4 rA-i-ni-h tHIMHIUM IIHHIIHMMIHIHMIHIIHIIt Order Your Freight Sent by the Old Reliable S. S. ELIZABETH Large Two-Berth Outside State Rooms With Run ning Water. Eight Day Service Between the Coquillc River and San Francisco. FIRST CLASS PASSENGER FARE, $7.50 FREIGHT RATES, $3 ON UP FREIGHT Reservations: J. E. Norton, Coquille; Perkins', Myrtle Point; E. B. Thrift, Langlois. J. E. WALSTROM, Agent, Bandon "TALK TO Recent improvements in our long distance lines and switchboards have resulted in much better transmission for telephone conversations to Koseburg, Eugene, Salem, Portland and all Western Oregon points. Business men will now find it is as easy to talk to their local customers. USE YOUR TELEPHONE. It saves you lime and money and makes for more safisfactory relations. COOS AND CURRY Read The Bandon Recorder DEPARTMENT OK THE INTERIOR U. S. Land OHicc at Koseburg, Oregor July II, 1915 NOTICE is horoby given that Harry L. Anderson, of Bandon. Oregon, who on July 22, 1012, made Homestead Entry, Serial No. 08204 for the E & of NW Yi and Lots 1 and 2 of Section 31, Township 2D S, Range 13 W, Wil lamette Meridian, has filed notice of intention to make final Three-jcar Proof, to establish claim to tho land above described, before Manton E. Treadgold, U. S. Commissioner, at his office, at Bandon, Oregon, on tho 30th day of August, 1015. Claimant names as witnesses: Ed HkJscl, of Bandon, Oregon; Ed Young, of Bandon, Oregon; Pete Spania of Bandon Oregon; G. II. Fish, of Myrtle Point, Oregon. J. M. UPTON, Jun 9.0 Ot Register . NOTICE TO TAXPAYERS Notice is hereby given that the Board of Equalization for the County of Coos, State of Oregon, will attend at the office of the county clerk of said county, at Coquille, Coos county, Oregon on tho 13th day of Septem ber, A. D. 1015, tho same being tho second Monday of said month, at tho hour of nine o'clock, A. M. of said clay and publicly examine the assessment roll, and correct all errors in valua tions, descriptions or quality of land, Oregon's School For Ore gon's Teachers Oregon Normal School, Monmouth, Ore. PURPOSE: The training sional work. FACULTY: livery member professionally trained. DEPARTMENTS: For fitting elementary teach ers for city and rural schools. COURSES: Professional. Supervisors, Rural, Pri mary. ENTRANCE REQUIREMENTS: Completion of two years high school or its equivalent. GRADUATION: Completion of Jilumentary or f Standard Courucs leads to Slate Cortifieatu with. I out examination. TERMS DECJN; lUwilur full her 11. INFORMATION? I'ur furiliw l Jii'jtlMnir. rTTTTTTTTTTTT rTTTTTTTTTTTT f i. J... -t. . - .t. J. ,t. J, ,L AiT. if. A A A PTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT'i PORTLAND" TELEPHONE CO. t lots or other property. .Petitions or applications for the re duction of a particular assessment shall be made in writing, verified by tho iath of the applicant or his at torney, to be filed with the board dur ing the first week it is required by law to be in session, and any application not so made, verified and filed shall not be considered or acted upon by the board. Dated this 14th day of August, 1015. T. J. THRIFT Assessor of Coos County, Oregon WISDOM'S DISGUISE. , Til EN A of the I'm thuiio . A Til A Too HcrloiiM Is your lnnw. Ton much It 8ioukn of vi,'ll deep And crlrn, scholastic vmv. Athena, nil your lovclliict Is wrought In nomlior mold, Your measured Krnco of form mid fnce Is too sevcro nd cold Sulillmo you aro, but history's fi ine And nil tho loro of years Provo Aphrodite's victories Full oft hnvo wrung your tour O queen of wisdom's wide cstuto, ' Let wisdom mako you wlsol Tho mightiest mind rules best be hind A warm iwd gay disguise. Athnn of tho Parthenon, Hold nil your wit nud warth, Hut bnlnnco Aphroditu's store Of tenderness nnd mh th; Unhetm your brow, your trcises trnln. And half your wlrdom hide; Then will you shnme your rival's reign And many a god's beside. -ICmnia Ghent Curtis A J l of teachers for profes- J I .w Uifonmulun wrhe When Veterans Visit The following i9 nn account of the visit of Bandon G. A. R. and W. It. G. representatives to Coquille last Tues day from the Coquille Sentinel. The Bandon G. A. R. Post and Wo man's Relief Corps were the guests of the local corps on Tuesday of this week. The visiting members arrived on the morning boat and were met by a delegation of the Corps and taken to the hall, where tho morning was spent in renewing old acquaintancees. At ncan a chicken diner was served to somethig near a hundred and fifty people. In the afternoon, instead of the usual meeting, the following pro gram was given: Song by Capt. McEwen. Recitation by Mary Levine. Solo, "I Want to be a Soldier", Beryl Woodruff. Vocal Solo, "A Perfect Day", Mrs, Harvey. Song by Harry and Stanley Warren. Vocal Solo, "The Old Flag Has Never Touched the Ground", Mrs. Still Recitation by Hattic Morrison. Song by Alice Young. Recitation by Mrs. Morrison. Recitation "Kentucky Bell", Maud Toates. Address of welcome by Mrs. Tozter. In addition to the regular program, several informal talks were given by Lamb, Mrs. Shields, Mrs. Faulds, Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Zeek, Mr. Sumner, Mr. Young and Rev. Mr. Leggett. The dining room doors were again thrown open and the guests invited out to lunch before it was time to start on the return trip. The visitors were escorted to the boat, and after repeated good-byes they departed, wishing their hosts "many happy returns." The Bandon people came up on tho Telegraph and the excursion was coin posed of 30 members of the Relief Corps, and 8 members of the Post be sides several other soldiers. Of the local post there were present 11 of the fourteen members. The Re lief Corps turned out about 40 strong. The following is the address of wel come, composed by Mrs. L. B. Tozier, and read by her on the occasion of the visit of the Bandon Post and Corps ;last Tuesday. Chronicles, Chap. 1. In the second year of the reign of the Arthur and Morrisonite, certain women dwelling in the city of Coquile said one to an other. These are perilous times, we hear from afar, even from Bandon by the seashore of the Pacific Ocean a multi tude of women are coming to take our city even our stronghold, tho strong and mighty Relief Corps. Let us get ready our armor, our sup plies, our children, and flee unto the mountains, even to Brewster valley and there build a fortress that wo may not be taken by these women from be yond the river Coquille, for they are valiant and strong and will surely de vour our substance and our children and carry away our husbands to he in bondage unto them. Then spake Lau ra the Bandonite, whose husband did get much gain from selling wood to the inhabitants thereof. Give ear unto me, I pray thee. Let us make a feast and appoint certain women to entertain, and other women to meet this mighty rmy, and show them much kindness. Even let us kill tho fatlings of our coops nnd make a feast, and peradventure these women, even the strong and mighty Relief Corps of Bandon may be subdued and not take our city or our children or even our husbands into captivity. Then certain mighty women of au thority said "So let it be." Then the queen of the city said "Let us appoint certain of our numbers even Abbie the Kellyitu and Belle of the household of Elwood, nnd Sarah the the Wickhamitish woman, and Sophish i. ...li.- i -ii . 1 mu wiie aim viauser me carpenter, these maidens aro mighty nt the cook ' stove even to feeding a great multitu X de, and let us bring our fatlings and provide a feast on the third day of the eighth month." And it was so. And it came to pass when the day was come that the hosts from Bandon were expected, the people of Coquillo arrayed themselves in their fine rai ment and buried all their munitions of war, even their swords and their bayonets, and took no weapon hut their banner nnd went forth oven to tho lunik of tho river to meet this mighty army whoso captain was Sadie of the trlbo of Shields; and many tttulwnrt women and mighty for their vulor were thero ami npuko they to our hobt "who are llit'tu coming to inui'l iu ar rayed in Hume guy trapping?" Tlmn npuko Kuruli, tint Jumper ut lliu inn "Wuluowo to our y, nw miiiiui. uiul our (rlwU" uiul Muiy Dim ',n-k ll Miu yu iru not u JouKUu m7Ii l uui himt4 ovmii lo thu mkii ui AWHJI iJjM Ml) iJjlflHjiJ ((Mil JutuJit ijwtf m imtv iu mr fiJ rly m mm i imils uimyi bttfen om' swo Into pWshiras and our Hilars imo pruning kooks. INOIth er snail we team war any more, but come into our fortress and partake of our feast and be at home with oty people, for we desire peace and pleas antness more than the taking of a And all the women of Bandon and all the women of Coquille were moved with one accord and shouted with a loud voice "All hail! Peace be within thy walls and prosperity within thy palaces"; and they led the daughters of Bandon to the palace called the Woodmen Hall and ntu and drank and made merry and rejoiced one with an other even until the great ship Tele graph returned them to their own city oven the city of Bandon by the Sea. ELAINE OF ASTOLAT. E LA INK, tho fnlr nnd lovable: Elaine of Astolnt Tho eentlc. rare nnd beautiful. wno died for Lancelot. A half forgotten chapter left. Her natlvo downs among, Aa sad as any heartbreak song The poets yet havo sung-. For when the dumb old servitor Steered forth to Cnmelot To bear tho death cold Illy maid In search of Lancelot. There paced tho moaning river's hinh A sorrow burdened youth. Who lonfi nnd patient yeara had been Her squire of proved truth. Elaine had died n wasting death For him that loved her not: Young Jared lived a living death For her that scorned his lot; He lived to muse despairingly On slights to manhood rare, While all the woild was paying court To pomp and trumpet blare. A thousand loves like theirs hnvn been. Ten thousand more will be; Tho hungry heart too often seeks An empty granary. Appoint your head to guide your heart Hwcet present day Blaine; Invest young Jared with romance. And thus your knight obtain. Emma Ohont Curtis. The county court has given a con tract for the construction of an experi mental mile of hard surface road in the neighborhood of Bunker Mill at u cost of $1.02 a square yard. The hard surface will be nine feet wide with a shoulder of macadam on each side of three and a half feet. The work is ex pected to be done by the first of Sep tember. The Rogue River Cannery fight that came up before Judge Coke at Coquille Wednesday had its hearing postponed to Gold Beach August 24th. The men were up on a charge of con tempt, tor violating an injunction re straining them from trespassing on the property of the Wedderburn Trad ing company. ine court action is final culimation of a fishing war that lias been in progress between rival can nerles on the Rogue; the Macleay com pany and the Wederburn company over the rights to certain fishintr grounds. The war has led to the destruction of property and night raids on one nn- other and now thee ourt will take a hand in a settlement of the difficul ties. I WONDER. T WONDEH If ever a Bong was sung-- But the singer's heart sang sweeterl I wonder If ever a rlmo was rung, But tho thought surpassed the meterl I wonder If ever a sculptor wrought Till the cold stono echoed his ardent thought! Or if ever a painter, with light and shade. The dream of his Inmost heart portrayed! T WONDEIl If ever a rose wns found J- And there might not bo a fairer! Or If ever a glittering gem was ground And we drenmed not of a rnrer! Ah, never on earth shall we find the best! But It waits for us In the land of rest; And n peifcct thing we shall never behold Till we pass tho porta! of shining gold. Author Unknown. THE TIIRICE-A-WEEK EDITION IF THE NEW YORK WORLP l'ra.icnlly a Daily at the Price of n Weekly. .No other Newspaper in tbe world gives so much at so low a price. Thr "car 1914 witnessed the out break of tho Titanic European wat which makes all other wars look smn!'. You live in momentous timna dnd you should not miss any of the trcincnduous events that aro occur ring. No other nuwspapor will keep you no well informed as the Tlirlre-a-Week edition of the New York World Moreover, u year's iuinuTiptwn in it will tuku you fur Into our next preMldentlul niiiipuign and wll give to w'tni rntdi'm the i-iutttrii munition It rojituhm u vut uinount of leading . mutlur mi u wry i-lieup iiu. Til" Tlirktf-uWYttk World' riiggUr nulwiljiHoi) in leu m only J .00 pur yir, win) IIiId j my fut M Wl 'Hfcr Kiln unuuuuhvj utiwupujivr limjHIU'.r, UKull' fur miu ii; or tmii O.W' Th letwiur wuh Hun yrUv li iliy lv ww J iw 'ga.; BJ LODGE DIRECTORY ? B g fl Masonic. Bandon No- 130' A- F- & A' M Stated communications firt Friday after the full moon of each month. Special communication! Master Masons cordially in7ited. WALTER SABIN, t. U C. E. BOWMAN. Sec. Eastern Star. Occidental Chapter, No. 45, O. E. S. meets Friday evenings before and after stated communications or Masonic lodge. Visiting membern cordially invited to attend. ADELAIDE E. REYNOLDS, W. M. BLANCHE FAULDS, Secretary I .0. O. F. Bandon Lodge, No. 133, I. O. O. F., meets every Wednesday evening. Visiting brothers in good standing cordially Invited. GEO. H. SMITH, Secretary. L. I. WHEELER, N. G. Rebekah Ocean Rebekah Lodge, No. 12G, I O. O. F., meets second and fourth Tuesdays at I. O. O. F. hall. Tttn cient members cordially invitee MARY C. BARROWS, Secretar MARIAM WILSON, N. G. BANDON CHURCHES (?' M. E. Church Soutli Sunday School, 10:00 a. m. Preaching, 11:00 a. m. Epworth League, 0:30 p. m. Preaching, 7:30 p. m. Prayer Meeting, Thursday, 7:30. Missionary Society, Friday, 2:3u, W. B. SMITH, Paste Episcopal Church Sunday School, 10:00 a. m. Preaching, 2nd, 4th and 5th San days at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. REV. WM. HORSFALL, Pastor Methodist Church Sunday School, 10:00 a. ni. Public Service, 11:00 a. m. Evening service, 8:00, p. m. Mid-Week Service, Thursday, 7:8c All who do not attend church else- whftre are invited to worship with us. C. MAYNE KNIGH'I, Pastor Presbyterian Church Sr.Dbath Services: 10 a. m Sabbatli School 11 a. in Prcachii.rf 7:00 p. in. .. C. E. Prayer meeting 8:00 p. in Preaching Wednesday 8:00 p. m. Prayer meeting A cordial invitation is extended the public to attend these services REV. WINFIELD S. SMITH, Pastor Baptist Church Sunday School, 10:00 A. M. Preaching Service, 11:00 A. M. ELDER A. B. REESE Church of the Brethcrti Sunday Services: Sunday School 10:00 a. m; Preaching scrivce ut 11 a. m. nnu at r.au, p. m. Everybody cordially invited. L. B. OVERIIOLSER, Pastor. AGENTS WANTED Everywhere To Sell Madame Du Four's Face Powder which In prDpurert In four i'olorii And Tnu Ura, 25c & 50c Komi to nlBtnp fur Mtniplu. iht' purlmvnl . m Julia Marlow ITurs nud HrruimuriiilK Mud mo llu I'uur'a Tri Du Four Co,, Wli P,C, The Bandon Recorder PROFESSIONAL CARDS (, , 5 C. R. WADE Lawyer BANDON, OREGf'V DR. H. L. HOUSTON Physician & Surgeon Ofllce in First National Bank lui ing. Hours, 9 to 12 a. in; 1:30 to I m; 7 to 8 in the evening. BANDON, OREr'P DR. SMITH J. MANN Physician & Surgeon Ofllce in Ellingson Building. Hour 9 to 12 a. m; 1 to 5 p. m. BANDON. OREG DR. L. P. SORENSEN Dentist Office In First Nationnl Bank btt" Injr. Telephone at house nnd pffi-i BANDON. ORKfiO DR. R. V. LEEP Physician & Surgeon Offlc in Ellingson building, Phone " BANDON. OREPO DR. ARTHUR GALE Physician & Surgeon Ofllce In ENingson building. ' Or' tihone, 352. Residence phone, 8" BANDON. OREGO DR. S. C. ENDICOTT Dentist Ofllce in Ellingson building. Of ohnn 1241. Residence phone, , BANDON. OREGO DR. I. L. SCOFIELD Dentist Office in Fahy and Morrison Bui A ny- Aixt to Emergency Hor.pitai Phone 1141 BANDON, OR EGO T r DR. H. M. SHAW Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Specialist Ouice Phone 330-J Res Phono 10f J Rooms 200-1 Irving Block MARSHFIELD, OREGON BENJAMIN OSTLIND Consulting Engineer and Architect MARSHFIELD. OREGO! i Hotel Bandon r - . AMERICAN PLAN $1.00' I and $1.50 per day. $ I European Plan, rooms Z t JUc, 5c ec $1 per day Z Eaton & Rrase, Props. Z f I . 1 1 I 'M 1 M' I H"M t CHATBURN & GARDNER Attorneysjit taw ' Suit No 3 First Nat Bank Bldg., BANDON All Wrong The Mititake in Made by Many Bauduii Citizens Look for the cause of backache. To bo cured you must know tl CUU8C. If it's weak kidnej'H You must set the kidneyii to wori ing right. A rcsidunt of this vicinity shov. you how. Mr, liinhey had. J'owtc'i -MIILur i John McCullUter, Itoutn I, hi. Mope, Oregon, mii'm: "I hud pmn inn Miuaiioi my duck ami kiikiii twin I'd whim vlnoping or lifting. My lu urlii'd ut night uiul wuv Iuiiih in t morning. I llmd i-unIIv und wum Im gun! uiul iwrvou. I hud liwn)ui! uiul illy KjmlU. Tin hiilnoy Mr lioim t-oiiluliitul ktiiiiuiit uiul wmh li ' ni)iiinnl In mmtuvu, vumiu inu J Ift'l Up III lit" II gilt. I UMMl I'IMill Muliu-y inlli uiul limy mtu iduvt i Vflw blli, nl uU dilw JW ii v ,m u w . itwmf r UQtuft nShmv ItR -Utf mm Ui