The Bandon recorder. (Bandon, Or.) 1915-19??, May 04, 1915, Image 1

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Oregon Historical Socle
Bandon By-the-Sea has the Prettiest Beach on the Coast
Makes the Passage From Coos Bay in
Safety and Prepares for Immediate
A cursory glance up the street Mon
day might have convinced the careless
observer that a fleet of Japanese war
vessels was about to enter the river.
But it was only a consignment of
barges, the advance guard of the
dredge Seattle on its way from Coos
Hay to the wprk of deepening the
channel of the Coquille. :
The advance fleet was composed of
four barges, one each for derrick, oil,
pipe and water, and the two tow boats
the Bermuda and Fish. Captain
Alox Scott, the dauntless and re
sourceful navigator was in charge of
the Bermuda, having made u special
trip to Marshfield in the forenoon to
take the helm. Ho probably is better
acquainted with the eccentricities of
the Coquille bar than any other per
son and acted as pilot to guide the
flotilla over in safety. CapUiin John
son nnd his life savers were out in
their power boat to be ready in case
of emergency und helped to tow the
party in. .
The tugs Coast and Klihyam towed
the party from the bay down.
The big dredge, itself, arrived in the
river at about three o'clock this morn
ing. The tug Gleaner brought it to
the mouth of the Coquille and from
there the tug Klihyam took charge.
The dredging force is also now
here in the city. Some of them came
sovcral days ago and many came yes
terday. This includes eleven
families. The entire force numbers
fifty men, thirty four of whom are
employed on the dredge and the rest
on the shore.
Dredging will commence on the
shoal near the Moore mill Wednesday.
It is estimated that the cost of mov
ing the outfit to Bandon is $10,000.
Everything had to be put in sea shape
as for u long haul. The outfit moved
today is not suitable for dredging
at the bar. It is expected to build
winged jctttc to clear away the
spit near the mouth of the river
through the action of river currents.
The harbor commission started the
floating piledriver at work this morn
north jetty, the intention being to fill
them in and make a solid barrier of
rock that will keep the stream con
ing on the gaps that exist ou the
fined to a central channel.
Tho Seattle, it is expected will have
the dredging in the river completed
in about three months.
The dredge crew gave a fine exam
ple of efficient organization in their
process of getting ready for work,
Tho dredge crossed tho bar at It o'
clock, this morning. It wns installed
in position ready to work with only a
few suction pipes to bo placed at live
o'clock tonight.
The amount of work this entailed
can not be realized except by those
who saw tho dredge, all bulkheadcd
for tho ocean trip as she came over
the bar. The suction and discharge
pipes had to be coupled together and
placed in position on pontoons.
The small amount of equipment
still at Coos bay is not needed for this
work but will bo brought over by the
Prints of Oregon Flowers
Nature lovers who arc Interested in
the wild flowers of Oregon may de
rive much help from a Met of photo
graphic prints recently received nt the
library. This is a floral calendar with
reproductions of many of the natural
flowers of Spring. Among them are
the pussy willow, mission bell, the or
chid, anemone, wind flower, butter cup
Hweul colt's foot, skunk cublmge, blue
eyed grans, flag iris, Bynthuris, Spring
beauty, Douglas fir, oso hurry, hazel
The Ket in vent to librarieii by Prof,
fiwiH'Uor of tho On'gon urilvvrnlty.
Mi Monday Mm, V. J, Jngloi
brought up tier molliur, Mr, Chun,
Muinlmll ill) Ihtu from UwUhi. TIiu
IlllIlT lllin iHlj 11) (tr !))!!" UlJiu JiliiJ
iur iluufhl')' kmjj ML)' me for liar
Bandon Hen on Front Seat
Port Orford may be able to pro
duce nicer agates than Bandon but
bigger hens eggs ne'.cr. Verish the
thought. Wo never know what wo
can do until we try. The mere an
nouncement that Pori Orford was
out for the big egg record was suffi
cient to start ambitious Bandon bid
dies to work. Itesult an egg that
eclipses all previoiu records. This
egg was brought to tho Recorder of
fice by Pearl Prewitt yesterday. The
egg, which was produced by a white
lefthorn matron was Sl'j in 'has in cir
cumference tho lon' way and Cl,4
inches tho shortest circumference.
The egg weighed 4li ounco3. Thus
for the time being lha Bandon hen
makes her nest in the front seat.
May Pole Festivities
Charm Audien'ce
Pupils of East Side School Disport in Folk
Dances and Drills and .Make a Fine
The dances and songs with which
our European ancestors have diverted
themselve's for centuries past were
presented for the entertainment of a
sympathetic audience by the pupils
of the East Bandon grammar school at
Dreamland pavillion last Friday eve
ning. All four of the teachers of the
school, Misses Walker, Landreth,
Moore and Pruncr have been untiring
in their efforts to make a good show
ing at tho cxhhibition although to
Miss Moore perhaps the most credit is
due as much of the drilling was done
under her supervision.
The program opened witli a song by
the school, "Columbia". O.thcr num
bers on the progmm were "Reap tho
Flax" (Swedish Spinning Dance) "I
See You" (Swedish Singing Game)
Kyiderpolka, (German Folk Dance)
"Ace of Diamonds" (Danish Folk
Dance), Boys' Wand Drill, Song
"America" Ribbon dance, (English
Country Dance), Kulldanscn, "Lassie
Dance" (Swedish), May Pole Dance
(English) Song "When Daylight
Get!) all Tired out"
The Wand dance nnd the Kindor
polka were worthy of special mention
and the dance around the May Polo
with its weaving and winding and un
winding' of the gay ribbons was watch
ed with interest by all. The final sons
in which some of the children appear
ed in ready-for-bed attire and bearing
candles, was a happy conclusion to an
excxcllcut program.
May Day Bazaar
A Society Event
Gathering at Averill's Saturday Afternoon
Given Generous Patronage
The May Day bazaar and tea given
by tho Presbyterian I adies' Aid in
Averill's store proved to be a mobt suc
cessful event. The combiiiiuionof an
attractive ivograiu nnd the use of 11. e
finest and best equipped j.tore building
in the city proud irresistable and the
ladies in charge of the affair did a
good business. Something like 200
people were served by tho committee
in charge of tho tea tables. The var
ious articles offered for sale went well
nnd the bazaar was a success finan
cially as well as socially.
In addition to music by the orches
tra a special musical program was
presented as follows:
Solo Mrs. Hopkins
Solo Mr Struur
Piano oo : .... Mrs. Bent
Solo Minis Hazel Hansen
Piano Solo MIhm I utile Honk
Duet Villa Averill, Ruth Btiriuw
Solo Minn I la Jolinuoii
A yjioWully ntlrsiulivif rVuturu of the
pnigium wan the May pol; iliinio ami
utlmr folk iliuifitt glvnn by thu pupil
f tiw llmti IIiiihIoii wlwol uiulur Ihw
Mi. T. UiipJflU bud nlwgtt af tit
utftto MtJ utmh ti Utf tamm Urn
aOmvmm mute l bar WJJsih? J
E. Syverson Meets Tragic Death in Dyna
mite Exposition at Cedar Point
E. Syverson was sitting on the side
of his bed in his house at Cedar Point
a short distance this side of Coquille
last Friday morning, preparing dyna
mite for his day's work, blasting
stumps. An explosion took place, the
cabin wns wrecked and Syverson's
body was blown to atoms. The man's I
legs were the only parts of his body
left for inspection and the story of the
details of the accident is largely spec
ulation, based on this survival of the
man's lower extremities. They were
found on tho floor, close to where the
accident occurred. Small parts of the
mnn's body were also found, a piece of
the spine, a few fragments of bone and
in his hat was found a piece of his
skull. .
Syverson was in tho employ of F.
C. Warren, clearing a 20 acre piece.
In speaking of the matter the Co
quille Sentinel says:
Syverson, who was about fifty years
of age, was blind in one eye and very
deaf. Before going to the Warren
place ho had been employed in one of
the Smith-Powers camps, but he was
discharged owing to these infirmities
which they considered made him very
He has a wife but no children. His
wife lives at St Johns, but he has been
making all the arrangements to bring
her down here, having rented a house.
It was certainly pathetic to read the
letter from his loyal wife that was
found in the cabin in whihe she calls
him "Avon". She tells of the hard
times they have been having financial
ly, of the impossibility of his getting
work in Portland and how glad she
will be to come down here the first of
May. At the end she thanked God that
their troubles were about over and
they would soon bo reunited.
The last meeting of the year of the
Patron-Teachers' Association will be
hold in the high school building Fri
day evening, May the 7th. A special
program has been prepared and light
refreshments will bo served. All rc
cordially invited to attend.
In the Justice Court
Tho jury called to try J. E. Wilson
last Friday found the defendant not
guilty. Wilson was accused of as
sault and battery. Notwithstanding
the verdict, tho several members of
the jury after the trial stated that
hey endeavored to find a way in which
they could "stick" the defendent and
complaining witness both , for the
costs, believing that both were to
blame and should be punished. As a
result of the verdict, neither are
"stuck" but the state will pay tho hill.
It seems that the entire transaction
grew out of a dispute over a bill of
$1.50 and there have been a number
of mix-ups between them. Wilson is
reported to have been fined by the
police judge once and at the time of
the last engagement Wilson admitted
to have been drinking some. Two
police court altercations, at least two
fights, disturbing public peace, with
threats of other altercations, bad
language on the streets and all the
outgrowth of a $1.50 dispute. Too
much whisky and revenge cause 95
per cent of criminal litigation.
A. McNair departed overland Inst
week for New York where ho goes as
a delegate to a meeting of Presbyter
ian ofllcials, in a national gathering.
Mrs. McNair will visit friends and
relatives in Candada, whero sho will
later be joined by Mr. McNair and
they will return together after an ab
sence of several weeks.
When the Elizabeth left Sunday
Khe had the following paHsuiij,i'if
on hoard: Frd Von I'oger. and wife,
Mm. J. O. Inlrd, J.unton Von Pegdit,
.Sliiddon Von Pfgurt, duo, MtuM, A.J.
Irfiule, Geo, Cobum mid wlfu, ,r.
T. I' llfn, II. ,t. Kinunimiim, wlfu
l iluM, Jun.un J. MIII(iiii, rhufc
li. k xUtii, Doiml.l JWiot'ir, J. n. Kox
l.u I mmiu Ht. WuM.'ittrhfii.
I'iiv hmVi Mil In Hie wfKiiin room
lit? wvijjj wmi Uwlwy ui Q
Government Work Progresses Steadily
But Boatmen Say Commission Should
Have Made Temporary Repairs
The extension of the north jetty to
stop the break in the shore, allowing
is a sore spot with the seamen who
make the port of Bandon. The gov
ernment is now at work on this repair
but tho vesselmen think the harbor
commission should have foreceen the
inevitable result of the break around
the lighthouse and made some tem
porary repairs that would have stop
ped tho inroad of the sand last year.
Supplies for the government were
dxpectcd on the Tillamook when sho
arrived this last trip but the material
had not been brought down to the
wharf when the Tillamook left Port
land and tho only things she brought
for the government work was some
powder and other small supplies. It
is expected when the Tillamook come
agnin in abcut a week sho will have
a couple of hoisting engines nnd other
supplies for which the local work is in
Mr. Wright, engineer in charge, ex
pects to get the work of extending
tho jetty started in earnest in about
a month and the channel closed up en
tirely about tho middle of the summer.
It is expected that as soon as
the break is stopped up andthe north
westers cease to drive a stream of
sand into the river the river will clean
itself out
The jetties are designed for the task
and will do it if given a chance. The
shifting of the ocean shores is illus
trated in the fact that when the jetty
vis first put in tho beach exended
for two hundred yards beyond the
ligh house. Now the shore has ro
cecded until at high tide the light
house is on an island. This fact is one
of the reasons fo tho proposed move
ment of the light house to this side
of the water for if the ocean continues
its inroads the right house and resi
dence will soon be in the surf.
Base Ball Men
Line Them Out
First Game of Season Between Moose and
Independents Results in Victory for the
The Bandon base ball season may be
said to bo officially opun. Local fans
took advantage of the smiling front
of nature Sunday afternoon to indulge
in the first contest of the season. Tho
Moose and tho High school independ
ents were the opponents and when
Prof. W. L. Beach, who officiated as
umpire, called the last man out in the
ninth the Independents weie ahead by
a score of 15 to 11. It had been a cloae
game however and one filled with close
plays. At the end of even wings in tho
eighth the score was a tie- -10 to 10.
The Independents then :cttlcd down
to business and scored 6 runs. The
Moose came back with vim, intending
to meet their opponents and add one
or two more. But Lcs Pullon who was
in the box for the Independents could
not see it that way. He held the op
position down to one run, concluding
tho game.
A running catch by Teeney was one
of the features of the game. Tho
giound was rtill wet and jwic ''lit
slippery and tho athletes wer not up
to m.ldscniion f' rm which helps to iic
count f . tin' size of tho scon
Following is the lino up:
M ooti) poHltion . lidupiimlnittM
Bowman p. L. I'tillen
Smith . c Wrlyht
(ilbxon Ut b f.ittlilmn
Wyiuit i-'inl b lnlol
I'iitrt'o h JoIimioii
Tunk(r Unl h IIh
ftlujijik I I Hitnlwni
AlttNulf a ( TmAW
Says Fair is Incomplete
J. A. Walstrom who returned from
a business trip to San Francisco last
Friday and an incidental visit to the
fair says the Marshfield Record is the
only paper on file with the Oregon
exhibits. As far as he was able to ob
serve L. J. Simpson of North Bend
was the only citizen of Coos county
who was alive to the fact that a fair
was in progress. Mr. Walstrom says
that many exhibits are not yet in place
that mariy of the buildings are not op
en and that two vessels are now un
loading exhibits of foreign countries
nnd a train load of domestic exhibits
was awaiting a place for exhibition.
.Which goes to say that later visitors
will see a better fair than those who
have visited it up to this time.
Many Attend Funeral
Of W. E. Ellis
Lampa Rancher Killed by Fall From Scaf
fold Buried ia Bandon Saturday
W. F. Ellis, formerly ot Bandon,
but since living on a farm on tho Co
quille River near Lampa, was fatally
injured last, Tuesday .vhile working
on the construction of a silo, by fal
ling for a distance of nearly 25 feet,
being injured internally. The fall wab
caused by the scaffold on which he
was standing, giving away, and with
him at the same time was Sam Clin
ton, who also sustained some injuries,
which were very painful nnd rather
serious, but which will not prove
Neither of the two had any bones
broken as the result of the fall and
it was thought at first that Clinton
was the worst injured of the two as
ho was unconscious for some time
Ellis, howover had been injured in
ternally and soon serious trouble man
ifested itself. He was broughtWedncs
day to Bandon and placed in a hospi
tal, dying a few hours after his arriv
al. His funeral occurred Saturday fore
noon from tho chapel of the EHingaon
undertaking pnrlors. Rev. C. Mayne
Knight preached tho funeral sermon
and spoke words of comfort to the be
reaved. Burial was in the old ccme
tary. 7.
The ense is an unusually sad one. A
widow with three small children left
on a dairy farm whero tho strength
and foresight of the father will be
greatly missed. Mr. Ellis was 48
years of age and was a native of Mis
souri, having been born jn thnt state
March 14, 18C7.
His oldest child is seven years of
He came to Bandon about 7 years
ago and worked for two years in tho
Cody mills a3 a mill wright. Five
years ago ho moved to the vicinity 'of
Lampa nnd began to develop a dniry
farm. He was one of the progressive
dairymen of that region and will be
greatly missed.
A brother of Mr. Ellis, James Ellis,
came from Wasco, Oregon to attend
the funeral and a sister, Mrs. Anstey
was here from Portland. He has ,a
mother living at Yuba City, Califor
nia. Mr. Ellis is also survived by two
brothers and a sister at Yuba City,
Cal. and a sister in Harney county
Bandon Garage and Schmidt Hansen
Affected by the Change
E. B. Henry has bought out the In
terest of Rufus Trumun in the Bandon
Garage nnd tho firm in chargo of that
business will henceforth bo known us
Fontor and Henry. Mr. Honry, thu
new member of the firm Is one of tho
gturling citizenx of Bandon und bin
addition will increase thu prontlgo of
the Ann. A mechanic from I'ortlund
U uxpectmj khortly und thu firm will
u prupiin'il to mrv fur uny tmunwi
17 that muy uii In lli udvuHture ol
lliu gun wugmi.
Mr, 'JVuiiiuii, lh" Miilng jmdii'i
U !,;UKM u If iNll'Jtiftt in tl
iiiDlntt tif MunkH ilotmi) uw) wttl
Boats End Enforced Vacation Sunday and
Get to Sea
After nn enforced vacation of thir
teen days, the steamer Elizabeth got
to sea Sunday afternoon. The delay
was the result of unseasonable weath
er conditions that have prevailed up
and down the coast; conditions which
old timers say they never saw equal
ed at this time of tho year March
came in and went out like a lam'. ,
anting out of the hands of an infant
nnd left it to. April to do the lion part
of the act. With hail urn.' cold winds
April went about the woik with a
dash and vim hat made u; for lack of
Two fatalities occurred, smnll ves
sels were wrecked, telegraph and
telephone lines were prostrated and
$200,000 to other property was done
at San Francisco nnd Los Angclc. re
ported the thermometer down to 40
For n week the sea outside vaj so
rough that it was deemed unsafe for
the larger boats to go out although
two or three boats came in during the
interval. The Speedwell was t e last
to come in and join tho bar bound
fleet. She finished londing Saturday.
The Speedwell, Brooklyn, Elizabeth,
Tillamook and Rustler were all lined
up on the water front Sunday morn
ing when the day broke fair and clear
tho sun came out and the force of the
breakers that boat in from the Pacific
became spent.
The pleasant weather called out a
crowd of Spectators and when it be
came known that the boats would
attempt to gain the outer ocean, the
south jetty accumulated a crowd of
spectators. The tug Klihyam made
two trips out with the captains of the
waiting steamers aboard to observe
the soundings.
The Rustler was first to make the
sea and headed for the south for the
near ports down the coast. Then
came tho Tillamook, light, riding
buoyantly over the surges nnd heading
to tho north towards tho Columbia
river and Portland, her destination.
The Elizabeth followed in tow of the
Klihyam. The two smaller boats
went out under their own power. Tho
Brooklyn and Speedwell concluded to
await tho higher tide in the morning
and both got to sea early on Monday.
Next Sunday is Mothers' Day. Per
haps it is not generally known that
this day has received recognition at
the national capital. Last year Presi
dent Wilson issued the first Mothers'
Day proclamation in accordance with
a joint resolution of tho houses of
Congress. Tho United States is the
first nation to pay such honor and
tribute to mothers.
A program of music and recita
tions will be given by tho children and
young people of tho Methodist church
There will be special music and the
pastor .will preach a sermpnetto to
mothers. A white flower, preferably
a white carnation, is the flower that
is worn in recognition of the day. This
if your mother has passed away. If
you have a mother in the land of the
living, honor her by wearing a red
flower. A cordial invitation is extend
ed to all. ,
Tho evening services will receive
due attention and there will be music
provided under the leadership of our
new director.
DelegutfH of the Grange
Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Zeek will leave
Bandon tomorrow to attend tho hU1o
convention of tho Grange to ho held ut
Tillamook, Oregon. They go uh Cooh
county's two delegate, und will rep
reeunt ull the Hubordinutu grange of
Coon county, Tho county organiza
tion, known uh Pomona Grungu wux
held ut Coquillu lubt Thureduy, ut
whirl) llmu tho ',uik wuru ni-lndud,
TIhtu will inoHt IIMy lu over u (houx
und dulirutuii In utUmdumu ut Tlllii'
moook. Mr uixl Mr. 'Mi will up by
wuy ut tl IJMitr Iw I'wlluinl und
Ihuntc hy )ull.
iitaJ VW tiifjA iMJ )W MMUU
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