The Bandon recorder. (Bandon, Or.) 1915-19??, May 11, 1915, Image 5

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Harry Wilkerson Harry Carter
James Gallon Wilbur Hlgliy
Ruth Gallon Ella Hall
John Dore Robert Ix!onnrd
Story by John Fleming Wilson
Extraordinary preparations were
made and extensive plans executed for
the filming of the twelfth episode of
the Universal Special Feature Serial
The Musier Key". Each week tlii3
ncnsational serial increases in Jraina
tic st relight. Starting out willi a
thrilling first episode, the serial has
now attained the momentum of an
avalanche. Sensation follows sensa
tion in stupendous crashes, which pile
up one after another until the specta
tor becomes feverish trying to follow
them. The serial has now attained a
crescendo of nerve racking excitement
which other so-called "serials" haw
tried to imitate with dire results.
In the production of the latest episode
number twelve, of this surpassingly
wonderful feature the Universal has
constructed a little Bombay on the
Pacific Coast, near Los Angeles
Sampans take the entire company, in
cluding Robert Leonard, Ella Hall,
Harry Carter, Alan Forrest, Jean
Hathaway, Alfred Hickman and the
hundreds of supernumeraries to shore
where they land at a reproduction of
Bombay's "Jetty" or wharf.
On the shore Van Wijk Hotel in
Bombay, India, has been reproduced
and in the back ground are Chineic
and Hindu theatres, a street in the na
tive quarter of Bombay, monolithic
pagodas, domed temples with their
needle-like minarets and the wond"r
creation of the whole city a reproduc
tion of the great Indian temple, :ne
Taj Mahal with its marblo fountains
and dozens of domed spires. A sec
tion of this wonderful native temple
is reproduced on this pago. Hinr.u
natives, brought down from the rail
road camps in British Columbia, aro
costumed in native garb and take part
in the play. Robert Leonard in white
mufti strolls through the arcades iff
the wonderful structure and enters the
altar room of the temple where ho at
1 temps to steal the idol in which is hid
den the secret of the Master Key mine
Temple bells tinkle about him as
ho sweeps aside she rare tapestries
and kneels, apparently in adoration
upon a prayer carpet. Through the
doors of the temple huge elephants
with howduhs on their backs clumsily
hump nlonir. And then tho fiirht oc
cusr. Natives- armed witli jeweled
scimetars attack the young American
who is finally rescued by British sold
iers and hurried, badly wounded, from
tho scene. But here is the story of
the latest episode of this most thril
ling of nil serials.
It will bo remembered that in the
eleventh episode of tho "Master Key"
that a Hindu peddler, visiting n pawn
shop to .sell his wares consisting of a
few Oriental rugs, sees the idol, recog
nizes it ns ono which was stolen from
him in India yenrs before nnd immed
iately purchases it. The idol has a
long history, of which Dore and Ruth
know nothing. Upon tracing it to
the pawnshop, however, they learn
that the Hindu forestalled them, nnd
that the idol is gone. Wilkerson, also
searching for the valueable little idol,
which ho has permitted to ship
through his fingers, trails Ruth and
Dore. Tho pawnbroker tells Ruth
nnd Doro of tho strange Hindu to
whom he sold it. Dore decides that
the oriental is likely to return to India
with it and through the captain of the
steamer he traces the Hindu to a ship
bound for tha Orient. Everett again
assists them with money for the voy
age, Sir Donald Favershnm, learning
that Ruth ih in Los Angeles, call on
her to renew their friendship, and
learning that they are going lo the
Orient, ho offers his sotvhvH, he hav
ing been previously station in India
ux a British officer.
In pausing through tint I runts.
Itulhv sympathy In iiiouhuI in Hut In
' re l of a poor huggitr who In being
tormented by tho rmtlvtu, ami she
kocm Id ik ivumit'. jitnr Ihjn im
u.,w liu gllllllllilu III lltM'.
A fiinimr kiu'Wiil n( Kit' IhtwUd U
'iiirwi("d lit hmIiI liuttH fttt! in lUtt
ihii.i' u( iiiiiivu, ikiy Vint! Hit iMttjilr
. rui lutviMg (mui wkm ilw mmtl
jj'i iu ni U Uiii if mittmi
ctnct Romance!
Donald returns t Ruth witli the news,
She begs him to assist Dore to escape,
and the Englishman offers to do so
on condition hat Ruth will promise
to marry him if he succeeds.
Torn between conflicting emotions
Ruth' forces herself to accept the pro-
poposition. Sir Donald thereupon
secures the services of other former
troopers, and with his old servant, he
rescues Dore after a desperate strug
gle, in which Hindus and soldiers take
This sloiy
Grand Theatre, Thursday, May lUth
The newly elected officials at Myr
tle I'oint have been installed in their
unices. Wi Taylor Dement is mayor,
P. W. Iiird and H. A. Schrocder are
councilmen, J. M. Arrington is treas
urer and E. A. Dodge, recorder.
The Bridge school district held n
school fair April .'i()th.
Oscar J. Siders of the Coast Guards
has returned home from a visit with
his parents in Portland.
New Justice at Langlois
Joseph A. Cox of Langlois who has
for many years been the conservator
of the public peace at that town, has
resigned as such and A. Adolphsen has
hag been appointed by the county
court of Curry county to (ill the vac
ancy. The resignation arose out of
the legal controversy involving judi
cial officers all over Oregon and the
construction of the now famous 1910
law. Joe was a hold over and didn't
know it and when a competitor for ju
dicial honors received the highest vote
Joe nnd the successful competitor both
threw up the sponge. A. Adolphson,
unsuccessful democratic candidate for
the legislature is now justice of the
A party of Bandonians passed
the coast last week, among whom were I
C. A. Jamieson and Tom Nielsen, en-
route to the south end of the county
to investigate the building of a bridge
across Chetco river. The Countv
court let the contract for the building
,i i i . . . . , j
of this bridge o the Bandon Construe-
uuu cuiiiiKiny insi. summer, 10 uo com-
pleted before winter, but that company 1
after losing several thousand dollars
in time and material was compelled to
seek an extension of time until sum
mor, which the court granted. It is
understood that some contractors at
Brookings are willing to relievo the
Bandon' company of thoir ohlimJons
and complete the bridge m.d tha Bau
dot! party, representing both the Con
struction company and its boi.ds men,
have gone down to look tbo situatio i
"'or Port Oroford Tribune-
The Yuba tractor which was to have
been demonstrated as n gravel hauling
machine on the roads between here
and Elk river tiie past week has
not done much work owing to the slip
pery condition of the roads caused
from the last showers. The purchase
of the machine by tho county has been
the topic for much discussion, and the
concensus of opinion seems to be op
posed to it. However, the ni'ichino
has not had n show as yet to show
either its merits or demerits and will
given thorough test within thtf next
week or ton days. A, H. Boico, A. J.
Marsh and H. T;Stewart have been ap
pointed judges to watch the work and
if the tractor can haul tho gravel on
tho roads for one half the cost of put
ting it there with teams it will be
bought by the county for $3,000.
Port Orford Tribune.
They say that I am worthless and 1
guess, at least, I he, 'cause kids and
other people's dogs they all shinu up
to me. While decent men is scramb
lin roun'. I pity lots of well dressed
folks that coolly pass mo by, the
weariness that's on their lips, tho pain
that'll in their eye. In winter, Just n
corner nimr to soniti one else's fins
in summer time a patch of shade's the
l of my dMiru. A gun when fall
winds whistle, ti pole wlitm fiu.
bile, tin mi niiMtU, or Uw if lined In
ami a plui-n t lnp H ,,,,t, ru
turn h liultt fsivw for h lt(iner i
H iMsl; Ui yet H Umlwr siiillv fi.nn a
yMiMjftr tf m li lu grin with II.. m
Unit's untn.iiiK, iuj wiwji with il,
tiliil W'.(. i liVM MIlHll Hy IMWIH'V
Hlui III.. iii fiuiuL l.'tpj U) MPtV'
tiul a tti.iii . ,, it ,,, g HUH
Cold Fads.
The attorneys Tor the plaintiff to a
ult liefore Federal Judge Smith Mc
Pherson of town were attempting to
Introduce Into the record of the ensa
the diary of the deceased mother ot
the defendant, which contained refer
ences to a love affair between her
daughter, n widow, and the defendant,
also dead, against whose estate the
salt was brought. The court llnally
ruled that the diary might be admit
ted, but before so ruling he told the
Jury this story:
"Down la my country," said Judge
McPhersnn. "Itlll Loverldge was try
ing to keep from paying his landlord
the rent due on the farm he bud been
working It was necessary for Bill's
attorneys to show that the whiter had
been an especially bard one To prove
the extent of the dllllciiltles under
which Bill had labored Bill's diary
was Introduced, and among other en
tries laid before the Juryvas this:
'"Nov. '11. Ground froze on thin
date and stayed frozen all wlnterl"--Saturday
Evening Post.
A Guileless Chinese Art fat.
in the fourth century A. D. there
lived In China" an artist who ,was also
n poet. Ills name was Kit K'al Chlh
In London there Is a painting, a 'long
scroll, which for at least a thousand
years lias been treasured as his work,
nnd, though tuat-tmiinot tie. proved. It
In In all probability a painting by bin
hand One day. wo are told, he tn
trusted to a friend u chestful of paint
Ings which he had collected. For bet
ter security ho fastened the lid of the
chest and sealed the fastening with n
seal. The friend, however, coveted
the paintings and lilt on the simple
expedient of removing the bottom of
the box and so abstracting them.
When tlie bos was restored to Ku
K'al Chlh ho broke the seal and found
It empty. But he suspected no theft
mid expressed no surprise. Beautiful
paintings, he said, communicate with
supernatural beings. They had changed
their form and Mown away like men
when they 'join tbo Immortals. Louis
iiluyoii In Atlantic.
French Detective's Revenge.
M. Calchas, tlif famous French do
'ftlve. was noted for his skill as a
""""-- i" ----"
''''" stn.t've reasons with M. Lepin
II ill I life iiiu iuui.1 n ill liiu
fof,tu.e tri.atened t0 unVe hIs ven.
"it's no use trying to kill me." said
the prefect genially. "I am too well
Jooked after for that"
I've a much better and less obvious
plan than that." retorted the detective
"Just wait anil see."
A week Inter M Calchas appeared In
the prefect's study and presented an
iiiiiIiiiiiis document It was the record
of M Leplue's doings day by day,
hour by hour, almost minute by min
ute, since their last Interview, and It
tvas with rather a wan snillo that the
prefect peruseil It Satisfied with his
characteristic vengeance, the detective
assured M.- Leplne that the "dossier"
for that week would not bo given to
the world. '
Bicycle Repairs Saw Filing
and Repairing A Specialty
Phone 471
P, O. Box 174
S. D. Barrows
Will lake iirilert for llicycln of til limls
nil Cope Molor.Ojd,., also Colian Row
Ikjsi Mulnn.
William Tripp's
Old Mother
Copyright, 1913. by Associated Lit
erary Press.
William was wicked.
When 1 pick out one man from n
mining camp made up of 300 run
nways, debt Jumpers, cutthroats, gam
blers, horse thieves and murderers and
call him wicked I mean for the reader
to Infer that he was right up nud
down bad.
Which was exactly the case with
William Tripp.
Wicked! Well, be was that!
Such a swearer as William was! He
would begin as soon as his eyes were
open In the morning nnd keep up n
steady fire until 10 o'clock at night
nd ho was a cheat nnd n liar.
ou wonder that we didn't run him
out or hang him.
Well, somehow we nlways Intended
to, but always put It off to a moro
convenient date. The success of
bouncing n mini depends n good dual
on who the man Is. On our first gen
tle hint to William Tripp that aniens
he was packed up and out of camp In
side of thirty minutes his anatomy
would be riddled with bullets he pro
duced n couple of revolvers, backed up
against the Red Eye saloon nnd calm
ly observed that he was aching for a
little excitement. I think his actions
at that particular time bad something
to do with our giving him the rope
and seeking to get nlong with his ec
centric traits of character.
"I move." said Elder Beacon one
night when we were talking about
William's bod ways, "that the com
mittee get the drop on him and then
run him Into the bills."
Just bo, but who were the commit
tee? That was another point we could
never satisfactorily determine, nnd that
was another reason why William con
tinued to abide with us.
Shoot? Well, you never saw such an
eye and such nerve. Just as far as he
could see the bowl of a pipe in a man's
mouth he could smash it with a bullet.
Almost every bat in camp bnd an air
hole made by one of his bullets, nnd,
though 1 was prejudiced against Wil
liam, I had to admit thnt he respected
men's heads In shooting at their lints.
But there came a halt lu William
Tripp's mad coreer, and It happened
In a queer way. A lire in Ills tent one
night burned up a lot of his traps, and
he had to make a ride of thirty miles
on Colonel Cooper's old mare to replace
tnem with new. The morning ho rode,
out of camp was the last time we saw
hint, but we heard from n do7.en dif
ferent ones Just what happened. About
twelve miles from our camp was the
Overland trail, and Just where our own
trail struck in was a pretty little val
ley with plenty of water and wood. It
was a favorite" camping spot with Im
migrants, nnd the dny William Tripp
reached It ho found half a dozen wag
ons nnd as many families halted for
a breathing spell.
The deviltry In William's nature bub
bled over when he struck that valley
nnd beheld such n scene of peace.
Children were playing nround, women
were washing and mending, nnd the
brawny men were repairing wagons
and harness and whistling over their
work. William drew rein and gazed
upon the scene for a few minutes.
Then he out with Ills revolver. Seated 1
before one of the llres wjih an old wo I
man with her knitting In hand and n
pipe In her mouth. It was n long shot,
tint the evil one urged William to try
It. and try he did.
What happened?
Something oven worse than murder
The bullet went straight for tho old
woman's bead and crashed Into her
brain, Then something awful follow
ed. She rose to her feet, whirled
around to face the shooter, nnd true
ns you live she seemed to look at him
for thirty seconds beforo sho tottered
forward and sjirleked out:
"William! Oh. my son Wllllnm!"
Then she pitched forward on tho
grass and was dead In n second, and
tho red blood oozed out and made a
terrible stain on the green grass.
And Wllllam-what did he do? He
was like ono turned to stone. Tho old
woman's words plainly reached his
ears, and he must linvo recognized her
face. In the awful moment In which
ho sat gazing nt the corpse on the
grass It mimt have flashed across him
thnt Ids poor mother had made that
long Journey with neighbors for no
other purpose than to hunt him up ho
the boy who had left her yeors ago
and hail been the subject of her night
ly prayers ever since. Wicked as ho
was he must have fell her devotion
and sncrlllces.
And then?
He sat there In his saddle, his eyes
fastened on his mother's corpse, nnd
the revolver still In Ids hand. The sit
uation had pet rilled blm. While ho wit
thus one of the Immigrants, who, bi
llevlng that tho camp was to be at
tacked by a force, leveh-d his rlllo
over the wheel of tho wngon and sent
ii bullet plowing through William'
Ah. well: H'n years nud yenrs ago.
iiml tin hvln grim In llm valley huvn
li'llK "lin e been Inilllpled out of slullt,
timl While Dug Diggings run )n found
no iiioim. hut tho duy llm news u( Hint
uw fill Irnniily rninn Iwrk t ns wii
ilnH'I'nl mk.4m iiml phk mid ronld
wik km luurw fur hi iuy And flr
S IkKlg MMlMl U( ultdlK'tl NlllOlltf hit
IHi who Ufui iH.llN.illMy KUli'Tol
0M)W) Jwiitt- limit Im mr Ids opln
m ii JiMijMr Mum Mtl fHl'J
Mbm Hit lkjtfi dmI Jlrs
His Vocation.
Young Tlnisced This term 1 am go
ing to undertake the study of Latin
t ltd (ireek.
Old Ilnrdfax H'm! I suppose them
(load languages does need an under
laker. Boston Ulube.
WANTED One of the large maga
zine publishing houses desires to cm
ploy an active mans or woman in this
community to handle a special plan
which has proven unusually profitable
uood opening for the right party.
Box 155. Times Sq. Stn Now York
In the matter of the estate of James
A. Cope, Deceased:
Notice "of Final Account
Notice is hereby given that Elbert
Dyer, administrator of the above es
tate, has filed in the above entitled
court, his final account in said estate,
and the court having appointed the
7th day of June, 1915, nt the hour of
10 o'clock, a. m. of said day nt the
court house in Coquille city, Coos
county, Oregon, ns the time and place
for hearing objections to such final
Therefore all persons interested
are hereby notified, that hearing will
be had on such final account nt the
above stated time and place, and those
having objections to such account, or
the closing of said estate, must file
and present same on of before such
This notice is published four succes
sive weeks, the first April 20 and the
last, May 11, 1915, by order of the
! court
Administrator of the Estate
James A. Cope, deceased.
Attorney for Estate.
Notice is hereby given that sealed
bids will be received and opened by the
Port of Bandon at the meeting of the
Commissonors on the first Saturday
Dealrri in
I'HONIi V) .
in Juno, 1915, at Bandon, Oregon for
tho work of driving piling for the pro
tection of the banks of the Coquille
River in accordance with the provis
ions of Ordinance N,o. G nnd the plans
and specifications of the Port Engin
eer, nnd the applications nnd agree
ments of property owners nlong Uie
river ns said ordinances, plans, speci
fications and ngrcemenLt appear on
file in the office of the Secretary of said
And that "contract for driving said
piling shall be let to the lowest bidder
pioviding satisfactory bids are sub
mitted, reserving the right to reject
any and all bids.
Secretary of the Port of Bandon
Roseburg, Oregon, April 19,1915
To the heirs of John Lisk, deceased,
of Bandon, Oregon, contcstce:
You aro hereby notified that Mary
E. Brummett, who gives Bandon Ore
gon, as his post office address, did on
April 17th, 1915, file in this office his
duly corroborated application to con
test and secure cancellation of your
Homestead Entry No 0827.'!, Serial
No. 08273, made August 111, 1912, for
the SEU of SW'i of Sec. 7 and NEV,
of NW!4 of Section IS, Township 29
S, Rnnge. 14 W., Willamette Meridian
and as grounds for his contest he al
leges that said John Lisk lived alone
on the premises; that he cultivated
one half acre for garden purposes for
his own table use; that no other or
further cultivation or improvement
was made on said land by said John
Lisk; that said John Lisk died Feb.
2, 1915, and was buried at Bandon,
Oregon leaving no known heirs.
You are therefore further
notified thnt the said allegations
will be taken as confessed
and your said entry will be can
celed without further right to be
heard, either before this office or on
appeal if you fail to file in this office
within twenty days after the
FOURTH publication of this notice,
is shown below, your nnswer, under
oath, specifically responding to these
allegations of contest, together with
due proof that you have served a copy
of your answer on the said contestant
either in person or by registered mail.
You should state in your answer
the name of the post office to which
you desire future notices to bo sent to
J. M. UPTON, Register
Date of 1st publication, May -1, 1915
Date of 2nd publication, May 11, 1915
Date of ,1rd publication, May 18, 1915
Date of 4th publication, May 25, 1915
White in (he can mixed
anv shade desired
Paints, Oil; and Wall Paper samples
Contract Painting and Decorating.
f U R customers
have the bene
fits at all times of
our counsel and ad
vice in banking mat
ters when desired.
. Ji ill Hi 4 .iti uui,y
m ImI Ui iters. uii tWt tuu tut, I