The Bandon recorder. (Bandon, Or.) 1915-19??, June 29, 1915, Image 6

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    M -- - - 44, A 4,4, 1. J, J 4,1, A
HERE are some of the prices that the Hub Clothing and Shoe Company are offering you at their retiring
from business sale: Styleplus Suits and Overcoats $13.85, Mens and Ladies $4.00 Dress Shoes $2.85,
$5.00 Dress Shoes $3.85, JohnB. Stetson Hats any style $3.15, $6.00 Dress Pants $4.65, $1.50 Shirts
$1.15, $2.50 Underware $1.85, $10.00 Boys Suits $7.95, any s'yle Mens or Ladies low shoe or pump at one
half price, 3.00 Hats $2.35, 4.00 Pants $3.15, Hart Schaffner and Marx 25.00 Suit or Overcoat $18.75, 20.00
Suit and Overcoat $13.85, 2.00 Hat $1.35, 1.25 Caps 90c. Remember these are only a few of the many
tempting bargains, we are giving big reductions on every article in our store, this is your opportunity to get
seasonable up to date merchandise right in the heart of the season at greatly reduced prices.
han'don imrcvmKS
J. 'II. Pullen and two sons hiivj gone !
to Seattle for a lengthy visit.
Mrs. J. T. Sullivan was a visitor in
Marslifield the latter part of last week '
Preparations are being made and
people are driving for the wedding
The contractors who are to hand
le the H. H. building were here today
looking over plans and making pre
liminary arrangements. j
Mr. and Mrs. II. P. Morrison have
departed on an nuto trip, their ulti
mate destination being Winneuiucca, I
Nevada. They will visit San Prancis-1
co and other town along the road and
wii camp out and hunt and fish when
ever the opportunity offers. They go
to visit parents in the Nevada town !
and will be gone six weeks, leaving
Ilnmlon last Saturday. I
D.M. McKinnon was up from Lang
iois Friday.
Mrs. Kern of this city visited .vith
her mother on Catehing's Inlet last
The Speedwell which of late has
caried ties had a load of lumber on her
last trip.
Harold Adams and Grover Drown
were among the Myrtle Point visitors
to Itaudon Saturday.
Mrs. II. Uumsoy of Maible Uocl:,
Iowa is visiting her parent:;, Mr. and
Mrs. L. Tyler of I'andcn.
See the great spectacular production
"America" as produced in the New
York Hippodrome, at the Grand Tues
day night, July (ith.
Mrs. M. Smith came in on an auto
fiom Marslifield Saturday and will
spend the summer with her daughter,
Mjja. Ada Smith of Hear Creek.
liny your wedding gifts at Sabin
Pros. We handle goods of the best
ijuality at reasonable prices. tf
$ Attraction Extraordinary
The greatest show on earth
The Hippodrome
The stupendous Spectacular
In six reels of Marvelous Motion Pictures
See hundreds of pretty girls disappearing
in the mammoth Hippodrome Tank An
auto plunging into the Grand Canyon
of the Colorado Tremendous fire scenes
in New York City Thrill after thrill
Nothing like it ever produced before.
People paid from 2.50 to $5.00 to see
this wonderful show at the Hippodrome
in New York City You can see the
same marvelous attraction in Handon at
for an Ailmiwion of 20c. Children under
H nin, 10
' Frank Catterlin was over from the
Hay today.
C. F. I'apc had business in Marsh
field last Friday.
Wrestler Lutscy was up from Lang
lois Saturday night.
A. F. Linger of Coquiile was a visi
tor in Handon Saturday.
Warren Jaimcson of Port Orford
was a visitor in Handon Sunday.
Vado Carton went yesterday to Co
quiile to spend a couple of weeks.
Mrs. Dorothy Iinglois came up
from Coquiile for an over Sunday visit
Miss Daisy Shields is spending her
vacation with her parents near Hridge.
Miss Flora McCloud will leave on
the Elizabeth to spend a few days al
the fair.
F. H. Tichenor, advance agent, of a
new era for Port Orford was in this
city last Friday.
P. J. Rassette was one of the up
up river guests in Handon Saturday
coming for Lanipa.
County Judge James Watson came
up from Coquiile for a business visit
in Handon Saturday.
A log rolling contest is o io of the
features of the Fourth of July cele
bration nl Marslifield.
Miss Orva Willard who has recent
ly started to work in the bakery at
Coquilo was in Handon for over Sun
day. Tlc steamer Coquillo is laid up
at the Moore dock and it is said will
remain there during the o.ien season
of auto stages.
K. W. Gates construction manage;'
of the Coos and Curry Telephone com
pany was a business visitor in Handon
Sturday and Sunday .
See the great spectacular production
"America" as produced in the New
York Hippodrome, at the Grand Tues
day night, July (ith.
Mr. and Mrs. Klepfer, Mr. and Mrs,
Walter Sabin, Mrs. Ethel Clifrur.i,
Miss McCord, Miss Cory and Ernest
Watkins form a party who are camp
ing at Whisky run tonight.
Mr. and Mrs. I). J. Jackson and Dr.
Gale went in the hitter's car to Four
Mile on a fishing trip Sunday. Tlioy
enjoyed a picnic dinner in which they
were joined by the Watterinan family
of that region.
Mr. Payne of Johnson, Pavno and
Larson is here to start work on the
HiggK-Iluckingiiam building and will
stay until the building is compleu1
He started in today with fivo niou. To
morrow Gatchell P.ros. will cninp'ete
their contract of supplying (iO yards
of sand.
Miss Hertha McCord, niece of ( K.
Klepfer, and Miss Asa Corey of Oak-
landon, Indiana are visiting with rol
atives in this city. They came on the
Elizabeth and had the ii.uuil experien
ces incidental to sea travel. They
came over the southern route via the
Grand Canyon and Los Angeles anil
expect to return over the northern
route by Yellowstone park. Tint girli
who are school ma'ams uio enjoying
the trip inimoimoly.
Victor, Victrolns and ruennm at
Snbro lima. tf
For Hale: Two I'lne Hiiilding l.ntu
in Woolen Mill addition. Will aall at
MtciiuVe if taken nt one. Iwiuir of
Mm. Anna llotlntul, MnraliftaW.U X
llbirl, Jwtw) Hull fur Mh-vbe. liar
ly Kin. it
Fur KmIi.-.Oiik, Iho um brw lulu,
all in uiw tiwrt NtfJftinlMf )) HekrtUt-
BUd JtMil ilia Mimmw It Mill,
Ail vUmr4. ariM wur. lltwt (wa
MiN In town. F II ftiai, 1 H
Weston Zumwalt was up from Port
Orford Saturday.
Otto Sabro is in Sail Francisco on
a business and pleasure trip.
M. White and O. J. Mather and
wife of Port Orford wore visitors in
Handon Saturday.
Miss Mablc Post writes from Fris
co that she is having a fine time at the
fair which is grand.
Mrs. E. Hriggs has opened up the
Langlois homo as Ocean View Villa
Good rooms, family board at reaton
nble rates.
Edgar Capps who has been at school
in Oakland, California, passed through
Handon Saturday on his way to his
home in Dairyville.
See the great spectacular production
"America" as produced in the New
York Hippodrome, at the Grand Tues
day night, July fith.
L. F. Dcringer of Crescent City, Cal
is in Handon visiting his brother A.
F. The former was also in tho
laundry business but has disposed of
his interests in tho California town.
E. N. Smith departed last week
for Los Angeles and his winter home
at Hiverside, Cal. He will bring his
family back with him when he re
turns and they will live here and at
Myrtle Point.
Mayor Topping, president of the li
brary board is authority for the state
ment that the library tax which will
bo available by the first of July will
cover the item of insurance.
The fire insurance and real estate
business of the late Arthur 1). Mills
has been taken over by Dippel and
Wolverton, making that firm still
more strongly established in their
business in those linos.
J. h. Kroncnberg and family are
holding off their departure for the
south waiting tho arrival of iheir now
Hnynes auto. They recently sold their
old machine and when the nnv one ar
rives expect to loavM.ovcriai;d for San
Francisco bay.
Koy Thorn, Agnes Giles, Stella
Shields, Hob McKeown, Orva Willard.
Hoy Osborn, and Dan Miller went to
Shore Acres Sunday by auto, stopped
at Simpson hall for the dance and re
turned late in tho afternoon of Sunday
reporting a fine time.
) Klihyam Six
Old Mary want to thank all In
Coquoll Injun,
" Port Orford Injun,
Soldier White man,
Hattle Kock White man,
Spanish White man, z
Spanish Whito woman,
Good tillicum I like.
Want thank Wiiito Isluti'hinnn:
Load Old Mary nico Hlankot,
'" nice Himkol;
1 Good White man, loud plenty m
Lumber, make Stints;
Much Whito klutchman work
Klnkahma illalieo. Good, mu.
One bi(f White klutchman let
White kliitchnutn come big yuli
cla wb ''
Mako hoop prutty war Paint;
i All (ood klutchman
Klaknlinui. likt. Old Morv nick.
tuin-Uiin. No HUo , I nave all In-
Jun. Ilima lr coin mek. Km! fi
ICIk moan all Injun e lUakahuw,
illtthvp. Kiitok hjw, hunt, &UttW
Nik plwiiy pi Ji, talk; no wm(
M u KlttkMluiia, All KlaUhma
klttMtawn want nUwiy l.l.i
mtmy, tbif Malm tut Hook
They Couldn't Hit Collier
12 to 0 is the iiig'criocs record
made by the Handon Moose t-am on
its trip to Powers Sunday in tb ball
game there. The Pnworr? nine was
loaded with dynamite nlthough the
Handon boys insist that it was an um
pire instead. Tho main rog in the
Powers machine was a riti'iirr, .Mm
Collier, formerly with Ibe Coquiile
county league. He bad a euivo that our
boys couldn't fathom and held I'hmi at
l is mercy. Pierce who pitched for Hie
'ocals, had an off day.
Seventeen was the number who went
from Handon on the May, fcoltinij t
at five in the morning. hnno had I
stay up all night in order t aeeon
plish the feat. There was d irinjr I
Powers after tho ball game and th
party did not get back to Handon lint;
! o'clock at night.
On the way up the river the iiil
saw ( hoy could not make the train i
time so they telephoned from K.vo
ton and the train waited for thMr a
comodatiou over half an hour.
The Garten and Mars familii
moved back to their homes this wee
after two weeks' camping out on tl
Ubkuhma, ink, li,
Boyle Jewelry Co.
Will occupy new quarters
in their new fire-proof store-room in
the Kllingson huilding, next door to
the Orange Pharmacy, on July 1st.
We w ill he hetter equipped to give
you prompt service, for your wants
are what we w ish tosatisly.
We extend to you our thanks for
your liberal patronage and hope to
continue receiving the same.
rnrrxr-rz&.'n r
Home of "Athena" Silverware
KVIJtAM) II. Now I'lione, 1 15
Loans ami Discounts -(hcrdR'fti,
secured and uiuivinrd
lloiiils and Warrants
Storks and other Srmrititw -l!lltl.illK
llriuf -I'urniturc
ami I'imuret
Other real it.tte owned . .
Due from banka (not rcjrvc Ihinks)
Due fr.. ii approved ronerve Lutlks
Cherki 4 nl othtir cull Itiiml
ICxiciises - - - -
Cah on kind ..... .....
Capit il ' t paid in
Kurpli il
IJmln I'-1 prHis, luxtifi mnl inld
Dm- t i llnil.s ami Uiflkun .....
I'ottal safinifs Uitlk deprattf ......
Iiulividiul dMMil Mlllict IQ cliOlk ....
Driii md i-ciuliraiea uf tltpoili '
Orlifi I CUtVt
rim-- 'iiiu-is ! ji-tt .... .
Ilill. I'otkir lor mum boffOMrnli l4UBbefMUn
' .Hurr tUn iIwm hoe mm Mian uf CimUi
I hI
fin, 523 02
71,7f,"i I'
U'J 35
111,31111 Oil
3,111111 (III
l.llfifi )
IV) 6(1
31,(120 "
1 86 50
31.54S '5
5(1,000 (III
IT.iiiio no
7. 2611 36
l,5j: 48
158,140 'I
V07 88
lull 35
18, Wi 0"
h I A l V. (il OKIUWIK, Ctnm m I'
V, I idtf, I'uMm w (a ahoMt mm haa, '
wwli tim it akw itnimiwn l mm m tW Ui W w U"i' .
whIIuM r J I'1'. " 1 "
auu.iiti u4 u Mwr m tk 4mi a Jta. ft'
tlaa I. 'I'uwmi I' 11
i uiiiii Aurtt I, J, UiuMtaWty, y. V 4mm, ii II H',D "
JUNi: JiKD 1915.
Wat mi, f;ii.,.i,u,