The Bandon recorder. (Bandon, Or.) 1915-19??, July 27, 1915, Image 2

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    Bandon Recorder
Published weekly on Tuesday?
by The" Recorder Publishing Co., Itic
Entered ut the Tost Office at Bar
lion. Oregon, as mail mutter of tin
second class.
hie ul! clie.-'M payable and ed.lie;,.
nil eoninuinieatio.iB to ( lit company
Subscription price, $1.50 per year,
From an exchange we take the fol
lowing item under date of July 21u,
under n Medford headline.
"The largest tourist party ever to
visit Crater Lake left Medford today
in 12 automobiles under the direction
of J. K. Grimm of Lancaster, la.
There were 10 men and women in the
party, the tour having been booked by
the Raymond Whitcomb company. All
records for travel to the lake are be
ing smashed daily now and Superin
tendent Steele predicts the total "will
reach 10,000 before snow flies. This
is a good sign for the future. The
people of the eastern part of the Unit
ed States have in recent years been ac
customed to globe trotting, each sum
mer, their travel however being con
fined principally to the half dozen ice
pinniclcs in Switzerland, made famous
because conquered by Hannibal 20
centuries ago, and to n half dozen cos
mopolitan cities, full of antiquity,
fine wines, musis, gay life and cafes,
all of which has been costing the
American people annually upwards of
$175,000,000 -half enough to build
the Panama canal.
The Western part of the United
States is ignored by the East. Sonic of
the biggest big business concerns, ab
solutely refuse to consider nnything
West of the Rockies, as too remote to
bo of any interest.
We surmise that business and pleas
ure trips go well hand in hand, and
that pleasure excursions into a strange
laud may result in future business
trips; that one reason why so many
travel to Europe, and that business
has taken the attitude that it has
toward the West is because of the
numerous so-called booking-companies
Promoting summer excursions is theii
business, and they expend great sums
in advertisements. The West in un
known to them. The European war
has destroyed their business. They
are looking for a new stock in trade,
and the most apparent substitute in
the Great West, and particularly the
Pacific Coast.
There are somo people in our vicini
ty and every other we presume who
do not want additional population, but
we are not in harmony with them, and
do not expect them to appreciate our
suggestion, following; and fortunately
they are all in the minority. We pro
pose that a number of towns lying in a
given line of travel club together
through their commercial organiza
tions to publish a booklet of their very
best lines of attractions, including
hotels, and other accomodations, and
put these in the hands of various a
bovc mentioned booking companies
who will do the rest. For instance
the red womi forests of California, the
combination of mountain and ocean
Hcones of Curry County, and the Reach
at Ilaudon, Coos Hay and Shore Acres
the beauties of the Umpqun, a trip
over the newly opened road from Sius
law to Newport, should be one link, in
the long chain of attractions from San
Half the fun is taking
your own tent and living
out in the open. Buy a
Tent that you know is
(uMi'wurlrNili'iiiHrb wii
knur uuuruiilii nil klunil In lilml II. J' .ullii
ri h .ii i4iiu n.i.j
JlliwIi'WVJ MwinfwrjiHliiK;
Diego to Nome, Alaska. The forcgo
! ig idea, if not original, at least was
never suggested to us by any one, yet
we ,-iv no copy right on it, and any
I mi in ir organization is at liberty to
auo . . id perfect it. We only crave
the r. mission of helping. We sug
gest Unit the pamphlet be neither too
l-irge nor expensive. Say 25 pages
at most with not to exceed that many
first class pictures "done up" in an at
tractive maner, fine papers in colors
if possible, together with information
i to character of roads, manner
of travel, distances etc., and for the
love of Mike, make no mention of
mineral, timber or agricultural re
sources. If we succeed in our enter
prise, and the visitors "are booked"
then strew the trail with as many bu
siness features as we may, but in this
2. page book proposed mention only
attractions, which will attract those
Eastern people who desire to spend
that $175,000,000 on pleasure: why ?
i. c. on fishing, hunting, scenic beauties
and climate. An organization of com
mercial bodies on the line from Red
woods of Eureka, to Newport and
Yaquina, might co-operate with like
organizations, as a unit all the way to
Alaska. Portland and the Columbia
Highway, should be one link in the
chain of attractions; the cities of the
Puget Sound another, the inland water
why to Alaska another. The Arrow
Lakes the Sellkirks and Ranff of
Rritish Columbia on the line of the
Canadian Pacific competing for a
share of the travel on the return home
of tourists might form another
section. Why should not the Raudon
Commercial Club initiate the idea by
corresponding with and soliciting the
co-operation of all cities from Eureka
-o Newport.
What could be the cost of 1000 copi-t-H
of a 25 page booklet divided and
apportioned between these different
points? A mere triffle! Then in
stead of sending broadcast to disinter
ested hands, or to a prospective re
sident who will come west and locate
if he can first be assured of a home
stead or if he can first sell out whore
he is, Send all of these pamphlets to
Rooking Companies. They will do
the rest. They will bring the people.
If the people don't stay, they may
leave a few millions bythe way, and
by the way they might return.
It can truthfully be said that trans
portation facilities, hotel and theatri
cal accomodations along the lines are
not the best in all the towns, but if the
demand is sufficient the wants will be
supplied. There are an abundance of
automobiles and boats along the way
waiting to be chartered and com
mandeered into special service.
To assure us that we are not talk
ing vapid nonsense we solicit answers
or suggestions on this idea from the
Recorder's readers, other exchanges
or any commercial club that gets the
nr lli product of 111 yearn cxpi'rii'iico in
Mil iniiKiiig. Any J out iniiHt HtiuiM liunl
nli in all IdniUof wi'iitlu r, WJiy not H-t
)l A MTV Tint on., tlmi will lu riy for
iH-xt yt'iir iiimI Did iur u(Ur,
VVIIUiuillv" at untir tlinv mW ,".7r,"iT
ihf Tml. Ill jn&"Cos
With the July number the Philistine
that little periodical of protect that
served to introduce Elbert Hubl an! t.i
the literary world came to an end. Its
founder vas one of the. victims of the
Lusitania and as the Philistine had
since its first issue been only his
mouth jpiece with which his personal
views had been puolUhed to the world
it was considered fitting that the mag
azine should end with him.
Hubbard, like Ingersol, was the son
of a uoiyyman and like the great ag
nostic he had the dramatic instinct
and he faculty of .striking a hon!
that wo Jd comma 1 p.i. '.ic attention
He mi'di; a fortune in the manufacture
of soap and acquiring leisure set about
establishing a name for himself as a
literary man. His "Little Journeys"
did not cling close enough to the con
ventiomi" to suit the editor; and fail
ing to find a markit fo- them .n the
established magazines Hubbard set
about establishing a magizino foi
Fro i.i the stmt he was successful
His satire his epigrann and his uncon-
veiitionalit.v appeared upon the stage
at the right time. He became the
vogue had a multitude of imitators.
His mannerisms, hisi characteristics
his flow or language set him apart as
one of the elect and although he had
his share of the frailties of humanity
'he tciuioiiy will be to overlook these
in a man who placed the stamp of his
originality upon his generation.
If he had chosen he could have se
lected no better memorial than that
the Philistine shall be buried with him
and that its memory shall be forever
associated with the man who founded
and conducted it.
It is announced that by the middle
of October the big bridge of the Wil
limette-Paeilie railroad will be built
across Coos bay and that by the be
ginning of the new year, with the ex
ception of ferrying across the Sius-
law, passengers can travel by rai1
from Eugene to Coquille.
The coming of the railroad will
mean not only the coming of a new
but of a ililfereiit class of citizens.
While the boats have served the him
ner industry, agriculture does not
thrive nor reach its best development
under that class of transportation
The agriculturists who follow a rail
road are the hard headed kind who
take as few chances as possible and
who hao to be shown before they lo
cate. A mil road will mean a better
market for agricultural products.
With the railroad's coming, cut over
lands will be cleared up very much
more rapidly than in the past.
A railroad will also accentuate the
resort possibilities of this section.
When the cool summer climate and
the attractive beaches shall bo more
accessible to the people of the interior
they will come to the coast and many
of them will make this section their
home for the mere pleasure of living
Rut prospective residents, especial
ly the desirable kind, people with fam
ilies, will, before they locate make
sure that conditions are as near as
possible to what they would have
them, will inquire concerning schools
and churches.
j The slogan of the Port Orford Car-
nival this year that the "Carnival is to
Jbe a moral carnival" was originated
by a man with a prophetic vision. He
(hees the big change that is going to
.come to these isolated counties and
j lie wants to build for Port Orford in
j advance the advantage of a good rep-
j The time Im coming rapidly when a
civic reputation for morality and char-
j actor will bo worth dollars and hhiU;
to any yottloiiumt in llilv Coo.(!urry
I country.
During Uiu luil IK immtlui AlunU
out uUwil I Um ut ukl ImiI
bun, Hiw4i'iluMl wWtthl, ' voIumJ ul
uimtUMM iwm tiitflii mtilkM tJuUam
All ItUI INiMM WliN lm JU1MMWU4 itftil)
tt AiMtl MM ii Muttlii Wir liHf
HUM mV lll u llutl III hi fluMtljlJ.,,, iu. ,UMI idUtM
it difficult to locate the miner after a
few weeks of unsuccessful search goes
down to the river ar.d fishee for a
ccaroii and then knocks off work for
'ho remainder of the year. Rut that
f he had to 1 ring out gold or sHrve
there would bo just as much forthconi-1
ing here no there. To those who
have given any attention to local
mineral conditionn in South Western
Oreiron this statement is accredited
vith come truth and ficttion.
The Oregon v'oter, :i new publica
tion in Portland, devole some kiisco
in editorial comment aywi'st the pro
posed $400,000 bond hsu.' in Coos
county, if spent for plan! road. It
nays the plank will last front 8 to 7
years and the bonds will last 20 years,
and that one of the worst wnllups that
could be taken nt Coos county timber
would be such a bond issue.
There is on the face of that argu
ment much apparent good reason,
but an investigation of loral condi
tions will reveal the fact thar to build
such a hard surface road such as we
generally call pavement would require
probably upward of a loup'.e of mil
lion. The ?I00,000 proposed, if ex
pended for hard surface, would build
probably 20 or 25 miler. and no more.
And the population of this county is
divided up among at least seven in
corporated cities, scattered over the
different parts of the eoimty. Wo be
lieve Coos is the only eoumy in the
state having as many as five citL's of
over 1,000 each. They are scattered to
the several sections of the county.
Now when mud gets immeasurable in
depth in winter and the bed of your
wagon skids along the surface of the
mud like a scow and the citizens of
the several towns desire to travel
from one to another what would 20
miles of hard surface road amount to
And we wish tp call attention to
the fact that this county has been ex
pending upwards of $100,000 each
year for the past decade and more on
roadwork which is of more or less
temporary character, making the
roads fine this year and impassable
next year. The repair of a plank road
would not amount to nearly so much
as the former cost of repair until our
assessed value is equal to the under
taking of a better road.
We desire to suggest to The Voter
that the timber interests of Coos
county have not suffered and will not
suffer by increased taxation, but that
our chief asset, agricultural develop
ment, has been, and is likely for some
years yet, to be retarded by reason of
the want of roads which are semi
passable at all seasons of the year.
Plank will answer the needs to all
purposes and intents, it will aiiord
tne most relief to the greatest number
of people for the least money for the
longest proportional period of time.
Another Auto Collision
Another of those frequent auto col
lisions on the sharp curves of the Rau
don road took place at four o'clock
fuesday afternoon near the coal
chute this side of Riverton. Warren
Davis was coming this way with his
Ford and says he had brought his car
to a standstill at the curve, when Jo
seph Fish, driving Page's Ruick came
around the turn and struck his auto
head on. None of the passengers were
seriously hurt though the people in
the Ruick were thrown from their
seats and a little boy somewhat
bruised by being thrown against the
wind shield. Among the passengers
in the Ford was George Moulton ot
this city who says it all happened so
suddenly that he could hardly tell
whether the car was still or in motion.
Rut of one thing ho was sure, and
that was that the Ruick made no move
to turn out and was on the wrong side
of the road when it struck. The Ruick
was running about ten miles nn hour
and the end of its axle ripped one of
the Ford tires, bent the axle and dam
aged the entire front of the car to tlm,
amount of $M), Mr. Davis says. Fili,
evidently, was looking in another ili-j
rection and did not see the Ford until,
he was right upon it. Coquille Son-
At a wrestling
mutch at Mvitln;
Lumber! of Pow-'
Point recently. Gen
em got Hie nrm ion mini riiuiu
.i . . . . it r l.t I.
Martin, known km tint wrortllng boot
hlnrk in 17 minute and loaned tit
Korntid fall in 'I mlniito ISO urn
I'lin kltmiihii- Yullowilfliiit ih Into
Mm woiL of oiw at IW put" (
I'tm Iktv JfoHfc
ittdW HUB tiMMW.
HmtiU Ibn4 hit w '' fcrfwr,
lil jmuI W) lit (4t' wi wl
Don't Give Yourself
gs? ' Jt i ljii niHr
News of Earlier Days
Interesting Items From Recorder Files of
Ten and Twenty Years Ago
(From Recorder, July 27, 1005)
A fire started in the roof of the
wasn room of the Tupper house but
luckily was discovered in time ami put
out before causing much distinction.
Andrew Rossen and Miss Stdnam
were married at Dairy ville July 27th
Mrs. Annua Mecum died at Prosper
July 25th.
Edna the 2 years old daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. John Ruckingham died
at Monroe, Oregon, July 17th.
Cody's logging camp near Lampa
creek is employing between -10 and 50
The last game of the season was
won by Randou from Coquille and tne
league bad apparently broken up.
The Latter Day Saints were to hold
a ten days camp meeting early in
A base ball game between the steam
boat men and the business men of Ran
don resulted in a victory for the form
er. Rlackerby, pitcher for the E. M.
and Hark Dunham, who held
first base for the S. M. appeared to be.
the stars. The line up for the business
men included the names of F. Cro.s-,,
Waldvogel, Ad. Cross, Rlackerby, Re
dillion, Manciet, Dygart, Knell and
Kennedy. For the steamboat men,
Fox, McCord, Snyder, Willard, Dun
ham, Moomaw, Lewis, Iluiton, Panter
(From Recorder, July 2(i. 1S!'5)
Steve Gallior was in from North
Curry with a load of wool.
1 The Denmark dramatic troupe was
Every Convenience of Gas
A jrood oil stove lights like fjas, reg
ulates like gas, cooks like gas. And
it does away with tlie dirt, delay
and waste heat of a wood or coal
New Perfection
Oil Cook-Stove
'(if hit Htiullt U,0 '0rl Oil
lUHut, liriU, roaM, U MfiiYily. JDot'i ovory
tbfcitt yuur wtJtxl t ami uii- will l. Hu ulur.
)luo mi mm tli l Hum jiui uwlmi Uio
UiH'i. H- ul 4l' mihJ !. Ah yuMf 4mW.
f lUliMtttliuU.
'!'A!i DA ! gOlA VhW
Cause To Regret It
Iiectuise you regVc'ed placing
our valuables in a safety de
posit vault. Many have ie
fjreted their tardin ess inaetin;
fires and burglars have cost
them tlear. Am thing valu
able is worth taking rare of.
Our vaults are fire anil burgla
proof. We invite your inspec
tion. OF BAND Oft
to give an entertainment at Dairyvilh.
The :.vcssary capital had been 1
j cured to build a hotel at Coquille.
A team belonging to W. Boyd win e
standing at the wharf .became fright
ened and backed the whole outfit in
to the rier.
A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. R.
II. Mast in Portland.
The annual reunion of Coos Com
ty Pioneer and Historical Society was
to be held at Bandon August 15th.
In 1S!H) the population of Bandon
was 210. In 1805 it was estimated
at l.'lfiO.
Benjamin Trueman was drowned in
a small lake near Four Mile. He w.
taken with cramps while swinunii'
and his body was recovered by Keen
er Scott and the life savers after an
all night search.
As part of its contribution to the re
lief of the starving and needy in Me'
co, the Southern Pacific Company lits
announced that it will carry Red Cro,
supplies into the war-torn Republi
at half the usual rate. That a tre
mendoiif! amount of food and clot'ni ;
will be required to alleviate the suf -ferings
of our cousins across the herd
er appears to be without question,
Judging from the plans of the Nntio
al Mexican Relief Committed of t'
Red Cross, of which William C PoM
vice-president of the Guaranty Tru
Company, New York, is ohairnn.n.
President Willaim Sproule of tin
Southern Pacific Company is assistir
in the oiganizatiou of a Californn
sub-cominittee for Mxican relief '1 Ii
Red Cross headquarters in Wasiiin
ton should be notified of offers of co -trihiitious
of food supplies that ship
jiing instructions may be forwa.'de I
No contributions ;jre too small, for tl
number siiirering and who will stiff i
particularly because of slowstarvati m
112 vut'U irnmf
I OlllJdW), AJ Hit IT
M 4: i ... ,ihM, j, ii,u rnwM.d 4 .t J it j u I inim4'