li SEMI-WEEKLY "ttANbPH BfcbPElt. 'fUKftDA.V. JAW 12. 115 PACK roun wmrnBtmttat TREY OK HEARTS After tvpaU'intr the punctured lice the chcuffeur drives nn. Tl,, nininr f 1 1 car now contains Alan, Hose and liar-! tl 4 uS '" ad(lition t0 Judith a nl T ine. 1 1 T oniy a anon msianue ?;;when the chauffeur announces lie can' ,,.go no farther. The party prepares' iu uimp lur inu nigm; nut nose nai learned how Allen owes his life to Judiths defense of him when the mot- or car overhauled the two in the de -ert, and, furthermore, intuitively div- !ntU till ll.W,tWl,lilr intm.ui m T...l.1. which Allen is beginning to feel, but i ,a i "mi nui ucKiiowiuue even to mm ' 'self. This together with Judith's' V f!ifi pggSBff gft ff 1 apparent contentment with the t,U I4. us of affairs, renders the s.tuutiu intolerable tor Hose. She ii.sit.t-, XI j that they e;o on at all costs. Allen XJ. ' returns to the prosnector and pui j 1 clmtsea from him his three burrow--. IS.. ST3NOI.'rl THIS HARNESS MAi omplete stock of har ness, shopping bags, trunks, suitcases, valises and traveling bags. C of the Press in general throughout COUNTRY ARE That uc arc soon to see the country in a more nrosuerous condition.. . 1 We may lack eofidenee to believe now, but after we arc "shown" then all will be very plain. We have been telling you. (through our local press) of some suits we are selling at a reduction. Let us "show you" these suits while the prices are on a par with the lumber market and Convince you the prices are at the "HOTTOM". We also have just opened up a shipment of Brandigee Kincaid Clothes at the popular pric e of Si 5.00 and Si 8.00. Win n you are in the market for clothes Try one of these suits and feel optomistic we know you will look the part. TIk v are not lost, but you will find them at WRIT'S $1 sin a. ri r' fun tr CON'S -SCHOOL FOR SON'S TEACHERS- oregon NORMAL SCHOOL Monmouth, Oregon p u F 'A R c POSE UL T Y DliPA RTM ENTS C O U K S E 8 : I-.N.T.RANC l R i O U I R K M KNTS: G KAD'UAT ION : TKKMS H K(J I N : IN FORMAT I O N : The training of teachers for professional work. Kverv member ' profes sionally trained. For fitting elementary teachers for city and normal schools. ' ' Professional, Supervisors, Rural, Primary. Completion of two years high school work or its equivalent. Completion of Klcmcnt.iry or Standard ridii.M'.s leads to State Certificate without cvtinilKition. Regular, I'eliiiiao -1; Short, April 5; Sum mcr, June Jl. I'm fmlhcr iiifoiiiialion uritc lo Uf 'itrar. .......I.M.I . .1.11.1 .1 , Credit and Power MANY OK OUK MOST SUC CESSFUli MEN ASCRIBE TIllilH "START IN LIFE" TO THE DAY THEY OPEN, EI) A BANK ACCOUNT. CREDIT AND POWER CAN BE WIELDED IN THE COM MERCIAL WORLD BY THE MEANS OF A BANK ACCOUNT. --YOU'LL PAY YOUR RESPECTS to our bread by buying regu- :irlv :iftcr vnn h it. You'll at once realize the absurdjty of sweating over a hot fire when you can get such w bite, light, toothsome bread as ours without any trouble and at less expense than urn could bake it lor at home. I n just one loaf. I SEASIDE BAKERY afar -A - WE INVITE YOU TO (JIN ONE WITH US. HE- FIRST NAT'L BANK Open during I lie noon hour and .Saturday t'ruiiings. FOR RESULTS ADVERTISE IN THE BANDON RECORDER. C. I. tarr Plmhbiiig and SNnln' Flinin "Vhi t'liihH S'irk guarnntcttd. OIUi in iuu UiJr.. iMuiiU i . Uiti Unit i ul lH UttHik T J"-t4) 'VVI,ll.(( III 'llHl- li.-WIIIUIl WUH a liundiin vin- Kor from iluwn tint count on Moi-luy. The Tiwy O' Jlwirt iiti'turoa- I3th oiial will lw mIiowii nt ' tile (Irmid iiunt Tkumiuy. HmiI tlitr,' eomploi,. in tin- iKNg- uf ltuivrtiur. liw). lllaky, lh (iloHtfti uf lumLi r JcU in ittit pott of tliH tuuntry urul welt know'i. nil 9Ui Urntr mm "Dim ny", i uwn tr f dy . I II I WW 4 Um feiuiii4i rwiti trip m Woman Finally Recovers From Nervous Breakdown Impovviiilicil nerves destroy many people lieioie their time. Otten lie tore a Milleicr realizes what the trouljlc is, he is on the verge of a complete neious hreakdown. It is of tlic utuivist importance to keep your nervous system in good con . dition, as the nerves are the source of all bodily power. Mrs. Posa I'.on.v.-r, 8js N. 18th St., liam, Ala., says: "I have been sufTerinif with nerv ous prostration for nine or ten years. Have tried many of th be-it l..-tois in Uirininiihaiii. but tliev ..11 tailed to reach my cue. I woulJ Uiion these Allen Rose and Bareii continue their flight through tin- romaiiider ol' the niyht. At dawn they come to n wjiot where a deep chuMii in bridged only by :i shakey all'air of ropes. Out o sight of the suspension bridge they come ujion the clearings anil outbuildings that Mirroiind the shaft of an exhausted and abandoned copper mine. They decide to camp here for a few hours of sleep. At dawn Murrophat, Jimmy and Hicks, (the two latter mounted on one iioi-hO ride up to the stalled motor car. Without I'ousintr Judith. Trine. Mnrrophnt nnd Jimmy confer. Trine urges them after Allen and Koo. It is agreed that Alarrojihat and .linimy .;hall pursue. They do so taking the two horses, leavi.i lliek.i to core for Trine. Judith wakens later and finding Hicks in attendance under stands what has huppenodr In a rage she starts out afoot after Mar rophat and Jimmy, haunted by vis iiions of Alan being shot down by Alairophat. Alan's sloeep is broken by a dream he bC'CS Judith toilmir up the moun tain .-.ide afoot, wit)- every indication of hai-le: tliei. he sues Iiei looking at him steadfastly, her countenunce ex pressing love and fear for him; as he looks, she draws a trey of hearts from her pocket and holds it out to him: it lias "Danger"! written on it. Alan wakes up, the di;am still vivid in his mind. Alan leaves both Rose and Barcus asleep and goes to reconnoiter. As Marrophat and Jim my are passing the clearing of the mine, their attention is attracted by the braying of tethered burros. They investigate and find Rose and Barcus asleep and hind and gag them, then scout ubout for Alan. Arrived at the suspension bridge some time after, Marrophat and Jim my have passed. Alan sees noth ing to bear out the warning of his dream, but is struck by the idea of cutting down the bridge. Marro phat and Jimmy ypy him from the oridge behind. Murrophat makes a Hying leap to his shoulders, over comes him, and with Jimmy's help binds him. They then star back to the mine with Alan. Marrophat has conceived a hellish design. ""From the foot of the mine shaft two tunnells strike off, one at a lev el slightly higher than the other. At the junction the powder room is sit uated. It contains a half-ke of blascing powder, a few s"Iclts of dyn amite and soiie .sc v.ith Jiiiimj's assistance lis Ivvn Ai.'t, h'or. mid Barcus to the foot of the shaft, plac es them in the lower level and shuts them in with the bulkhead. Then he goes up and opens the sluice gate X ot the eservoir. diverting the water: into the ladder shale. j Meantime Alan, (who is not gag- i ged) has, with his teeth, worried loose the bonds about the wrists of Uarcus, the latter, his hands once once treed, has wasted no time in freeing Alan and Rose. Meanwhile Jimmy has carohv.sly left a caudle burning in the upper slum. 1 he Hauling wick into a pile of waste. the waters mount rapidly m the lower level, backing up against the bulk-head. Alan and liamis sustain Uosi between them. They are in the water to their chins, tlvi.- heads against the roof of the tunnel. The fire in iv upper level ignites the fuse Maronhul has laid to the now dor Keg. The explosion follows. But nstead of caving in the rhaft, it Masts out t!ie rock lound the bulk ne.ld and bhiwi the latter r. letting he the Wi.'.sr out. Alan climbs up the bucket-rope, hand over hand, then the windlass :-j draw, fmt, Itoie hen Uarcus to culety. Miiiopliat and Jimmy have mounted and ruble on. Meantime? Juditl. has conic to the suspension bridge. When s,ho ih in the middle, it tails away hem-uth her feet. She catches the hand rope, however, and by its aid, gains the far ther side. Then she hurries on, appiv nonding disaster and blaming the cut tiig of the ropes on Alurnphat She urrives at the clearing juM as : Alan and Barcus are assisting Ro" I to walk a way from the shaft. Her unconcealed relief at speinn j Alan safe nnd sound deepens lio.;e' distrust. She draws aside ut liisl; thoughtful, thett jealous, then heart ; Inokeii. Grand Theatre, Thursday, j Jdiiuury 1th. , 3 jwuaai- ! ... I a SERVICE IMPROVED By installing a da Mr.-.e Code Teleii ip' operator at Marthfield uttr Ion" Uitallce lint" bae been reliexecl il much telegraph h" iness. It makes possible a quicker and lutt" Ion", distance lonversation service, bulu v Handon ami C'oquille and Mrtle Pi.jin COOS AND CIJUPvY Tfil.EPHGNh" COMPAQ i 5 i Victor Victrolas New Edison Dise Phonographs Pianos and Player Pianos S A B R Q BROS BANDON, OREGON TELEPHONE NO. 751 4 -ir -4. AT THE Gl o . ii little leel .11 if I was smiillifrinc inioliu 1 wmi into convuuiuils. mrl taw Dr. Miles' Ner 'ine avlvei ni i in the paper and I at once hrgau tu tuke It. I contimici Id lake it for some time and now I am well." If you arc tiuulilri! with toti of Kutiie, poor iligc.iiwn, nrakiic.i, lliublllt) lu .Icep II' )u jfc HI 4 rmia run Jdwii i' on ill I ion and uuatlc to btr your part tl)e diily tffii.J ui hf, you iir(j tom(. ihtHg to itrfRfiiivn your ntmi Y?u my not rrahtt wht th n. ur with you, but inn ii n rfin why hou!l .I!y iMitmrrit. Or, MHi' Norvinc b prvr 1 1 John smith or amviu.K I'ASSHS AWAY SATCItDA Y RAND y OV W' W'T K) Ft R( lb. I ---(;() AM) ' A CIOODSI IC) AND I. Is I b. IOI IM. Ml ' COMING NEXT THURSDAY K Uth iiiNtalhneiit ..f tl H h A ii 1 5 Thr complete story is printed oh anolhei puge ul lliii iut at the GKAND N1AT TIIUilSOAY. Sre ihi I , i .uv .1. i.rivwtfi iu i ' iti4 mfn ' I 4Hl.ll Lll.ll John Smith imtikiH away at his . 7 home ut Coiiillln about :.:00 o'clock Hutuiduy nioiiiiiig. Hdiitli eiiuie ve ry muldenly n tli nmiili of n Uok uf npojih'xy mid was h grfiu nhock tu hi fmnily 11 ml fiinndu, Mr, Mniltli litHvoi 11 wifn hihI llv niiwII fhlhlnm, bi'iKJe thrtm broUi ami twtilMJiUr u inouiti hit Ion. TI10 liiiathor urn lin n4 'Iliil'Vuy jjniitJi. ut IUur(l, Qiuon, 'ukiJ Mtl4 HiUi, uf Juncti(i l' 'Uiukw Thu iui $r Mr Mftii MfTutly uf lMiu(i Mui Ut Hum ui tlii y. Tkr tpuamm uruuui u H' COMING NF.XT SATURPAV- P-ERSLS OF PAULINE I'Ultli DUI.HJH yuw witiil pur? drufi nml drug umJriffi, hnt wiiuum, hfilr brush, ti))d toilet Mrticbtf? if t I Mrs, lieo. Geisendorfer . w - - Cmuwit' The mmM wm 1 mmtntti r iw u wit 5 stemtuti'i-rmf i09 1 I J Ul I Utt ln.ll.i 4