'll glu mo fo' weeks mo' I'll run yo' outer the ken try.' "Waal," sighed tho old man, "he talked that way till I got mad and rlz up to go, but Jest as I did so that b'ur waltzed across the rond on his hind feet and fetched him n cuff which knocked him ten feet. Tom thought I'd got out thur without his seeln' me, and he was tickled to death as he rlz up and went fur tho b'er. We heard him suyln': '"Zeb White, I said yo' wasn't a man, but I take It all back. I didn't bellevo yo'd stand up to me, und my heart wob nigh brcaklnV "I reckon Tom must hev bin half drunk not to know a b'ar from a man, but ho thought It was mo fur shore, and ho soon had a surprise party on bund. The b'ar didn't seem huukerlu' nrter meat, but ho did want sum fun. Tho b'ar knocked him down and rolled him about a dozen times, and ho got many a good lick lit on the b'ar, but ut length the font was over, und Tom Smith was a whopped man. He hol lered out that he'd got ph-nty, and I reckon It was tho name with tho b'ar, ns ho suddenly made off Into tho woods. When Tom got over belli" tlnzed ho got up and said to mo: '"Zeb White, I'm n-beggln" of yo'r jut rd I n. I thought yo' was n coward nud dnsu't stand up to me, but yo've whopped me In n fair font I'" "Was he badly used up?" I asked, as tho story seemed to Ih Mulshed. "Me hadn't skassly a bit o' rlothln' left on him," replied Zeb, "and ho wui bruises mid bites nud claw murks from heml to heel, 1 reckon he might hev got well from them, but Ills heart was broke. He kuowed I was In poor health, and when he renllr.ed (lint lin'd bin whopped by a sick innii ho look to Ills bed and died III two weeks, Uo Kent fur me Urn day he died, ami nit hour be fir hit breathed hU ho reached fur n' hand and wliUperedi ' ''Mi Wlilli', I raii'l miike mil how i till II bin ' iluii Hindu inu holler Mr ! find lime In my life uinl I'm iru'u' Mrdrlh III rillil I've Ulidef lliminlii )f mlclil bur ud biiniavtu ritftii4 in tu'r IimiiiU M1 (Wl. bui Ihitl mlYl ' '' Mlit I hr in ririulM wmfi rm I mw l jniul i In Hip I'Hber iNibJ Imt HlllllllVl' U w HllU tf Jittf Im THE 80NQ SPARROW. TTE does not wear a Joseph's coat Of many colors, smart and gay; Ills suit Is Quaker brown and eray, With darker patches at tho throat. And yet of all the well dressed throng No one can sing so bravo a song. It makes the pride of looks appear A vain and foolish thing to hear tils "Sweet sweet sweet very merry cheer." A LOFTY place he does not love. But sits by choice and well at case In hedges and In little trees That stretch their slender arms above The meadow brook, and thero he sings Till all the world with pleasure rings; And so he tells In every car That lowly homes to heaven are near In "Sweet sweet sweet very mer ry cheer." Henry J. Van Dyke. KIT3HEN jGUPBOARD TODAY'8 MENU. WtKAKFAST. Oranges. Cereal and Cream. Omelet. Frcncli Holts. Coffee. LUNCHEON Ori SUPPER. Pork and Deans. Itolls. Chocolato Milk Shake. Spongo Cake. DINNEIL I3oulllon. Corned Beef. Dolled Potatoes. Creamed Cuullllower. StufTed Tomato Salad. Dread Pudding. French Rolls. SIFT eight cupfuls of flour with four ' tablesioonfuls of sugar. Dissolve compressed yeast cake in a little lukewarm milk. Then add more milk, uiuUlug two cupfuls altogether, to the Uour, and add also four beaten eggs. Mix well and let rise overnight In the morning knead and form Into rolls of any desired shape. Chocolate Milk Shake. Make chocolate sirup by mixing two cupfuls of sugar with half a cupful of cocoa and adding u cupful of boiling water, stirring constantly. Iloll for live minutes, cool and add half a table- spoonful of vanilla. If desired. Keep In the refrigerator and use for milk shakes. For each glassful use two to- blcspoonfuls of the sirup, an egg if de sired, nndflll tUo,glass with milk, Mx tuorouguiy witu nu egg ucaier or a shaker. The egg can be omitted and a quarter of a cupful of mineral water can he substituted ror some or tne milk. Bread Pudding. Soak a cupful of breadcrumbs In two cupfuls of milk for an hour. Then add tho beaten yolks of three eggs, sugar to taste, a pinch of salt, a teaspoouful of vanilla and another cupful of milk. Hake until firm In n pan of water In the oven. Then spread with fresh rasiH berrles, crushed and sweetened, and top with a meringue of the three egg whites, beaten stiff and sweetened with three tablespooufuls of granu lated sugar. Ilrown and serve very cold. Christian world has in this respect fiiithfniiv followed the wishes of Queen Marie Antoinette. New York American. 80 QUEER, SO VERY QUEER. IW'HOTH snmc linen once on a time In a wondrous, merry mood, And thought, an usual, men would say They were exceedingly good. They wcro so queer, so very queer, I laughed ns I would die; Albeit, In the gunerul way, A sober man am I. I called my servant, and he came; How kind It win of him To mind a sleiulrr man like mo. He of the mighty limb. "Thcso to the printer!" I exclaimed. And In my htimoroiiH way I uddtHl (us a trilling Jest), "Thero'll bu the Uovll to payl" He took tho p.iper, and I watched, And saw him peep within. At the IliBt lino ha read his face Was ull upon the grin. He read the next; the grin grew broad And shot from ear to ear He read tho third, a chuckling nolaa I now began to hcur. Tho fourth, he broke Into a roar; Thu fifth; his waUtbaud split; The sixth: ho burst llvo buttons off And tumbled In u lit. Ten days and ntglils, with sleepless ays, I watched that wiitelittl man, And since I never dare tu write As funny us I ear. -Ollwr Wrndeil Holmes. -wnnc i a dud." WCIlU I ifbuil Hut (ant "emu liltMIII, I'i.Im i.t ehrrks I'd tr? nil' Aim i nn in iuir wi mi iUy, Mi nUM mm hualiwl lii suliMim tflwm. Hm I M I ) IhnvI in U, I'M) turn i bar f bill I Uatfi m MaWM avf Ik ami ftfvwl il hw I M m BV All I tew fit Urns N nH Map Mai SI ) a JbMbmm Mtrft Mfei (MM m-mmii the country boy, the chor us GIRL AND THE COUNTRY GIRL A Paramount Feature The three main characters in the photodramatizat'on of Edgcr Selwyns "The Country Boy", presented under the direction of the Jesse L. Lasky Feature Play Co., and to be offered ou Thursday September 23 at the Grand ac the "'country boy" himself a chorus girl of the typical Broadway variety who imposes upon nis inr.oc- C"ro in in, ways oi tne worm, r.nu im; country j irl, who is faithful to her love and finds the charity in her heart . . i I J 11.- to forgive the errors of the "boy . But those three characters only vn guely suggest the outline of a story which i3 far more than a love narra tive a genuine and serious etudy of the eflTect which city life must have on many poor and ambitious young fellows who leave secluded nomas and join the rushing throrgs of New (York city.. A real Feature Film. The Bnrkentine Northwest which has laid alongside u dock at Marsh field for five years has been pumped out and will be towed out to sea and allowed to drift upon the beach. The , Northwest is forty years old. I Tltn Pnrt nf Pnnllllln rlvor i nlnn- ning to improve tho river from Myr I tie Point down the stream to a point half way between RacklelT Landing and tho Roberts Landing. The port will apply to the war department for permission to carry on the work. New Assignments During the final session of the 1 fiftieth annual conference of 'Methodist Church South, which the had I been in progress here since last Wed ncsday morning, Bishop W. R. Lam buth last night announced the assign I nients of pastors for the ensuing year They follow: Willamette district, S. M. Cheek; Portland, II. J. Fenton; Corvallis, C A. P.exroad; Tangent, W. T. Goulder; I'eorir., J. B. Coan; Harrisburg and Junction City, N. C. Pierce; Franklin and Hendricks, I. N. Hughes. Rose burg circuit, A. J. Starmer; Roseburg otation, C. H. Cleaves; Myrtle Creek, .1. 12. Walbeck; Grants Pass, G. A. Tnggart; Mcdford, H. M. 15 ran ham; Williams circuit, F. M. Canfield; Co quillc, II. M. Law; Bandon, C. U. Cross. The Myrtle Point and Teazle Creek churches are not yet supplied. II. M. Branham was appointed mis sionary secretary, and L. P. Law e ,ingelist. W. B. Smith was transfered to tho i Vast Columbia conference and will lie stationed at Hcppncr. Other transfers included those of Arthur Thomas to the Pucific conference, and 1 11, H. Mowro to tho Los Angeles con ( f ?rence. Rev. Mowre had been a mainber of the Columbia conference , for the pnst 12 years, and is one of I tho best known and most influential church workers in the Northwest. For 1 several years he had held the title of elder, and was only removed from ) that position as n result of the time j limit. He expects to leave for Los Angelen within the next week or ten ' days. I Tho business session have been very interesting and the attendance was exceptionally good. The reports of the visiting ministers were gratify ing, indicating progress and success in the work of the church in all sec U'ons of the country. The visiting preachers are having a good time, and in many distances they regret that the thin is drawing i:ear when they must leave for their respective homes. It is interesting to hear the ministers joking each other, indicat ing ns it does that they are n happy and jovial class of men. E. II. Mowre, the retiring elder of this district, lias been a member of the Columbia conference for 12 years For eight years he was pastor of a church in Portland. During his re nidencfc there he built n mngnificent church, which is considered one of the finest in tho city of Portland. For tho last four years ho has been pre siding elder of this district. He Is ono of Oregons leading citizens and is a familiar figure In the towns und ritios of the stnte. Ho lias mndo u Lpti'iulld presiding elder and his ro tlrement is regretting by his tunny friends. He Iiiih u strong mind, a pleasant personality mid is a good preacher. He will leave Oregon In u few day for California. On Friday morning, during n utwUm of the con rliiue, ho wiu priiminleil with u IiuikUoiiio gold pun und gold wwlrii Hindu by C, II. Cli-aviw, ptutor nf the lorul M. . Church Hmith. Mr. Mow in rMoidii In u few wiirdi, fm wllh diitiMit inwl iiftiriiig KrtM-! urn. Ill aiuwiii ttwiMk uvIhi.h lliu lvi Ih Ihi fur hi ftflUw ihuii mid imiMnUt Wit tnimm with vvImiu kn W m hw Ususlutu. The r- MhluiJI IH 4wti Mr Mwr, w hQ U ut my fnyvii Una J i)(i) to PORT ORFORD REPORT. S3 GftGmt) 1 (From Port Orford Tribune.) ' Born At the Mercy hospital at North Bend Friday Sept. 10 1915, to Xr. and Mrs. F. J. Hughes of Sixes a son. Carpenter J. W. Mackenzie fell from tie' trestle work on the Elk river bridge last week and was severely bruised. Dr. Robbins was called and iund Mr. Mackenzie bruised so that hk will be laid up a few weeks, but not seriously injured. , A fine baby boy was born to Mr. and Mrs. M. G. Lutsey at Langlois Friday, September 10, 1915. The proud father is already planning on his retirement from the wrestling game in favor of the little chap whom he says has all the good points of a mat artist and that from the way he started in to boss things will surely brook no defeat. Mr. and Mrs. M. D. Sherrard, who have been camping on Elk river for some time past 'returned to their home at Bandon the first of the week. A very sad death occured at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bud Hutcheson near Port Orford last Sunday night when their little daughter Thelma, died with membranous croup. The child went, to bed in the evening in her usual good health and did not live more than an hour after nwakening her parents in the night with the croup. Dr. Robbins wus called, but did not have time to reach the bed- Thelma Hazel Hutcheson was born Sept. 17, 1913, and was thus 1 year 11 months and 2G days of age at the time of her death. Lacking accomodations in his old store to handle his growing business, Jas. S. Capps, proprietor of the Den mark Mercantile company, is putting up a new store building Mr. Capps is one of the enterprising and success ful citizens of northern Curry. With in the past few years he has built on his farm at Denmark a residence and dairy barn, each of which are among the best of their kind in tho county and by fair dealing and courteous treatment he is now building up an enviable trade in the general merchan dise business. John McKenzie started this morning for Myrtle Point with some sixty head of veal that had been bought in this section by a butcher by name of Stew art from Springfield, Ore. Forty of tho calves had been raised by Mr. McKenzie and are a No. 1 veal, and the others were picked up from sever al different farms. F. C. Hawkins started in his ajto for Sun Francisco this morning, and with him as pasengcrs were Mrs. Chas. Forty and family and Mrs. O. Leneve. Mrs. Forty will spend the winter in the city, while Mrs. Leneve will return this fall. Ames S. John ston and family who are now visiting tho fair will return to Port Orford with Mr. Hawkins. Governor Withycombe is reported to have said that effort would be made to curb radicalism at the land grant conference to be held at Salem on the ICth, inst. and it is further reported that full and free discussion will not be permitted. This is further con firmation of the Recorder's suspicion that the machine is at work, and that the people's interests will not be con served. Freedom of Speech in alll parlimentary and advisory bodies is absolutely essential, and why go through tho foirmality or the sham performance of trying to conserve public interest? Martins Ferry, 0. Near the River side Bridge company's factory a houseboat, loaded with pretty young vacationists, was moored. But when the girls began to disport in the water every day, in garbs described as "close to naturo," the workmen in the factory threw down their tools und spent their timo in tho windows and on the roofs of the building watching the antics of tho fair bathors, Now the bridge company is suing to compel to girls to move their houseboat. DalhiB, Tex. Tweet! Every time MiH Esther HolTmun, beautiful young society girl of thin town, takes a step her pt't canary King. Khu currioH the bird everywhere with Imr, dangling from hr hund in u dainty cage. Richmond, Mo. Mm. Culliurlnu Itobmts, 7! year old, wun (roiiblixl with swollen giinm, A few Any luler ii (mIxm of U how aet of (until, hur lliliili upiuvi. Nhoilly liu will liuvi' u twimiMu Mil- IMikitfJ DiutUwul ilupitmMail UlilHhMij'' w a h vwnrhur "J Wswdur," (Jit1 m ihsM "Hurt Mil im wltui'i fmr mm' l WtmUv, I WuiMlr m fli Wymore's boys were granted $1300 by the county court to settle their claim for damage for injury from dy namite caps carelessly left on the hitrh way. One boy had three fingers shot oft and the other boy had his eyes in jured. A Moose lodge was organized at Coquille last week with 55 members Visiting Moose from Marshfield and Bandon were present to help direct affairs. The Coquille branch of the order is to be known as Ko-Kcel lodge The Grand Jury last wec:t failed to indict Charlamagne Tower for runn ing away with his wife as well as W. J. Mitchell for contributing to tho de linquency of Lolita Simpson, n minor. At n o ciock yesterday morning Inglebert R. Peterson and Clara Belle Snead of Bandon, were united in mar riage by Rev. F. S. Shimian, of the Presbyterian church of this city Co quille Sentinel. Several weeks ago the Charm, while backing up ot the local wharf, run in to the bow of the Telegraph. Capt. Panter laid in a compluht through there was no damage done. In fact the jar was so light that deck hands failed to notice when the boats struck. At the investigation here Capt. Geo. Leneve wns deprived of his license for GO days. When the "Big Gun" of an inspector comes ull the way from Portland to hoar n case ho usually has to do some stunt in order to hold down his position, to say nothing about 3howing his authority Coquille Her ald. Mutcrial gains in the prospects for bumper wheat crops were disclosed by the Department of Agriculture's monthly estimates. Spring wheat September 1, is 322,000,000 bushels, a gain of 15,000,000 over August. The year's total production indicat :d 981,000,000 bushels. The corn forecast is 2,985,000,000 bushels. J. G. Mullen states he has been ad vised by Geo. Lambeth and Lutsey of Langlois that they desire to pull ofT i wrestling match in North Bend soon uul could nrrangc to do so during the Carnival if proper inducements arc 'iold out. The men are to wrestle :omewhere and will do where ever the best inducements can be had Coos Bay Harbor. SHERIFF'S SALE OF REAL PROP ERTY. ON FORECLOSURE. NOTfCF IS IIEREBV GIV'Srt, that ';.y virtuo of an execution and order of sale dui: issued out of the circuit court of the Slate of Oregon, for the County of Coos aii.i to me diricbul on the tilth iay of September, lil'o, i.pon a judg ment and decree duly rendered, en tered of ecord and doweled in nnd by said Court on the 8th day of Septem ber, 1915 in a certain suit then in said Court pending, wherein J, 11. Gould vvas plaintiff and C. M Smith, Anna M. Smith, his wife, C. R Wade, et al, wore defendants in favor of plain tiff and against said defendants by which execution I um commanded to sell the property in said execution and Hereinafter described to pay the sum Jue the plaintiff of Six hundred seventy-one and no-100 Dollars, with int erest thereon at the rate of six per cent per annum from tho 8th day of. September, 1915 until paid together I with the costs and disbursements of said suit taxed at Seventy-seven and 70-100 Dollars and costs and expenses of said execution. I will on Saturday, the 23rd day of October, 1915 at the' it- i rM i ii M ii i i-ii 'ii' i Kerosene vi. Heat concentrated on the cooking, not spread through the room. Heady, like gas full heat in a minute. Adjustable heat fire or a hot one. a slow Heat only as long as you need It. A clean, cheap fuel easy to handle. III '. ,1 Url&W ' New Perfection Oil Cook-Stove ftr Hnt Mould tin l'0,l Oil Tli (wivfiilnin) f y,t for )Xm out unit 1 lm fij imkr, rj 1'iluhil, IVUtr TA NIMH POnCOMI N V hour of 10 o'clock, A. M. of said day at the front door of the County Court House in Coquille, Coos county, Or egon, sell at public auction to tho highest bidder for cash in hand on the day of sale, all the right, title, interest and estate which said defendants, C. M. Smith, Anna M. Smith and C. R. Wade and all persons claiming under them subsequent to the plaintiff's mortgage lien in, of nnd to said real property, said mortgaged premises hereinbefore mentioned are described in said exe cution ns follows, to-wit: All of lot five in block one in O'Niel's Addition to the town, (now city) of Bandon, Coos county, state of Oregon, as per plat thereof on file and of record in the of fice of the County Clerk of Coos coun ty, Oregon. Said sale being made subject to re demption in tho manner provided by law. Dated this 15th day of September, 1915. ALFRED JOHNSON, JR., Sheriff of Coos County, Oregon 'ME THRICK-A.WEEh- EDITION alP THE NEW YORK WORLP l-i'ically a Dally at the Price ol a Weekly. .No other Newspaper in tt-e world gives so much at so low n prk.). The vcar 1914 witnessed the out ireak of the Titanic European war which makes all other wars look sma!1, You live in momentous tinioa nd you should not miss any of the tremenduous events that arc occur ring. No other newspaper will keep you so well informca as tho Thrico-u-Week edition of tho New York World Moreover, a year's suoscriplion to it will take you far into our next ,.irenidcntiul campaign and wil givo to vestern readers the eastern situatio.i (t contains a vast amount of reading .natter at n very cheap price. Tho Thricc-nWcek World's reguh.. lubscription price is only $1.00 per vdiir, and this pays for 156 papers. WJ offer this uncquulcd newspaper ind tho SEMI-WEEKLY BANDON ttECORDER together for ono you. for only $1.90. Tho regular subscri tion price to the two papers in Vl.Ui' MONEY1 MONEYl The mint makes it and under the terms of theCONTINENTAL MORT A(iE COMPANY you can securo it it 6 percent for any legal purpose on tpproved real estate. Terms easy, ttll is your wants and we will co-oporalo with you. , PETTY AND COMPANY 13 Denham Bldg Denver, Colo. L. I. WHEELER, WHEELER STUDIO Fine Portraits Amateur Finishing TilBt St. East of Hotel Galllcr PURE DRUGS Do you want pure drug and drug sundries, fine perfumes, hair brushes, and toilet articles? If so call on C. Y. LOWE, Bandon Which? for Easier Cooking Is 1 it Wood and Coal Heating up the kitchen when it's already 90 in the shade. Bothersome waiting for the fire to hum. Difficulty in getting the right heat. Waste of fuel lfore and after actual cooking. Wood und coal to lug-nllrt ami a.hcs, li'Miiri wlllitxil vt, Up (idjr, iMrMt !. Aiw iwr uf MsiiuUfclwirt, Vi n3iiii Km UU. VHiiw t f m S4 w