Bandon Recorder Published weekly on Tuesdays by The Recorder Publishing Co., Inc. Entered at the Post Office at Dun don, Oregon, as mail matter of the second class. i.'ake all checks payable and address all communications to the company. Subscription price, $1.50 per year, in advance. THE INDUSTRIAL PHOENIX Man's energy to improve his sur roundings and the community in which he lives, too frequently depends upon the rigors of the climate in which he lives and the easier to live the less energy expended. The Co- easily as at the wharves of New Or- A FEW WORDS IN DEFENCE "The Bandon people certainly make a mistake in taking the attitude the Recorder represents them as tak ing at Tuesday's meeting. If the people of Coquille and neighboring sections of the valley are going to help foot the bill for making a bet ter port at Uandon, they certainly will not be willing to be the goat, but will insist that the wharves here at Co quille shall be accessible to any freighters that make the port of Ban don. The last decision of the bu- preme Court bitches us up to the port good and hard; now we are going to see to it that we get benefits corres ponding to the investments we make in the Coquille waterway." Such a stand as that taken by the Sentinel appeals to the Recorder as unfair, for several reasons. . If a Minnesota congressman would refuse his vote for federal improve ments at the mouth of the Mississippi unless the entire river were deepened so that largo ships could anchor at St Paul and Minneapolis wharves as quille river valley is by nature capable of being converted into a "Gard' of the (Sods" but the gardens -re few and far between, at least on the lower river. And to the stranger, descend ing that fair valley for the first time ho might and with reason conclude that the best name for this region is "The Trail of Abandoned Hopes." So many abandoned enterprises, mills, tumble down coal bunkers, deserted shacks, ruins and remains :Z some former biir fires, rustinir and un-uscd logging roads, all are silent laleir lens, he would be taking a similar sterol to that of the Sentinel. Nothing .an be expected for the advantage of (ho Coquille river valley through tne development of the port if such a nar uv view as this prevails. The peo ple living on Latupa creek would be .is well justified in refusing to Mp pay for the dredging of the riv.i- io Coquille unless they were provided with an equally good channel in ;null stream. '.f the mouth of the Coquille were amall bay without any waterways of the entire valley will be served. Local interests can not be forwarded by a dog in the manger policy that will not allow improvement where it is possible because others can not obtain it where it is impossible. The port was formed to secure improve ment. Then why falter, delay with more fears though less hopes than wars or women have. The wise course will be to issue bonds and now while labor is largely idle and materials cheap and while there are engineers and equipment on the job secure a permanent harbor. Bearing on this point it is of int erest to read the report of the meet ing of the Port of Siuslaw as report ed in the Florence West. At this meet- 4 . . , TT COQUILLE COUPLE ARE provement is to be secured for the. GR XI)I V pvtpijt n wn port. Sectional interests should be (RAM)Li ENTERTAINED eliminated in considering the project. . . . ... i i i t li t. 1 iUr nml 4lrs- L Scofield of this The better the harbor at the mouth i ;.,. ,,. tu . !, , . . , , . . clt were among the guests at the of the river the better the interests ...,t,it 7. ..u....,h i wma ivimiuj- HIHI illlSS Ruth Young, daughter of the proprie tor of the Baxter house and the wed ding was of the kind that is a public event. The ceremony was conducted in the M. W. A. hall at the county seat and the decorations included the usual Woodmen features suggestive of the unspared tree and included the Woodmen colors and the Woodmen honors when the event had been con sumatcd Perhaps the most up-to-date feature of the wedding was the pains resorted to by friends to see that the first evening of the happy couple was one of unalloyed bliss. The original plan had been to kidnap the groom and lake him a dozen miles from town with the prospect of walking back I FEATURE EXTRAORDINARY The All Star Fcatu'e Corporation Presents 1 "SHORE ACRES" I f IN FIK PARTS :'' g James A. Heme's Beautiful New Ktvhml Play. The screen dramatization ! J outclasses the Stage Version of this great story. II V n llfllrt itufniuiitii ing held at Acme it was aranged to j ,lowover the ,0 thor ;,J turn over 8112.500 to the trovornment .l . wishers the slip and got away safe ly to Myrtle Point. Hut there turn over $112,500 to the government as the port's share for the improve ment of the .arbor. A contract for pnr8iBtence equa, to lh.u f the work will be let as soon as the wcd(,in, fium, am, h w.)s ,alop d H necessary .hum u.e .lOLu.e... i nu sum r0Vered where the couple were. Thev were located, made to dress and then were taken to the Myrtle Point hotel where they were compelled to regis ter regularly. An All Star Cast Charles A. Stevenson Nat Berry William Riley Hatch Martin Iterry Conn ay Tearlc Sam Warner Violet Porner Helen GRAND THEATRE Thursday, June 10th Admission 15 5c Program ! 3: Six Reel Program Six Keel of $100,000 was realized frcv.. the sale of port bonds. PORT ORFORI) KEPOKTu Roseburg voted last Thursday for I ihe $:I00.()00 bond issnn for llw. I.-i.- 0i,,l,WWmmmmwwwv)wwv,w dn proposition of :!0 mile , . railroad and a 250,000 boad feet pr (from rort urioru ir.hunc.) i ,,ay Baw nii. Tho vote was G,,, to 13 li. lwuipp tins purchased a rorii COMING- -Annette Kellerman in Neptune's Daugh ter Grand Theatre. June 16. bearers of the hopes and energies of ,-xcept small creeks but with a water another day. shed extending to Coquille it would Vet the best period of our valley's be us much to the interest of Coquille history is ahead, not in the past. ,v. Bandon to have the harbor improv- , ul" " ' 1 "f nl" New energy, new ideas and new en- e:l. This because of the protection hc ru" "".'?" When t u .mil terprises will supplant the old-and it Kives in insuring competiti;:! ii s fixtn! hef,vy.'t y)la"ned4Ito ha along new lines principally cultural. LOT Till: PICOPLIC SPEAK agn- autcmobile which will be placed on ' A Portland Newspaper investigated the run between Port Orford oi"1 jOi- the prohibition law throughly recent bin in the near future. The Whit- ly that is the paper had attorneys worth Pros., who carry the mail from I ' :.oknowledged ability study the new Corbin to Gold Peach also invested in i law and pass their opinions unnn it. I'Ford recently, and the two cars will From what was returned in the way of vievs upon the law there is gnih.v l lie much pulling and hauling before one cr handle it while the other will ,' the true standing of the statute is cs- go through with the passengers. With j tablished. From one point of view it an auto line from Cold Reach to diet- . looks like those two quarts of whiskej The Recorder has heretofore ex pressed its disapproval of the pro- .,.,..,. I.,,.,., I ( l, .,..'..! .... (! illllUIUIHIUill IU I U VUbJII 1,1" II I ,t !, , 11. '. . . . . . C oquille can be made as good a harbor freight. The mouth of the Coquille river of- Oregon, with the single "execution of !l is ""de'stod there will be, this and 21 quarts of beer that a lawabt,', .,...t folnmliin W1" B,vo mllck n,ul comfortable trans- j ing citizen might import in a period j of four weeks could bo consumed only S .i sacrament The late rains have caused rich fhii ir fnlnmliin ...v. ...v w . . , With half the sum spent on the 1H",l,u" ' oos bay harbor the mouth of Ilia ,, . . , . . . f, " Vl.llll.l.l. I1V1II1I OIUI1U llllllllt ill the maximum tax levy from 10 to 15 ... , . , , , , . II ... , . . , , Ire development of such a harbor .nd nulls, unless such increase be rub- , . .. ' . . . . . . . f:i ..... , . t view it otherwise would be to be 1 II. , i T. . ...1. Coquille would share equally i ,mmufe ulf. v,l-I,J, C' 1 " , iiuwiiiMK uii iiik Oliver diuiu duiiv mitted to a popular vole The Recorder's position has al ready been crystali.ed into law ti the 10i:i legislature which enacted a law now in force throughout the en tire. sUite of Oregon, providing that b,c nl t)e mouth (f tho me dim cur, umirii or umer taxing jiow- er of any municipality shall not levy a greater tax than the greatest levy of the past two years unless such in crease bo first submitted to a popu trm, did not have more than half a .1 ;i ii. . . i- . I it l.nnd to their own s.-lf into.nst. w""u ule Illc" 01 several u, rho liroper and best proceedure for ml V 0,1 U 1 carsu l!Um ',,.. !ii .. ...n .... n i i ii on Middle kik. usually very v .ijuiiii; iin uii tia Diiiituiii itiui .in i lie i . i. , i .It) i trrilorv trilmt.-irv in ihW nn,t. I-roimc Hearers win yieiu oniy nou ' " " I .. ii '...1 , I. i I 1 develope the t harbor ,,r:lclica. in a crop me uiuiuuuzeu oer- river where r,es nnvl"K ro"Cd on me vine for luitfe ocenn ixamR ships. The , . . . 4l , , . . . . . - ... ... Inrnl inns tn thn iiwk Miirinir tin nst. l V.a nf rnnn n hmM w. ..1.,.,. .... I ' I Again it looks like those same two and 21 quarts may be lawfully pur chased and imbibed for the pure joy they impart. Of course all this ap-l-ortains to any time after January 1, l!)i(, when the prohibition amendment and law go into effect Marshfielil I . m i i 1 "-'"J' llldllltfllll in IIUVUIUIICII 1UI lflr Vnln I li'lt la 1 1 an t if niiK i.i,. I . : , " " v r 1 r1-:. them ,..!- .....I 1 I. ..,.. .1.1 1... 1. .. i nl i , . ivcuni iiim iiavu liiuiiiiiiL unuiv ii juiiu- uJ when ns good a channel as is prac- , , , . . . , , i ,.i . .... . , , , . ber of Murr eggs. These birds have had voted 8 mills Inst year and (i mills two years ago, then 8 milh would be the greatest millagc that the constituted municipal authority Vo provide as good a channel as is practicable is likewise as much to the interest of Uandon as it is of Coquille Ill.f tl. final I.. tl. I.... ,.,,1.1,1 vnt nvnm,l l. ,. ,.f.. f fl. " ,u olul' ' "UI 01 ' ' ll.Bical senuencc is to movide a safe people. This applies to Ports as well as other municipalities and is legisla tion in the right direction. harbor at the mouth of tho river first ,jst started laying and the eggs nr fresh. Several years ago it waw quite an industry gathering these hundreds of dozens which were ship ped, but a late law has protected them A big run of salmon is reported at Rogue river, last Friday the drift nd later on provide such additional ,,oats on thc 1(nver rivL.rt cami) in JAII.ICI) FOR CONTHMPT with !!0 fish to the boat, which, at the price of 00 cents a piece, paid by the Wedderburn Trading Company after inprovcments as will extend as fai ns practicable the servicibility of the port. When the port was organized it r.m.Mn,.,, tho v,m.-. ..,!;,. w It . I . .. I....... ........ 1 i.. I . . .ii.l r ' ".j uowani isrowneii, a liiigene allor- nii"'eu io uu mr me develop-r rnr n,., riui.,,,.,,.,,,, ney, and son of (ieorge C. Hrownell. "eni oi a port that would otter saio recent candidate for governor of Oro. harbor for ocean going vessels afi.i c of I). M. Moore's road tean)3 gon, must serve three months in jail "u,s K'vo tho territory a method of nndurtook to kick a Fresno scraper and pay a ?2!t) fine for his part in transportation that would enable it to t Pieces yesterday, and as a result spiriting away and removing a wit- develop. When the people above Co- one horse had to be removed to the ness in the Fliza Carter case last win- l"iHe to Myrtle Point organized tl-5 hospital for repairs. The scraper is ter. The penalty of contempt of court lrC of Copuillo in order to keep out I good for two or three more such was fixed by Judge Hamilton of Rose- r"' tlie fort of Uandon, they acted horses. burg, who delivered a denunciation t'gainst their local best interest and ..r ii. . i.i a. .. Itl... I..i a.. c . ui im raiKunc anorney as isrownoll t,lu "huiumih oi aouinwi'st uroon. stood lioforc him with an auditnco 1 nV oiny this development of this I composed of Kiteno attorneys. Pot and escape their just share of the Ilrownell pleaded iruilty hut asked l'ost "ItlimiKii tliey can not help hut L ftt l.iiiii.i.i.ii ., ii... I 11... i i : . I Immirtl Kir tit., t. it . I Sf wi iv-iinjiiuj nu mi; kiuuiiu iiiai. ma I w,,x-,,v v u u uvuiiiuui, mey re assistance in the removal of the wit- H'se to help. nesses from the state was done al When one desires to build a house their request. or develop a port tho first procedure "ou violated your obligation to M to draw up pluiiH. tho public, yet you expect the Court To start work without a study of The last grand jury took a prisoner from God's Regular Army. The pris oner 'is John Stilwell, formerly of Randon who deserted his famllv a number of years ago to follow this religious sect. His indictment is near ly co-incident with the -penitentir.vy .'entences given to men who contrib uted to the delinquency of his daugh ter. - Gems In Verse I IV H the statute is too light for an offonco like that. We nond bootleggers to Jull and yet you expect to be let oil with a line. It is bad for a man who does not know the law to do wrong, hut for you, who at ono time wuh con. iiui'ted with a district attorney' of Urn, thin U a notion oliunce." Howard lliownnll will be ruiiiiun. Uiud by Home of the older t'ililtiiit uf llnmiiMii liuvlng beon lotutml hum about liiu or Iwi ymi un, IMurv MWHtf In luitrimti he WM ItMHllNl (m Mid HI WUK mlHUi WtiMMfM m '( U uu iuui ltd WtuMngUm int uitll lutky lmu mmtiti W 4 iMitl i4 mi( l4 (l utm . ' .. i. Om. tu mil FROM THE SIDE LINES. ustil to ko to my olil Krhniit, Tho Kuvuriior of tliu aiuip; Wo ilMn't think Mm extra mnnrt, TIiuiikIi ho lias ki'owii bo Krc-nL Why. hits of times I not uliuail I.. .,;..!.... Xi ..i.i:.....! i . III... ....,,1.1 i ii . . . ni'i'iiiiiK riass, im iiiMiKaiiuii wiien you asK i"""""' nu wen iiiougni ouil Ami on cxnmlimtloii il.iy lor leniency," sunt the court, which I""11 action is a procedure similar 110 UK1" 1 ov,'l im"s! .......f .... ii...i !i .. ii. . i . I fi. ft...t ,.r .. i. . . . I ..tin. nu iu m.ih- nun ii, is nu; oniy w " imiiii wini went xo a ivn. in ..i .. of tho court to uphold the honor of blacksmith shop, heated a niece of Of hoys who' Vo nimo In fnmiv the law profession. iron and pounded it on the anvil ,lvir'.""B "ow ,ll"ru'" ,"oro "'"n o'10 "SiiMi not .l.wi.r.i...l f.. ..i..,i..... It ilnv,.!,.!!,.,! i.,i i I .. . ... . iiamoi .... ....... ....... ... mi.iiilRll 1 -. iiukiiuiK mil. .1 III1S- will IIIISTCr lllake ivlin ..r,.l II,,.. ,,l. justice or tiring the laws into disre- 'iapen piece or iron because the man uout trie rhiiiiiiinc. pute have done more to bring the law I'lan. Finally in disgust he profession into disrepute than all the ""'d. "' know what I'll do. I" make lawyers in this city could do to over "M-' i"l he stuck it into the water. come it. The punishment provided in People who would not think of pre- cribing for themselvos when sick hut. who would consult a doctor, or would not buy a lot worth a counlu of hundred dollars without conaultlng a lawyer to look up the title will mid joment to upend thouwimlM of do. hirs on an engineering project with out taking expert advice. Tim U. S, army engliivura ur of the biwl uxiit In the wurld an il vwkfpnwnt uf luiiUia nml Hvmi. Thy uf pekml iimn. Ilimif wl-! uihUnJ nihJ ul viwt mriv It i urHlly riwUMnnrr in fi. uU l- mtmu tun, mnufti mJ h,JZ':,u lit Imsk1 t'jNMHlMhMi Im mm4 im) (ui i i ( jfivvi. rW f Uttnt iiui tlx pi,w i i.iii. I j)tn,tlt,,, j,, , ,A Fxhibits Oregon Minerals in Kansas From his old home at Independence '.Tansas, where he published a news paper for about thirty years, the Sen tinel editor gets tho Daily Reporter in exchange, and from a recent issue clip the following item about the mill ing business in Southwestern Oregon which will bo news to most if not all of our readers, as it is to us: Ceorge Washington a well known local export on mines and mining is is home from Randon, Oregon and he brought with him some of the fine samples of ores that have ever been shown here Included in the list arc Munplcs and jasper, quicksilver, sar donyx, arsenic and copper. Mr. Wash ington lias forty acres of mineral land out there and it lies in the south western part of the state being six ty Miles from a railway and thirty inileT from the Pacific ocean. When asked how he expects to keep people from stealing his land and he said that the laws provide that all sellers of ores must certify as to where they get them and this protects those who have lauds untenanted. Mr. Washington's claim is rich iu ores. He had many fine samples with hint, most of which were assayed at Denver. The copper showed a value if 7( a ton Coquille Sentinel 4 (From the Gold Reach Globe) Chauncey Carpenter, one of the he roes of the disaster which overtook tho Randolph, on Randon Par, and Mr. .1. Fry came down from Coos Ray it. small gasoline launch. The Star Crescent, Sunday and reached here Sun day evening just before dark, towing 2 :sh-boats and a launch. While at tempting to come into the mouth ' Rogue River thc cable by w' ;:h the boats were being towed parted and the three boats went out to sea. The ocean was quite rough, hut the two sailors showed themselves to be sailors and thorough masters of their craft in rough weather. The boats were watched with much interort for some timebefore they de cided to make a dash for safety, and when they did the spectators held their breaths, expecting every minute to see lw, f....;i i:ni.. ,.. .1 r .... i ...v. mill; I lull.-. IIIOJI Olll Ol Hlgnt forever, but at an unexpected moment they appeared on the crest of another wave and were wafted far shore-ward to disappear and reappear until finullv the cable parted but they finally clear ed the breakers amid the cheers of the crowd for tho noble little craft and her skillful and brave crew. What was thrilling times for those on shore must havo been tame beside that experienc- ?d by those gallant sailors. When well inside tho harbor Iho tavigators took a long breath, am' thc tension of the spectators was loosened and assumed an aspect of repose. When the two daring navigators an two were fish boats and one launch. The two fish boats were pirled up I the steamer Speedwell and the laui.v" by another boat supposed to be the Daisy and taken to Coos bay. T launch was owned by Jim Miller, fo merly of this place and of late ye:u of Myrtle Point. temporary injunction was issue 1 b. Judire Wood tliin mni'iiiim- in fn . " - ... of the Wedderburn Trading Com pm ., and against R. A. Seaborg, John Gt ' tuvoMm and Fred Caughell from u i that portion of the new cannery th . stands on grounds of the Weihlerbui Trading Company. In building thc ut cannery the new company thought tlu were building it wholely upon lai 1 owned by A. S. Miller but when th line was o.Uiblished it was disciueii I that almost half of the building is upo the land of the Wedderburn Tradi company. Hence the in Junction. A. M. Collins of Roulder Creek in the city last week exhibiting mini' line specimens of gold, ranging fro-1 ten dollars down which he had procur ed on his claim. Work on the wharf has been pro gressng rapidly during the Inst few days. The piling for the approiu i are all driven, and work has com nienced on the wharf proper. Fred Jamieson started for Co. s Pay Monday, for medical advice ove an ailment with his side, soinethinj similar to appendicitis that has bei chore,! their little craft at Courtlaml j lvalM" 1,im for time I'.t Reach, friend and stranger crowded a round to congratulate the new arrivals who had bluffed the ocean, torn and rent by the element and won. Of the three boats that were in tow Will CL rim has sold his Pistol river ranch to .Mr. Nicholson of Dei mark. After milking a short visit t the place Mr. Clarno anil family vi ' return to this section to reside. Teeth Extracted 1 Without Pain Wns IiiiiioIwm hi KtiKrii)ihy ...mi ...i wiu )n our tecum And ItMy Hohkn, tin- hlic mm mn. Who ul.tllKlilerii cleplinillB. Went hy tin- iiitmo of n "fnilil cit" IhifiiiH In. Horn Iiiiik imiitii! Whan Chilli nlek'H Mill WUB ,lo fl,, He wmililn't ii.iwf tin, Btllo. Ami unco ii Ini'M.o'-htiitiirii MiiiIh lfe.1,1) run n lt'n ipiefir ulmt rhHKi ihiiha nhmitt Hi iiilllliiiuilrH, I Un Nhi.Ii. Wiiulil hv uln hrob miiiix xh. ukii ItktalMtUK for iNr rili Iu ehrur.l tu.irM SMwlnutM ut iiiu otor AimJ mmiMii'i i xiv hl mU i 'uni I Mil iiiiit ttiMn mi- Aini mtw H lnii ttliui lia-rt kii WM. mjMt itf amiih i tun'i otHitfHin, lw( n II ti 4iMmf fc.imi -j nf -f l- i. i II. Hm uil. lMi fluli " i il. I Umutt faiuiliui i wmw l ,, fl,fr Ml. f!very trip of the Rreakwater from Portland these days brings with it a shljiment of steel rails and spikes for the railrond north from Marsh-field. Gall . .. . Coming Annette Kellerman- -She of the form divine in the great .spec tacular seven nml masterpiece "Nep tune's Daughter" The miignificient feature production will be prenenteil at the Crtuid Tlnwitre, UVdni'tdiiy. June Kith Watch for Inter uniioum iiiviiU.. I HI) l , I . II,, U II., i,4 . i. I i fl .1.0.1,,, ii, m, tu l III' Ir 'fli. 41" I (.4IIIIK l . 1' II l 4 1H ll.l,, A fc,... iii, S, D, Barrowi Hi D r. G ray Now at the i e r H o t e O n e w e e lllllll It Monday, June 7th to 1 2th Office in the Hotel Parlor. AH work guaranteed. Prices reasonable Consultation & examination free This is Dr. Gray's third trip to Bandon and he .as been coming to Marscficld for over five yea. 3. He can furnish you with hundreds of lesllinoni Js from some of the leading citizens of holl. phecs and surrounding country as to his wriiiderrJ jwinless work arid tri,!i grade dental Kwmlcr lk htt mi a) early! iuui ii.. iai, , i i lI I. 1 '-! I l4iHl it it mutHk rmmmnmmixmurnimmmnnt