on Recorder "Published every Tuesday and Friday by The Recorder Publishing Co., Inc. Entered, at the Post Office at Ban don, Oregon, as mail matter of the second class. . IJake all checks payable and address all communications to the company. Subscription price, ?1.60 per year, in advance. Wo are still wondering what tho city wold got if it voted sixty or eight thousand dollars bonds for an exten tton to tho present water system? It is by the straight line from Bnn don to the Currry County line about eleven miles and a thousand feet, or a total distance from Bandon, to Lang lois of about twelve and half miles. Why travel the old roadway and go 10 miles? Peace rumors in the European con flict are afloat but tho suspicion in sinuates itself that the wish is father to tho thought. All agree that it would be a pleasant prospect to see tho mills that are idle resume opera tions and the powder plants closed down for an indefinite period. The Port Orford Tribune felicitates itself upon, the 23rd anniversary of its publication and looks forward to 23 more years of faithful service to the community. We extend congrat ulations to the Tribune and predict that in 23 years more the Tr'l.unc if it is serving the community in the same proportion as now, it will have assumed a metropolitan appearance. Tho Floras Creek gravel is far famed for its road building qualities, Curry County has buildcd well to the Curry County line. Why does not Bandon and Four Mile as consolidated districts, induce tho Coos County Court to contract for that gravel which can bo had at practically no minal prices and begin building per mncnt roads of that material North ward from the county line. According to a law passed at the last session of the legislature, all gro eery stores, meat markets, restaurants bakeries and other establishments in which food or goceries arc kept for sale, must equip their respective plac es of business with screen doors and windows. The law becomes effective on May 22. Persons who fail to com ply with the law on that date are sub ject to a heavy fine and imprisonment If it should happen within five years that coking coal, iron and lime stone were brought forth from the earth in generous quantities, for fac tories, mill and commercial purposes, Bandon, Port Orford and Coos Bay would enter into active competition for an immense business. Coos Bay would be at n disadvantage in the distance particularly from tho lime stone, Bandon would he the first ac cessible tide water. Port Orford would most likely present a situation then sufficient to interest the Government in a breakwater. SIC 'KM The nightly prowlers around Ban don are becoming too numerous. Too frequently chicken coops and fruit cellars arc visited by them, and tho fuint but yet unmistakably discernable foot step in the back yard long after the hour of low twelve, and the stealthy hand that tries the lock are becoming a nuisance. If it does not cease, it will behove the citizens to lay WARNING t - Building material! art for lit )cari. Tlic incrcuin demand for building uialcruli ai well a the recent revition in tlir Canal Tariff, exempting Ameri can rnaittviie vriteli from paying toll on deck liu.lt of lumber, and teoenil other Important reaxmn, will in all probability ciuttf incieates in pricet within the next (U days. BUILD NOW AND SAVE MONEY? is the warning. My )ilein of iiuiufiiiriit "ill tatr you from Irn per rut in fiflren per rent Why' lltrauir only llir limit i priinued villi ikillfull ronliai dirt m lliU iniiumily arc ritfrr in fitfuir fruni my plant slid p ifiiaiiinu, llirt (mm lliry air roinplrir nd Iratr mi bam r fur a iluimlr mill llir imnrr, ami riulilr llinu all to imbir m ! Irmrti iiniprlilion J'lir imnrr till mil lur iIom fair, ihiiiIiIwii Millwol llir mi.r i.f m iiiiliilrd PITS JOUkONAUM' H rji. of yiitluA iiHi llii'iMrlnal ripnli'mr KAHL II, SCIIKKL, Oww MITJ'J, wmVBKTON'fi 0IWB M N II II h 0 H I. V 0 N in o mnnlv of hickory cluba, pepper and salt, or organize a vigilance com- mitteo to wait upon tho suspects somo ether cruilty or innocent, arc becoming confidential tablo talk in many households. VALUE OF BAD ROADS A forcible argument in favor of bad roads came to our attention this wnnV. It seems one morning recent ly the farmers who haul milk to the Two Mile cheese factory hau an ex norinnrn with a swarm of bees. One team under the attack of tho stings, became unmanageable and ran away. From appearances the run would be a long one; from tho way the cans began to bounce out it scorned as if damage might bo done ero the steeds were stopped. But ell's well thit ends ,wcll The team tried to cross a miry place in the road and slowed up so much in the crossing that they were easily caught. Moral: Don't nllow your tiam to run away unless tho roads are suitable. SHOULD ACT PROMPTLY Bandon Road District No. 19 ought to lie consolidated with tho Four Mile Road District. Our district has an assessed vnlation of over one million dollars. The Four Mile District has less than one hundred thousand, and the apportionment which that dist rict gets, would not build a good bridge. That district is C miles wide. Curry's good roads arc well known. The Bandon district's roads arc in the making, and what benefit is either, with six miles of poor roads between If the consolidation takes place, ' it should be done this summer, in order that joint road tax could bo submitted to the voters this fall, and plans per fected for road building one year from now. READY 70, BE SHOWN We understand that at the next city election is to be submitted the question of whether or not tho Charter should be amended, increasing the power of the Council to vole an an nual tax, from ten mils as it now is to a maximum of 1C mills. We believe that in the administration of the City uffairs Miat it may .become ndvisablo at times to exceed a ten mill taxation but the advisability thereof might well be vested in the people only. Why not leave the limitation of taxes to be imposed by the Council at 10 mills, and submit to the people at an elec tion tha question of whether they will vote the additional tax in excess of the 10 mills. We would favor such an amendment but if we understand the proposed a mendment correctly and it is the pur pose thereof to leave to tho council exclusively tho voting of a lfi mill tax if in its judgment it is deemed proper, then we are ready to bo shown why we should not oppose the propos ed measure. IT CAN BE BUILT There is a general discussion in Roseburg as to whether Kendall Brothers can build 30 miles of rail road for $750,000. This would be at a cost of $25,000 per mile. If steep enough grades and sharp enough curves are used and enough distance is developed to pre vent large excavation, $25,000 per mile will bo nmple. 'Especially since the lino is through a timbered country that will furnish very cheaply all pil ing nnd timbers necessary for bridges and timber culverts, and also tho ties. In such a country as exists between Roseburg and the Cascades that amount would not build n first class lino but it will coifstruct one that will readily serve all needs demanded of it for many years to come. No large terminals will be needed on this short lino which ordinarily go to increase l.i- . - - -i t e !i i . ino cost, per nine oi ruiiruaus. ROAD TALK When Bnndon votes a 10 mill tax for tho township line road it raises cliranrr now than tlicy have been about $12,500. This sum ought in all fairness and justice to bo augmented by the County Court from the general fund for like amount aggregating ?o, 000, which sum should be raised for three consecutive years. Such a sum in addition to tho work already done, would clear, grade, hardsurface, with asphalt macadam the entire eleven and one third miles from Bandon to the Curry County line, and when com pleted would be the biggest asset which wo could have. The greater portion of this sum would be re-cx-pended in this vicinity, and only a nmall portion thereof sent away for the asphalt. Extended for such a pe riod of time, it would not work a hard shTp on tho district, while the benefit to be derived would bo wonderful. The only additional sums hereafter requir ed would be small maintenance costs or else roads in a new locality. CONGRESSIONAL TIMBER Tno people of this congressional dis trict concede that Southern Oregon is entitled to furnish the material for that olTice if she can first capture the office, and when Southern Oregon is mentioned, tho importance of Rivers and Harbors to Oregon, and the im portance of such a subject in Congress naturally brings Coos county into prominence; yet one from this coun ty may be only slightly known in the remaining portion of the district. We do not wish to take up the candidacy of any one man to the exclusion of others , but when a suitable man for the place is found we arc constrained to point him out. Such a man is Judge .1. W. Hamilton of Roseburg, his qua lifications can not be denied, nnd his circle of friends like his acquaintance ship extends throughout the District Wo have not tho slightest intimation that ho rspires to such office ,but are firm believers in the coming political niillinium, when the office shall seek the man and only twelve month hence we will bo called upon to attend the prinirics for the selection of n full set of candidates from presidential electors down. THE WHOLESALER The wholesaler is not only n con tributing cause of the high price of living but a hindrance to the unstrain ed marketing of the products of the manufacturer. And his field of op eration includes among others the timber and lumber productc of our own community. As an illustration, a local shipment consisting of 200 items wns received at Bnndon by a representative of a commission and jobbing firm in one of the large cities, and a representative of that firm til lied the shipment onto the ship carry ing tho same charged the manufactur er with 140 units shortage out of 200. This notwithstanding the capain's de nial of loss. This is no an isolated case. It will never bo regulated un til the commission man is eliminated or else strictly regulated by the In terstate Commerce commission or other competent authority. Produc ers and consumers should co-opernte. The middle man should lie on a flat salary and under bond. If he vio lates his pledge he should lie sent to tho penitentiary, under laws special ly enacted for the purpose. Chambers of Commerce are in a peculiarly ad vantageous position to co-operate with each other and promote these ideas. A WASTE OF EFFORT The County Court usually votes 10 mills county tax for road purposes. Of this road money which they collect one half thereof is returned to the (lis district contributing the tax and the balance thereof paid to a general road fund, to be expended when and where the County Court will. For two yours this road district has voted a 10 mill tax for the improvement of the town ship line leading toward Curry Coun ty. The matter has been before the people on several occasions for a ote, and in each instance the voice of the people has been consistently about ! to 1 for the township line road. Under adverse circumstances, and in the face of litigation, the people with dogged narsistunce nro oncninc up that road, and what a road. It is. clear ed and slashed, and graded, but not rocked. The county has not, so far, contributed one red cent so far us wo know to that road in addition to the special tax voted by the District. Tho road money rightfully belonging to this district, is expended on othoi roadii of lens coiicuru or moment to tin people. A very great portion if it Ik expended on the old County Roiul lending- from Bandon to flurry Count)', which by (ho wny in addition to biting from 2 to I iiiIIkh fin Hut Hiiiii Hit straight Him, it not, iicionl ing to ndliiblo Infoi million ntfolvwl, nvnn bunted mi tin iroHir right of way, iillluuigh It iloiw mm It In JUW HC tWH. Tho IIMNlll will be in l ymi it v0 wuUwiu ul tit jhmmmI wu umi m will ww tm ywy would be an tidsurdity nnd it will come to pass if the tax payers who furnish the money permit it. For tho past two years the pcoplo of Bandon nnd vicinity arc expending their good money on tho townline road under a j special tax, while the county general i unci is contributing money lor rock ing, planking and otherwise hardsur facing the old roundabout way which will of course be ultimately abandoned by the through traveler to Curry Co. and which at best can only be used for local purposes. This evident un fairness we expect to comment on when over we feel like it, nnd we ex pect to feel like it often. Strange 'tis 'tis true for truth 'tis always strange stranger than fic tion. Victor Hugo was without a peer as a writer of fictions tragedy. Still nothing he ever imagined forth from air, nothing could rival the sad experience of his daughter Adole. Kidnapped from her home in Paris by an English army officer, Guern sey deserted and found demented in New York, she either could not or would not relate her sad experience but kept the talc to. herself. State school authorities throughout Oregon nro cooperating with the state board of Forestry and Oregon Forest Fire Assocation in carrying forest fire lessons to public school pupils be fore the 1015 danger season opens. Over seventy thousands little booklets ire being distributed containing n story entitled "The Friends Of The Forest" written by E. T. Allen, which weaves into attractive story form, with a boy and squirrel as heroes, the age-old prevalence of fire in these states, the struggles of the trees for self-preservation and the interest of men and children in our forest re sources. If the council lias Its way all the sidenecs of tho city will bear their houses of the city will bear proper numbers. Lack thereof is found to cause great confusion in keeping city records, especially those of the water department Many of the houses are listed by description. To remedy this matter the council ordered the city ut- torney to draw up an ordinance forc ing owners of houses to fit them up properly with street numbers. It. wns demonstrated to be an expense of on ly a few cents each, and it was calcu lated that considering tho conveni ence the numbering would result in, the work should be done. A. McNair is nursing a badly bruis ed eye and he says you should see the other fellow. (Continued from page 1) one reached in a hand nnd shook hands with me. Yes, its over now, nnd I wouldn't caro to go through it again." Tho wrecked Randolph was built on the Coquillo river several years ago. As a sea goer it had a checkered ex- ncricncc. It is reported to have been aground at different times on several bars on tho coast, once on Rogue river and once on the Columbia liar. It was valued at $0,000 and carried no insurance. The boat wns sixty feet lotnr and was considered seaworthy although some alleged it was too flat bottomed to be trustworthy. Last year it was commanded by Captain John Anderson who lost his life while attempting to board her at Port Orford last Autumn. The dock is considerable higher than the dock of the ship. The gang plank was run from the dock to a place in tho vessels ratlines. A sudden wrench of the boat lot the plank fall whiio the cap tain was crossing nnd lie fell, strik ing his head against the vessel's rail ing. The trip ending Saturday wns the first of the season. Last winter nego tiations were nearly completed for the sale of the Randolph to citizens of Port Orford but fell through because of complications that arouse through the death of Captain Johnson. All this past winter tho vessel has laid at Prosper undergoing repiiirs. The battered hull laid on the bench Sunday where it was tho object of interest to many spectators. Its musts cuino onto tho beach in one place, its rudder in another and its booms and sail in still another. Tho hull itself righted and nt low tide wan left so it could bo reached between waves aliuoiit dry Hhod. But no clew to the missing iiitm wuh found in the hmit. A Niiivuy hau been kept of the nIioiu hut no fur no wave Iiiih wimhed tin ii body. It Ik Nlntml un likely tlml Hit bollt nun not lie found. Mlioulil llioy liuv iiiil; In llio drifting wind nt tho imnilh at tlm rlvur tlwy wuuhl mmml vwr In u lwit linw mi wuubJ jufvw rtw. Big Headline Attraction The Famous Rotarian Male Quartet Now playing to packed , houses everywhere. Will appear in a two hour concert at the GRAND Theater One Night, Only Wednesday Night, April 21st The biggest attraction ever presented in Bandon. Scats now on sale til ADULTS, 50 cts Doors open at 7;(0 p. m Pictures A Show Worthy AN OLD FAVORITE .The Well of St Koyne A well there is in the went country, And a clearer one never was seen, There's not a wife in the west coun try But has heard of tho well of St Keyne. An oak and an elm tree stand beside, Behind does an asli tree grow, While a willow from the banks above Droops to tho water below. A stranger came to the well of St Keyne, Pleasant it was to Ills eye, For since cock crow lie had been trav eling And there was not a cloud in the ftky He drank of tho waters so cool and so clear, For thirsty and hot wns he, And ho sat him down upon the bank Under the willow tree. There came a man from the neigh boring town To the well to fill his pail He rested his pall upon the brink And bade the stranger hail. "Now, art thou a bachelor, strang er, For if tho i lmat n wife The liappii'i .. di aught thou hast drank this day That thou ever didst in thy life, Or lias your gi-od woman, if one you . have In Cornw ... rver been, For if she 'isa, I'll vontiiro my life Sho's dra..l- of ti.o well of St Keyne "I left a f.ool woman who never wan here" The stranger made reply, "But that r. j dniiifht should bo bet tor for thiu I pray . niiHwer tno why." "St Keyne' wild the cuiintryinun, "Mini" n t mo Drunk of UiU tryntnl well, And win tho hi A fttiimiuimtd Imr Mhn lull) hi (lie v.tr, ii iiioll- f th h...4il f i lita giftiKl wt4l MmM dri ll. Ua wtf, A li)lw nmh kmmtarLli to lm JW tin dU ii MMtor tm Ut. Hwl V U wit MmtUl 4fUi4 uf H r4 Boyle's Jewelry Store CIIII.DHKN. under 12 years. 15 els at 7:30. Concert starts at 8:30, p. in. of your Patronage "You drank of the well, I'll warrant, betiine." He to the countryman said. But the latter smiled as the stranger spoke, And sheepishly shook his head. "I hastened as soon as the wedding wns done And left my wife .on the porch, But, faith, she had been wiser than me For she carried a bottle to church." Robert Southey The text of the decision in the port of Bnndon case by the supreme court is unusually terse nnd direct in it j comment on the situation of the Co quille. After stilting that inncc i racies might occur m the maps pre seated is says there is no evidence to prove that the vote of the section which might be tributary to Coos Hay had any direct hearing in the election and said if the tax payers so wrongly included in the district should rcfu.'e to pay their taxes the courts would give them relief, not by declaring the whole district illegal but by declaring their property outside the limits to which tho port could legally extend, regarding the upper port,. Tho city council at the meeting Wednesday night promised to co-op' rate with the coininericai club in Ms efforts to get the beach walk in simp.' for use in lie near fuure. Mc Wade nnd Sullivan waited on the con oil to explain the part the common al to ask for cooperation with the n Kocintion by the council. The plan presented by Mr. Wado was llu.l lie club would furnish the labor if tl council would furnish the 1'iin This last, was a small Item -tin' lie thought ffiO would about cover it Without dissent, the council vo I to most the club on the propositi ) i hiii) tho allowance was duly m ' l' ' sum allowed, not to oxccd "'' The bunch wulk nnd IU icImi. Is wdii.lUml to he nil InipoilMiit ui.i" for Uh hwII bhiK of Hsniloii. I'" Utt WMIMI UlO CIWWll of Vl.llm lrn mjmJ I'MivfiitajHUi fwi thi'iii l" i imUi Uts i U i h n'Mily 1 1 WtfjfMiiNl Umi Uiv wmIIi m lui'i 1 r Umi Mutt wtwiv it -HiUi I i'"l irfc mid, di' iiiiiWi fixio ' lA4 !.) UU "f I 'It'll ut 111 I "I Ufa mu UMI t ajuJ iuatr mu lw Urn mmi it" uummm Umu, Tim xtttutfi1 uiMipMj Ut ikm M Hi Aid td Urn k" mm mm, mi m mm mumrmu Kim JNti'jrf. Tmm It m mm tlMMjr M fa MWIk gMtf 9mU lt)l iU inn turn UMjkJi milk