.1 Oregon Historical Society City Hall UteUk SEMI -WEEKLY Advertisers! The Recorder covers the Bandon field thoroughly Job Printing! BANDON RECORDER f A modern equipped job department in connection f rTTTTTfTVT BANDON, OREGON, MARCH 16, 1915 VOLUME XXXI NUMBER 21 MET HIS DEATH ON THE BEACH Boat Capsizes With Fishing Party Who Try to Land on Table Rock in the Surf Juntos Osborne, sot. of Mrs. F. L. Christe of Bandon Heights, who would have reached his eighteenth year July 17 of this year, lost his life in the breakers of Table Rock nbout six o' clock last evening and his partners Bill and Jim Winegar, closely escaped the same fate wheii the lit foot fish boat containing the three was turned over end by a huge comber. Both of thu Winegar boys escaped by a hair, the hair upon which is 3U3 pended every deep sea fisherman, Jim receiving a painful scalp wound by being hit by the boat or some of its equipment, while young Osborne was drowned, probably after having been knocked senseless. When picked up by the life savers, ho was dead and just behind his ccr was a gaslt an inch wide and over three incites long, probably inflicted by the gunwale of the boat. His body was lying under the boat when it was washed up on the beach and the lines and tackle tangled about him, ono rope being drawn tightly around his neck. Only his head pro jected from beneath the bout and the gunwale rested across his nock. The lifo savers and Dr. 11. V. Loop orkf d over the boy for several minutes and expelled only about n pint of water from tho boys lungs, another fact that strengthens tho supposition that ho was knocked unconscious. Disregarding the warning of tho life saving crew, the men toon their boat off the sands just north of the look out and put to sea at 1 1 :20 yesterday morning stating that tiicy intended to stay out and not attcmp to enter in a rough sea. Just before starting they had their picturs taken by L. I. Wheeler, the photographer. Dolph Johnson, who was on watch ui the time, says that there wa3 u nasty sea running at the time and they took somo water as they were going out All day they were in siht but far enough out to bo in no great danger. At noon, Louis Wick teliovcd John sou at the Lookout and it was hoc un til four o'clock, when his shift was up that tho men started o return. Cap tain Johnson became appreheusivu that the men would try to land on the beach and instructed Cl.uenco Boice, who took tho next watch, to observe them carefully . Shortly before six o'clock Boice reported the boat had capsized and the crew rushed to the scene. Although they were scareo eight minutes in getting out the boat was already on the beach. Jim Wine gar gives a good account of what hap pened. "About five we eatno in to look at the surf and decided we could make the inside of tho reef easily," he Mild, "Osborne was steering and Bill and I were at the oars. We were getting along nicely and felt so safe that wo did not even remove our shoes. With out warning a big one 'made up' be hind us and broke right over our stern rolling us end over. When I vaino up the boat was forty feet front nii, id tont up. Osborne was the nearest o the boat and was hanging onto it when we got to it. "We succeeded in righting her o it before wo could do any bailing an other breaker hit us turning us over again. After that we just tried to keep a hold on the boat, hut no sooner did wo get a good grip than another big breaker would hit us and wash us away. Three diirerent times wo put tho boy up on thu boat and tho fourth time he was washed off, Bill, who was holding on to the cuntor board, grabbed for his hand, but inliwd, That miut have brim when lie got tangled up In I he linen and roiild not get out from under llm bout." Hiuiiily fivu rniiiuti'u ulajmi'il . ttvei'j) fhu Hum ny rapuliu'd ami ulimi Onhuiie wu pliUd up, AiroiiilPK u tfu)'ful)i Jiduiwiu Uiu lUTblt'iA mild iMV'i Li'ii MVlMiW 'Im take into consideration that the brea kers would not be breaking in the same place in tho evening as when they went out nnd were nut looking for a heavy sea so for out. That the men were foolhaidy, as are ali of those who venture out in small boats, is not denied bv the Captain. He has war ned them as well as others but with no avail. Two weecks ago tonight these same three men along with two others "Big Bill" Cotter and I. A. Brown lay outside tied to the whistling bouy for 24 hours and were rescued by the life savers and the power boat. Bill Winegar has had two or three other close calls. Early in tlicsummer two years ago he capsized out from Port Orford nnd was in the water four hours before being rescued and two months later nearly lost his life off Rogue Itiver. In the latter case he and his partner were overturned while five miles from shore with an exceptionally heavy sea ' running, There were no means of rescuing them at hand and word was sent to the Life Saving Crew here. Butting out at once in the power boat, the crew reached Winegar nine hours after he capsized. Althogh almost dead front exposure and cold, the lesson did him no good and he has continued to risk his own life and those of others. Osborne was born in Humbolt Co., California, July 17, 1897. Ho is sur vived by his mother, Mrs. Christe, three brothers, Frank, Charles and Hoy Osborne and two half sisters, Al ice and Lavina Christe. Osborn is thb"seventh man to lose his life out of a fish boat in the break ers at or near Bandon in the last 20 years. Dozens of rescues have heen made by the brave life savers. PIONEER LUMBER-IS- DEAD MAN Alfred Johnson Well Known in Lumber Industry Dead at Seventy Years Alfred Johnson, pionesr lumberman of Oregon, died March Jltth at San Kacfcl, Cal., at tho home of his daughter, Mrs. Dollar. Death came as the result of a stroke of paralysis suffered tho latter part of January, and he went to San Rnefel for treat ment. The body will be returned on tho E lizabeth Friday. The funeral will be held in Coquillo Sunday, March 21. Tho burial will be in the Masonic cemetary. Further arrngemcnts for the fun eral have not yet been made. He was a charter member of the Marshfield Knights Templar and also a member of the Manistee Mich, lodge of Knights Templar. Ho was born in Stockholm, Swed en, Dec. 22, 18-tfi. His parents came to America when ho was nine months old. The settled in Milwaukee where he married Jcorizianna McClintock Ho canto to California in JSSs) where he lived until coming to Coquillo in 1897. He has been engaged in tdhe lumbering business in Coquillo since coming hero . Ho was lifelong lum berman starting at 1'entwater, Mich. Ho ran away front home when a boy and began lifo as a chore boy and later worked as a teamster and labor er in lumber camps. Ho rose rapidly to a position of prominence in tho lumber industry both in Michigan and on the coast Ho built the old John son mill above Coquillo ml was con nected with the Lyon Johnson Lum ber Co. Ho was a principal stock holder in the former Randolph mill which burned down two yearH ago. Ho built tho old Johnson mill at Co quillo and was InloresU'd in its pre, cut operation. Ho Ik survived by three omi and four daughter; I'. K, Johnson, Alfred Johnson, Jr., of Coquillo and (.'. MrL. JoIimmmi of llandon, Mrs. D. L. Alia i t of Oakland, Mm . Stanley Dollar of Kan Manful, Mm. J, (', Klugvl, and Mm. I'. II. M.thlo of llandon, County CiiiiiniliwJuiiur fl. ,1. Ann Irwttr ipwiw) uh Ijju kltini UUy, jyjfU)r Immi uw Paid, IMimiiy !' lWi mm fidli) lii 'lliti jiipoii Dial RIVAL RIVER BOATS HAVE A COLLISION Steamer Charm Laid Up for Two Days by Accidental Injury from Telegraph Once more the steamers Charm and Telegraph of the river fleej; are the principals m a controversy which promises to result in drastic action beiitL' taken bv the United States steamboat inspectors, following the accident of Saturday afternoon when the Charm was rammed by tho Tele graaph, just this side of Cedar Point. As a result of the accident the Charm had three boards torn from near her bow and below the water line and was forced" to go on the beach when she reached Coquille. According to an account given of the affair by an eye witness, the Tel egraph was in the lead on the up trip Saturday afternoon and had stopped to take on passengers at a landing and the Chariti caught up and was passing her as the Telegraph pulled away from tho landing. The boats were runnng ciosa together with the bow of the Telegraph just a bit forward of the stern of tite Charm and as hc former turned out front tho landing she hit the stern of the latter, forcing the nose of the Charm into the log boom and across the bow of the Tolegraph. Tite engine of the Telegraph was reversed but not in time to prevent the ramming of tho Charm, which had bumped along the log boom to the dolphin whero the bow stuck and the little boat was in this position when the Telegraph struck her a second time. Officers of the Telegraph state that they did all they could, and L.thot was in their power to prevent the collision but that although the engines were reversed it was impossible to stop the boat in that short distnee. The Charm blew her four whistles just before she was struck the first time and members of her crew state that she blew the signal just before passing the Telegraph, but those on the Tele graph deny the latter assertion. It is rumored that Chief Inspector Bullscr, head of the Pacific coast dis trict will investigate this case and there is some little conjecture as to what the result will bo in view of the recent trouble between the boats and the two steamship lines.. The Charm lad at Coqulllc Satur day night whero she was pumped out and her injuries patched up sufficient ly to enable her to come to Bandon Sunday morning. Here she was put on tho runway of the old ship yard and her injuries attended to. Tuesday morning she was on her regular run again. DON'T WANT TO BE TARGETS Former Bandon Tells of His Observa tions in British Columbia Captain McConnell, formerly own er of the gasoline schooner, Randolph is back in Bandon this week after an absence from tho city of two years. He has lately been a resident of Brit ish Columbia nnd stopped over on his way to visit the San Francisco fair. He has been in the vicinity of Prince Rupert which is (he center of a large fishing business. A new railroad has been built through that country by the Grand Trunk nnd business was brisk up to the opening of tho European war. They have there an abund ance of fish rock cod, halibut, ling, and salmon. They catch many steel heads weighing ten pounds nnd over. Just at present Canada has the war fever and prospective job-hunters are told to enlist. Tho invitation is invar- lably handed out to the young men. Tho Idea of enlisting appeals to many but they want to hold off as long as they can hi tho hope that the war will Ik over by tho tlinu thoy arrive upon tho wiunn. They would like well to liavu thu Journey overwnii and thu ex M)rlfiict'M of trnvt-'llntr but do not un. IliUktf much over thu Jiionpud of pru nantlng llmlr iodii uh IuikkU for the Ouniiun khurimlioolirn. WV will u wvur vimt MDomjw, Hi IWfMi it JmJ!iiJ, jiukDJj wliii Mici m Mvxeli I Till wliun hu im fSPECTOR VISITS LIFE SAVING SERVICE Pjans for Change to Coast Guard Service. Local Crew , Enlists for Military Duty J. C. Cantwell of San Francisco, in spector for tho lath district of the coast life saving stations arrived in Bandon from Marshfield Saturday ndbn on a tour of inspection of the stations in the district. Ho returned to Marshfield Monday from whence he1 will take the Elder to Eureka. He took up the subject of the union of 'the lifo saving service and revenue service with Captain Robert Johnson The new service will be known as the Coast Guard. Tho plans are not yet fully matured but the regulations of the revenue service with suitable a mendmcnts will probably bo Riven tho new service. This will require a mili tary stylo of uniform and military regulations for the guards. He ex presses the opinion that the change will bring a vast improvement in both the,' services to be united. Arrangements were made for im provements and regular repairs at the station. Appropriations have been allowed and new stations will be constructed at Florence, Bolenas, and at Half Moon Bay. Captain Johnson received his com mission in the new service last Feb ruary and the three permanent local guards have enlisted in the service. Regulations for filling the extra places have not yet been completed but enlistment will be required and will be of such strict character that an improvement of tho general char acter of the service at large is cxpect edVAtw Inspector Cantwell and Captain Johnson arc old shipmates. Sunday evening was spent with Mr. and Mrs. Greenough. Cantwell and Mrs. Grcen ough's father, Mr. Tallant, who is a large salmon canner of Portland, are old friends. RIVEUTON EASY FOR THEM High School Basket .Ball .Quintette Find Up River Team No Match For Themselves. Twontyfive Make Trip Twentyfive Bandoninns, mostly students of the high school, saw the two teams of the school clean up the Rivcrton quintettes on the up-river floor Saturday evening and were also witnesses to the 10 to 4 defeat which tho local eighth grade suffered. Neither of the teams of tho high school had a walk away, having only a three point lead in each of the two games. The first team registered 20 points as against 17 for their oppon ents, whilo the second string won 21 to 18. Both games were fast and excep tionally clean, only two fouls being called in the first game. - For a whilo it looked as if there was going to bo no games played as the failure of the Charm to come down the river, duo to the accident which befell her Saturday afternoon, left tho locals without any means of making the trip. About fifty people had gathered at the dock with the in tent to make tho journey and when it became known that the Sunset was the only boat available, most of those,- outside tho team, backed out. Tho Sunset made the return trip Sunday morning, arriving hero at 3:00 a. m. Dr. Sheldon, of the University of Oregon Extension Department, has been secured by the Library Board to deliver a lecture in Bandon March 23, but it has not yet been decided whero tho talk will bo given. Dr. Sheldon is a speaker of some note. His subject will bo, "Education of Children In the Modern English Novel." Fox and Evan Fox and Evans, blackfuco coiniiii'd- lam were tho attraction at tho (irund lunt Haturduy and Hunday uvaiilngM mid their dancuN and Jolum inadu a hit with thu uh) wd. An uniuuully Kwd uttiuntioii In thu Mm that wwiiax wum a Mdi by Hldaiy Jfmw, ilutatl- lnK li" H" liMi&UHd mmmM i OUlWllljlJIf U ftUJJlJlttjMJjl wilt, A J jyo tiiit buy slis w ummimmmI COQUILE NEWLY WEDS VISIT OLD FRIENDS IN BANDON Culminating a courtship lasting over three years, Mrs. Alma Jack con and Hanson (Pat) Rackleff were married in Coquillo Monday and started their married life by return ing to Bandon to visit for a short time with their many friends, a large group of whom met them at the boat this afternoon. The reception was a warm one. Miss Silvia Rackleff came with them. Mrs. Rackleff formerly resided in Bandon and was employed as a stenographer by Attorney F. J. Feen ey. After leaving here she went to Coquillo and has since been employed in the county clerk's office. Mr. Rack- loir's parents, Mr and Mrs. Ed Rack leff of Gardner are old time residents of this part of the country and for somo years lived in Bandon and Lang iois. "Pat" is a former high school student nnd for many years was em ployed by the Hotel Gallier. Botli of tho young people are well and widely known here. ENTERTAIN TO HONOR STUDENTS Mr. and Mrs. Kronenbcrg Give Reception at Dreamland to High School De baters and Basket Ball Players Fifteen well selected popular anu old time dances intermingled with ui unusually well rendered musical anu literary program, provided an excep tionally enjoyable evening's entertain ment for the guests of Mr. and Mrs J. L. Kronenbcrg, who were hosts anu hostesses in honor of the debating and basket ball teams and the senioi class of tho high school, at Dream land Friday night. One feature which took the eye ol each guest as he entered tho hall wut the beautiful decorations and tastj arrangement of the hall. The walk were a solid bank of evergreen boughs, relieved here and there by i. bit of color. Overhead, the usually bare rafters wore completely hiddei. from sight by the lattice work ol black and gold streamers, through which dropped tho electric lights, the rays subdued by artistic shadcB am. draping vines, while tho liberal dis tribution of boquets of flowers ami greens lent tho impression of spring time woodland bower. Off from tin. dance lloor tho patrons and patron cssoss received the guests and helo forth during the evening in just such a nook as would be chosen for a royai party. On the whole, nothing pret tier lias been seen in Bandon. At tractively gowned young ladies una matrons added the finishing touch to the affair. Vocal solos, readings and feature selections relieved the dance program at intervals following the granU march, all of which wore greeted by hearty applause and appreciation b those assembled. Tho patrons wore Messrs and Mes damcs Geo. Gciscndorfer, Guy Dipple, Robert Johnson, E. Lewin, E. B. Kuusrud, N. J. Crain, W. E. Crain, Ed Gallier, Stephen Gallier, Geo. Arm strong, J. A. Stoltz, F. J. Chatbum, F. J. Fccney nnd C. Webb. Light refreshments were served during the evening. Following is the program: Grand March Waltz Nights of Gladness, Two step Paul Jones, Waltz Beautiful Udy Senior March Quadrille Pop Goes tho Weasel Basket ball dance College Airs Reading by Miss Rodgors, Solo by Miss Hughs, Feature dance Evening Glow Paul Jones, Waltz Germanla Nlxlo Polka .Solo-Elizabeth Fox, lluteilly daiico Illancliu Webb, Kl va Webb, Marjory Munt, Edna Dip pel Kolo-I'rof. I(l(ihard Throw Nt Wall- Oiio Uij 'I'm MimJi Mu(unl Wnltllwi!u tfwoul Jluinu Di. H, J'. I'awu y dQMlnr (it lim UfliiliM iiBidt Mm umm lit Uijr liitm itemm ikiMn dimm HIGH SCHOOL DEBATE HELD AT EUGENE Managing Committee De cides Bandon Visit Entails Too Much Expense for Debaters and Judges Owing to the heavy expense of bringing the Medford high school de bating team and the three outside judges that would be necessary to Bandon, the inter-district debato be tween the Medford nnd Bandon schools hns been switched to Eugene and the debating supremacy of southern Ore gon will be decided there March 21)th. It had been planned to hold the de bate and the preliminary arrange ments were being made when a letter was received from Prof. Robert Pres cott, secretary of tho Oregon high school debating league, stating that unless the judges for the contest were from some point outside of Coos Co. that the debate must be held on neu--rul ground, and suggesting either Roseburg or Eugene. To bring the Medford team here would cost some where in the neighborhood of ?100 and to add onto that the expense of bring ing three judges in from the Willa mette valley or some other outside point would make tho expense pro hibitive. For this reason it has been deemed advisable to hold the contest at iho University of Oregon where judges can be secured without extra expense. Each of the teams will pay its own expenses, which in the case of Ban don will be about $90 for the thrco members of the team and the chape rone. To moot this expense a benefit en terlainmcnt is to bo given- by -the students of tho High School and other local talent a weclt from tomorrow evening. As of yet the program has not been definatcly made out but a few of the numbers have been selec ted which include selections by the Bandon Male Quartette and the Girls Glee Club. A burle-io.iio on Shake speare recently presented by tho members of tho senior class at their literary hour, is to bo repeated that evening and promises a bushel of fun. This act alone will lie worth the price of a reasonable admission. The final tryout for the orator wno is to represent Bandon in tho Orato rical contest at North Bend will bo another fcnl.u v of the urogram. From the nunibf-r of students who have en tered the tryouU we can expect some quality work in this line. A total of eighteen students have signified their intentions so fat to enter the contest, eleven of whom are boys. Before next Wednesday this number will be thin ned down to three by tho process of elimination and on that evening the successful representative will be se lected. Fern DeLong, Jack Kronenbcrg and Geo. Stoltz are the thrc-o debaters who will meet Medford at Eugene nnd they arc now hard at work on their arguments. Harold Quigloy ba3 been elected as the debate coach. Track and field athletics are to be gin in tho high school this week, is the announcement made by Harold Quigloy following a mass meeting of the boys yesterday afternoon. This means not only that the practice work will start, but also that the stu dents have a little job of real work to do getting the cinder pnth, jumping nits and other apparatus on the school grounds into condition after the win ter rains. With a wealth of green material nd a few old men turning outfit looks as though Bandon should cut somo figure in tho race for tho chum- plonshlp this year when we consider that for tho first time in tho history of thu school thu hoys are to have a coach to direct their work. Hasebull Is alo on thu schedulu for spring activities but until thu ball grounds get Into better uhupo than they am at prukuin nothing ran li lone with tlihi mhoiL Antlvit urut tiro will probiihly begin not Morn thu ;nid of April. Dr. 1). JHkh of IjyJlljJKJiuiiL Urn ImiMy U flgwlM iw w& d m mMuimted bmw mi, iiHfijiiitr lu jbsy Hii miIMs mA mti dmv