The Bandon recorder. (Bandon, Or.) 1915-19??, July 27, 1915, Image 6

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    Mb .YV I . 4
G. T. Trcadgold was a visitor in
Marshficld Wednesday.
Webb Fahy and family started on an
auto trip to the fair last week.
A. J. March of Port Orford was in
Bandon Sunday.
See the specials advertised by the
Golden Rule in another column
Jeir French was up from Port Or
ford today.
F. M. Boown was up from Lang
lols yesterday.
Wallace Pomeroy of Langlois has
departed for Portland to see Will
Guerin who is sick in a hospital there.
Mrs. K. A. Thorhavcn and daughter
Clara visited with friends in Langlois
one day last week.
B. A. Copple was over from Marsh
field Thursday looking after his busi
ness interests here.
If its n Paramount its worth your
while to come to the Grand to see it
every one a real feature.
There aro reported to have been COO
visitors in Bandon from Myrtle Point
E. N. Smith who recently brought
up his family from Riverside, Cal. was
over from Myrtle Point Sunday.
J. Machado of Myrtle Point was
among the visitors at the festivities
Ed. Thrift of Langlois recently
bought a Buick automobile through a
Marshfield agency.
Postmaster Hugh McClaiu was a
mong the crowd from Marshfield Sun
Architect School has made plans
for a $2,000 house which Bob Prcssey
will build at Two Mile.
Remember The Girl From the
Golden West nt tho Grand next Sun
Ernest Sidwcll is laying off on store
work at present and is ranching it nt
Lam pa.
Mrs. H. Ramsay and Mrs. Knight
and family arc camping on the beach
this week.
Tom Griffith and house guests en
joyed a few days camping at Whisky
Run last week
F. H. Tichenor expects his family
from Portland to arrive at Marshficld
Dr. H. M. Shaw came over from
Marshficld Thursday on his regular
The Speedwell came in Wednesday
after noon and loaded lumber and
ties for her Southern trip.
Mrs. Delia Renno who has ! con visit
ing with relatives in this county has
started back to her homo at Santa
Barbara, Cal.
Death of Old Gentleman Remarks by Mr. Rushton
Wm. Ratlao was born at Mt Vernon, Joseph Rushton, an English social
Indiana October 15, 1S49. Most of ist gave tho last of a series of four
his life was spent in Indiana and 111- lectures at the Latter Day Saints
inois. Seventeen years ago ho came church Wednesday night. "Team
west and has lived in Colorado nnd Work" was tho suhin.-t f i,,v .'..
. . , I J -'- tttuiU
The Girl from the Golden West is" California. He came to Bandon laut
our big Paramount attraction for Sun
dav August 1. Dont fail to see this
master piece at the Grand.
H. W. Mast and family, Claude
Waters and family, Wm. Myers and
family were down from Lee over Sat
urday night and Sunday.
October. He is survived by a son and
a daughter, Benjamin Ratlao ol Se
nttle and Mrs. Edwin Howes of Ban
don. The former arrived here a few
hours before his father' death.
Following a sickness of two weeks,
Mr. Ratine died at II o'clock Saturday
morning. The funeral was hold at
anu no proceeded it with a scrintural
reading and based bin lecture as a
sermon. He waxed eloquent on the
virtues of self restraint and instanced
a local political gathering which was
held as a picnic where a faction devel
oped and one side took one side of the
street and the other side the ntlw.r
Abe. Barrows was allowed a vaca- ., ,.,,,,.,. lln,io,.!1kin1r nnrlnra nt iuul sa,d nothing could bo accomplish
i 1.1 l.T'.l 1. II 1 1. -' O I 1 il .1. - .
lion lasi wee rnuuy lo .uuiuu.y m. - . oVlopl. Mondav and the interment cu "J " K oi team wort
cause of a shut down of the Smith mn(Jo ,n m ., wmotury Rov c. He istancod the Irish people which
mill at Marshfield nnd spent the time M KnRht omciiltin(; had developed strong individuals; It
acre in uunuuii. ,ni nrni tiro. cnl.1l..., i
I 1 I ' IVtU Ul
Mrs. Emma Ericsson, for many A. It. Candlin ot ban rrancisco is ators, great jurists, nainters -mil
... . I... -l .... .. ... I. I '
years a resident oi mis cuy inu oi spending nts vacation una ins uncio, ets.nono greater, but through lack of
late years of Oakland, arrived in Ban- Win. Candlin at Coquille. lid uccom- team work it had never had influence
uon last wcck ana win manu nur o"""-- panied Mr. and Mrs. Uandlin to Uan- as a nation
heic. ilnn Thursdav and lliev enioved the
Our next big Paramouiic feature is j,,,. cn the beach
entitled "Cameo Kirby" with Dustin
Fan -tint in the leading role in five
reels of nictures at the Grand next
Thuvid y, July 29.
Edison features are worth talking
Jos. Fyfe, Jr. of the Estabrook Co.
arrived in Bandon on a business trip
Thursday. Ho came overland and by
good fortunes in making connections
He spoke of the soldiers who had
returned to England after the Napo
leonic wars, how they had sacrificed
for the common good and on return
ing homo their taxes and rents
had been raised by the stay at homos
One lot of Ladies
Waists at reduced prices.
MIhh Hudson given Goodhy Party at
the Home of Mrs. Ella Nelson
At the homo of Mrs. Ella Nelson,
23H !lrd nnd Chicago Ave. Friday,
July 23, a farewell reception was giv
en Miss Laura Hodson by the Epworth
League of tho M. E. church. Tho re
ception room was attractively decora
ted in lnvendcr with white crepe pa
per, sweet peas, St Joseph lilies and
largo lavender candles.
itany pinK and lime ribbons were
strung from the electric light to the
walls of tho dining room. Pink baby
roses, sweet peas, and large pink
candles were prominent features in
the decorations of this room.
The evening was spent in jolly
games and near tho wee sma hours of
the morning dainty refreshments
wore served which consisted of pink
and white ice cream, cake nnd colfee.
At a late hour abour fifty of Miss
Hodson's friends departed for homo
bidding her good-by and nil wishes
for a pleasant journey and a prosper
ous future. I
about Wo show a three part Edison
next Wednesday night entitled "The
Stoning" a film of unusual power pro
duced in three reels of pictures.
Edison avenue received n thorough
overhauling for the big doings, was
smoothed over, holes filled up and wet
down and now presents a very res
pectable appearance.
Thomas Devoreaux of Parkersburg
with his family, have joined tho com
pany that is making tho trip to San
Francisco and the fair by auto these
Mr. and Mrs. L. I. Wheeler aro
back from their honeymoon visit to
Ton Mile, They had planned to stay
longer but were called back by stress
of business.
A petition signed by city business
succeeded in making tho trip from and they had the privilege not only of
San Francisco to Bandon in twenty
nine hours.
A rock thrown by the force of tho
blast in the quarry at tho government
works Thursday evening wont through
the roof of the Forshay home. The
blast was smaller than usual but up
poured to have the right combination
for effect.
H. Maskey received a telegram from
Portland Wednesday announcing that
his wife had been oueratod on there
in n hospital, that her trouble had
proved to bo not as flociou? as was an-
ticipatod and that she was getting
along very nicely.
Remember you can have tho pleas
ure of seeing the big Paramount pic
tures at tho Grand twice every week;
doing the soldiering but of footing tho
bill as well. He instanced a Kentish
town where on a mural decoration
there were a number of figures, a
king, a bishop, a juijgc, a soldier and
a plain man. Under the king was in
scribed: "I rule for all." under tho
bishop, "I pray for all"; under the
judge, "I expound the law for all";
under tho soldier, "1 fight for all";
and under tho common man was in
scribed, "I pay for all."
The Ferryman at Coquille is report
ed to have crossed 208 cars 'to and
from" Bandon mostly "to", as all did
not return that day. The most of
the Myrtle Point doligation, came in
cars via the Argo road, and did not
men to appoint ex-Officer Lorenz as a Thursdays and Sundays. Those photo cross the Co(iuillo FelTV at a
second night officer, was acted on un
favorably at tho last meeting of the
city council
The Easter Star had work last Fri
day night tho candidate being Ernest
Sidwell A banquet was iiad at the
close of the work and a fine time re
James Mast, wife and mot her of
McKinlcy and his sister Mrs. .lames
Benham of Brewster were in town for
a visit Wednesday and spent the night
here. Mrs. Mast, Sr. stopped over for
a longer visit with Bandon relatives
Mrs. McMulIcn, formerly a resident
of Bandon but now of northern Call
fornia is in the city visiting with old
friends. Her son Archie is in the
hands of a specialist for treatment in
Some of tho residents of the city
aro pretty slow in their special as
sessments and the city attorney has
been instructed to go after them with
a sharp stick if they do not come to
time with payments in the near future
A petition to the council asking for
liny for the excess of the salary from
the time ho was reduced to $50 to the
time he was let out, on tho part of
former Officer Engeleke was referred
by tho council to tho city attorney.
Loyal Wiren has started for Astor
ia where ho will go to work as a mu
chinist. Ho has boon employed in the
Bandon Iron works and also with the
dredge Seattle while it was woiking
Keeorder Kausrud is planning to
take a vacation next month and hopes
to be able to go to his former home
at Rico Lake, Wis. where his parents
still live. This will be his first vaca
Hon in five years,
play masterpieces are shown in Iho
finest theaters in the United States
and arc today taking the lend over
all tho so called feature films.
A pleasant social event of last Wed
nesday evening was a rummy party
given at the home of Clay and Miss
Sadie Garoutte last Tuesday coning
those present being Mr. and Mrs. S.
Johnson, A. F. Deringer, Mr. and Mrs.
C. F. Pape, Mr. and Mrs. Clifford, Mr
and Mrs. Carl Garoutte and Evorard
Boyle. Luncheon was served and a
fine time enjoyed by nil.
Rev. W. II. Smith and family left
Bandon Tuesday for their annual va-
Some Coos Bay Cars crossed tho
Coquille Ferry, but many others
came over the seven Devil's road.
One section of the automobile pa
rade was made up of a Curry county
contribution; cars from Langlois and
Port Orford.
There wore three incoming boats
and judging from tho capacity of tho
boats they must have carried a few
more than 500 people.
Judging from tho facilities for trav
eling there must have boon 1500 vis
itors to Bandon Sunday.
Dr. Straw of Marshfield is report
ed us suyinur that you miitht as well
$2.50 Waists
$2.25 Waists
$1.65 Waists
$1.25 Waisis
to $1.50
to $1.40
to $1.00
to 75c
34 TO 42
The Golden Rule
Athletic Club Opening
cation. They expect to spend the time jump into the bay and expect not to
nt Yachato near Yaquinna and there
will be joined by Prof, and Mrs. Hop-
tins who will come down from Eu
gone for the purpose and it is likely
that Miss Bertha Wilkins will also bo
of tho party. Mr. Smith had rigged
up a hiking outfit and expected with
his daughter to walk at least a por
tion of the way, hunting and fishing
along the road.
vrom a iwaineur county paper
comes an item that will bo of inter
est to mnny Bandon friends of Mr,
renn. "1. w. 1'enn has hied upon a
homestead claim about ten miles out,
Mr. Ponn says ho likes Juntura and
has decided to cast his lot amongst
us. We are exceeding glad of this for
he is a man of sterling character and
will be a tower of strength in build
ing up the moral and social life of
the community.
Because of financial Complications
brought about by tho litigation over
the Oregon and California and South
get wet as to toll me there is a day
in Bandon when the wind does not
blow. Many reliable people from
Marshfield who wore both sane and
sober modestly told us that Sunday
was a hotter day and with loss wind
than they had had in Marshfield for
a week
Tho following is the passenger list
of the Brooklyn which came in Sun
day night. David Alexander, Ra.en
Ganistock, O. A. Footo nnd wife,
Louise Payne, Francis Cornwall, C. M.
Nalt, Carl Lanara, Cap. Anderson.
After breasting northwest winds
for seventy four hours out of San
Francisco tho Elizabeth arrived
Thursday with the following passen
ger list: Miss Flora McLeod, Miss
(Catherine Kemoii, Mr. and Mrs. A. W.
Charlesworth, Otto Sabro, J. S. Rob
erts, A. Prein, J. Steward, S. C. Oren
dorf, Mrs. J. Johnson, Miss Hattie
Johnson, Mrs. E. Erickson, Mrs. Mar
crn Oregon land grants, tho county of Karet Sadler and two children, Mrs,
of Coos finds itself with over one A. Prein, Paul Ivirschman, O. F.
Boyle Jewelry Co.
-Reconstructed Rubies-
for July birthdays. They are also very
suitable for an engagement ring.
Insist on Diamond Cut Rubies of bril
liancy and accept no substitute.
We can furnish any size stone out of
stock and set it in a mounting at once.
Another Shipment of the Popular
"Allu'iiu" silverware just received,
Initials engraved free.
Boyle kmlty Company
I VI HAHII H0VI I, Myr fm in tl 1 INI W ftiy
Wr t un hu AmuiU
hundred and seventy five thousand
dollars in outstanding warrants and
no money with which to pay them. On
top of this tho officials of the Southern
Oregon company hnvo brought suit
to recover nearly $157000 deposited
with tho county treasurer for the pay
mont of taxes.
In prolate court hero on Tuesday
tho petition of Arthur T. Coach to bo
relieved of the guardianshin which
Kirshman, Gus Sabla,
Tho Elizabeth took out tho follow
ing passenger list Saturday: L. Kate
Rosa, Mrs. Geo. Goisendorfer, Mrs.C.
M. Spencer, Maude Lowe, Mrs. C. V.
Lowe, J. W. Springer, Rayner Gois
endorfer, Mrs. J. W. Springer, Mrs. S.
P. Springer and 2 girls, Ida M. Cu-
kins, Mrs. S. J. Mann, Ethel Clilford, .
John Weaver, A. A. Baker, Mrs. W.
W. Elliott, Maxine Elliott, Mrs. N. R.
i IHv
Smiling Dutch who came to Bandon
about a month ago to arrange a match
with Lutsey against a San Francisco
wrestler, has made up his mind to stay
with us. Ho has rebuilt the interior
of the Lorenz building upstairs and
transformed it into a gymnasium and
general athletic club rooms. The
center of the main room is taken up
wiUi n ring and wrestling mat and
seats for spectators are arranged for
Ho has also equipped the rooms with
hot and cold shower baths, a ruhliin'
room and a dressing room. He also
has a reading room, a card room and
an exercise room in which is found a
punching bag, and other forms of ex
ercisers. Dutch plans to open up these rooms
with a grand opening next Saturday
night and has arranged the following
Wrestling match between M. G.
Lutsey, champion of Curry Count '
and Jim Wilson, tho 18 year old wresi
ling wonder.
Tho special event will be furnished
by Geo. Sutton, the new champion of
Port Orford and Frank Norton of
North Bond, both wrestlers.
The last event of the program will
bo a four round boxng match between
Vane Garten and Mid Jorgosen
Dutch has made a big cfFoit to get
the best he could possibly get and pro
mises the sports u good time at his
irand pening.
Hicyclc Kcp:iiis S.uv Filing
mid Rcuiring A Specialty
Plume 471
I' O. Box 17-
S. D. Barrows
Will lake iinlcrs for ltic-i It-it uf all kimls
anil I'lipi- MuliirCxIi'S Uo Cohan ltow
hoal Motors.
Victor, Victrolas
Sabro Bros.
and records
C. I. Starr has hfn engaged to put
in a sprinkling system for ttio Prosper
Wanted: A good woman 2 or '3
hours a day for chamber' work. Apply
Vale hotel.
Before buying hardware elsewhere
eo the Star-Mast hardware com my
and get prices. They have just rectiv
ed a shipment of hardware. They arc
retailing nail, at 1 cts a pound and
other hardware accordintrlv. tf
was imposed upon him by Judge Hall Smith, Mrs. A. A. Baker, Grace Todd,
over six months ngo when his sister, Myrtle Blake, Mrs. L. C. Hudson, Mrs.
Mrs. Ixo J. Cnry, was given chnrgo of E. M. Kay, O. L. Loidenbloom, wife
his affairs, camo on for hearing before and child.
Judge Watson, A largo number of wit
nesses were examined and thee use
was not concluded until lato on
Wednesday, Judgo Watson reserving
his decision then.
Card of TIuiiiKh
Wo want to thnnl: tint neighbor
who tihowed iih ho much l;liwln' In
our rmutnt narrow.
Itoiijiimln (Inline
Mm. IMuIn lowi
Ingrmol wniriw for your fluhlng
Irliw wi U bought (mm Uuhm lire.
IVIwr f Ul Mini f J.f,0. if
lln'Hkl I'll) likll A MM-Ulll tf
I'HMI-U Wilh H lIlfllHtMMl Hi tl (H, Will
llw. tmtm wlm iMittl It mi ut tk
tmk i tit) bill m Mmm A.i tm-
Tho following la the ptsjiengor lint
of the Speedwell which .irriv.'d in port
Wednesday: Alice Whitu, Crnct Whito
Eva CrippH, .I1kh B. Sclieltor, K. Coul-
tor, J. L. Snyder, E. W. .Schi-tti-r, J.
Juwltz, L. W. Trumbull, Mr. and Mm.
A Jack, V. Gardner, L. V. .bullion,
N. I'etemon, Gun Sutter, Mr. Wm.
Htoviuikon, A. B. Daly, I. E. 'nni'll,
It. J. Hull, W. I.. Wayluiid, I.. F. Holt.
H. M. Iftitmi ami family, Id I IIuitIm
15. A. Iliown, To in (hUi. V.-rU U
JKS.Sk LASKV presents
"Dustin Farnum"
Him Wk ItfrHjb yawl ot '! Iwrf
tjtjdily nt tmmmid jwiw. it
J," II, ia'7)
timtnMii mi
IHlt Plaint mu) Uimn
in five ivi-U of X
A roniiiniii dr
aniii of the soiiili
Million I'iiinriH
HigKu IV, I',...,,... tmWiuu
COMING "The CJM uf Dm. OoMttn Wn.l" nrxl
tSiinUy, Auul l
pmum, Umih MM i Ot. Ibv
MM1 4111 tf MHt m&i,