The Bandon recorder. (Bandon, Or.) 1915-19??, August 03, 1915, Image 2

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    Imn xnnHIHnnn tmm the other sec-
Riinnnti DprnfiPt t,on9 afl in Coos eountv' We have' in
UdllUUlI UCI a few instances, known of young peo-
nle. irrown to, maturity who were born
Published weekly on Tuesdays on Coos bay, or have lived there the
by The Recorder Publishing Co., Inc. greater part of their lives who have
never seen Bandon; or people wno
hnvn lived manv vears at Myrtle Point
Entered at the Post Office at Ban- who haVB never seen tne ocean; of
don, Oregon, as mail matter of the people who have lived many years at
second class.
.Jake all checks payable and address
all .communications to the company,
Subscription price, $1.50 per year, in
The fine old statues and other piec
es of sculpture and relics of antiqui
ty in Europe are being ruthlessly de
stroyed by war, and those composed
of iron, bronze or heavier metals are
being converted into bullets or other
The bronze and iron lion which
marked the site of Waterloo, has been
appropriated by the Germans and
Rlverton who have not seen Bandon or
Coquille in years, and etc.
We once heard of a picnic party
from Marshfleld who went via Empire
to the beach, and on returning home
Inquired of an Empire citizen about
another road by which they could re
turn home. And the citizen stated that
he did not know as he had not been in
Marshfleld for nine years and then
incidentally remarked that although
he had lived in Empire for forty years
lie had never been over on the north
side of the bay.
This is partially due to the general
typography of the country and the
several independant business centers,
but wo believe the greatest reason is
the iniilequate transportation facil-
itieD. Automobiles will to a certain ex
tent o orcome this situation, but only
Hmong a certain class as all can not
afford autos, It requires good roads,
persistent work nnd slow development
tntwtn Intn lulling a
muw muw u.k.a I i . tA 1
m, . t . i 4 l swjp oy siep 10 unue more ciosmy uiu
The pope at Rome has grantott the . r .
necessary authorization to the Arch'
bishop of Vienna to allow the big bell
of St Stephen's cathcdial to be melt'
ed to manufacture amunitions. The
bell which weighs two hundred tons
is dated 1711 and was mado of 18!)
guns captured from the Turks,
borne bright future clay will see
much travel up and down tho Oregon
coast by tourist parties from the cast.
They will find the present roads con
verted from loL'L'iiiL' trails to a sort of
Interstate highway. The road from writer today preparing a book on the
Bandon to Marshfleld via tho Seven voluntary effect of the war,
different sections of our county.
The American relief associations
organized for the benefit of the Eu
ropean sufferers have been generally
commended as is evidenced by the fol
lowing communication under date of
July 24th, and bearing a London head
line, as taken from an exchange:
America, the most philanthropic na
tion in the world, has contributed thus
far in money alone nearly $25,000,000
to the allies, according to an English
that desire and a hard surface road to
Roseburg was agitated for years as
the best solution for our condition.
But the Recorder submits that the
requirements for such a road ceases
with the completion of the Eugene
Coos bay railroad. Within twelve
months the Coos Bay-Douglas road
will be used solely for local farm trav
el and nuto excursionists during the
summer months. Not denying that the
farmers along that road will be en
titled to some assistance, we beleive
that the money to be applied on that
road should be reduced and applied
principally on the roads within our
own county first.
Freight, mail and passengers will
without doubt,be prnctically absorbed
by the Willamette-Pacific railroad
very shortly and our first attention
should be directed toward the con
struction of roads from our several
farming sections to the local towns
railroad stations, by-ways and sid
ings; secondly to feeders for the trunk-
lines and thirdly to Roseburg or to
some outside point.
A road to Roseburg would be ben
eficial and if Coos county had plenty
of money, should be built. But with
limited sums for road building, wo
should expend it locally as being with
in our opinion is best calculated to
bring the greatest results to the
greatest number of our Coos county
Don't Give Yourself Cause To Regret It
Devils will bo a portion of that road.
ine construction or such a road, or
the beginning of the road would be
greatly appreciated by the local citi
zens, as well as visitors, and would be
used oven now, if built and would be
one of the greatest features in com-
The amount of work, money and
gifts is so great that it is impossible
to compute its value, the author says.
Highest praise is given to Ameri
cans in London, who have worked un-
stintingly in relieving distress among
the sufferers in the war. Among the
It states in substance that Germa
ny and America have always stood
for freedom on the highseas. That
the United States will continue to up
hold that freedom "From whatever
quarter violated, without compromise
and at any cost"!
The German government is there
upon invited by the American Govern
' ment to co-operate with this govern
incut in upholding those principals,
The True American Spirit was never
more emphatically briefly or genuine
ly expressed, and only once more brief
ly, when Pinckney said 'millions for de
fense but not one cent for tribute."
bininir two sections heretofore widelv leading Americans in London in this
separated by reason of the 20 miles of work is Gordon Selfridge, owner of
impassible roads. "ne 01 L,0"uon 3 department stores
ihe commission tor relief in llel
AN ALASKAN ANIVERSARY gium, formed under the auspices of
Fairbanks, Alaska plans a celebra- influential Americans and almost
tion in 1917. That date will mark the wholely conducted by Americans has
fiftieth anniversary of the government thus far imported into Belgium food
purchase of Alaska from Russia and supplies valued at more than $50,000
will also witnesss the completion of 000.
the government railroad from Seward The American Red Cross Society
to Fairbanks, which is intended as the has sent more than 70 surgeons and
northern terminal of the road. 200 nurses to the battlefields of Eu
rope as well as sanitary commissions.
AN IMPORTANT DATE The hospitals of this organization aro
The several cities on Coos Bay are scattered over all hostile areas in Eu-
planning to join in one big celebration rope. The Americun women's war re
or carnival next October to be desig- lief fund which has collected large
nateu as a bridge carnival on the oc- .urns for relief und organized manv
cusion of tho completion of tho big hospitals is now organizing another
steel swinging bridge across the bay, hospital in Devon with a capacity of
which tho Willamette-Pnciflc expects 250 beds. This was made possible bv
to have completed by that time. The Dr. Paris Singer, a wealthy American
dates most talked of are October 8th who donated tho buildinir nnd travn
anu uui and it appears that some pro- $25,000 toward its equipment.
gress is being mado toward the per-
fection of such a plan. Nobody on COOS-DOUGLAS ROADS
Coos Bay wil bo any happier upon the For many years Coos county has
Coos bay will be any happier upon the 1 earnestly desired a good road from
realization of all that it signifies than
little old Bandon.
It is probably true that in no coun
ty in Oregon, are the citizens of the
different sections of the county so lit
tle acquainted with citizens and busi-
Coos to Douglas county. Several tons
of U. S. mail has been hauled daily
over the road. Dozens of passengers
travel over the road each day one way
or the other. It has been the quickest
and best way to railroads and the
outside world. We wanted a railroad
but had no apparent realization of
Heat concentrated on the
cooking, not spread through
the room.
Wood and Coal
Heating up the kitchen when
it's already 90 in the shade.
Ready, like gas full heat in
a minute.
Bothersome waiting for
the fire to burn.
Adjustable heat a
fire or a hot one.
slow Difficulty in getting the right
Heat only as long as you
nt'cd it.
A clean, cheap fuel easy
to handle.
Waste of fuel before and
after actual cooking.
Wood and coal to lug dirt
and athes.
New Perfection
Oil Cook-Stove
tor M,l Htmllt U$ f$rl Oil
Tli roiimilrm uf fit for liomn lllimit m Nt odr,
VOtl IM unit lb twi Loiivtiiifiil inn Atk vuur
(Continued from page 1)
roads let tnem pay an annual tax on
their cars to be used for this purpose
as the large proportion of the auto
mobile owners do not own property
(other than the automobile) subject
to taxes and being good boosters and
users of roads, let them help pay for
the wear and tear caused by them
There are automobile associations
organized elsewhere for this purpose
and it can be easily carried out hem
Another thing to consider is the pet
ty jealousies that exists in the differ
ent parts of the county which, in my
opinion, does not bid well for general
improvement or upbuilding of the com
munity. Why isn't a certain amount
of the road taxes laid aside each year
to be used for permanent road build
ing? One part of the county states
that it will not stand for anything un
less it gets what the other part does
consequently no one is getting much
of anything. It is up to the county as
a whole to settle upon something de
finito and carry it out. What improv
es one part, improves the other that
much. By doing this, better results
will be arrived at and the cost cheap
ened. One thing necessary in roadbuilding
which is like everything else, is to
have some one who understands the
business; but where there are so many
road-builders, so called, who look for
ward to pay day only, results cannot
be expected. And where roadbuild
ing i scarried on in a dozen places in
stead of being centralized, tho cost is
far greater consequently not getting
what you should for the money.
Then here is another thing: if
planks are used nnd placed on the
ground crosswise it is only a few
years before they aro ns bad as a cor
duroy road; and furthermore, where
planks are laid on the ground without
any foundation, they soon go to piec
es as mere is naming to Hold them in
place, und where tho ordinary fir tins
ber is subject to weather conditions,
it soon decays.
,If we aro going to build roads by
bonding let us nt least build a road
thut will last until the bonds become
due and the better the material is used
the longer the roads will ast and the
best is the cheapest in the long run.
When one goes over the different
parts of the country and sees the
county's road machinery lay out in
tho rain all winter, It is a wonder that
we havu machinery nt nil to uui.
What in the uso of huyirur two iim-
dilni'M In flvi yearn when one, proper
ly lUKfll fUltl of will lUMt MM long?
Whoever Iiuh dmigw of tin county
piopMy should ,u hull rfioilhlu
tor nt cum.
llviu it for Kood rowU Ihut will let
u utu our nuiuy judlviouily without
living I Itf lutftMt par I uf It tu miiiu
) iwl Huihuiy fur II-
By William Steward Gordon
Come hurry up Sonny
And rustle your money!
No time to chase chipmunks if you're
to be there I
And you, Mollie and Bess,
Be a making that dress,
For this is the summer we go to the
They'll have all of them shows
And nobody knows
How big it wil be 'till a fellow guts
There's nil the concessions
From foreign possessions
And your quality cousins will be at the j
The world's coming our way,
But sharpers, they say,
Keeps you watching your wallet and
loaded for bear
But we'll camp on the "Trail"
If it takes the last nail,
For we've dug mighty hard to get
fixed for the Fair.
Then hurry up Honey
And rustle your money,
And get your new jacket and slick up
your hair!
Turn the calf with the cow,
And arrange it somehow
So the last little Webfoot can go to
the Fair.
Jit &
because you reg'ec'etl placing
your valuables in a safety de
posit vault. Many have re
greted their tardin ess inacting
fires and burglars have cost
them dear. Anything valu
able is worth taking care of.
Our vaults are fire and burglar
proof. We invite your inspection.
Bandon Oregon t
R AT liS SI. 00 TO $1 00 PER DAY
It is the abuse of liberty that makes
man imagination.
But the limit really has been reach
in the futurist styles of dieting. Here,
are a few samples as vouched for by j
C. H. Rowell in the California Out-'
A dish is announced composed o
smoked herrings mashed in raspberry
liberty dangerous. That is the reason jJam' served with salted whipped
that the republican form of govern- "earn. Another recipe is carrots boiled
ment has never been successful for '" a"l!. wmioui si-rao'ng or
any long period of time. To properly deaniiiRand served in vaseline. Still
use the privileges of liberty requires ttnotl,er is plum pudding served with a
restraint. Restraint is a matter of ed- h p composed or canned salmon,
I r j 1 ...
ucation and cultivation. A good illus- ""icesiersiiire reiisn, oil, vinegar,
tration can be seen in the actions of lPPur salt !"1 mustard. The ulti-
the doomed in the Titanic and the milte masterpiece of the new art is
Eastland disasters. These two boats strawberries, served in' ether. A less
carried distinctly different classes of daring substitute is strawberries and
nassemrers. When the Titanic sank vlnegar.
the majority of the men acted as be- 10'ell suggests a homeopathic
came them, coolly and calmly placed treatment for the futurists saying if
the weaker n the boats and sacrificed1 """"- painters were required to
themselves. In the Eastland disaster J-'at fuU"-'st cookery we might soon
it is recognized the death lisr is so ,lnve surcease of their paintings. He
News of Earlier Days
Interesting Itcm: From Recorder Files of
Ten and Twenty Years Ago
also suggests that these futurist
styles, music, poetry and tho lil have
u logical explanation in the night
mares arising from futurist cookery.
great because in the face of peri! it
became a wild scramble each for him
self and the weaker were forced to
The story of the Titanic is an illus
tration that the veneer of modern cul- There is a certain similarity be
tivation is not so thin as a great inapy tween a scientific wrestling match and
people imagine. one of these bent wire puzzles where
The recall and the referendum are the trick is to get one loot) into
instruments of liberty. They test the er which feat can only be performed
qualifications of a people to govern by arranging the wires a certain way.
themselves. Used in moderation they N a wrestling match the wrestlers are
are instruments for good enabling tho the wires and their constant aim is to
people who are the final cource of secure a certain hold upon the other
authority to obtain servants who will ' which a fall may be obtained.
lo their will. Hut both of these privi- musicians along wim ihcm.
leges have been more often abused
than used to advantage. They have ,, , . . ,,....,-,
been expensive an ineffective. All the '
more reason then why they should be W. V. Cone of Floras -,-,., l..i hi
nvoked with caution nnd only as a blacksmith shot, an.l wn.h i,., i.
last resort in the correction of a grave with a loss of $300. .
wrong. Ordinary processes can cor
rect ordinary ills. David L. Perkins had received his
Any agitation to invoke the init- captain's papers and vu3 running the
lative or the recall harlily or without steamer Dispatch while Captain
ue deliberation, should be frowned White took a lay off.
upon by all good citizens. ,.,.....
i-iiupoi anu .1a11 annul went
When North Bond s-jts out to cole- "s'l'ng and returned with a dozen
rate the completion of the bridge crabs, a ling and a large lien.
across Coos Hay why dhould not all
r this interested territory join 111 John White of Langiols wan sticken
ith them. This railroad is not merely with heart failure one day last week
North Ilend. It will connect the but recovered.
whole county with the outside world
A row of poles, two streaks of steel,
A road bed leading on and o-i
From timbered hilh to apple grows,
Across the laud we live upon.
Another link in that vast chain
Which binds all peoples into one:
Where oceans meet and nations greet
The rising and tlL setting sun.
By all means let us celebrate tho
completion or tho railroad bridge. Jt
will murk un epoch in this section.
(From Recorder, Aug. 2, 1895)
Miss 1 izzie Perkins died at Coquillu
( ity, aged 'JG years
Joseph Champ ino and Mis Flor.i
iveys uvie mairie-1 liurin-,' the wee'
by Justice Morse.
Ten wagons, loaded with people, ar
rived from RosehtK'g to camp on iho
Lots of lady campers were now
bathing daily on the beach. (Wondci
if this was a bonrh booming ad?)
Mate thrush had just imi-hed a
house in the woolen mill addition.
-Edward Oilman purchased a line of
furniture and proposed o su'l it in
connection with his wi.-ehcuse busi
ness. The population of Handon vaj es
timated at 800.
The dwelling at the light ho-jyo
was being built.
The black sand erain:-, are not n'l
dead yet and there is promise of int
erest in the blacksnnd business.
A dog light on the street came nea.
ending in 'a man figh'.. The o vncis of
the dogs wanted 10 reparato them but
I aulsen the pugilist wanted the doir
to fight and from the appearances of
tilings wanted to fight, himself. The
city inarshall ended tnu run , us
Chas. Schweitzer
tailor shop.
was to open 11
A public bathing was to bo
erected for the accomodation of tho
town's people. The roof was to bo
covered with shakrs and it se.miod
probable that there would e plonty
of shakers inside.
(From Recorder, Aug. U, 11)05)
' A large delegation from foquillo
came to town Stiuduy fo, a picuit and
brought a band composed of female
James Ii. Huell, an Oregon pioneer.
AJi uJ ) Jim wtait uf W(
If Vim YifUMt Ik iUnJur. U.Jmi
After all, ns our friend, tho Captain
remarked after the weekly walloping
of the Katzenjammer kids, "Pure art,
lot's dor stuff." When u mere by
stander barns that in nntiirt iht t i.
no such color '13 black und has be -ome
so used If eeing pkttilcH of pint)'"
cows nlbliii ; at purple Imybtiu I in
the purp! 1 tlnuie of u parple trt-o mi
a purple 'v mded Inii U-'ape lie in In
aluipu to take a few morn vtejis in tliU
ncli'WK call.-1 nit.
Tint futiiriift fuil liuv about ,'iin lt
I'ouiutt und liuviiitf Imlnfully ullnrtixl
tvry fni in uf puiMllny, mulpluiu mul
illuitiutlon u now limiting Air frtmli,
fluid In which to Uiwrniplliih (Jin tfttti-
MllJmiul HllJ Ui'p II liuiij 1 i pub-
Hi- uUuuUmi im )nl 11 lull
f IhUnt I'm. Im Utu iimi.- tutit i
w - - f
Hi Irt IN, nt JMUKiliiyl liltf ll.,i
is a tent that will stand hard wear and
That won't come apart through cheap material or
Than ill he as good next year ami the year after,
as it is the fim reason.
yon can jct such a Tent hy atiking for the "Will
amette" and making mire our trade-mark i on it,
hvery Tent is guaranteed to give ahbolutetatibfacton,
"WMumtlh" Trnlf im mmli In nil $Ut nml tlyht,
Tlt rutl 00 mm IkiiM frnlt it 1 1 limit imw, nryunrnnhf,
W)T Bale hy AN IMfahlo J)nJrH