The Bandon recorder. (Bandon, Or.) 1915-19??, May 04, 1915, Image 6

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    4$ W unfit f hf
4fef is
-Crepe De Chine
A soft silk and- cotton
mixture 27 inch wide
in solid colors, also a
few floral figured pieces
exceptionally fine for
waists and party dresses
Regular Price 65c yard
Sale 43c yard
Misses Union Suits-
Misses summer union
suits, pure white, fine
Swiss rihhed, low neck
and cuff knees, sizes
10, 12, 14 years.
Regular Price 35c each
Sale 27c each
New Store
New Goods
- e
City Recorder Kausrud was forced
to interrupt his work in connection
with the collection of water rents
Tuesday and take a trip to Coquille.
He was called to the county seat by a
subpoena on the Coach-Mitchell-Simp-son-DeCosta
affair, now being tried in
the circuit court.
The steamer Telegraph has changed
its afternoon sailing time from 12:15
to 12:110, p. m.
Tlio canneries of the Rogue rivci
country was the Mecca of a company
of Chinamen who passed through Bau
dot! Monday night i
Dr. Endicott is back home again.
His injured arm is getting back nicely
into shape and he will be ready to re
sume his practice some time next
J. E. Walstrom returned from his
trip to San Francisco Friday, coining
overland on the return trip.
It makes home a desirable place to be and the investment will bring you
more lasting and continuous comfort for your money than most anything else
you could buy.
Better come in and look around and learn what you can buy for the amount
you can spend.
While you are here I want you to see the "handy couches" I am making, they
are built on honor and will last for years. Upholstered with felted cotton over the
best oil tempered steel springs 32 inches wide 6 feet long. You never slept on a
more comfortable bed and they cost you less than those shipped in besides being
better made. The bed springs, I am making, cost you less and are better than
those shipped in.
Fine new stock of baby carriages and two wheeled sulkeys on display, priced very reasonable.
Upholstering and
-Silk Poplin-
Good weight, fine silk
poplin 27 inch wide
will wear anil wash
Regular I'rice 75c yard
Sale 42c yard
-Khaki Cloth-
27 inch Government
khaki cloth in light and
dark tans. Can not he
excelled 'or outingsuits
shirts and hlouses.
15 & 25c yard
The train on the railroad from
Mnrshfield to Coquille is back on a
ichedulo similar to last year going
lortli between 11 and 12 niul return
ing, leaving Marshfiold between three
ind four in the afternoon. The'
now makes the through trip to Pow
ers every day which makes the change
in time.
The perjury, cases growing out of
the Coach-Treadgold case will be turn
ed over to the new grand jury in the
hopes that out of the tangled mass of
conflicting evidence new minds on the
subject will be able to arrive of a de
finite conclusion. Mrs. Ruby Nor-lcr
her sister Lolita Simpson and Mrs.
Pfortner, are held for alleged perjury.
The Rotnrian Quartet which appear
ed at the Grand Inst Wednesday night
was given a good patronage and de
served a larger one. The quartet
was good in every number of the pro
gram and especially good in the Gor
man dialect and the comedy special
ties. Dr. R. V. L'eep returned today from
a five week's stay in Portland where
lie has been taking a special course in
the hospitals.
A nice selection of 27
inch messaline and taf
feta silk with a neat
pattern, also plaids and
Roman stripes.
Regular I'rice $1.50 yard
Sale 79c yard
Muck towels
inch hemmed
with red horders. You
will surely find this
towel a hargain. They
would he cheap at 15c
You can huyr tehm on
sale Fncrny & Saturday
Sale 8 l-3c each
The Store
that saves
you money
Mrs. Harry Lewellyn and daughter
Enda, arc visiting with friends and
relatives at Eugene, going by way of
Maplcton, and expect to be gone for
several weeks. On their trip out they
arrived at Maplcton 15 minutes too
late to catch the train and were com
pelled to remain there for practically
twenty four hours.
Who i3 the Clutcliii.jj llano??,?
ThcT mystery will s-oon be solved
see the nn.t thrilling i j'tllinent of
E'aine n'.. Friday night.
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Edmunds are
making arrangements to move to
Pendleton where Mr. Edmunds will
return to his former employment in
the Pendleton woolen mill and have
charge of the finishing work of the
.famous Indian blanket. Mr. Edmunds
was for some time ejnployed in the
Bandon woolen mill.
E. W. Fahy of Bullard who was
subpoenaed as a juryman for this
term of Circuit Court was excused,
owing to the fact that he is in charge
of public work with a large number
of men working under him.
River steamboat inspectors are ex
pected ngnln nt Coquille May 12th,
this time to investigate the charges
against Capt. Geo. Lenevc of the
Charm. These charges are similar to
those of which Captain Dunham of
the Telegraph was recently convicted,
that of allowing a deck hand to handle
the wheel of the boat in transit on the
The Bandon came in Monday and is
loading tics.
Attorney Feency was a businoss
visitor in Marshfiold last week.
Bandon lodge, A. F. and A. M. held
their regulnr meeting for April on the
last night of the month, Friday 'night
and by way of doing a little special
work they conferred the master ma
son degree on Harry Pierce.
E. E. Oakes was a visitor in Myr
tle Point one day last week.
Rev. W. S. Smith of the local Pres
byterian church will go to Myrtle
Point Sunday to assist in the instnla
tion of Hev. Veriion in the Presbyter
ian church here. Mr. Smith will pre
side at the installation. He will al
so help install Rev. Stubbleficld at
Mnrshfield on the Tuesday following.
The gaslinc eugiii3 has been re
moved from the wrecked Randolph.
Sand had sifted in everywhere but
since it has been taken apart and the
rust removed it is as good as new.
The engine originally cost $2,800 and
has not had mtuh cervire.
I ,es Wilkerso'i get- poshcs.iion of
ths plans of thi!, r.itt.sW.i Key mine?
See the pictures si the Orand next
iThuisday and fir t out.
j The Ladies' Aid of the M. E. church
' will meet every Wednesday afternoon
in the parlor of the church until oth
erwise notified. Work solicited. All
are invited. tf
Harry Crain and a few friend arc
adding another to the cottages on Uie
beach near the lookout.
Miss Blanche Landreth, teacher in
the East Side grammar school has
been called to Los Angeles by the ill
ness of her brother. The latter has
been recently operated on for appen
dicitis and is in a serious condition.
Ho is not expected to live. Miss Kate
Rosa will teach for Miss Lundrctii
during her absence.
Alderman Papc was a visitor in
Marshfiold Tuesday and in Myrtlo
Point Wednesday spreading the gos
pel of Sperry flour.
S. R. Loshbaugh has bought the
pop making outfit formerly conduct
ed by. J. C. Slagel in a place of busi
ness on the water front and has re
moved the outfit to the back of his
store on Second street. Mr. Loshbaugh
will conduct the factory in the future
and will aim to suppy all demands
Mrs. E. Don McCreary was a visitor
in Marsiilield a couple dayn the early
part of last week.
The Mnster Kej seriil is playing
to ciowded house. every week it3
certainly an eiit?iluinin,r photo play.
II. H. Dufort went up the River
yesterday to look at timber, and re
turned home in the evening.
G. Bonk is having his building on
Edison avenue, formerly occupied-as
an architect and builder's shop trans
formed into a garage and Harry
Morrison will house his automobile
Keystone Comedies nre surely
laugh producers We show one every
Sunday night at the Grand.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Johnson arc re
joicing in the birth of an eight pound
girl who was born Wednesday night
Mrs. Phillpot who has a class of
girls in the M. E. Sunday school en
tertained them at her home Thursday
night. All report a fine time.
Mrs. W. J. Sweet took her class of
boys in the M. E. Sunday school for
a picnic on the beach Saturday. They
bad a picnic dinner in which wienies
hud n prominent part and had such a
time as only boy,, know hn.v to enjoy.
(From the Curry County Leader)
II. A." Hawkins and son John made
a business trip to Bandon and Coquille
in their ford-one day last week.
M.r and Mrs. Frank Cox and little
daughter tavern departed for Bandon
Tuesday and returned homo in tang
lois Wednesday. .
Mrs. J. Clausen of Bandon is visit
ing at the home of Mr. J. Sorenscn
from their Mrs. Clausen departed
Monday for Denmark where she will
visit with Mr. and Mrs. A. Adolplisen
jnu lnniiiy a lew weeus.
Robert Mucker of Corbin was in
Bandon on businsse Monday. Mr.
Mucker is launching out in the Gin
song business at that place he says the
soil and climate conditions are ideal
.for the niseng business, they now have
growing and in healthy condition 500
one year old, CO 2year old plants and
have planted 10,000 seeds which aro
coming fine.
About the time Glen Shores was
inarching Spiker down the street last
Tuesday evening the J. G. B. club
which had been entertained by Mrs.
C. J. Furnian, was dispersing. Ac
cording to reports there was a lot of
hurried telephoning on the part of
sonic of the ladies trying to locate
their husbands and there was much
relief when said husbands were found
to be safe and sound. Sentinel.
"Runaway Juno" is going to run
away to Bermuda in the next install
ment something unusual is going
to happen next Sunday at the Grand
Watch June.
Circuit court adjourned Friday
noon until Monday morning; the
grand jury having finished all the
work that was before it also adjourn
ed, to be reconvened whenever re
called by the court.
A complete line of .summer footwear
including tennis shoes and barefoot,
sandals is now ready for your inspec
tion at Ocon's. Opposite the Grand
Everybody invited. Shoe repair shop
in connection.
Good Bull for Service at the Ledge
wood place. Terms $1.50 cash at tho
time of service. Priviledge to bring
cow back until safe. C. H. Chandler.
The Recorder, representative local
newspaper, ?1.5() per year.
Resolutions 1
At n regular meeting of Bondcl
Lodge, No. 130, A. F. and A. M., tl
following resolutions were adopted:
WliprinH. the Sunremo Architect i
tho Universe has, in his infinite wik
dom, seen fit to withdraw our brothiV
Nathaniel K. Smith from earthly n
tivitics, J
it . :. i i l l.ifl
lie II Ill'Hirivt'll, illlll u, mi mi vti
ren, hereby express our npprcciatir
of his excelhnce as a man, a citizo'
nnd more especially as a brother, oi
sorrow at having him taken from u
nnd our hope that his memory will H
among his fellow men as long and ii'
diminished in lustre as it will anion
us, his brethren in Freemasonry:
And be it Further Resolved, tlr
these resolutions be spread upon tl
minutes of this Lodge, as n pernianei
record of the esteem in which we hn
held and always hold our deccasi
brother, and that a copy hereof 1
conimuuicted to the family ns an
pression of our sympathy in their W
earn oi inniikH we wish io c
press our thanks to our neighbors fi
the ninny acts of kindness shown t
at the time of our bereavement.
Mrs. W. E. Ellis and Famil
Miss Pauline Stillwell a fiftee
year old girl of Bandon was take
before County Judge Watson th
morning at 10 o'clock, on the chur(
of being a delinquent minor. It seen
that she had previously been sul
poeiincd before the grand jury, as
witness which led to the hearing bi
fore Judge Watson's Court.
R. C. McKinnis, W. E. Mnrshal
W. A. LoGore and Leo Barrows wci
to Coquille on tho early boat Mondn
..,..:.... ii i...:.... ... u.
IlltJI Ulllf, IIIU IIUIM Jill IIIUIIW ill 111
present session of Court.
J. W. Coach who was bound ov
i' .ijijiu.ii iiuiiiii; mi: vii .mil uiii i
IIIV W. FVI1JI1J 111.-11 I
connection with the sale of certai
iirniiiiri v iidmiii inn itnikr g i its
I...! 1... -1.1 !
bringing in a "not 11 (rue bill".
Mrs. nertha Stillwell of Fournn
went to Coquille today to appear
ujiu uu; v im'ii v uui i in uii: mum
1 1... f i .. :.. 1 1. ..... i .
11 I IW Mll'trillir ID T l Mill 1 Mill! 1 I
Pauline Stillwell, a minor child.
Wi linvo lionrd liinnv nnnlilo Min
ouiri iv iiuiHieti Willi i uni-ni iiuuiu
ism, criticise mo imcricuu goven
incut s action on the Panama tol
sums siioiiki lie lavorco. ji me on
wit lint r.'iiml rnnrnsmits .1 bilsinn.'
investment by tho government
three hundred and seventv five mi
nun nun. us. 11 inu HiiijijiiiiK
ii i. 1 i.i .1... a
people bo greatly benefited? We thin
uui. univ i no siiinniiiLr interest
ii sunn (lisrriiiiiiiiiLKiiiH won liu
I. 1. ! .1. . 11..
made, would the American merchai
or farmer be benefitted? We do in
believe so. Would the doctor, haul
i . 1 1 1 1 1 la i k Li . . i ill. iii.i ii ii ..1 .1 ii v. i .1
not figure how they would bo no
do we sec why one class of privat
business interests in the natin
should be thus franchisee! or otlic
classes of business discriminate
against for the benefit of the shi
ping interests alone. I'rce tolls fc
American shins would merely be on
way of subsidizing the shipping intei
action taken.
Phone 594.