The Bandon recorder. (Bandon, Or.) 1915-19??, August 17, 1915, Image 6

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    M4t n 1 1 m 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 iii i j 1 1 i II i ifi j miinmiiiSi$M
THERE is no insistance of the public on the quality of the goods it purchases. That is up to the in-
dividual. But the public does demand quality when public safety is risked.
Example: Railroaders are not allowed to carry 98c watches. Why? Because they are not reliable.
Do you look after your own individual needs just as carefully?
Good Shoes and Clothing are just as essential to your health as accurate time is to a railroad.
Here are some good numbers:
Oil Clothing: The Gold Medal Brand, The Aligator Brand, The Gold Seal Brand. "
Boots: The Gold Seal Brand, The Goodyear Glove Brand, The U. S. Brand.
Heavy Shoes: The Bergmann Brand, The Currins Brand, The Big Z Brand.
Light Shoes: The Florsheim Brand, The J. E. Tilt Brand.
Special: No. 1008 at $4.50 is the best value money can buy.
... .
114-118 FIRST, ST., EAST
M..l.&ft&.M..t..t..t..t..tMt..t..t .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...
0tt'; Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Bean of Lampa
ft have gone Frisco to sec the fair and
BANDON HREVITIES W. J. Sweet and wife ar tending to
Walter Snbin anl C. E. Klcpfer loft
this morning on a hunting trip to Hall
Dr. II. W. Shnw of Marslifield was
a visitor in IJandon today, looking
after his optical business here.
The Camp Fire Girls of Coquillc
arc camping on the river a short dist
ance from this city.
Alfred Sweet of Coquille cama up
to Bandon on a business and pleasure
trip Friday.
Ingcrsol watches for your fishing
trips can bo bought from Sabro Br.s.
Price $1.00 and $1.50. tf
Mrs'. Flom and Mrs. Maikcl return
ed Thursday from their trip to Marsh
field. James Laird was here from Coquille
a few days this week visiting with his
brother George.
Sam Johnson and Mr. Pomeroy re
turned ycsterd&y from a hunting trip
to Bono mountain above Myrtle Point.
Coming next Sunday, Marguerite
Clark in the "Goose Girl" a greater
picture than "Toss of the Storm Coun
country" Don't fail to see it.
Among those from out of town at
the Masonic doings Saturday night
were Don Ilagcnscn, Ed Syphcrs, Joe
Cox and J. C. Capps from Langlois
and vicinity and Mcssi-3 Edge, Wil
liams, and Applegarth of the wireless
station nt Capo Blanco, and John
Quick of Coquille.
O. K. barber shop, Bandon, Oregon.
Shower baths, 25 cts. Hot and cold
water. W. E. Keithly, prop. Aug 17x
If you want Findlny (o tune your
pianos, leave order with the Bandon
Furniture Co. Aug.'Ux
Cow For Sale: Gives plenty of rich
milk. Address A. Rhine, Bandon
Heights, or P. O. Box 35'J. IMx
For Sale One, two and three lots,
all in one tract ndjoining II Schreib
er's and opposite the Moore saw mill.
All cleared. Spring water. Best propo
sition in town. F. II. Mason, 807 N.
Water street, Ellcnshurg, Wash.
the store during their absence.
Schmidt Hansen was the official an
nouncer Moose days and with a mega
phone he kept everybody informed and
the animals in motion.
The attention of Bandon Ladies is
called to Mrs. Morrison's add in an
other column advertising arrival of
new fall goods.
Buy your wedding gifts at Sabio
Bros. We handle goods of the best
quality at reasonable prices. tf
The Sunday School of the M. E.
church enjoyed a picnic at the Kla
kahma grounds last Saturday.
Captain Olson of the Elizabeth was
sick and did not pilot that boat up
this trip, his place being take by Cap.
Vogclin of San Francisco.
J. L. Roy of Coquille, who accom
panied Arthur Ellingson to the fair
in the lntter's car is reported serious
ly sick in San Francisco.
Keystone comedies are making the
whole world grin. We show two Key
stones every week, Saturday and
Tuesday nights.
Victor, Victrolas and
Sabro Bros.
E. D. Webb, wife and child left last
Tuesday for a visit nt the San Fran
cisco fair, going by way of Roschurg.
Before returning to Bandon they will
take a trip to their former home in
Ernest Boak, Kennedy Baker, Er
nest Watkins and Win, Rogers and
family are fishing and bunting at
Marsh's place on Elk river. During
his absence Ernest Sidwell is taking
Ernest Watkin's placo on the Charm.
Many of Bandon's old soldiers and
members of the W. R. C. attended the
picnic at Riverton last Friday and re
port a fine time. One of the features of
the day was the posing for a group
photograph by L. I Wheeler the Ban
don photographer,
See Maclyn Arbuckle in a four reel
comedy-drama, "ITS NO LAUGHING
MATTER" at the Grand next Thurs-
day night Its a Paramount.
Among those who rctu:ned on the
Elizabeth yesterway from their sight
seeing at San Francisco were Mr. and
Mrs. John. Dickey, Mrs. Harry Pearce
and daughter, Evelyn, Miss Ethel Dy
er, Miss Kate Rosa and Miss Reynolds,
assistant in Morrison's Millinery,
The mother of Wm. and Jas. Mast
of this city is seriously sick at her
homo at Lee and her life is despaired
of Her sons have been at her bedside
the greater part of the time during
the week past.
, Mayor Topping is at Grant's Pass
this week called there by the sickness
of his mother. If her condition im-
Visits Former Bandonians
M. G. Pohl Finds Familiar Faces in
The Land of Oranges. Cobble Stone
Land at $1,000 per Acre
Rowland Anderson, of Hundon, was
in town Sunday greeting old friends.
Mr. Anderson is the only survior of
the logging train wreck that occurred
'J years ago, when the 100 foot trestle
on the Anderson logging road near
Bandon cave way and carried the train, nrnvns it. is tlw intnnt inn rT In a ltnnni
with its entire crew into the gulch be- to continue to Crater Lake to see that
low. btx of the crew were kilelu and (jrent natural wonder.
Mr. Anderson lived, only after a long
struggle for his life, as a result at in
juries sustained in the wreck Co
quille Herald.
Coming, The great ? 10,000.00 serial
story "The Diamond From the Sky"
First installment shown at the Grand
Saturday, August 128. The author re
ceived a check for ?1(),000.00 for writ
ing this story. To produce the wonder
ful feature cost the American Film
Manufacturing company the huge sum
of $800,000.00
Contractot in
Brick, Plaster tnd Cement
"It's No Laughing Matter"
A delightful Comedy Drama in four Parts
IMiiliilr.l at the
T h ii r s (I a y,
T II r a m t
I II Vj 1 I Vj k
A ii v, nst 1 9 ( h
People are heginning l realie thai Paramount
Features are north hiving.
COMING NEXT SUNf)AYMrKuerll Claris in
"Tim Coow G,rP A heller plclurn Ihwii "Tm of
lint Storm Country"
F. W. Smith of the Mnrshfield Rec
ord and wife and Geo. Gettings and
Miss Josephine Sneed, the latter chief
telephone operator at North Bend
were callers at the Recorder office yes
terday. They came over to attend the
Aloose doings nnd apparently had had
a most satisfactory time.
Among the Marshfiold people here
yesterday and the day before were
Mayor Allen, II. .1. Snow nnd family,
C. C. Going C. Langworthy, Mrs. I.
Iando, Mrs. Mary Elrod, W. C. Ray
C. I. Raygard Mrs. Prichard Ted Kis
sam E. L. Rasmussen, Dr. E. E. Straw
There is nothing of the dime novel
ahout the Paramount pictures. They
are quality stuff and present in exact
reproduction the dramatic features
that are the center of attraction in the
play houses of the large cities. The
"Italian" presented Thursday night
at the Grand was a classic presenting
scenes in Italy, tho grape pickers in
the vinyards, the bridges, tho gondo
hers and the watery high ways" of
Venice, tho trans-Atlantic steamers,
tho Bowery scenes of New York all
renl and the story performed by actors
of tho highest quality. Paramount
nights nt tho Grand are worthy patronage.
The 1-13 club of the Presbyterian
church gave a Flower Party in tho
church parlor, Friday, Aug. l.'lth.
The parlors woro oxqulHltidy decorat
ed in the fliinw colors, pink nnd green
which lent n fiwtivn iilr to the Joyous
ofi-uiilon NtiiiHwniiH iriinuw. riirrvlntr
ml I ho flower id.wi, woro enjoyed by
nil pri-Mnt. Tim crowd wiin uM Intur
IM till' I'VHIlllitf ilmpo tllUIIIHlJVM
irr. ..fully vt,r t, l(I,g, fr
purHM u( kuMnir H liMhllKlil jilnlimj.
Itoliily 1-rfwwliHUNtU W WU'Vwl
r4 mtdMltfiil bAm- vyJiliij Uiu
nt itftjafrij la m Imm. lmym
MtJupniJ limmadm Ut uiuml ntl
San Diego, Cal. Aug. 10, 1915
Editor Recorder: Once more I will try
to send you a short report of my vis
it here and Its neighborhood. I must
tell you of a visit to people from Ban
don and the upper Coquille.
Just to learn of the business possi
bilities of the section I took a trip by
rail to El Cajon.'a large mesa or ele
vated plain of 3G or 40 square miles;
surrounded by high nnd steep moun
tains. The plain is watered by two
streams. Here I found friends that I
had not expected to find in the vicin
ity of San Diego. Tho first was A,
Lamb and not far from him, Mr,
Hughes, formerly of Coquille, and Mr,
and Mrs. Ilollcnbcck who used to live
in Bandon. I was pleased to find them
prosperous, each owning a five acre
tract of land. Tho first two are well
fixed and have their properties in good
condition planted with hundreds of
peach trees in full bearing, new hous
es while Mr. Ilollcnbcck who is the
latest to arrive is still working hard
to achieve success.
It is warmer here with little wind
and from 85 to 00 in tho shade.
There arc many people in the vicin
ity who claim your soils are non-productive
and too high in price. I won
der what they would say and think
should they come here.
Most of the land here is underlaid
with gravel uniformly as large as the
eggs of chicken of geese. On some
spots they appear on tho surface dry
is can be; this the result of the last
glacial period which visited our earth
about 20,000 years ago. Since white
men have settled here a change from
,he former game parks, populated by
huflalo antelopes and greasers it has
developed to parks of, palms, oranges
peach and grape gardens. None of the
short sighted pessemists in and near
Bandon would have had tho courage
to settle here and if they learn the
the prices of land I don't know what
they would say. Listen: land sells for
from ?(!00 to $1,000 per aero and some
higher according to the values created
by its culture and intelligent develop
ment. Let mo tell briefly of Mr. Lamb and
family. His two little girls in Bandon
have grown to surprisingly beautiful
senoritas well developed and healthy
as only parents could wish to see their
children. They knew me while I nev
er could have recognized them.
Mr. Hughes Is so well satisfied that
it would take quite a good price to
buy his property with peach trees one
year old, full of the finest fruit.
Any one wishing to find Mr. Ilollcn
bcck just inquire for tho Rattlesnake
mountain. He lives right nt the foot
of it. You can not miss it. If you wish
to hunt jack rabbits, there are plenty
and likewise quails. But don't step on
n rattler. They are said lo bu danger
ous. With regards,
M. 0. POHL
Mrs. C. H. Ncal nnd daughter, Bes
sie, spent Friday with Mrs. Lux at
the ranch.
James Griffith spent Saturday and
Sunday nnd Sunday at Coquille with
his brothers and sisters.
The Sisters' Bible Study and Prayer
meeting met with Mrs. Nagle Wednes
day afternoon.
Mrs. Reese nnd daughter Florence
spent Friday at the Perkins ranch.
A. B. Reese made a trip to Coquille
Wednesday on business.
Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Randlcman and
family spent Saturday and Sunday in
Some few people complain of hot
weather around here but Bear Creek
always runs clear and cool. Good bath
ing all along.
Miss Millie Snead is visiting with
Mr. and Mrs. Hnrry Hughes in Ban
don this week.
Frosty Hoytc, accompanied by Mr.
and Mrs. Bert Hoyt motored to the
Ohman ranch this week.
There was a surprise farewell par
ty at Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Dohbyn's this
past week Thursday night. About for
ty five woro present, They flayed
games nnd sang songs and danced un
til midnight when a most tempting
supper consisting of cakq, sandwiches,
salads and cofTco was spread by Mrs.
Mack and Mrs. Dohbyns. The Dobbyns
are going to move to their :anch up nt
Dora this week. Mr. and Mrs. C. A.
Bargcr will take turns farming the
ranch for a short time when they go i
to Frisco to see tho fair.
Little Miss Arda Snead entertained
a few invited guests at her homo by
giving a doll's tea party Sunday after
noon. Those present were Merrie Oil
man, Elfrida and Tholma Rnndlcman.
They had tea i:i the field r.t .1:30 and
then sang songs anil made merry the
rest of the day.
Bicycle Repairs Saw Filing
and Repairing A Specialty
Phone 471
P. O. Box 174
S. D. Barrows
Will take onlrri for Bicycle of til kind
and I'opc Motor-Cycles also Coban Row
boat Motors.
New Stock of Hardware
Just in
See our display in
Acid Proof
A general line o
See us before you buy
Phone 371.
Mrs. C II, Brynii mid daughter MIhh
ImiIko mill their gutmlH, Mm. Killer
mid Mih. Fnulliiior of Hloux City,
immo down from Cotpilllu for u emipln
iliiyx ntiuji on tint Unwind hwidh.
D i) Cfi ft) f) d) (fi (?) fi r,) tf) (j, r,) m (,) d) ff
i) fit) i lJ (t) (i) w t) W G) (t) i r,)
Mr, lUmmr, wife wl mm, i I Ijjyji
ilUKiUr, A! jv- Mint iJallu d iiUii
wo ml Mr. uihI Mr Ikrnkn ib
tvtt lit are yiMke Hr, t mpato
mlkui; bin, Julia WNwft 'liny MiQ
(Dip Niuu 3uill fflnftrifi Arc Nmu in
Prices: l. to $3.00
Lace Front: $2.00 and .$3.00
KiiiTjl lluir Ojiuirmilrrn Nut GJu ftiuri
QIV Bli.Mi Suit fttnri