Semi-weekly Bandon recorder. (Bandon, Or.) 1910-1915, March 12, 1915, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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    'BfcjthWlSMttY AAK&6K TOltDER, fBIDAV, MAilCli tilth, lilif
' ! ,
I llf ! I I ill 111 '
III I III 1 1 14f MM44 I H t
Gatcbell Brothers, Props.
All kinds of heavy and light draying. Phone orders i
given prompt attention, .liarn corner First & Edi-
son, Fish Property. .Telephone 641.
Xt I "I 't 1 "l s I t j X $ IX 1 I t H V t7
G. E. W I L S O N
x All kinds of light and heavy work. Horses scientif
ically shod. Deformities remedied. Bring in your
cripples and get their feet adjusted by a man thai
x knows a foot Carl Clifford, the scientific horse
X dioer. Tie checkers, splitting mauls, and all kinds
t of tie makers tools. All work guaranteed right. $
t t
A A 4 iL A A A A A Ji si. A .Ti f. J. f . sT. if A sti .f..T..TTt -t..T. A.T. .T.J, J. AJiJufuSi ,T..T,,m,,1..X .t..f.A.i taj
Bandon Oretron t
RATES $1.00 TO $2.00 PER DAY
ilie clean,
cheap, fuel
Do you realize the convenience and economy of the
modern oil stove? The fuel kerosene is the
cheapest you can get clean, safe, easy to handle. The
stove has hecu perfected until it is as good as a wood
or coal range for any kind of cooking. The
New Perfection
will cook a quick, liglit breakfast for you, or it will
cook a big dinner with roast and bread and pastry.
The New Perfection doesn't overheat the kitchen.
It doesn't smoke or taint the food. Think of the
comfort of summer cooking in a
cool kitchen. No wood or coal to
lug; no ashes to dirty up
the house. Why not ask your
dealer to show you the New
Standard Oil
.Recorder Print Shop
f Keshiono's
I "It Must Be Fate."
The curio seller who Bits nt the cross
liiK of tho Two lloads In Tokyo grin
ned nmliiltly up Into Terry Preston's
sunburned face.
"If tho honorable lord desires to set
dellKhtful flowers It would be much rec
ommended Unit he liny call visit upot
tho garden of KeslAmio."
"Where is this wonderful pinion?'
inquired Terry, to whom nil parts of
Tokyo were alike, to whom all the
world was flat and stale and uninterest
ing now that Dulcle Morse had jilted
him and married Oscar Converse.
The tnnn pointed along tho uppei
"If the honorable lord will follow
that road until he comes to a red Kate
In the bamboo hedge he will find be
yond the gate a path that will tend
htm straight to the garden. Many
have found happiness there," he add
ed, with a sly glance at Terry's moody
"Happiness?" Jeered Terry. "Pray,
tell me how happiness may be found
In a garden."
"Happiness," mused the curio deal
er, fanning himself gently, "consists
In being with those we love In the
case of a lover, with the particular
beloved one. The story goes that
many centuries ngo a beautiful maiden
named Keshlono lost her lover through
a quarrel, and to console herself she
made this beautiful flower garden.
Tho gods pitied her and sent her lover
wandering Into the garden, and when
he saw Keshlono flitting among the
Iris beds he fell on his knees and beg
ged forgiveness. 'They were married
and lived long and happily In a house
which has long crumbled to ruin.
When they died they wero changed
Into two beautiful plum trees tlmt
guard the Inner gate. ISver since then
tho garden has been noted for bringing
happiness to disconsolate lovers. One
has only to wnnder there."
Terry grinned In spite of himself nt
the man's fluency. "You have told tho
-tvory many times?" ho questioned ub
iio moved away.
"And have witnessed tho desired to
be end," came back tho nnswer prompt
ly, and he deftly caught the coin tiiut
came spinning toward him from Ter
ry's hand.
A laughing red haired youth cnm
swiftly from the upper road ami patw
Ml" by the curio seller's booth.
"you're a cheerful liar!" ho declared
"The garden Is only for tho discon
solate lover," ehlded the curio dealei
sedately as tie pocketed, his accuser'H
liberal tip. "The honorable lord Is too
Insanely cheerful lo be In need of thu
pity of tho gods."
"Thanks. I suppose that's n compli
ment," grinned the other as he went
on to catch a trolley ear. "Hut you
get us coming or going, eh, Togo?"
"Excuse. Name Is not Togo, but. Is
Yuulsho. Good day, honorable sir.
(Jet them coining or going. That
sounds funny English," he mused.
Terry Preston sauntered along tho
upper road under tho arching trees.
Tho shaded footpath rambled beside n
high hedge of bamboos, whose green
feathery tops rustled pleasantly In tho
light breeze.
Now a well defined path wandered
Idly between green hedges until ho
reached a second gate that swung wide
open. On either sldo of this gate was
a Dcamiiui piuin tree, rresu in ns iuuy
bloom of pink and white. These trees
represented the beautiful Keshlono
and her loving husband.
Terry Involuntarily removed his
straw tint as ho passed under tho trees,
it ml lie blushed a little nt the surren
der to sentiment that tho little act Im
plied. "Nosh!" ho muttered.
Ileyond the gate ho found the gar
den, a charming mixture of old and
new. Thero were ancient corners
where dark cryptoinerlas made a dim
green shade. Hero ono cniiiu upon
stone lantern? green with years and
perhaps a summer house crushed le
the deathlike grip of a ghmt wistaria
vine that might bo n century old, so
hoary was Us trunk.
Hlrds sang in the trees, and tho wa
terfalls tinkled musically. It was very
beautiful anil dellcleMsly still.
Terry found an old stono seat half
hidden in a group of lovely oleander
In tho older part of thu gardea. Hiiro
ly this spot must hnvu lecn thu gar
den of Keshlono as It was In the old
Woinen'M voices broke tho quiet,
"Dear Aunt Ophelia," said thu girl's
illl'.Mlt llllll.U lu II II, t II. Ill, ,..,-
n . " tn 1 MWfc ', ,-.,, J WWII-
"It Is. Is hardly In ho believed,
May," ri-NpiuiiliHl dm older woman
I'lignrly. "Hut look; eit If thai I not
the colonel yoiiilwr! Hee, lie U look
lllH ill the KiihllWh In Hie pool I Murk
Itin Hid drioji n til" kIioiiMitm Innpli
nt hU lnllllMry iniliilin; All, bill do
Wil l ni' rnii'liy o lilinf" mIih xluhi-l
Terry yo up h mmn fuellint vry
uni'iniifiirliiMt' imw, lm Imforti Im
niiiM mLii hii iumn known ihi
Ulrl Iwil fjiliii qiili'l,l itilrtijy
"few A wilt Ui4 )itu fcn if
! II jiaiuVii nt imutllmi Umf. jmmI
um !nm wliil imt itflUMit frill
William Tripp's
Old Mother
Copyright. 1913, by Associated Lit
erary Press.
William was wicked.
When I pick out one man from n
mining camp made up of 300 run
nwnys, debt jumpers, cutthroats, gam
blers, horse thieves mid murderers nnd
call him wicked 1 menu for the render
to infer that lie was right up and
down ,bad.
Which was exactly the case with
William Tripp.
Wlckedl Well, he wns that!
Such n swearer ,as William wns! Iio
would begin as soon as his eyes were
open In the morning and keep up a
steady fire until 10 o'clock at night
And he was a cheat and a liar.
You wonder that wo didn't run him
nut or hnng him.
Well, somehow we always Intended
to, but always put it off to a more
convenient date. Tho success of
bouncing a man depends a good deal
on who tho man is. On our first gen
tle hint to William Tripp that unions
he was packed up and out of camp in
side of thirty minutes his unntoiny
would bo riddled with bullets he pro
duced n couple of revolvers, backed up
against tho lied Eye saloon and calm
ly observed that he was aching for a
little excitement. I think his actions
nt that particular tlmo had something
to do with our giving him the rope
and seeking to get along with his ec
centric traits of character,
"1 move." snld Elder Heacon ono
night when we were tnlklng about
William's bad ways, "that the com
mittee get tho drop on hjni and then
run him Into the hills."
Just so, but who were the commit
tee? That was another point wo could
never satisfactorily determine, and that
wns another reason why William con
tinued to abide with us.
Shoot? Well, you never saw such an
eye and such nerve. Just as far as he
could see the bowl of a pipe In a man's
mouth he could smash it with a bullet.
Almost every hat In camp had an air
hole made by one of bis bullets, and,
though 1 was prejudiced against Wil
liam. I had to admit that he respected
men's heads In shooting nt their hats.
Hut thero came a halt in William
Tripp's mad career, and It happened
In n queer way. A lire In his tent one
night burned up n lot of his traps, and
he had to make a ride of thirty miles
on Colonel Cooper's old mare to replace
ttiom with new. The morning ho rode
out of camp was the last time wo saw
hlm. but we heard from n dozen dif
ferent ones Just whahappened. About
twelve miles from our camp was the
Overland trail, and Just where our own
trail struck in was a pretty little val
ley with plenty of water and wood. It
was a favorite camping spot with Im
migrants, and the day William Tripp
reached it he found half a dozen wag
ons and as many families halted for
a breathing spell.
Thoiievlltry In William's nature bub
bled over when ho struck that valley
and beheld such n scone of peace.
Children were playing around, women
were washing and mending, and the
brawny men were repairing wagons
and harness and whistling over their
work. William drew rein and gazeil
upon the scene for a few minutes.
Then he out with his revolver. Seated
before one of the fires was an old wo
man with her knitting in hand and a
pipe In her mouth. It was n long shot,
but the evll-ono urged William to try
It. and try ho did.
What happened?
Something even worse than murder.
Tho bullet went straight for the old
woman's head nnd crashed Into her
brnln. Then something awful follow
ed. She rose to her feet, whirled
around to face the shooter, and true
ns you live she seemed to look nt him
for thirty seconds before she tottered
forwnrd nnd shrlclml out:
"William: Oh. my son William!"
Then she pitched forward on the
grass and was dead In n second, nnd
tho red blood oozed out nnd made a
terrible stain on tho green grass.
And Wllllam-whnt did ho do? no
was Hku ono turned to stone. The old
woman's words plainly reached his
ears, anil ho must have recognized her
face. In the awful moment in which
ho sat gazing at the corpse on the
grass it miwt have flashed across him
that his poor mother had mado that
long Journey with neighbors for no
other purpose than to hunt him up ho
the boy who had left her years ago
and had been the subject of her nlghu
ly prayers over since. Wicked ns ho
wns he must have felt her devotion
nnd sacrifices.
And then?
Ho sat there In his saddle, his eyes
fastened on his mother's corpse, and
thu revolver still In his hand. Tho sit
uation had pet rilled him. While ho sat
thus one of tho Immigrants, who, be
lieving that the camp was to bo nt
lucked by n "forre, leveled his rlllo
over thu wheel of (ho wagon and sent
u bullet plowing through William's
Ah, well; It's yearn mid yourM hk"
mid Hid Iwlu graven In tint valley hnvu
loilU lli''i been Iriillipleil out lit nlglili
mid While I log DlKHlliKH i'iim Iio found
no iimm. but ihoiliiy hu now of Unit
dm fill trimi'dy mine MrU it in w
illi'iitl nwiiu Mini I'h'lt and I'oill'l
win It nu I woe fur Hie 'U Alwl uflur
JMltfi, wliu Imu llHlJlMt'tlVltJy KHlllltft'l
yttNMul Jw UmlHf tu imr mJ wjiiii
tttu tfa iu4m ami mM
Notice of Sheriff's Snie
By virtuo of an execution and order
of salo duly issued by tho Clerk of
the Circuit Court of the County of
Coos, State of Oregon, dated the 20th
day of February, 1015, in n certain
action in the Circuit Court for said
County nnd State, wherein William
Horsefall us plaintiff, recovered
judgement against William Logan,
defendant for the sum of two hund
red dollars, on the 2nd day of Sep
tember, 191.1.
Notice is hereby given that I will
on the 27th day of March, 1915, at the
front door of tho County Court House
in Coquillc in said County, at 10
o'clock in the forenoon of said day,
sell at public auction to the highest
bidder, for cash, the folowing describ
ed property, to-wit:
Lots 5, C, and- 7, ISlock 11, Wood
land Addition to thu City of Bandon
as per plat thereof on file nnd of rec
ord in tho ofiiee of the County Clerk
of Coos County, Oregon.
Taken and levied upon as the prop
erty of the said William Logan or as
much thereof as may bo ncccsary to
satisfy the said judgement in favor of
the plaintiff against said defendant,
with interest thereon at the rate of
t! per cent per annum from the 2nd
day of September, 191!1, togethci
with all costs and disbursements
tiutt have or may accrue.
F 25 Sheriff
A Pretty Bungalow Church
Rapid progress has been made on
tho new Catholic church, which is al
ready roofed and enclosed, so that the
interior work can go right along it:
all weathers. It is going to be a very
pretty little structure of the bungalow
type and a decided addition to the
public buildings of the city. P. M.
(Iall-Lcwis is the architect and Shel
ley & Ensole the contractors Co
quillc Sentinel.
WANTED One of tho largo maga
zine publishing houses desires to cm-
j ploy an active man or woman in this
I community to handle a special plar
I which lias proven unusually profitable
, Good opening for the right party.
' Box 155, Times Sq. Sta., New Yorl,
Dinner 25c nt Anderson's Restau
runt 08tf.
A Compromise,
Tho Proprietor 1 don't know whnt
to do about this music question. Some
don't Ilko the noise, nnd somo won't
eat here If we don't have music.
The Mnnager Let's Just print the
popular tunes on tho bills of fare, and
those thnt want music can rend' 'em.
Chlcngo News.
Practically a Daily at the Price of a
Weekly., .No other Newspaper in the
world gives so much at so low a price.
The year 1914 witnessed the out
break of the Titanic European war
which makes all oilier wars look
small. You live in momentous times
and you should not miss any of tho
trcmenduous events that arc occur
ring. No other newspaper will keep
you so well informed as the Thrice-u-Week
edition of tho Now York World
Moreover, n year's sunscription to
it will take you far into our next
presidential campaign and wil give to
western readers the eastern situation
It contains a vast amount of reading
matter at a very cheap price.
The Thricc-aWcek WorRl's regular
subscription price is only $1.00 per
year, and this pays for 150 papers.
Wo offer this uncqualed newspaper
RECORDER together for ono year
for only $1.90. The regUlnr subscrip
tion price to the two papers is $2.50.
! I
To Sell
Du Four's
which Is prepared
In four colors
Ami Tnn tflrn.
25c & 50c
run now
Send 2c stnmp
for sample, De
partment D.
Jhe Du Four Co., Wash., D.C
Miss Billie Burke
Your P n v orlle
Actrcxa.says, "It's
tho host I, have
over used so
wort nnd won
derfully adhe
sive." "
I was worried sick until
he told me
WHEN he wns put to bed, I
couldn't figure out liow we
were poing to make ends meet. It
takes almost every cent he earns
to keep us going.
But the next day Iiesnicl: "Don't worry,
dear. It cost me so little that I forgot to
tell you I'd taken out nn ETNA ACCU
Doctor sayn he's n pretly iclc man, but
will pull through nil right. And that policy
brings us $50 n week wliilo hr' too lick
to ro out and $25 n week afterward
while he can't attend to Ids work.
You rnn't imagino how relieved I am.
With that money coming in regularly, we
don't have to worry.
protect yourself and your loved ones.
Wiite or telephone, and let us tell you
about this policy.
J (ut;.- u j f
Popular Mechanics
A GREAT Continued Story of tho
World's Progress which you
may begin reading at any time, and
which will hold your interest forever.
Tie "Shop Notes" Department (20 paces) 4
i ivpa cn-iy ways to do thinKS how to mnkel
UIMIU-'O 1UI ItUlUU Ultw oi.ff, .vk '"
"Amateur Mechanics "(10 pages) tcila how to
make Mission funiituie. wireless outfits, boats,
engines, magic, and all the things a boy loves.
Ask your newsdealer, or
wniTC roi rnte sampuc copy today
V, Vnl,lnKnn St., CHICAGO
omplete stock of har
ness, shopping bags,
trunks, suitcases, valises
and traveling bags,
'oirarriraca r: tots
Wv iltMi 4m t JllOttoJ, fiV tlvl WW