LAAA.AAAi'nV Advertisers! I -The Recorder covers.the I Bandon held thoroughly L XAJi A J. nt A Pf"llMl '1' 'P VOLUME XXXI WHAT DO YOU INK OF IT? Do You Favor the Proposi tion to be Presented to the Council? Many Do. What is tlio city council going to do with the petition that is to he present ed to thorn tomorrow evening asking thatinoney ho appropriated for the instalation of a fire alarm system and that the chemical apparatus he im proved so as to make it useful as well as ornamental. Economy, in keeping with the fin ancial conditions of the present time has been the fundamental idea ir guiding the action of the present present council and there can he no doubt that it is a safe principle for the conduct of any business, public or private. There is a serious danger, however, where economy is practiced, of carrying it too far. Too much con centration upon that one idea is what makes conservative fanatics, (allow ing us to coin a qhrase that at first glance may seem ambiguous) and that class of people are as detrimental to a community as the spendthrifts. To delay in taking the action re quested by the business men at the present would bo regrctable. We are in the heart of a series of fires that are doing thousands of dollars damage to property and we are hope lessly unable to cope with them. Out side of the business district we have practically no fire protection and the only official relief that is in sight is the proposal to wait until the city election in June and vote on the prop osition of buying a fire engine that could be used in about one blaze in ten. We need immediato protection. At the rate fires have been occuring dur ing the past month, the coming like period will see from $30,000 to $50, 000 worth of property destryed unless we do something and 110 IT NOW. The petition of the business men pro poses the most sensible and feasible- idc for tire protection that has been sprung in Bandon. Will such good common horse sense bo used in its consideration. REBUILD POUT Oltl'Oltl) DOCK Word from Port Orford has been received to the effect that the dock of that port will be replaced as soon as the work can be safely done. W. White and E. J. Loney, the heaviest stockholders are activein urging the rebuilding at the earliest possible date which will he in about two months. It will be stronger than the old one. Enough of the Old wharf stands to allow the Hustler and simi lar craft to unload cargoes. The San Francisco Examiner of a recent date mentions the fact that the Bandon Coast Guard elation is the only station on tin coast equipped with a wireless outfit and that outfit is the property of members of the crew. Frank B. Tichenor, formerly and in the future of Port Orford but between times of Portland, was in this city Sunday spreading the doctrine of "there's a bright future ahead for Coos and Curry." Big Brjcf in Port Cime The Sentinel is finishing up District Attorney I.tljeqviHt'B 0 page brief in the nine of the petition for rehearing in the Port of Bandon mutter this week Mr LilJeqvUt taken a good many full out of the Supreme Judge for their curi'leim ileeUlon in thU cane, mill It U hard In Men how they ran full lo fade buck water and lovnmo thorn Mflvt'ri when the)' mm in how ninny wu llii) liuve I'lied. -Oiulllu Hoiil-liul I'llMllpl Unfit u'Ijpimi Miir flji mmmd l Hi ut i-' u p in. ml mf imp h i, . 1. 1 i.. uj mm4b mttoiu- 1 BANDON RECORDER X iTT PLEASANT CLUB M E E T I N G Aloha Club Holds Final Session Be ' fore Lent Featuring a scene of decorations Keeping wild the Valentine season the Aloha Club held their last meeting before the Lent season Trursday ev cning at the 1. O. O.F. hall. Pro grcssivc 500 furnished the entertain ment of the evening. Mrs. L. P. Sor onsen was awarded the Lnilioa' first prize, a beautiful (lower basket, and Mrs. O. A. Trowbridge the second, cut glass dish. The first prize for gentlemen, a handy picnic lunch set went to Ilnrry Crain and W. E. Craino won the second prize, a leather bound writing pail. Dainty refreshments were served in the dining room which was artistical ly decorated in red streamers and strings of red hearts well set off by dainty boquets of greens and flowers A delightful touch was given to the late luncheon by a concert of well se lected Victrola music rendered by i representative of Sabro Bros. Jewel ry company. FOUND IT VERY WET IN FRISCO .George Laird Experiences Moist Weather and Returns lo Oregon to Dry Out. George Laird who recently went to California is already back, saying that he got "rained out." He reports a high wind that did much damage in San Francisco and Oakland to plate glass, etc. and that in Eureka, where he was during the heaviest part of the storm, that at one time there was a rainfall of one inch during a period of forty minutes and that during the niirht four inches of water fell. That the Eel river was raised fifty-one ft and that much damage was done in the way of washing out farms, im provemcnts and live stock, and that one or two lives were reported lost: That several miles of the new railroad was washed out and covered by moun tain slides and that one $33,000 rail road bridge was also destroyed. But notwithstanding the storm, Mr Laird found the place to his liking and says ho will go into business there as soon as he can settle up his affairs here. COMMERCIAL SECY. WANTED No One to Answer Correspondence Relative to Bandon Prof. Hopkins who has been the honorary secretary of the commercial cluli lias been receiving many com munications asking for information relative to Bandon and vicinity. He is soon to be absent from town and has neither the time nor the money to answer such inquiries. The work ing secretary of the association, E. M. Treadgold also is soon to leave town. He will go onto a homestead. Prof. Hopkins justly thinks that the commercial club should be financed strongly enough to enable it to an swer communications relative to Ban don as a place of residence and for in vestment. LaiiKhiis Centenarian Celebrates One hndredand three years is quite an -age for a man to acquire, even in this healthful section of Oregon. But James Haft of Ianglois lias seen a century and three years in addition. His one hundred third birthday was yesterday and a number of his homo friend . r.l as well as others from Bandon and neighboring points, drop ped in on him to help him properly celebrate the event. I.oIh al a llurmiln ll In ihM)ihI from reliable wiiimtii that tiu't (hii liKepoit IjiihI and IlltiW i'-u, Iiavh uImiihIoihnI the canal iimJmI wf lint Ftum Jul.e, the Conn 1' i'wH will. lnU up Hie liwllol' Mini mU UtU Ut tb ItiMluwl UiltUr. Till fthtr mul (Milium Ut $tt MMjlM', t win ' "" SEMI -WEEKLY BANDON, OREGON, LOCAL THESPIANS TO GIVE COMEDY "Aunt Peabody of Peabodys ville" to be Staged at the Grand Tomorrow Night If the Bandon playors who will ap pear in a two act comedy-drama at the Grand noxt Wednesday night should half do justice to the text as regards acting, it would keep the aud ience who will come to see "Aunt Pea body of Peabodysvillo" in a continu ous uproar and laughter. The play is chuck full of humorous situations and Aunt Peabody, (Mrs Anna Tucker) who visits her nieces (Mrs. J. H. Smith and Delphi Lang- lois) in the city finds that a lack of knowledge of big town life is very em harassing and somewhat strenuous. Murium (Miss Ottilie Lewin) a visit ing friend, conies in for a good share of fun and will no doubt give a good account ofhcvself. The players have been rehersing for a long time and are thoroughly familiar with their respective parts The show is given under the auspices of the Women of Woodcraft A special act will be presented by Miss Webb, appearing in the Butter fly dance. Music- on the Shores of Italy. This is n clever little dance and will receive hearty encores. The admission price is within the means of all. 15 cts for children and 25 cts for adults. A complete bill of pictures will conclude whut promises to bo an enjoyable evening's enter tainment.. -- NEW- PICTURE MACHINE. Hard times and the war scare arc not putting much of a crimp into the activities of the Grand Theatre and now Manager Sellmer announces that he has secured the Paramount pic tures, to present to the movie fans of Bandon. The Paramount pictures are produced by the Famous Players Com pany and feature the leading players in the show worldsuch as Mary Pick- ford, who draws a salary of $50,000 a year, Marguerite Clark, Maclyn Ar- hucklc, Blanche Sweet, John Barry- morc and Dustm Farnum. Pictures of this class come high and before making any permanent arrangement with the company for their pictures Manager Sellmer is going to give the pictures a trial, presenting"The Squaw Man", a six reel feature, next Tuesday Februarys;!. Should the reception given this picture prove satisfactory i special feature by this company will lie given every week. A two reel mag azine for the machine at the Grand las just arrived and will be installed soon, which will male it possible to run two reels without an intermission letween. In the ordinary perform ance this will mean one intermission luring the show. The following is the copy of a pe tition being circulated around town. TO THE MAYOR AND COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BANDON. We, the undersigned residents and tax payers of tho city of Bandon, do hereby petition the honorable may or and council and demand that reduc tion lie made in the management of city afTairs and as ways and means recommend: That the city dispense with the city attorney on a flat salary and only em ploy legal services as required for special work, saving approximately each year the sum of $900. That the city for the present dis pense with the city engineer and thereby save $125 per month, plus chainmeii and other incidental items of at leant each year, $1,800, m well as navliig interekt on that mount of war antii. That the uilury of the mayor, ami ouiicilmeii he reduced lo f,00 pur meeting mivlng about eiinh year (lie KOMI of That leliemilmiMil be muile In (lie wlurtiw h( ilay iiwivlml, lAVW llljflll MwrihuU uml rtly ituwjilur uimI Uu- 'HtMl nil W1M. MiliilT IlifN hi tli FEBRUARY 16, 1915 DEATH CALLS A PIONEER SETTLER Zack Boice Oregon in Oakland. Who Came to 1877, Dies in Buried Here. Zack Boice of Bandon died in Oak land, Feb. 13th from a stroke of par alysis. Mr. Boico was born in Missouri, Ap ril 19th, 1851. He migrated to Cali fornia in 1870 and moved to Port Or ford, Curry county in 1877. About two years later he settled on Floras creek near Langlois and lived there continuously until 190.'! In that year he moved to Bandon and has resided here since last fall. Last September he moved back to Missouri but return ed in November for Oakland to spend the winter. He is survived by his wife, Mrs. I J. Boice wlio was witli him in Oakland W. R. Boice of Eureka, California, Mrs. R. E. Cope of Langlois, A. II Boico of langlois and C. W. Boice of thcBandon Life Saving Station. C. W. Boico leaves Bandon today .for Oakland and, accompanied by his mother will return witli the corpse to Bandon for burial. The date and place of the funeral will be announc ed Inter. NEW SCHOOL HOUSE ON THE COOS RIVER i Pupils will Have Passage Contactrd i For, Via Coos River TheCoos River district has just compieuftd a-consolidated school build ing. The building has a concrete base ment witli wood floor, is supplied throughout with steam heat. There are four rooms for school work, in cluding a large assembly room which will be used for general work for the present. There are besides, a labor atory, teachers' rest room and and an office. The scholars will be taken to the school by the Rogers boats from the upper river and by William Bjorqvist of Catching inlet, from his vicinity nnd tho lower stretches of the river, For the transportation, Mr. Bjor qvist lias completed a new and com modious boat, built particularly for this kind of work. Mr. Bjorqvist is to be janitor of the building and con tracts for the carrying of the children to anil from their study. People who have insenected the building state that tho district is to be commended for its enterprise and tho patrons of the school believe they will have as fine and up-to-date a ciftintry school as can be found in Ore gon. The building is located at the forks of the North and South Coos rivers and will lie a prominent land mark. CELEBRATE COMPLETION OF COSTLY IDAHO CANAL In May the extensive work which lias received the attention of the Fed eral government for years at Celilo on the Columbia river involving the the construction of what is known as the Celilo canal will lie completed at a cost ot the government of approxi mately $5,000,000. The completion of this work will enable boats from the sea of capacity up to four hundred tons to make the run inland to Lewis ton, approximately five hundred miles, while similar distances can be reached on the unncr Columbia. The completion of this work has been considered as of vast importance to the entire northwest and all the cities located upon and tributary to tho Co lumbia and Snake have joined in the celebration plan. The initial feature of tills celebration will lie hold ut Iwlston, Idaho, May .'I id when a large fleet of river boatH will uMUUiihli) after having made the run through Hie runul from Hie lower river. Tliw luli'biwftoii will Im uiiollii'lully umlor Ihu uunploi'tf of (he war ilwilmtit( at the fi'diiral nmtirtwiiowl, h tho rlv- j or wurh i eui Hwl ma umir Unit ' hi nub h( tlw ittrtWMjiurtil. Tlw m H m aMtMM m UtUltm ml&Uf "' ANOTHER JUDICIAL CONTEST Office of Justice of the Peace at Lang lois to be Decided in the Court Joseph A. Cox of Ixinglois was in Bandon Saturday. He has been jus tice of the peace down there for some time, since 1908, to be exnet, but says that tilings are not running smoothly down there in judicial matters these days. At the November election, Mr Smith, editor of the Langlois Leader, defeated him for that office by 1(! votes. The Pioneer of that bench, however, appears to have decided to abide by his official position under the much mooted question of "When is a judge a judge, and for how long is he elected?" Now Mr. Smith bus retained counsel at Gold Reach, who make formal demand on Mr. Cox to turn over the books, apparently as a basis for bringing a replevin action. It seems that orders and legal pro- ces is being indulged in by both pre tenders to tlie office. MOOSE MEMBERS MAKE MERRY Third Annual Ball in Dream land Pavillion Proves Most Successful Affair Saturday evening the local chaptei of tho L. O. O. M. held their third an mini ball in the Dreamland pavillion "How'dy Pap" accompanied tho glad haiuLto all those who attended and it would be putting it mildly to say that the affair was a grand succWbs. Pret tily gowned womcntadded a touch tr the affair that is usually lacking while the decorations were especiall appropriate to the Valentine season Streamers of red and white, the colon of the lodge, intermingled witl strings of hearts were aranged ovei the floor in such a way as to form i square over the heads of tho dancers The moonlight effect for the two feat ure waltzes however, was the crown ng achievement of the evening. A huge artificial moon, half hidden bj decorative trees, gave the most artis tic arrangement that has ever bcei presented in Bandon. Besides being a delightful affair foi tho guests, the dance also proved r financial success. Delicious punch and dainty wafers were served during tin evening. STATE LEGISLATIVE COMMENT Eacli session of the legislature there is introduced some new bill reg ulnting the game law, and some- oi them in various forms anil conditions pass. This year there lias been ot last accounts, six bills introduced in the House, regulating or ot.hewise pertaining to the game laws. Coos county, each session contributes net share to the endless chain of lawmak- ng. witli a bill regulating the season for sea crabs. Representative Pie.-ce of Coos and Curry lias come forum d with a hill, in the interests of econo my to curtnil the expenses incurred by the state for the prevention of hu- ionic plague. There was shown by the last houcc cullender received by us, 4711 bills in troduced in the house, and the session is nearly three fourths over. Bill pro viding for tho regulation of the liquor traffic passed the liouso witli only two votes against it, and they were both from Multnomah county- However Hie senate appears to bo hostile to the ill and threatens many things to it. We note from the "House Calender" that Representative Barrow of Coog ounty Introduced Bill No. 118, fixing the legal marriage age of boys at 21 earn und for girls at 18 yearn. I he till wan indefinitely postponed on nli. 5th. I.. A, 'li uf Portland, who U one of iIih mon who mo pulling the pop in plrklwi hihI mi helping lo nwoll (he 1 1 of I Mint' AT mrlnUM, rounl tlwiH. vvu Ih IUwIoii Sunday ami NuMtlsP' Ih' nephew u (iwrm UH IwtM buMVH I tpm h tiw i4k r.i "I. -V. l4 lUtf " Vi'Iiimi ' i.mi, Oregon" Historical 'Society''"" City Hall . ,x Job Printing! A modern equipped job department in connection J NUMBER 13 HOPES WANE Terrific Trouncing Adminis tered to Locals at Myrtle Point. Game Protested 3 CHAMPIONSHIP 9 3 STANDING OF THE TEAMS 9 School Won Lost per c't 3 Mnrshfleld 3 2 .000 " 3 Coquille !! 2 .G00 3 Bandon 2 2 .500 3 Myrtle P't. 2 2 .500 S 3 North Bend 0V 2 .000 3 Contested game between 3 schools 0 Things do not always run as smooth as planned, as the Bandon Basketball team found out when they went to Myrtle Point lo play the quintette of that town Friday night. They re turned Sunday morning bearing the news of a 54 to 13 defeat. Numerous, explanations ore being circulated to account for the awful drubbing but the main cause seems to be one "Ka ty" Miller of questioned eligibility, who despite the protest of Coacli Quigley, played center for the Myrtle Pointers and scampered oyer the floor like an unmolested kitten, incidental ly scoring about half the points for his team. The ganUi has been protested on tho grounds that Miller waa not elig ible to take part in tho contest and theprotest will be heard and decided by tho Coos County Atlilotic Associa tion when it meets in Coquille next Saturday. It appears that Miller had not been in regular attendance in school, appearing at the building only at such times as slack periods in the logging camps would allow him to be in town. Bandon played ragged ball and did not iiave a look in at any stage of the game. Leslie Pullen from the scoring point, put up tliu best game for the visitors, gaining a toUil of 7 points out of 13 points, but his floor work was very poor as compared with his past performances: Windsor seemed unable to get started and the rest of the team showed very poor form on the rough floor. To put it i:i plain words, the unexpected appear ance of Miller on the floor "got Ban don's goat". .Should lianilon lose the protust iver this, game their hopes for the , championship are not altogether gone, for Mnrshfield took Coquille into camp Friday night, thereby taking the coun ty seat aspirants out of the lead. The 'ocal boys have ' four games yet to olay, two on their own floor and two iway from home. To make a crcdit ibie showing at the end of the season they must win three out of these four rnd i twill take all four of the games to put them at the head of tho league. Marshfield, now heading the league, lias three games yet to play mil have the decided advantage of playing two of them on their homo floor. During the game Friday night there was but one substitution, Ivan PuUen for Stoltz at the beginning of the se cond half. Bandon Position Windsor center Stoltz-I. Pullen forward L. Pullen forward Webb guard Myrtle Point Miller E. Spires' Ailarp It. SpiroK Wimborly Chatburn guurd Kilning Iti'Kolurly Once More.. Having hocured a duly qualified migiiieer and captain, the Charm nt mimeil her regular run between Intro ami f'oqulllo WiMlnitixliiy morning, Captain (hiorge lniovo, Vtituruu louinhoiil mini on the river, li uavv in idwiHo ut III bout hihI (Im iiJIglfW rmm i iu uhuigo of lloilti l umi, U IMKWMKJ (UJMJIUf UHfliHWI im Ul' jH u Urn Mi I'unuy i unnif Umt tut mtpMtwr mi lim tfft Mi Hum? mi 4f tnyt ut tikiiid K. Om t'M MM law mtop tmM m mu i jljtfMMlli4) IMU VS illicit I 4ttat !uM IMMi S Uio I u! ,.. ul utt llinwii l. "I'lli-UH U4 ! f in m iLt l4 ttl ut la m4