The Bandon recorder. (Bandon, Or.) 1915-19??, August 31, 1915, Image 6

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    , ij
' E. E. Oakes had business in Coquille
The Thimble C!ub met last Thursday
afternoon with Mrs. Wm. LeGore.
A recent Muishfield ordinance
provides that dynainlto be stored with
in the city limits.
Lester Sparks made the round trip
to Coimllie today in four hours on a bi
cycle which appears to be going some.
Miss Kate Ciiatburn was one of
those in atendancc at the teacher's in
stitute nt Coquille last week.
Mrs. I). W. Carpenter and daugh
ter Clara arc visiting with Mrs. Per
cy Poole at Port Orford.
Mrs. E. V. Schotter and children re
turned last week from a three weeks
visit at San Francisco,
Capt. Olson of the Elizabeth is still
indisposed and he was not with the
boat on her last trip.
The last of the concrete for the
outer walls of the B. B. .building was
poured this week.
The Mesdamcs Guy and Ralph Dip
pel left on the Speedwell last week for
n visit in San Francisco. Mrs. H. C.
Dippcl is visiting in Idaho.
If you want Findlay to tune your
pianos, leave order with the Bandon
Furniture Co. AugUlx
Cow For Sale: Gives plenty of rich
milk. Address A. Rhine, Bandon
Heights, or P. O. Box 35'J. II Sx
For Sale One, two and three lots,
all in one tract adjoining II Sehreib
er's and 'opposite the Moore saw mill.
All cleared. Spring water. Best propo
sition in town. F. II. Mason, 807 N.
Water street, Ellensburg, Wash.
For Sale: 10 nrrcs, wlih improve
ments for sale or trade. Will tke
wagon and team. Property located M
mile 8uth of Prosper. Terms reason
able For particulars write or call on
T. J. Owen, Prosper, Oregon. M21 2m
The next session of the Coos County
Business Men's Association is to be
held in Bandon somewhere about the
time of Thanksgiving.
W. L. Mast was at. Coquille on Mon
day and Tuesday of this week finish
ing up a job of wiring at the county
poor farm.
School time shoe time nt Ocon's:op.
Grand Theatre. We put in Hungarian
or any other nails free of charge if de
sired. The body of Mrs Jerry Huntley
passed through town Friday evening
on its way to its final resting place nt
Gold Beach.
Rev. W. B. Smith starts this week
for Rosoburg where the annual confer
ence of the M. E. church, South is to
be held.
An eight nnd a half pound son was
bo.-n to Mr. nnd Mrs. Ed Henry Tues
day night. Both mother and boy are
doing nicely.
I iV Lnndrith, of North Coos
fii r mily died last week in Monro
via C: '. after an operation for appen
dicitis. Frederick Schmidt who recently
took up a homestead in the Floras
creek country was a visitor in Coquille
Sheriff Quinn and fnmily of Rosc
tMirg are visiting with the family of
Mr. Ledgerwood, having come by auto
on an outing to this const.
Alfred .Schmidt journeyed to Co
quille Saturday and took out his first
sot of naturalization papers which will
enable him to become a candidate for
Congressman at some future date.
Ingcrsol watches for your fishing
trips can be bought from Sabro Brts.
Price $1.00 and $1.50. tf
Mr. nnd Mrs. O. Y. Lowo and daugh
ter Miss Maude returned from their
tip to San Francisco and the fair with
the Inst Elizabeth nnd cport n fine
For Sale at Loshhaiigh'H Variety Store
Ladies' and Children's Stockings, .'!
pairs for 25 cts. Cotton Coat Sweaters
(50 cts each. -It
Herbert Furney, engineer on the
Charm returned with the last Tilla
mook from a two week's visit with rel
atives nnd friends at Astoria and
On Thursday II. C. Dippel had a
monopoly on the notary business in
Bandon, oil the other notaries being'
cither temporarily incapicitated or ab
sent from the city.
Wrestler-Rancher M. G. Lutscy,
champion of Curry county and then
some, brought up a pig to the Bandon
market today and stayed over for a
brief visit.
Once you try our school shoes and
hosiery for boys and girls, you will not
want anything else. A fair trial is all
we ask. Ocons, opp. Grand Theater
Shoe repair shop in connection. ft
J. E. Fox and son Robert Fox of
this city -arc starting a photograph
gallery at Port Orford and expect to
branch out nnd do work in the towns
of Curry county.
Wrestler Jim Wilson who meets the
middleweight champion of Europe,
in the rooms of the Bandon Athletic
club Saturday night was a voyager up
the river Saturday morning.
Dr. and Mrs. S. J. Mann are back
from their summer in California
where the doctor was taking special
surgical work in one of the hospitals
of the city.
Buy your wedding gifts at Sabin
Bros. Wo handle goods of the best
quality at reasonable prices. tf
Good Time to Have Roof Looked After
Corthcll the Roofer of Marshficld,
who has the contract for covering the
B. B. and bakery buildings is here
looking over the jobs and getting
ready to begin work soon. Now would
bo a good time for any one with n
leaky roof to have it attended to. Mr.
Corthel is considered an unusually
competent man. A card in general de
livery will reach him or phone him at
Hotel Bandon. It.
Contractor in
Brick, Plaster tnd Cement
School Opens Sept. 13th
Only two more weeks until vacation is
over; then the boys will begin their work
for the coming year.
Have you prepared them with the neces
sary wearing apparel to protect them in
rainy weather?
Make a list of "their wants" and then
take your boys to
SidwelPs Store
who carries
Goods of Quality
where you will be shown merchandise equal
to any on the market in
Suits, Shoes, Shirts
Sweaters, Underwear, union and
two-piece garments, Oil Clothing,
Oil Hals, Rubber Boots, etc.
Miss lone Thompson substituted
for Miss Henry nt the Library a few
days during the past week while the
latter was assisting to welcome her
latest nephew.
J. T. Sullivan of Bandon branch at
tended a meeting of the heads of the
Hub stores in Marshficld Friday and
Saturday where they were buying
goods for the coming season.
The Misses Delpha and Lena Lang
lois and Edna and Eva Capps, the
latter of Denmark, comprised a con
genial party which left on the Eliza
beth yesterday for a visit at the fair
in San Francisco. i
,1 '
Antle Henry suggesU the name
Patrick Henry for his latest giandson
Patrick Henry the Virginia patriot
anil considered one of the greatest
orators this country ever produced,
an ancestor of the Henry's .1
Wm. Sellmcr was one of the outgo
ing pasengers yesterday on the Eliza
beth. He is bound for the fair and
Itisco and expects to be gone two
weeks. Mrs. Sellmer will go later
with Mrs. Trowbridge.
Mrs. II. Maskey returned last Fri
day from her stay in Portland. Isiu
was in a hospital in that city for some
time and underwent an operation. Her
trouble was found to be not as serious
as anticipated and she is home now
fair prospects for a speedy recovery
mr. ami ms. liarry rcarcc were in
itiated into the order of the Eastern
Star at their meeting last Saturday
evening, a special held for the pur
pose of greeting Mrs. Dora Schilke of
LaGrande, Deputy Grand Matron of
the order
brncst suiweii who lias hcen re
freshing his muscles with a little out
door exercise the past few weeks now
feels competent to the task of haudl
ing growing youngsters and lias en
gaged to teach the school at .Lampa
during the coining season.
Mr. nnd Mrs. M. E. Treadgold wer
m town a few days during the past
week from their homestead on the up
per Four Mile, visiting friends and in
cidcntally the former was transacting
business in connection with his ollico
as U. S. commissioner.
Harry L. Anderson proved up this
week on his homestead southeast of
this city. Ho bought a relinquish
mcnt on this land nnd has since ful
filled the government lequirenients
but says the land was dearly paid for
in work and time.
Rev. W. S. Smith writes the Record
cr that himself and family have had a
fine time in their vacation mouth at
Ocean View, Oregon and will start on
their return hike early this week and
that regular services will bo resumed
in the Presbyterian church next Sun
day morning as usual.
Alex Kennedy was handed a box of
Christmas cigars at the dance at the Rink
hall Saturday night. He guessed the identi
ty ot Mr. anil jir.s. i.ctvni hiio were in
costume and the age of the latter.
Why Do Christians Keep Sunday?
This question will be answered from
the viewpoint of orthodox churches,
next Sunday evening at the Metho
(list church.
Victor, Victrohm nnd records at
Sabro Bros. tf
Whereas. The Great and Supremo
Ruler of the Universe has, in His in
finite wisdom, removed from us a
worthy Patriarch, Edward KihlufT;
therefore be it
Resolved, thnt we mourn the loss of
our beloved Patriarch, that the char
ter of this encampment be draped in
mourning for a period of thirty days;
that a copy of these resolutions be re
corded upon the records of this en-
'ampnicnt and a copy be sent the Ban
don Recorder for publication.
I. L. Scofiold,
A. J. Macy,
Chris Boettchor
The line are quite full now, Come and Sea,
A Hog Item.
The Chinese claim Hint llioy lirrnl
nnd doiiii'stlenteil liogn 4,000 years be
fore the Christian era. but la nil of
that time the mnniiors of the hogs
hnvo not lmpriivitl. Alchlmui OIoIm.
Of Course.
.IiiiIko (of dlvnni cntirn-Aren't yn
nttni'linl to yinir IiiHihimI? I'lnlnlllT
(.Yrliilnly. I hiih hnri to l'
tin-lied -M'wtnii TmiiM'rliii
Trill' llNlpll''".i ITllH ff'UH WIWf
llllll. lllll'lllf
i'MiinttJ frtMti ftrnt pa)
ut litli tM.litWMi, 4 wiyMy ttimiiiig
iu U Ut tf lu I tin Mm Id in I fct'
tiwp turn 4hi Uw wink iy i
in MM) yntmf ) t
? fi. tfcMr
4 mi
Ipjj pip
I 4 K
We Want
To Talk
' ' that if every
woman in. this, town
was an expert in buy
ing boys' clothing, ev
ery woman would
come to us for our
"Wooly Boy"
All Wool Clothes
For Boys
Since all women are not experts we want, to see
the following here:
Mothers who want to dress their boys well.
Mothers who want to dress their boys econom
ically. Mothers who want their boys to wear the latest
and snappiest styles.
Mothers who have not learned the economy of
buying all wool boys clothes.
Mothers who have been disappointed on former
purchases of clothing.
An acquaintance with "Wooly Boy" Clolhes will
prove mighty interesting and economical to all
Hub Clothing & Shoe Co.
Cod since the first organized Con- unlay) 10 A. M. Sabbath Sehoo'
preaching at Jl o'clock; Sunday ev
ening, 7:15, preaching. A cordial in
vitation is extended to ail to attend.
ference of Seventh-Day Adventists
The splendid talks of Elder Rurman
President of the Upper Columbia Con
ference, will long be remembered by
many. Profs. Lawrence nnd Hunch
of Walla Wala College rendered
splendid service. Professor Lawrence
lias charge of the Young People's
work for the Northwest, nnd his talks
afford just the help young people
used in their everyday Christian lives
Many old friends were glad to see Pro
fessor Runch and his discourses on the
United States in Prophecy were of
special interest. ,
The music was a very enjoyable fea
ture of the campmccting nnd is a very
important part of worship..
Meetings will bo conducted in the
church one block northwest of high
school on 10th St. Thursday evenings,
7:15, preaching service; Sabbath (Sat-
Resol ut ions
Whereas, The Great ami Suprenn
Ruler of the Universe has, in I lis in
finite wisdom, removed from us a
worthy Hrother, Edward Kilduli',
therefore be it
Resolved, that wenioiun the loss of
our beloved Hrother, that the chut
tor of this Lodge be draped in
mourning for a period of thirty days;
that a copy of these resolutions be re
corded upon the records of this lodgt
and a copy bo sent to the Rnndoii Re
corder for publication.
I. L. Scofiold,
A. J. Macy,
A. .1. Hartman.
The "FJyiiitf Dulchniaii ' Clias, Heulrop who will wreslle
wild Jim Wilton xl h Allilclic CItA Sftiurduy niglij