.h... tittimHnwitxV ,' V ..... v ONE FREE TRIP TO THE PANAMA FAIR FOR YOU I t tt . . L 4 1 ft It J. W. MAST BANDON OREGON Phone 294. East Second Street Staple and Fancy Groceries Buy Garden and Farm Produce The Best Butter of Local Production BY SAVING SALES CHECKS FKOM MERCHANTS LISTED A Grand Prize of a Free Trip to thePanama-Pacific Exposition at San Francisco will be given to the young lady who secures the great est number of votes in this contest. The firms whose advertisements appear on this page have agreed to give Sales Slips with all Cash Purchases of them or monthly bills paid to them.. These Slips or receipts. may be exchanged for Totes, t.na vole for each 5 eta credited, at the Recorder olfice. Contest closes Saturday, August 28th. See elscwJiere in this paper for particulars. tt Vt 4 When Did Man Begin to Live? Man was created after all other living things on earth. And he was given add itional powers to Think, Reason and Act, so that he might become ruler of all things. Motorists began to realy live and become supreme beings when they were enabled to get the proper ac cessories, at the proper prices. And to have their c;rs repaired by men who know how. And those who have fully exercised their thinking and reasoning powersshould conclude to continue to live by patronizing the Bandon Garage- We carry the largest stock of TIRES and accessories in Ballon. And our prices are right. BANDON GARAGE COMPANY FOSTKIt & HENRY, Props. Phone 51 Phone 51 General Electric Wiring Hot Point Appliances & Fixtures Lamps in Variety Plumbing Starr-Mast Hardware Company Fall in line and se cure a free trip to the Fair by trading with us. One vote for every 5c purchase and five percent dis count on cash purchases. City Grocery Company "HOUSE OF QUALITY" STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES FLOUR AND FEED t We may live without poetry, music and art; Ve may live without conscience, may love with out heart; We may live, without lovers live, without hope; But civilized women mnot live without soap. We may live without books what is knowledge, but sorrow ; We may live without beauty, it fades on the morrow; We may live without law suits, indictments are quashing; But, where is the one who can live without washing PMronbc The Ban(ion steam Laundry, Inc. The Little Store With The Big Busin ess Fruit and Vegetables Bread. Confectionary and Groceries O. T. Teaney CITY MEAT MARKET GEO. E R D M A N, Proprietor All Kinds of Fresh and Salt Meats, Fish and Vegetables. We Are Prepared To Serve You Ketter Than You Have Been Served Before Our ttock of slioes and hosiery for Men, Ladies and Children, also Mens' Furnishings, is larger and more complete, than in any pre. vious season. Neither the European war, nor local conditions will effect our service or prices. In fact in our shoes, you can get the style and ser vice ususally found in shoes tint cost you at least 75c or SI. 00 more than our price. Call and See Them. M O'CON Shoe Repair Shop in Connection Opposite the Grand Theatre Votes for Countcst With Every Sc Purchase SOME CLEVER NEW MODELS IN FALL HATS ARE BEING SHOWN AT MORRISON'S HAT SHOP. THE' LADIES OF BANDON ARE INVITED TO CALL AND SEE THEM. O 3 wt 8 41 New Fashion Rural Comedy Story of Old Home Folks Told u Captivating Manner by Bos worth Players in Reviewed by W. Stephen Bush Tlioro enn never bo nn over supply of such pictures as these. "It's no Laughing Mntter" has an abundance of clean, kindly humor nnd a wealth of wholesome pathos. It is rofreshing ly free from the conventional b'gosh melo-drama though it Is reminiscent of Deunuin Thompson and Kichurd Golden when those two artists were in the heyday of their careers. Maclyn Arbucklo is a most infec tuous radiator of sunshine and laugh ter. In this play ho is the village post master, the village poet nnd the cent ral figure in a circle of admiring cron ies. You dont have to travel very far on the Jersey side or up the river to fir.d the types of this play as they gather in the genernl store swapping Ft-ries and watching tho business of the post olllco, the latter being located in the rear of tho general store. Tho vilalgo poet is a sort of inglorious Browning for he boos motttly the good of life and ho is always ready with a hui'h and a Joke. Muslyn Arbucklo I rings the sublime philosophy of Brown down to the comprehension of tho simplest undursliindiug and con verts tho lofty lofty teaching of Pip ii Pusses into tho inoro ninvnt coin. ii- of homely i-vi'iyduy wisdom uml i iiuiioii sensu. Tim illifiitioii of os VilU'i' liu rievi'i uuhluvi'il u morn nulituHn ii'swltj I litt proportion of fu jiiiI Inn it Jiilurtl I ii H hlrul Dim, niujmg uimI I Iii nUmt at ty"w new melodramatic possibilities or rather improbabilities, Lois Weber has found a gold mine of screen material light at our very doors, where it has lain despised or ignored. Tho stage and tho printed page hnve not neglect ed the rustic life nnd the rustic drama nnd we are glad thnt the screen has now followed this old lane and in fol lowing improved it. The scenes of this play may have been taken from the village life of Now England or from the Middle West or from any typically American part of the country. Page after page is unrolled of the "simply annals of the poor". We smile and laugh most of the time while wo watch the picture but the touch of pathos is by no means wanting. No maiden is seduced, no "cheeild" is carried through the snow storm, no papers are secreted in tho old mill, but on the contrary every thing is real, genuine and true to na ture in even the minutest detail. In stead of being hissed olF the stage or turned over to the grim minions of the law, sporting largo tin stars, the villain is told that ho ought to be ashamed of himself and take care of his wifo and baby. Instead of gloat ing or defying tho villain sensibly takes tho advice of "Hiram Judd" and promises to behave, giving an liu mediate example of Ids reformation by holding and carrying (ho Imhy Poor good old III has a passion for pontiy, grmilly to the disgust f hi wife, who li Inilliii'd In mold uml lake u fimeoly pinrtliiil view of everything Ul.n ii)nU, "III" In u poor Inislnuiw iniint l hwtw lh ihmI olh;u uml is u- bout Id ItMHi III Iwniu ivlmi w lui'H" ) i .'crybody gets into the picture and l ie villain still holds the lmby. I can- ot imagine any American audience .hich would fail to enjoy this feature f.om the first inch of film to the last. I consider Arbuckle's performance c (iial to his work in "Tho County Cnairman." He had splendid support throughout. Altogether this is a pic ture which does belong on the Para mount Program See this picture at the Grand Thea ter, Thursday August 19th. inJ itwi frmm u jiultJiJir u$im th ila? 'IIik nuUliaJiM ImuJ tmt uml v U nr wtnls wiJ tiu wllluw BHgUmt Hum" MOTORISTS SHOULD HE BETTEIt INFOItMEI) ON LUBRICATION SAYS GOVERNMENT EXPERT. "A consideration of tho properties of cylinder oils, and an analysis of tho co ulitions under which they lubricate, lend us to the belief that a large ma jority of tho complaints about cylinder oils can be accounted for as due to ig norunce regarding the principles go verning their use." So says Lieuten ant G. S. Bryan of tho Naval Engineer ing Experiment, Station, Annapolis, Maryland. Continuing his article in tho Journal of tho American Society of Naval Engineers for February, states: "Tho three essential requirements of a good motor cylinder oil ure: I It must lubricate tho pUton efficiently at tho temperatures ncountoiud In tlit rylindtu-. 2 It must give u good until lo the pjttton and rings, keeping thm tight uml proventlng leakage of tlw oil uml itomluiiKfil gutuiliiui pul thtiin. u, M iinml Inn without form tug mimn dopoit in the eyllinlni' Wlwil KM MMHM of ItlM ull KmU llltd III" wMtUualiiiti npury, "Wi lwt mui ilmi with Dim wolur UUg In lhp juluU Uu Uuiinjiul;n kl' m at Ikt l&m t ati lLei 1 walls, which is the part that regulat es the friction, cannot be much higher than this. I do not know of any mo tor oils that have a flash point lower than 325 degrees F. If the temper ature of the cylinder walls gets up as high as this in a water cooled motor there is something radically wrono;, and tho remedy is not to get another oil of higher flash point, but to locate tho trouble and remove it. "It is nn old theory that was never founded on solid facts that a high flash point is a necessity in a Motor oil or the oil will burn up without giv ing any lubrication. The point was overlooked that when we liave n max imum temperature of the guses of the gases in the cylinder of 2,000 degrees F. and an uverago temperature of 050 degrees F., an oil with an flush point of 450 degrees F. will offer but little more resistance to burning than one would of 350 degrees F. "Either oil will burn if kept for any length of time in contact with the hot gas, lubricating oil does not burn very easily or very fast however, and the time given for it to burn in u motor cylinder is very short. Stock With Pedigrees W. I". Hllngsby mul A. It. Duvonport of Myrtle Point juirfhuseil from J. IL Wnlliiuk't) of hu Htur imiih in Curry roinily, i) rtfgUturiil llnlnlnlii hull uulf iilf iwoiilly for whluli lhy publ I If'" Tim pilrn i not viuUum iwinmku hl 'for iliin iMillmilwi' lino vt linwlliitf- Wlimi I lie iIiiiii of I hi iwJf wu wuuiu oi o jfmr fill 1m wuj pum)ittJ lir. VVuiJiDii' ul m bmi ml in IWJJJtti r lim 'IW b Ui mmmi uW mil, TImi ftm J lutjd m Hm i jwmJj mmI ma uaiini nnld timii ! The pedigree of the Slingsby-Dav-enport calf is well marked with promi nent marks and features of tho breed. Tho dam last year when two years old made an A. R. O. record of ovar 15 lbs. fat.This year she brought out still more noticablc the character of her breeding and produced under of ficial test 18.81 lbs. fat as a three year old. It is of special interest to note that the grandsirc of tho calf on tho Dam's side (Johnnna Calantha 2nd's Sir Fay no 45998) is n full brother to a cow, "Grace Payne 2nd Homestead" who produced the remarkable amount of 35.5 lbs. butter in seven dlays, A It. O. Another remarkable feature of the breeding of this calf is the fact that every animal making up the pe digree for fivo generations back is either an A. It. O. cow or aire. Four nar Dams on the Dams side have re cords of over four hundred pounds in a year. Three or these records made nt 2 years old. This grnndciro on the Biro's side of this calf is the sire of several high producing cows, one pro ducing cows, one produced under of ficii test 890 lbs. butter fat in 3G5 days. Going buck still further in the biacding of this calf a:'d vo find that the groat-grent grnmlHiro o.) tho Hires Hido has 82 A, It. O, (liuigbMrs and 51 A. It. O. eons. This bull is King Klgn I Hi) 108) mid nil who mu fr miliar with HoUtoIti bniling know him to bo ouu of tho grout foumlutlo i urliiiuU of lim hii'il. This is mi'ifly un oxumjilu of ;o- upurullvo bn-wling. Mr. Nllngkhy uml Mr. nuvnporl put tHKlr liuuiln lo HHhi uml lMij(il liiul I hoy mull t'rt ih miliiitJ m urn Imlwmi ilium Umis UW nblt In m u lMtinr tAin (or vm, 'J1liM I HUH UH IMDlkttfW u Utt lau 1 mi kii mm md stein herd. However it is the inten tion to purchase the coming year a pure bred cow as a foundation for a future pure bred herd. These men are on the right track and certainly arc to be congratulated upon their first step. Mr. S. S. Reed another member of tho Myrtle Point Cow Testing Associa tion secured a bull which cabrincd much of the blood of the old bull "Golden Glows Chief". Mr. Reed is fortunablo in securing so good an ani mal and may expect good Improve ment from the use of this sure. M O N E Y I MONEY! Tho mint mnkes it and under the terms of theCONTINENTAL MORT GAGE COMPANY you can secure it at 6 percent for nny legal purpose on approved real estate. Termn easy, tell us your wants and wo wil co-operalo with you. PETTY AND COMPANY bI3 Denhnm Bldg., Denver, Colo. L. I. WHEELER, WHEELER STUDIO Fine Portraits Amateur Finishing Fiiat St. Khi.! of Hotel f.'ullier J'UKH DRIK.'S Do you wnnt pure drug and (IriJtf HWiulrUm, Nno porfuinoH, Imir Ih'iihIhih, mu toilot HHUthm'l If ho nail tm ay, wm Hunk aw Imp wliih is miH4 ui u M