The Bandon recorder. (Bandon, Or.) 1915-19??, August 10, 1915, Image 3

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IT has Recorded the News of Bandon
since Lfie eariy uayb ui uie cumm uni
ty. Its development has kept pace
with the development of the city. Its
files contain a history of community progress
and its aim has been and will be to advance
the interests the section in which it -circulates.
a year
Coquille Clippings
Prom Coquille Sentinel
C. B. Zeek, of Bandon came up here
Tuesday to attend the Relief Corpsand
Grand Army reunion.
The Breakwater which arrived at
the bay last Friday brought 100 tons
of rails for the Southern Pacific.
Erick Johnson, of Bandon, was
brought up here yesterday and ar
raigned for fishing without a license.
His trial is set for tomorrow Saturday
County Judge Watson and Arthur
K. Peck of Marshfield, went out to
Brewster valley Saturday for a fish
ing trip.
Raymond K. Baker, our county
superintendent of schools who has
been spending the past five weeks out
in the Willamette valley at Salem and
Eugene is expected home tomorrow.
Two California companies, it is re
ported, are about to commence work
in the black sand deposits on south
slough over near the bay. The samples
they have sent from there have essay
ed high in gold and platinum.
L. W. Turnbull who was principal
of our high school during the past
year removed to Bandon last week
where he is entering upon 'his duties
as superintendent of the city schools
there. Both Mr. Turnbull and wife
made many friends hero whose best
wishes go with them in their new
home by the sea.
Senator James Coke of the Hawai
ian territorial legislature has been"
visiting in Coquille where he used to
attend school at the academy. He will
go from hero to Curry county for a
hunt and then return home.
Polk county is now in the throes of
a recall campaign, the attempt being
made to get rid of the whole county
court. Lew A. Cato's paper, the Dal
las Observer, does not think that the
movement will win.
Mrs. Levi Snyder of Portland, who
had been visiting friends in the Co
quille valloy for several weeks went
home Sunday on the Kilburn. Mrs.
Snyder formerly lived in Bandon.
Spray for Potato Blight. Also
for Ginseng
40 cts a pound
A pound makes 5 gallons of
your wmt sImuU stop today, yet yor expenses will
keep rigWt go.
Belter sm wkile (be dollars tmt regularly,
lto er.ry life cewes i lime tffl Ready Money would
it wrlreme, Tw a fiwd you yourself m create
lltrougb a Savkgs arroiMt wku lir
First National Bank
(From Port Orford Tribune.)
Schiller Hermann, son of Hon. Bin-
ger Hermann, accompanied by Mrs,
Hermann and daughter, have been
spending the past week as guests of
the Knapp hotel enjoying the many
attractions to be found at Port Orford
Mr. Hermann was for many years a
resident of Myrtle Point but now lives
in Portland.
J. J. Dubs, the mining expert who
has been in this section for tho past
I two months returned last week from
a short visit to San Francisco and Eu
reka. Mr. Dubs who is a thoroughly
scientific man, has been investigating
the mineral resources of northern Cur
ry and is well pleased with what he
has seen.
W. T. White, Sr. made a trip to
Brookings last week to weigh several
lots of wool that he has bought in
southern Curry. In all, Mr. White has
purchased something like 30,000 lbs
of wool this season paying 29 cts for
lamb's and 30 cts for old wool. Al
though nt one time a resident of Cliet
co this was his first trip to that end
of the county in 10 years and ho says
he found many surprising changes.
P. II. Poole returned Saturday from
his honeymoon nt tho fair where he
reported a glorious timo. Tho cowbell
and tinpnn brigade were disappoint
cd in his return ns ho left Mrs. Poole
in Bandon where she will visit with
her folks for n week before returning
to Port Orford. In speaking of tho fair
Mr. Poole said is excellent, espec
hilly the Coos-Curry exhibit and that
living in San Francisco is ns reason
able as at any other time.
Mrs. F. B. Tichenor and four daugh
ters arrived in Port Orford last Sat
uday and are now domiciled in the
Nielsen dwelling house on Jackson St.
In coming down from Bandon the car
in which they wero riding, driven by
Mr. Tichenor, was run into by a Ford
driven by young Thorhaven of Lnng
lois and badly dumaged. Tho radiator
wiw punctured in two places and the
cor put out of commission being re
turned to the Bandon gnrago for re.
pairs whllo tho party was brought on
hero by unother uut. It la nuid thut
Ihu uccldent may result In it luw suit
for ilamageH.
W I'- Bryant him ri'Hli'iifd nu mud
Niipmi 'or ut litis dUtrlrt. Frlrthm bo-
iwit'ii (mil uiul IhoNti who mv hi vuure
Of HlU llUl'lur WHS Ihu IK1UKU lit Hill
ivi(iiulioii. During Hit) tlmti llml liu
lifhl Hi jKMitiim Mr. Ilryuni Im tmniu
tf luH'ful wmmtliifiliinj muumw Mini
lit fl ttUuU IliWItil Im kuu ilm null Ihu
iHM'tiMi Thu UtmiMr wub hiwufhl hum'
thing to say in. regard to running it
when it was using money that he was
in n way responsible for and when ho
found ho had not, he resigned. Up to
the 24th of last month Mr. Bryant
says the gravel put on the road by the
tractor cost about ?2.28 per yard.
The workman who turns out a poor
job is an improvement on the man
who only stands around end makes
When a man blows down the barrel
of a gun to see if it is loaded the gun
should always have your sympathy.
Some young men must have several
drinks of fire water before they can
muster up courage to ask a girl to
dance with them. That is just tho time
a lady refuses to dance.
r7ERE half the power thnt mis tho
T world with terror,
Were half tho wealth bestowed on
camps and courts
Given to redeem the human mind from
Thoro were no need of arsenals or forts.
rpilE warrior's nnme would be a nnma
' And every nation that should lift again
Its hand against a brother, on Its fore
head Would wear for evermoro tho curse of
rjOWN the dark future through Ions;
The echoing sounds grow fainter and
then cease;
And like a bell, with solemn, sweet vi
brations, I hear once more the volco of Christ
say, "Peacol"
pKACE and no longer from Its brazen
The blast of war's great organ shaken
the skies;
But, beautiful as songs of the Immortals.
The holy melodies of lovo arise.
Henry W. Longfellow.
)0 g
(From the Gold Beach Globe)
Don Lucas has received the appoint
ment from Governor Withycombo as a
delegate from Curry county to the
Corn Festival at the Panama Pacific
Exposition to be held in the Oregon
building on August 5th and Oth.Thcre
are three boys appointed by the gov
ernor from each county as delegates
to this convention.
Ted Smith, one of the oldest resi
dents on the river, departed for San
Francisco last week to enter the Ger
man hospital to undergo an operation'
Mr. Smith has long suffered with kid
ney trouble and his malady has recall
ed tho stage wchcrc an operation is
A fine ten pound girl was born to
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Clarno on Sat
urday last.
Salmon are beginning to take tho
troll and lovers of that sport are
spending their idle time trolling.
M. E. DeMeritt now has n powe
wood saw in operation which saws
up the log while ho splits the first
block the machine saws another one
So on until the log is worked up.
The little girl of Mr. and Mrs. Ace
Turner is now recovering from a mild
attack of small pox. It is said that
Henry Colvin also had his turn with
the disease at the home of the Turn
Nine fishermen who were enjoined
some time ago from trespassing upon
the premises of the Macleay Estate
Co. have been cited to appear before
Judge Coke at Coquille on Wednes
day, August -1th and show cause if
any why they did not obey his re
straining order. Those who are cited
to appear are said to bo Bill Winegar,
Chas. Wilson, Alex McLcod, Bill Ash,
Hoag, Spencer, A. B. Conger, and Win.
Hunter. Winegar, Ash and Conger
have not yet been served.
A portion of the mining machinery
to bo used by J. It. Peters on tho beach
here, arrived on tho Hustler Sunday.
The machinery consists of two engines
a large boiler and several minor ar
ticles connected with the plant. Mr.
Peters who returned n few days ago
is now busy setting up tho machinery
on the river front after which it will
be hauled to the place of operation on
the beach south of town. All of the
machinery has not yet arrived but Mr.
Peters expects it here by the time he
can get ready what is horo in place
and be ready for it.
THIS y nils go by on silent plnlons
In other words, on wlntc,
TImkkIi up lo ditto (I rise to stain)
No one hus peii the llilimn.
Nor il(u ft mortal ycl knot
Thry'rn Hindu of icuuia or wil or lentlid
Hut surlily i-iiiiu flies forever,
In ullu unwt-urM HUlif
l(rt' up lis runt iy IwMt'i form
A morn wnl noon uiui nlvbi,
rlv I'd wllli nvr tlfii ut lown-,
A lul no mmi UnuwB fif vhuia It's nodiii
Tli'1 (nulls, siil i'smiiki lp II
II.. I ,.. . - l.. 11
Hw i)i) u iMliil w dip 11 "In.
filial 'II IUI SS KIHI
QJ'l kreii. mclcit
k I'hI' mi Uih put
I he H IM f.u-ol MpltiKv nt 'us IIP.
So fhiirp pn liirt.
1 thrill uiul Mart.
Anil fancy tlncls to the tln'eer tlpv
rpilK dlnnv town.
With walls of hnian.
With i!riiv streets anil pavemmts tray.
Its rush aii'l ronr
I note no mure.
And oil Its tierce commotions passnway.
fJO hermit thrush
x' Through woodland huh
Could thrill n tuno moro frsh and frrn;
No mocklns bird
More Bladly heard
Through verdant vine clad swamns In
T FEEL, n breczo
Through cherry trees
O'er dandelions wet with dew.
And on n rnll
I hear n quail
Gladden an old peach orchard throiiRh
and through
Wnller Malnpo.
. .Worthington, Intl. Mr.i. Sarah
Hayden will celebrate tier 105th birth
day shortly. She came to Greene
county when Indiana wan almost u
wilderness. She walks without the
aid of a ca p and does not use spect
acles. She assists in the household
duties and works in the garden.
Horatio, Al.r. Alto Poole has
grown a freak ear of corn containing
30 small cars. .The same stalk con
tained two other well-developed ears.
New York, N. Y. A young Chinese
student has invented n Chinese type
writer. The machine has three keys,
a back-spacer, a spacer and a key with
which 1200 characters of the Chinese
language are struck. The characters
are on a cylinder, which is turned by
the writer until the proper chnracter
is found and written by striking the
key. The inventor claims forty words
a minute can be written.
Sterling.Colo. A train struck a
young colt near here and carried it
thro miles on tho pilot without injour
ing it.
Pleasant Valley, Pa. George Ken
nedy of this place has a cow which
chniiR'es her color every season. -She
sheds her winter coat of black in tho
spring and turns to a cream color.
Carnerio, Kas. Following .strictly
Iho Hcriptunl injunction, Hoy Harris
20, amputated his right hand at the
wrist.claiming it was a devil. The
operation was performed in a pasture
at midnight.
Cleveland, O. A theatre manager
here fired all his blond ushers and
hired brunettes. He claims the men
talked with the blondes and patrons
had to wait to be shown their seats.
True Economy . . .
cans the wise spending of one's money making every rlofhrtlo full Juty
itllng in return an article that will tatisly you In cwr wayiusilw.
Thc . WHITE . c
ts a real bargain bocause It Is sold at a popular
price i because U givrs you th: kind of sewing
you delight hi) bccatits it wilt turn out the work
quicMy and thorough! snd give you a life time
of saliifactcry service; because its. improvements
wi'.I enable 'j o J to do tlur.jjs wliich can't be done
on -ny other r.iachioe; because it will please you
vith it J fine hnbU and beauty of its furniture.
Ia !.hort you will S'md the White reliable and
,1m1'.i1.!i? mm ever. ooint of view.
Be sure to sec the 7hite dealer who will be f lid lo show you how Rood a
machine the. White Is. If there ts no dealer lttndy, write m direct for cat
alogs. We do not sell to catalog houses. Vibrator rtu.1 Rotary Shuttle Machlwt.
vim a-tadisijw
A. M.
Plionc 61
omplete stock of har
ness, shopping bags,
trunks, suit cases, valises
and traveling bags.
Gatcholl Brothers, Props.
AH kinds of heavy and lijrht draying. Phone orders t
given prompt aitention. .liarn corner First & Edi- I
son, l isii Property. .Telephone 641.
t. ill Inst
riioM'. v
yl Jj!Ii ibm m uif U
4 Tjtu UfJ pl HJ
UlttJ JHI Ut WWi M lhj iJj UIM) Jj ,