The Bandon recorder. (Bandon, Or.) 1915-19??, May 04, 1915, Image 5

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"f II K M AST 12 R K K Y"
Harry Wilkcrson Hurry Carter
James Gallor Wilbur Hig'oy
Ruth Gallon Ella Hall
John Dore Robert Ixjonttrd
Story by John Fleming Wilhon
Despite the unusually heavy rains
which are sweeping the Pacific coast,
Director Robert I,eonnrd, Kiln Hall
and the Rex players are working late
these nights on the interiors of "The
Master Key". Some splendid seashore
scenes were tuken during the filming
of the recovery of the sea-chest from
the bottom of the Pacific ocean by
Wilkerson and his men. A special
trip was made to the coast in order
to secure the proper atmosphere.
Director Leonard tool; advantage of
the occasional hills in the rain to
"shoot" old ocean rolling in on x':e
rocky proniotorics at Santa MonicL,
Calif., with bis players enacting the
thrilling scenes comprised in ti 2
latest installment of "The Master
The Hindu temple scenes , in the
eleventh episode of Mr. Wilso1'
serial, were taken in India ntontns
ago upon the occasion of Mr. Leonards
visit to the Orient. At that time "Tho
Mnster Key" was in preparation, but
Mr. Leonard thought the opportunity
a good one to snap a few scenes with
an East India atmosphere and native
actors. British sailors in port were
secured to play the roles in the rob
bery of a native Indian idol from
a Hindu temple an incident of the
eleventh episode.
Some difficulty was experienced in
securing a native Indian actor, for thr
superstition of the rative3 concern
ing their idols or facsimilo reproduc
tions of their Inrcs and peuates is very
strong. By bribing one of the more
"civilize'1" of the natives, however.
Director Leonaid induced him to take
part in the scenes which were filmed
within sound of the tinkling of temple
bells near Calcutta.
Episode eleven of "The Muster Key"
is brimful of excitement. It will be
remembered that Wilkerson and Dore
are both striving to recover the secret
to the rich lode of ore in the nunc'',
which secret is continued in a sea client
which Wilkerson has recovered from
the depths of the Pacific ocean.
Wilkerso.i's ship continues toward
land, and he at once forces the chest
open and makes a search for the pa
per, from which be hopes to learn the
secret of "Tito Master Key" mine. He
fails to find any such slip, but docs
find the indian idol, which he casts n
nido with the other contents as being
Meantime, Pore's boat, which has
been pursuing Wilkerson's vessel,
leaches shore. Mrs. Darnell up
braids Wilkerson for his seeming
stupidity and another quarrel betwear
them ensues. Members of the' crew
examine the seemingly worthless con
tents of the chest, and one of the
tinders appropriates the idol among
other articles, with a view to selling
them in port.
Upon arriving in San Diego, Mrs.
Darnell goes to a hotel, while Wilkor
t;on remains to pay off the captain and
crew. Dole's boat puts into dock and,
with the captain mil Ruth, ho hastons
to find Wilkerscn and the mysterious
In the ' itormin, the sailor, with his
idol, goes ashore with his ditty-bag
and seek : out a pawnshop where he
may sell his treasures. On the ar
rival of Dore and Ruth nt Wilkerson's
boat another altercation ensues be
tween the two enemies, the respective
sea captains interfering. Wilkerson
gives Dore the laugh but the latter
at once real that Harry Wilkerson
hns not found the papers.
Willii'ison goes into town to rash a
tht'i'k with which to pay off the rap
tain. Dore theri'iiN)ii ipioitions the
latter regarding the Idol and is rufur
I d In nu'tnber of dm now. II
learik Una hum uf the xuilorN )m mum of ilii) ml lulu In jhu uluvgl
nnd lliu mm i ih Ik lit outfit lOHliiuiHil.
Willtt inon irluiin o the hip w1i Uut
i li .tiul muii lliu miAuiii t
liun WllkuifttfM imllli UmI Uj Jm
Imi.miI I Jim tiuv lm lti auMrh IK
Ulult Uf jjjlStlu lilt J,.,
iu ju Mix Mag ii.. .,. ri..,, .. Ml
ana ksoman ere;
rugs. In the shop he sees the idol,
recognizes it and hastens to his
squnllid quarters whera ho holds it
close to him in a pathetic manner. As
ho gazes at the little image it seems
to dissolve from view, and .". series of
pictures of the past appear.
The Hindu sees himself as a watcher
in a temple. A sailor enters the
sacred confines and watches him roam
about. Hp sees him standing before
a sacred shrine. The Hindu turns
from the visitor and takes up his re
ligious duties where be had left off
when he first saw the visitor. Later
be notices that the sailor is gone nnd
on walking to the shrine, in the per
formance of a sacred rite ho finds that
one of the idols is gone. He immedi
ately commences a search for it and,
recalling the incident of the sailor, he
runs forth and gives an alarm. He is-
severely censured by the high priest
and is sent forth to find the idol.
Ho visits the wharves nnd when
hoarding one of the ships ho peers
through a porthole and in a cabin sees
the sailor gloating over the idol. He
moves nearer and the sailor, seeing
him, thrusts the idol into his chest and
closes the lid. Other sailors cbme a
long the dock and question tho Hindu
Tho first sailor comes from bis cabin
and joins tho party. Realizing that
the Hindu ic searching for the idol,
the sailor tells his comrades to throw
him ovcrbocrd. The Hindu is there
upon, seized and thrown into the water
He swims ashore and on being un
able to board the ship again, is forced
to watch her as she sails away. He
returns to the temple and is told that
he io bn-iishod until be returns with
the sacred image. He returns to the
wharves and boards another vessel.
The Hindu's vision, then closes end
Ruth and Dore are scon to enter the
pawnshop with Wilkerson following
close behind although they are un
aware of it. Ruth and Dore question
the shopkeeper closely, but the latter
evades their queries.
Shown at tho Grand Theatre, Thurs
day, May Cth.
The latest business-aid service insti
tuted by the government is a wood
wRte exchange conducted by thi
Forest Service in Washington. D. C
it nims to assist lumbermen and man
ufacturers of wood to use each others
waste to mutual advantage, thus ef
fecting a largo saving not only in
forest material hut in money as well.
.More than -10 manufacturers of
wooden r.rticles have asked to bo put
on the exchange list.
Twice a month tho exchange sends
out a circular headed "Opportunities
to Buy Waste", containing tho names
and addresses of factories having
waste wood for sale, with exact in
formation as to species, sizes, form,
quantities. Similarly, anoiher circu
lar headed "Opportunities to Sell
Waste," gives the specific teyuiro
ments of wood using plants which de
sire to buy waste material.
To illustrate: A furniture maker
in Michigan wrote to the forest ser
vice asking bow to dispose of sugar
maple blocks r.rd sticks which were
cut off in the process of furniture
making Mid which ho had to sell
merely as fuel. Samples were ob
tained from him and tho Service then
located a scrubbing brush manufac
turer who used small' maple blocks for
brush backs. The result was that the
furniture m:-.ker was enabled to sell
his wrsto at a much higher price than
it brough; as fuel, while the brush
maker was onnbled to buy brush-back
material at u much lower Pgtiro than
it had been costing him to buy maple
lumber : nd cut it up.
After a lingering illness covering
a period of na;ly two years at 7 p, m.
April 1-ltli Antono Dolorifmto died at
the home of Frank Owm, in this city
Mr. Dulonfontit was horn in (lornmny
in IW7, iT.m to thin i'ont when a
inure hoy and lo Gold lliuirh durini;
the gold tmcllniiiviit In tli twrly fiflu -miuI
lm iMidml In thin loaillty ovi-i
iiM'ti. II Ihnvm no Known ivliitiwn
iu IttU country uiul lltlin i known of
hi frtMtly hfartjf)-. About two iun
Mi. lHifwi( Mil U lunU. i
MM JluuUr i rn l iul i144xn hImuI
IttU tiuM4lti ilulltfl M Ut l'U'l
i'mwoI) hunt, .ui i,l !n.i, ,i fmt4 iu
The Gold Beach Water Co. com
menced last week the construction of
a fifty thousand gallon concrete res
ervoir on the hill nbove Dr. Schlie
man's bouse.
Isam Walker tho veteran stockman
of this coast passed through this city
Silnday with ninety seven head of
Hei ford and Durham cattle purchased
form the Dement Bros, stock ranch
in Coos county.
Last Saturday's mail brought the
appointment of district attorney from
Governor Witheeomb to Attorney J.
C. Johnson. The appointment is to
take effect May 1st. Mr. Johnson is
an able attorney, highly recommend
ed by the leading jurists of the state
and wo believe will fill the office of
district attorney creditably to him
self and satisfactorily to the people
of Curry county.
Lourin Forty of Port Orford was
a Gold Beach visitor Sunday. He
brought the good news that his broth
er, Bcrnald Forty, who was operated
upon recently by Dr. Bobbins is now
out of danger and will soon be around
again. He also says the town people
are furnishing tho doctor the land and
he will build a hospital upon it im
mediately. There are two men in this vicinity
that were certainly lucky to escape
the sad accident to the Randolph. One
was Roy Gibson, son-in-law of Mr.
and Mrs. Sam Adams who live up the
river a few miles. Mr. Gibson came
in on the Randolph as engineer, bat
decided to visit his wife's people for
a few days and got Henry Colvin to
take his place. Tho other lucky fe!
low was Sheriff Bailey, who left here
that morning with the intention of
going to Bnndon on tho Randolph to
have some dental work done. On
eaching Wedderburn he learned that
the dentist had come to Port Orford
io the sheriff took the. stage to Port
Orford insted of the ill fated Ran
dolph to Bandou.
Luther Burbank, plant wizard of
California, may come to Portland ns
judge of the floral displa at the
festival center. The festival gover
nors will invito Burbank to Portland
ns a special guest. If he accepts the
invitation ho will be asked to deliver
lectures on Rose culture in connec
tion with tho annual rose show at the
liirycle Repairs Saw Filing
ami Repairing A Specialty
Phone 471
1'. O. Box 174
S. D. Barrows
Will lakr ordrrt for llic)dr of all Limit
ml opr Molor-Cclci alto Colun Ron.
boat Motor.
Ernest' Watkins, student nt the' Uni
versity from Bandon, has just return
ed from a week's trip to Glendnlc.
Medford, Ashland, Gold Hill, ar.d
Central Point,, where he went as one
of the caste in "My Man and Lady"
presented by University students. It
was headed by Prof. A. P. Reddie, who
last year was iu Marshfield for two
recitals. The play which was also
written by Prof. Reddie is said to have
received the praise of being the best
amateur production to appear in th"
Southern Oregon towns. Tho author
ship of the play was kept secret by
Prof. Reddie until after tho trip was
finished. Ho had written it 15 years
Messrs. Johnson and Laird, with
Harley L. Johnson of Reston as man
nger, this week inaugurated a fast
auto stage service between Coos Bay
and Roscburg, via Coquillc and the
old Coos .Bay wagon road. They arc
making the trip through in fast time
and with the inauguration of the ear
ly morning auto service between Coos
Bay and Coquille, they expect to con
nect with the 2 o'clock train at Rose
burg each afternoon. They have ar
ranged to have tho Lockhart-I'arsons
drug stores at Marshfield act as their
agents in Marshfield while Mr. John
son is looking after the Roseburg end.
Tho Slagle-Lamboth line wiL lake
the passengers by auto to
from whore Mr. Laird, a son of .las.
ait (I, will take them in a fine Cadillar
to Laird's, thence by stage over the
17 miles of the canyon, and thence by
auto from Johnson at the base of the
mountain road, to Roseburg. The ser
vice leaves Roseburg at (! o'clock iu
the morning and has been landing the
pas,L-ngers in Coquille about !i o'clock
each afternoon. Chas. Archambeau
who has been driving stage on the old
Coos Bay wagon road for 1!) years
without a serious accident, and Mr.
McCulIough, are driving the canyon
making it easily in four hours.
Tho new service is the fastest trom
the Bay for sometimes with the
Southern Pacific and the rate has been
fixed at ISO each way.
The old Coos 'Bay ' wagon road is
now in the best shape it has been in
for years. There was little traffic
over it during the rainy season and
in consequence the road has dried up
in good shape. Road supervisors all
along tho line are making minor im
provements in it and it is expected
that the trip can bo easily made in
between eight and nine hours. At
any rate, they arc easily able to make
the connections and have arranged
to take care of all passengers,
auton being in reserve. They are dc
termined to give the best possible ser
vice ami have arranged for dinner to
by Mrs. James Laird, the famous coo'
of Laird's for passengers going and
Roseburg, Oregon, April 10,1015
To the heirs of John Lisk, deceased,
of Bandou, Oregon, Conteslee:
You are hereby notified that Mary
E. Brurnmett, who gives Bandou Or
egon, as his post office address, did on
April 17th, 1015, file in this office his
duly corroborated application to con
test and secure cancellation of your
Homestead Entry No. 08273, Serial
No. 08273, made August 31, 1012, for
the SEVi of SWVi of Sec. 7 and NE,i
of NW1, of Section 18, Township 20
S, Range 14 W., Willamette Meridian
and as grounds for his contest ho al
leges that said John Lisk lived alone
on the premises; that ho cultivated
one half aero for garden purposes for
his own table use; that tio other or
further cultivation or improvement
was made on said land by said John
Lisk; that said John Lisk died Fob.
2, 1015, anil was buried at Bandon,
Oregon leaving no known heirs.
You are therefore further
notified that the said allegations
will be taken as confessed
and your said entry will be can
celed without further right to be
heard, eithor before this ofllce or on
appeal if you fail to file iu this office
within twenty days after the
FOURTH publication of this notice
ns shown bolow, your iinnwor, under
oath, specifically responding to thev
allegations of ronton!, together with
duo pi oof that you linvn hhivoiI u iojiy
of your uimwur on lliu uid roniiiktma
ultlwr hi jmjmoii or by rvgUioml mini.
You should ilfiln In your nn.wi-i
I III) IIUIIIO of Ulll HMl ullb'H I" ttlillli
yU (iitij; (ultiro mUtmm lu U i i
i. u. uimm, 111.1.
llUl 14 jMltrtt-Uwi, I. PK.
tyS ltd ptt-umUtm. tU n 'i
ul 4 jttfMbwiiiMi, M.) i i "
Harry Wilson, night editor tnd as
sistant managing editor of tho Phila
delphia Record while in Pot t'and last
week said that tho Rose Festiv 1 was
better known throughout the East
than the Panama Exposition at San
Francisco und says Oregon is securing
much desirable publicity this year a
a result of the city beautiful cam
paign ns well as the lleata.
WANTED -One of the la rgo maga
zine publishing houses desires to em
ploy an active man or woman in this
community to handle a special plan
which has proven unusually profitable
Good opening for tho right party.
Box IC5. Times Sn. Stn.. Nr.
In the mattor of the estate of James
A. Cope, Deceased:
Notice of Final Account
Notice is hereby given that Elbert
Dyer, administrator of tho above es
tate, has filed in the above entitled
court, his final account in said estate,
and the court having appointed the
7th day of Juno, 1015, at tho hour of
10 o'clock, a. ni. of said day at the
court house in Coquille city, Cook
county, Oregon, as the time and place
for hearing objections to such final
Thorefore all persons interested
are hereby notified, that henrinir will
' be had on such final account nt tho
above stated time and place, nnd those
having objections to such account, or
the closing of said estate, must file
and present same on of before such
This notice is published four succes
sive weeks, the first April 20 and the
last, May 11, 1015, by order of the
Administrator of the Estate of
James A. Cope, deceased.
Attorney for Estate.
Notice of Administrator'; Sale
Notice is hereby givn, that u.ioer
i and by virtue or an order of the Hon-
orable John F. Hall, judge of the court
a : r7wm m mrm a
Dcalrrt in
I'aints, Oil
of the stnto of Oregotifin and for Coos
county, and by virtue of a supple-,
mental order made by his successor
in office, namely tho Honorrblo James
Watson, judge of said court, 1 the
undersigned Chris Rnsnutssen, ad
ministrator of the estate of Hans
Ki-ap. tleceased, will sell at public jiiio
tion to the highest bidder at tho prom
ises which are hereafter described; mid
which arc located in the city oftmn
don, Coos county, state of Oregon, on
Wednesday, the fifth day of . .May,
1015, at the hour of 11 o'clock of the
forenoon of said day, on the. tonus
following, to-wit: ton per cent at the
date of sale, forty percent on the con
firmation of the sale, remninder one
year after confirmation with interest
tit S percent per annum, from the tlato
of confirmation of sale, said sum to be
secured by a mortgage on the prom
ises, and that from nnd after said
date, if not then sold at public auction
I shall, as such administrator pro
ceed to sell the said real estate des
cribed in this notice at 'private sale,
which said property und all of it is!b"d as follows, to-wit:
Beginning at a point of the south
boundary of the Extension of First
Street, (now Wall Street) in tho town
(now City) of Bandon, County 6f Coos
and State of Oregon, South thirty six
(JIO) degrees and fifteen (15) lninuloa
East, two hundred and ninety ami five
tenths (200 - 5-10) foot distant from
the intersection of tho South boundary
of tho Extension of First Street and
the Eastern boundary of Wharf
Street (now Bandon Ave.), in tho aaid
Town of Bandon: Running thence
south sixteen '(Hi) degrees aiifl flfteon
(15) minutes west twentysix. J20) feet
to the Northeast corner off Second
street, thence north soventythreo (73)
degr-'os and fortyfivo (-15) . minutes
west thirty-two ami five tilths (32
5-10; feet- along said K.eccAul street;
thence north fiftythreo (511) degrees
ten (10) minutes east forty five and
live tenths (15- 5-10) feet lo the
south boundary of said extension of
First street; thence south thirty six
(30) degrees und fifty (50) minutos
East twenty six (20) feet along the
South boundary of the Extension of
First Street to the place of beginning.
Dateil at Bandon, Coos county, Or
egon, this 5th day of April, 1015.
Apr G 5t Administrator
While in Ihe c;in mixed to
any shade desired
; and Wall Paper samples
Contract Painting antl Dccoralin.
f U R customers
have the bene
fits at all times of
our counsel and ad
vice in banking mat
ters when desired.
4 i
HI t. lul..y l.u j,,ft , f rttrr
' 1 Utii. It i. m ii, ,
mw ittU Urn Uidm