Semi-weekly Bandon recorder. (Bandon, Or.) 1910-1915, January 15, 1915, Image 1

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    Ortron Rutorieal tofetv
City Hall - J
y - ,
The Recorder covers the
Bandon field thoroughly
Job Printing!
A modern equipped job
department in connection ?
1 44444411 4fI42,( 4 44 4tlM!t I4
Annual Meet Dis
closes A State Of
Financial Health
That the banks of Bandon are in a
prosperous condition, regardless of
the financial inactivities of the count
ry is evidenced from the reports of the
condition of our hanks which have re
cently been published and the reports
at the regular annual meeting of the
banks which were held Tuesday, Jan
uary 12th.
The annual stockholders' meeting
of the First National Hank was held
Tuesday afternoon and all of last
year's directors were re-elected an
Dr. II. L. Houston, C. Y. Lowe, K.
D. Webb, 12. 12. Oaks, A. AleNair, El
bert Dyer, J. Ira Sidwell, Thos. Dev
ereaux, 12. B. Thrift. Immediately
after the stockholders' meeting ad
journed the directors' meeting was
held and the old officers were re-elected
Dr. If. L. Houston is president;
C. Y. Lowe, vice president; 12. D.
Webb, cashier and 12. 12. Oakes, as
sistant cashier.
The annual stockholders' meeting
of the Hank of Bandon was held
Tuesday evening and the same direc
tors were elected as held office last
year. They are .1. L. Kronenberg, C.
Y. Lowe, T. P. Hanley, K. H. Kosa,
and F. J. Fahy.
The officers elected, which are also
the same as last year, are;- -J.
L. Kronenberg, president; T. I
Ilnnley, vice president;-F, .I-.Fnhjv
cashier and Geo.' I. Topping attor
ney. J. W. Mast and Geo. W. Moore
were elected as the stockholders' ex
amining committee.
County Attorney L. A. Liljequist, in
a speech at the banquet of the Coos
County Bar Association, Wednesday
talked against the bonding of the
Port of Bandon as well as the Port
of Coos Bay.
G. J. Treadgold, attorney for the
Port of Bandon, and Cassius R. Peck,
attorney for the Port of Coos Bay,
both made addresses in which they
took h.uo with Mr. Liljeqvist and
showed how the whole people would
be benefited by the raising and spend
ing of money by bonds as the govern
ment would duplicate the amount
raised, thus bringing in large sums of
money to be distributed for labor, ma
terial and other commodities in the
community as well as to make per
manent improvements in the harbor.
The street commissioner has fin
ished a railing along the temporary
sidewalk from Bandon avenue up the
lull to the Tracy residence, eliminat
ing the danger of a bad fall by some
of the small school children.
Dontfail to see Solig's great jun
gle zoo special feature in throe parts
"The Fifth Man" a picture of advent
ure in the wilds of Central America,
of surprising situations and novelty
stunts in film production. At the
Grand, next Monday, .Ian. 17th.
Attorney F. J. Feeney received
word this week that his brother, At
torney Martin J. Feeney, of Madigon,
Wis. had passed away recently. Air.
Pieny'i brother was here about two
. .ii .igo on a visit and will be rem
embered by a number of Bandon peo
ple Hi was one of the lending at
torney i of Madi.nn,
tji 12 Pi:mis or p.wji.ini:
At the Grand Theater, Sunday
Iilght, Jiiiuuiy 17th, will bo hnwn
I he MXliiith eplMide of the Peril of
j'li'iliin' In Ihik number IteymomJ
lh n tin another of In villa Iiuhi
1 1 nit lr. net hold uf im Marvin
J mi i i I nt it dlll'ereill
II I I'll .Ml br IhoogM uf Ml4 tUt
j i ' ' ' t n i fitiiiiif jur
I II i On lilt i. mi, IkMt't llUl
I I " iiiU'. i.i , r.uiuie uu4
j I nvt "i'i!i t44 M kt
i- t
Geo. II. Smith, proprietor of the
Sunset City addition to Bandon, an
notices that he has plans under way
which will in all probability muter
ialize in the establishment of a big
tabernacle and camp meeting
grounds down in his addition.
Mr. Smith is negotiating with lead
ing members of the Christian church
in Oregon with a view having them
make Bandon beach their permanent
camp gounds, erecting the Inrgi
tabernacle and holding camp meet
ings, lectures, etc. during the slim
mer mouths. Mr. Smith says that
if the plan is brought to a focus,
there will be from three to five
thousand people of this denomination
from variou arts .i the state,
ij idon uriiK u,c sumniei and they
will stay from three weeks to three
In this connection the Record i
would suggest that should such a
plan be carried out and a tnbornacle
of such large dimensions be built, it
would be an excellent place for the
holding of a chaluuqua every summer
There is already a movement on foot
for the establishment of a chntnuqua
and it would be an excellent idea for
the promoters to work in conjunction
with Mr. Smith for the big tabernacle
and thus two great purposes can be
served and lie the means of making
Itaudon a much more attractive sum
mo resort than it has ever been be
fore. Alias 12dna Gallier is suffering with
an attack of the mumpi.
Aliss Alay Ireland has been confin
ed to her home on I2disou avenue with
a slight attack of the mumps.
Airs. F. A. Holman is enjoying a vis
it from her mother, Mrs. AIcLeod of
Myrtle PoiiH.
L. E. Brown has, rturnpd.from-in
business trip to Portland during
which time he attended a meeting of
the agents of the Alutunl Life In
surance Company, of New York, for
which he is writing insurance.
The .Bandon High School bnsket
ball team will play a game with the
high school team from Myrtle Point
at Dreamland Pavillinn tonight. The
game is called for 8:15 p. m.
Examinations in the eighth grade
began in the local schools this week
and it is stated they are more diffi
cult than usual this vear.
In the game against Myrtle Point
this evening Bandon wil line up with
out Ray Webb, the speedy little guard
who is another of the victims of the
mumps now going Hie rounds of Hie
The ladies. of the Alothodiiit church
will serve a silver tea in the home of
Mrs. Ella Nelson, from H-.W until
Mrs. Ella Nelson, from 2:-t0 until
5:00, Wednesday, January i!0th.
They will have aprons, caps, "so-han-
dy" sewing bags, and "close easy"
laundry bags for sole. Come nnd
bring your friends.
Mayor F. 12. Allen of Marshfield,
who represents the Blake, MeFnll Pa
per Co. and other Portland wholesale
houses was in the city yesterday and
today calling on customers.
Resolutions of Condolence
At a regular meeting of Unndon
Post (!. A. Il.-iis one more name
is etfneed from our roll, and we again
are called upon to mourn tlm loss of
a member, in the death of Tlwophilug
Allen, a faithful comrade, a good
neighbor and a loving nnd atl'oct ion
ate husband and father, we hereby
Itedolvo: That we extend to the
wife uiid family our sympathy
That our charter 1m iIi'hkkI in
mourning for thirty days and that
these resolution Iw sprMil on the
minute. . of our next imwtinit;
It it further rusol vih! ; Thai it cony
bo iie.ntem to th family of Ihe d
evftMMl 4iuJ n ropy lie plcd in lit
cily pi.
W murmur not m our ndvuiiWitg mk
Thy will Im 4uii;
Thy will im 4m t
W wrmittki Im U4, tut wmty
ntd tut iigMj
Hlii Mill
mum iiiirii
' MMll II I
Join Forces in Annual Event
Encampment Also Installs
Handon Iodide, I .(). 0. F. and Oc -
ran Rehekah lodge held joint installa-
Hon of officers nt Odd Fellows Hall
Tuesday night. The Rehckah offices
were in: talk d by Mrs. Ada Still, dis
trirt deputy president and were as
follows: Magaret Smith, N. G.; Jane
Smith, V. G. Mrs. Abia Barrows, R.
S.; Mr Anna Sheerrard, F. S.; A.
Knopp, Tres.; Be&de Young, Chap.;
Lenora Wilson, War.; Bertha AVyant,
I. G.; II. II. Hunt, 0. G.; Cora Conrad,
Con.; Ada Still, R. S. N. G.; Ethel
Moore, R. S. V. G.; Gerda Peterson,
L. S. V. Gv
The officers of Bandon Lodge were
installed by A. Knopp, D.'D. ft. M. as
follows: Abia Barrows, N. 0.; I. L.
Schofield, R. S.; L. I. Wheeler, V. G.;
II. II. Hunt, F. S.; O. (!. Trowbridge,
Treas.;W. W. Faust, W.; II. Russell,
Con.; W. L. Davidson, R. S. N. G.;
I2ldie iNeison, R. S. V. G.; James Por
ter, L. S. V. G.; Win. Lundquist, R.
ter, L. S. V. G.; Win. Lundquist, R.
S. S.; J. A. Heminger, L. S. S.; A.G.
Macy, I. G.; 12. Wilson, O. G.; L. B.
Lowe. Chap.
A short musical program was put
on by the Rebekah , consisting of a
mandolin solo by Mrs. Arthur Sweet
with All".. Otillio l.ewm a-, luano ai
A Defective Lamp and Lack
Results in Loss of Home
.Ei r eis tarti ngrf r am -1 heill WfWli "tfi" 1
.i large coal oil lnmp, completely lc
ilroyed the residence of Thoij. Bach
elor, on Alabama Avenue, Tuesday
evening. The lire started about ten
o'clock, when Air. Bachelor was going
lo the bath room in the bnsement of
ihe house. He was carrying the lamp
and as he was going down the stairs
lie noticed the llaine was working into
i he oil vessel. Setting the lamp on
the stain., he turned to look for some
thing to smother it with, but had no
more than turned hi' back when the
explosion occurred. Within .i few
moment' the entile buildine :i n.
Cases All Disposed of and "Equity Court Now Scheduled
To Begin its Session. Some of the Cases Decided.
fudge Coke this morning discharg
ed the jury for this term of court and
declared the criminal work of the
court at an end
Monday morning the Equity court
will open its session with the casa of
f:. II. Ro.-a vf.. Coos' County, in the
matter of the Townshipline road,
tirst on the docket. This case will
probably stimulate nore interest a
luong the puople of Bandon than any
other cae on the docket during this
?esion of the court.No maater what ; kn lt weak on the charge of for
i the the decision of the Judce in re- gary was sentenced to from two to
H aid to the matter, it will release niou I
y for the construction of a road be j
tween Bandon uud Curry County. !
No action was taken on the ( oa. h i
Treadgold- Simpson- Noaler Mitchel i
alfair and it will now be three long
month before anything enU done to j
straighten out the uffair, unless the '
Judge bhould decide lo hold un ad
journed hi'ssii.n in February which
K possible, fne nt regular tunn
l court does not convene until April.
During Ihe lt few days of the rv
on I'lohed the larger part of Hie
limliwl rase on the docM ,
disjwued of ami tteiday
n.umr m m m i
MiMlih'l HuM
One uf th i
iMt he .
(!.. ..., ,
I , mi
and Make a Social Time Of If
and Puts on Degree Work
j rompanist. The Rehekas alf.o put on
' a jleauliful drill.
,lr installation and the program.
a fumptuous banquet was spread and
latj-r a shoit lime was .spent in play-
inA cards, 'there was n InrvK nftftn.l
aiwe present and the evening was one
offthe most enjoyable social sessions
ofRlie r.rason.
e Bandon Encampment in&talled new officers at the regular meet
ing Saturday night and conferred all
thrtee degrees, by special dispensa
tion;, upon John Guns, Jess Nelson
alsii took the Royal Purple degree.
The new officers installed Saturday
nif&t are: A. Knopp, C. P.; A. J. Ala
cy,jll. P.j'L. B. Lowe, S. W.; II. II.
Hujit, J. W.; i. L. Scolield, scribe;
Chtis. Boeteher, treasurer; L. I.
WJfeeler, guide; Klmer McCus, 1st
watch; W. W. Faust, 2nd watch; 12.1
KilAnfl lird watch; Jess Nelson, 1th
wafch; Win. Lundquist, I. S.; Chris
Boeteher, 1st guard to tent; ,1. W.
Miller, 2nd guard to tent. A big ban
quet was served after the installation
and 'vork. "
Cliii. Boetcher acted as District
Deputy GimimI Putiiirch.
of A.dequate Fire Protection
fjr Thomas Bachelor
1 11 ft Mrtlng! t impossible to save
iny of the contents except the piano
.ind a lew chairs and light articles
whi.-h were taken through the win
dows in the front of the house.
Owing to the fact that there are no
hydrants in that part of the city, and
also that the water pressure is in
sufficient were there any taps, all
thai could be done was to watch the
lire eat its way through the $U,000
worth of property. rith the heavy
wind that was blowing it is remai li
able that the flame1; did not spread.
Mi B.n Ueloi :ir lb. il bis In , is
pletlj Well (ovciiij by in lii.iiu'e.
care of deputies from the ahrritf's
olfice, all of thf (Tenders who had
ben given prison sentenceu were ta
ken to Salem.
Among these was Orlander Smith,
the former Prosper man who was
girls, but was allowed to enter the
plea of guilty to acharge of assault
with theintent to commit rape. He
teneo of from one to ten years in
the penitenl iui y
Roland Edmund-, th local bov U-
twenty yeau, but the henuineu wax
K ll work uud repay fhe money
secured on the bud check out of
'"s ow" I'arn.i ,s. Ja the trial it
appeared that Edmunds wag not l-
together to blame for the iituation
" w6 P'aced in and that the check
w,l,ien ne l"d wen forged by n-
oiher paity, who had nuch power o
ver the boy a to make him pu, the
bad papar.
Giving him until next Monday mor
iinir to pay, Judge Coke fined Wm.
n.ii..i!' uf luninn. iM flr the
l.nn i,. I i.,,. ,UIMi guilty uf lieai-'
".' . i i H.
I wo or line yi'Min
Mi ",i,i .1. i , I,,, wj.i,
(i. R. McNair and T. M. Nielson
have returned from Alarshlield where
they were in attendance at the meet
ing of the Coos County Hardware
.Men's Associetiou. This was the semi
annual convention of the association
and a business meeting was held in
the afternoon and banquet was served
at the Chandler in the evening.
The local hardware men report a
fine time and they were certainly in
the limelight as Mr. AIcNair was elec
ted president of the association and
Mr. Nieluon was re-elected secretary.
The banquet nt the Chandler in
the evening is said to have been a
very swell affair, as is always the
rase when the hardware men get to
gether. The next convention will be held at
Captain A. AI. Simpson, founder of
the Simpson Lumber Co., of Coos
Bay and one of the wealthiest men on
the Pacific coast, died at a hospital in
Oakland, Cal., Sunday after an ex
tended illness. Air. Simpson was
'nearly eighty-nine years of ago hav
ing been born in Alaine, Feb. II, 1820.
Mr. Simpson's wealth could hardly
be estimated aj this time, as he has
10,000 acres of timber in Coos Coun
ty besides saw mills and other valua
hie holdings as well as extensive in
lei.-sts in large conacerns outside of
Hie lumber business.
Jl.M'AKV .Ali:i2TINC OF W'.C.T. U
The Y. C. T U. will meet at the
borne of Airs. Elbert Dyer on Tues
day, January 11), at 2::J0, P. Al.
The following is the program:
Devotional .Mrs. C. M. Knight
Business meeting,
Select Reading Airs. I2mma Lowe
Solo "The Bird with the Broken
Life Sketch of Rev. Edith Hill
Booker Airs. Belle Alinot,
Tempei once Work and Current
Evonts Airs. Blanche Faulds
All ladies are cordially invited.
Please be prompt'.
The port commissioners of the Port
f Siuslaw met on January (!th. and
,'oleil to issue bonds in the sum of$100
Mill for the extension of the south jet-
i theie.
This will ghe the Port $221,000
in. hiding the government appropria
iioii. for jetty work, and it believed when the project is completed,
lie channel will be scoured out to a
'epth of 20 feet at low water.
An Austrian submarine No 12 has
-unk the Fitmch diednaught courbet
Ira Zuh has returned from a trip to
.aitside poinU and lejiorts that busi
ness conditions look even better in
Bandon than in places he visited.
The new Carnegie library at
Maishfield was dedicated Tuesday.
this gives Marshfield one of the fin
eit imrary nuuuings in me suue oi
Oregon and is something of which
the city may well be proud.
Ira Zeh is putting up n small build
ng on a small building on the Ira Sid
well property just oast of the Odd Fel- building. The now building.
when completed, will bo occupied by
Air. Snarke who one-rates the little restaurant.
Mrs. F. 12. Wenterberg, of Alarsh
field i u guest at the II. A. Alurphy
home in thie city. Measrs. Wester
berg and Murphy are proprietor of
the Handon Dry OoimIh Co. and the
people's fi-10 and 15 cent uterus of
B.iudoii, Murshfleld nnd Myitle Point
tnd are doiiif u coo I biisinehs at all
Ihlee plain's.
- JL - - " -
The Peril of Pauline, Kn 16 at
ili (irend Hu'tutdfcy, .laiiwiry I'l.
Mfxx Mutual i Ogren reUimeil thin
W4k from u vieil with frieiwla on
I no Hay and ihe Tenmlle ruuiitiy.
(., , WUli wa uvei Ut Tenmlle
ufl lkm weeit t4 my he tied Ue (I
jnfl durit hunting le eei ejMlieiwMuJ
' he tfut ihe iiwii in eiul iw 4y
ii Whirf tfy 'he MV" h
Hi d'i.-.
No Liquor Served
At Annual Coos
County Event
Coos county attorneys established
a new record at their regular annual
meeting and banquet held at the Bax
ter hotel, Coquille, Tuesday night in
the fact that it was the first dry ban
quet held in the history of the asso
ciation. This does not mean that the
attorneys have all turned prohibition
ists but in keeping with the will of
the people who voted the state dry at
the fall election, the expounders of
the law have decided to live in ac
cordance with that wish.
Another factor that may have had
something to do with it is that Co
quille is a dry town and there was
nothing in the wet line to be had.
The banquet was well attended,
there being about 40 members pres
ent, including Judge Coke, as well as
a few invited guests,some of the of
ficials of Coos county and a few
newpaper men.
All of the Bandon attorneys except
F. J. Feeney were present and report
a fine time.
The association will meet in Ban
don next year and the following of
ficern were elected: N. C. AIcLeod,
North Bend, president; AV. C. Chase,
Coquille, vice pres.; J. J. Stanley, Co
quille, secretary; C. A. Lehlbude,
Marshfield, treas.; and S. D. Pulford
-of Alyrtle Point and G. T. Treadgold
ii Bandon were elected members of
the executive committee which is
jomposed of the officers of the asso
lation and two active members.
C. II. Bufllngton of Alarshfield was
egistered at the Gallier AVednesday
12. 12. Coons of Seattle was a guest
it the Hotel Gallier AVednesday.
L. A. Baker of San Francisco was
n the city on business AVednesday.
B. 12. Neal of Medford was regis
eed at the Hotel Gallier AVednesday.
Frank Catterlin was over from
Coos Bay AVednesday calling on his
ustomers here
J. A. Bowman of Langlois was in
he city a few days this week
looking after business a (fairs.
Sunday's bill of photo plays consisa
if Perils of Pauline No. 1G. Five
AA'm. Candlin of Coquille, reprc
entative of the Pacific Paper Co. of
Portland, is in the city today.
Airs P. .1. AlcGinty of Arago was
n the city today and made the Recor
der office a pleasant call.
Alr.and Airs. AI. D. Sherrard will
visit friends in Curry county for a
short time.
G. T. Treadgold spent
Sunday and Monday in Marshfield,
the guests of Itoy .Miller and wife.
Fred Meld, proprietor of the Acme
dialling null has just completed an
lir shaft in the K. of P. hull which"
ventilates thelodge room from the
ouUide hall.
11. A. Penrce of Kureka, Cal wau
iiiginteied at the Gallier Wednehduy,
D. L. PiukiiiM of Coijiillle wa In
thu cit yWndiiithduy.
( activity in rcul a
lute iiit'lii win uwukuiHwl lukt wnel;
by the llumloii HulyliU J,uutJ )J
liivenlmeiil l o jn the way of ux
hanging elix-i in the winuny. J,
Kiwi.,. del, l illiiHHlliiy uf jtj
!) itiwi m i iiii iwiiJily im
I MlMtui fjiitJinie wf Jifjkittlb 11
I I.'. I
i .
irry meieany
. tJ 1 1
tttr le.oi'ji
"' 'lit l I ,trf,i , , I,
ii.. t '4ml tmvtnum4 i jinn
i ". " nmt Wjiioi Ut but
i irt'vn i i ei mm DM
Hill el)l N (iNee if
Hi leaani.