The Bandon recorder. (Bandon, Or.) 1915-19??, April 06, 1915, Image 2

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    st4 It ttht
Bandon Recorder
Published overy Tuesday and Frldny
by The Recorder Publishing Co., Inc.
Entered at the Post Office at Ban
don, Oregon, as mail matter of the
second class.
Llake all, checks payable and address
all communications to the company.
Subscription price, $1.60 per year, jn
The Bandon Recorder is published
by a corporation, tho capital stock of
which has recently" been scattered and
sold, figuratively speaking, from Dan
to Becrsheba, and literally speaking
from Bandon to Coquille and Coos
Bay. The reading public feels no con
cern in the details, save that the new
owners are prominent business men
and for the greater part, politically,
aro members of the Democratic party.
Editorially this paper will repre
sent as nearly as may be, tho com
posite idea of its new owners a con
sensus of opinion and it has thus
become an institution. It is bound by
no strings, wears no muzzle, and
knows no master, save right, honor
justice, and hence such will be our
first object and policy. When we are
entrenched editorially we. will surren
der on demand, when confronted by
the superior force of facts, logic and
reason but not to fear, favor or money
noverl Wo reserve our constitu
tional right of freedom of speach and
shall couplo with it tho intention to
exercise it. We know no home but
Southwestern Oregon, and our second
policy shall be loyalty to it and its
people. Wo shall advocate all ideas
calculated for its development
Lastly, when we can be, consistently
with the first two policies announced,
this paper will bo Democratic politi
cally, not of the hide bound character,
that to" tho exclusion of reason, carries
partisanship to extreme absurdity and
converts dogma into a fetichism, but
only to a point of healhy agitation for
the exchange of ideas, calculated to
promote general good in a govern
ment of the people, for tho people and
by tho people.
Curry county has constructed good
roads to tho Coos county line. Road
district number 19 in Coos, which in
cludes Bandon, has a large assessed
valuation voted and has on hand a
large sum of money sufficient for the
construction of a good road to the
south lino of district No. 11) which is
between Two Mile and Four Mile
creeks. Wo havo no road tax this
year. There is left a small road dis
trict within which is only a compnri
tively small amount of taxable prop
erty to call on for tho construction
of 6 or 8 miles of trunk road. That
district is in need of road money.
There havo been ideas advanced by
some-for tho consolidation of district
No. 1!) and the Four Mile district.
Why not? Will some one say?
Last Sunday morning and it was
Easter at that in broad day, walking
boldly on tho public street of Bandon,
was a young man with his arm, shoul
der high, about a confiding young
thing the two clasping hands on tho
off side. Now wouldn't that make you
tired? It did us ami wo sat down to
rest and reflect. Muybo thoy wore
married but that made no difference.
Thoy should lmvo known better. Tho
exumplo to their Juniors Ih not com
mt'iulahlo. Most citle lmvo special
ordinance for tho public gindior,
miuher and upoom'r and those other
wise Invpri'iodble.
A u nuii) King Albeit U iiiugnlrt'
rt'lit, Tl'fu h li" wr Hi I
k'l urn) tJiuuliltir luHur limn 99 jwr
nf kU wldluM Jlv MuffJ (vy
ihn Intjiti )i (ml, iM lit
lvi Htli'if bind luiile, Mllhwul it)
signia of any kind, gives him an air of
slimness, despite the immense breadth
of his shoulders. This is accentuated
by a pair of the longest and most ser
vicable legs that I have ever seen.
His feet are remarkably small, and al
though the wTist is muscular the
hands are not over large. At first one
does not realize that he has a giant's
strength even more than a giants
stature. Few men, however, arc as
powerful physically. The brake lev
ers of all his cars have to be specially
reinforced. He can bend an inch of
iron bar and can lift his two eldest
children off the ground, one incach
hand and hold them at arm's length.
One is a husky boy of fourteen and tho
other a beautiful girl of ten.
Now York World
Professor Hall of the Northwestern
Medical school gives the folowing ad
vice in selecting a wife.
Don't marry an heiress one with
more than $15,000 or $20,000. You
may become unhappy with her and her
Don't marry an invalid.
Don't mary into a family whore
there are traces of insanity or fcoblc-
Look up the health record of her
parents and grandparents.
Avoid the daughter of a confirmed
Don't marry a girl just because she
nows Latin and Greek. It is nothing
against her if she has had a college
education, provided she knows how to
cook meals, make clothes and care
for children.
A man of 21 should marry a girl
between 19 and 23 years.
At 25 one between 21 and 27
At 30 one between 23 and 28.
At 35 one between 23 and 30.
At 40 one between 25 and 33.
At 45 one between 25 and 35.
At 45 one between 25 and 35.
At 50 one between 40 and 50.
At CO one between 50 and CO.
At 70 one between 50 and CO.
At 80 one between GO and 70.
When a man gets to bo 50 years of
.ige he should not expect to raise a
family. I advise such a person to
marry a widow with several children
When n man of GO or more marries
it is only for the purpose of having a
nurse during his declining years. It
in unfair for him to marry anyone
younger than himself. He should
marry a childless widow or an old
The Russian army has been tre
menduously improved by the lesson
of the Russo-Jnpanese war. The army
of 1914 'could simply walk over the
Russian army of 1904. It is not yet an
efficient army. The material is ex
cellent but it has not yet been brought
up to the modern standard. To which
it may be added that one hears fre
quently in well informed circles here
the statement that Von Hindenberg
is by no means the marvelous leader
ho has been believed.
He is simply at tho head of n group
of generals whose names one never
hears, is the way one man puts it. I
doubt if Von Hinderburg signed a sin
gle one of the orders which led to the
destruction of the Russian nrmie3 nt
the battle of Tannenberg. I doubt if
The upper valley of the Two Mile
until recently hnH been quite inncces
ible by wagon, and now has only n
rough wagon road, constructed lurge
ly by tho residents in puUhwork sec
tions, ho wo are told. There are a
number of hoineKteaders there, per
haps 20 or 30, with families. The
wiiyn t town nml school aro but foot
or Imrxn trniU through tho Umber, up
111 and down dulo. Valuable tlmLcrw
tin und pole wuit Hie wagon roud to
Ihi brought to niurkut. Itluli funning
luml uwmIU u wagon roud, to yield iU
prixlurl for Hip tiUt. Tln mm
of llftt Il iinoi in lliu Mom of
tlui idly Milling lliv wugun rvd l
rouull Hip )wiiioUh4iIui' mtiAll.
umnm ttf D4 imi (r wly
it ulttti tJMuiiN' mi Hi Um M Imtit u
tie Point a near cut-off to thero from
Bandon. A two mill road tax was
voted in road district number 19, two
years ago for such a road. Later the
tax collected was involved in litiga
tion and the expenditure of the money
enjoined. That injunction has been
raised for many months and the liti
gation quieted. The money is availa
ble and the time for making roads at
hand. The legal formalities neces
sary for the completion no doubt are
the only impediments yet to surmount
and wo appeal to Myrtle Point to co
operate from that end to construct a
through road and help us to establish
a public utility.
Myrtlo Point, may we not hear from
Two subscriptions receivod in the
mail of one day this week from New
York city, recalls to mind the value to
a community, especially a new, on,
that is given it by a newspaper that
has had a continuous publication for a
third of a century. Time gives to a
publication an acquaintance, a wide
circulation and an authoritative stand
ing that can not be otherwise obtain
ed. Among tho most loyal subscribers
of tho Rccordor arc its out of town
and out of the state subscribers. .They
extend from Alaska ad British Colum
bia to Alaska and from tho Pacific
coast to tho Carolinas, Pcnsylvanla
and Northern Ontario.
These subscribers consist for the
most part of former Bandon citizens
or of one time visitors. But others
are strangers who have become inter
ested in in our new, wonderful and un
developed country and of its large op
portunities. They read tho Record
er to increaso their stock of infor
mation of this section before under
taking a trip of personal inspection
The Recorder has a number of
readers in eastern Canada. Thore
Spring is only beginning to bring re
lease from the severity of winter.
The Recorder, coming to them from a
land of perpetual green verdure has a
srong appeal for immigration hither.
Nature has done her share for Coos
and Curry counties. Our great need,
as in all new countries, is more citi
zens, new capital and the energy of
virile men and women who emigrate
and become pioneers in new lands.
The advertising value of the Re
corder to this vicinity is worthy of
worthy of notice. It is not only a sen
timental assctt but a financial one the
value of which increases as the years
The United States is now a creditor
nation in strict sense. The worldis
beginning to pay in cash for the im
mense volume of products bought in
this country.
The nation has paid our foreign
debts, or rather our enormous exports
have liquidated them, and now the
credit balance in its favor is begin
ning to show tangible results.
Gold is flowing steadily into the
United States. Nearly $41,000,000 has
been received since January 1. One
fourth of this amount camo in last
week and a continuous stream of this
precious metal means ultimately the
greatest era of prosperity this country
has ever known.
For weeks the great banks of the
old world have been throwing safe
guards nround their gold supplies and
until recently they succeeded in pro
tecting it, despite the fact that foreign
exchange rutes fell to almost the
lowest levels in modern history.
Of tho total receipts of gold, $9,
300,000 came from Ottawa, $5,700,000
from China, $3,500,000 from Japan,
$l,050,000,from Umlon dlrect,$l,000,
000 from South America and' $300,000
from Denmark, Tho Inevitable ap
pear h to bo at hand. American vecuri
tie helil nlu'ouil uro no lunger being
liquidated, In fact they aro being
bought by foreign Investor. Obvlou
evidenced of 1 1 1 1 w weru tinted In Oio
ini'urlllim inurkiU In the United riUil
lukt wueli uiul without I he m'IIIiik of
ok unj bond u n ffi,l'uii
niui mw ay Hid ifnllud HIuIhi gidd
tur imruhmtiMt hntiu(tt und
twmriijtjur uiul lw lm9 luktu) Id t"
Tb Unit lmiim i fur v1 Uw
United States up to the close of busi
ness March 27, approximates $578,
000,000. This is the amount other
countries owe the United States in ex
cess of imports, however the difference
may be settled. When the war began
in August it was variously estimated
that the United States was indebted
to Europe even more than tho present
credit balance.
Astuto bankers and economists sec
in the change that is approaching an
opportunity for the United States to
become tho worlds bankor. Tho coun
try now has billions of dollars worth
of agricultural and manufactured prod
ucts to sell. Other great nations,
crippled by war , want these products
and must pay for them. Besides du
ring the war and after the war, much
financing will be necessary. Foreig
ners must look to tho United States
for help in nearly every form.
The efficiency of tho Germans is in
no wise better illustrated than in the
following historical fact.
Count Moltke, in common with all
other soldiers, craved the norvo sol
ace given by tobacco. Ho preferred to
uso tobneco in the form of snuff and in
tho enmpaign against the French Mar
shall MacMahon in 1870 he used more
snuff than the military regulations al
lowed. Although ho won tho cam
paign that united Germany and won
from Franco a billion francs and two
provinces, Germany presented him
with n bill that read For one pound
snuff supplied to General Von Molt
ke, one thaler, which he paid. There
is not much chance for graft in such
a system.
Roosevelt's advice, to offer a man
the velvet glove and if that did not
satisfy him to hit him withtho big
stick, lately seems more grotesque
than formerly. Wc all believe in and
desire peace but how can we prevent
Japan's aggression of China un'ess wo
convince her that if necessary we will
strike and strike hard and then if
that does not suffice to maketho strike
again and again.
Japan is determined to dominate the
Pacific ocean trade and want3 large
ureas of China. If China is not al
ready divided on paper between
Great Britain, Russia, France and
Japan, then there is nothing in symp
toms and if our country is not pre
paring to meet a crisis 0 that kind
then those in charge of the govern
ment arc blind as moles.
Tho often heard assertion that the
war has awakened tho people to an
interest in spiritual things recallB to
mind the remarks of a negro street
preacher in Chicago.
"If any one ever tells you that they
got religion on flowery beds of case,
they arc liars and the truth is not in
them. For no man ever went to God
uidess he was in trouble. People pick
a row they could easily havo avoided
then call on God to help them out
of their troubles.
Always beforo for years, Texas was
tho banner crop state. Or the state
whose agricultural products each
year totaled the largest sum. In 1914
according to government report, Iowa
took first rank nway from Texas, de
spite it being only n fraction ns large.
A writer in Motor Age says Iowa's
middle numo is "prosperity" Wo are
all wishing for that wave to reach Or
egon. It will come.
"Two Mile" ConHidera On Mutter of
A More Distinctive Appellation
The farmers living on Two Mile
Creek, which, by tho way, l four miles
from Bundnn, lmvo for uomu tlmo
been trying to find n Hiiltablo imino
for their locality which would iiipuh
inoro Own tho preHent numo and huvu
noinii MlgnlllrHiirn. An y't wo under
vtund they huvo not derided on (toy
numo, hut nti Ki'iittwlly favoring 0io
udupOon of "Ih'w Vully". TliU tor
Ibu n-uwH 0ml nt uny vunoi ot 0i
yvur, I'Vt ii In lli ilryM wuihvr mh
hi wu uuity Imvv or iwyjl wwhn
H yim, inU uul hwl'Ury will n
heavy dew and the early warefaror, I
before the sun iB up, will be drenched
to the knees if he fails to folio vV the
beaten pathwa; s. The dew is a real
asset to that locality and makes big
crops and rich dairy pasture lands.
If that is the name the Recorder
will be glad to use it,and to endeavor
to obtain for that locality a general
usage of the new name. Wo are
writing to hear of somo definite action
being taken.
And speaking of namcj the Four
Mile vicinity which is lar,e and pop
ulous, and is four miles from no place
in particular, and is at least eight
miles from Bandon, and about tho
same from Langlois, might well fol
low the example of the ''Dew Valley"
R. B. Parker has returned from Port
Orford for a short visit, combining
pleasure and business and also to find
out if times are any better in this
country than thoy are down there.
Clifford Jones has returned from
Port Orford and is staying with bin
sister, Mrs. Buckle.
Adam Storm is back from Port Or
ford where he has been cutting ties.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Harding gave
a dance at their home Saturday even
ing. A dainty supper was served at
midnight to thirty-eight guests and
dnncing was resumed until five o'clock
in the morning.
Johnny Willard had the misfortune
to tumble off a stump and hurt his leg
so severely that he has to use crutch
es. Mr. Pesterfield is raising a herd of
goats. He has bought a large piece
of "the glades" and intends to fence
it for a goat pasture.
The following births occurred at
Fairmount in the Prosper district last
week. To Mr. and M.m. R. A. 1'Y.icr,
u daughter, .ikm March 21 at.
To Mr. and Mir.. Melville Uncle, a
daughter, 'jorn Muih 23.
Tho Fairmount Study Club met
March 24th at tho homo of C. V. Hull
The subject now under study is South
America to which attention is now be
ing attracted on account of the new
trade possibilities there.
Mrs. Ada Hack of Fairmount was a
Bandon visitor Wednesday. She re
ports that evorybody is gardening and
that sho has peas now in bloom, a
rather unusual occurrence even for
this salubrious climate. Radishes and
lettuce are now ready for use.
Politicians are getting busy with
the 191G campaign. Eastern papers
are suggesting the following ticket:
For president: Charles L. Whitman
of New York,
For Vice President, Jonathan
Bourne, Jr., of Oregon.
J. W. Coach and A. E. Hudsall
were sued April 1st by S. L. Kron
enberg to recover $4,000 worth of
promissary notes. An attachment an
Coach's property was issued in aid of
the suit.
A laborer in Camp 0, near Wagner,
dropped dead in the bunk house lust
Sunday. He was buried ut Myrtlo
Myrtle Point Phone Line Sold
Tho Coos und Curry Telephone Co.
Hold Its Myrtlo Point locul exchange
to the Coqulllo Valley Telephono com
pany, April JhL Tho Coos und Curry
rompuny will glvo the vulley coinpuny
long diktamo ronmatlonii with tho tout
of tho country. In 'oiullln both rom
puiilen ktill maintain their exchange
but huvo ugreid on u ten cent uhurgu
for MWltrli cull,
Mr. KuOu ImwIo, widen t ot lliv
Nul-Jiuh buembly of Ortwm jio !
l-n vliJiliiK Mx l-'t Ui Mtiiar iiv
mnml in Mr Iwmv in MmbftAl tMl
Official Song of
the Portland Rose
The beauties of Oregon so imprcssc 1
Mrs. Lynette Arnold Henderson of
Sioux City, Iowa, that she recently put
these impressions into words und these
words nre the lyrics for tho 1915 Rose
Festival song. Mrs. Henderson donat
ed the lyrics and John C. Abbott, the
well known railroad man and musician
of Portland, wrote the music.Thc song
has a fine catchy swing to it which the
whole state will soon be whistling.
Through the courtesy of A. H. Eilers
well known music dealer of Portlund,
the festival song will be given wide
spread circulation. Copies will bo sent
to glee clubs, orchestras, bands and
singing societies of the state and ef
forts will be made to make "The Whole
World Knows the Portland Rose", tho
cong hit of the year.
Tho lyrics of the new song which
Oregon's scenic wonder's climate, riv
ers, streams and mountains suggested
to Mrs. Henderson, are as follows:
The Whole World Knows the Portland
Out west tho purpling huze lies close
Over wondrous snow-clad peaks.
Out west the gleaming waterfall
In dazzling brilliance leaps.
Out west the sweet pinescented breeze
From the fragrant forest blows.
Out west, there's a wealth of glorious
Out west is the Portland rose.
The whole world knows the Portland
Its queenly air, its beauty, rare
Within the hearts which all enshrine
No other rose is half so fair.
Its tint the glint of sunrise shows!
Its soft blush glows! It gaily
Its fragrance to tho passing breeze.
The whole world knows the Port
land rose!
Out west there is wealth for all who
With a brave, undaunted will.
The orchards yield their perfect fruit,
The streams run many a mill.
There's precious hiden ore to mine,
Golden grain luxuriant grows,
There's weulth in the herds of icacc
ful kino,
There's wealth in the Portland rose
Out west the men and women stand
Side by side for all that's fair.
They bravely fight for civic right,
The hardest tasks they dare.
They greet you with their outstretch
ed hands,
With thespirit the west bestows.
Their hearts aro so pure, and sweet
and good,
As the heart of the Portland rose.
Yesterday J. L. Kronenborg, of
Bundon, began suit against J. W.
Coach and A. E. Hadsall to recover
$4,000 on two promissary notes of $2,
000 each. An attachment on Coach's
property was issued in aid of this suit.
Coquille Sentinel
An insane man, by name Campbell
bus been traversing the woods neirr
Wagner, clothed as September Morn.
He was recently taken in tow by Dep
uty Sheriff Ijiird and brought to Co
quillo. Ho had wandered six miles
from tho place on tho South Fork
wher he had left His clothes.
A motion was made in the county
court ut Coquille to havo Clantneo
Russell removed as the executor of
tho estate of Arthur Russell. Tlui
wan In the intercut of thu hitter's four
minor children.
Tho Pythian Klhloiu enjoied u
plmuunt Hoi'lul hour, following On r
hunlnoM Mtklon Wwliiokdiiy ovenn ,
Aflor unjoylng vurioun gunwk, Ouy
M-jmlitxl to 0i hiiiniimt loom, wlunt
u lnpy-lui-vy luinihoon uwmted Uihi.
U J0iur UllllW tmtimv M'l
oNik!J IH")i HiMJllJiWl 'I' I"''"
iltmW'YiUr' JM tu Uiv l'"'1
Mmlmm r A Mhj, I '!'
Hii jtMJMMKN ftWJ M jUttf