The Bandon recorder. (Bandon, Or.) 1915-19??, May 11, 1915, Image 6

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Wool Crepe
Brocaded Crepe Eponge
good weight.
Former Price $1.00 Yard
Learn to Swim, by
Pearl Buttons Corset Cover Em- Hair Ribbons
2 l-2c broidery 19c
All size Pearl Buttons Fancy Hair Ribbons 4-5
perfect shape and super- Swiss ;UKi Nainsook Em- incn heavy weight Taf
ior quality. broideries pretty patterns, feta Silk
Regular Price 5c Card Regular Prices 50 to 75c Sells Regularly 45c
Boys ' Bathing
stT MILL'S a,
T. vtV'ITv I - TTrT V Tttt T1 TTtt
" G1
Thomas Anderson was a Coquillc
visitor ono day last week. j
H. K. Boak and one or two other j
Haudonians spent the week end at Elk
river in Curry county, fishing.
Lambert Molfat is at Grant's Pass
attending the conference of tho Sev
enth Day Adventists. He expects to
study for the ministry.
Those Keystone comedies that are
shown at the Grand every Sunday
night are certainly funny. Don't fail
to see the one next Sunday. It's n
Kenneth Elliot, the small son of Mr.
and Mrs. J. Elliot, was indisposed
several days last week, having a slight
touch .of fever, but is now fully recov
ered. T. W. Billings of lllahe on the
Rogue river has promised to send
some samples of gold and copper orc
from that vicinity for exhibit pur
poses for tho Itandon Commercial
Club. !
Mr. and Mrs. D. .1. Kcolor who won j
somo publicity recently on account of i
their domestic a Hairs and who waited j
for some time to go to California in !
the Elizabeth, changed their minds as
to the method of travel. Mr. Keoler
purchased an automobile and hint
week started for California by auto.
It is more than street rumor that
tliu Moore mill will begin operntioiiii
in the neiir future, In fact Mr. Monro
has stilted that he expect to begin op
erations imt'later than June 20th or at
least some time bufor July Ut. Tl
proiipeet is further confirmed by the
fact that one or two foremen or over
neiir have itun imimiltod with a view
to returning to tholr old poitlmw.
Al (iurlitdil wont ovor to Miiwl)l1tM
liikt IMdity to nmrivtf a ww mwm
WoilKr our w)l)i had boon burnt1
!' otdojwl lt' win lu INMNO bn Uw
jmmbwfitw. It I h HtMiitieiUr WtlMl
Mr, Qhj fluid Mid to Uw lUruuit
Iksilmt wlitf wUi 4fttw Uu uo
Uis Mmim4kul UrM run u
fifcJ GmalLi) mi
UmkMU dut Mtl m -'
0m yUb ikemrtia u
For Friday and Saturday Shoppers
New Trimmed
This beautiful lot of Mil
linery is nob' and late
Sold Formerly v $5.00 Each
Using Alvoids Swimming
E. H. Kausrud was in attendance as
a witness before tho circuit court for
three days last week, the affairs of
the city recorder being in the hands of
Mrs. Kausrud, during his absence.
Rev. Luther B. Dyott of the Con
gregational church at Portland has
boon secured to give the Commence
ment oration at the high school June
A. G. Thrift hns been confined to
his bed with sciatic rheumatism and
only with some extra exertion on his
part was he able to attend last week's
meeting of the school board of which
he is chairman.
Miss Kate Rosa has been engaged
as a teacher to fill the vacancy in the
ttchool caused by the resignation of
Miss Blanche Landrcth, who goes to
California to attend the bedside of her
brother who is seriously ill.
Tho automobile passenger service is
now completely established betxyecn
Coquillc anil Coos Ray with even more
cars on the run and better service than
last year. Autos are now nblo to
make the trip over the mountain to
Geo. P. Topping with his big car,
went to Coquillo last Thursday and as
ho said, blazed tho way, being tho first
with an auto to make tho trip this
year. He evidently found tho roads
in fair shape for ho made two round
(rips in one afternoon.
Tho Elizabeth arrived from San
Francisco Friday with tho following
list of passengors:
Mrs. O. A. Trowbridge, Mies Clara
Mcintosh, F. E. Griswold, C. Cepps,
Frank Grant, Mrs. Frank Grant,
Magnolia White, Mrs. Fnnnlo O'Don
nold, Ernest I.oyd, E. L. Robinson,
P. E. Ryan, C. R. Cook, I). L. Nlch
uIk, Arthur R. Hodge, Karl Kennedy,
8. (!. Cook, Joeph Hansen, W. A.
Church, V. Luparieo, P, A. MhUtock,
L. K, Ifcrrlngion.
Tin) alork of good roinprlidiig the J.
Ir gfilwell utm 0 imt Iwnn nmvml from
Mw fi-HHi building fnniiurly ofcuplnd
ty' ftlr, Nidwoll into (lit imw Kltoijjtoii
mmwjoI UuikJiHtf. Mr. HWwwJJ u now
iimmw llw nwtw, Its imtru tmin,
uu0 i4u imtm, ami Ut HUMiy w,
I'M Uir mmlum, friftdwMgHy lie
lot tmluumi ki itiuriMu iwiv MM
$ fciwwlimj u (Hit p' bwndjwj,
l iutltUI
1-2 Price
All Flowers any foliage
for Trimming Hats, on
Sale Friday and Saturday
Buy Now. and Save Money
Wings 25c Pair
E. G .Perham of Marshfiold was in
town on business last week.
Irvin Slott is back from a visit in
Iowa and other eastern parts. He re
ports business good in the cast.
Messrs Topping, Treadgold, Feeney
and Wade, was liaiulon's contribution
to Coquillo's visitors last week.
Contractor A. F. Miller ctarts this
week on the construction of a $2,000
residence on Ocean Drive for Victor
Master Wesley Pheninger Is stort
ing up in the peanut nnd popcorn bus
iness on the vacant corner across from
the Orange pharmacy.
Nathan Barklow has had plans mado
for a barn which he will erect on his
property south of town. Tho barn is
to bo modern nnd 80x110 in dimensions.
The Womnn'a Christian Temper
ance Union will meet at the homo of
Mrs. Mary Shoemaker, May 18th at
2:110 P. M. and will gladly welcome
all who are interested in tho temper
ance work.
Arrangements have just been com
pleted for the showing of that big
seven reel masterpiece, Neptune's
Daughter in which Annette Keller
man, the most perfect physically
formed woman in the world plays the
star part. Look for Neptune's daugh
ter. James PnlliPinus has arrived in
Marshfield to take charge of the gov
ernment dredge Col, P. S. Michie. He
will also have general supervision of
the work here in Bandon.
Mr. Polhemus is a native of Coos
county. He has just returned from a
trip of inspection of government
dredging work on tho Atlantic court.
Wo have added to our stock of op
tical goods a large iiHxortmont of Iciih-
ch, eye glims mountings, etc., no (hut
we will be nblo to duplicate lentui
on Hhort notice. Twelve ywiw of
rxpoilimrii In optical work iuure
aoiriM-t woilt. Koloo Jii other, iiwnu
factoring JimulwrH,
II. M. KImw, M. I)., Jyu, Jfcr, Nwh.
hni) TUiml Hnwinlltt of MnnhfiM
will be ut HoUd tiftlltaj- mi 'JhJNHliy.
dN UMt mm? ffm uHirmm
Stewart Whitsett is making dally
runs to Port Orford from Bandon with
his Ford, for passenger service.
Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Zcek left on the
Wednesday afternoon boat for Tilla
mook where they will attend the state
Sid Williams succeeds W. J. Clark
son as local manager of tho Estabrook
company. The latter will return to
San Francisco.
Notwithstanding the unfavorable
weather there was a good attendance
the Mothers Day exorcises at the M.
E. church Sunday. A program was
presented by children of tho Sunday
School and all performed their parts
very nicely.
The County Court was in session
last week, and the principal business
was County roads. A delegation from
Prosper, went up to wait on the Court
in the interests of a county road from
Bullard Ferry around the River to
That there may be uniformity of ef
fort the port commission has decided
to recommend the north line of Front
street as the line for the establish
ment of a bulkhead and property own
ers may fill in on their domain back
of that line at their pleasure.
Watch "Runaway Juno" she is go
ing to Bermuda to escape from the
man with the black Van Dyke Some
thing unlooked for happens to June
while cruising around the Bermuda
Islands. Keep your eye on "Runaway
Tho Averill show windows arc of
constant interest to the passers by.
This wqck they are featuring tho
camping out season and have a camp
fire, tent, and all the fixings, including
some genuine drift wood on which a
wax'lady sits contemplating tho scen
ery. The face of a companion peers
from the tent, tho suspicion being
that a man is in sight.
As per the change of ad in this is
sue, tho firm of Fish and Baker, paint
ers and decorators, has been dissolved.
L. B. Baker has bought out the inter
est of his partner, E. B. Fish and will
conduct the business alone. He will
occupy the same stand as the old firm
and carry a line af paints, etc. Mr.
Fish is a former building contractor
and is apt to return to this work.
Rev. C. Mayne Knight goes to Co
quillc Friday morning to be gone until
Monday. Mrs. Knight will accompa
ny him. Saturday night, Mr. Knight
will deliver his celebrated lecture on
"Courtship and Matrimony" in Co
quille. Sunday Mr. Knight nnd the
Rev. C. H. Bryan of Coquillc willex
change pulpits and the latter will ap
pear in tho Bandon M. E. church,
morning and evening.
Mrs. O. A. Trowbridge, who has
been "doing" the fair at San Francis
co, returned to Bandon on the last
Elizabeth after an extended visit of
three weeks. Her mother, Mrs. Brown
from San Jose, met her -there. Miss
Helen Whitford, who is a niece of Mr,
Trowbridge, and who has made Ban
don her homo for over a year, accom
panied Mrs. Trowbridge to California
and will remain permanently there.
Tenant TroubleH Get Into Court
T. T. Hill appears very much hors
du combnt, as a result of a fistic alter
cation witli Fred Gross last Friday
night. The trouble nrosc over a dis
pute as to some minor details about n
house, possession of key, window
blinds , etc. Tho house belonged to
Hill, and had recently been vacated by
Gross. Hill claims that Mrs. Gross
tied his feet with a rope and held him
from kicking while Fred Gross pound
ed up his head to his heart's content
Gross says that Hill came to his house
looking for trouble and struck the
first blow and that in turn ho used on
such force as was necessary to over
power Hill until tho timely nrrival of
the police. Dr. Mann dressed Hill's
wounds nnd says Hill was one of the
worst beaten up men ho ever saw,
Hill swore out a warrant for the ar
rest of Gross, who was arraigned Fri
day night andSaturday morning at
9 o'clock, entered n plea of not guilty,
One of Gross's witnesses being out of
town the trial was continued to this
morning at 9 o'clock.
Tho Bandon longshoremen's Union
Local KH'.'ll ut a recent meeting
adopted resolutions relative to tho un
timely death of our late brother and
fellow worker, Milton Cox expressing
our grief at Ills nnd fate and extend
lug sympathy to his bereaved mother
and relatives,.
Wo npprerluto bin character an n
mini and mill!) that In bin death wo
liiivn I'ucli and nil IonI ii I run comruilo
noil friiimi, lie will be inlwu'd from
our tiouni'lU and IiIn low wo dimply
I'MwbliMit IiiiIiiiimmiuu' Union
i I. WjlitjlUill,
School District Also Places Bonds al
Advantageous Figure with Firm at
Denver, Colorado
$0,512.40 is the apportionment from
tho county to the schools of Bandon
as made by tho county superintendent.
The announcement is also made that
taxes are coming in very slowly.
The school bonds recently advertis
ed for sale have been sold to tho firm
of J. N. Wright and Co., Denver, at
par. They pay a premium of ?2.r nnd
allow a reduction of interest from 0 to
ftVi percent. Seven bids in all wore re
ceived for the bonds but the Wright
company' was tho only one to bid low
er than G percent, although the firm
of Kooler Bros., Denver offered a
premium of $1105. Geo. Mc I'herson
of Portland offered $280 premium, the
West Bond nnd Mortgage Co. of Port
land offered $21!5 premium, Morris
Bros., Portland, offered $151 and the
Lumberman's Trust Company of Port
land offered $150.
To Open a Billiard Hall
The rooms on First street, owned
ed by Ellingson and recently vacated
by J. Ira Sidwell, are being fitted up
and will be occupied by J. F. Cumin
as a billiard hall and cigar and con
fectionary stand. Mr. Curran hopes
to be ready for patronage about Sat
urday, lie has five new billiard tallies
coming on tho Tillamook from Port
land and expects to equip witli
an entire new set of fittings. Mr.
Curran is recently from Salt Lake
Cit, y
Prefers To Raise Beef
C. II. Chandler of the Ledgerwood
place at the mouth of Johnson creek
furnishes a fine example of what can
bo done in stock raising, gardening and
fruit growing.
Ho has a number of acres in pota
toes that were first plowed last win
ter. Tho older cleared land is now
mostly in fine grass, fruit, berries and
vegetables which arc looking fine. He
also raises a large quantity of oat hay
which makes fine feed for cither cat
tle or horses and should easily com
pete in the local market with Califor
nia grown hay. Mr. Chandler prefeis
to raise beef for the local Bandon mar
ket to dairying.
If you are tired and weary go nnd
see a picture show its a tonic for the
Ernest Wntkins of Bandon, has just
boon selected business manager of the
Oregann, the year book put out by
the Junion class at the University of
Oregon. This is one of the most dif
ficult jobs in the entire student body,
involving tho financing of a book thf.t
costs generally more than S.'1'jOO, all
of which must be collected thiough ad
vertising and Subscriptions. Tho ap
pointment is for the book to bo gotten
out next year, thought work i. m
menced on this immediately .
Tho Clutching Hand in tho Expn-.u.
of Elaine is going to be caught by
Craig Kennedy some of tlie.o Friday
nights nt the Grand.
The "Thimble Club" Calls Attention to a Few Things
Thai Should he Remembered by Every Ran
donian for "Clean Up Day"
The suggestions
1. Take away all ashes and trash from your back
2. Burn all rubbish that will burn.
3. Make your streets and parking look as well
kept a:', possible.
4. Refrain from throwing all paper and banana
and orange skins into the streets.
Fi. Plant flowers and grass seeds to' make your
home beautiful.
0. )f your Htore front Ib dingy, paint it.
7,--If you have unsightly old traps in your hack
'yard, rumovo thorn,
a If your Milk is mjj pyimw to Ihm iiwHw
ttvo'r U mmU' it or build a hw quo
I A AW lififf i tfur n Ctaiutf up Umultm
Invitations nre out for n party in
honor 'of the senior class to bo give l
Friday night by jdiss Oltilic. Lewin nt
her homo.
A commencement number of the
Klakahma will be published in sever I
weeks and is to be devoted entirely to
the Seniors.
The laboratory supplies have arriv
ed and the chemistry class expects m
do double time in completing the pre -cribed
The second year German class has
completed its work a"nd will for tho
remainder of the term devote its per
iod to studying the senior play.
The two banners awarded for tho
best marching in the grades were wo l
by Miss Wilkins room on the firt
floor and Miss McKay's on tho second
The last meeting of the current
school year of the School Master.!
club will be held next Saturday. At
the April meeting it was decided to
arrange for a picnic instead of a for
mal meeting.
The Caesar class has taken up two
of Paxton's Roman plays modernized,
and may give them Inter before the
school in the old Roman costumes.
The two plays are "A Roman School"
nnd a "Roman Wedding."
Tho last Teachers-Patron meeting
was held last Friday night and was a
great success. A very large attend
ance was recorded and an excellent
program rendered. A vote of thanks
was tendered Mrs. Lewin who has
been president of the association for
the past year and she in turn lauded
the irood will and faithfulness of the
parents in assisting her and making
the year a success, z
After the program Mrs. Lewin
mentioned tho fact that the Hag on
the school building was old and torn
until it is hardly recognizable; so a
collection was taken to buy a new
Hag. About four dollars was receiv
ed and seven is needed to buy a good
one. Contributions will be gladly re
ceived for its purchase.
Mr. and Mrs. Antlo Henry are oil'
for a week's visit with their son Gao.
Henry and family at Two Mile.
New Carpenter Shop
L. W. Robinson is opening a car
penter shop just east of Averill's and
it is his plan to do cabinet and gen
eral carpenter work. Mr. Robison is
a recent arrival, coming here from
San Francisco where he has been en
gaged on tho Fair grounds. Ho
worked on the Turkish, horticultur
al and on the Missouri state building
He has moved his family here anil
Jives on Ocean drive and Jackson av
enue. ,
Wo have adiled to our nianufacluu
ing equipment a small dynamo fo$
electric plating which enables us to
replatc any piece of jewelry , mesh
bags, etc., when repaired, if so desired
by our customers. Sabro Brother;.,
manufacturing jewelers. It
are as follows: