The Bandon recorder. (Bandon, Or.) 1915-19??, April 20, 1915, Image 6

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ECONOMICAL buyers will find this
week a fine selection of Summer
Wash Goods, forwaists and dresses.
These prices will appeal to wo
men who desire to save money.
RatineCrepe, 27jnches Madras: 27 inch, figured
wide, good weight; will white Madras in 'a variety
make'excellent waists: sol- of patterns,
id white. Reg. price 25c Reg.gprice, 25 cts
Sale, 16 2-3 cts. Sale, 12 1-2 cts
Gem Ratine. 27 inches Stella Crepe, 27 inches
wide, snow flaked, solid wide with narrow, tan
white, a new pretty cloth stripe,
and hig value. Reg. price, Regular price, 20c
35c. Sale 19c Sale, 12 1-2 cts
MenWork Shirts Fly Netting
Fine quality Chamhry Now " the time to pro-
tect your kitchen from the
shirts in tan, cadet blue and tailRerous fly. McLean's
grey, servicnbl colors for best netting, 60 inch wide.
xt i c 8 yards to piece,
summer wear. Worth 65c, J v
Special Sale, 50c bolt
Sale, 43c each 3 yjs j 25c
Women's Hosiery Women's Handkerchiefs
Fast Black, fine gauge, puu s;zef fine quality,
seamless hose, a fine value T1 . . ,
A Cotton Handkerchiefs:
at 20c;
Friday Sale, 10c, a pair Friday Sale, 2c each
After n four days wait for favor
able conditions the Brooklyn and the
Bundon got to sea yesterday morning.
Al. Garfield took a flying trip to
Marshfield and return Monday, on
matters connected with the automo
bile business.
"Candy" Bradley of Marshfield,
was in Bandon this week, and Don
Gardner the hardware man nf North
Bend was looking up business in his
line in Bandon, at the same time.
Frank Biescke has rented from II.
N. Goodwin what is known as the old
Gallier place, being the land on which
is located the well and operations of
the West Shore Oil Co.
Miss Helen I). Abbott of llamlon
Teacher and who watt instrumental in
having domestic .science introduced in
tho city nchoolo will attend school at
Santa Barbara in one of the Califor
nia normal schools. She will a
course in the Manual Arts and Home
Economic department of the school.
A complete line of summer footwear
including tennis shoes and barefoot
sandals is now ready for your inspec
tion at O con's. Opposite the Grand
Everybody invited. Shoe repair shop
in connection.
Dr. Parsons, tho eye doctor, is
still at the Bandon hotel. He will go
in a few days to Lauglois and to Port
Orford fitting glasses. Consulta
tion freo. adv
II. M. Shaw, M. I)., Eye, Ear, Nose
and Throat Specialist of Marshfield,
Oregon, will bo at the Hotel Gallier
on Wednesday, April 21st, 1915. Glas
ses fitted. lit
Turkey Eggn for Sale at $1.50 per
dozen. J. B. Cochran, Purkersburg,
Oregon. x 2t
WANTED Clean cotton rags, no
vmiill one. Will pay liberally for
then. Recorder office.
Cow For Hale Two llrt flu cows
and two ii-yenr old heifer, Cull on or
uddrt' Mm, Clara K. Cuntoilniry,
llundoti Oregon. x Mar 0 It T-o
Fur Hulet Small Dairy Farm, Kill
acres, Building and Uwn now mid
ill llnu condition, jty mllo fioin
t'lii'tnv factory on llu ilvm, (Juny
wuiily. I1, Oi mUUv li. A- MTIier
urn, I'fiiniMik, Uu'hoii. Nu in
VAHTIMUm iTTlitf a7' mm
ln jiuIiIUMiw bwM iiuii&i Ui iim
iuv mi) uiv uiun ar MMiuuii ui um
tmummy Iti Imndiw tium jm
WTftiJi mi limtm unumQy jvumm
Wavwi m. nm mfr
..Where Coos County Shines
It may be interesting to know that
according to its population Coos
county has the most litigation, of any
county in Oregon. In the number of
cases tried in its courts, it is third, be
ing exceeded by Multnomah in which
Portland is situated and Lane county
in which Eugene is located.
D. J. Keeler who was arrested for
deserting bin wife, hnsi been released
from custody on the retpiest of the
wife, and the two of them will nail
invoMier . tl.e E'. dieMi for viilif !
ia, when ih'v expect to locate, and
i''ul'f; their 1 home.
The Rev. J. T. Abbott, district supe
rintendent, came up from Port Orford
on Monday evening, and conducted
the quarterly conference at the Me
thodist Church. He was joined by
ltev. Bryan who came down from Co
quille to spend a few hours on Bandon
While we import potatoes and cab
bages and hay for local use, J. A.
Byrne thinks it woidd be a shame to
import any more lumber in his furni
ture than is absolutely necossarv. He
is making the mattresses he sells out
of local lumber buying abroad only the
springs, stays and bolts for fasten
"Frosty" Hoyte nnd Wm. Sellmer
are Having ineir nutomooiics over
hauled nnd repainted under tho ac
complished hand of Mr. Philpott.
A congenial party departed Sunday
for Fuhy's lake in Trowbridge's Over
land intent on eating a picnic dinner
on the shores of thfiat inland body of
water. Owing to a lapse of memory
on tho part of their guido they missed
the lake and were - forced to content
themsels by sitting down by tho
shore of a convenient creek. Those
composing the party were MesBrs.
Trowbridge and Sellincr and families,
Miss Gladys Strader, tontnur Gallier
and MaHtcrx Whituett and Johnson.
Runaway June nnd tho big mutual
program Including one of those fa
inoiiH Kuytnno romeiHe, shown at
the Grand every Sunday, Picture
(hut me pli'ulng the crowd.
Harry Hunt of Bandon wunl to Co.
ijiiIIIii Monday to ullitnd the grand
jury of which In I ii iiuuiihur,
li in ttipoiM llmt llm iluiiiugu uil
iihiUKM ly Win. Hilt) uyuiinU llm til
fry at HuHdtfU to Uwl In ii t&!hiU'
ml! HI tflimi'WtluJ tttUlivJ Wl h( tilt)
Uu iW mm me i imdv mm w
1W Utimni m ike muing ftte
N. J. Thielman of LangloU oent
Sunday in Bandon.
A meeting of the library boaid is
called for next Thursday night.
People interested are working for
a free delivery from this city to Bear
Dr. Endicott had the misfortune to
break his arm while cranking his auto
mobile. Mr. Eaton has returned from a stay
of several months in the mining
territory of Curry County.
Tho Odd Fellows of Coquille are
coming to Bandon on a moonlight ex
cursion next Saturday evening.
Clint Malehorn was up from Lang-
lois Sunday. He had a traction en
gine to arrive on the Elizabeth.
Edwin Strader has been appointed
supt of court on the Two Mile road
work by the county court
Ernest Divelbiss and brother have
gone to Curry County to look after
their ranch there and incidentally to
prospect for gold on the Sixes.
M. H. Smith of Myrtle Point, aged
u5 took some light exercise Satur
day by walking from Bridge to Ban
don a distance of thirty two miles.
Dr. Parsons has purchased a bi
cycle and expects to mnke dates at
Port Orford and Gold Beach during
the coming summer.
The W. C. T. U. will meet at Mrs. F.
M. Hufford's Tuesday, April 20th at
2:30, p. m. All interested in the work
are invited to attend.
Employes of the government on the
jetty work took a vacation Thursday
the day being the fiftieth anniversary
of Lincoln's assasination.
A. P. Burnett has returned to h'i3
work at Rocky Point after a week
vacation in Bandon. He expects to
soon to move to the vicinity of Port
Mrs. Laura Edmonds hns returned
from Roseburg where she had been
visiting with her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Hiram Fish. Her sister-in-law
Mrs. Frank Fish and children returned
with her for a few days visit.
N. H. Larsen, proprietor of a shingle
mill at Port Orford was up from that
town for a few days last week look
ing for tie makers Mr. Larson f-ays
that Port Orford is growing steadily
and just at this time is as prosperous
as any place along the coast.
Owing to blunders on the Marshfield
and Myrtle Point railroad a part of
the films for the program at the Grand
Friday night were carried by to Myrtle
Point. Manager Sellmer is conduct
ing a first class show house but these
little annoyances sometimes crop up to
throw the best laid plans astray.
A man named Myers was hacking
tics in tho vicinity of Port Orford one
day Inst week when a splinter from
a wedge hit him in the eye. He sent
a call to Bandonand Mr. Whitset res
ponded, bringing him to Bandon in
time for the Dispatch Friday morning.
He was taken to a hospital in North
Dr. L. P. Sorenscn left Monday on a
business trip to Curry county where
ho expects to prnctice the dental pro
fession until May 1st. While the na
tives of Curry spend their leisure time
in washing gold from tho sands, the
doctor will make use of n part of the
precious metal by putting it in their
The crew of the Tillimook which was
in the river the greater part of last
week is one of the youngest that sails
the Oregon coast. Tho captain is
elderly but the mate is 22 and the
other members of the crew are youn
ger still.
One whole week when Kl Grilitovo,
uurvclout electric stove and urill can
be bought at one third off,
lirati eluctrirally, ml, hot in 10 ce
conili t'otti eleven and one half centl
per hour to operate and will cool, a
meal In half hour at an rkprnte
nf lew than ilx coin. ,
Will lule Muffle and fry lucon
at the Mine liinei Mill rook rX,
I Mid inlfrc, ioj hrraJau.) cook inutli
fuiMur,,, liiwuilt vi a humlinl
udit r iltinii
iwli pilir iini, W im tpult)
Mik, H, J liiiUiumur tut.
John Niclson was in Marshfield last
P. T. Rosette of Lamna hnd Imtitincc
in Bandon last Saturday.
II. A. Hawkins and J. W. Hawkins
of Langlois came up to Bandon for n
visit Saturday.
Bert Dyer who has been a resident
of Marshfield and Wagner for tho past
two years is back in Bandon once more
Still another sien to assure us that
Spring is here in reality io the num
ber ot shaven heads, whoso proprie
tors have taken this method of post
poning baldness.
S. D. Barrows lost an old friend,
Thursday night. This was his dng,
a shepherd-setter which has been his
companion for a dozen year?. 'I he
dog got in the way of the ferry stagj
and was crushed under its wheels.
The work on Oregon Avenue is pro
gressing, and much of the enVth ex
cavation is being placed on the lots of
adjoining property owners, adding
much to the appearance of many
homes in that vicinity.
E. D. Webb is rcnorted to have pur
chased the Loyil' Mynatt property on
Ninth Street in Azalea Park, and will
construct a dwelling house there this
coming summer. Mr Mynatt will
move with his family to Coquille,
there he will ongage in the barber
M. W. Treadgold of Two Mile lost
u thumb one day last week in a pe
culiar manner. He was riding horse
back and leading a cow when the cow
became unruly. In trying to control
her, Treadgold got his finger between
the rope and the pommel of the sad
dle and had the thumb torn off at the
first joint.
A. Barrows, was over from Marsh
field for a couple days last ec.' to
see how matters are ))rogre::M"ig on
the new house he is Duitding in this
city. Mr. Barrows is an export saw
filer in tho employ of the Smith Com
pany and took a vacation when the
mill shut down owing to the blowing
out of a cylinder head in one of the
plant's power engines.
A unique surprise wos the birthday
party given by Mrs. .1. L. Kronenberg
last Thursday to her ion George. The
had forgotten it was his 11th
birthday and was surprised when his
Mother appealed at his rooiv, the Otii
fniifi of the hij'h school build'm; with
a supply of candy and cake suffi
cient to go all around. School was de
clared off from recess on and games
were playe d and a fine time had in
general which was enjoyed by all.
Mrs. Rasmussen and Mrs. Guy Dippel
helped to serve the eatables.
We are reaching the time of the
year when nature 'invites the city
dweller to come and renew acquaint
ance nnd many took advantage of the
opportunity to get into the country
Sunday. Among them was a con
genial party of Bandoninns who went
up the river Sunday and took their
lunch along and spent a most pleasant
day in tho vicinity of Lampa. Those
constituting tho party were the Mis
ses McKey, and Hughes, Messrs.
Quigley and Wright Nels Rasmussen,
and J. L. Kronenberg nnd family.
Chas. Trumbull and family have
moved from Lampa to Bandon where
they arc making their home in the
Claud Woodruff place. Mr. Trumbull
who was on the Welch ranch at Lampa
sold his lease to Mr. Woodruff who
has in turn moved to Lampa, thus in
the matter of homes, making a switch
Mr. Woodruff will work the Lampa
property as a dairy ranch. Mr. Trum
bull's father, M. B. Trumbull lives in
Minnesota but usually spends his
winters with his son in Bandon. He
expects soon to start for Minnesota
for tho summer.
Next Saturday night will be a gala
night for the Odd Fellows then in
conjunction with Rebckahs and breth
ren and Indies from two neighbor
lodges, they will celebrate tho ani
versary of the founding of the first
lodiro in America. Excursions from
Coquille and Myrtle Point will bring
visitors from those towns. The Dis
patch has been chartered for tho oc
casion. An excellent anniversary
program Iiiih been prepared and it has
repreenUitlon from Bundon, Coquille
and Myrtle Point. Another fenturo of
the iit4iitiiliiineiit will ho .two huii-
riiiut. one ut hIx o'clock or on tho ar
rival of tint bout at night when tho
event will draw to u 'lou. All liuiin
bur ami visitor uru conllully Invited
Io ultimd,
Nollrf ol Hull' of W'HiiU
NoiU' In liwliy Klvmi llmt llm
Pl.trlvl Kvliool IIoumI of Mm iJJ
UUi No. II, ik mmly, Uimii'
iti imiw bill tar lhi iwkm ut
Him MlutfJ boo! u4 Uten
ft. io. , My ilk JIUI m
mwMk rlHJW i fiM m
i W Um, Ik He
J. L. Foster was a Coquile visitor
Attorney F. J. Chatburn attended
circuit court at Coquille yesterday.
Constable E. M. Blackerbec has
been breaking tho speed limit the last
three of four days serving grand jury
and other subpoenns.
Tho Master Key is drawing big
houses at theGrand every week. Its
not too late to sec this interesting sto
ry in pictures. Every Thursday night
at the Grand.
Several of the employes of the
dredge Seattle have already nrived
in Bandon with their families and are
getting domiciled. r
Who is the Clutching hand???
Will he be captured? See the picture
at the Grand every Friday night, the
greatest detective story ever written.
-Grand Theatre Specials-
The best Entertainment for the least money
See! See! See!
That great Universal Serial Story featuring Ella
Hall and Robert Leonard. The story is publish
ed in this issue of the Recorder. See the pic
tures Every Thursday Night
COMING FRIDAY! "The Exploits of Elaine"
featuring The Clutching Hand That Master
Criminal who endeavors to defeat Craig Ken
nedy in a battle of wits and cunning A power
ful drama shown serially every week Dont miss
seeing thisjfeature.
Dealrri in
Paints, Ois
May Day Ilazaar
Tho Ladies Aid of the Presbyter
ian church invite all to attend their
May Day Bazaar and Tea, to be giv
en at Mr. Averill's store. Come and
see the children danco around the
May Pole and hear the orchestra play.
Tea and cake during tho afternoon
nd supper in the evening. Remember
the date, Saturday, Muy 1st, 1910. 2t
A Word to Recorder ReatlerH
The Recorder takes pleasure in the
number of its renders who, unsolicit
ed, bring to it their "wanted" und
"for sale" ads. They porhnpn, are
uniting tho muny who huvu taken the
Recorder for ycum until it Iiiih beconui
an Institution to them, who take pride
in It nnd wih to hfu It propitr. Tim
prtont iiiiitiugeiiient in endeavoring
to plum the Recorder in it rightful
pluco In tint roiiiimiiiily mid II louder
vim bo of iiiuloj'liil utiiin.'o to It. Tliu
Kiwonliii' wiluw Io publUli nil I urn I
now Hum llimii urii urn) will lie giutn
ful for tip (iin iln!r in limn of
JmIiwh!. A not Inn' wuy In wliluli Hit
MJhlnf' riwdiiiw mi) Uu uf wUltttm Ut
li la Uf imliuultiMK iU tuimiit):
Vi'hutu&VM ll mm m imdtUmUy Amu
tj u nam) i k0 mm-
' F. T. Tichenor passed through
Bandon with a party of homo seekers
on tho way to Port Orford Wednesday
night. .
Do you like thrilling railroad storiea
in Motion Pictures? "The Hazzards
of Helen" produced by the Kalem
company can be seen at tho Grand ev
ery Saturday night. Each story com
plete and full of punches.
Bicycle Repairs -Saw Filing
and Repairing A Specialty
Plume 471
P. O. Box 174
S. D. Barrows
Will lVe onlcrs (or llicjclrs of ill LimU
and Pope Motor-Cycles also Cohan Row
tioat Motors,
f U R customers
have the bene
fits atall times of
our counsel and ad
vice in bankingW
ters Fwhen rdesired.
White injliiTcjinjuixed to
anv shade' desired
and Wall Paper samples
Contract I'aintiiiK and Decorntinu.
"Tillies Punctured Romance" which
held the boards at the (Irand hint
Wednesday evening kept the audience
in an uproar from start to finish. A
great deal of the rough and tumble
stuff is funny only in name, the situa
tinim being too mechanical to ap
pear comical to any but tho crude , t
intellects. But Tillie's romance was
tho real thing. She passed from in
ridiculous situation to another anil
wound ui) with a plunge into the
ocean where her three successive re'i
cues wore all ludicrous. A large audi
enco was present anil all enjoyed tho
comedy immensely.
The bull given nt Drejunhind rink
taut Saturday night by KatiHrud'i
oii'hitMtin nnd the owner of 'tho hail
for the benefit of Bandon Pout, No
fii) wiim li giiiiit ui'i'ii, Wo the mi in
hum of the li. A. It. I'oiiiiuitli'ii In 1 1
luilf of Bundon P"t .no iIhiioiih i f
Ihniikiiig tliu ilonnom fur tic ni'l
immmJ uf tliu bull Willi llioir ull!'
mimI yilh Unit uf tin pobili ni'i.ei..'
wlu ittl'uiiiiori tlw iii' 'I In- tm
Uiy,lu mlUt ail mi Ity I'm. JUunol A
M0w T4Mtf mm ijiiIi.mii
ttm mi i MfahM UmlMi f i'
tmrn-Utti h A JI i
AW iM lii' Mio.uumi Hi i ""
) f9, mm inj. mn rm