PAGE SIX twSEmi.WEEKJjY BANDON nECOttDKiT TUESDAY JAN.' 5TIL 1913 CITY SPENDS "W" SUH Fd OHME HI 1 m II A Total of Over $70,000.00 id Out for Sewer and Street Work. $3-139.Gi, V total of $70,714.31 was expended . ie city of Bandon in permanent vemonts during 1014. o above totals $55,410 was for nrovementa, $12,720.71 was 41, 968.49 to water mains cnue to Michigan Avenue T. M. Nielson. Third Street East from Chicago Avenue to Brltimoro Ave.iuc, $1578.3!), G. P. Laird. Fourth Street E2,t from Elmira fur a floating dock at the , Avenue to Fillmore Avenue (estima- .apo Avenue. , ted), l ropoit? u.vnors. , improvements with the' Fourth Stro.t But Com Fillmoie mo eontractora performing Avenue to Grcnd Avem.3 (estimated) to listed below. $?50.C0, Oraerj. Paving ! Fourth Street East from Fillmore . -t West from Ediioo Av-1 av-,,. tn r.rnA Awmm s : i9.2i. II. , .-vlon Avenue,. $10,374.50, ' distraction Company. Macadamizing M".-t West from E;!ison i Ov-ean Drive, $2,C9?.84; . fiom Fourth Street West . Avenue. $2774.72. Webb & ..g Strata and Building Curbs and. Side wallcs First Street iSast from Harlem Av enue to Michigan Avenue, $1,324.10, tike Kay. $tti Street West from Harlem Av e;.ue to June Avonuo $800.60, fl. II. Iufort . Sei'O id Street East from Gran Av- J. Do?itt. I Sov.'.th Stve8t at J?e' n ; Avenue, $ l.'S.Hl, Adam & i lanJi. . . Baltimore Avenue from Third Street East to Thirteenth Street, $8,117.55, Webb & Howell. June Avenue from Third Street East to First Street North, $1,' 8.52. Adams & Flanders. G'-aad Avenue from Fourth f'treet Ea.-t to Eleventh Street East, $2,695 34, Ba.idon Construction Co. Jackson Avenue from Ocean Drive to Thirteenth Street West, $3,S92.55 Adamd A Fk.nders. Franklin Avenue from Fourtli St. to Sevonth Struct West (csti- mated) $1,025.00 .Peopcrty Owners. Uirdges First Street West between Bandon Avenue and Alaf.ama Avenue, $3,7S2.- 73, Bandon Construction Co. Firjt Street East, Alabama Aven ue to Chicago Avenue (estimated), $2,600.00, Property Owners. First Street East between Chicago Avenue and Fillmore Avenue, $7,762- 91, Fish & Plymalc. Sewers Sewer District No. 18 and 10 inch pipe, Edison Avonuo to Frank lin Avanue, et nl, $8,011.37, G. P. Laivd. Sewer District No. 2 8 inch pipe Bandon Heights, $2,140.71, G. P. Laird;' 8 inch pipe First Strct from Edison Avenue to Bandon Avenue, $1,915.81, Longston & Co.; 8 inch Bandon Aenue from First Street to River $139.90, Longston Construction Co.; 10 inch Edison Avenue, outfall, City of Bandon, $212.95. Water Maine. First Street West, from Edison to Bandon Avenue, 10 inch cast iron pipe, $1,UGG 46, work done by the city. Miscellaneous. Floating dock at foot of Chicago Avenue, Fish & Plymale, $610.25. This work wu3 all designed by City Engineer Sawyer and constructed un der his general supervision. Mr. Sawyer lias completed plans which ha'vo been accepted by the Coun cil for Sewer District No. 0, compris ing Edison from Fourth to South end, Douglas from Seventh to Ninth, Sev enth from Edison to Douglas, Ninth from Douglas to Bandon, Douglas from Ninth to Tenth, Fourth from Douglas to Harrison. The estimated cost is $7,392.81. He is now working on plans for sewers on Elmira from Second to Thirteenth; Secod Street from Balti more to FillnTore; Fillmore from Se cond to County Road; County Road from Fillmore to Caroline; Caroline from County Road to Harlem. Mr. Sawyer urges the building of these sewers as there is urgent need for them. He believes the city is more in weed of sewers at present than of further street improvenunts. The lower business district north of Second between Baltimore nnd I Bandon. at east, should bulla their sewer as it is in greater need of them than any other section. 9 -LOCAL NEWS ITEMS 9 ' 3 Wayne Hollcnbeck is Jn town from .lis ranch on the upper river. Win, Doyle came down from Arago on Monday. Dinner 25c rant. 98tf. at Anderson's Rcstau- Victor-Victrolas, Edison Disc Talk ing Machines and Records. Your in spection invited. Sabro Bros. The Elizabeth left San Francisco for Bandon yesterday evening at five o'clock nnd will probably arrive here tomorrow afternoon. "What arc you so pleased about?" "Dr. Pohl fitted me with Rhudon lenses and they are sure O. K. Pohl is very reasonable in cnarges uo and see him Wednesdays or Saturdays at Sabro Bros." tf w. E. STEINOFF THE HARNESS MAN omplete stock of har ness, shopping bags, trunks, suit cases, valises and traveling bags. to t; iruU'lmint will be chowrs iK-t Grand Theatre next Thursday Evening, Jn. 7 ' ' kisheid to the back of the . hivse, is carried at a mad the upper trail through-the ; and foothills and eventu al io the desert. Usir;t the " . :.. 'Allan'" follows the flight 1 ' -a, expecting momertarily i- ch dashed to death. He ' ar.d Barcus of tho :iffair, ais own hor) and starts off OM'tio. Rose and Barcus bre ind plan to follow, ntim!, Trine's car, coat infnp , .liin, the butler, and the :-hauf-arrivud at Mesa, takes up Mar phat and jets off in pursuit, (tevd, a gentleman of Hopi Jim's 1 ' Iney, to put it delicately, happen? ing the other trail, discovers the yq horses and is puzzled over the matter when he is joined by several othr rough citizon of Mesa, who have started out to follow the fun pvoiulsud by what they have already j'en. Miyder being indicated, th-y figiiniio h lynching party and .set ell fur tho upper ti nil. J ,j Jith's horse, mcantiine, has run wll oil into the desert. When he Stent, Judith mainges to release hor se't. She falls to the ground and the Hr v ronnis off and finally locates a '(r hi.. Refreshed, Judith man tii climb on liis back. The horse tea oft on the desert trail away jpi the moutains. Allan by use of the glasses locates Jhf aovinr p :' and preases on in ; ':r u:t. By imdaftornoon he is ov o",.;ie with thirst and heat. Barcus tnd follow upon the trail and. V? l irelffi" of hoof prints, they Uuvn that Allan has pursued Judith ,'nc Ue dungerous itart of the desert Hey cortmue, followed by the vigi- cemmittct;, who; e temper prove Mythirjf but friendly. Trinc' eventually falU in a poot 1 'lie nice. tm tal es her to a eunk i.uitt. 8h diamounta and ' i and reet. Allan who U .n 'I. daea not obaarve her. ,- !thit the aky darkena , ,'ty a moment notice, a ler- i i n liratka forth, Allan ' j iiit iumk 0 ieitMi) Utir Imtk, puvhai on i ui.ifi4nt ,lat he eium , Ju jith. Juittk, rali(iv . ) r InmuI. AJiaa, mi liMf fm at iu4ia Uae Maf avhaustcd down him, when he fall: an embankment. The s,torm is the only thing which saves" Barcus and Rose from tho com mittee. In the course of their pro gress they pass within a few feet of Judith and Allan, the latter uncon scious. Judith sees them, but says nothing and Ites Barcus and Rose pass on in ignorance. When the storm falls it is night. Alan 1'inaUy corner uround. He staggers to his feit, climbs out of tho arryro .r..! r.taitn off agsi.i acioss the de sert, paying no attention to Judith. She follows with the same patience as before. This time it is Alan who is under necessity of helping tho girl. When she falte to her knees, cold and exhausted, ho wraps his coat around her and holds her in his arms. Exhaustion overtakes them both. Alan finally finds comfort in 3lcep. Meanwhile Trine's car, after being hold up by the storm continues on the trail, finally coining up with the vigi lance committee. Mavrowphat and friiie i' Hcato that Alan is the mur leror of Hopi Jim. There are two i-outes that form the southern har rier of the dosert. Tho motor car strikes toward one the committee to ward tho other. It is Mnrrowphat that firs spies Judith and Alan. Ju dith snatches Alan'b revolver from its holster. She has her own as well. Alan sleopi. When Mni rowphat, Jim and fho butler approach, Judith calmly commands them to throw up cheir handi. She forces Jim ami the butler to carry Alan to tho car. When Trine grows turbulent she forces Jim o i-ag hun. Thc:i jumping into the .ar with Alan aid her father, she irdeitf the chauffeur forward. Mar rowphat and the butler, left behind, manage to attract the attention of the .ommitte. Taking the two men upon -hoir homes the committee utarts in pursuit of the automobile. BUt, hi liot-ae swifter than the olhei. get. ithn pixtol nhot and puncture thi lYttr tl' Jttdltl) annwer by nhuot ng hie i,hIM front unifer him, Th aar4 mm eripiM me yea alowly, and the pureulnf mmklao mmm noar ,r. Met and Bmrmi maanwhiU' iiav mi tim ahtitor of a aruiMi-i ttf. A-;. overlooUat the The n i !h M ntd th ikt i(Aw Urea A ynt4tf tile tiulW. Un . ft DpttoM (tt lUi4fi J Am tk if fcj' NM4' Mm lay (j ti itutmitt te tie kai4 iMAejitt) tMBtukMid aojt k mtMmM m aA UHaJoV m ''"P' "'"''tiW "Hiew e wljf flp Commqncing Monduy, Jan. 4th, the drug stores of tho eitv will close at eight o'clock every evening except Saturday and will open on Sunday only from 10 to 12 A. M., and from 6 to 7 P. M. In cases of emergency any of the stores will be open upon the request of the patrons. J. C. Savage, former editor of the Coquille Sentinel, but who recently went to Florida to make iiis home, has written to friends in Coquille that tho house on the place owned by him and his brother was burned the morn ing he arrived at his destination. There was some insurance on the house. Mr. Savage says they are well pleased with the country. Boyle Jewelry Company announce that the winner of the annual prizes this year are Lex Cope, of Langlois, who held the lucky number for the $100 diamond ring and Miss Flora McCloud, who won the $50 rintr. The drawing took place Thursday after noon,, little Margaret Walstrom, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Wal strom, drawing the numbers. PMP ""aw A NN I V ERS A R Y N UM BER With this issue The Recorder en ters upon its thirty-first year of ser vice to the people as a news medium and this issue is devoted to furthering the interests of Bandon-By-Thc-Sea among people with whom it will come in contact vyth in different parts fo tho country and to sum up, in a small way, for local readers the progress of the city during 1914. Although not aR complete as we had wished this issue to be, wo sincerely trust that you will pass your copy along or get other copies to send to people in other aprts of the country, espec ially those in tho eastern stntcs, hop ing that it will play its part in bring ing people in touch wth the condi tions in this part of Oregon and thus induce them to locate here. We arc deeply indebted nnd wish to express our thanks to those who have assisted in getting out this issue and particularly those who have contrib uted articles and thun helped to boost for a bigger and bettor Bandon. Stock Disease in the East A loiter from Muscatine county, Iowa, savs that tho writer in going to Tipton on Dec. 21, saw six graders at work digging a trench to bury about 200 bogs and 90 cattle, one load of which had been ready for market. They had been killed by the author ities on account of having the foot and mouth disease. Cedar and Muscatine counties have been quarantined for some time but Muscatine is rcloascd now. For over three weeks no stock could be shipped and no poultry except dressed. No one could hold a sale and cannot now within 15 miles of Cedar county. The farms one which the stock hcco.uio in focled nio not allowed to ostock for nearly n yeor. Public Stenographer. Arthur G. Cronlngcr, 128 West 13th Street, Phone 104 Rural. It3x. Sometime within the last couple of days a party or parties threw a chunk of wood threw the window of the pilot house of Captain Wiren's gasoline launch, which was tied up to the dock just back of tho Timmons building. The Captain says lie would be perfectly satisfied if the party com mitting the act would merely show up and hold the frame while he puts in a new glass. WITH VV our tcleDhonti operators n holiday remembrance to "Satis- tied bubsenber said he had yet to make his first complaint of this com pany's service. He uses the lines all over the system, probably more than any other individual. We know the service is not perfect but we believe this man's experience is the rule and not the exception. We try to cut out the exceptions and we ask the co-operarion of our subscribers. : : . : : : : COOS AND CURRY TELEPHONE CO. lgneeeiefr frefr efr Xm -O i i .i .. . e a, m. a a a aaA.i a. T'H'TTt TttTttTTTTtt TTTxTT'i "? Mr. and Mrs. Graydon T. Trcadgold were host and hostess at a very pret-' ty wedding reception introducing Mr. and Mrs. Manton E. Trcadgold New i Year's night, at the Treadgold homo on Second Street. About 75 people were invited to meet the newly wed ded couplu. The house was prettily decorated in greens and flowers. Dainty refreshments of punch and cakes were served by Mrs. Smith J. Mann and Mrs. Harry Walker, who assisted the hostess. Spruce Valley. C. H. Neal had tho misfortune to cut his hand very badly while split ting wood the other day. Mr. Post is building a new house on his place here. Mr. Armfield is improving his place by putting up several out buildings. Lura Morgan visited with Flor ence Recce New Year's Day. BANDON CHURCHES 0 M. E. Church South Sunday School, 10:00 a. m. Preaching, 11:00 a. m. Ep worth League, 0:30 p. m. Preaching, 7:30 p. m. Prayer Meeting, Thursday, 7:30. Missionary Society, Friday, 2:30. W. B. SMITH, Pastor. Victor Victrolas New Edison Dise Phonographs Pianos and Player Pianos 83 S A B R O BROS BANDON, OREGON TELEPHONE NO. 751 Nollce of Final Settlement. Notice is hereby given that thu mi 1ernigned lias flled hie final account a lh County Court for Cooa County Oiegon, in the matter of the t-tli f John William Hammerbuig , dw waned, and the County Court has aet Monday, the ftth day of PWimry, IMA, at the day for kaerin objttr tion to said final ateount and eelU' atent of Mild taU. Naw therefore, any and all jw mia ketrintr aLjertiwita to sk final avewuiit or eatltaMmtt tkaiwof are '' to epuaar ih4 file tke mme i eai4 tutdy (W mm pr fe or ti eU tfc fey t rair, I-mmmm l4iiiLJaekaka EST iCaVuSMfcuMf dSJSSS Episcopal Church Sunday School, 10:00 a. m. Pronchimr. 2nd, 4th nnd 5th days at II a. m. and 7:30 p. m. REV. WM. MORS FALL, Pastor Sun- Methodist Church Sunday School, 10:00 a. in. Public Service, 1 1 :00 a. in, Evening Service, 7:30 p, in. Mhl-Weuk Service, Tliuredny, 7iH All (hove who do not womlilp & A'litiro lire Invito! to mum with ya, C, MAVKIJ KWUIIIT, I'uator Plit.bjhirMli.('lilUh IP lib - t JltMiUi JMkaa 11 m m. i IVwtfMiw tm ym... I' 11 J'ray, m m, . TBifiiir, fan v, m IHm mk Grand Theatre f THE HOUSE OF COMFORT SHOWS AND GOOD COMING THE TREY 0' HEARTS No. 12 The relentless pursuit of Allen Law by Seneca Trine in the great American desert forms this two part installment full of action and sensational escapes. Read the complete story on another page of this is sue. SHOWN AT THE GRAND THEATRE Thursday, Jan. 7th SIX RKKLS OF PICTl'RKS. 15-5c public to attend thufo keivlces UHV. WINFIEIJ) H. SMITH, Piulor IhiplUl Cliurih Jiiiii,lNy Ki'lif-ol, 10(00 A. M. I'Mwchliig XervUti, lli(K) A. M. ICLDI2II A. II. KUIJWi;, t'liviii 'f Hit' llrrlliini mif luMaaei JkUaJwy Hmi Htm f. Mi IVeajWa wim pi II m. Bi 1 itt) p. tit. Mrs. Geo. Geisendorfer I'upil ol Ijhh lliiliiKim I'Ihih) Theory