Semi-weekly Bandon recorder. (Bandon, Or.) 1910-1915, March 23, 1915, Image 1

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    Oregon Historical Society
City 1111 ' X
i 4 e "J 4 J
The Recorder covers the
Job Printing!.
A modern equipped job J
t department in connection J
ft Bandon field thoroughly
i. -t- j-
With Bandon Unrepresented Athletic Coun
ty Assocalion Decides Contest Against
Local Basket Ball Team
Without n Bandon representative
present at the meeting tho Coos Coun
ty Athletic Assocntion, which met in
Coquille Saturday morning, decidctl
the protested frame between Bandon
and Myrtle Point in favor of the lat
ter and thereby outstcd the local High
School basketball team from its
rightful position of second place in
the league. Mnrshfield . won 'the
championship by, defeating North
JJcnd 41 to, 11 at North Pond, Friday
Previous to tho meeting Coach
Quigley was asked to withdraw his
protest but refused. Owing to ac
cident to tho Charm Mr. Quigley .did
not reach Coquille Saturday morning
until nftor most of the business of
the assoccation had been transacted
tho protest having been decided. In
defense of their action the other mem
bers of the nssocationstntcd that as
Marshfield held tho championship
without dispute, that Ihcy could not
nee that it made a great dcul of dif
ference how the contest was decided.
Owing to the great rush on the part
of the bay delegates, very little was
accomplished at Saturday's meeting
outside of milking, final arrangements.!
for tho oratorical cotcst to be held at
North Bend. No definite date was
set for tho annual track .and field meet
which will be held in Marshfield du
ring the latter part of May. Two
weeks before tho county meet, when
ever thut will be, Bandon, Coquillc
and Myrtle Point-will hold a triangu
lar meet at Myrtle Point!
Baseball in the high school is not
yet assured, for up to the present
time only Bandon and Coquillc in the
interscholnstic league and tho River
ton nine have signified their intention
of playing. Coquille has no grounds
upon which to practice or piny games
but will bring a team down to play
Bnudon on the local diamond, Bandon
is in little better shape for tho ball
grounds hero will not be in condition
for somo time .to come. .
The action of the association 'in de
ciding tho contested game puts Marsh
field in tho load, Myrtle Point second,
Bundon and Coquille tied for third
placo and North Bend in the cellar.
Wont Wait For Court Decision
The Puget Sound Bridge and dredg
ing company will begin work on the
Coquillc river without waiting for the
supreme court decision as regards the
legality of tho Port.
The Miss not the MrH.
There is a Miss Clara Mcintosh as
well us u Mrs. Clara Mcintosh, but it
is the Miss who will leave on the Eliz
abeth, instead of Mrs. as record
ed in Friday's Recorder.
Katharine Kopf
Eight pound Katharino arrived
saftjly nt the home of Mr. and Mrs. C.
E. Kopf, Saturday morning, March
20th. Both mother and child are doing
Join the Excursion
The Coquillo bund will come to Ban
don next Friday to drum up a crowd
for a dance to be held in that city
next Friday night. The band will go
back with the Telegraph on the ex
cursion with the Odd Fellows, leaving
tho dock nt 0 o'clock. All are invited
to go along and attend tho dance.
Hound trip CO cts.
Snbhatlmrian Theories Reviewed by
1). W. Carpenter at the Latter Day
Saint's church on Filmoro Ave., Fri
day, March liGth, 1916 nt 7:30 o'clock
p. in, All are cordially invited.
Thuy couldn't bundle tho crowds, nt
the uiiditoriiiin In San Joho when tin
Jubilee Singer iippeured there, and
that house hcuIh MOO people, (n't
your nc'iiU nwrved ut Boyle' Jewel
ry nIoi'u beginning Weducduy, Mur.
Th .mill ut DdRiiim H iJ viAnlvy
win n.viled to u Biwi lUfttffey 4JUT
l'.Mu.i Millliiiij; gi hmmfim
imiy HUuft iflJWjils, Jjgjwii ffil.
Mrs. Stella Streubor, wife of Louis
Streubcr of Prosper died early Mon
day morning of quick consumption.
She was 27 years of age, having been
born January lst1888. She was a
daughter of Win, Hansen, one of the
old settlors of this vicinity. She has
a sister, Alia Hansen, attending the
Bandon high school,. Her husband
was recently injured in a logging
camp and is not yet recovered from
his injuries. Funeral services were
held at Prosper this forenoon with
Rev. Hnbberly ofllciatlng. Burial
was in Bandon in the city cemetery.
The afllicted family have the sympa
thy of all in their untimely bereave
ment. T. W. McClosky of Myrtle Point
is in Bandon today on business.
Examines Stomach and Tissues and Finds
Evidence of Use of Poison
Chemist E. P. W. Harding of Port
and, who is a graduate in pharmacy
at O. A. C. and for five years since his
graduation has been an instructor
there in pharmacy, toncology and
pharmaceutical analysis, analyzed
the part of tho stomach and intestines
of Arthur Russell, deceased of Myr
tle Point This is the man on the
charge of poisoning whom, Mr. and
Mrs..Clnrence Russell are now held in
the jail at Coquille.
The chemist examined the mater
ial for volatile poisons, alkaloids and
mctafic poisoning. No truco of any
poisonous material -was foutuL except
arsenic. Tho amount of arsenic re
covered was small. The amount of ma
terial given to them to examine under
the tests of tho chemist was small and
consequently no Inrge amount of pois
on could be expected to be found.
In the earth examined (which came
from beside the grave) an extremely
minute arsenic mirror was found.
"From present indications," says
Prof, Harding, "I should judge the
person must have been given at least
one half gram but until I have ex
amined tho bones I could not make it
more definite. I will be ublo to make
:i more definite statement after cx
aininig them."
He further testified that judging
from tho quantity of arsenic recovered
from the tissues exnmined, poisoning'
by arsenic probably" caused the death
of tho person from whom tho tissues
were taken.
Russell Secures Bonds
S. F. Reed and Mr. Warner of Myr
tle Point, gave n bond of $!!,000 for
Clarence Russell, under charge of
poisoning his brother but bonds have
not yet been secured for Mrs. Russell.
Attorneys for the defense clnim
to" have discovered new evidence that
will secure' the immediate releaso of
the Russells and have asked for a
postponmcnt of the hearing tha't was
set for March 22nd.
A Good Fair
A letter to the Recorder from a vis
itor nt the San Francisco fair says
that the fair is much better than they
had expected but that there was the
usual amount of graft.
Roy Miller, supt. for the Puget
Sound Bridge and Dredging company
was in Bnndon Monday going aver
the shore work with the foreman, Ole
Haarbarg. They report finding nat
ural accomodation for all material to
be removed from tho river. There will
therefore be no expense for bulkheads
There wns quite n mosquito licet
anchored along the Bundon water
front Sunday. There were four ocean
traveler; the Speedwell, the Eliza
beth, (he Brooklyn and the Aliwnucdu;
four ilvnr bout, The Telegraph, Co
quljle, Not ma und Chuini, the lug
Kllliyim iiml mIx or eight wimllcr
The old JmIiumiMJM und Jug sul)U
80nm (mm Uip Hauls at JhjwJnn U b
lug iujulmJ gJ lufaulLU U will mm
Itfl smiidW ty His W I Hmh mi3il
huwd Uue.
Annual Recital of Mrs. Geo. Geisendorfer
Greeted by Large Attendance. Special
Attractions Make Good Impression
Three hours of music was what
Mrs. Goo. Geisendorfer treated her
i. Hi's ts to at hef annual recital held
held last Friday evening at the Or
plieum. Three hours is quite a while
for the average person to sit and lis-
tenten to piano music but the pro
gram had been well prepared, the pu
pils exhibited themselves and their ac
complishments to good effect and the
evening passed off very pleasantly.
Five hundred invitations had been
sent out and there was a generous res
ponse. The Orpheuni was filled with
a ropresetative audience, every seat
having an occupant from tho orches
tra seats in front to the rear of the
The program consisted of "piano
music, enlivened with some special
features to spice the evening's offer
ing. The latter consisted of vocal se
lections by a double quartette con
sisting of Harold Quigley, Ralph Dip-
pel, Ernest Sidwell, Rev. C. Mayne
Knight, H. E. Boak, Roy Corson, Ray
Watkins and E. D. Webb. They ap
peared in a song entitled "Until the
Dawn" and as an encore they respond
ed with "A Plainsman's Song." The
call from the enthusiastic audience
was -insistent but they refused to re
spond with n third selection.
Mr. Wolfram Schmcdding, recent
ly from Germany, a flute soloist of un
usual talents, appeared in two places
on the program, and both times was
pleased to respond to encores. He pre
sented "La Traviata, Concert Waltz"
winch set involuntary fee to beating
time all through the audience, and
"Introduction theme with Variations;
Home Sweet Home" which brought to
many an auditor a flood of half for
gotten memories.
Mrs. Geisendorfer also appeared to
very good advantage; twice as the ac
companist to Mr. Schmcdding and
once, in a very difficult piece, played
with the left hand, "Finule de Lucia
di Lammermoor" by Letchetizky and
her presentation was wurmly applaud
ed. All of the young pupils of Mrs.
Geisendorfer acquitted themselves
very nicely and each was given a gen
erous measure of applause. The
cheerful fnco of Master Wesley Phen
ninger, won. approbation as he appear
ed for his turn at the piano and he fur
ther distinguished himself by leaving
his music behind ns he passed behind
the curtains. Errol McNaip also got
tired of waiting for his compapion in
a duet which followed the solo he
Jiimself presented and went out to
fetch him, both being diversions in
the regular program that were appre
ciated by the audience.
Following is the program:
Duett Selection from Rigoletto
Edna Gallier and Ottilie Lowin
Solo Barcarolle Shower of Stars
Edna Gallier
Solo Octave Study Polonnisc-Ottilie
Lew in
Solo Village Dance Randolph
Solo To Jensen Lena Devereaux
Duetto Tho Young Recruit Lester
Perry and Randolph Johnson
Solo Valse Etude Lester Perry
Solo Cuckoo Song Margaret Nelson
Solo The Youthful Brigade Wesley
Trio Spring Flowers: in Thirds
Florence Johnson, Evelyn Pierce,
Helen Wnldvogel
Solo The Wayside Rose Helen
Solo LeCoucou Mildred Crnin
Duett Over Hill and Dale MildroJ
Crain and Helen Wuldvogel
Solo Baracolo Phuntom Ships MIjs
Mary King
Flute Solo U Travlutu Concert
WulU-Wolfram Hchnieddlug
Duett Spanish Dunce 01 tilio Uwin
und Huttlu Johnson
Kolo The Dying poet Huttlu John.
KoloConeeit I'oIoiiuUu--VuUu JJjil
oduuroi Joining
Sulo-Tlie VuuiH'h gong Jfo Mp.
iflgiiiteiJ mi iifi ji&)
Superintendent Baker Conducts Institute
Bandon. Randolph to Have Two
Teachers After This Week
County Superintendent Raymond
Baker is in Bandon todny conducting
a ono day teachers' institute for the
benefit of Bandon pedagogues. The
session is at the high school building
and Mr. Baker is assisted in the work
by Dr.(H. E. Sheldon of the state uni
versity extension department. Dr.
Sheldon will also address the Palroii
Tcacher association in the high school
auditorium this evening on tho tiub
ject of "Education and Children in the
Modern English Novel."
In addition to Messrs. Baker and
Sheldon, Supervisor Golden was in
attendance. Teachers from near by
districts were present to profit by the
discussion. This is the first of a ser
ies of one day intitutes to be held in
Coos county. One will be held in Co-
quile Wednesdny, at Myrtle Point
Thursday and nt Marshfield Friday.
Speaking of his work through the
county, Superintendent Baker says
an important part is occupied by the
proposed consolidation of several ru
ral school districts. Catchings and
South Inlet are nearly ripe for this
change and consolidation will bo put
in effect there in n very short time.
Each of these consolidated districts
will have about one hundred students
enrolled, now divided among three dis
tricts each.
Consolidation will enable the 6is
tricts to maintain two or more teach
ers and to put into practical work the
graded school system, systematizing
ancyitaiidarnizing the scheme for giv
ing children an education. In a larg
er school the competition with others.
will allure the child on to take more
interest and learn faster.
The school at Randolph, visited by
Supt. Baker, yesterday, has boon try
ing on eight grades and one year of
high school work with only one teach
er. Tho teacher was willing and capa
ble but found the task too great and a
second teacher will bo added to the
force in this district next Monday.
An Editor's Outing
Editor Young and familyof tho Co
quille Vnlloy Sentinel were among
the visitors from the county scat who
spent Sunday on Bandon's famous
beach. Although juvenile in name,
Mr. Young is elderly, hns served his
time in all the phases of the printing
and publishing game just as his life
has extended from his birthplace by
the Atlnntic to his present abode near
the Pacific. Mr. Young may be reck
oned one of tho sages of the Coos
county press. He prints an ext v good
paper and here'3 hoping ho may con
tinue to publish it for many year. to
C. II. Gram, state factory inspector
of factories, from Portland, was in
town yesterday and today and all of
the factories of Bandon were lined up
in a row to have their pulse beats ex
amined. Mrs. A. D. Morse received a tele
gram yesterday announcing the seri
ous illness of her dughtcr, Miss Mild
red Morse, nt Los Angeles, Cal. Miss
Mildred has hosts of friends in Ban
don who will be sorry to learn of her
illness and will hope for her speedy .
R. L. Graves of Portland, an nssay
er und mining expert is looking up
business in this vicinity. Sunday he
nnide u trip to the Whiskey Run dis
trict und brought buck several sacks
of sand for analysis. Monday he do
parted for Port Orford und the SIxeH
to look up business in that vicinity.
Odd FcIIohn Eriirlin
Tim 0(1I Fellow und Uebekuli lodg
ed of Bundou will go on mi itxcuntlon
lo Coiiui t Friday night, Mumli Mill.
Three el I lex will bo reprnnunlod at
(III iiuel lug or the fruteiiilly; Bundon
OpiUle und Myrtle J'olnl. Degree
wuik will he pu! (in und 'u ttuwl lUm
U ITOJiilwil. TIlm almnw 'I'vlngimli
tfd&ih 1&rp t0 tU fui the iwwwJ
The funeral of Alfred Johnson was
one of the largest in attendance ever
held in Coquille. A procession more
than half a mile long, composed of
friends and lodge members from all
over Coos county escorted tho body
from tho Methodist church, South, to
the Masonic cemetery.
Reverend Clevcs preached the ser
mon at the church. The Coquille
Blue Lodge of Masons had charge of
the services at tho grave.. These ser
vices were under the direction of L. A.
Liljeqvist. Forty members of the Pa
cific comniandory, Knights Templur,
in full regalia acted as escort.
A profusion of flowers nd wreaths
were in evidence both at church and
at tho grave. A special train carried
people from Marshfield to and from
Coquillo to attend the services.
Incidents Relative to Enforced Wait in
Getting Out to Sea
Any one who took a stroll up and
down the water front during the past
few days would have been justified
in imagining that Bandon was, con
sidering the times, an inuisually busy
spot. Three ocean going boats were
lying beside the dock with the usual
run of smaller boats. Tho surmise
would have been in purt justified for
all of the boats were loaded with local
products and were only waiting favor
able condition to get, out to sea. Owing
to a combination of circumstances they
were four days waiting for a chance
to get over tho bar. Tho tides, during
'tlie'present week, are unusually low
and the water at the mouth of the
river was so rough the boats were
not able to take advantage of what
water there was.
Twice cacli twentyfour hours the
tug Klihyam would make a trip of
inspection, take soundings nnd return
with the cheerful intelligence that for
another twelve hours' nt least there
was "nothing doing".
Eurly this morning a fog, cRtne
drifting in from the ocean, nnd the
breakers subsided. After the tug had
duly mndo tho inspection the Eliza
beth and the Brooklyn were in turn
towed to sea. The Speedwell still
waits and tho weather wiso says she
may have to stay until the end of the
week when the almanack promises
better-things in the way of higher wa
ter. "Yes, its bad, this waiting around",
said an officer of the Brooklyn, "But,
at that its not so bad as loading by a
cable from the shore. Believe, me,
I've seen them cables break. I saw
one of them break with a load of a
couple dozen ties. Two of the ties
floated and wo got them ugain. Red
wood, you know. Some of that red
wood is so light you can pack a tie
under each arm and walk right off
with it. Then again somo of it weighs
like railroad iron.
"Yes, its tough on the passengers,
wuiting around, too. But believe me
its cheaper to wait hero than in Fris
co and more pleasant than out nt sea.
Wait 'till they get down ''below nnd
get to paying everything thut is usked
of them. They'll wish they were back
in Oregon.' '
From which, we take it, there is
consolation to bo found in anything,
even in being bar-bound.
Cottage Prayer MeelingH
There will be cottage prayer meet
ings Wednesday at 8 p. in. nt tho fol
lowing places, lead by the leaders ap
pointed for that purpose,
F. E. Hull's, East Bundou; Mrs, El
leu Ivedgerwod's, Filmoro and 11th
St.; Mr. Mlnutt'H, Went Bundon; and
Mr, Hell's, South Bundon. Thcxo
liieetlngM will be held the huiio night
a preparation for thu revival meet
ing thut U to begin ut the M. K.
church, Houlli, next Kunduy, In run
indefinitely. All (lie people In eurh
eoiiiniiiiiily are fnviled to attend thono
pruypi' wi'ulliitfu. A Wo prayer niceh
lug ThuiMluy ut H, p, in, ut the ehiireli
There will hu u ie-oniiliig nervine
mwt JfuiuJuy II, u. ni ml u huhIM
tovtluUiM If tmlmilm io jujlilk. A
jurtftl jirapvu iriiij ami umMt 1
Three Girls and three Boys to Contest
for Honor of Oratorical Representative
A preliminary contest was held
Monday in the high school
auditorium, from which was selected
three contestants from among the
boys and three from among the girls
to assist in nn entertainment to bo
given in the high school nuditorium
Wednesday night for the purpose of
raising money to help send the Bnn
don high school debating team to Eu
gene for the inter-district contest.
The boys who took part in tho pre
liminary contest were George Chat
burn, Richnrd Crain, Chester Tecgur
den, Harold Johnson, Harry Brownson
Raynor Geisendorfer, Eugene Scofiehl
The girls were June Hess, Jessie Bell,
Belle Chutburn, Mary Donaldson, Mil
dred Langley, Forest Mutheny, Ella
Hamlin, Alice Gallier, Maude Toates,
Flora Philpott
The successful contestants were
George Chntburn, Richard Crain,
Chester Tegardcn; nnd Mary Donald
son, Jessie Bell and Forest Matheny.
At the entertainment Wednesday
night, one boy and ono girl will bo se
lected to represent the Bandon high
school at the county oratorical and de
jlamatory contest to be held at North
Bend in April. These will bo selected
from the six successful contestants
of yesterday's contest.
In addition to the above mentioned
program for Wednesday night, tho
.louble male quartette will render
ionic selections and the senior boy?
ivill give a burlesque of Pyramus and
rhisbee in Shakespeare's Midsummer
Night's Dream. The entertainment
will be held in tho auditorium of the
high school and an admission fee of
25 cts will be charged. There should
be a large attendance that the fund
for the debating team may be swelled
to as big a figure as possible.
Exchange of Exclusions.
Tho steamer Coquillc brought up u
load of excursionists Sunday to spend
the day on the beach. They were fu
vored with one of those balmy days
that Coos county knows so well how
to produce when she sets about it. and
they had an enjoynble time On tho
Miy down the river they pnssed tho
steamer Dispatch with a party of
Bandon people on their way to Co
piiHe to attend the funeral of Alfred
Johnson. Thus honors were even in
the matter of exchanging visits, and
the earth was steadied in its orbit,
being prevented from becoming over
balanced nnd tipping to one side
through the shifting of population.
The Speedwell, the Elizabeth and
the Brooklyn are all undergoing- a
spring overhauling in the Bnndon
harbor. Each has received a fresh
coat of white paint and all have been
waiting for a favorable tide to clear
for San Francisco
The Ahwaneda came- in Sunday
from Astoria with a cargo of flour
nnd feed for tho Bandon Warehouse.
Tho Tillamook urrived this morn
ing from Portland.
Passenger List of Elizabeth
P. Hnnrnhan, Mrs. Hunrnhan, Miss
Bcycrle, Miss Mcintosh, Mrs. W.
Pomeroy, Clarence Edmunds, J. J.
Hume, J. Morgan, Charles Walter, Ru
dolph Scholtz, Clis. Layman, W. Cor-
tignn, A. Hnnknncn.
At the Grand Next Saturday unci
Without u doubt the best muidcu!
attraction that has ever appeared in
Bundou. This noted Quartette has
played to pucked Iioukca everywhere
ut the auditorium In Sun Joho, Heat
ing MOO people, hundred were turn
ed a way the neeond night, Thu Jubi
lee SlngeiM give u two hour conceit
Hitch night. The entile progruiu he.
lug chunged for Hie nerond nlghtlf
you enjoy good dinging, Don't full to
ee Hie jubilee qumlelle. Keutg wj
be iii fuUi ul Doyle1 jowejry felou,
imtflwjliiK WMliiuAlttyi MJL 2d. Ail-
rmn II ii Ali ml imwm