V 1 ONE FREE TRIP TO THE PANAMA FAIR FOR YOU I . . . W V I Mi Hi 4U i i i (::: 4 8 J. W. MAST BANDON OREGON Phone 294. East Second Street Staple and Fancy Groceries Buy Garden and Farm Produce The Best Butter of Local Product 'c ii IJY SAVING SALES CHECKS FROM MERCHANTS LISTED A Grand Prize of a Free Trip to thePnnama-Pacific Exposition at San Francisco will be Riven lo (he young lady who secures the great est number of votes in this contest. The firms whose advertisements appear on this page have agreed to give Sales Slips with all Caslt Purchases of them or monthly bills paid to them.. These Slips or receipt). may be exchanged for votes, one vote for each 5 els credited, at the Recorder ollice. Contest closes Saturday, August 28lh. See elsewhere in this paper for particulars. When Did Man Begin to Live? Man was created alter all other living things on earth. And he was given add itional powers to Think, Reason and Act, so that he might become ruler of all things. Motorists began to realy live and become supreme beings when they were enabled to get the proper ac cessories, at the proper prices. And to have their cars repaired by men who know how. And those who have fully exercised their thinking and reasoning powersshould conclude to continue to live by patronizing the Handon Garage- We carry the largest stock of TI R liS and accessories in Ba.ndon. And our prices are right. BANDON GARAGE COMPANY FOSTKIt & lllvNKV, Props. Phone 51 Phone 51 General Electric Wiring Hot Point Appliances & Fixtures Lamps in Variety Plumbing Starr-Mast Hardware Company WILD BOY STOCKINGS I These -Stockings are all that the name implies. They are made for boys who rough it. These stocking have stood the test and are universal favorites with all who have used them; quality ;uh1 dye guaranteed. Boys 25c Girls 25c Fall in line and se cure a free trip to the Fair by trading with iu One vote for every 5c purchase and five per cent dis count on cash purchases. City Grocery ompany "HOUSE OF QUALITY" STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES FLOUR AND FEED IU !HU5t lUtlilt We may live without poetry, music and art; We may live without conscience, may love with out heart; We may live, without lovers live, without hope; . But civilized "'omen -nnot live without soap. We may live without books what is knowledge, but sorrow; We may live without beauty, it fades on the morrow; WtTmay live without law suits, indictments" are quashing; But, where is the one who can live without washing .atrcuc The Bandon Steam Laundry, Inc. The Little Store With The Big Business Fruit and Vegetables Bread. Confectionary and Groceries O. T. Teaney CITY MEAT MARKET G E 0. I' R 1) M A N. I'lopriclor All Kinds of Fresh and Salt Meats, Fish and Vegetables. We Are Prepared To Serve You Better Than You Have Been Served Before Our Mock of shoes ami hosiery for Men, bulk's and Children, also Mens' Furnishings, is larger anil more complete, than in any pre. vlous season. Neither the Ktiropcau war, nor loeal conditions will effect our service or prices. In fact in our shoes, you can get the style and ser vice ususally found in shoes that cost you at least 75c or SI. (II) more than our price. Call and See Them. Jy O'CON Shoe Repair Shop In Connection Opposite the Grand Theatre Votes for Cmmlcst Willi Hery 5c Purchase ALL TRIMMED HATS AT HALF PRICE AI MORRISON'S 1 ' y 1 t . ' . ,. , no . o 3 FOR SALE! f HOUSHOLD GOODS PRACTICALLY NEW f WILL SELL CHEAP ! C. E. KOPF, 119, 9th St. West THIS CERTIFICATES IS (1001) FOR Flu HUNDRED VOTES Nomination Coupon Nil mo , , Address , r. This coupon can hu used once, only liy quell contugtant and is Rood for llvo hundred votoa iiml will bo io credited when uopuily pre. sonted nl tho Rmtimlor iillloo. It n iwmjiIJ Ih tlm tliy ylf iU llmt llm. I'lmrUttmgne Tuwr Htm kliliMtMNl Uf liar )' imiul fnun lixi luNiif at Hiii' l uy ! . I. gu, itturiMMj Ut ilt uiul Mill MNih lhlt Mill lul (Mtlrlit. II. i (iktft J '! I'muU, ii4 Iu ll' uImhi1!! V .11. '-'I llu tuliitiii ir I. ill. I mttk I 'll. t.lttil, ttllU kiln l li 'I Ml ' i ' ' I ) . Ii I , i ,ll, nn i 44); j-hu-j-. a.-J i l .. I . Whm tutu fA i . ,, Ji, h A rovlvnl In railroad awl Innibyr In iiutri U Hm In big wr nhlir llmt mid to U iIhin Uy lliw CAmta & NwrUMMMtont mhJ Hut lUtrilBgla mil- Oityuii intll un iiiUril fur hImmiI Ituu Itvtflti 4t tour lli' ' ' ft "I 'uiiilw li HilvUmi In lluv until III I I.. I I .. ll . ,1. I. . itti, i .ii.IIU'l4 wllituol -W Ui yui I uM Ifl I Ml 'fiooilliy." Wo say it for an hour or for years; Wo say it smiling, say it choked with tears; We nay it coldly, say it with a kiss, And yot wo have no other word than this "Goodby!" Wo have no dearer word for our heart's friend, For Mini who journeys to tho world's far end And sears our soul with Kointf. Thus we say, As unto him who steps hut o'er the way, "Goodhy!" Alike to those wo love and those we hate We say no more nt parting. At life's 'Kate Tn him who passes out beyond earth's sight Wa cry as to tho wanderer for a nighi, "Goodby!" Graco Denio Litchfield event of importance to that city and its citizens generally, regardless of lodge affiliations arc falling in line lend a helping hand. It is being ar ranged for the visiting Pythhins to find themselves in a land of free lunches and free autos. General 1'ortfiro Diaz, former pros ident of Mexico and who for 115 year? was master of the destinies of Mex ico, died in I'aris on July 2nd. He was 8Ii years of age. Tho soundings on tho Siuslaw re cently made under tho direction of Government Engineer C. H. Wright shows considerably more water .than last year. The survey is satisfactory in showing that the plneing of the jetties in that stream has had the de sired result and forced the channel to clear itself. J. K. Montgomery left yesterday forenoon for Powers, whero he will look ovor the nronoiition of installing ii cunt nil nffii'i. In I Inil itflt' II luial bmui but ii hIioiL time since the com pany Inaugurated n nyutnin of long distance to tho town, but mImco tlmn thn wilt for ii ctuitriil office and thw IimUiIIhMiiii of private plinntw Im IwoH m ymit Unit tlm tiniKiii)' Ihi uVUIwl In IhJii- tlni iiMtttir up iiihI Ih nil Uw Uh-mI mttiUM. It i iwpiH't mI tlwl llw wurii will I ltim Willi li' h Wl Uhm. l'm IWy Kwa. Arthur Coach made the Sentinel of fice a call one day lately and told a- botit the strenuous work he doing at his place down near Lumpa. He I inn been transplanting watermelons and other vegetables by tho thouwiml iind hopes to be able to supply all tho towns lu Coos county with n ny linos by fall Coipilllu Kmitinul A niiielini' who Is inilllvtitlii' sump of tlm iiwlniiiii'il willow swan p wjjtti of tiiu rlvsr wiy Im bus sold us hluli lis WO win Hi iif imUiUhw tmu mi iii'iu of Minb Ihih, uiitl Im ilutw't tJilnl, IuhJ Uwi Will JMWilMW lik Uwl is uwr lhsl nl (mo mm mif C-wttuill Htfiiii-w4. A J'rUtMJ imiwt " nil! ,.. r....i. J... ' i.mwa. luuuJiall,.. Hi., . ji . f..i ll.. w.i. p,..w ' W WI1IMI 141 IIHU1NII PVIHfMlliai Wl ' mi Annu l 1Mb, la. I ut t ittloi Imk I' Uumkmitt, m "lul Mil t It '(HUH .I.IM4. I. I., Ml Ml UK I'i'HKIH) SWUi Ultlkh' l' ' fnMll tit Ut0 MUMftWt ttf UUU4 , Willi MM M M 1 1il .1 .... I. 1 . . I . Jl . i 'UMWM ul HMt i .'iii I.MS'1" will he inaugurated iu January, so with the operation of that lino Uir company must cease steaming the Hroakwnter between two points also reached by its rail line. It is tho'igli' that tho steamer will be taken lo New Orleans for tho Gulf trade. If tlw negotiations are brought to a success ful conclusion, the Hrenkwater will ho returning to her old cruising wound. Formerly she belonged to United Fruit company, and plied out of New Orleans to Puerto Cortez, in Spanish Honduras. Tho steamer has accom modations for !)0 first class passeng ers and take care of !J0 porsons in llu steerage Coquilie Sentinel. M O N H Y ! M O N K Y ! ! The mint makes it and under the terms of theCONTINKNTAI. MOKT 'Ct AGE COMPANY you can secure it at G percent for any legal purpose on approved real estate. Terms easy, tell us your ivants and we will co-operato with you. PETTY AND COMPANY Sl.'t Dt'iiliaiii Itlilg., Denver, Colo. The supreme court affirmed tho de cision of the lower court in tho case of Fannie O'Domoll, charged vwih sol Hug liquor in brr apartments at Em pire over a yeai t o and alio will liuvo to apond (SO dn. ; jail and pay a fine of $200. i 1 1 in l 4 t II- The Hecoud : ul uf Noa Ilntuher for t-outrlbutiiik" to llu dolii.qiimicy nl Pauline Stillwell iitunPod In a verdict of guilty. As tlm old jury hud triwl the llmt wise, '.hi of thtn weru -dined iiml n new. puiial soukIiU WIiii ciiIIimI to tho I .ii fur mmtoiuH) uiid hsIunI If lis liiiil ..iy itmaflii why suiiu should mil bo ptniwi" .r.l, WalU r Hbwlslr, Ma ad iih, , A h innu film fur a jmhI -I tHM, iiuiMitwili u lli ii. mi liM't a f Mily lu MpfHtti Jwiv ink nfn4 ' ilia Hiiyliitr lilllt ll llkii IU'1 ( l I M'lilMKI Ut Uu 1iiUm Ut a an." " bail uiiwwiil J s 1 1 im u( ihir 1 1 . n l. i AMaWusfli Im HiiMlli1.i'd " I.', f ltMli ibv I nl . llm. !.!.' ll.. ..nuii.tly Ih. M i i ..i. i. I i.. ii. I. iii; (I- m H-'i4.. ii- mm miwmu Uif (ill iiimiiii 4ii4.u lllu.li I- I lulu Iblfcjy u 11. i. lli II mUiili! WAH'l'IOI) n reliable and active man or woman iu Iiandou to organize neighborhood magazine clubs. Mem bers receive their favorite magazines at one third less than the regular price and pay monthly. New plan. Work of organizing pleasant and Highly profitt able and can be done in spurn time. Regular monthly income. In reply ing give ipialilications ami reference, Mngnxino company, ltox 105, Times Square Station, New York City. L. I. WIIEHI.EK, WIIIWLHR STUDIO Fine Port rails Amateur Finishing Find SI, EiihI of lintel (julllrr 1'IJKI'J DRIJfJS Du you w;uiL mru di'ilj; mid drug MiindrluMi lnu pui'hmutm, luv hmthoH, mul lollui iti'ipriiV f nu uJ an MMH, HimiUm