The Bandon recorder. (Bandon, Or.) 1915-19??, August 03, 1915, Image 6

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C. F. Pape had business in Marsh-
field Wednesday.
Victor, Victrolas and records at
Sabro Bros. tf
The Clearance Sale conducted by J.
A. Byrne, will end Saturday night.
Mrs. S. Jones of Myrtle 'Point is
visiting with Mrs. P. II. Fasbender.
Grace and Gladys Kennedy are
spending the week with their grand
mother, Mrs. Hodges at Prosper.
Buy your wedding gifts at Sabio
Bros. We handle goods of the best
quality at reasonable prices. tf
The local milk man has raised the
price of his wares from five to seven
cents a quart.
A little money will go a Jong way
in buying furniture this week. Sec J.
A. Byrne.
Mr. Findlny, the piano tuner has
gone to Langlois and Port Orford for
a few days.
The Epworth League of the M. E.
church will give a beach party next
Friday night.
Ingersol watches for your flailing
trips can be bought from Sabro Bros.
Price $1.00 and $1.50. tf
Mrs. Alex Kennedy left last week
for a month's visit with friends on the I
Sixes in Curry county.
Miss Zettie Gibson who has been
studying nursing in the German hos
pital in San Francisco returned to
Bandon for a vacation last week.
The City Grocery, Shields & Jack
son went on a cash basis August 1st
and lire offering some attractive bar
bains. One third off on dressers, dining ta
bles and buffets. One fourth off on
other goods this week only. See J. A.
Workmen nro now making rapid
progress on the baker's new building
and the frame work is steadily going
School Onens Scntcmbcr 13th R. N. Wittmann of Lakeport was It Is reported that Ray Martin pur-
The 1915-1G session of the Bandon jn Bandon Saturday and Sunday tak- chased two new cars in Portland last
Citv Schools will open September 13. . 4, . . ,,! nM,ninhr. neck I0r u,e "andon and Marshfield
.... III W1U tvll m .."...f, "-'I" I
nneSnir A 11 ml at fho Kl! tlprl MI fn!('!l t I TUU
...... . .
will be in the office of the high school
building on Mondays, Wednesdays and Frank J. Miller, Grand Master of " 'ou want t enjoy a million
the notod
nny patrons who may , , , , . .. , , comcuian Edward Abolcs m the great
J I nni .1.. . A umiof 19 i nntrlnia Inrtrrn I - .
to discuss school matters. ..u.,, ..- o - -uour reci iarce comeuy "The Million'"
(Signed) L. W. TURNBULL Golden West, No. 150 has been mvit- produced by the famous Players Film
Superintendent of Schools ed to meet with the local lodge. -o. -us a paramount At the Grand
ineaira next Thursday, .August Gth
The Paramount P clures now show- the I'ortianu i ress v,iuo win Keep Qet , ,,aramoiint hnl.iL
ing at the Grand Theatre every Thurs- open house during uuyers wcok, Aug
day and Sunday night arc ccruunly usi v io i, ...l-.uu - Fricmis of Mrs. Frank Hufrort, ar
meeting with approval from tlie pat- ngnieu to cmu n.u, ,, ranged a little party on that lady and
rons of the Grand. merchant who may be in the city dur- suecee(o(, . ' . n ,,
I!.,.. Il,.,t intorvnl I " "
The Bandon Garauc is runninir n h surprise nt her home on Allegheny av.
through stacc to Roseburg with two Ed. Kinlcy, better Known as huck, cnue and 13th street. The event was
... m I . . . 1. 1 . . . l.nnn ....-I'l.l 1 . 11 t II tnnl! .1 I r (" 111... I.Sv( .. .. .. . .......... i . I . 1
cars. dallV eXCetlt SlllUlaV. rnOVIw,,u "UB numms uiiiuiik ii uutiiuuy aim BUVUIIIUIMI in nor 1U
leave Bandon at C:30 in the morning returned to Bandon last week. He has dy friends came in with hearty cheer
and leave Roseburg at 7:00 a. m.
Mr. and Mrs. F. B. Phillips nnd son
Rodney spent Saturday and Sunday
at the homo of their daughter, Mrs. R,
H. Mast, Jr. of Bandon Coquille Her
A pcwerful dramatic Feature Play
cut . "The Dancing Girl" with
pai .! nit feature to be exhibited at
the G .iml Theatre next Sunday, Aug,
Sth Don't miss it.
gone over -to the Umpqua valley to and many good wishes and passed a
iook up prospects there and may go happy afternoon to help her in her
on to Portland and Seattle. successful effort in keeping young.
A meeting of the Ladies Guild of
A number of Greeks passed l1 .rough
aitt l.ict iirnnlr mi Hinii' Vl'.'iv f flln
mines of Curry county last week nnd St Jo'VEpiscopal church was held
are engaged by Mr. Thomas who has LnBt PrK od ns n special
hanre of the Divelbliss mines and at " " B .'" . " mr"' lmirj
Mm Kiimo time raises a nrotLMt against "" ''" '- pres
,,. ... ,., , ent, consisting of members of the
muii uihifiujiiiih.. i .. . . - r 1 ! II
i;uuii turn u ii:w iiiuilUM ui wie guesi
The state bar association of lawyers; of honor. Mrs. Walker has been con
lendent of the Bandon public schools of both Oregon and Washington will nected with the church and the society
moved his fnmily to Bandon the later meet in joint session in Portland dur- for twenty years nnd as remembrance
part of last week. They are domiciled ing the early part of August, and will and n token of their appreciation of
in the Charleston house, formerly oc- be addressed by exPresident William her worth and work she was presented
cupied by Attorney Fceney. I H. Taft, now professor of legal juris- with a handsome leather traveling
prudence at Yale.
L. W. Trumbull the new supcrin-
Mr. PayTie who has been in charge
or hui diner onerations on the 13. U.I t nurim.1,1 fnrmnri v of Tlnn
building has been under the weather jon now of Portland, and employed in 1 or, a "eeK"c :s been as
for the past few days and has boon the Government civil service depart- f mT "S n ,0,ul an(1 tho occa"
takiiiL' treatment in the Emenrencv L,nnt i i ii,tn lnL-!n nftn,- Mn, llcJ'OM "1;o n K''C!lt lake- l"e breakers
hospital. Lrnnnrtv inln,nStS which hn still hnhl t,,!lt COn1C ' ping Up their attacK
,.. , in C.nna Pnnntv. Ho will rnh.rn to 1,10 Sa,Ui P" al "Kt l""'
iti i viu niiiirv. iiiiriiri:iii :i 1111 rinr 1 11 1 11- i www. ..... .... . .
or, ,vnue nenry, reiurneu irom ine.r - - so lamo wepe th The flBhormpn who Webb, wife and child, W. Magce, W
w ...L,. .....i., ...- r onnpnr ff nM !, E ,., hot i utiL' o from thn inttv hnvo fmnwl tl.n Anderson. V. T.nnU-vvnml S T P.,.l..ll
OurJ next bijr specialparainount presenting
Edward Abeles
A mystery farce with as many laughs as the
title, in which the Star impersonates six entire
ly distinct characters
Shown at the
Grand Theatre-Next Thursday, Aug. 5
The Dancing Girl
Bjl'ive Acts
mm mm m rj
Going and Coining
The Elizabeth came in Saturday
with the following passengers: Mrs. J.
G. Webb, Mr. and Mrs. Percy II.
Poole, O. E. Williams, W. 1). Rudolf,
.Mrs. M. Jensen, Miss L. Jensen, Miss
Florence Goodman, G. Pedorson, Miss
nave been hardly worthy of the name Jti Williams, N. Jackson, Frank
Jm.t at pres.enqt Bandon potato
growers are vicing with one another
in the matter of the largest quantity
of potatoes per hill and are display
ing them in the the window of Dipplo
and Wohorton" Sam Briggs and John
II. Shields are rival exhibitors from
Azalea Park and K. G. Peters from
his ranch just outside of town has
brought in a sample hill that looki
pretty good. Ed. Gallier is also dis
playing samples of tobacco raised on
Miss Ethel Dyer gave n beach par
ty to twenty friends last Thursday
afternoon and all had a fine time a
round a big fire.
Frank Cox and two daughters. Mrs.
D. Cook and Mrs. E. Knglenian of
Langlois were visitors in Bandon last
Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Johnson of Ban
don autoed to Langlois Wednesday
to visit Mr. and Mrs. O. P. Ilaagenscn.
Tho bungalow grocery has n new
bicycle delivery built with a large
basket between tho wheels. A very
convenient machine for small deliver
ies purchased through S. C. Barrows.
The Moose are planning to dupli
cate Elk Day at their County meet
Sundny, August lfith. An invitation
to tho governor of the state to be
present has been extended.
day and the former has been indispos- VMlorilay lor San Frani.jsco on a Wisi- sport good and, a number of red fish J. D. Myers, O. II. Hank, R. L. Apple-1 the fumil' ninch south f town.
ed since, recovering from the effects ness trip and expects to return to Ban- were caught today and one or two ton, A. Thomas, G. Thomas, E. B. O'!
of her pleasure exertion. (on AuKUst 8th Mrs Spenccr who is rack cod. Charles Conrad caught a Brien. J F B I C
Mr. nnd Mrs. Geo. Gucrin of Lang- now in San Frnncisco will return with sun fish off the jetty this afternoon, a ' n' G 1.0
lois and sister, Miss Olla Sutton of him. While in San Francisco Mrs. queer looking fish, about 10 inches When the Elizabeth went out Mon-
Port Orford departed for Bandon Spencer is visiting with a sister and long nnd 20 inches high.. Those who day she had tho following list: Mary
Tuesday, where Mrs. Guerin '.rill re- neico from the East,
main a few days to have come dental
work done. Rostrum
Miss Ottilie Lewin who left on the
Elizabeth yesterday wil lentcr Berke
ley university, being the third of this
The Charm got a piece of cable in
her wheel and had to lay oft a while
this forenoon while she went on the
ways at Herman's ship yards at Park-
ersburg to get the wheel free. The ac-
have traveled the deep in this vicin- M'- Walker, Mrs. J. T. Sullivan and
ity during the past few days have child, Ruth Reynolds, J. Ii. Hickloy,
seen tho Pacific at its best.
School who will attend
state university.
Miss Chrissie Denholm who hns
been visiting with her sister Mrs. T.
W. Robison left on the last Elizabeth
San Francisco to visit the fail
will return overland with Capt. and
Mrs. Robert Johnson, in the Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Faust who left
Saturday for the headwaters of the
years graduates of the Bandon High cident happened at King's landing RoKle river where they will try niin
California s ast night. ors lucl were agreeably given a royal
send off taking tho form of a surprise
Charlie Harrows took- a party over party given them at their home in this
to Roseburg in S. C. Barrow's car last city last Tuesday night. Whist and
Ihursday and remained over to bat- 500 were the recreations which helped
tllilnlf I hn M vl T nnnniof rui HTl i in. l il. i. 1 i .
v.- c, ..:: i e. . i'" .wno.o. ,v...- uium to snenu a nieasant evenmir
iui tjuii i iwii;iai;u LU visit IIIU 11111. UI1U I t i ii w ta it
...:n ,., . . ley and the Misses Dorothy and Zet- Lunc boon cons stinir of wikn nml .nf-
tie Gibson who were on their way to fee was served at midnight. Those
Portland. I nresent wnrn Mnssrs niul Mouil-ininu
Rambo. ClinniiiL'er. Nelson. TTnifnr.
ii. vv. coais, nas endeavcred to iMajor J. J. fllorrow who has been Rav Lowe. Bilnu Mm K'imlmll nml
solve the railroad, freight and trans- engineer in chief in charge of the family and Martin Steiner. Mr. Faust
portation problems of Coos County First Oregon division has been assign- was for manv vearq n minor in Nnvi.
.-..1.1 11 . M.I . . . 1 . . . ' - . . . I "
ami me nign cost oi living by going ed a new Held of work by the govern
to Roseburg and vicinity with an au- incnt in the Panama Canal zone. He
to truck and loading up with peaches, will be succeeded by Major Arthur
and other good things to eat, that we Williams of the United States army
don't raise here and has just returned who has already arrived in Portland
from a trip. from Leavenworth, Kansas, prepara-
D. Carpenter of tho racket stnrn lino to,y to entering upon bis new duties,
been busy this week putting in a line
of groceries received on the last two
r.i T It -v...
r ranees ij. uicKiey, uuuic i.ovin,
Grace Gibson, Pearl R. Walker, Chris
tina Denholm, Ethel Dyer. Felix M.
Wolf, C. M. Spenccr, C V. Lowe, Ba
sel J .Mathews, J. A. Holmea and wife
David Holmes, F. E. Steiubacher,
Geo. A. Pope, Ralph Houston, Mon
roe Upton, P. Langdoll. John Treich-
er, Frank Oee-ory, Fran'; i' l'v. .
The following is the passenger list
of the Brooklyn which came in Sat
urday: A. T. Nages, J. M. Dice, Mrs.
A. R. Stanibuck, Margaret Stambuck,
Margaret Stambuck, J. Webb, Mrs.
Contractor in
Brick, Plaster smkI Cement
Bicycle Repairs Saw Filing
and Repairing A Specially
Plinnr 471
P. O. Box 174
S. D. Barrows
Will I.1U onlm for IlicjrlM of all
and I'opr Moiiir-Cyrlci Uo Cnlsn Row
Imil Molort.
For Sale One, tuo and three lota,
all in one tract adjoining H Schreib
er's and opposite the Moore saw mill.
I. R. Huedemann, John H. Jenkins, i All cleared. Spring water. Best propo-
fllason, 807 N.
The Thimble club met last Thurs-
sition in town. F. H.
Water street, Ellensburg, Wash.
da and California but has not handled ''" wit" Mls- bowman. This week j
a pick or pan for several years. Thursday the club will hold its annual;
Prof. Richards who has been search
ing for a boy musicinn to complete a
musical trio has found him in the per
son of Byron Robinson. The two oth-
nr ninmlmro of fill, frin n,n TVfllfrtwl
.. ..1.1 . I ! ; i l i
u... u o mim, 8U!iiiiiiiaut Wcstleader of this citv and Cecil La-
nicnic on the frrniitwle u'lumi l.lftL'nli-
ma was presented in June. Tho pic-1
nic will start at 10 o'clock in the morn-1
ing ami a lew menus nave been in
vited to join with the members in a
days outing.
New Stock of Hardware
Two skeleton booms swinging frTm, 1 ,riI,s of the Elizabeth. Thomas o with the usual "lmsted" boiler, c, ,le of M Rev. Charles Barklowof Myrtle
" " e In O n ?n IIMftilnn i liml i nil rrntitt vt.t.1 . H..S..1 ...ill l .. 11.... 1 .. ft
iinimirn is worKing with him nnd . " . " ""- tr o had ever n aved w th tho others 1 OIIIL wl" 1,0 ' "ancion over Miiiiday
helping to unpack the goods and place plantat,on sconcs were ft'atures of the until two weeks airo but thev are P"'1 wi" Preiltl1 ' tllu Hiethren church
them on the shelves. 1 aramount feature last Thursday and worki, toeretber nicelv. Prof Rir-h. 1)oth morning and evening,
they made an entertainment hard to lo nvnn,a . on ,. , . ,
ivenip arrived in maicn. rarnmount nunlitv was no n .i m.. ... rt a a a mm m a i .
Marshfinlil Rnmlnv fin..,.. .!....: i ...' '., near xuiuru. i noy -
M . .i.. ih.vjii w)i mu i iiiiniiuiuui iiuib iliauillLU illlll IUUVIU
the tower in the center of the B. B.
building speak of preparations for
pouring concrete which is to start
Many comments have been received
about the Paramount Features 'Cameo
Kirby" and "The Girl From Tho
Golden West". Productions of this
kind advertise themselves they don't
need nny boosting. When you see a
Pnmtnount Film being announced in
Kilburn. She will lecture through Coos fans are begining to recognize that
county, stopping at all main points this brand of films can always be de
and several smaller towns on the river pended on
and will speak twice m Bandon next
faunday. Mrs. Kemp comes highly B. W. Chnrlesworth is in Bandon on
will also appear at the professor's re-
cital to be given in this city at about '- SPRUCE VALLEY SPRIGS
the time of tho Moose county conven-
tion. w W (?) (y W fy
Wedding bolls have been ringing.
Just in
Sec our display in
Acid Proof
tho local papers you are assured of i once along those lines mainly inter
seeing a master film that entertains, esting to women.
recommended from different state or- u business visit. Since lenvini? Ban-
ganizations of Oregon and will speak don some four years ago, with Mrs
Charleswortb, they have lived in Ari
Boyle Jewelry Co.
has a complete line of
The many friends of A. McNair are Pliss Ethel Martin, daughter of Mrs.
glad to see him on the street again. ' Combs was married July 27th to
He was down town Monday for the "'"'ort tulbertson of Coquille
nrtii. iiiiirt in nvnr in-n mniL-o i in sin. i
-- ,, u. ueese ami lamiiy have re-
fered a slight stroke at that timn but turned from a camping trip at tho
has been improving steadily. His lleattv beach where thev Knm,t Kov,.r.
i ii i-.....; i i . . .1 ' '
urowiur wavm wciNair was here to , ..VK ,, ,,., w!,h fr(,nis rr,
house and the Perry Veneer plnntP00. '"st )vocU m Myrtle Point uMnlon
Nathaniel McNair of Lovallon. Cal. u Ncal 18 loin somp Rlashing
. .... I(Mllnlt nvibntj fiintn n n SititiKiiriiiinint in
are here and nnother brother. Alex " i"u,"M,,:"H
MeNair of Tillnmook is ovnop(f.l in. 1,10 vcy.
day. Mr. MoNair's trouble was fore- Elder Reese preached at the Lenevc
told by a doctor of Seattle on his re- ranch at Bear creek Sunday afternoon
cent visit to that city. He had his at 2:110 o'clock.
blood pressure tested and the phys.
cinn told Mrs. McNnir that he was in
for a stroke and must take a rest.
zona, Texas and Southern California.
Mr. Chnrlesworth still owns some of
Handon's best tide flat lots, between
the Central Feed Company's ware-
Mr. Charleswortb, says that very few
places any where he has been that bu-
imiu'ss conciuinns appear any more
lively than in nt Bandon.
general line of
silverware for you to choose from,
Examine it closely nnd you will be nn
other admirer of this new Greek pat
tern which is guaranteed to bo the
bent you can secure.
Insist on tho be I.
We engrave free an old English
letter your own initial on every
nrtlclo you buy. Wn put Mm engruv
ing on jiul mm ini m mil II.
Boyle Jewelry Company
r.VWAKJ) Mj r. Mo ft. Ml III IMJWW Hldf
Vi'r t'ui) Ha Airuwnl
Mrs. Mary Walker and daughter
Miss Pearl are passengers out of Ban
(Ion this week on the Eliznjioth. An
i A.i .
oinur passenger on the same hoat is
.Mrs. Walker's brother Frank Flame
of Marshfield. TheWalkers are old
residents of the Coquille valley and as
they plan to make their home in the
future in Cnliforuia their going is a
matter of regret to friends and ac
quaintances in this city . Both are
public spirited people and have taken
an iictivn part in public enterprise)!
und will be iiiIhhciI In many way.
If you wunl J'lndliiy to lime your
planoH, leave onler with Mm Biindon
Furniture Co. AuifHIx
Ni'Xt Wiiimluy iiMit Auinwt I
we nro I" pretu'iil u Kpleiulld
ix rwtl iiniKruin of Ummul kIhIiiiim
ummm willed will be twin u tplmuliil
Miiiw puil IVIIwn drwrnu "Uul Of Tlitt
lllHlwT u ilruinu u Hunuv iinwiisiw
See us before you buy
Phone 371. Bandon
itntAJiAitiAiTii'.i" , -t--t.-t. .
B. W. Chnrlesworth who left the
cool breezes of Bandon about three
years ago for tho alluring wealth of
Arizona's arid land to bu placed under
irrigation and who lived near Casa
firande, has returned to Bandon, with
Mrs. Chnrlesworth, Intending to io-
iniiln. Mr. CliailiiHwortb Ntales that
he has purcliiiKcd Mm insurauce hunl-1
nexH of .Mr. A. (5, Thrift, nnd Mint for
ii... ii..,.. i i.... i... i.......
with i:. K. On lien. Mr. (tluuliwwditli
my (hut nnunclul comlltlimti in llnn
ilun iiiitwir u t""d u uny plnce lm
Iim mm wim-e living liem ami in ad-
ilillcn Iw living In Aiimm In ' nt 1 mm
Kttv M !! umJ I'vMmitl.
l, H, uitr liiqi, IJiiiiilim, fi huoii.
Spray for Potato Blight. Also
for Ginseng
40 cts a pound
A pound makes 5 gallons of
mmm ImLlu, m tU. II -t wM
vHM. W l jijn;. tup IU
Uw. M'f mm tour wM.
mv ww m Mi nmtsl Mmm lm.