..1 vw. Km mm -YOU'LL PAY YOUR RESPECTS to our bread by buying regu larly after you have once tried it. You'll at once realize the absurdity of sweating over a hot fire when you can get such white, light, toothsome bread as ours without any trouble and at less expense than you could bake it for at home. Try just one loaf. SEASIDE BAKERY I 1 --1 AT WINTER SHORT COURSE JAN. 4-30 Agriculture, Including Agronomy, Animal Husbandry, Dairying, Horti culture, Poultry Husbandry, Insects, Plant and Animal Diseases, Cream ery Management, Marketing, etc. Home economics, Including Cook ing, Home Nursing, Sanitation, Sew ing, Dressmaking and Millinery. Commerce, Including Business Man agement, Rural bconomics, Business Liw, Office Training, F-arm Account ing, etc. Engineering, Including Shopwork and Koadbullding. FARMERS WEEK FEBRUARY 1-6 A general clearing house session of six days for the exchange of dynamic Ideas on the most pressing problems of the times. Lectures by leading authorities. State conferences. EXTENSION SERVICE Offers lectures, movable schools, In stitutes and numerous correspondenca courses on request. JWUSIC: Piano, String, Band, Voice. No tuition. Reduced rates on all rail roads. For further information address, Ibc Oregon Agricultural LoIIorc, IMPORTANT EVENTS The Alpha Restaurant (tw-m-to-M) CORVALLI3, OWUOON Hest Home Cooking in town Houmemade bread, pies and cakes. Open from 6i30a. in. till midnight Mrs. F. D. Meyer, Prop. Next door to First Natl. Bank. ill . i n i t rrioiei nanaon i AMKKICAX PLAN $1.00 fand SI. 50 per day. I European Plan, rooms 50c, 75c & SI per day .Eaton & Rrase, Props.? 4 Subscribe for the Bandon Recorder, $1.50 a year I II I I 0 o ao o o 1 I I I I OI-(0)H(QO)-M(0)BB-(a I II! ffm I 04H(D)4B(0)'MiaD)a (OOOli YOU NEED A VICTOR VICTROLA OR A NEW EDISON DISC PHON O GRAPH. WE HAND L E T II E FAMOUS STR A UD P L A YE R PIANO. i I SABRO BROS ! I'UHSIDINC Ul'PlORUS IN. T11U STATU MSftlSLATU'Hte Salom, Or. Jan. 11, Bun Selling: of Portland was elected speaker by a vote of 37 to 22 over Alton Euton of Eugene. Pierce of Coos and Curry voted for Selling and Barrow of Coos voted for Eaton. W. Laid Thompson of I.ukeview was elected president of the senate. Uoth houses ure overwhelmingly Ke publican. There wan a sharp contest for the Hpeakeship but the success fnl nimilulnte for the presidency hud practically no opposition. V. D. Wood rereived three votes for the of fice. 1)1!. WITHYCO.Mlti: IS (;o EKNOii or okkcon Halom. Or., Jan. 12. Uf. .lames ithyroinhe. Itcpnhlicnn, was inaug uiatcd governor succeeding Oswald We t, Democrat, before today's pos .loii of the legislature. At the re quest of the new governor the cere monies were simple. In his inaugural addreis he recom mended that the legislature set a rec ord lor brevity.and especially for the number of laws passed. lie advocated anti-liquor regulation-, that can be enforced. He favored making several elective officers appointive and consolidating the arious commissions, suggesting, a committee be appointed to make a general survey of the best way to cen tralize state government, and reqnrt in 1! 17. u 0 U f r 1 9 () t& (a $ (j) '.d" Z ' Local nuvvs items i af.0r,!leT7eaP,' Bon and har ness cheap if taken at once. Mrs lienJaintnRoom 1, Dufort Bldg ral?t.-B8tf25C 81 Andron' stau- WISIIOM FROM .MEXICO General Villa is said to lie addict ed to elaborate forms of speech. Some of the proverbs of his nation, which he is never tired of quoting, are interesting: A close mouth cntehes no Hies. Your worst enemy is always one of your own trade. Smear yourself with honey and you will be devoured by flies. Hetter be the head of a mouse than the tail of a lion. Although a monkey is clothed in ill. he still remains a monkey. Get a name for early ris;ng, and jou may lie abed .ill day. To a good apputito no bread is too hard. Some of those are, cortumy nt inappropriate under existing condi Hons. For Sale Milk, a few responsible customers, ?2.60 delivered fresh young cow. Address this office. Public Stenographer. Al'thlll T.. PrnMinrtn.. l.l. tir ..... Street, 1'hone 1U1 Rural in. Victor-Victrolus, Edison I)i,c Talk ing .Machines and Records. Your u, apection invited. Sahro Bros. 4 if you are interested in buying piano-; se. Sabro Brothers. Uood pianos from $32a up to ?i20tf, deliv ered before Christmas, and sold on terms if desired.--9iit 1. .Mrs. 11. F .Morrison will give les sons in China Painting, Tuedaj and Wednesday afternoons of each week, at her millinery shop, 210 First Street West. tt. "What are you so pleased about "Dr. Pohl fitted me with Rhudon lenses and they are sure O. K. Pohl is very reasonable in charges (Jo and see him Wednesdays or Saturdays at Subro Bros." tf Does your Pocket Flash Light Need New Batteries Just received a fresh shipment Drug Co. ndoi F. T. WOl. NEKTON H. ('. D1PPEI, ('(His County il?atw Opporl unity Set' Bandon First DIPPEL & WOLVERTON CHOICE FARM LANDS AND CITY PROPERTY LOST Small pocket book bet ween Uallier Hotel and Brtier's store. Contained live dollar bill and check from Bandon Steam Laundry on the Bank of Bandon. Finder please leave at this olllce. fiue insurance notary public REisTALS HOOK fwL'i'l'ING BANDON iil'Y DIPPEL AUDITING ACCOUNTING CONVEYANCES REAL EfiTATE FARM LANDS INSTRUMENTS OREGON i Notice to Contractors Bids for an addition to the school house in district ho. 11 will be re ceived up until 1:00 o'clock i. in. January 1.1th, when bids will be open ed. Specifications and conditions may be had upon application to Thos. Devereauv, Parkersbury, Oregon, Clark of the district. The right will be reserved to rej ect any and all bids. BANDON, ORK. TELEPHONE 751 I 1 Order Your Freight Sent by the Old Reliable i S. S. ELIZABETH 4- Large Two-Berth Outside State Rooms With Run ning Water. Eight Day Service Between the Coquille River and San Francisco. FIRST CLASS PASSENGER FARE, $7.50 FREIGHT RATES, $3 ON UP FREIGHT Reservations: J. E. Norton, Coquille; Perkins', Myrtle Point; E. B. Thrift, Langlois. J. E. WALSTROM, Agent, Bandon I T ICR UST1 X C. KV ENTS Wheat has raised in price over the two dollars per bushel mark. President Wilsons friends inter pret his Indianapolis speech as the announcement ol his candidacv for re-election in 1910. ijovet nor Blease of South Carolina lias granted full pardon tt) full 1500 onvicted persons ml tilled by him nice the tirsl of I'.Ml. illa and other Mexican gener I, promise general Scott that they will prevent further border lighting. The .Steamer Eureka, bound from Sun 1'raiK i .eo to Ventura was wreck ed on the potato patch outside the Gul den Gate lust Saturday. Sixteen of the crew, including Capt. Paulsen were rescued, hut the second mate, James Bolger, was drowned. The Eureka formerly was in the Coos Bay trade. The Southern Pacific has announc ed the rates which will apply fo tour ist travel between Portland and San Francisco during the period of the creat exposition, tickets to be on sale daily between Feb. 16 and Nov.30. ')n uu day limit tickets the rate will i iin an day tickets, $yt); on spe i lal invasions, such as important con ventions, etc., u ound trip rat will bu made of of $20.70 with u 15 duy j,. it anil stop over privileg on the re turn trip. To the ex position at San liego, the rxilroads will make a lound I lip rut of JSO.J.I with a limit ( Ut days and stopover privileges j liutb ways. Notice of Final .Settlement. Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned has riled his final account in tne County Court for Coos County Oregon, in the matter of the estate of John William Hamnierburg , de ceased, and the County Court has set .Monday, the 8th day of Februaiy, 11)15, us the day for hearing objec tions to said final account and settle ment of said estate. Now therefore, any and all pei -sons having objections to Mich linul account or settlement thereof hereby notified to appear and tile the same in said County Court on oi be fore the said 8th day of Febiuaiy, 1015. R. II. ROSA. Executor of the Estate of John William llHiinnei lun g, deceased. Jan. 5, Feb. 2 T W '!) (tt & l) (f) lil ) ii) ) ' 0 . BANDON CHURCHES j) r.i "0 ia0wS00,; NNEY S COFFEE HOUSE Opened for business again in the Red Front Building on First Street. Meals at all hours day or nig hi You known you always get something good to eat at D O N N E Y ' S. VWVWV" t i Long Distance Telephone ii 1 are . t r f V f JW. E. Church South Sunday School, 10:00 a. m. Preaching, 11:00 a. m. Ei) worth League, 0:30 p. m. Preaching, 7: JO p. m. Prayer Meeting, Thursday, 7:30. .Missionary Society, Friday, 2:30. W. B. SMITH, Pastor. SERVICE IMPROVED By install iujr a da Mor.se Code Telegraph operator at Marshiield our longdistance lines hae been relieed of much telegraph bus iness. It makes possible a quicker and better long distance conversation service between Bandon and Coquille and Myrtle Point. COOS AND CURRY TliLEPIIONIJ COMPANY t EQUIPPED WITH WIRELESS lT 4 k V- w m- m w A . ... S. 5. BKtiAIv W A 1 EK ALWAYS ON TIME Sails from Coos Bay Jnnunry 2nd At 10;()0 n in. jHniittry at 1;(M) p. m, Janimry Hith al 0:30 t, January 23rd at 1:0() p. m January ,'iOlli at Hi '30 m, iniillrni miIIIiik l.')niui:!i JlmiJun VtwUwHi Vo, Potato growers of Oregon are ask ing that a strict qusrnntint be stub hbhed ogam! V jtUtos shippd hum California owing to the danger ..f the tuber moth gaining it foothold in thu iuie. Ho Ur its kiutn (r I'on potaioe:, ur now entirely fr fioin tin . pt Mitd ttu uu Ixmrd of lioili. uJiuir lm! Immii ttokeil Ui take iuh ui I ion ut will so.- uir future safe. , Aooitllllg I.. llB n4 MttlHgl! I W ' H 4eplwMUNii in Uu, ; (Muiaui ut uMumtMf $UJ0. mt, HHuhmy uu imjUb turn at it AlMtNt vttlmi Hill Ha nu -' Kpiscopul Church Sunday School, 10:00 a. m. Preaching, 2nd, -Jtli und 6th Sun day at 11 ii. in. and 7:30 p. in. REV. WM. HURSFALL, Pastor Alelhodisl C'liurcli Sunday School, 10:00 a. in. Public Service, 1 1 .00 a. m. Kvening Service, 7:;iO p. m. Mid-iVeek Service, Thursday, 7. Co All those who do not worship Ue wliere are invited to runie with us C MAVNE KNJGHT, Plor H olel Gallier Rates $1.00 to $2.00 per day. Special rates by week or month Sample room in connection Bandon Oregon Presbyterian Church Sabbath Services: to a. ni Sabbath .School It a- in Preaching 0;80 p. m. . . C. . Pray. i meeting 1-M p. m Pres. hint Thursday, 7:30 p. m. I'rayei ineetn. A oordial invitation is amended ih Jubik Ut attid (tutsw Mrvit KV. WINI IKLn M NMi'i'H, Pastur Maaiiai Uurrh MM4kf Utlml lu '0 A H leaiiitg Kan IliUtf A. M i . . t iJm ttntim UM 4iua ut ii 3 if oa i 4 p w J i "III"! . ISAINUUfN I KAINor tK CO. CatLhell bixithtrb, Props. All kinds ol hea"vj and light draying. Phone orders I given prompt allention. Hunt corner First & Edi- son, Msii rroperty. l elephone Gil. G. E. WILSON ; , fi'ENKKAL HLACKK.MITII All kiiuJ u( Jiuht iuid ht'wv work, ur ni'luMtlf ItiMllV MiiMJ. nt'fonnilk'r iiiui.-ditfd. Jirli'- In viiiir J ill tilh Uluj gt't thtfit fWl uiJjijeHfiJ Uy h IIIMIi l))il ttnun ) fiul Mil 1 IIJT'MJ, Uv atiiMllin. hul'ttir fJi'U 'IV cjmi l lining ijiuul, uiul Uiiul