'MO fit) SteMi-WtetektV bANbON Acorder, PMbAY, MAitcii totli, wis HOTELjTLALLIER Ranrlnn Oreoron t RATES $1.00 TO $2.00 PER DAY SPECIAL RATES BY WEEK OR MONTH SAMPLE ROOM IN CONNECTION I Faster Telegraph Service Will be afforded on messages to Bandon if you instruct correspondents to send Telegrams, Night and Day Letters via the Pacific Te lephone and Telegraph Company, which has a DIRECT connection with the Coos and Curry Telephone Company which is never closed. Offices and lines, ALWAYS OPEN, working 24 hours every day, including Sun days. No delays in transfer at M a r s h f i e 1 d. Coos and Curry Telephone Co. JOB PRINTING THAT MEANS US Jk & Recorder Print Shop THE TIIUICE-A-WEEK EDITION OF THE NEW YORK WOULD Practically a Daily at the Trice of q Weekly. .No other Newspaper in the world gives ho much at bo low a price. The year 1914 witnessed tho out break of tho Titanic European war which makes all other wars look small. You live in momentous times and you should not miss any of the trcmenduous events that are occur ring. No other newspaper will keep you so well informed as tho Thrico-u-Weck edition of the New York" World Moreover, a year's subscription to it will tako you far into our next presidential campaign and wil give to western renders the eastern situation It contains a vast amount of reading matter at a very cheap price. The Thrico-aWeek World's regular subscription prico is only $1.00 per year, and this pays for 1GC papers. Wo oiler this unequaled newspaper and tho SEMI-WEEKLY HANDON RECORDER together for one year for only $1.00. Tho regular subscrip lion prico to tho two papers is $2.50. Th Forbirlnfl WalUr. I "That waiter didn't thank you when you kiivo III in u iiiurter." -I didn't want hlin to, I wait grato ful to hlni for holding tint coin tip that evi'iy oun in tho roiu could nhj It wm wnly u Uttrliir.M-VVudi!iwtu HUr. Bur rVltlU. (JimlDiniT (lr)lii wh lrt,nill, Jok lnl) 1 hnjm I'll twvr In mltiikfii fur u mUr Tultor-WMi I" IkuM, Oregon im$mi I LETTER HEADS STATIONERY CIRCULARS BILL HEADS POSTERS " DODGERS hasy Time. The man who learns ninny languages does not always enlarge his mind. A poitt'i- In a Swiss hotel who spoko ninny hiimu.iges with oqunl facility nud Iniueiliiiey was oneo asked what wns his nntlve tongue. He replied that he did not know, hut that he spoko all languages. "Hut In what language do you thlnUV" asked tin- persistent question er. "I nova tlnk." was the prompt reply. Youth's Companion. Lacked Tact. "A fellow told me today." confided Mr. D'Ipple. "that I didn't know enough to pound sand. He said that I was the blaniedest Idiot he ever saw. Now, wlint do you think of that?" "I think it was dreadfully tactless of hlni," exclaimed Miss Keeno Indlg nantly. Cleveland I'laln Dealer. WhflU Trouble Began. C II ir . "' i A Merry Evening Tho near sighted man wntcuos his friend restore to a portly dowager a ridiculous Httlo bead bag that sbo had rlmnned ns ho sailed past their corner of tho room. . "I wish." ho said plain- lively, "that women would learn not to ( drop things. My wlfo got mo into a ridiculous scrape tho other night by not being able to bold on to her belong- j lugs." "How was that?" his friend Inquired. "It was nt tho opera." continued Benedick, "and In the middle of tho tlrst act Carrlo let her opera glasses slip on her lap. She asked me to get them. I looked down and thought 1 t.nm imilnp Hw onnf In frnnt nf her. I grabbed them, but they didn't come nt once, nnd tliero wns a squeal fiom tho woman In front It wns the heels of her two little slippers I had grabbed and nearly tipped her out of her seat She got hysterics and had to go out until she calmed down. Oh, I had a merry evening." Is It Worth While? Is It worth while that wo Josllo a brother Bearing his load on the rough road of llfe7 Is It worth while that wo Jeer at each other In blackness of heart that we war to tho knife 7 God pity us all In our pitiful strlfel God pity, us all as wo Jostle each other! God pardon us nil for the triumphs we feel When a fellow Boes down-poor, heart broken brother! Pierced to tho heart! Words are keener than steel And mightier, far, for woo nnd for weal. Look at tho roses saluting each other; Look at tho herds nil at peace on the plain. Man, and man only, makes war on h! brother And dotes In his heart on his peril and pain, Shamed by the brutes that go down on the plain. Joaquin Miller. It's Unsafe to Laugh at Other. Dr. A. It. Taylor, a foremost western educator and for many years president of tho Kansas State Normal school In Emporln, tells this story: "As I was walking downtown one day, Just a fow steps ahead of me wns a flno old gen tlenian In silk hat and broadcloth, who had a most absurd poster pinned on his back, contrasting oddly with his dignified bearing. Just then around tho corner enmo n youtjg fellow with an even more ridiculous poster pinned to bis back. Being Ignorant of his own decoration tho youngster immediately began laughing at the older man. "So I fell to moralizing," says Dr. Taylor, "deducing something llko this: 'Could wo but bcc ourselves ns others seo us, wo would often change the theme of our discourse.' Then as I stepped into a butcher shop tho pro prietor called out to me: 'Good morn, lng, Dr. Taylor. Why, what's tills the boys have been pinning on your back?' " Kansns City Star. One For the Lawyer. Tho into Lord Grlmthorpo drew up tho will of Dent, tho great London wntchmnker. He had assisted Dent In designing "Big Bon" nnd hnd advanced him money to aid him in his scientific work. This was to bo repaid by will, but the technlcnl Irregularity of his drafting led to litigation on Dent's death In 1853, when tho facts camo out in court. A Httlo while afterward Lord Grlmthorpo was examining a well known engineer who showed too much confidence in the witness box. "I suppose," said tho barrister sar castically, "you can make everything." "No," was the reply; "there nro two things I can't make. Ono Is a clock; tho other Is a will." London Opinion. Queer Feather. Baron Kenyon, at ono time lord chief Justice of Englnnd, loved to hear him self talk, and his summlngs up were nt times extraordinary examples of flamboyant speech. Hero Is a speci men taken from "Law nnd Laughter": "Addressing a butler convicted of stealing his master's wine, Lord Ken yon onco said: " 'Prisoner nt tho bar, you stand con victed on the most concluslvo evidence of n crlmo of Inexpressible atrocity a crime that defiles tho sacred springs of domestic confidence and is calcu lated to strike alarm Into tho breast of every Englishman who Invests largely In the cholco vintages of southern Europe. Llko tho serpent of old you have stung tho hand of your protector. Fortuunto In having a geiv erous employer you might without dls covery hnvo continued to supply your wretched wlfo mid children with tho comforts of sulllclent prosperity and even with sotno of tho luxuries of nflluence, but, dead to every claim of natural affection nnd blind to your own real Interest, you burst through nil tho restraints of religion and moral Ity nnd hnvo for ninny years been feathering your nest with your mas ter's bottli-H.'" Tha Rullnn Passlan. Two worthy Heot, follower of the royal und ancient gnniw nf golf w In tint hiiblt of dully playing together, lit I hti con mu of Hum mm on UU wlfo, nnd n liciirlng I lw mid news Mm friend nt lliu link puld oli Hin following morn lng it i-utl u ctck IiIn liic ro vym I hi Hi niiululciirn Initios a"U dulr d, nnm tmiurv ntiiifccd iwt, "You'll mi1 Imj ifnuflii' lliu ArnvY' THE WARS OPPORTUNITIES TO MAKE AMERICA MINERALOGI CALLY INDEPENDENT. (Synopsis of Discussion by George Otis Smith, Director, United States Geological Survey, before New York Section of American Institute of Mining Engineers, New York, March 5, 1915.) "For more than half n year we have watched the ndjustment3 nnd read justments of American industries to meet new conditions. Six months ngo the United Slates Geological Sur vey suggested by the publication of Bulletin 500, the extent to which Am erica's mineral reserves could be drawn upon to meet the emergency and indeed to strengthen the position of the United States as n world power in industtry and commerce. Today, as a nation, we face an even greater crisis in our commercial relations, so that a discussion of national independ ence is especially opportune. "As n nation we began with n dec laration of independence loading to an experiment in statecraft, popular government on a large scale in a string of colonial settlements connect ed only in a crude way by post roads and coastwise sailing vessels, nnd per haps even more feebly united by bonds of a common race and creed. Yet that political independence was the breath of life in the now nation, and the ideal then set up attracted the best human material from all lands. Thus, wo may say, was devel oped America's greatest resource, u positive citizenry. "The other element necessary to make America great in material re sources the earth and the fullness thereof. I do not discount the wealth of our forests, which have contribu ted so largely to our foreign and do mestic trade since colonial days, nor do I disregard the bounty of our soil, which enables us in these days of waste and war to feed tho peoples of Europe as well as ourselves, yet I believe the mineral wealth of the Un ited States is largest measure the foundation of the marvelous growth of the past few decades. Industrial America! think of what degree the industries of America are based on our nnd mineral fuels, or figure, if you will, the percentage of railroad tonnage that originates in tho mines. "Not only is our country a world leader in the output of such essential minerals as coal, petroleum, copper, zinc, iron, lead, phosphntc and in three of these it exceeds all other countries put together but ns fur as such things can be measured or esti mated we are blessed in the possess sion of the largest reserves of many of the more important of these miner als. No other country can, in any sense, compare with the United States in the degree of industrial independ ence afforded by the possession of these mineral resources. The raw material is at hand to enable us to win and maintain supremacy ps a manu facturing nation. "Yet under this 'most favored na tion clause,' the catalogue of our min eral resources is not the complete list of minerals essential to modern civi lization; a few items are missing, others are present apparently in in sufficient quantities, and the quantity or locality of the deposits of still oth or minerals may be unfavorable to present-day utilization. Thus it haj- pens that the nation is not wholely in dependent in its mineral industry, and no problem better deserves the atten tion of the American mining engin eers than this. How can we fill these crans and thus make America more truly independent? "Tho catalogue of the products of our mines, quarries and wells is long. Tho list of what we lack is short. We are wholely dependent on other coun tries for only four principal items tin and nickel, potash and nitrate Among the minerals of which the U. nited States has a deficient supply are manganese, platinum, gems und asbestos. Still other minerals it has heretofore found more profitable to buy abroad than to produce at home, such as chrome ore, barytes, flint pel) bles, magncsitc, mica and graphite. "These deficiencies create problems relating to the three types or classes of minerals. In the first class tin nnd nickel only seem hopeless and as matter of fact the wholo world is jioor in tin. Especially is this scarcity felt in certain of the countries now nt war, where tho shortage duo to the cessation of imports is intensified by thu increased use of tin in canning ni my supplies. But wo can look to South America for tin oro nnd make Its importation tho foundation for it profitublo connnemi with Uolivlit For nitrate wo ran contlnuu to ruly on Chile, hut wo vhoulil iluvolojm our In iIcjikikIciicc with I expect (o till lilin oral ly lint nmmifiii'tiiio of ultrato trim uimoKpliKric iiUnxmi. M"i lunlly fur tliu liyilmilidrr ujimtint w Invito iwiillul u mmmi h !ohkmm will JugMulH. J'r wUW nia where potash occurs in even greater qunnity than that nt first es timated by the Geological survey, but the problem of its commercial ex traction lias not yet been fully solv ed by the chemical engineers. The deficiencies of the second class like manganese and platinum, are stimulating to the engineer nnd the geologist, one to. develop and the other to discover. The recent find in Southern Nevada of rich platinum bearing gold oro constitutes a nota ble addition to the world's supply of this too rare metal. "The third class of minerals, those which it has paid belter to buy from foreign producers, probably furnish es the largest incentive for theefTort to secure mineralogical independence. Here, especially can the geologist and engineer co-operate. Magnesite, graphite, for example, nrc common minerals, of which large deposits have been found in this country, yet up to the present time, they have been large items of import from Aus tria, Canada and India. "As an encouraging instance of mineralogical independence, you may ccall that only ten years ago this country imported its sulphur from Sicily, whereas now, by reason of the work of one engineer, the United States loads the world in the mining of .sulphur. Can not further success be expected in the utilization of min eral resources hitherto practically un touched? "The substitution of certain min erals of domestic origin for those bought in foreign markets will bring us face to face with the problem of standardization. Prico is not the last word with the manufacturor-consum- This is n good time to drop any ideas we may have of industrial su periority and to copy for a while the ndustrial spirit of Germany which systematized processes nnd stand ardized products until they won mar kets in every continent out of sheer superiority. "The outlook for successful endeav or by the American engineer seems very bright. Notice of Sheriff's Sale By virtue of an execution und order of sale duly issued by tho Clerk of the Circuit Court of the County of Coos, Slate of Oregon, dated the 20th day of February, 1915, in a certain iclion in the Circuit Court for said County and State, wherein William Ilorsefall. as plaintiff, recovered judgement against William Logan I was worried sick until he told me WHEN he wns put to bed, I couldn't figure out how wc were going to make ends meet. It takes almost every cent he earns to keep us going. But the next day he said: "Don't worry, dear. It coat me so little that I forgot to tell you I'd taken out an ETNA ACCU- in ii .vitrr rut? A ml ITV nrl lV IV1ULM11VC. 1J1JMIJII-I I I ruuui, Doctor ays he's n pretty lick man, but will pull through all right. And that policy 1 brings us $50 a week while he's too sick to bo out and $25 n week afterward while he can't attend to his work. You can't imagine how relieved I am. With that money coming in regularly, wo don't have to worry. 4ETNA- IZE protect yourself and your loved ones. Write or telephone, and let us tell you about thisjpoliry. E. E. OAKES Agent BANDON, OREGON nV. E. II TH.I3 IC omplete .stock of har ness, shopping bags, trunks, suit cases, valises and traveling defendant for the sum of two hund red dollars, on the 2nd day of Sep tember, 1913. Notice is hereby given that I will on the 27th day of March, 1915, at the front door of the County Court House in Coquillc in said County, nt 10 o'clock in the forenoon" of said dny sell at public auction to the highest bidder, for cash, tho folowing describ ed property, to-wit: Lots 5, C, and 7, Block 11, Wood land Addition to tho City of Bnndon as per plat thereof on file and of rec ord in the office of the County Clerk of Coos County, Oregon. Taken and levied upon as the prop erty of the said William Logan or as much thereof as may be nccesary to satisfy the said judgement in favor of the plaintiff against said defendant, with interest thereon at the rate of per cent per annum from the 2nd day of September, 1913, together witli all costs and disbursements that have or may accrue. ALFRED JOHNSON, Jit. F 25 Sheriff Notice to Contractors Notice is hereby given that sealed bids will be received for the improve ment of that part of the County Itoad in Hoad District No. 19 according to the spccinl road proceedings and special tax for the year 1911 and the plans nnd specifications on file in the office of the County Clerk. The County reserves tho right to reject any and all bids and to award the contract to a bidder not the low est, should they deem it for the best interest of tho County. All bids to bo filed with the County Clerk on or before the 8th day of April, A. D. 1915, at the hour of ten o'clock, A. M. on which day such con tract will bo let. A certified check for 5 per cent of the amount of the jid to be deposited with the County Clerk with bid to be forfeited to the County in case contract shall be awarded nnd the contractor shall fail, neglect or refuse for a period of ten days after such award io made to en ter into a contract and file his bond to tho satisfaction of tha County Court as required by law. Dated at the City of Coquille, Coos County, Oregon, on this 9th day of March, A. D., 1915. ROBERT R. WATSON, Mar 12 3t County Clerk AGENTS WANTED Everywhere To Sell Madame Du Four's Face Powder, which is proparcd In four colors And Two SUrN. 25c & 50c I'Kll IIO.Y. Send 2c stamp for samplo, De partment D. Miss Billie Burke Your P n v orlte Aoiromi.says, "It's tho host I havo over used so soft and won derfully adhe sive" " iThe Du Four Co., Wash., D.C, rr. i POPULAR Popular Mechanics Magazine "WRITTEN SO YOU CAN UNDERSTAND IT" A GREAT Continued Story of the World's Progress which you may begin reading at any time, and which will hold your interest forever. 253 PAGES EACH MONTH 300 PICTURES 250 ARTICLES OF GENERAL INTEREST The "Shop Notes" Department (20 pages) rives e.- iy ways lo do things how to make u ieful articles lor homo and shop, rep' ire, etc. 'Amateur MeeUnies" (10 pages) leils how to make Mnsion turn ure, wireless outfits, boats, engines, magic, and all the things a boy loves. $1.50 PER YEAR. SINGLE COPIES 15 CENTS A U your newsdealer, or write roit rsec bampus copy today Alt MECHANICS CO, & i w, Vj-.hlrvilon St.. CHICAOO r I I STEINOFF HARNESS MAN n bags, Dm twiUmV m Wluitit to tony did lb hoiiiKioi) IMf "Willi li Hit tUf I Ml r'l f"l "HWI. I'll JUi ful' lfa4.H all' MO'JI It U i Um l jju m iu Mat byYi